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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 8 mos ago


Stella groaned as she looked to her surroundings. Of course things weren't going great. Even if they were strong humans allied with monsters, the size of their little defense force wouldn't do well against a whole invasion force. Should've just stuck to using guerilla tactics and cut their losses instead of heading into a slaughterhouse, she grumbled. Nonetheless, now that they were here, it would be a crying shame to let it all go to nothing. Especially now that a few of her allies needed her help...

"I'll handle it... Jan, Lavi, gimme cover!"

She'll have to get a bit closer to the shore if she wanted to give Kirei a helping hand. Poor fucker, this Varjan commander should know better than to try and drown her comrade around a body of water, especially against a witch with mastery over hydromancy and a sea dragon. Stella slashed quickly with a swing of her rapier combined to a deft sidestep at a Varjan footsoldier that tried to bar her way. She wouldn't stick around and lose precious time against this foe, entrusting her back to her allies.

Stretching out a hand towards the sea, the Leviathan called forth her powers to manipulate the water at her whim. For Kirei, the water would part from his face to prevent him from drowning. For Saarvel, the very water he tried to choke Kirei in lunged at him as the crashing waves of a tsunami to force him backwards, away from the swordsman and right in Stella's path. If everything would play out like she planned, her blade will be sticking out from his chest before he could even recover.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kirei & Lavinia

Sanjo Beach
@PaulHaynek @Rune_Alchemist [@Riffus Maximus]

As soon as Kirei was about to finish mopping up the mooks with the rest of the team, he was promptly tackled by the Varjan Commander who was thought to have been flattened by Nyla’s attack. The young warrior would suddenly find himself falling into the sea, courtesy of this oaf, all the while being choked by his large gauntlets. Annoying, to say the least.

The Varjan would quickly find that Kirei’s physical strength wasn’t to be taken lightly, Grabbing his attacker’s wrists, he promptly began to crush them with impressive force. Then, he materialized a pair of twin daggers in hand, the shape alone suggested their sharpness surpassed those of their contemporaries. Wasting not a moment, he jabbed them into his opponent’s throat, the water around began to fill with red. Kirei, who at first was doing this while holding his breath, took note that breathing was now suddenly possible. The stabbed man was now also being pulled away from him, which he immediately saw was the handy work of Stella. He began smirking while still under the waves, and could feel himself being pulled closer back to shore. He felt the speed at which he was being pulled hastened, and it was revealed that Lavinia had also lent her magics in order to aid their captain.

”Now, now, captain Kannazuki~” She mused. ”This is certainly not the time for a swim. ”

”Oh shove it!” He said, laughing a little bit. ”It’s not like I asked to be tackled into the godsdamn water! But thanks, regardless.”

Hopefully having his throat gouged out and having his lungs filled with water would be enough to finally end the reckless Varjan commander. Then, the group could regroup with Nyla and retreat from the beach. No matter how you looked at the situation, this battle was lost.

Lavinia had to drop her focus on manipulating the waves for a moment, as she needed to cover her allies from the javelin attackers. She threw up ice barriers to block the spears, and retaliated with bolts of ice to stave them off.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥

Sanjo Town
@PaulHaynek @Xaltwind

”Hey! Where’re you guys going? You’re not supposed to run away screaming from a beautiful demon! Especially one that just got done saving you!!” Snapped the fiery heiress at the fleeing children. Her anger was quickly dispelled, as she narrowly dodged a strike from a claw-like gauntlet. Vară, quickly getting up in surprise, turned to the chilling voice that spoke suddenly. Her attacker was a man wearing grotesque armor and a mask that looked more like a muzzle. Horseback reinforcements that rode up revealed the man’s name to be Na'kratz, and the way they addressed him suggested that he was someone of high ranking within the army.

Vară frowned at Na'kratz’s statement that he could take her by himself, however, her annoyance soon drowned out as she actually began to fill the mana from him. None of the savages raiding the village came even close to this man, he was in a league all his own. Vară attempted to dispel her nervousness, not only was she a demon - but also a high-ranking one. Strong or no, this human should stand no chance against her!

”Camael, come to me!!” She said. At that moment, a crimson veil of fire enveloped Vară in her entirety. From it emerged a large, dragon-like creature with bulking arms and sharp claws. Along with it appeared Vară, who now took on a new appearance that better fit her race’s namesake. Vară held out a hand at the Varjan lord. Camael, sic ‘em!”” She exclaimed.

With a bellow, the familiar charged at Na'kratz, making an attempt to tear the man apart with its fiery claws and fang-filled jaws. Behind him, Vară would begin shooting him with lotus-shaped fireballs, making it harder for him to maneuver and plan a counterattack.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sanjo Beach

~ @Riffus Maximus, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

"Argh!" Saarvel screamed when his hands were crushed by Kirei who then stabbed him in the throat with two materialized daggers. He choked on his blood, but was far from dead. The legionnaire had one last trick up his sleeve, a backup knife from his boot, to try and take Kirei with him once and for all.

Alas, the waters that Kirei was under parted and lunged at Saarvel. The dying Shadow Master stumbled back, right into the readied blade of Stella. The Leviathan's weapon pierced through Saarvel's armor, running the legionnaire through, and was coated in blood. This was the end for Saarvel the Seafarer. He did not even see who finally killed him.

Lavinia's ice bolts and Janus' lightning strikes made short work of the Varjan Brigands throwing javelins. For the moment, no Varjan had their attention. The invaders were focused on ascending the hill and battling the last of the defenders. The final line of the Shizuyamans had been broken, watchtowers burned and wooden walls were coming down. The futile defense was reaching its inevitable end.

Releasing a quick sigh, Janus looked to the taskforce. "We must flee back to the campsite, taskforce. While no one's onto us." He then did a fast headcount and noticed Nyla wasn't exactly with them.

With haste, he looked and found the Shoggoth among some rocks...

"Just rest and maybe...have a little bite? Its packed full of nutrients and will make you feel much better quite soon."

With the samurai on her lap, Nyla could finally make out his features. The samurai was young, likely somewhere in his early twenties. Black of hair, his face was dirty with a mixture of blood and sand. His dark yellow eyes were half-lidded, but he noticed the Shoggoth's offer of pastry.

He reached out a hand in his delirium, but it never touched Nyla's cake. Instead, the hand caressed the eldritch woman's cheek and smudged it a bit with bloody sand. "You have... beautiful eyes..." He said to the Shoggoth before his eyes closed, his last strength slipping, his consciousness leaving him and the pastry going uneaten.

Janus suddenly appeared, apparently looking for Nyla. "Miss Shoggoth, we must-- Gods above..." The caster immediately kneeled down and took a good look at the samurai's face. "Do you have a deity of luck watching over you, Shoggoth? This man right here is Takeshi Oja, son and heir of Hideo Oja. How have you found him? What are the chances-- It doesn't matter now. We must flee, back to the campsite where I received you."

"Hold onto him, Shoggoth, and never let go."

Sanjo Town

~ @Xaltwind (GWN) ~

After dealing with the Varjan group by blowing a gust of wind so powerful that it created a hole in the house from whence the Varjans were ejected, the familiar blue-armored Sidonus appeared and stood in front of the space that Gwen made with her magic. "Bloody hell, Baphomet. I understand that collateral damage is inevitable in this kind of fight, but try not to knock down people's homes, yeah? They hate you enough already."

"Anyway, we've done what we can. There are still villagers here, but the Varjans are getting too many for us. We've got to retreat back to Janus' campsite." Sidonus explained. "Make your way there now. I'll look for the others." And with that, the blue warrior left for his objective.

The order was given, but Gwen can either obey it... or follow Sidonus to continue helping.

~ @Xaltwind (COCO) ~

Returning to the rendezvous point after helping evacuate more villagers rather than help Vară, Coco would find a Sidonus who also recently arrived. "Nice to see you still kickin', cat."

"Listen, there's still people to help but the Varjans are getting too many. I fear the battle on the beach is lost and it's time for us to haul outta here too." Sidonus told the Werecat. "Make your way to Janus' campsite. I've already told the Baphomet so the last one should be the Succubus. I'll go find her." And with that, the blue warrior left for his objective.

The order was given, but Coco can either follow it... or follow Sidonus instead to try and keep him out of trouble, perhaps.

~ @AzureKnight (VRA) ~

Na'kratz took a readied stance when Vară summoned a draconic familiar as well as transform her appearance. When Camael came at him with fiery claws and sharp teeth, the Amethyst Prince evaded them all with surprising swiftness. Until Na'kratz parried a claw swipe and seized the familiar, dragging Camael around and letting him receive the fireballs from Vară.

Regardless if Camael was hurt by the fire or not, Na'kratz then shoved the familiar and followed it with a thrust of his claws. The attack was cancelled, however, by a downward swing of a sword from Sidonus. Before Na'kratz could react, he was kicked away by the blue warrior. "We need to flee, Succubus! Head back to Janus' campsite! I'll follow you once I destroy this fool!"

Sidonus then attacked Na'kratz. Despite his words, the Amethyst Prince was simply too fast for the blue warrior. After dodging a sword thrust, Na'kratz found an opening and slammed his claws into Sidonus' chest, piercing the armor. "Aggghhh!" The warrior howled in pain. "Go! Don't worry about me!"

Janus' Campsite

After escaping Sanjo Beach and reaching his camp without complication, Janus let out a deep sigh. Things have developed faster than he anticipated. Perhaps, even faster than what Lady Kyouko anticipated. He should send word to her soon. The situation in Shizuyama was completely different now. In hindsight, however, they should have seen this coming. Maybe that was why Lady Kyouko was so eager to send a capable taskforce here.

"Is everyone alright?" Janus asked of the taskforce. "...'Twas a fool's hope. That defense on the beach could never be won." He remarked. "But we did not emerge empty-handed. Fortune smiled upon us in that dark hour." The caster then looked to Nyla.

"Lady Shoggoth, how fares Lord Takeshi Oja, heir of Shizuyama?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

The fight was lost, she knew that much but she was unconcerned. She didn't care about the rest of the people. She was only here for the Oja clan and Lady Kyouko. The man she could tell now was conventionally handsome, under all that grime and the effort of a battlefield had taken.

"Yes, that's right. Gently now, you-eh?" Out of all the things she had expected, it was not for him to ignore the pastry and go straight for her. A hand was placed against her soft, somewhat gooey flesh. Upon hearing the words that left his lips though, the Shoggoth's face turned a shade of red that maybe would think she had been injured in battle from a distance.

In response, the shoggoth reacted reflexively.

"M-my lord jokes too much!" She'd retort, silencing him by shoving his face into her thighs. It was probably a good thing he had already passed out by then. Well, he was certainly not bad looking and he seemed receptive to her, so she should probably hang onto him. When Janus inevitably found her, he'd find her blushing like a school girl and giggling excitedly until Nyla noticed him where she'd return to her usual cool demeanor.

"Understood, Sir Janus." She'd say. "As Lady Kyouko requested, I shall not leave his side." Thankfully carrying him should be easy enough. The Shoggoth would envelop him in her body, quickly following Janus back towards the camp. Thankfully, it was an uneventful trip.

"Sir Janus." Nyla replied, folding her hands in front of her. Lord Oja was gently wrapped in her body mass, laying on what was effectively just a stretcher made of herself. "He is stable. I unfortunately am no trained healer or mage, but I have done as I can and bandaged his wounds and set any broken bones on the way here. Everything else will be up to him for now. I do not intend to leave his side until he is well enough to stand on his own." A small bow. "And as I have yet to introduce myself, Sir Janus, you may call me Nyla. If you'll excuse me I shall ensure he is still stable. I ask not to be bothered for the moment until I am done with him."

She'd find an empty tent in the campsite. Getting him out of the elements as best she could was a good first step. Gently, she'd lay him on the ground on a bedroll, and once again using her own legs as a pillow. She really shouldn't but well...anything made from her body was packed full of magical energy. It should help him recover. Of course. There was no other motivations behind it. None at all. Nope.

The tentacles slowly checking the bandages and wounds of course were doing nothing else.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 26 min ago



"W-well, I was just trying to help..." The baphomet said, folding her arms under her ample chest and kicking sheepishly at a piece of debris on the floor after Sidoneus commented on her rather (correctly pointed out) excessive use of force. Still, the man's words didn't go entirely unheard and once he'd vanished to go do... Whatever it was he was going to do, the little goat-girl rpeatedly slapped her own cheeks in order to change her mood.

"T-there! It might not have been perfect, but my debut on the field of battle was a success! Yes. Mm!" She nodded, to herself. "Now that the work is done, I shall be off!" She exclaimed, to nobody but herself, as the women she had saved earlier had long sicne abandoned the crumbling building. Which made complete sense if you stopped and thought about. As most people would likely run for their life if a short little goat-woman suddenly burst through the wall of your house and blew half a dozen armored, fully grown men away with a vertically aimed tornado...

Retreating from the village was rather uneventful, as Gwen just used the same way she'd come, retracing her steps - as best she could. There were of course the random Varjan mook who popped up, but nothing she couldn't outrun or hip-tackle to the side in order to get past.

Eventually she left Sanjo Town behind and returned to the cliffs where the taskforce had first descended onto the field of battle. With a bit of magic enchancing... Magic... She used a spell to leap far into the air and easily scaled the cliff... Even though she could just as easily have simply climbed it without the wasteful use of mana. But, at least she was up and back again.

