“Not that you have to do what I say. I’m not trying to—I mean, you’re your own—what I’m saying is—um, what do you think we should do?”
“You’re fine,” Olivia chuckled at the awkward attempt at making a first impression. “I think we should go talk to the butler. I am more than happy to be the note taker on a little excursion.” Olivia looked at the map as she finished her remark. The cabin itself seemed a bit further out, near the edge of the swamp. The swamp that was apparently filled to the brim with monsters. That swamp was off limits to the group because it was filled with monsters. Monsters and missing girls. Olivia’s mind peaked at the scene that began to play in her head. The adventures group gets to the cabin in the swamp, an antagonizing force appears and forces them into the swamp itself, and the group would have to defend themselves from monsters of both natural and otherworldly. At least if it was a movie. If it did play out like that, she wondered who would play her in the staring role.
“We should be careful for sure though, I don’t like the idea of spending too much time around that swamp.”
- - - - - - - -
As the makeshift group arrived at the cabin in the swamp, Wyatt cracked a joke that Olivia laughed at. “Well, we should probably not speak to him with the notion that we are reporting on this area. Think about it, everyone here is scared by something and seem to not like when outsiders pry. Maybe we should play the role of dump tourists and slowly add in questions?”

“I like the idea of us playing it dumb to start.” Jordan responded as he pulled his eyes off the swamp. He had wondered what diseases these bugs would carry and was worried that by deciding to join team swamp he would get bitten by something that would cause him to fall ill. What if he got Malaria? Is Malaria even in the states? His mind began to race. “If we play our hand too early it could come back to bite ya-know?
Jordan did not like the way this area felt, whether in town or otherwise. This cabin by the swamp doubled that sense of discomfort. He did not know where this sensation of dread came from, nor why it suddenly washed over him, but there was a loud voice at the back of his mind that begged him to leave. Instead, Jordan pushed forward and headed towards the cabin before he ultimately looked into the window.

Nori had also decided to join the team swamp trip. Not because she had any desire to see the swamp life up close, but because she wanted to try and get away from the murder first and foremost thinking that they would stick to the town itself. Yet as the group traveled away from the coffee house, Nori knew that these crows were following her. She would look back, carefully at the trees behind the group, and watch as they flew from branch to branch, tree to tree, and always seemed to have their attention fixated on her and her alone.
On the one hand she was flattered. She had always wanted a murder to adopt her as their favorite human, and she would love to put in the effort to get them to trust her and reap those rewards when they started to bring her weird stuff. On the other hand, it felt like this was really, really rushed. They adopted her way too fast and Nori worried that there truly was something sinister loose on this small town. When the group arrived at the cabin, she kept back a few paces from the rest of the group. She had brought one of her bags, the one that carried her snacks. Maybe they were following her because of this bag. Crows were smart, and they may have saw her pull the previous gift from the bag before. Nori reached in and grabbed another bag of treats, opened it, and placed the contents on the ground in front of her.
“Another gift I guess,” she whispered. As she did, the murder descended onto the food and began to peck at the feast before them. “Do me a favor, keep an eye out for any monsters coming our way, yeah?” She joked as she turned back to the group.