Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

Ed isn't certain what to make of Prudence's change. He doesn't like it though. Something about it feels...very wrong. He is about to say something to Runa, to whisper to her of what he sees. Runa saying he already has the mantle is frustrating. He isn't the only one with the cloak. He had guessed that this was some sort of test. One he didn't want to take, but to protect his world and family he would do what he must.

There was a new person there. He did not see her appear, or hear her. She is wearing the cloak same as them. That makes four. He frowns a little, but quickly covers that with a smile, and greets the woman. "Hello." To Runa he quickly says, "Another has joined us, she appears to be a Native American woman, I don't know the tribes or their languages." He returns his attention to her. "I'm guessing from your cloak you were brought here by Dr. Strange as well. Do you know him?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I'm here to make a deal with you, poppet," the Green Eyed One said. The area around them seemed to distort, lengthening oddly before suddenly snapping back into focus. They were in a sitting room now, sitting on couches made out of a strange leather. All of the furniture seemed to be made of bone, including the table in front of them, where an elaborate tea was laid out. Mercymorn and Butter Rum, humorously, were inside the sitting room with them.

"You can rest your eyes, it's quite alright," the Green Eyed One said. I must recommend that you do not do this. Keep your wits about you. Your soul may very well be forfeit. "I must imagine it's been quite a taxing journey. Now, we can make a deal and I can send you on your way, but that sort of magic... It's pricey. You'll have to give me something of equal value."

They stared expectantly at you three. "What do you have to offer me then, loves?"

* * *

Oh dear. This does not bode well. Madalyne, you are alone with Ananym in the strange woods. Your companions have abandoned you. You are in grave danger. Ananym tossed a glance back, noticing that it was just you, and a strangely pleased smile appeared on her face. "Woah, we left those slowpokes so far behind!!" Ananym cackled. "Jackass needs to do more cardio. He's getting squishy. I bet he can't run for ten minutes now," she added.

She was walking backwards now, not making a real effort to run. Jack and Annika were so far behind that it wasn't any fun anymore. And quickly, they were deep into the woods. It looked like a wood you would see on Earth, most likely in a horror film. Strange creatures hissed and howled as they walked. "So, like, what's your deal then?" Ananym asked Mads curiously. "Demon girl to demon girl."

* * *

Your eyes meet Ororo's, Jack, as she looks up from her plants. She was tending to her garden - the only place in Limbo where life, love, and beauty can flourish. Everywhere else in this realm was far too tainted for such things to take root. Ororo may no longer be an X-Men here, this version of her at least, but the same quiet majesty shines through her eyes. You do not know this, but Ororo died the same day Illyana stole the throne of Limbo from Belasco. She died by Illyana's hand.

"It is I, shadow-walker," Ororo said gently, standing up to her feet. "It is good to see you again." She paused for a moment. "Red is not your color," she then added, eyeing the cloak on your shoulders.

* * *

Within the liminal space you have created within your mind, Prudence, you speak with the Devil. To everyone else, it is as if you have simply fallen silent and still, locked in some sort of a trance. Your hellish master has felt the change of the tides as well, and they are not to his liking. There is only ever one being who has proved to be more powerful than he. He will not tolerate another one.

"Do not forget yourself, girl," he first snarls in warning. He stamps forward, his hooves clanging on the liquid ground strangely. "The Sorcerer Supreme is nothing. They are agents of the light. The power I have given you eclipses theirs."

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Whereas Edus did not speak the newcomer's tongue, Runa did. They were of Asgard, raised on the All-Tongue, able to communicate with any being instinctively. Runa could not name the language she replied in to the stranger, but she spoke it fluently all the same. "Kwehkwe1," Runa greeted. "Gullveig ióntiats. Ok ní:se2," they paused for a moment, before continuing. Onkwatén:ro né:'e3," she added. She did not gesture towards Prudence and Ed. She could feel Ed's arm, but she did not know where Prudence was, so it did not matter.

It was curious though to know that this woman was also wearing Strange's cloak. A thought occurred to them and they laughed slightly. If that were the case, well, the entire universe would be doomed from the outcome. They decided to keep that thought to themselves. There was no telling how many Sorcerers Supreme they would meet - how horribly divided that mantle had become. Three was already so many, but now four? And Runa's many years had taught them that the rule of three would be chief, there were likely to be more... at least nine, they expected.

They then translated Ed's question into the language the stranger spoke - asking them if they were acquainted with a wizard by the name of Stephen Strange.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo
Skills: Divination

Carolina couldn't help but feel very tired still as her vision started to stretch and blur before her, and then a few seconds later she found herself and the others in the middle of a room. Everything seemed to be made out of human bones even the table before them, and she had to assume that the chair that they were sitting in now was made out of human remains as well to. Carolina sat up slightly staring at the Green Eyed One for a moment as her attention turned towards the table seeing some tea had already been set up. However Carolina didn't trust him at all or the offering of tea either. "Can we have a moment to talk it over?" Carolina asked the Green Eyed One.

Carolina didn't waste any time as she gently leaned in grabbing Klara and Max by the shoulder and whispered quietly to the two of them, hopefully the Green Eyed One didn't listen in. "I am getting really bad vibes from him, don't take anything that is offered." Carolina whispered to the two of them, hopefully they both would listen especially with Klara.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo
Skills: Sword Fighting
Grimoire: Demon Form, Soul Sword

Madalyne looked over her shoulder to see that both Annika and Jack were gone now as well to, she closed her eyes letting out a slight groan, she was now left alone with a little demon girl, who she didn't really know or trust right now. "I only met them just now." Madalyne said with a slight shrug as she started to hear creepy animal noises coming from all around them. Madalyne wasn't really sure if she could trust Ananym as the little demon girl turned around and started to walk backwards and spoke to her. "Half demon girl actually. This place just forced me to change." Madalyne corrected Ananym as she looked around the area once more.

"Not much to say really, my mother is a powerful witch, while my father is a demon from here. I went to a school in my teens focused on training the next generation of heroes, and my mentor is also Agatha." Madalyne said she was pretty sure letting her know a little bit about her didn't hurt really the woods however were still giving her horror movie vibes and just wanted to get out of them as soon as possible.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Extra-planar Navigation
Spells: Twilight Doorway

How many years had it been? Jack could… Scarcely recall. He had once been a close companion of the X-Men in another time and place. Charles Xavier and him spent many hours of the day discussing secrets of their unique worlds- Of deep magic and powerful mutation. Once, the two even took a trip into Jack’s mind to confront something that Ororo likely recalled. Of course, Jack himself was a wizard, and not a mutant, but he still considered Ororo, Charles and the other X-Men friends.

”Red- Ah, yes. The cloak… Where do I even begin with this? I was simply minding my business at the Twilight Pass, when this cloak found itself to me. And the Eye of Agamoto as well. Stephen Strange has left this mortal coil at long last, and it would seem that I and two others have been chosen as his successor to the mantle of earth’s Sorcerer Supreme. Just as the Eye rested over my neck, a portal whisked me away to the world of Limbo. I met two others- Madalyn and Annika. They were also given a cloak and eye. Why he chose three and not one, I do not know. Just moments ago, we met a friend of mine- The late Belasco’s daughter. Apparently, Magik killed him.”

”I opened a portal to take a shortcut to a place that Ananym- His daughter- Was leading us to… And the exit overlapped a stepping disc. That is how I find myself here now,” Jack continued. ”I… Did not expect to be here. This is a pleasant surprise, but a surprise no less. What year is it here? How long has it been since we last spoke?”

Whatever her answer, it was surely longer than Jack had realized. Long ago, he could’ve stayed in one place with her and the rest of the X-Men. He and Charles made progress in unseating a great monstrosity from his inner mind. But for his own shortsighted reason, the shadow-walker left in the dead of night one evening, leaving only a brief note behind that thanked them all for their kindness.