Soldiering on, she proceeded back into the woods from whence they'd origianted, and soon found herself back at the Camp o' Janus.



"Gotcha, hubby. I'll see you back home~" The werecat purred with half-closed eyes, looking over her shoulder back at the man who had just dropped by to tell her their mission was over. So, Tiny's already been told? Guess that just leaves the princess, eh? The scantily clad kitty mused, before beginning her trek out of the burning, heavily Varjan-infested village.

Unlike a certain baphomet who had run laughing, wooping and loudly making her way out of this place, Coco retained her calm, casual and quiet, and careful, way of moving. Using the alleys, shadows and various other obstacles around to move silently and unseen, avoiding any unnecessary encounters with both locals and Varjans alike.

Leaving the little fishing village behind, Coco now found herself at the cliffs where they'd all started. Using the same spell as she had when descending, the werecat conjured a little earthen platform to stand on, and then used it as an escaltor/elevator to ride lazily and leaisurely up the cliffside without having to move a muscle. Once at the top, she crumbled the platform and made her way back into the wooded undergrowth, easily picking up on distant voices and noise made by the taskforce members already back at camp.

Coco & Gwen,
Back at Camp Janus

@PaulHaynek, @Rune_Alchemist

"Miss Kittyyyyyyyy! Sir Januuuuus!" A smiling, happily waving Gwen came bumbling through the woods, nearly tripping on some tree roots before stumbling into the camp. Coco, who had just returned herself,. was about to approach and greet Janus, when her attention was diverted to the return of the short but well-stacked baphomet.

"Welcome back, Tiny. Looks like you're a lil' worse for wear there, hm?" Coco said, poking one of the small cuts on Gwen's shoulder, which made the baphomet's entire body quiver from unpleasant, stinging sensation.
"Aak! N-No, this is just... I... I uh... I got a bit carried away, yes. No worries! With the power of my Empyrean Grand Healing I'll be good as new in mere moments, BEHOLD!" The little one replied, before charging her hands with an absurd amount of white, radiant light that was reminiscent of the floodlights used as at a stadium for sports events in our world.

Then, being bathed in that same light, the baphomet was surrounded by a holy aura of luminosity that momentarily made her look like a tiny, but nontheless divine little horned goddess! Until the light flashed and began to break apart, like the motes of a recently exploded fireworks rocket. Once the little spectacle was over, one couldn't find a simple blemish or trace of any marring marks on the young monster. She was actually looking shiny and particularly supple, as if her skin had never been pricked or touched by anything other than silken gloves her entire life.

"See? See? I have been revived!"
"Pfft, huhuhu~ It wasn't like you were in any danger to begin with, you ditz."
"W-Well I can't go around looking disheveled, you know? As a proud and noble representative of The Sabbath, I must maintaind appearance and decorum." The little one replied, cheeks blushing a bit and averting her gaze. Which made Coco laugh and glomp onto the shorter girl, patting her head.
"Ahaha~ You're too cute, I could just eat you up, Tiny."
"I wawawa... Uh.. Ah... Eheeheeheehee~!" And it appeared that Gwen was none too opposed to being embraced and being given headpats.

As the goat and cat engaged in a bit of skinship, the the latter soon turned her head to look at Janus.

"So, tell me Jan-Jan. How'd it go on the beach? Didja find some of those Owa-people and bring'em back? We did what we could in the town, your brother stayed behind to look for that Fire-Princess though, so I can't fill you in on anything about him. Sorry, hun'." She asked and informed. All while still patting Gwen's head, who was still standing there like a good girl, laughing happily and seeming to have forgotten all about what was happening around her...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 8 mos ago

Back in camp, Stella sighed to herself. She took a piece of clothing and started to clean the blood off her blade as she listened to the others. Janus' words came to her as no surprise. From the moment they arrived she knew the beach's defenses was a bad idea.

"Not that I question boss-lady's plans, but what good is the heir of the clan if the whole island falls to the Varjans? Prospect don't look too good, seein' how the defenses fell on the beach."

The dragon pirate lady sheathed her now cleaned sword back into its scabbard, unholstering her pistols and placing them on her laps. She proceeded to take a few supplies off her satchels and lay them out on the ground next to her sitting person.

"So what's the plan now, cap'n? I'm not against fightin' off the invasion, if that's what we're here for, but I reckon we'll need to play our cards right for this."

She uncorked a vial of gunpowder to pour into her firearms and jamming ammunition into the barrels giving a few glances in the direction of her comrades. She wondered if the other girls were quite as battle-ready as the Leviathan was. The others she fought with on the beach seemed well-able to handle their own in a fight. She had her doubts on some of the girls who appeared they'd rather seduce their opponents into submission than fight them.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

"That was a good spar, my son. But before we eat, I have one last question...
For generations, our clan has lived by a code. Tell me the virtues that guide us."

"L-Loyalty to our lord, control over our emotions and...
Honor, to fight bravely and uphold the legacy of Clan Oja."

"Those are the words in inscriptions and banners. What does 'honor' mean to you?"

"I guess... protecting people. The ones who can't fight for themselves."

"You have a good heart. But first, we must show everyone that we serve our island with courage, integrity and self-control.
I know it's not easy, Takeshi. It's never easy, but we must set an example for our people. By remaining true to our code... and to ourselves.

"That, is the meaning of honor."

Janus' Campsite

~ @Vox Angelis, @Xaltwind (COCO & GWN) ~

Janus bowed his head at Nyla before she left. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nyla. And I'm sure Lady Kyouko will be elated that her most faithful servant has saved Lord Oja."

"So, tell me Jan-Jan. How'd it go on the beach? Didja find some of those Owa-people and bring'em back? We did what we could in the town, your brother stayed behind to look for that Fire-Princess though, so I can't fill you in on anything about him. Sorry, hun'."
Coco Hapaptet

"I see." Janus replied, having a bad feeling for the others' fates. "You and the Baphomet have done well. I'm sure those you saved will remember you."

"But indeed, we have found the son of Lord Hideo Oja. The heir to this island. Thank the gods that we found him alive and is under the care of Miss Nyla. Although, I do hope the maid tries nothing strange..." He continued. "Anyway, to have him safe with us will be very instrumental in Lady Kyouko's plans. We must let her know immediately."

"Not that I question boss-lady's plans, but what good is the heir of the clan if the whole island falls to the Varjans? Prospect don't look too good, seein' how the defenses fell on the beach."
Stella Maria Esperanza

"A good question, Dragon." Janus responded. "As you know, the island of Shizuyama is unfriendly to monsters such as yourselves. However, for reasons unknown even to me, Lady Kyouko seeks to aid the island as much as she possibly could. I'm not sure if you've seen it but our Ryu employer has been amassing a force to take on the Varjan armada and save the island."

