Full Name - ζη΄ζ (Hayashi Sumiko)
Age - 22
Gender - Female
Occupation - Traveling Artist
-P E R S O N A L I T Y
More than anything, Sumiko is able to pour her entire heart into things she cares about, be they projects or people. From her passion stems both diligence and confidence, as she works hard for results. Her passion is quite obvious when one views her work, and the individuals who have felt her helping hand directed at them say the encouragement can be intense.
Sumiko really likes getting what she wants. Doesn't everyone? But at times she can be a bit forceful in pushing her ideas onto others. She even pushes herself to keep going at something futile, her perfectionist streak showing through. She does have a sense of pride that can prevent her from backing down as well.
Free Spirit
Since her "liberation" Sumiko has greatly enjoyed doing whatever she likes, whenever she likes. She keeps her options open, as being tied down to one place or idea doesn't suit her at all. Like anyone else she has her rough days, her arguments with others, but ultimately she tries to let everything slide off of her back. Forgive, live and let live.S K I L L S E T
Rhythm and Balance
A self-proclaimed expert in traditional dance and hopping back and forth on stage, Sumiko has a very good sense of balance. She has a strong core and her coordination is top notch. She's dexterous and rarely fumbles anything, whether she uses her hands or her feet.
Physical Artist
Though performance is her greatest love, Sumiko is excellent at working with her hands. Her calligraphy is steady and smooth, her paintings and drawings are detailed and life-like, her pottery comes out even and clean, and of course she can read and write quickly. If you need something written or made for you, Sumiko is your girl - but she can be a perfectionist so it might be a bit of a wait.
Sumiko has a knack for roping others into doing what she wants. This isn't always aggressive badgering - in fact being a poet Sumiko can be quite cool with her words, and being an actor she can make anything sound like the truth. She doesn't go around lying to people though, that would be uncouth! Tt's just that she can be quite convincing. With some people after a conversation with her they end up running an errand and thinking it was their idea in the first place.Physical Description Sumiko always stands out in the village due to her taste in clothing: elaborate and stylish. Of course the frames she wears over her eyes are no exception. Even if she didn't dress like that, her shockingly pale hair would make sure that one can always pick her out of a crowd. Her physical appearance is rather plain; her eyes are dull, she isn't the most busty or shapely of women nor is she that tall or short... but she does love to paint herself in varying degrees of make-up. This has the side effect of making her seem more attractive, but the enjoyment of making an art piece of her skin is why she does it in the first place. Although she tries to keep clean its very common to find her with ink stains on her hands, arms, and even her face.
Character ConceptualizationPainting! Poetry! Pottery! Dance! Drawing! Acting! Storytelling!
...stilling working on the music!
Even small towns need entertainment, and Sumiko takes it upon herself to provide that. She's a "jack of all trades" type when it comes to the arts, with the notable exception of song and instrument. Please don't call her tone deaf though, she will vehemently deny it.
She was born in Heiseina, her family the last of the dying Hayashi clan. Hers was an old family, once well respected in the valley, so it came as a shock when each passing year saw their prosperity dwindle. No one really knows what happened to the Hayashi family, though some claim that the family's head offended a spirit so badly that it cursed his line for generations. It would explain the sons' early deaths, the daughters' lack of vitality that presented itself through pallid skin and colorless features. Some subsequent family heads were obsessed with turning their luck around. Sumiko's father was one such person, but he died desperate for a son to carry on his name and ended up with two daughters. The clan's fate was sealed.
His passing was a sad thing, but for his wife and children it was also a freeing experience. There was a certain liberation in knowing they didn't have to toil on behalf of a doomed family name any longer. Sumiko left Heiseina when she was barely old enough to travel on her own, exploring the valley they lived in and the small hamlets that surrounded it. She met many people and heard many stories - in order to commit them to memory she wrote them down. To keep herself occupied during trips she would doodle pictures to go with her writing. It didn't take long for her to fall in love with art. For her freedom came in the form of a song on the wind, or a brushstroke on canvas.
Now, Sumiko is Heiseina's resident artist extraordinaire (self-proclaimed). She's also a decent source of news and gossip, bringing stories and paintings with her all over the valley. She travels very often, taking advantage of not being tied down to one place. When she returns to Heiseina she stays at her family home and mooches off of her more responsible and respectable elder sister. Their mother passed years ago, leaving the large, empty estate to the both of them. She always makes it back in time for festivals, where she insists that she put on the newest play she's written, play a role in local re-tellings of myths and legends, and participates in dance until she can barely move. Though she has a strong passion for all kinds of art, dance and Kabuki are one of her favorite pastimes, so when she can she goes all out.
Lately, life in the valley has been slower than normal. There haven't been as many interesting stories to create art about, so Sumiko has been going out a lot more and pestering others in search of something to spark her creativity.
Other Information
- She likes to drink, but can't hold her liquor
- The only Sign she knows is Wind
- Her eyesight has started to get worse
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