Such was his way, to always keep moving forward.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 34 min ago

Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo

Even in this new land, the vertigo didn’t cease to bother Annika. Her eyes continued roving over the ground, unable to focus on anything. Her balance suffered, and she swayed from side to side before stumbling a little.
Two out of the three people spoke to her friendly. One even spoke her native tongue fluently. This surprised Annika, and it took her a minute before she answered.
”I don’t know a Dr. Strange. I never met such a person from my time in 1812, but the others I was with explained him to me. They also wore cloaks that move and this necklace.” Her voice was steady, despite the vertigo. She had switched back to English and wondered if the woman had a gift for language. She cradled the necklace in one of her hands before she stumbled again. ”I’m afraid I don’t feel well.”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Klara seemed to have no issues with her tiredness. Then again that was the way of adults wasn't it? To be cursed never to have as much energy as the child in the room. After all, how could then when life itself was so draining day after day? He wanted to caution her against the Green Eyed One, to caution making bargains, but he didn’t find the words to do so. After all, how did you undercut a God of Death right before their eyes inside a realm of demons? Max blinked, and when he’d opened his eyes again he was in a new location. A sitting room adorned with bones and long pig leather if he fashioned a guess. He looked towards the pair of horses and then back towards his companions. The talks of sleep once again sounded like honeyed words that comforted Max into wanting to comply. But he knew better, he knew not to make deals. He felt a hand pressed against his shoulder, pushing him in close as he let it happen as exhaustion rolled onto him in waves. ”Bad vibes? From a God of Death? Pssshhh.” He tried to lace his words with sarcasm, to make his point evident that she was on the nose with this one, but his sluggish nature caused him to yawn between each feigned question. He smacked his lips as he tried to glance towards the god once more without being obvious that they were talking about them.

Max’s vision was still blurred as his eyes fought to stay open, his mind clawing to stay awake. Whatever spell that had been placed upon him, it was put there by a god, and he would be a fool to think he could break it. No. Strange had taught him better than that. Strange had bested would-be gods and those of equal power. That was what it meant to be a Sorcerer Supreme, and Max was a Sorcerer Supreme. If the Green Eyed One was somehow counteracting his attempts at conjuring winds of negation, perhaps he needed a different approach…an unconventional one. Max looked over towards the tea, knowing he couldn't take the offering yet still needing a beverage. His hand lazily lifted, fingers swirling in the air around a nonexistent lid as if he was swirling an iced coffee. Magic poured out and soon after he was holding a triple venti vanilla sweet cream cold brew in his hands. He took a long sip, the caffeine hitting him like a melody as he let out a sigh of relief. ”No offense, but I need something stronger than tea. Besides, haven’t you heard? I'm broke, have nothing to offer, especially nothing valuable. ”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

She was definitely interested in who, or well what, the green eyed one was. After all, things were definitely confusing and interesting in this weird world. Though Klara couldn't help but giggle upon seeing the fact that when they were brought inside Mercymorn and Butter Rum had been brought along with them. There always was something interesting to say the least going on in this place that was for sure. And she just sort of listened to what was being said, however she was only half paying attention as she shifted to seeing what the furniture and everything was made of.

"Oooooooh, whose bones are everything made of? I'm guessing more then one person but that is coooool," she said, giggling happily not entirely waiting for a response. Klara didn't even really hear what Carolina had said as her attention shifted towards Max seeing that he had summoned something into his own hand to drink and he hadn't gotten anything for her! "What's that? Can I try it? What would you consider stronger then tea? I mean there is beer and other drinks like that, but what is it?" she instantly asked him.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 22 min ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Prudence would have normally balked at being chastised by her Lord, like a small child being scolded by her parents for taking an extra sweet. Instead, she felt invigorated. The power dynamics between the two of them were always one-sided. She relied on him and he, in turn, provided for her. Now, after drinking the contents of the cup and feeling the surge of power inside of her, she felt like she was in control.

"I assumed as much. I do not doubt that I am more in tune than they. Darkness consumes light. Tis the natural order." She glanced around. "Yet, I was summoned here by some force. I felt like you could not come here willingly. I drank the cup, I felt the power, I stand before you now purely because I chose it. My Lord, you will forever hold a place in my heart for granting me the power to crush my enemies and bring to you what you richly deserve," Prudence gave a pause. She was relishing this. "But I believe I shall call on you from now on. Until as needed, my Lord. I shall be referred to as My Queen." With that, Prudence broke the trance she was in, coming back to the others.

She looked around, seeing the new person among them. "Apologies, tis unknown to be what just occurred. I see we have a new member among this unwilling group. Shall we be off elsewhere then?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

"Interesting." There were more. And this new member did not know Dr. Strange. She was from long before his era too. "I'm Ed. I have some healing ability if that may help what ails you?" He undersold himself some.

Prudence then caught his attention. He nodded at her statement. Whatever strange thing that had happened to her had not seemed to change her much.

"We should keep moving. This place is...uncomfortable." Ed said. He still kept one hand with Runa, but held one out to Annika if she would allow him to heal her.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

You were still thick and hazy with the urge to sleep, Carolina. Each time your eyes shutter close, you wish nothing more than to rest them forever. But instead of being greeted with warm darkness, strange visions flicker before you - visions of the past, the present, the future. It is hard to sort it all out. You see your lover, October Crypt, die in Coventry. You see her dressed in darkness and flames, sitting on a demonic throne. You see a small child with a curious, haunting grim. The child's name is a taste on your mouth, familiar and bitter, a pseudonym in reverse...

These are not the visions you were looking for, I understand. As you focus, attempting to hone in more on the Green Eyed One, you see a great white nothingness. The future is blank. A void, a hole. It is missing.

Max, your unconventional approach appears to have merit. The caffeine lifts the veil of sleep from your eyes. The Green Eyed one frowned slightly, but then resumed a smile.

"Oh, you have nothing on you. Hmm..." they sniffed the air, and then a look of bewilderment came across them. "What happened to your soul, luv? Bits of it are missing. Messing around with the dark magicks now, are we?" They sniffed again, this time looking at Klara and Carolina. "But you two poppets, yours are nice and complete. You give me a sliver of your immortal soul, and I'll get you out of Limbo. How's that sound?"

They then laughed slightly, the sound like a tinkling bell, at Klara's question on the bones. "These old things? You have a good eye, dear. They're everyones - everyone who offs themselves in Limbo, or gets offed, at least. Maybe yours will be here one day. Wouldn't that be nice? You'd make a nice lampshade. Good skin texture. The couch you're on, it's one of my favorite pieces, it's made from a human called Cat."

* * *

Ananym, truth be told, found your life story to be very boring and dull, Mads. She shrugged her little shoulders and spun around, her back now to you. "What's an Agatha?" Ananym asked. She then paused for a moment, looking like a child who was debating sharing a dark and terrible secret to an adult, before she continued. "I'm not human. Like, at all. But I think I used to be. Before I was born, I mean. And I think at another time, I was a turtle or something."

The sounds of hissing and howling grew closer, as suddenly, a twenty foot long snake shot out of the darkness, its fangs dripping with venom as it pounced upon you!

* * *

A mixture of hope and sadness crossed Ororo's face. "You are from far in the future indeed, my friend," she explained softly. The subject of killing Belasco was a sensitive one for her. She had tried to eliminate him once before, only to find herself transformed into a demonic entity and enthralled to him. It had taken all of her willpower to escape and reclaim herself, body and soul. This sanctuary, this garden, had been born of that act of defiance.

It was always difficult to pinpoint a year in Limbo, so Ororo was unable to answer that question of yours. "The last time I spoke to you, I was still his apprentice in dark sorcery," she said, answering the second question. Ororo turned her gaze upwards, towards the sky. "I hope this Magik is at peace with their choice, whomever they are."

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Midgardian lifespans were always so fickle. It was incredibly odd to Runa that one from 1812 would not know someone from the twenty-first century. Hardly any time had passed between those two dates, but entire Midgardian lifetimes had expired. They were all so fragile, children who were hardly able to form words before their life was snuffed out. When they were younger, she had seen a sense of nobility to such a short life - and now, they found it merely tragic.

