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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

"Yaaaaaaaay," Klara said happily as she took the cup from Carolina and taking a really big drink from it. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the cup in her hand now, "That is amaaaaaaaaazing!!!!!! Why did you want to keep it from me? That's rude and it tastes great and I'm wondering why you were wanting to keep it for yourself!" she then said, pointing her finger at Max since he hadn't wanted to share it with her at all. That had been so rude to do, so she wasn't exactly paying any sort of attention to what the Green Eyed One was saying.

"Also you didn't answer my question as to why you wanted the souls thing!" she added before the thing decided to pick her up. "Hey put me down! It's rude to pick people up without permission!" Klara complained. She wasn't stopping moving, unsure of what else to do as she started wiggling, really hoping that the thing would put her down now.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo
Skills: Divination

Carolina looked at Klara for a moment and shook her head slightly the girl was full of energy and right now she didn't need anymore since caffeine tended to give people a lot of energy. "You have enough energy as it is." Carolina told Klara when her attention turned towards the Green Eyed One. She had a feeling that the god or whatever he is was going to say something like that she quickly stood up from the couch luckily she had enough energy now to try and help out.

When the Green Eyed One suddenly picked up Klara in his spindly fingers, she quickly took the sword that Max had conjured up for her while they were in the hedge maze. "Once we get Klara out of his grip make that portal I don't care where and i'll tell you where we need to go from there when we are safe." Carolina suggested as she quickly charged towards the Green Eyed One's legs to try and use her sword.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo
Skills: Sword Fighting
Grimoire: Demon Form, Soul Sword. Heal

The fireball that Madalyne had used on the demon snake seemed to have some effect on it, at least it had fled back into the darkness but it had ended up biting Ananym in the process. Hearing the creepy demon girl screaming unnaturally, she quickly ran over towards her and went to inspect the injury. Seeing that her arm was suddenly turning purple which wasn't a good thing at all really and she had a feeling that the snake wasn't a normal one either really.

"You'll be alright Ananym." Madalyne said as she gently took Ananym's arm she wasn't sure if her healing spell would actually work on her bite since the snake was from here and Limbo was anything but normal really. She wanted to keep Ananym alive the last thing she wanted was to be completely alone here in this place.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo
Skills: Stamina;
Spells: Insect Plague;

The demons grew irritated as their prey evaded them. The tall, feline-looking woman waved her hand and lightning shot down from the sky. Annika’s eyes widened with wonder as she watched the strikes hit their mark. She had never seen such raw power before. Enthralled with the scene before her, she had forgotten about the man. When he touched her shoulder, she jumped, looking at him with concern until she felt a strange warmth surround her shoulder as it began to heal.

Her arm tingled as he worked, feeling the pain soothe momentarily, and then it stopped. Annika looked at her shoulder and then back at Edus. Was something wrong?

Annika rotated her shoulder, feeling the tendons snap and bubble over the joint. She shifted the cloak and saw the wound was healed, but there was still pain. Well, pain Annika could deal with. She smiled at Ed and nodded her thanks before turning her attention up.

The fireballs continued to rain down, but they weren't hit, nor was the ground around them. An invisible covering shrouded them for the time being until the wise woman drew more fire. Annika instinctively covered her head, dodging what she could until the demons descended. They came at her, tearing at her cloak.

She grunted as she tugged back, trying to help the cloak free itself when she thought of an idea. It wasn’t a sure thing, as Annika had yet to Commune With Nature in this land, but if the land had large pests, perhaps they had small ones. Annika stopped pulling on the cloak and shut her eyes. She shifted her feet, feeling the strange ground underneath her, and she called out in her mind. Within moments, Annika could hear buzzing. She opened her eyes and saw a dark mass headed for them.

”Cover your heads!” she yelled to her group. Annika, however, watched the locus as they came into view and swarmed the demons. The angry insects swarmed the devils, biting and attacking every inch of them. They also went after the group, but their cloaks' thick protection kept them from being bitten. Annika smiled as she watched nature take its course.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cursing/Hex Magic
Spells: Storm's Chosen, Infestation, Vixen's Pain

Prudence was thankful, to some extent though she would not admit it, that her unlikely allies had fought alongside her. The man had managed to provide an...adequate shield to protect them while the old woman unleashed hellfire worthy of the Devil himself. Granted, it seemed she could not aim as the fire rained down on the demons and them. The only thing protecting them was the shield and even that soon fell.

It seemed Prudence needed to continue to take matters in her own hands. She was the Devil's vessel, after all.

She eyed one of the demons near her and cursed it with bugs. Soon, the demon felt cockroaches crawling around his skin, infesting him. To her dismay, this seemed to pester him very little. "Tis not for entertainment, demon. If thou wishes, I can make it worse." She called upon the storm again and shot out a lightning strike, hitting that same demon and stunning it.

