Deception is a right. Truth is a privilege. Innocence is a luxury.

It came to him in a dream. He was standing in a sunless space, surrounded by twisted dark trees and an ominous fog, when he noticed two red eyes staring at him. He felt drawn to them, and his feet began moving before he knew it. The eyes belonged to a horned, sick creature that screamed at him in a language that wasn't human. Its screaming made the ground shake and him tremble. Although he couldn't understand the words it spoke, he somehow knew what it wanted. It was trapped. It needed his help to escape.
"How can I help you!? What do I do?" He begged it to know. The thing screamed again, and this time the intensity of the screaming made him fall to his knees and cover his ears. But he had his answer. To help it escape, he'd have to do the unthinkable. He would have to kill.
Who are you?
You are a member of a secret US government organization known by most as Delta Green. Delta Green's mission is to keep humanity safe from the supernatural. Recruits can be nearly anyone. You could be a FBI investigators, an infantryman in the US Army, a CDC scientist, or even a journalist.
What should I expect?
A lot of Delta Green's work involves investigation. Combat will be short and very lethal. Every character will have a set of skills assigned to them based on their backstory. During a crisis, I'll be rolling dice to determine whether or not you succeed at a certain task.. or to see if your character loses their sanity.