Their hand tightened on the bone staff they walked with a little tighter. It did not provide as much comfort as the living flesh had, but it was enough. It was what they had.

They would have offered to heal the newcomer, but they imagined they would not care for Runa's means of healing. Runa healed through change. Edus' methods would be more stagnant, forcing no internal reckoning. "Yes, let us be--" Runa began to say, only to be interrupted by a loud screech. To those who could see, a small legion of demons had amassed in the sky, swooping down to face them with bloodthirsty battle cries.


Fireballs, glowing green and screaming like tormented lost souls, reigned down upon the group. But these demons had poor aim, and they missed. Runa felt the ground shake from each impact, the pops of heat. They let go of Edus' hand. "Do not worry about me, old friend," she requested simply. "I have not lived so long by being feeble and helpless."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Extra-planar Navigation

The last time Ororo and Jack said a word to each other, Jack was a scared kid with no sense of direction. Another person might consider this to be no different from the Jack of today, but the difference between them both was that now it was a strength. One with nothing to lose was free beyond measure. This was the Jack that Ororo was less familiar with. When he turned his back on her and Xavier, he felt like he didn't belong there. He didn't trust people, or feel there was anything for him there. In a way, he was right- He wasn't a mutant. They didn't care, but neither did he. Jack always struggled with relating to people. He could pour his heart out to them and commit the most profound acts of kindness the world had ever seen, but he in every group of friends he had, Jack never identified with them. Though it wasn't always for a lack of trying. During his time with the X-Men, Jack tried so very hard to belong. It was draining, and weighed him down to the point he could only feel like he lagged further behind than when he started. Ororo was like a polar opposite to Jack in that sense. She was incredibly gifted in magic just as he was, and yet she was Storm. Fitting it was, that opposites had a way of gravitating to each other.

"I can imagine that she is. Belasco caused her unspeakable pain... He will never hurt her, or anyone else again." Say it, you idiot. Tell her.

After a stretch of silence, he did.

"...I may never have the chance to say this to you again. Leaving all of you behind was selfish. You had all done so much for me, and I repaid that kindness by disappearing. I don't even remember where I went, it could have been as far as Genosha or back to the Everdark. I will never be able to make up for that." How old was he when he gave up one of the few homes he could've had? 15? 16? Some things blurred together so much that there were entire faces and voices Jack couldn't remember. He needed to get back to Ananym, Madalyn and Annika... But an old friend deserved more time. And time worked differently in Limbo. They would be fine. Jack knelt down on the grass beside Ororo, to rest. "It often... Pains me to think of what could have been. I hope that, if nothing else, you too have found peace in this place."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max felt as the thick blanket of sleep was quickly lifted from his shoulders. The weight sloughing off like bags long carried dropping down with a thud upon the arrival to a destination. He watched as the gods' smile faltered, bringing one to his own lips as he had found a way to counteract the spell. Strange had always called him his most unorthodox student, his most unconventional one, and here he was proving that title true once more by the methods in which he broke free of spells. Klara began asking him questions about what it was that he was drinking. It was odd, having her ask him anything without a sword held to his throat. He took another sip as he debated on how to answer. "It's a very strong coffee. Loaded with caffeine to help one stay awake. Truth be told, I was getting a bit bored and thus very sleepy, so a little afternoon pick me up was just what I needed."

His smile never faltered, not even when the Green Eyed One had attempted to imply that he muddled with Dark Magic. He knew a piece of his soul was missing, but he had conjured up his weapon out of desperation in an attempt to save his coven. He'd do so again in a heartbeat. "Like I said. I've nothing of sale for you, and neither do they for that matter. We can find our own way out of Limbo, after all I have a few contacts in here that owe me anyways. Free is always better than offering ones soul." Max handed his beverage off towards Carolina who seemed to be struggling with the spell. Klaras childlike energy no doubt counteracts it's enchantment on its own, and giving her any more energy may just spend her. "Question now is, which way out of this home."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

"Well that only answers the first part of my question!" Klara complained a bit, looking at him now. "Why are you letting her try it and not me? That is so ruuuuuude!" she said, clearly really not happy with Max at this point. Since he didn't answer fully her question, and then is letting Carolina have it? That was so rude. Klara almost asked what caffeine was, but it sounded like something to help you stay awake, so she didn't follow up with that question.