Not one to just let it lay there, Prudence quickly went after another demon, sending out another curse. This time, the demon elt pustules on its skin. Though Prudence made sure her mark was felt. The painful boils would be seen on the demon's genitalia. Prudence smirked, knowing full well that even a demon would feel that. "I suggest thou leave demon, less you are reckoned with forces beyond comprehension. Or does more fire and brimstone sound welcome?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo
Skills: Thamaturgy (Force and Sheild)

As expected it didn't take much to destroy his shield, but it had done its job. It had protected them. They were now having more fire reign down on them, and locusts. Thankfully it seemed the cloaks didn't like the bugs and were playing defense against them. He did have some of the infernal devils attacking him directly, something needed to be done about those. He flicked his hands out, orange energy pushed the two demons off of him.

Ed tended to be a defensive magic user. He could protect those who would do the damage needed. He held his hand above his head again, summoning a shield to cover their heads from the fire. This time the shield felt stronger. He couldn't be certain that it would hold better, but he hoped it would. Ed did wish he had his staff on him, he could fight with it. It had never been the first thing he did, but it would have at least given him a melee weapon in this chaos.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ororo smiled knowingly at Jack. While most on Earth-616 - and really, most worlds - would remark that she was a member of the X-Men, she was also descended from a line of witches. She dabbled in worlds both mutant and magic. She was as comfortable here, in this form as a sorceress, as she would be riding the winds and summoning lightning from the heavens in combat with the X-Men. "I never said you must be an Avenger or an X-Men, Jack," Ororo chided, like gently admonishing a child.

"The universe isn't calling you," Ororo then said. This was false, of course, but she was poetic and dramatic. "I, Ororo, She Who Rides with the Acanti, charge you to protect Life wherever it dwells. I charge you to bear the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme and protect your dimension from whomever would threaten it."

A light glowed in her hand, and Ororo conjured up a small object. It was an act of creation magic, the purest one - the only one that Belasco could never perform. She produced an acorn. She extended her hand to Jack. "Take this. It is your sacred pact."

* * *

When you touched her arm, Madalyne, it felt like the demon child was burning up. Some demons in Limbo ran naturally hot. Perhaps this was just that. But then again, as a physician, this would also be expected for the bite of a venomous snake. You chanted your healing spell, hoping to heal the child's bite and withdraw the venom. What happened next reminded me very much of one of my more chaotic pupils.

The venom flowed out of the throbbing wound, drifting into the space between you and Ananym - and then suddenly, it flew into your mouth, forcing its way down your throat and into your body. It burned like whiskey. Your vision would blur and the world would seem to sway before you.

"Mads? What's wrong? What's happening?" Ananym asked, tilting her head to the side. "Are you dying?"

Those would be the last words you would hear for some time.

* * *

Max, you open up a portal behind the Green Eyed One - or rather, underneath them. They fall through and the portal closes, severing their arm. You are sent falling to the ground, Klara, but the skeletal grip remains strong. From around the room, the furniture and the decor begin to stir. They fly towards you, Klara, barely missing. The bits and pieces of long dead souls disassemble, before forming a new body - a new skeletal corpse of a giant, a new Green Eyed One.

"It's rude to cut someone's limbs off as well, dearie," the Green Eyed One said. The creature barely blinked an eye before Carolina chopped their leg off. And just as before, the bonework from the room sprung into action. Not only did the Green Eyed One grow a new leg, but the missing leg grew another Green Eyed One.

The Green Eyed Ones smiled, baring their razor sharp teeth. "I've always wondered what mutant tastes like," they said in unison. The Green Eyed Ones are a hive. The Green Eyed One not holding you, Klara, grabs Carolina and dangles her upside down, inspecting her. They opened their mouth wide, about to eat Carolina whole, when they suddenly paused, looking shocked.

They dropped Carolina gingerly, as if she were royalty. "Forgive me, I didn't know your soul was claimed by Witchfire," they breathed. "You are free to go. Tell her I didn't harm you."

They said nothing about your friends however. Whatever mysterious protection extended to you, it did not go to Klara and Max. From somewhere behind you, Max, strange organs like string came and wrapped all around you, constricting and squeezing. These would be the intestines.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: Elder Futhark Runes

The demons were terrified of the assembled might - of the Sorcerers Supreme. Runa could feel the emotions rolling off of them in waves. But in their bones, they felt that there was something else - something that these demons were even more petrified of. "Save your threats, child," Runa cautioned. "There is someone else they fear more than you." It was not any person present of their company. No, Runa was certain - certain that it must have been this Witchfire. Such was the way with demons. Loyalty was won by power and power won by fear.

To inspire a demonic hoard to clash with them, this Witchfire must be mighty powerful indeed.