"However, that is only possible if the people of Shizuyama accept her help. Should Lady Kyouko attack recklessly, she fears that her daring rescue could be seen as an invasion too and drive the island's people to Varjo's embrace." Janus continued. "Lady Kyouko wishes for someone native to vouch for us. And who could be better than the future Island Lord?"

"So what's the plan now, cap'n? I'm not against fightin' off the invasion, if that's what we're here for, but I reckon we'll need to play our cards right for this."
Stella Maria Esperanza

"We will head first to Terauchi Temple in the Onrai region. The temple is the base of operations for Lady Kyouko's human spies in the island, me included. We also have the necessary items there to contact Lady Kyouko." Janus finished. "And we can also rest there. I'm sure everyone needs one after what just happened."

"But before we leave, let me look for Sidonus and the girl in red. I do not believe she's a Succubus as Sidonus claims..." Janus said. "I will focus my mind to sense their energy signatures in the village. I will need to be alone in the woods, and you all can take a moment to catch your breaths."

Takeshi was roused awake by a... ticklish feeling? A feeling he had not experienced for a long time. His instincts as a warrior forced him awake, his eyes flickering open to behold what exactly was tickling him.

He saw first the clearly inhuman, but also inhumanely beautiful, visage of Nyla. For a moment, Takeshi was entranced by the Shoggoth's eyes, subconsciously remembering his near-death in the beach, but his reason fully returned and he realized that he was lying upon a dangerous, eldritch Shoggoth's lap! And the tickling feelings were from her tentacles exploring his body!

Takeshi quickly stumbled up to get away from Nyla and her tentacles, wiping away the slime from his body if there were any. His eyes were wide and alert, but he said nothing to his savior. His thoughts were a mess with all sorts of questions. But now was not the time to be indecisive, a Shoggoth was before him! Right now, all he had was his broken armor and no sword. Even if he had his sword, to challenge a Shoggoth without much preparation was tantamount to surrender.

No, he had to flee. So flee, Takeshi did, exiting the tent...

~ @Vox Angelis, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV), @Rune_Alchemist, @Xaltwind (COCO & GWN) ~

Several moments after Janus left for a secluded area in the adjacent forest, a young man stumbled out of the tent Nyla went in with the rescued Lord Oja. Since the young man was clearly not Nyla, the choices were narrowed down.

Takeshi stopped in his tracks upon seeing a woman with long, sea-blue hair, black trousers and a top that was open to show off just enough skin to clearly tease or seduce males. Bur her most notable features were her sea-blue horns, reptilian ears and hands, the latter of which were webbed. Clearly some sort of Dragon, Takeshi guessed. The reptilian yokai was loading gunpowder into her weapons.

And nearby, a half-naked and well-endowed woman with dark hair and the tail and ears of a cat was embracing and patting the head of an also half-naked and also well-endowed girl with white hair and the horns of a goat. Some sort of cat yokai and a Baphomet, Takeshi figured. Although, he was sure Baphomets do not... sport anything in their chest area.

The young lord realized he was in a camp of yokai, unarmed and practically defenseless, and he even sensed that there were more of them that he has not seen yet, the presences of Kirei and Lavinia. And the ones before him were not just any yokai, these races were powerful whose threat rivaled that of the Shoggoth back in the tent. What happened that he was captured by yokai? How did they even get to the island? And if he was captured, why was he not bound or caged?

He knew he had to escape. Escape to where, when the island is lost? That didn't matter right now. Grabbing a pretty large stick from the ground, the young lord pointed the barely-a-weapon at the yokai. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" He yelled at Stella, Coco and Gwen.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 26 min ago

Coco & Gwen

@AzureKnight, [PaulHaynek], @Rune_Alchemist, @Vox Angelis

The two mostlyhalf-naked members of the taskforce were still busying themselves with some friendly skinship and were, for the most part, unresponsive or disinterested in the conversations and goings-ons around them. Even when Janus replied that they'd successfully rescued the young heir of Tha Oja, the two didn't seem to care in the slightest. However, when the Leviathan brought up the question of what to do next, and suggested something as silly as the taskforce taking on the entire Varjan invasion, Coco's ears perked up and she turned her head to look at the sea dragon privateer.

"Hun, I hope you're joking. Did you see the amount of ships these black goons had? Besides, the only ones out of all of us who could engage them at sea would be you and that masked woman, so you tellin' me you and her could take down the entire enemy fleet by yourselves, hmm~?" Coco's words were pointed, but fair. Out of the taskforce, only Stella and Lavi had the the ability to either fly or stay submerged in water. Coco, Gwen and N'yla were all land-based monsters and Vara was a fire-demon... Which wouldn't exactly be the best match-up when fighting over a huge body of water.

Of course, the little baphomet noted that she wasn't getting any more headpats and piped up as well.

"Do not fear, Miss Kitty! Should it come to such a need, I, Gwendolyn of Sabbath, shall part the seas and split the skies to dispatch our oceanic adversary!" She struck a dramatic pose, pointing up towards the dark night's heeaven, with a confident smirk and sparkling eyes. Coco just ignored her though. The bald mage in red armor then decided that he needed time to heed nature's call in the forest, made up some bogus excuse and left the girls to their own devices.

Not long after, their little pow-wow was disturbed. A young man emerged from a tent. He looked flustered, confused and agitated. He looked around, a desperate and frightened air about him - like a scared little hare, cornered by a pack of hungry wolves. Which, in truth, wasn't too far from the actual reality of the situation, but still. Rude.

The boy managed to somehow find a stick and was not taking on a fighting-stance, holding the improvised weapon like he'd hold a katana. Impressive, if not for being hilariously pointless. Coco put a hand up to her mouth and giggled behind it, finding the entire scene to be both cute and humorous. Meanwhile, Gwen was still posing.

"Calm down, handsome. Coco started off, purring at the young Shizuyama lord. "We're not gonna hurt you. After all, our friends here did just save you from that beach you so valiantly tried to defend." The werecat gestured towards Stella and Kirei - though the Shoggoth was nowhere to be seen... Actually, she hadn't seen the slimey maid since returning to the camp... Was she still not accounted for?

Gwen turned around on her hooved ... Hoofs... And spotted the young lord. A big, happy and joyfilled smile spread across her face, like the very soul of the sun, and she bounced up and down, doing happy hops like an excitable child... Her sizeable chest also doing some bouncing along with her. The little caramel-skinned baphomet let out happy squees and yups as she did all of this. it was kinda cute, but very silly. Eventually though, she stopped.

