The Mundane
Name: Chinen Kohaku
Age: 30
Regular Appearance:

At 5'7", Kohaku is taller than average for a Japanese woman, but the near-perpetual slump to her shoulders offsets this. Adding to her frazzled air are her tired eyes, and the way she rarely smiles. She presents herself neatly and professionally though, with tidy straight hair, and simple smart-casual clothing in greys, blacks, browns and other neutral tones.
Subject: History
Personality: To her students and casual acquaintances, Kohaku is a stern, somber and quiet person. She isn't all that expressive, except in the case of mild annoyance or disappointment. This has earned her a reputation as a killjoy. Her reserved and no-nonsense attitude, however, hides a wistful side. She'll still stop to appreciate beauty, stories, or things that remind her of brighter and more hopeful times. Of course, she sees this tendency as useless and a bad habit to break, as it doesn't do to remain stuck in the past.
As a teacher, she's torn between pushing students to do as well as they possibly can (both for their own sakes and because it's her duty), and wanting them to enjoy their youth to some extent while it's still possible.
Bio: Time. It's something many wish away when they're younger, and wonder where it went when they're older. This is painfully true for Kohaku. Like most children, she wished to grow up and embrace the future, despite - or because of - her love for things that recorded moments long gone by. Historical attractions, museums, photography. Especially photography. It fascinated her that such images had stories to tell. Her grandmother, the one who'd inspired this passion in the first place, used to sit with her and show her the photos that had illustrated the family's lives over decades.
The rest of said family, though, didn't support her dream of becoming a professional photographer. According to her parents, it was a childish, unrealistic goal, and she needed to focus on "real" work instead. She held on to her ambition for as long as she could, but when she was 16, her father passed away from cancer. After that, her grandmother changed. No longer warm and supportive, she became colder and stricter, pressuring her to be the perfect academic and live up to her deceased father's ideals. By the time Kohaku went to university, she'd been thoroughly guilt tripped into doing this.
She decided the next best thing was to remain in academia and train as a teacher, sharing her love of history, but as the workload increased, even that became less of a passion and more of a chore. As the years went by, it became clear nothing lasted. She made friends, but between their work and domestic duties, they tended to drift apart. Her studies, and later career, left little time for dating. This left her still unmarried by age 25, to the dismay of her traditionalist family, who grew distant despite her considerable attempts to please them and reflect well on them. She didn't get the chance to rekindle a happier, healthier bond with her grandmother before the latter died of old age. Since then, she's given up on trying to hold on to anything, instead contenting herself with going through the motions of life.
- Drinks far too much coffee (not that it perks her up any).
- Still takes photos of beautiful scenery or those rare few events worth remembering.
- Secretly gay, which is part of why she's still unmarried.
The Magical
Transformed Appearance:

Weapon: A spear shaped like the hand of a clock.
Magic: Kohaku's magic consists of a variety of moves relating to time, which a certain peppy fairy will get her to name.
- Seize the Moment: Kohaku can freeze an object or energy-based attack in time for a few moments, allowing her to dodge, or preventing something from getting broken. This only works on one object at a time, and doesn't work on humans or monsters. Anything under this effect turns sepia toned.
- History Repeats: This creates an "echo" of a weapon attack she or another magical girl used within the last 10 seconds. It appears as a ghostly, translucent image of a weapon, and deals damage. The cooldown duration before this can be used again is another 10 seconds.
- Replay: When she activates this, she can see dreamlike, fleeting images of events that happened in an area up to three hours ago.
Other: She'll only know how to use Seize the Moment at first.
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