It was a pity that Runa had never heard of them before. Had they eyes still, they might have glanced at Edus pointedly. He had never spoken to them about these events, and yet, they had been friends. Battle companions, at the very least. Perhaps he was doing his best to preserve the timeline. But at any right, mild irritation filled them. They hated not knowing something.

They were so used to having all the answers, leaving others in the dark.

The demons continued to fall upon them, wave after wave. One of them spewed strange black tar from their mouth, which would have doused Edus and turned him into a living man of wax, had it not been for his timely shield. But as soon as he would throw a shield up, it would fall against an attack. One demon attempted to suicide-bomb Prudence, exploding above her, but strangely she was unscathed. Her skin shimmered like the scales of a snake for a moment, and an aching pain exploded in her mouth.

Four demons grabbed Runa, forcing the elderly woman down to the ground. She could not see them. She could not see her bag of runes in her pocket. But they could feel its weight. They struggled, barely managing to grasp a rune in time, throwing it up to activate it - sōwilō - and the light of a small sun suddenly intensified around them. The demons atop of them burned to ash.

Annika was the one with poor luck. Instinctively, Runa turned her head in Annika's direction. It was like the old woman knew what was about to happen - as if somehow, they knew that a demon had managed to sneak up on Annika, a demon with knives for hands, and it sheathed its blades into Annika's side. The demon rotated its wrist and then pulled out, grinning madly.

To an ordinary person, it would have been a fatal blow.

Was Annika ordinary?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Extra-planar Navigation

”…You-“ The idea that Ororo, more than the universe itself by his understanding, expected him to carry this burden was unsettling to Jack. She expected him to protect life- Why? Why him? Jack often had something to say in response to anything, he was never slow to retort anything. But now, Ororo had challenged him in a way that went against all he was. Jack did not protect, he simply wandered. But perhaps this was what Ororo expected. After all, she knew him quite well once, and Jack Hawthorne was not a man to back down from a challenge. To be surrounded by so many legendary people was no small fear. Steven Strange, Storm and the X-Men themselves- They all expected something of Jim that he simply could not bring himself to give.

Jack gently took the acorn into his hands. Even through a hand that was not fully there in the normal sense, he could feel its magic like warmth from a fire. It was unconditionally a figment of Ororo’s will. Her strength, her compassion, her power… These were all of the things that Jack resonated with. At last, he found his voice.

”Ny sacred pact. I’ve never known anything to be sacred… But you always did know how to convince me into something that deserved more of my dedication.” Perhaps that was why he stuck around for as long as he did as a boy, however fleeting. ”It seems there truly is not way for me to avoid this further… I expected this to be a hollow endeavor. That Steven Strange’s cloak would move on from my shoulders one it found a truer candidate, and that the pieces would simply… Fall together as they always have.”

”But something is telling me that I’m wrong. I am not one to push against a change…”

He doesn’t say it out loud, but Jack made a decision. If the universe he lived in called out for help, then what was another night in Limbo? Besides, if anyone were to replace Stevie, it might as well have been someone competent.

”Ororo, I may not ever see you again. Clearly, I have places to be for the first time in years, but I don’t know if I can ever return here. I found you by mistake…” He paused, trying to find the words that would matter. ”When I was there, at Charles’ mansion with all of you, I had a home and more than I could ever ask for. I never showed an ounce of gratitude for that… But know that I will never forget that time. You were all the closest thing to a family I’ve ever known.”

He held up his magical hand, and it’s surface rippled. Shapes rose up from its surface like an ocean, as a pitch black rose formed. Jack laid his hand on a patch of grass between them, and the flower rested there, planting itself in the earth. ”You’ve given me something with a great meaning behind it. Let me to do the same for you. This will remain here for as long as your garden stands, as a reminder that I am out there in the universe, and that I have not forgotten you.” Ororo’s penchant for drama and being poetic rubbed off on him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

The portal opened and Max watched as the giant god of death fell through before losing an arm to the closing rift. He let out a sigh of relief knowing now that they were free to figure themselves out for the time being. As he sat back on the couch, it began to violently shake as did the rest of the furnishings in the room. Pieces flying here and there as they swirled around the secured limb until the Green Eyed One was back and whole. His stomach dropped as Carolina cut into the Beast only to have it duplicate itself. They needed to get out of there, but first Klara needed to be freed. Max didn't even get one step before long wet restraints surrounded him. Panic fueling him as he decided to use his last resort. His tied hands may not let him portal, but he could still teleport.

Max was surrounded by a swirling black mass, quickly enclosing him before it vanished at the same speed it came. He felt the familiar cold embrace of his secondary mutation, but his intent was to reappear near Carolina and Klara not at a new location with a horde of demonic creatures and insects at war with one another. His knees felt weak as a cold empty feeling took over him. He'd left Carolina and a child behind. It didn't matter that he didn't mean to, only that he had. Another mutant to add to the list of people he couldn't save due to his incompetence. He went to go back, to open a rift between here and them, but as his hand lifted he saw a familiar sight. Four other strangers all wearing the same cloak and eye as he. Just how many were there?

Max turned the guilt and emptiness into a roiling rage. He needed to get back to them but couldn't forsake these others to do so. Perhaps with all their powers combined they could take on the Green Eyed One and save Klara and Carolina. A spell was whispered between his lips "By the Flames of Faltine, Fuck off" His hand was still high above his head, a loud snap resounding from it as fire burst forward. Flames harsher than hell be creatures from another dimension that devoured the demons as it crawled against them. Seven of the demons pestering the group fell to ash as Max walked onto the scene, placing a hand on Annikas side where a large wound had just formed. His magic seeped into the wounds curing the flesh over with patches of grey fur.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo
Skills: Divination

Carolina shook her head slightly when Klara complained about being picked up by the death god, she watched as Max summoned up a portal that ended up sucking up the Green Eyed One, severing the arm that was holding Klara luckily it seemed to work for now. She then watched as something started to shift as she turned to see the severed leg that she had chopped off then started to turn into another Green Eyed One. "Oh c'mon thats no fair and thats cheating." Carolina said when it suddenly started to grab her and lifted her up into the air, she started to kick and flail around. Max decided to then teleport leaving her and Klara alone to deal with the death god, she watched as the death god started to open his mouth to eat her not the way that she wanted to go.

What shocked her next the Green Eyed One gingerly started to set her back down onto the ground and apologize, she didn't know who this Witchfire was or why they had an interest in her. However they released her Carolina didn't want to abandon Klara to him at all as she glared at the god as it still had a grip on Klara. "Release her right now she's with me. Klara use your powers on him to convince him to release you." Carolina said as she looked at Klara hoping that she could try and charm him to release her as well to.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Demon Form, Soul Sword

Madalyne could feel the heat coming off of Ananym, as she tried to heal the little demon girl of the venom now coursing through her veins she wasn't a doctor but she had a feeling that it was way hotter than usual. "Everything will be alright." Madalyne said to Ananym giving her a smile, what she wasn't expecting was the venom suddenly coming out from Ananym's wound and floated between the two of them which wasn't normal at all. Then it suddenly flew directly at her and forced it's way down into her mouth, her eyes started to water as she started to cough and choke violently on it.

Madalyne started to stumble backwards as her vision started to become very blurry and her vision started to darken as well to, and Ananym's voice sounded like it was fading. "Help me.." Madalyne said as it felt like she had drank some burning alcohol and then her vision suddenly went dark and she collapsed in front of Ananym.

Sometime later Madalyne slowly started to open her eyes finding herself in a very dark room, the floor itself felt like some kind of black liquid surrounded her. "My head hurts.." Madalyne said as she started to sit up her eyes continued to scan the area until she spotted a figure in a well dressed suit the man she instantly recognized as her biological father Vernath. "What happened and why am I here?" Madalyne asked as she slowly started to stand up.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo

Annika watched her flying friends attack the demons in furor. They divided and conquered, but it wasn’t enough. They continued to do battle with the others despite the plague, fire, and lightning. This battle was nothing like she had seen before. Humans had a sense of self-preservation. They would retreat if they felt the battle was shifting away from a victory. There was no retreating here.

Annika took a step back, meaning to regroup, but instead, she felt a sudden sharp incision in her side, followed by an intense burning that she knew all too well. Annika gasped, losing focus on the insects as she stumbled forward and landed on her knees. Her hands fluttered to the source of her pain, trying vainly to heal herself. She pulled her hands away to reveal crimson. She sucked in air and looked behind her to find a demon with knives for hands.

A wave of pain overtook her, and she groaned. Annika covered her wound again and squeezed her eyes shut. Was that fur? Annika opened her eyes, groping her body for confirmation. Yes, as she felt the fur slowly spreading, an intimate warmth spread through her body. The beginnings of her shifting always felt like a summer breeze. Only this time, she felt buzzing, coupled with a metallic taste on her tongue.

There is no time for retreat.

Annika grabbed onto the familiar sensation and forced the change through her body, strange new phenomena be damned. She needed a body that could handle the stab wound and be able to help her friends. Shifting happened quickly for Annika, usually with minimal pain. After the change, a wave of relief flooded Annika’s system, followed by a sudden need for blood. The respite was due to another man healing her stab wound. Where had he come from?

Annika had no time to assess this stranger. A new urgency gripped her body. She felt off, and it wasn’t due to blood lust. When she shifted during battle, whatever predatory animal she chose would amplify her blood lust. This time, however, Annika saw something strange when she glanced down.

She had giant claw-like hands and feet, but they were animal in nature. Fur covered her from head to toe; however, it was minimal along her torso and chest. Her nose told her what the red planet tasted like and that it was saturated with blood. The demons around her smelled horrible. Her eyes adjusted to seeing things in various shades of grey, and the screaming of the demons in her new ears was deafening. Annika released an ungodly roar due to anger and annoyance.

That was new.

She ran her tongue along her teeth, feeling long, sharp canines, which indicated she was a carnivore. The urge for blood was indication enough of that, but the teeth and shape of her limbs suggested wolf, but that wasn’t quite right either. Whatever she was, there was still the threat of demons around them. Annika turned her predatory eyes on the creatures and ran at them. Her body hunched forward while powerful legs propelled her towards her goal, and her clawed hands pounded against the ground to eat up the miles.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kjærlighetens Kraft

Things were definitely going from bad to worse as the thing's arm got chopped off dropping her to the ground, only for the thing to basically be recreated once again from said arm. She had no idea what was going on now as now the thing's leg got cut off, and somehow there were now two of them? "Okay, that is sooooooooo not fair!" she complained, before noticing the fact that Max had seemingly disappeared and left them behind. Which given their current situation was not a good thing. "Did he just leave us here????"

Klara wasn't sure if her magic would work on this thing. It didn't seem easy to defeat, so she doubted that her powers would work fully on it. But given the fact that she was still in the thing's grasp, she had to at least try. Her body started to glow slightly with a faint pink hue as she started to cast her spell, but as she casted it, she felt something slip. The pink glow was instantly changed into a dark shadowy look before it dissipated, and then the situation got worse. The Green Eyed One reached up with one of their long boney fingers, and ran into straight through her chest, starting to pull out her soul. This was not something she could hold back the pain from though as she let out a scream as the pain shot throughout her body, and she wasn't really able to do much of anything else to try and get free.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo
Skills: Thamaturgy (Force and Sheild)

The fight was getting more and more intense. Things were heating up literally and figuratively. Many of the fiends had fallen, but there were still more. Ed's shield only helped once. He was thankful for it again. It had probably just saved his life. Annika was stabbed. Ed didn't have a hair from her so couldn't heal her right away, but that didn't matter as Max appeared. He was able to beat back more of the fiends and heal Annika, though something odd happened with the healing. Max also wore Strange's cloak and necklace. Annika had mentioned two others, which made seven so far. He didn't like those numbers. What had Strange done to make so many Sorcerers?

Ed gathered a bunch of the demons together into a bubble. It was three demons. That wasn't a lot, especially considering there were probably around fifty of them left. He pulled more into a different bubble, both close to each other. It was only another four, but that would be seven that they could get rid of. "Max!" Ed yelled. "Portal the fiends away!" He pointed to the bubbles. Ed threw his shield hand back up producing another one. He wasn't about to stop when they had proved so effective so far.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cursing/Hex Magic
Spells: Storm's Chosen

Prudence waved off the old woman, not that she would see. It mattered little in the moment, but she was one to be feared by all. Lowly demons or not. Above her, a demon had attempted to fly at her and exploded. She felt the heat on her skin. She also noticed an intense, burning pain inside her mouth. It was a similar sensation when she drank from the cup. Painful, yes, but not all-together unpleasant. After all, to do what she do she accepted a certain amount of pain. If only to send it beck tenfold.

Speaking of such, she had paid little attention to anything other than the demons, who had been attacked by someone. Prudence noted it hadn't come from Ed or Runa. She heard the voice call out and saw yet another man had entered the fray. Joyous day, another male. Prudence fought an eye roll as Ed called out to him. "Either help with the fight or get out of the way." With that, she summoned her storm again.

This time, the storm cloud was huge. Enough to engulf a swarm of the devils. And in doing so, the cloud crackled and rumbled, almost shaking. It crackled with energy and, soon, it shattered and shocked, ending the lives of 30 demons. Prudence felt pleasure seeing their corpses. "If they do not fear me now, I will ensure they fear me by the end."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ororo smiled, looking at the black rose. "It's perfect," she told Jack. She looked at him with a steady gaze. Her intuition, as ever, was strong. She could guess as to why Jack was afraid he would never see her again. She knelt down, gently cupping the flower in her hands. "I am not afraid of a life that ends, Jack. And neither should you be."

"Now, go. There are people who need you," Ororo urged. She released the flower, letting it be, as she rose to her feet again. "And know that if you ever need it, this sanctuary will be here for you - even after I am gone."

* * *

Perhaps the Green Eyed One might have listened to your pleas, Carolina. It was not a bad strategy. The Green Eyed One believes that you have the protection of Witchfire, an entity that clearly horrifies them. But as you, Klara, attempt to ensnare them with your charms, the very reverse happens. The Green Eyed Ones are filled with rage and hatred, blinding them to their actions, to thought and logic and reason.

