Wonder. Dreams. Hope. Things that were easier to hold on to when you were younger, when endless possibilities stretched ahead. As you grew older, though, your ideals slowly faded. You learned that not everyone achieves their ambitions, that love and friendship rarely last, and that no matter how ragged you run yourself, you'll be lucky if anyone notices, let alone appreciates you for it. Some days, all this becomes particularly draining. You brush off your lethargy and low moods as sleep deprivation, but unknown to you, there's another reason.
Magic does indeed exist, although not all of it is the sparkly benevolent kind. The Shroud, an entity that has existed for as long as darkness has in the human heart. From within pocket dimensions known as Cocoons, it spawns wraiths from human despair, hate, malice. It would have consumed the world long ago if not for an opposing being representing hope, joy and justice, the goddess Caelia and her army of priestesses, otherwise known as magical girls. At the end of a lengthy war, Caelia perished, but in her last moments was able to seal away the Shroud.
At least, mostly. To this day, like a dormant volcano, it has surges of activity, awakening in parts of the world and giving rise to unexplained disappearances as it draws people into its Cocoons. There, the captives remain in stasis as their repressed negativity forms wraiths, which grow stronger by draining away the life force and emotional wellbeing of people in the physical world. On rare occasions, they may grow strong enough to break free from their dimensions and wreak havoc; this is where many legends of yokai and monsters come from. Only when the wraith is destroyed will the cocoon dissolve and the captive awaken. There's no telling when these activity bursts will happen - centuries may pass between them, or they may be mere years apart. Right now, stirrings of it are happening in Tokyo.
But as the darkness grows, the light rises to it. Remnants of Caelia's essence take the form of fairies, small feminine beings who recruit and empower new magical girls. One such fairy, Lux, has recently spawned from the light reacting to the newest imminent threat. Instinctively, she has a sense of what to do, but there's one thing she overlooks. New recruits are typically in their teen years, with their ideals mostly intact, without the weight of adult responsibilities, quick to learn and adapt. Around the same age Caelia's priestesses used to begin their training.
This, however, is lost on Lux as her intuition brings her to Ayame High, where she senses Shroud energy and witnesses a student disappearing into a Cocoon. In a hurry, the fairy appears before a gathering of seemingly ideal candidates. Most of the teachers in the school, as per Japanese social norms, are female, and it's currently a group of women sitting in the staff room, of which you're a part. Naturally, you're all startled out of your minds. With a student in peril, though, there's only time for the briefest of explanations before Lux makes the offer that will change your lives.
So, on top of your extremely demanding workload and dealing with sassy teenagers day in day out, how will you cope with being a magical girl - or rather, magical schoolteacher? Will it prove too much, or will you manage to work together and rediscover that sense of wonderment you thought you'd long since left behind?
- Languages (Japanese and foreign languages) [Claimed by geminironin]
- Mathematics [Claimed by Vertigo]
- IT [Claimed by Silver Carrot]
- Science [Claimed by shagranoz]
- History [Claimed by LuckyBlackCat]
- Gym [Claimed by TheNoCoKid]
- Home Economics [Claimed by BrokenPromise]
- Art [Claimed by Crimson Flame]
- Music [Claimed by Ponn]
- Psychology [Claimed by Emeth]
- Metalwork [Claimed by Bright_Ops]
(Since your characters will specialise in a subject despite teaching a wide range of them, for an added fun touch, try to have their powers connect to the subject in a way. For example, a math teacher could get geometric barriers, or a languages teacher could get something based on a famous piece of literature.)
1) Please try to post at least once every two weeks - I've had too many RPs die from inactivity. If you hit a busy patch or other delay, please let us all know.
2) I'm not looking for super long posts, but make sure you give us at least two paragraphs to work with.
3) If you need to drop out, please say. I know it's not easy, but we'd rather you said something than just disappeared on us.
4) Be respectful of each other OOC, conflicts can happen IC, but try to resolve any that arise outside of the RP in a civil manner.
5) One character each, and posting WIPs is fine as long as you tell us when they're finished. If you need help with your character concept, ask away!
6) Have fun!
Character Sheet: