Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 7 days ago

"I do yes, fir-" The man paused, focusing on the egg and the new symbols around it.

"First, we'll need to get the maker of that magitech machine. It needs to be switched from lightning elemental energies. Something, or someone is interfering with the egg." Moving past Naomi, Damian would peer curiuosly at the many lines of symbols and script writ upon the petals.

"Northern Fae-tongue and the Desert dialect huh? Interesting, gimme a minute and I'll get this translated in a moment..."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

~ Road ~

"Are you alright?"
Hector Wyland

Einer gasped for breath when the brute above him was finally knocked away by Hector. Despite the chaos of the situation, Einer took some moments to catch his breath after that near brush of death. Tears rolled down his eyes, not just because he almost died but also because he realized how helpless he was without offensive powers. Yet more evidence that his powers of Thaumaturgy was as useless as nothing.

The bard grit his teeth, irrational rage overtaking his thoughts. He was angry, very angry, and someone needed to be the recipient of Einer's frustration with his station. The musician got up and scanned the battlefield sharply. Seeing red, Einer barely noticed Shavis' fights or the two large monsters fighting each other. The bard's eyes focused on the thug with the twin swords assailing Hector. A suitable candidate for Einer's fists.

While Hector was evading the sword swings of the thug, Einer tackled the attacker from behind and all the way to the ground. The bard unleashed all his rage upon this poor vagabond, his face receiving the relentless punches of a pair of brass knuckles.

Unfortunately, Einer's anger and frustration left him blind to the gun pointed at him...


Just like that, Einer was back lying on the ground. But was bleeding this time from the shoulder...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Ah, it was over too soon.

She didn't even get to make any music from the poor bastard. Ah well, c'est la vie, as they say. She did think it was rather rude that some lady just happened to show up and take their kill. How annoying. Maybe she should do something for her in return? At least the kids seemed to be safe, though and were handed off without any issue and what else but some scandalous lovers rumor to crop up next? Haaselle felt well...these events completely didn't involve her, so she might as well offer her keen insights.

"Now come now, little miss fairy! Don't be jealous! Can't say Lanus is my type but he looks like the sort that'd get all kinds of trouble huhuhu~" The yellow robed offer a toothy smile. "Haaselle, by the way. No surname. Well, I had one at one point but I lost it. Or someone stole it. Maybe both. Anyways, good work, good work all of you." She twirled, turning to face Roze. "Miss roooooze! How'd I do for my first mission?"

She seemed rather eager to hear an evaluation of her efforts. Almost like a kid that was wanting to be praised for getting good grades.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

While one of the clones was out of commission, Shavis was at least thankful that the other one was singed but still alive. The clone picked up the sword enchanted with fire, turning to the spearman as both he and Shavis stood up.

Shavis narrowly avoided getting speared through the gut and she hissed as it tore through clothing. Despite the minor injury, Shavis used the spearman's small retreat to take back his spear to mount her own counterattack— with lightning crackling across her gauntlets and activating the gauntlet's own enchantment, she aimed a more devastating blow straight to the bandit's center mass— making an attempt to either incapacitate him then and there or at least send him skidding back.

She didn't let him rest if he was still on his feet as she charged forward and aimed an uppercut from her left hand to truly try and finish the fight.

As Shavis continued to fight the spearman, two monstrous beings appeared on the field. Shadar, who was currently in full control of Shavis's clone, decided to switch targets seeing as his own master was preoccupied and seemed to be handling things well.

The clone wielded tested the blade for one moment before making an attempt to run up at the centipede— hoping to use its much larger frame to be able to hop on while it's distracted to push the fire sword in between its hardened chitin and stab it right at its flesh.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Hector Wyland

@Polaris North, @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight

Cheap shots were the specialty of the day, as the now-dismembered brigand cast a smoke screen just to deck Hector in the face. Falling to the ground, the marksman would have just enough time to roll to the side, though now farther away from his gun. "I don't have time to grab it...so..." Hector would think, then act.

It was the dirtiest tactic Hector could imagine, but right now, it didn't need to be flashy or impressive. It needed to work. The oldest, most obvious weakspot on the human body: The groin. Hector would dodge the next strike from his assailant, before reeling back his left foot. His leg would sweep up in a perfect arc, before slamming into his opponent's groin...and, to add insult to injury, Hector would call out: "[Smite!]"

Every man in the area would hear and FEEL the impact of that blow, with Hector silently glad that Imre wasn't seeing him fight so uncouthly. Before his opponent could catch a break to process his shattered testicles, Hector would deliver a double-fisted haymaker to the back of his head, stomping his head for good measure. "Herne!" With a mere word, the snake inhabiting his gun would cause it to drag along the ground at a decent speed, spurred on by his command to "leap" into his hand, just in time for the twinblade-wielder to assault Hector. Luckily, Ruecian handled the two others while Hector was confident he could settle his own business, just in time for that thought to be interrupted by Einer to come barreling in to assault his opponent.

Hector was actually stunned that the man had run in to steal a fight, and was dumbfounded as gunfire signaled a shot...and he saw crimson staining Einer's clothes. Broken free of his stupor, Hector would lunge with his bayonet to finish off the twinbladed assailant, then braces his gun against the fallen foe to shoot at the marksman that had taken fire at Einer. "Hang in there," Hector said, invoking a quick incantation to cast his [Healing Prayer] onto Einer. It wouldn't fix the injury right away, but the mind-numbing pain of a bullet wound would fade to a stinging one, the bleeding at least starting to stop as Einer's natural recovery was hastened. "Be still, and try to observe around you. You're lucky the bullet went clean through," Hector said, keeping a lookout for any free marauders that were threatening to approach, with Herne's head emerging from the top of Hector's gun to look around in the opposite direction.

Hector could only hope Shavis and Ruecian could handle their opponents, while Hector sought to guard Einer and the carriage.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 1 day ago

ATTN: @AzureKnight (Naomi) & @Frozen0Titan (Damien)
They say, "Confidence is a silent killer," as Damien attempted to translate the fusion of Human and Fae Languages, run through a cultural filter, twice over, and recombined into its own Tongue. However, the wall would be sudden, as the words were written in Serpent-tongue, an uncommon Belua Language, which meant he'd to solve the cypher that was the language of snake Belua that was overlain upon the conlang spoken by the creator of the message, before he could even translate the separated to guess into full words.

...and, even then, he would come to the realization, the base two languages were being used as a double-fake cypher with a substitution cypher hidden in each alphabet, and translating into gibberish, so it would seem, as the only word that came true to his tongue was: "Milli".

If he wanted to truly read anything else, Damien would need to shop around for other linguists.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 7 days ago

ATTN: @AzureKnight (Naomi) & @Enkryption

"Now this is inte-" Damian cut himself short as he read the lines again.

Serpent-tongue? That was very uncommon, he would know. During all his travels he'd met, spoken with and learned from many a peoples. Those that knew Serpent were few, but he learned from them all the same. That made him think, this couldn't be all there was to this message, there had to be something deeper. It'd be too easy to just use a single language for the spell. And sadly... he was right.

"Damn, was not expecting this. Then again, this really shouldn't surprise me." Rubbing a hand over the lower half of his face, he looked back at Naomi. "Do we have anyone here well versed in ancient languages?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


”Well…I see you two gals are wide awake now…” Xashan said, wearing an exasperated but nonetheless friendly smile on his face. He wasn’t awfully fazed by the ladies pointing their blades at him. His expression became a tad bit more serious as Lupina and Scarlett gave their thoughts on the gang members, feeling that there was more at play than meets the eye. His expression soon changed from a serious one to an annoyed one when Scarlett started shamelessly flashing her nearly naked body for the public to see. Lupina certainly wasn’t helping the situation.

”I feel that you guys were much more reasonable while you were sleeping… Xashan said, chuckling lightly. Scarlett would quickly see the parts of her exposed skin being covered up by a fine dust, in addition, both her and Lupina would find themselves unable to carry on in their indecent fashion. The binding of Xashan’s sand was not something to take lightly; his command over the elements was further evidence of his Belua heritage. Soon, the pair would find themselves being dragged back to the Tower, pulled by the beck of Xashan’s magic.

”C’mon, you two. I think we’ve had enough fun here, and the unwanted publicity is something I’d rather avoid if it’s all the same to you.”

After sometime, the trio would find themselves back in the main hall of Eon, and the pair of ladies would find themselves finally released from Xashan’s hold. ”Alright ladies!” He said. ”Now that we’re within closed doors, feel free to show off as much as you want~” Xashan’s lighthearted tone and accompanying chuckles indicated he was being jovial. Mostly.

”So, would you still like for me to take you up on that dinner? I’m sure Ms. Bell cooked up a nice meal for everyone, anticipating their return.”

@Polaris North @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

Einer, distracted, could not react in time to the downed assailant who let off a shot. Thankfully, the brigand could not properly aim while still injured, and thus he missed a vital area. However, the bullet instead went clean through the boy’s arm, yet again downing him with warm blood now staining the grass beneath him. The horrible sound made Ruecian immediately turn toward his comrades. ”Shit, Einer!!” He exclaimed. His opponent tried to take advantage of his turned attention and come at him with a pair of twin daggers, but instead of piercing flesh he pierced ice. The strong chill caused his hands to go numb with a dull pain; he had gotten instant frostbite.

Grunting in pain, the fighter dropped his daggers as his hands trembled with a bitter cold. Ruecian had made a barrier of rime around him just before the daggers connected. ”A for effort, my friend.” He spat. The centipede creature made a pained hiss, as the Shadar controlled Shavis clone stabbed its carapace and impaled its soft flesh underneath. The scent of charred flesh began to flow through the field/ Taking full advantage of the situation, Ruecian’s Mizuchi summon tore into the chitin further with its powerful jaws. The frost generated by its fangs caused the monster’s carapace to become brittle and weak. Soon, it along with the gooey flesh broke off into pieces, and with one last gasping roar the creature fell to the ground. As its life faded, its body dissipated. Ruecian finished off the summoner by slicing him with a powerful water torrent.

”Uh, you’re Shadar, Shavis’s summon right? Strong work!” He complimented the tiger spirit.

Shavis’ opponent made a valiant struggle, unable to use the magic-imubed spear lest they tore themselves apart. However, Shavis’ natural strength proved too much for the man, and she was able to finish him off without much difficulty. That just left the injured Einer and the cornered Hector.

The pair would find themselves in dire straits, as two fighters made their way to Hector and Einer, while another one made their way toward the unprotected carriage. Hector tried to aim for the one running toward the carriage, but he had to focus on the two in front of him. One was already on him, but he was able to get a shot off and blew straight through his chest. However, the other brigand took advantage of the diversion and decked Hector clean in his jaw. This caused him to drop his gun, leaving him defenseless along with Einer. Having no weapon, the attacker opted to beat Hector to death, having gotten on top of him and beginning to wail on him. All this, and the third brigand was nearly on the carriage.

”Damn! Shavis, help Hector! I’ll g-” Rue stopped mid sentence as a bright light emanated from the vehicle. Suddenly, the light lessened, then in a blur zipped past the encroaching assailant. The attacker, confused, felt a sharp pain across his chest. Blood then sprayed out of the wound, painting the grass a deep read. With a stained gurgle, he felt limb on the ground.

”That’s quite enough.” Said a familiar voice. Soon the light dissipated, revealing Imre in brand new attire. She wore a light armor dress with a similar color scheme to her normal clothes. She wielded an elegant straight sword that had a purple jewel embezzled in its hilt. It seemed that she entered into a “battle mode” of sorts and had cut down the attacker with a single slash. Even Hector’s attacker had to pause to process what had just happened to his partner. During this brief moment, Imre made a swift dash toward him. Before he could even react, Imre had run her sword straight through his heart. Blood dripped from his mouth as his struggles became more and more fleeting. Soon his body fell lifeless, and Imre seamlessly pulled her blade out of his chest and let him fall back at Hector’s feet.

The day had been won. The final blow by Imre, their escort, no less. She immediately went over to Einer in order to further heal him. ”By the Six, are you alright, Sir Devaron?!” She exclaimed. Utilizing blessed sorcery, she did her best to stop the bleeding and mend the gaping wound the lad had in his shoulder. Ruecian quickly came over as well, motioning for Shavis to follow.

”Ms. Imre, you mean, you were capable of fighting this whole time?” Rue asked their client, rather perplexed and somewhat irritated it would seem.

”Ah…” She hesitated a bit before speaking. ”Well, I certainly couldn’t have handled all of those assailants by myself, and my skills wouldn’t impress one of your calibur Sir Valeniquen. But yes, it’s common for all members of nobility to practice the art of combat and sorcery, as part of our Noblesse Oblige. Whether we be from the Republic, or the Holy Capital.”

Rue sighed. ”Well, as our client, guess it doesn’t make sense for us to let you needlessly endanger yourself. In spite of that, you still saved my comrades' lives, immediately rushing to save them. For that, you have my thanks.”

Imre blushed a bit, apparently a bit embarrassed. ”Oh my! Well, as my escorts, it’s only natural that I need to ensure that you stay within good health. That, and my honor would allow harm to come to those who are aiding me!” She then looked at Einer with concerned eyes, the wound wasn’t healing as properly as it should've been.

”It’s the bullet, it dealt magical damage. That’s quite harder difficult to heal, I’m afraid.” Said Nathniel, walking up behind Imre. ”Milady, it is quite fortunate that we are rather close to the trading village. It’s best we find a dedicated physician there and have them treat Sir Devaron.”

”Ah, yes, I completely agree.” Imre said. ”Come everyone, we’ve not a moment to lose!” Making sure everyone aside from Einer were well enough from the battle, Imre got everyone to quickly occupy the vehicle and make way toward the village. After some more time, they eventually arrived at the trading town. After getting out of the carriage, Nathaniel led Einer out.

”Milady, I will lead Sir Devaron to the town physician post haste.” He said.

”Thank you Nathniel, please do!” Imre said.

Einer would be led by Nathanial further into the borough, until they eventually found the physician’s office.

Imre turned to the three reavers who were left with her. ”I’m sorry that Sir Devaron got hurt on my account. I pray to the Scions that the doctor will be able to mend his wound better than I could.”

If the group wanted to ask her any questions about her background, the trading town, or anything else about the region, this would be the perfect time.

@Hammerman @Silverstein @Rune_Alchemist

Roze looked at Leon with even more curious eyes. ”I’ve always known that man to be clandestine, and I’ve even heard that before he joined up with Arteus he was rather cutthroat and duplicitous. Still, I can’t imagine how or why he would have something like that in his mitts.” She said, not having many good things to say about the aforementioned librarian. ”But, for now, I will honor your wish and remain silent about this. However, if it gets too serious, I will inform Arteus about this, understand?” Roze sand solemnly. She then turned to Haaselle, who apparently wanted praise from her superior. ”Yes, Haaselle, you performed quite well out there. Your esper abilities certainly make me glad you’re on our side.” Roze said, smiling.