"Fear not, young lord! I assure you, you're safe as one could be, and your chastity has not been soiled!" The tiny goat-girl stated confidently, not having any grounds or all of the facts regarding the situation - especially concerning wandering tentacles inside the tent of which she had not been privvy. But then again, not having all the facts or all the information had never stopped Gwendolyn from making declarations or saying things before, so why stop now?

Regardless, both Coco and Gwen had not assumed any sort of stance or made any effort t appear threatening or hostile. First of all, a human armed with a stick wasn't really a threat to any monster, anywhere. Secondly, the boy was apparently an Oja, which made him the target of their protection, as the ryuu-lady had ordered them to find and safeguard members of that family. Thirdly, the guy looked about ready to soil his drawers, and while Coco may enjoy teasing others, she wasn't into that sort of play. So, for now, the werecat restrained her urge to meander over to the young man in a sultry way and playfully poke his cheek. Gwen, of course, was too dense to even realize she was being threatened or perceived as a possible threat, and was thus happily oblivious to the young lord's plight.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

Just as she was about to give Takeshi a definitely safe to drink tonic that would a hundred percent ensure his full recovery, did the young mans eyes open. The shoggoth's eyes met his, her dark sclera and luminescent iris' meeting his quietly. On one hand she was disappointed that he had woken up so quickly. If it had just been a few seconds longer...hmph.

"Lord Oj-ah."

Before she could say anything, however, the young lord had leaped to his feet in clear distress. She couldn't blame him and as such, she made no point of stopping him as that would likely only agitate him further. The shouts that followed clearly ensured that he had already been seen by the others. She needed to be delicate about this. Make him trust her. So she sat up, making her body as human as possible as she'd walk out of the tent behind lord Oja.

"Coco, Gwen, I believe you are coming on far too strong. Lord Oja," Nyla exited the tent behind him, admonishing the two slightly as she'd stand far enough away not to be threatening but also close enough to attempt snatching him again swiftly if he decided to run. "I apologize for the oddness of the situation I'm sure you have many questions and I will answer as best as I can but for now, I can assure you that you are safe here and I, at least, mean you no harm and have not touched you beyond bandaging your wounds." She glanced towards Coco and Gwen. "I am Nyla. You were gravely injured and I've done my best to ensure that you are healed but please, I urge you not to exhaust yourself and rest. You were almost...too far gone."

Out of her mass close to her feet she would pull a familiar looking sword from her body, and handing it to Oja.

"As a show of good faith I will return this to you." Nyla smiled, eyes boring into the young Master Oja. The blade for all intents and purposes looked exactly like the one he had been using. Upon inspection it would pass as the real thing to anyone but the most astute and expert smiths or mages. He should, theoretically hopefully have no idea that she made this herself, out of her own body. Why would she do so?

Well, why not?

If he was going into battle he might as well have a blade that was made out of the best material in existence.

"I hope at least, even if you do not trust us, believe we mean you no harm at this moment."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kirei, Vară, & Lavinia

Before the Retreat

Having mopped up the handsy commander and the rest of the warring Varjan’s in their way, Kirei and Lavinia rejoined the rest of the group, following Janus as he led them back to his campsite. Kirei made note of the native man that Nyla had in tow, he thought that must’ve been a member of the Oja clan that Kyouko mentioned during her briefing.

Meanwhile, Vară had her hands full with the masked Varjan lord and his clawed gauntlets. Camael attempted to slash at him, but he dodged the bites and claw rakes with deft ease. He dug into Camael’s ethereal flesh and used him as a shield against Vară’s fire blasts. Camael wasn’t hurt by them, of course. If anything, he liked being hit with his master’s fire, at least according to her…

Sidonus had shown up as backup for the demoness, stopping Na'kratz’s counter with his sword swing. He yelled at her to retreat with the others, and opted to hold the Varjan lord back to buy time. Unfortunately, it seemed that was easier said than done, as Na'kratz proved to be too nimble for a decisive blow. He found an opening during one of Sidonus’ thrust, and slammed a counter strike that cracked his armor. The blood and pained howl Sidonus let out indicated that the wound was likely deep. ”Sir Sidonus!!” Vară exclaimed. She was about to assist him, but was stopped by his insistence on her to retreat. Biting her lip, she ran in the opposite direction, and eventually joined back up with the others.

”I’m so sorry! I couldn’t do anything to help…” She uttered under her breath as she ran.

Janus’ Campsite
@PaulHaynek @Rune_Alchemist @Xaltwind @Vox Angelis

Having arrived back at the campsite, the team was now safe from danger, at least for the current interim. Kirei certainly didn’t mind. ”Alright, nice work everyone.” He said, address all present. ”No Stella, you’re correct. We’re going to need to rethink our strategy for the coming days. As Janus says, while Kyouko-san is currently amassing an army to aid in the fight, it can do nothing but remain motionless unless this territory accepts said aid.”

Vară meekly walked up to Janus, having a pained look in her eyes and showing a visible hesitance in speaking. ”Janus…” She said. ”Sidonus, he…he stayed behind back at the village. He was fighting…some weird masked man. I-I tried to help him, but all I could do was run away. I…don’t know if he made it or not… Forgive me.” Naturally as a monster, the thought of any human dying was a bitter pill to swallow, even more so for one that presented themselves as a dependable ally.

Everyone’s attention was suddenly diverted as Takeshi Oja had finally come to, and naturally he was taken aback by the presence of so many monsters in one place. ”Oh my, it seems our sleeping prince has finally come to~” Lavi mused. ”I agree with Ms. Nyla, some men don’t like aggressive women you know~ Worry not, Lord Oja, indeed we come in peace. We mean to assist you in driving back these invaders, if you’ll have us.”

Kirei, being a human himself and a Zipangu native as well, thought he’d be fine in approaching the young lord closer than the others. ”Greetings to you, Oja-san.” He politely said, removing his hood to reveal his snow-white hair that looked like a tiger’s mane. He then clasped a hand to his fist and made a bow. ”My name is Kannazuki Kirei, a warrior requested by a benefactor to Shizuyama to lead this force and assist the natives in the defense against the attacking Varjan brutes.” He gently placed his hand on the stick the young lord was holding, lowering it until it was pointed to the ground.

Kirei looked at the sword that Nyla attempted to give to Takeshi in good faith, chuckling a bit. Kirei could easily tell that the weapon was one forged not of metal, but from her own polymorphic body. While it indeed was stronger than normal metal, perhaps they shouldn’t do anything that would upset the man down the road. Lavinia could also tell the sword wasn’t a normal one, and also giggled at the scene. Vară, on the other hand, was a little confused at the scene, wondering what Kirei and Lavi thought was so funny.