The long skeletal finger pushes its way into Klara's chest, somehow leaving no wound. And then the Green Eyed One retracts the finger, a pulsing little ball of pink light now in their grasp. They smiled wickedly. "Death to the House of Odin," they whispered.

And promptly threw the pink ball into their mouth, devouring Klara's soul whole.

You, Klara, are no longer yourself. I have seen cases of soullessness before. You will not be able to sleep. Food and drink will have no taste. Your guiding principles and morals, whatever codes you cling to - they will not matter anymore. Empathy is lost to you. There is one benefit, however, to this form.

You are now exceedingly difficult to kill - a soulless monster.

* * *

Still unconscious, you find yourself trapped in your mind's realm, Madalyne.

In the real world, Ananym sits next to your body, staring at you curiously. She didn't expect this. There were a lot of things she hadn't expected, of course - beginning with a group of Sorcerers Supreme showing up at the top of her tower, in the midst of a demonic attack. She'd thought there would only be one Sorcerer Supreme. "Are you going to wake up?" Ananym asked, picking up your wrist and letting go, watching as it fell limply at your side.

"Maaadaaaalyne?" Ananym asked again.

But you did not stir.

The young demon then got up to her feet. "I'm going to get you help," she said. She grabbed one of your arms and started to drag you in the direction of what had been Belasco's stronghold. There'd probably be healing herbs and whatnot there - among other things.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kosmisk Ild

Runa felt the heat of the flames and heard the cry of the spell, as a familiar voice summoned the Flames of the Faltine. They smiled. It had been eons since they had seen this person. Today was a day of many reunions. So many of their comrades in arms were there that day. She rubbed her thumb on her bone staff for a moment, swept up in the nostalgia for a moment. If only he had been there. But she knew better than to mourn - for he was a part of everything now. Their held tilted upwards, even though they could not see. He was a part of Those Who Sit Above in Shadow now. He always was and always would be.

"Do my ears deceive me, or is that not Maximilian?" Runa crowed. "It has been quite some time, my old friend." She didn't re-introduce herself. She knew that she looked different, almost a completely different person, but she felt Max would recognize her. They were almost certain of it.

They felt the ground shake, and heard the climatic blast of lightning. All around them, they could sense the lights of the demons fading away. The tide was beginning to turn. There were roughly twenty or so left now - and with their numbers increased, it would be no trouble. They focused, pulling the magics around them, and they clutched their staff a little tighter. Their first whispered incantation did not do much. But the second time, they brought down another rain of fire, burning ten demons alive and ending their lives.

Annika, embracing her new form as a werewolf, jumped from above onto one of the demons. She ripped and teared and destroyed, but the demon was strange, even by demonic standards. Its flesh mended itself almost as fast as Annika would mutilate it. They pulled themselves forcibly out of Annika's mouth, the action ripping their head clean off of their neck. "I'd like that back, thankss," they hissed, a headless body reaching out to grab their head.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Extra-planar Navigation
Spells: Twilight Doorway

If there was one thing that Jack had learned from all his travels, it was that nothing could last forever. Including the absence left behind by others. In a way, Jack felt better knowing he had the chance to settle something that plagued him since childhood. He stood up gently, and left the acorn to rest in the inner pocket of his coat. He raised his shadowy hand, and smoke began to trail from it. He looked at Ororo with a tired smile, a genuine one. ”Farewell, my friend.”

And then, he walked away.

Jack slowly walked through the garden that Ororo has raised over a lifetime, taking it in knowing it may be the last time he saw it for an eternity. The peace gave him time to collect his thoughts while he prepared his door out. The concept of purposes in life always eluded Jack until now- Why did one need a purpose to simply exist? But now that reality as he knew it was threatened, he found himself longing to make things right on Stephen’s behalf. An orb of darkness appeared in his hand, and he tossed it out in front of himself. It began to take shape.

Jack stared into the demonic sky above Ororo’s garden. That was the world he was entering again.

”You died here, didn’t you? You must’ve put up a fight against whatever force it was that could harm you,” He mused aloud, to no one in particular.

”I should have been a better friend to you. I’m sorry I could not have been there before you met your demise… You’ll have your successor. I will make sure of it.” Jack didn’t really think anyone was listening. No one could possibly hear him, certainly not a dead man…


The portal stretched out into its full shape, and Jack stepped through. On the other side, he was greeted by the infernal snell of Limbo’s air. That fiery wind that burned the lungs and left sand in the eye. Only, rather than reuniting with Annika and the others, he stumbled upon a woman wearing Stephen’s cloak… Just how badly did that man fuck up for there to be four of them? Wait- No, there was another one… And the room smelled like meat. And calcium. That was a child he sawZ In the clutches of the Green Eyed One. And it appears to be a child.