Meanwhile, Giselle as Renee formally introduced herself and properly thanked her for aiding them. ”Oh, no thanks are necessary, Ms. Renee. I simply did what was just. I’m sure you would’ve done the same for me.” She said with a warm smile, contrasting her previous venom toward Lanus.

”Oh, I’m he will. In fact, I’d be more than willing to lend my aid with that matter as well, should you so need it…” Giselle said, joining Renee in piercing Lanus with their glares. She would shoot a small spark of light, aimed directly at Lanus’s face. To him, the spark would feel like his nose got punched. ”Don’t think I didn’t notice where your eyes were looking before, lecher!!” She snapped, referring to when he was eyeing her dress.

”Hey everyone! Since we seem to be done here, I suggest that we head back to the Tower. Giselle, since you want to meet with Arteus, why don’t you come with us. I feel that he’ll be returning soon.” Roze said to the party, ignoring the imminent danger that Lanus was in.

”Well, yes, I suppose that would be for the best. I’m rather curious about this Tower of yours anyway.”

The party made its way back to Eon, although Giselle shot Leon a few looks, having a few questions about the odd aura and sigils emanating from him. She chose to keep it to herself for now, they were technically allies right now.

As they entered the main hall, they were met with the trio of Xashan, Scarlett, and Lupina.

”More denizens of the Tower I presume?” Giselle said to Roze.

”Yes. Well, I’m not too familiar with the Belua woman standing with them. Xashan, the man, is a veteran her, same as I.”

”Hail there! I see you all returned from your mission in one piece. Not bad~” Xashan said to the party. ”Right, I should probably introduce this little miss. This is Lupina, another new recruit who has graced our humble Tower with her presence. She and us just got done stomping out some local ruffians.”

Giselle looked at the trio for a moment, but paid special attention to Scarlett, who she got a very strange vibe from. She recognized immediately what she actually was, but thought it best to keep that little detail to herself. It wasn’t her fact to tell, after all.

Giselle politely bowed before Xashan and the two female members that stood before her. ”Good Afternoon, my name is Giselle Kostovii, an emissary sent from Ithaca to improve relations between the Fae Kingdom and the Magus Society, it is a pleasure to meet all of you.”

”Pleasure’s all mine, Ms. Giselle. Name’s Xashan Vhastia, the most handsome member among Eon’s reaver team.” He said, with a confident smirk. Giselle thought that he was probably the only one who thought that. ”I was just about to treat these ladies to a nice meal.”

”How is it a treat if it’s here at base?” Roze interjected with an exasperated squint.

”It can be. All one need do is apply a little imagination and positive attitude!” Xashan replied with a wide grin and thumbs up.

”I’m gonna go wash this stench of sewage and arachne blood off of me.” Roze said dismissively, walking past him and toward her private quarters. She did turn to Haaselle for a moment. ”Oh, Haaselle, you should wash up too, after that I can give you a tour of the Tower. Get you acclimated with the staff and all that.” She told her.

”Haaselle, was it? You must be another new member as well. If you get bored of wandering the Tower, feel free to request me as an escort around town. I’d be more than happy to oblige.” Xashan said to the tentacled Belua.

The present party was now free to do as they pleased. They could stay and converse with Giselle, asking her more questions about her role or the situation in Ithaca, go to the mess hall, or explore the Tower for a bit if they so desired.


”Erm…well, there IS a man named Kiff who we, perhaps reluctantly, count among our Tower’s staff.” Naomi said, as if biting her own tongue. ”He serves as Eon’s librarian of sorts, heading a repository of hundreds of grimoires and ancient texts that he himself has collected from his earlier days.” She sighed, breaking her explanation for a moment. ”What I am saying is that he is a well-traveled and knowledgeable person, and may likely know how to at least somewhat translate this strange dialect. Follow me, please.”

With that, the researcher led Damian out of her office and down to another wing of the Tower. Eventually, they made their way to the library’s entrance, entering in they would be greeted by the sight of Kiff fiddling with some artifacts. He sat at his desk at the center of the repository, his feet on the table as he toiled away. After a brief moment, he noticed the two individuals enter.

”Ah, Naomi! Back again, I see? What do you need this time?” He said cheerfully.

”Translation assistance.” She responded.

”Translation help?” Kiff said, somewhat puzzled. ”What exactly were you getting up to this morning? Is this related to what happened earlier?

”Somewhat. Look, something weird’s going on with the Makara egg that we took from Scarlett. In order to figure out what, we need to translate the runes that have surrounded it. The problem is, it’s a combination of several different languages. In order to gain any headway, we need to be able to understand Serpent-tongue. Think you can help?”

”Probably” He quickly stated. ”I’m sure I have at least one tome or two with that language. If not, then I imagine that Lapis or Ruecian could also aid in that regard as well. A little anyway…” Kiff waved his hand for a moment, then pointed it towards a shelf further in the back. Some books became enveloped in a blue light, and began promptly floating toward him. He started to look through them, deducing which ones would be of most use to them.

Kiff turned to the pair for a moment, breaking from his concentration. ”Who’s your companion here, Naomi? Is he…perhaps you’ve finally found a boyfriend?~ How wondrous it would be that you’d finally found a man that was able to seduce you out of that stuffy lab of yours!” Kiff obviously knew that Damian was another new recruit to the Tower, at least as far as Artues and Brun were concerned. But, he thought to have a little fun.