”Lord Oja.” Kirei said. ”That sword is quite strong, but I would ask that you take care if you indeed decide to use it. It…may not be what you’re used to.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

A Forest In Saikoten

~ @AzureKnight (VRA) ~

Vară managed to escape from the village, leaving Sidonus to his bleak fate. When she entered the forest adjacent to the campsite, she encountered a kneeling Janus whose eyes were closed. Not for long, though, as he immediately noticed Vară's presence. "Ah, Miss Vară. I'm glad you made it out unscathed like the others, but where is Sidonus?"

”Sidonus, he…he stayed behind back at the village. He was fighting…some weird masked man. I-I tried to help him, but all I could do was run away. I…don’t know if he made it or not… Forgive me.”
Vară Riemsianne

Janus was shocked. He closed his eyes again for several moments, sensing for Sidonus' energies, before releasing a deep sigh. "...Your duty ends, Colossonaire." He remarked quietly to the fallen warrior. "The rest of the taskforce are at the campsite. Join them for now and get some rest. I need to be alone for a few moments..."

The spellcaster said nothing more, taking the time to mourn the fallen Sidonus.

Janus' Campsite

~ @Vox Angelis, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV), @Rune_Alchemist, @Xaltwind (COCO & GWN) ~

"We're not gonna hurt you. After all, our friends here did just save you from that beach you so valiantly tried to defend."
Coco Hapaptet

"Fear not, young lord! I assure you, you're safe as one could be, and your chastity has not been soiled!"

Takeshi was instantly suspicious when the Baphomet claimed he was not soiled. The Shoggoth had her tentacles all over him when he woke up. The young lord patted his body to make sure and found that his underwear was intact and he... felt well and good, but not that kind of 'good'. Perhaps the yokai told the truth... at least, this time.

When Nyla emerged from the tent, Takeshi turned his stick towards her.

"...As a show of good faith I will return this to you."

The Shoggoth offered, more or less, the same words as the other yokai. But for some reason, Takeshi was inclined to believe her. At least, more than the other yokai. His memory faintly remembered those black and luminescent eyes back at the beach. The Shoggoth then presented him his sword, the blade gifted to him at his coming-of-age. It was forged specifically for the young lord, and he has practiced with it ever since.

Still, Takeshi approached warily, trying to take a good look at the sword to make sure it was true and not a trap. Unfortunately, he did not have the skills required to spot that the blade was but a false construct from the Shoggoth's being.

”I agree with Ms. Nyla, some men don’t like aggressive women you know~ Worry not, Lord Oja, indeed we come in peace. We mean to assist you in driving back these invaders, if you’ll have us.”
Lavinia Isabella

”My name is Kannazuki Kirei, a warrior requested by a benefactor to Shizuyama to lead this force and assist the natives in the defense against the attacking Varjan brutes.”
Kirei Kannazuki

The human man named Kirei placed a hand on Takeshi's stick "weapon" and lowered it with the latter offering no resistance. He was still suspicious of the group, but he was sure they were not here to hurt him. They even claimed otherwise, they were here to help against the invasion. Why would some yokai would want to help Shizuyama? Takeshi could guess a few good reasons.

The young lord took Nyla's sword and unsheathed it from the scabbard. It seemed to be his sword, free from any alterations. It did seem pretty clean, though, considering the battle on the beach. But perhaps, the yokai cleaned it for him.

”Lord Oja. That sword is quite strong, but I would ask that you take care if you indeed decide to use it. It…may not be what you’re used to.”
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi raised an eyebrow at the remark, and looked directly at Nyla's eyes. This time, with not a hint of affection. "...Did you do something to my sword?"

Getting another glance at the entire taskforce, Takeshi slowly realized something. "...You're no ragtag group of monsters looking for adventure or whatnot. You're actually an organized force." He deduced correctly. "Who exactly are you? Who is this benefactor? We have no allies who would use yokai. At least, not anymore..." Noticing that Kirei was the only male present, he added. "And are you all his wives?"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

Nyla shot a glare to Kirei, a multitude of eyes staring at the man briefly before they'd all close as Oja questioned her.

"While I am sure Sir Kirei is quite a catch for anyone, nay my heart belongs to another." Nyla responded with a small smile. "Ah, I miss her dearly." A hand held to the side of her face as she proceeded to ramble about the Ryu, spiraling into details about how she probably needed her laundry done by now, her scales brushed and cleaned, and how beautiful and lovely she was, especially right after getting out of a bath or while she was sleeping and-

"Ahem, apologize Sir Oja. I get...carried away sometimes." She'd glance to the side, hands folded in front of her as her dusky skin colored themselves a deep red. "Back to your earlier question, however, no I did nothing to your blade..." It wasn't a lie. She still had his normal blade. She had done nothing at all with it. It was stored safely away. This was just a...new and improved blade.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Janus' Campsite

~ @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV), @Rune_Alchemist ~

"Ah, I miss her dearly."

Nyla's ramble was, surprisingly, useful to Takeshi. The young lord learned that this motley crew, or at least this Shoggoth, served a Ryu yokai named Lady Kyouko. Takeshi could care less what the Ryu looked like, more interested in her motivations. If he had to guess, this Lady Kyouko simply wanted to rescue this yokai-unfriendly island to make it friendly.

Takeshi would be among the first to object to this offer of "aid". But if they didn't, their island would fall to the ruthless Varjans...

"Ahem, apologize Sir Oja. I get...carried away sometimes. Back to your earlier question, however, no I did nothing to your blade..."

Takeshi was still suspicious, but slung the sword to his hip, deciding to trust Nyla. At least, for now.

"Ah, Lord Oja. You are awake." Janus returned, shortly after Vară's arrival. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, but... you wear the armor of Varjans." Takeshi pointed out.

"Indeed, I do. But I assure you, milord, I am more an enemy to them than you are." The spellcaster replied before bowing his head. "Janus, at your service."

Takeshi raised an eyebrow at the declaration. "If you say so, Sir Janus. I assume you're part of this yokai group in the service of this Lady Kyouko as well?"

"Very correct, milord." Janus answered. "And now that you're up, we shouldn't waste any more time. We must make haste to Terauchi Temple. As the base of operations for Lady Kyouko's human spies in Shizuyama, there will be tools to contact her there."

"So the temple was a front for spies this entire time?"


As the taskforce tore down Janus' campsite, Takeshi joined Nyla in taking down one of the tents. For reasons more than just helping.

"Hey, uhh, Madam Nyla, right?" Takeshi approached the Shoggoth and began to help. "I... do believe you were the one who rescued me from the beach. I..." His face began to flush as the two continued to work, struggling to put his thoughts into words. He never thought he would consider so much talking to a yokai, but she did save his life. "I guess... I just wanted to say, thank you. And if... if you need anything, I can... Ugh, why is this so difficult...?"