No, no, no no no.

”Well, well, well. If it isn’t Limbo’s most forgettable demon. Still obsessed with this garish form of decoration, I see. Put that child down, and I will consider letting you walk away without draining you in the Great Abyss.” Jack locked his eyes on the Green Eyed One, making his presence loudly well known. He despised creatures like this, and had a very special place in mind for where to banish this motherfucker.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max watched as the woman he healed felt the fur around the wound. He didn't have time to explain about how Limbo was affecting his magic, how he hadn't meant to give her a patch of fur. What he hadn't expected was for the fur to continue spreading, for her body to change shape and bones to snap at odd places as her form changed into what Max could only describe as a werewolf. Had his magic done that? Had he inadvertently changed her anatomy into what she had now become? Or did the damage trigger something within her to alter her? Max didn't know if Werewolves were real or not, but panic was beginning to set in as he remained unsure about where this change had come from.

His attention snapped as he heard his name called, an unfamiliar voice carrying the tune and a face he'd never seen before. He gave the man a bewildered look, wondering who he was and how he knew him. The flash of lightning followed by the loud clap of thunder shocked Max back to his senses as the horde of demons was cut in half by a single strike. He felt a little called out by the stern woman, making him want to show up more than simply grabbing the caged beasts that the man had grabbed. Max swirled his staff above the air, Crimson Red chains conjured around the remaining horde before they tightened up and bound them into one large group before he tapped the end of his staff against the ground opening up a portal beneath them all.

Max didn't care for where they went, so long as they were away from here. Once it was all quiet Max marched towards the strange man, pausing long enough to speak to Runa. It was strange, seeing her like this. He didn't know how he knew it was her, perhaps the familiarity in her voice, or a magical resonance between the two, but either way he knew it was her. "More so for you than me it seems. How've you been, Runa? I tried contacting you so many times but…" He didn't finish his statement, but carried a soft tone the entire time he spoke. Max took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he turned to face the odd man out. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you. How do you know me? Runa I get, we've known each other for a while now but you…I don't forget names or faces of anyone I meet."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

Max had arrived and he hadn't caused total chaos. He had been helpful. The fight was over, for now. He frowned, Max knew Runa, but not him? When had he met Runa? The memory of the first time he had met Max in the kitchen at the mansion filled his mind, along with the tombstone Max had summoned in the fight. His name had been on that tombstone.

His jaw tightened. Max didn't know who he was. He glanced at Runa. She'd know. He could ask and would know. But did he want to really know?

His daughter...his daughters would grow up without him if it was true. Ed had always figured he'd be young when this happened since Max had known him instantly. Hell, this sucked.

He would do his best to protect the world. That's what mattered now. He'd go down to his very last breath to keep the world safe. That was the world with his daughters. He didn't care that Madalyne wasn't biologically his. He loved her as if she was. That was enough for him. The second worst part was his stupid cousin would become the family patriarch. The family would fall apart under his command. He couldn't dwell on that.

"Sorry. I guess we haven't met yet." He says the words carefully. "Or rather you haven't met me. I'm Ed." And you are a portent of my death. He carefully didn't add. The clock to his death had started ticking. So much for Max not causing chaos.

Ed cleared his throat. "Anyone want any healing?" He changed the subject.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo
Skills: Divination

Carolina watched helplessly as the Green Eyed One stabbed Klara with his finger and pulled out her soul, and proceeded to eat it whole, she really wished that she was able to help her further. Then a shadowy portal suddenly opened up behind them for a moment Carolina thought that it was actually Max. However it was a person that she didn't recognize at all really, though for some weird reason he was also wearing Strange's cloak and the Eye of Agamotto.

"If you are here to help, he just consumed her soul we need to get it back somehow and cutting pieces of him will only make more of him." Carolina told the newcomer as she held the sword that Max at given her not to long ago, hopefully the new person would find a way to defeat him that or this Witchfire person would find them and step in to help out maybe.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo (Mind Space)
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Demon Form, Soul Sword

Vernath smiled at her. The smile was unsettling. It was menacing but there was another emotion under that, one that was not easy to identify. "Hello, child. This place is an in-between place, considering you're physically in Limbo that is some irony." He slowly approached her and was soon standing directly in front of her. "As for what you are doing here, this is a test. We need to know something."

Madalyne took a few steps back, she felt uncomfortable and unsettled with the smile that her father was giving her at least she wasn't dead or anything like that at least thats what she thought at the moment. "What sort of test?" She asked.

"It is rather simple. It'll determine how tainted you are by your human mother's blood." He starts to ask her a series of questions.

Madalyne stared at her father and glared at him, she always hated her demonic heritage, ever since she found out when she attended Avenger's Academy when she stabbed Andy during their team's first training session together. "I am not answering any of these stupid questions." She said, even though she did enjoy the strength of her demon form she always comfortable when she was in her human form.