Her attention shifted towards the Green Eyed One again, hearing about the bones. "I think the bones are cool," she ended up deciding on saying. Before the guy was talking about taking pieces of people's souls as payment, and she tilted her head to the side a bit now upon hearing that. That didn't sound like a good thing to do, but she couldn't help but ask another question with regards to it, "Why do you want a piece of our souls or something?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 34 min ago

Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo

The man offered to heal Annika, and truthfully, she found that entirely heartwarming. Not only was her head in pain, but she still had that shoulder wound from her battle before being pulled into Limbo.

”Thank you, tiatén:ro,” she smiled. ”The dizziness seems to have subsided, but I did sustain an injury in battle before arriving here.” Annika moved the cloak to reveal the blood-stained shoulder that had been hit with an arrow. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed since she received the wound, since time in Limbo was so strange, but it didn’t appear to be bleeding anymore; however, there was still a dull ache.

A screech from above pulled Annika away from her present condition. Her eyes widened as the sky seemed to darken briefly with the swarm of demons. The creatures called out, calling death to the Sorcerer Supremes, who Annika was starting to believe she was one of them. Who the Witchfire was, Annika hadn’t a clue.

”I’ve seen these creatures before,” Annika informed the group. ”We met them in a tower where a demon looking like a little girl resided. She said she was playing with them. Her name is Ananym. These creatures seem to fear great heights; however, I am not certain that will help us here.” Annika said, looking at their surroundings before the sky again.

Fireballs started to rain down on them. Annika dodged a couple, although it was unnecessary. These demons appeared to have poor aim.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo
Skills: Divination

Carolina continued to try and stay awake her eyes felt incredibly heavy and she just wanted to sleep, as she nodded off here and there, while the others talked the words all did seem to be pretty muffled due to her being really tired. She thought for a moment as she stared at the Green Eyed One, whatever vision she had from earlier, maybe she could try and summon another one. Carolina closed her eyes for a few seconds as she started to get a bunch of visions from her past, and future seeing October once more dying in her arms back in Coventry all those years ago. And then another vision of her sitting on a throne of sorts dressed in darkness and flames and another face that she was somewhat familiar with. However she didn't get what she wanted from the Green Eyed One sadly as she opened her eyes again letting out a loud yawn.

When she felt something being handed to her, she looked at the drink that Max had handed her and took a sip from it, and she was quickly perked up. And of course Klara was complaining about not getting it, and handed the rest of it to Klara, even though she didn't need it she looked at Klara. "Don't drink all of it." Carolina told Klara as Max spoke up, she didn't want to give up part of her soul at all to this creature. She was pretty sure that they would most likely anger the god for refusing any of his aide, as she thought a little bit she had gotten two visions already from her dead girlfriend, she must be here. "I think we'll pass on that offer." Carolina said looking at Max and Klara as she leaned in and whispered to the two of them.

"It might be a long shot, but there is someone that I know they are here she might be able to help us if you can just make a portal out of here and somewhere else." Carolina suggested she wanted to keep it as vague as possible from the Green Eyed One she did not trust him at all even if he offered the three of them a way out of here.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo
Skills: Sword Fighting
Grimoire: Demon Form, Soul Sword, fire ball

Madalyne stared at Ananym as she asked what an Agatha was she smiled slightly and shook her head slightly. "She's a human, a witch like I am who's very old and powerful." Madalyne told Ananym as she looked at the demon child as she turned to face Madalyne and walked backwards for some reason she had a feeling that she was hiding something from her and she was about to ask when the hissing sound became much louder. Madalyne quickly drew out her soul sword and was on high alert as some rustling in the bushes could be heard.