With a blushing squawk, Naomi’s wings began to flap clumsily, having been taken off guard by Kiff’s inquiry. ”S-Shut up! Don’t say such stupid things! We’ve only just met, and my studies are VERY important to me!!”

With Naomi now too flustered to engage with, Kiff turned his attention back to Damian. ”Tell me, what’s your name, friend? Also, a bit curious, what other languages made up those runes you saw on that egg?”


1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Frozen0Titan
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Member Seen 7 days ago

With a light chuckle, Damian offered a nod. "Call me Damian, Wildlife photographer." Coming to lean against one of the bookshelves, he crossed his arms while holding up a hand.

"As per your question, Kiff, there are 4 languages total from what I could tell. It started as a fusion of both Northern Fae and Desert Pheredhel, before suddenly going into Serpent-tongue. Anyone else getting this far would only get a set of gibberish with the way how 2 of those languages were used as fake cyphers all while being overlaid with Serpent-tongue. The only word in our Common tongue we'd get is 'Milli', possibly a name but it's too early to tell. Whoever did this seems to have a love of riddles, but that's not the interesting part." With each language mentioned, one finger had risen to emphasize the point. By the end of it his arm had folded back with it's twin as he looked at the librarian proper.

"Tell me Kiff, how good's your Voidial?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 1 day ago

ATTN: @AzureKnight (Xashan), @Hammerman, @Silverstein, & @Rune_Alchemist
There was a mounting pressure, as Xashan dragged the two women back to Eon Tower against their wishes and wills; using his position of seniority to make an executive decision for them in the field, regardless of how they felt. Throughout the return journey, they'd been making their escape in cahoots; speaking to each via their Espermancer connection with their Third Eye. Playing docile, Scarlett would bloat a fine mixture of iron and copper dust into her scarred arm, while drawing blood and moisture out of the flesh and muscle; leaving a fragile, desiccated arm from the elbow down.

As she finished, she would tune back in to notice that the witch she'd met so long ago was starting to depart, and Xashan was distracted by some walking pound of flesh. Both parties opened their Third Eye to coordinate, as Lupina stuck out her hand to shake, and Scarlett seemed to reciprocate - only for her mummified arm to tear off at the elbow. Part of the plan, Lupina would shriek, and toss the arm up; silently summoning Baast off the end of her fingers to bark at it, and send it towards the ceiling.

Scarlett would cackle, as the arm cracked on the ceiling, and point her blood-gushing stump at the failing cloud of dust, as her arm shattered, and scattered. At the same time, she summoned Milli within the disguising font of blood, and had the grass snake spit a teeny ball of fire into the dust cloud.

The very explosive dust cloud...

The explosion would mask their shouts, "Milli!/Baast!" before the Spirit Animals engulfed them in the chaos of the sudden detonation, and flew off with their keepers in their mouths.

Not shackled by terrestrial movement, and unbound to the conventional means of flight, the two serpentine summons would swim through the air, back to their incomplete mission.

More than likely, Xashan knew where they were headed, and could direct Roze to give chase with her own flying summon. However, they both had to prioritize the explosion, first. Even if it was fully calculated by Scarlett to do the minimum amount of damage - more flash than bang - it was still going to take time to get through the ensuing paperwork in the form of incident reports from Xashan and Roze to the eyewitness accounts for Lanus, Renee, Haase, Leon, and the newcomer, Giselle, and whatever other various bureaucratic measures would crop up that they were counting on to keep the two from being chased immediately.

As they soared through the sky, Milli's mouth would open, as she saddled up beside Baast, and Scarlett looked over with her arm wrapped by her underwear. "Not bad acting for a sheep," Scarlett says, as she sat cross-legged. "I almost believed that shriek was real for a moment."

"I could say the same for a human," Lupina says, laying back in Baast's tongue like a warm bed. "They won't take kindly to insubordination, y'know."

"Technically, the mission is closed yet, so we're still on task as given," Scarlett says. "Xashan didn't even entertain our suspicions..."

"Admittedly, that did piss me off. Dragging us off like that, without even looking into anything, and for what, a public squabble," Lupina scoffed, "Honestly, it wasn't even that deep. Just banter between women. We better hurry, though. We're on a clock."

The two looked at each other, and nodded in sync, before declaring:

"No secrets allowed before the Apostles of the Maiden Abyss!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 3 days ago

Leon Hyksos

@Hammerman @Rune_Alchemist@AzureKnight@Enkryption

"Yep, another day at the tower i supposed. i knew that beast girl and her spirit companion would be trouble. My danger sense were going ballistic the moment i lay my eyes on her." Unbothered by the explosion and the crazy antic the two just pulled, Leon casually steps back and covers his eyes with his cloak, protecting himself from the rubble and dust Lupina and Scarlett just cause from their not-so-subtle escape.

"You sure know how to pick your crew Mr. Xashan. I see nothing but a bleak and stressful future ahead of you if you continue to accompany those two. my sympathies" The lethargic rogue said with a straight face.