"You have no choice. You will answer them. Or you shall stay here. I'd say you would slowly die as your body withered, but considering there are now some very angry demons who are in the room with your body, I doubt you have that long. The longer you take to answer, the longer it will be until you return to your body." Vernath gave a small shrug. "And of course, there is the young one with you; she has no protection." He used her humanity against her. Madalyne cared too much.

She started to pace around slightly as she listened to her father, she was trapped here until she answered his questions, her body was back in Limbo alone with Ananym and she was most likely in danger now the longer she refused to answer his questions. "And if I answer your little quiz am I free to go?" She asked.

"Yes, if you answer them you will return to your body," Vernath confirmed.

It was a little bit too easy she had a feeling that there was some sort of catch demons always did have some other motive as she met her father's gaze. "What's the catch here? You just don't appear out of nowhere the moment I lose consciousness and demand me to answer questions about how pure I am."

He taps his chin considering how much to tell her. "You're here in Limbo at a very interesting time. Time is slipping from you. Soon your new friend will probably be hurt. Answer the questions." His voice hardened.

She stared at him he was hiding something from her she thought but she knew that Ananym would really need her help as soon as possible letting out a slightly annoyed sigh. "Alright fine I'll do your little quiz ask away." She told him.

Vernath nodded and started asking the questions again. This time Madalyne answered them all. When they finished he was frowning, disappointment written on his features. "Very well. I will let you leave now. With some information. You shall see me again soon, but I will not know you. You will know me when I give you something you thought lost."

Madalyne stared at her father seeing the disappointment on his face though she didn't really care much for what he thought about her he was never around when she was growing up really. "What do you mean by that?" Madalyne asked him, she was confused what he was being very cryptic with what he was saying.

Vernath didn't respond. His smile shifted a little. It was unclear what emotion was there now. The world shifted and he was gone.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo

Kanien'keha:ka have a legend about a creature made after a violent death: Kanontsistóntie’s or Flying Head. Annika stared down at the severed head of the demon, looking for flaming eyes, tangled hair, and an enlarged head. This had no such thing. However, it was requesting to be reunited with its body. Annika growled at the thing before placing clawed hands on either side of the head and pulled. As Annika ripped, the eyes of the demon rolled, seemingly trying to watch its further destruction. Sinew and tendons strained until they inevitably snapped. The eyes continued to roll around, and the creature made sounds like it was still alive. Roaring in frustration, Annika swivelled to throw each half of the head as far away from the other.

On top of an untamed amount of rage, the werewolf Annika currently was, had an incredible arm. She threw each half of the head so far that she didn’t even see where they had landed. With that minor complaint dealt with, Annika returned her focus to the headless body. Huffing once, she raced forward, pushed off the ground with her powerful legs and pounced on the headless demon. She tore into it quickly, years of built-up anger pouring out of her as she shredded the creature to bits.

Savage. She remembered the first time she had been called such a thing. She had been by the river, digging for important medicinal plants for Grandmother, and returned to the camp, covered with mud. A huge smile adorned her face as she carried the basket proudly full of the plants she needed to collect. In the other hand, she carried a large toad. A new friend she was talking to in a mix of strange croaks, Mohawk, and English. Her father was there with a few English companions who sneered at her, stepping back with disgust and uttering the vial term. Her father defended her, but it did nothing to change those men’s opinions. It did nothing to stop the war on her people.

I’ll show them savage, Annika thought as she finished tearing her prey apart. She looked behind her, her body heaving from the effort it took to end her assailant and the blood rage that filled her. Eyes adjusted on the other humans, landing on the new person. Annika’s head cocked to the side like a dog would. It was unnerving to see a werewolf exhibit the same behaviour.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo - Maze
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

That did not end well at all for her, as the pain soon left and the Green Eyed One basically ate her soul, "Well wasn't that rude," she said with a bit of a laugh. Of course now someone else decided to just basically tell the thing to drop her, and she rolled her eyes a bit at the new person. "You know telling someone to just drop another person is not the greatest idea since that isn't specific!" she said towards him. Klara didn't overly care about it either way though, it was a bit of an odd cold feeling really at this point for her she didn't very much care anyway for everything.

Though she needed to really get out of this weirdo's grip. And no one else was helping her, that much was very apparent since Carolina wasn't doing anything but kind of restating the obvious and Max had ditched them both. She had no idea who this guy was, but she didn't need to know, as she figured she'd get down herself. Took her a bit of moving around, but eventually she was able to get free, though there was a bit of the sound of a crack when she landed as her arm snapped, getting broken from falling down, but she didn't seem to really react to it. Instead she just got back up onto her feet as if nothing had happened.
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