Then a massive twenty foot snake suddenly emerged from the bushes and launched itself at her, she tried to take a swing at it but missed as Madalyne quickly stepped out of the way. She swung the sword again at the Limbo snake, she managed to hit it this time however that didn't seem to do anything really as she thought up another tactic.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 22 min ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cursing/Hex Magic
Spells: Storm's Chosen

It seemed they would not go quietly into the good night as they attempted to leave, only to be bombarded with a slew of dark creatures, all calling for the death of the sorcerer's supreme. Prudence didn't have to guess who they meant by that. "Twould be a waste of time to fight us, demons." They did not listen, however, and sent fire at them only to miss.

Runa did not seem worried. Prudence wondered what the old woman had tucked up her cloaked sleeve. Prudence waved her hand around, calling forth a storm cloud. It appeared above them as light crackled inside it. "A storm comes!" she called, sending lightning hurtling at their foes.

One strike missed its mark, but the other two did not. One strike hit the demon and obliterated it while the other was hit and stood still, stunned from the shock. These seemed to be easy foes, but even a swarm of lesser demons could still be dangerous.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

"Of course." Ed says, letting Runa step away. He drops his arm and steps closer to the new woman. He places his hand gently on her shoulder and orange light emanates from his hand. The light is weak, probably because he is distracted courtesy of the fireballs raining down on them. Thankfully none hit anyone. He does heal the woman some, but not as much as he would have liked.

Ed then holds up his hand above his head. Even though thus far the fireballs had missed the group he did not want to risk getting hit by any of those. He calls up his shield to cover and protect the four of them. This one has some unique properties though. Their magic should still be able to exit and go up at the demons. He can tell it seems weak.

"They are afraid of heights even though they have some way of flying? Interesting." He doesn't doubt the woman, he only finds it confusing.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Oh, I am afraid I was not clear, my dears... This wasn't an offer." The Green Eyed one laughed, before drawing themselves up to their full height, revealing their true form. They looked like a child's stick figure, an odd combination of the Other Mother from Coraline and Slenderman. No skin covered their bones, and balls of green light gazed from their empty eye sockets.

That is part of the trouble with the Green Eyed One. It is not enough to simply refuse their offer. They would rather come by your soul willingly - its magical properties are improved in that state - but your flesh will suffice. They intend to make you into furniture. They have no intentions of letting you leave their domain and escape Limbo.

With bony fingers like tongs, they pick up Klara and hoist her up into the air. "My, my, aren't you pretty?" they cooed. "Won't you stay with me forever?"

* * *

You cast fireball, Mads. The resulting ball of flame is weak and small, but perhaps that is the best in this situation. It is not the pain or the burn that disturbs the serpent though. It is the light. It hisses, sinking its fangs into Ananym's arm. The girl screams. Foul, infernal words slip from her mouth - a voice that sounds unlike her own, as if it belonged to someone else, someone far older and more masculine. The serpent slithers away, disappearing into the shade.

Ananym's arm is throbbing, becoming a violent shade of purple. "Oh woah... So that's what that feels like, huh... It's like burning, but not the fun kind..." she mumbled, clearly woozy from the venom.

* * *

Ororo forced a smile, but there was sadness in her eyes. In her life, the X-Men had been drawn into Limbo to attempt to protect their young charge, Colossus' sister, Illyana. The girl had managed to escape, returning to Earth. The X-Men had remained. Over the years, they were either killed or corrupted by Belasco. Storm had been his apprentice. He had attempted to turn her into a demon, like himself. And now, her sanctuary was the one place of true goodness within Limbo - the only place where the light could shine.

"It does not do to dwell on what could have been, Jack," Ororo chided kindly. "This is where I am meant to be - where I am needed... Where Life needs me. If we will not protect the lost, who will?" she posed. It was a challenge of sorts, her question. Was Jack living up to that ideal - was he protecting those who could not protect themselves? Was he walking a righteous and noble path? Was he on the side of Life?

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kosmisk Ild

Runa took in Annika's information with interest. She was not so much surprised that a demon would take the form of a young girl - many demons liked to hide as something innocent and defenseless. They would know, after all. It was a similar tactic to the one they currently employed. No one suspected the fragile elder, just as no one suspected the innocent babe. They felt the crack of lightning from Prudence's attack, and the vibration of energy as Ed constructed a shield. The heat of the flames from the demons' assault cause them to smile ever so slightly.

