Long ago, in a galaxy far away....
It is an era of tyranny. The remnants of the OLD REPUBLIC have been swept aside as democracy and freedom are sacrificed in the name of security. Countless sectors continue to fall under the sway of the GALACTIC EMPIRE as dissidence continues to be quashed underneath their heel. Planets are mercilessly harvested and their local populations are enslaved to provide new cogs in the Imperial war machine.
However, not all hope is lost. Guerilla fighters, insurgents, and rogue REBEL cells remain scattered amongst the galaxy, desperately fighting for freedom against the ever-growing reach of the Empire. However, infighting and disunity prevent any future of a galaxy-wide REBELLION. Accusations of moles and double agents run rampant across rebel groups as the newly formed Imperial Security Bureau seeks to control and suppress all known dissidents of the Empire.
Deep within the CORRELLIAN RUN hyper-route, a small cell by the name of OUTCAST SQUADRON has been covertly disrupting Imperial trade routes and supply chains under the leadership of COMMANDER URIA GALANS. However, an Imperial ambush has resulted in the capture of the entire squadron. En route to the Takar'ran Imperial Outpost, Commander Uria and his crew must make a daring plan to escape Imperial clutches, lest, vital information about nascent rebel movements is lost to the Empire......
Star Wars: Outcast Squadron is a roleplay set in 10 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). The Rebel Alliance has yet to emerge and only small pockets of resistance are present throughout the galaxy. This is not the tale of heroes such as Luke Skywalker, Kanan Jarrus or Cal Kestus. This is the story of soldiers, criminals, assassins and polticians all trying to give birth to a better tomorrow, one blaster bolt at a time.
I'm just posting this interest check to gauge activity for the time being while I work on the OOC. If you've got any questions, just ask.