Not sure if Leon was mocking the charismatic belua from the way he speaks or if this was a piece of legit advice for things to come for him. It's probably the latter since he can relate on teaming up with a problematic person (i.e: Evelyn).

"Welp, I need a drink, If anyone needs me I'll be in the kitchen. It's no forest nectar from the fae community but it's strong enough to drown what happened this day." Leon said to the group, waving his hand in dismissal.

"Oh, And Ms. Gisselle, you know i can read people's actions and thoughts to an extent. You don't need to fret. I'm still a good-hearted fae whatever you may think of me. just raised differently other than living under the queen's rules." The knife-eared esper said before leaving the group.


As Leon walks the corridors of the tower, his Grimoire begins to glow by his side. Its cover began to form an angry and disgruntled face and seemed to be upset about telling other people about their contract.

"What is it now?" Leon sighed.

"You have no idea what you've done my little fae, You just opened the floodgates. They will know, and they will come for you." A sinister voice rang inside Leon's head.

"What do you mean? i think that went well, Despite her Authoritarian and strict demeanor. Mrs. Roze was pretty chill about it. Also, who's they?"

"Be prepared. Your destinies will intertwine soon." The voice hissed out its ominous warning, fading away in the back of Leon's mind. A sudden glimpse of the future flashes before the rogue's mind. Setting him aback in a mind trip as his eyes turn white.

This divination establishes a link between the two esper from two different factions. The vision is blurry and still Leon can see silhouettes of different three people. One brunette, one white-haired, and one with bright red hair woman in particular that caught his attention.

The rogue's dead dull eyes and the scarlet priest's vibrant blue eyes were locked into each other the moment their gaze met. Deeply staring into each other soul, measuring one another.

Even with the boosted power-up from the cursed grimoire. Leon is still no match for the immense esper pressure the red-haired noble is producing. The stark difference between him and the woman's power level was certain. Practically a no-contest who won and who is the superior psychic in this measuring contest.

He loses all of his concentration and abruptly blinks causing his future sight/telepathy to break. He returns to reality from this little daydream of his as his eyes turned normal.

What was that premonition? I definitely need a drink. Leon clutches his head and proceeds in walking abit shaken by this vision.

The rogue fae arrived at the kitchen meeting up with the kitchen wiz.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

~ Road --> Village ~

The pain burned like hell. Einer writhed in the ground, clutching his shoulder that had a bullet tear a clean hole through it. His hand was drenched in blood, crimson spread outward as more of his clothes absorbed it. He wanted to scream all sorts of profanities, but his voice got stuck in his throat due to the pain. The musician was blind and oblivious to everything that was happening. If it weren't for his allies, Einer would have been finished off moments ago.

"Be still, and try to observe around you. You're lucky the bullet went clean through,"
Hector Wyland

Einer's tear-filled eyes looked up to Hector. The latter's healing spell relieved some of the pain, but there was no relieving the hurt to his pride. Arguably, much more damaged than his shoulder was. As Hector guarded him, tears streaked Einer's cheeks. The musician wondered why was fate so unkind to him? He enjoyed himself in his previous quest, he supposed. This was fate's retribution for having a small moment of pride. It was too much to ask for, wasn't it?

The fight continued on, with Ruecian and Shavis and the latter's familiar battled the remaining bandits. Einer watched with unabashed envy as they made short work of their opponents. But then, three bandits correctly thought that he, Hector and the carriage were vulnerable targets. Einer lamented again. That if he was any stronger, he could have done something about this. Fighting's a no-go, and his Thaumaturgy repertoire was unable to help Hector unless the enemy cast a curse every swing of their weapon. Truly, the situation could not be worse...

Suddenly, however, a bright light shone from the carriage. A warrior from inside took down a bandit, moving like a blur. When the person stopped moving, the figure revealed herself to be... "Madam Imre?"

A ringing sound in the head drowned out all noise as Einer's mental functions ceased as he stared at Imre. His ears heard the words, but none made it to his mind. Einer's body obediently followed the group as they embarked back into the carriage and quickly drove to the village to treat Einer's wound.

”Milady, I will lead Sir Devaron to the town physician post haste.”

As Nathaniel escorted Einer to the local physician, it was only that time when the bard regained his faculties. "She... could fight... ALL THIS TIME?!" He practically bellowed.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily

Interactions:  @AzureKnight

”Oh, I’m he will. In fact, I’d be more than willing to lend my aid with that matter as well, should you so need it…” Giselle said, joining Renee in piercing Lanus with their glares. She would shoot a small spark of light, aimed directly at Lanus’s face. To him, the spark would feel like his nose got punched. ”Don’t think I didn’t notice where your eyes were looking before, lecher!!” She snapped, referring to when he was eyeing her dress.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Lanus staggered backwards, reeling from the pain. "It's not my fault you're wearing such a short— Gaah!" He never got to finish his sentence as Renee pinched his right ear.

"We'll talk about this later, got it?!" Renee's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Y-yes, Ma'am…" He squealed.

Secretly, however, Lanus smiled.

She really was back to her usual self.