He then released a deep sigh. "I just want you to know that, despite what could happen in the future, I'll always remember what you did. That you saved me." After an awkward and silent moment, Takeshi cleared his throat. "So, thanks... again."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

As they packed up and cleared camp, Nyla made sure not a single speck of dust was left behind. Not a single trace that could be linked to them or used to somehow point someone in whatever direction they were following. She wondered briefly if she should just grab everything and carry it in her mass or would that make her a little...too big? But maybe Lord Oja preferred that? But what would Lady Kyouko think?

"Hm? L-lord Oja..." Nyla's little gooey heart thumped with excitement as she was thanked. She had to appear at least somewhat composed though. She couldn't let such obscene thoughts slip out so easily. Of course, the somewhat lascivious grin and the redness in her cheeks betrayed her thoughts a bit, likely. "Think nothing of it. Being useful to you my lord is the only reward I need." A light giggle, not mentioning that the only reason she helped him was because of lady Kyouko's request.

If it was truly up to her, she'd have just left him there.

Still...perhaps it was a good thing. Serving someone here if nothing else, would serve to be entertaining if nothing else...besides, he was a bit cute after all, wasn't he?

"But...if you truly wish to thank me, My Lord." She smiled. "Then perhaps allow me to make a meal for you at some point? I am skilled in all domestic chores such as cleaning, cooking, bathing, bedroom activities, scale-washing, massaging, accounting, getting rid of pests, and I have also dabbled in combat though I would much rather not." This was all said with a straight face, of course, and completely glossed over some more questionable skills...

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Janus' Campsite

"But...if you truly wish to thank me, My Lord. Then perhaps allow me to make a meal for you at some point? I am skilled in all domestic chores such as cleaning, cooking, bathing, bedroom activities, scale-washing, massaging, accounting, getting rid of pests, and I have also dabbled in combat though I would much rather not."

Takeshi could not help but smile. "Very well, I shall take you up on that offer. Once we get to somewhere safe and suitable, I would like to taste one of your dishes. Nay, one of your best dishes."

The young lord was unsure if this kind of interaction was breaking his island's code. Doing a favor for a yokai was definitely treachery, but Nyla wanted to do him a favor as his repayment to her. A tad confusing for Takeshi who eventually settled that the Shoggoth saved his life, which meant she was entitled to some form of reward.

"You said earlier that your heart belonged to Lady Kyouko, I assume you have a relationship that is more than master and servant?" Asking the question out loud, Takeshi felt a sting in his heart for reasons that eluded even him. "She is very lucky to have someone as capable in housework as you. Although, it does make me wonder as to why she would send you away from her side."


Lady Kyouko's Estate

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @The Irish Tree ~

Despite the Claremont sisters being set to participate in the operation in Shizuyama, they were late to the assembly of the taskforce and Lady Kyouko teleported the squad without them.

"...You two must be wondering why I didn't wait for you." Lady Kyouko spoke to the Claremont sisters at her estate's courtyard, near the stone platform that contained the engraving of a magic circle that served the teleportation spell. The moonlight of the evening shone brightly as servants lit up the sconces. "I have been thinking about you two recently. Err, actually, I have been thinking about you ever since I picked you up."

"I know I asked you two to be part of the taskforce I'm assembling for Shizuyama, but I've always doubted if that was the right thing to do." The Ryu continued. "You two have gone through much. Too much, if I may be honest. I think it's cruel to send you two to a dangerous mission after saving you from such a fate." Lady Kyouko finished. "Why don't you two head back to your house and rest for a while? I'll probably ask you two for help in other things later."

It was then that a certain Glacies warrior opened the doors leading to the courtyard, immediately noticed by Lady Kyouko. This was Vivian, whom was sent here when she inquired about the battle she witnessed between a Varjan vessel and a Shizuyaman one. Monsters from nearby islands pointed her to this island and to seek out a Ryu who went by the name of Lady Kyouko.

"Oh, hello there! May I help you?" Lady Kyouko waved with a smile with the Claremont sisters present.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Kyouko), @The Irish Tree (Vivian)

Umami Claremont snapped up to her feet, as she frowned. "That’s not fair, Boss Lady! Tell her, Rippy! We got this! We can handle anything anywhere!" An accusatory finger pointed at the altruistic woman, as she looked at her eldest of sisters and siblings, "It’s not fair! I don’t wanna go home! I wanna do cool stuff!"

Sighing, Ripcord Claremont looked up from her lap; resting across her legs was a large, incomprehensive weapon that was simultaneously sleek and modern, yet crude and barbarous. It was difficult to describe, and reeked of danger. Reaching up, she would shake her hand, and a thin, white stick would push out of her palm, and into her fingers.

"You got a light, Boss Lady? And, pipe down, Umami," Ripcord says, tersely. "It’s your fault we were late, to begin with."

"Nuh-uh!" Umami whined, tearing up out of the blue. "I didn’t do nothin’!"

"Oh? And, who was the one that wanted to eat from every food stall and restaurant we passed," Ripcord asks, standing up, and walking over, "It was you," she purred, pushing Umami’s chin up with the stiff cigarette, "my hungry, little sister..."

"Everything was so yummy..." Umami mewled, blushing as she was handled.

Ripcord smirked, as she drew closer to her bottomless pit of a baby sister - eliminating all but a meager inch of space between their lips. "And, you didn’t share," she purred, "Such a bad girl..."

Umami was about to speak, before she noticed the newcomer that wasn’t them. "Rippy! Look! It’s a Mint Ice Cream Girl!" she gasped, pointing obnoxiously, "Or, maybe, a Pistachio Ice Cream Girl!? I wanna know!"

Before Ripcord could wrangled her, her puppy-brained sister was on top of the Glacies - her body shapeshifting, as her human ears folded into the sides of her head, replaced by a pair of floppy, fluffy canine ears, while her nose took a more distinctively dog-like appearance, and her teeth were shaped into all fangs. Hybridized from Man and Beast, Umami maintained a Human movement, as her lilac-painted fingers and toes sharpened into extended claws, and a poofy tail lifted her skirt.

Once the tail was in play, the Beast took control of the form, and Umami’s rushdown of Vivian was not unlike that of a dog running to greet its owner after a long day of being apart. Vivian would need to react fast or get pounced.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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@Enkryption(UMI/RCD), @PaulHaynek

"I am-" The glacies before the three started, before the most ill-mannered of them decided she was "mint ice cream". ...Mint? Was that something humans commonly ate? Were Glacies so uncommon that the hicks of the world didn't know them on sight? No matter, right now the icy dancer simply had to focus on avoiding her newfound admirer.