For some time now, the flame had been their domain. Runa did not to see in order to aim their spell. She could feel the demons. They were like buzzing wasps, swarming at the edge of their senses. Truthfully, the real reason they spent little attention to aim was because these demons were numerous. It was a legion. Throw a stone and it was bound to strike at least one.

Runa pointed their staff ahead of them, the familiar bones comfortable beneath their grip. "Kosmisk Ild," they whispered.

Perhaps they should have taken more care to aim. Fire reigned down from the heavens, striking into the field without focus or control. The flaming balls did not target just the demons - they targeted the Sorcerers Supreme as well. Had it not been for Edus' shield, they would have been incinerated on contact. Instead, it was his shield that fell.

This gave the demons an opening. They descended from above, hundreds of them, tiny things that swarmed. They tore Ed's clothing. They bit Runa's leg, attempting to tug away her staff. They tried to steal Prudence's amulet and Annika's cloak.

And instead, fire reigned down from above - whether it was Runa's or the demons', it was hard to say...
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Extra-planar Navigation

There was nothing righteous and noble about the path Jack walked. Nor was there an inherent evil in what he did. At heart, he was an extra-dimensional explorer. He wrote down stories untold in places where the horizon did not reach. He traveled planets and dimensions that mortals were not meant to know the names of, and Jack has seen many who could not protect themselves. When it was worth doing, he stopped to aid others- Beings both humanoid and not remotely similar to life as he knew it, from flesh and bone to thoughts made manifests.

These antics brought Jack a semblance of gratification, but they were just that. Antics, which were not something he felt there was any calling to be found in. The truth of the matter was that Jack rarely cared about the world’s people as a whole. It was a wonderful cauldron of infinite creation, a boundless ocean in which life could never truly die. And yet, even as far as countless trillions of lightyears away from mankind’s known worlds, Jack scarcely met a soul he could connect with. He rarely ever manages to bring himself to care about most people, because there was so little warmth there that the stone had no blood to give.

”I have never been a very profound protector, Ororo. The places I’ve been to may have been endangered from time to time, but I am not an Avenger, or… An X-Man. The universe has never called out to me in all the years I spent exploring it. I’ve never known my presence to be needed by others.”

Perhaps there was an irony in that. Wandering different universes and all the worlds between, only to feel lonely in the lack of human connection. Did apathy make a man like Jack Hawthorne evil? Did that pit him against the side of Life? Or was his detachment the very thing that warranted the title of Sorcerer Supreme?

”I could never live up to the example that all of you set. It may be true that dwelling on what might have been is unwise, but I fear that now, some cosmic force has elected to turn what might have been into what will be. I can only imagine that this is how Steven felt, when this cloak first fell upon his shoulders.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

"She needs it more than you do." Max replied very matter of factly. His attention was torn between the child beside him and the god before him. Carolina seemed to have someone in mind who could help, trouble was she hadn't mentioned who or where or even how which left Max with little to nothing to work on. His portals weren't just like magic. Ok maybe they were, but that didn't mean he could just guess where it was they needed to go. He had to think of something, and fast. Klara was too caught up in the small details to notice their lives were in danger, and while Carolina seemed to somehow have connections, she apparently lacked the magical aptitude needed to escape this location.

His attention quickly snapped towards the Green Eyed One as they began to grow and stretch right before his eyes. The long thin body elongating into a grotesque monster out of a horror movie dealing with Creepy Pastas. Max instinctively took a step back, moving away from the creature as its long fingers tried to make their way towards them. It was clear they wouldn't take no for an answer, so Max had to find another way to refuse. He was about to open a portal beneath all three of them so that they'd be taken to another location within Limbo, but before his hands could move, the spindly fingers snatched up Klara and held her aloft. "Hands off the kid. Her soul isn't yours to take." He said as he attempted to rip open a portal behind the Green Eyed One in an attempt to cut off her arm and remove the god from the building all in one fell swoop. A little something he'd picked up from Runa back in WandaWorld.

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