The group returned to the Tower, where they met with Xashan, Scarlett, and Lupina. Renee was concerned by the explosion but Lanus told her that she got nothing to worry about, that it was just part of their "usual antics". Renee simply shook her head in response.

After some short chat, the group disbanded. The duo decided to return to the dorms to clean up. They had just been to the sewers after all.

However, right as they entered their room, Renee hugged Lanus from behind.

"Thank you…" she whispered. "For covering for me back there…"

Lanus, taken aback by her action, paused for a second, before placing his hands on top of hers.

"It's fine… I am your lover after all… it's my duty to protect you…"

Renee… never really got over the trauma from the attack at her village.

Instead, she blocked the memories, buried it deep within the recesses of her mind. Including the fact that her parents were corrupted by the miasma, just like that fallen fae.

They tried to attack her, and they would've killed her if not for Lanus coming to the rescue. It didn't matter how much she begged them to stop.

Every time her memory resurfaced, she would be paralyzed. Fear would act as poison, loosening her muscles while shaking her entire body. She wouldn't be able to think nor act.

She was ashamed and disgusted by this weakness of hers. But try as she might, even after all these years training under Lanus, she was still incapable of overcoming it.

Renee released her arms from his waist.

Before she pulled on his ear once again.

"You have some nerve! Looking up at another woman's skirt! Why do you think I wear this skirt in the first place, huh?" She yelled, all the while blushing from ear to ear.

Lanus couldn't help but grin through the pain. Indeed, ever since she learned about his affinity for short skirts, she decided to wear one. At first, it was quite the embarrassing ordeal, having to be aware at all times to not flash people her underwear, but now, she was completely comfortable with it.

"And just what's your relationship with her anyway?" Renee pouted.

"My old love interest," Lanus admitted without a pause. "Though it was quite a one-sided affair. I tried to woo her but she would never return my advances, no matter what I did. We were coworkers, you see, when I was still working in the court of the Fae Queen."

"I see…" Renee huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "Hmph, glad to hear it."

Lanus had to restrain himself from chuckling. Oh how cute she becomes whenever she gets jealous like that!

"Well, shall we take a bath? Together?" Her cheeks reddened.

"...Of course, my dear Renee."

An invitation to take the showers together. It can only mean one thing…
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Hector Wyland

@Polaris North, @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight

Just when Hector was getting proud of his newly upgraded rifle, death was staring him in the face. Even so, he wouldn't abandon Einer, ready to pull out every trick he had to try and keep their attackers at bay until their fellow Magi could help them...that was the plan anyways, until he was decked squarely in the jaw, sending his brain reeling. Hector's vision blurred a bit as his brain rattled against his skull, his eye squeezing shut as his senses slowly caught up to the pummeling he was receiving. Blow after blow against his face, the distinct feeling, smell, and taste of copper letting him know he probably just got his nose broken. Not one to take it lying down, Hector was absolutely, most definitely, not defending himself in hindsight, about to sock him into next week before a burst of light and a flash of steel signaled a turning of the tides.

Imre had emerged adorned in an armored dress and swiftly cut down the man atop Hector, the marksman staring in awe as he sat up, blood flowing from his nose as he stared, mouth agape at his savior. Hector was already certain that Imre was quite the beautiful lady but..somehow, amidst her stunning victory and her shining armored dress, Hector could have sworn that he'd died then and there, and that an angel had arrived to take him. His heart was racing, and he couldn't take his eyes off of Imre as she spoke to Ruecian. So lost was he in his delusional infatuation that Hector would need to get spooked by Herne hissing to remember that he was still bleeding with a broken nose. Einer had been scooped up and everyone was getting into the carriage once more, and Hector wasted no time grabbing his rifle and scurrying after, with Herne crawling up his leg as he sat down.

In lieu of not having a mirror to help, Hector would have to instead rely on some basic first aid and his trusty snake companion.

"So...how bad is it, Herne?"


"...I assume that means it could be worse. Alright. Point your head in the direction I need to move it back to," Hector said, biting down on his wadded up shirt to keep from screaming, which...he likely would have, given the somewhat disgusting crack that his nose made. But, it was at least back to its usual angle, and the panting marksman would begin to mend the internal damage with his thaumaturgy. Sadly, he wasn't quite strong enough to mend bones yet, and the last thing he wanted was for his healing to start and bend his nose permanently. Plus...Hector already felt ashamed of having the person they were escorting swoop in to save him. He wouldn't bring himself to ask her to heal his injury for him.

Occasionally, he would steal glances at Imre and Einer, silently cursing his own lack of ability. He'd never had a hand for magic as a boy, so his father decided it was a waste of time for him to try. It wasn't until the disastrous end of Hector's fledgling military career that he'd even begin to learn magic, and...it was painfully clear, while his tricks worked well enough when he had the advantage, nothing he had was good enough to help Einer, or himself, and in all likelihood...he might not have been able to fight off his attacker had she not stepped in.