One step into another, Vivian would sidestep the eager canine girl, an arm gently wrapping around her waist and holding her stomach so she could stop her momentum. With a pivot, Vivian would twirl once, twice, then thrice with Umami forced along for the ride. Her touch was cool, but careful, sapping the most bare minimum of energy from Umami just on virtue of making contact before Vivian carefully spun her away from her, holding the girl's hand as she let her stand once more by her sister. "Careful, puppy. I'm colder than you might expect," she said, releasing Umami and turning to Lady Kyouko to finish her own introduction.

"I am Vivian of Lyonesse, a wanderer who has come to offer aid to this little island of your's," Vivian said, taking a slight bow to the one in charge here. "I've already aided your people nearby on the ocean. Those...Vir-gins or whatever they are called, I sliced their boat apart. That should demonstrate my aptitude. I'm a dancer by trade, but you'll find me useful." The dancer would rise from her bow, one hand resting over where the frozen monster's heart would be. "Please, allow me to stay and fight. I don't have anywhere else I can be of use."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kirei, Vară, & Lavinia

Janus' Campsite


"Wife...?" Vară said halfheartedly. "Oh, no I'm not. Besides...why would anyone..." Vară was barely able to complete her sentences, having still not recovered from the previous operation.

"Teehee 'fraid not, love. Lavinia answered next. "Monster though I may be, I have come here on behalf of the Witch Association to aid the people of this island. Kirei just so happens to be my commanding officer, not my lover. She said. "Although..." She looked at Kirei, placing a finger on the corner of her mouth, which had twisted into a seductive smile. "What Nyla says is correct, commander Kirei does earn many points for his skill and handsome build~

Lavinia then turned to Vară, who she could sense was filled with negative emotions currently. She walked over to the fire demoness, placing her had on Vară's. "Huh?" Vară said in surprise.

"I think it'd be nice if we had a little girl-to-girl talk" Lavinia said, as she led Vară to a quiet and private corner in the campsite.

"A-About what...?" Vară went on, still flustered and confused.


Kirei stared at the two as they went off to a deeper place in the camp. He scoffed, it supposed it was fine so long as didn't go off too far on their own.

"Well, there you have it, Takeshi-dono" Kirei said with a smile. "All relationships here are strictly plutonic and work-related. For the most part anyway... But, barring that, is there anything else you can tell us about the island's current situation. Are they any other forces that could aid us against the invaders?

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

"L-Lord Oja jokes far too m-much." Her face flushed a deep red at Takeshi's insinuation. "I-I am just her servant and nothing more, yes! Who else would she send?" Nyla responded perhaps a bit too quickly to the second part of his statement, her voice losing its excitable tone. "She trusts me, and I am her most trusted aide and attendant. I will ensure without fail that she succeeds whatever I must do. That is all there is to it. Nothing more." Takeshi might notice her gaze drooping to the ground slightly, but it was quickly replaced by her usual demure smile. "A-at any rate, think of me as your servant for as long as I am here, Lord Oja. Please."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Janus' Campsite

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV) ~

"A-at any rate, think of me as your servant for as long as I am here, Lord Oja. Please."

Takeshi picked up on Nyla's unease, and decided to finish this conversation for now. "...Very well, I suppose I can allow that. Anything more would be problematic anyway..." Although, the young Oja was a bit saddened at his own words as he left Nyla.

"...But, barring that, is there anything else you can tell us about the island's current situation. Are they any other forces that could aid us against the invaders?
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi met back with Kirei to answer the questions. "Most of the island's fighters fought at Sanjo Beach. We could've tried to defend all the ports and beaches, but that would be stretching our forces very thin. We could've also attempted unconventional warfare, hit the invaders before retreating to the shadows. But that would require the Varjans to be unsure of occupying the island and if we learned one thing from our talks, the Varjans and The Order seemed very interested in Shizuyama."

"That's why my father ordered a last stand at Sanjo Beach. If we could not stop them there, there was no stopping the Varjans from taking Shizuyama." Takeshi grimly finished answering the first question. "A last-ditch effort at defiance..."

"However, there were warriors, friends, that I didn't see with us during the battle on the beach. They may still be alive and if they are being smart, which I'm sure they are, they'll be hiding in the Onrai region." The young Oja then saw Vară and Lavinia talking, with the former looking distressed. "...Are those two alright?"


Soon, all the tents have been torn down and tied up. "Alright. Someone pick those up and follow me. Don't worry, you won't have to carry that all the way to Onrai." Janus let out a short chuckle.

Janus led the party towards a nearby base of a cliff. The spellcaster then waved his gauntlet hand and a circular part of the cliff's face disappeared, revealing a shallow cave. A cave with a couple of resting horses and a small, wooden wagon. "Load the tent supplies there, and we'll also ride that all the way to Terauchi Temple. Provided we don't run into anything... destructive on the way."

He bit his lips as he counted the party's heads. "The wagon's going to be cramped, though." Janus remarked.

"Hmm, let me see if this works..." Takeshi then whistled a distinct sound and moments later, from the thick shrubbery came a strong, healthy stallion that was as black as the night sky. The horse was complete with saddles and reins. "Shiro! Why do you have a saddle and reins? Did someone put them on you and tried to take you for themselves and then you bucked them off?"

The horse nuzzled Takeshi, who let out a happy laugh. The young Oja was glad that at least one of his friends were alive and well and he immediately embarked on his trusty steed. He rode Shiro beside Nyla and reached out a hand, inviting the Shoggoth to ride with him. Shiro, on the other hand, eyed Nyla with suspicion... but he wouldn't be a trusty steed if he frequently disobeyed his master.


Lady Kyouko's Estate

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @The Irish Tree ~

"Please, allow me to stay and fight. I don't have anywhere else I can be of use."

"A fine display of... a greeting dance, Madam Vivian of Lyonesse." Lady Kyouko approached, putting a gentle hand on the Claremont sisters' shoulders to signal that the Ryu would be talking for now.

"And you say you have already engaged a ship of the Varjan armada? I am very impressed, and thankful that you have aided Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko bowed towards Vivian before adopting a serious face. "But I wouldn't pledge service too fast, Madam Vivian. This is no mere defense and rescue of an island's people. Shizuyama is an anti-monster island, technically an ally of Varjo and the rest of The Order. It's only recently that their relationship has... soured considerably, for reasons that are unclear to me." She briefly explained the situation.

"With all that in mind, do you still want to join?" Lady Kyouko finished. "The people there will be distrustful of you, suspicious of you, hurl insults at you. That's the kind of place you will go to if you join."

"And as for you two..." Lady Kyouko reached her hands out to pinch both Claremont sisters' cheeks. "Such behavior may be allowed in these yokai territories, but that might be construed as a sign of attack in Shizuyama." With a gentle tone, she lightly scolded the two even if Umami was the only one that lunged at the newcomer Vivian. "If you two are really, really sure you want to go to Shizuyama, then you two must learn how to behave. Especially around members of the Oja Clan. Am I understood?"
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