Hubris was a funny thing, that made you soar near the sun, then plummet rapidly when you remembered your wings were wax. Hector was certain the bandits would just go running once they saw his firepower, not thinking past each shot. That's why Einer got hurt...an enemy with a gun was best fought with a gun in turn. Hector wouldn't be damaged enough to need an infirmary, and as such would stay with Imre while Herne idly coiled around his arm. Finding the nerve to speak after his embarassing display, Hector would say: "...Thank you, Lady Imre, for coming to my rescue. ...I got careless. I'll have to re-evaluate my training once I return to the tower." The marksman seemed to consider what to say next carefully, deciding to make small talk. "If you don't mind me asking, do you know who those brigands were, Ruecian? They seemed rather...well-armed, and single-minded in going after the carriage. Normally, bandits would know when to cut their losses, but they fought to the last man."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

Shadar bowed his head towards the other Beluan mage once the serpent had been dealt with quite swiftly. The clone slowly dissipated and turned back to his tiger form with the fire sword in his mouth as he padded back to Shavis who had just finished her own fight with the bandit. She let out a small groan as she bent down to grab the spear and her head whipped towards Ruecian as she called out to her.

Every instinct in her body still told her to fight now that she was properly taking in what had happened to Hector and Einer— with the latter being on the ground bleeding from what was a gunshot wound and Hector being clocked and then continuously beaten by the brigand. Ruecian's order and her movement were halted when Lady Imre, their charge, had burst out of the carriage and sliced through the brigands. Shavis stood there with her mouth agape, a short chuckle of surprise falling out of her mouth as the noble continued to defeat the brigands with little to no effort.

Shavis hurried over to their side with her pilfered magical weapons in hand. She listened to Ruecian and Imre's discussion while hovering around the group. Hector had already recovered from his unfortunate beating so they only had one casualty. Shavis would be the first to admit this wasn't how she imagined the mission going at all— being saved by their client and all. She remained uncharacteristically silent as they were ushered into the carriage to head to the nearest village to get aid for Einer.

It was unfortunate that Einer was the only one of them who could use some form of healing magic and he was the one who got injured. She doubted any of the spirits she could summon for temporary help would even be able to heal anything of this caliber. Shavis spent her time idly studying the weaponry and only when Einer was taken out to the physician did someone break the silence. Hector mentioned that these bandits were of a different caliber and Shavis was holding proof of that. She didn't know of any run-on-the-mill bandits who wielded magical weaponry— not to mention multiple. Added to that was the monster they had summoned from a scroll.

"Assassins maybe? I mean, there must be a reason why Lady Imre decided to hire escorts from the Tower?" Shavis suggested, turning to the noble with a questioning gaze before remembering her manners.

"Oh! I would also like to thank you for coming to the aid of my companions. It's... kind of embarrassing but I guess you never know where the dice will fall, huh?" She said with a bashful smile. Hopefully, Einer would come out of this mission with nothing more than just a traumatic memory of being shot. It was better than being dead and out of commission for too long. "And, uh, you were very cool back then. If we didn't just come out of such dire circumstances, I think I would have liked to spar with you." She said jokingly to lighten the mood somewhat.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hearing the praise, Haaselle managed a toothy grin, making a rather dramatic bow followed by the sound of a tooting trumpet doing a 'Da-da-dadada~!' sounding victory noise.

"I told you, you wouldn't be disappointed, hehehe! Lovely good that we managed to rescue the children. Such a shame, not all can get rescued..." Haaselle sighed lightly, though didn't elaborate. She was simply happy enough to seemingly get a bit of praise and followed the others back to the tower, humming a light tune to herself. Thankfully it didn't take too long and the boredom didn't quite manage to set in...at least until they arrived and this Xanshan fellow introduced himself. Something about him made Haaselle feel like he'd make a good chair.

His bones, specifically. Was that too macabre? Bones were quite sturdy if treated right...hmm...

"If I ever want someone to act as a chair, I'll be sure to let you know~" She immediately, however, turned to follow Roze. "Roooooze, do I have private quarters yet? Or can you show me to some public washrooms~? Please? Pretty please with a yellow moon on top~?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Collab with @Enkryption


Upon entering the mess hall, Leon would notice the room was relatively empty, save for one table where Eve and Lapis sat. They were eating dinner, but stopped and turned to look at Leon when they noticed him entering. Lapis had a look of concern, while Eve seemed to be a bit anxious.

”Oh, there you are.” Eve said. ”Donovan came by earlier and said that he wanted to talk to you about something, it was about the last mission we went on.”

”It sounded like you guys got in trouble.” Lapis chimed in. ”Wouldn’t it have been mainly your fault, Eve? Since you apparently blew it up? A blunder on your first mission isn’t a good look…”

”It wasn’t my fault!!” Eve whined. ”That Einer guy got injured and Leon and I were completely surrounded! I had to do something if we didn’t want to end up as target disks!” She angrily pointed her fork at Lapis, who held an expression of indifference at her friend’s plea of innocence.

”Anyway, he said the heart of the matter was an item that could halt mana flow within a given radius of its vicinity. Eve likely blew it up, as she does everything else, but he wanted to ask you since you were there as well.” Eve scowled at Lapis’s further remarks on her destructive tendencies.

”Umm…What made you decide to get all of those weird tattoos on your body? Is it a fashion statement, or is it a part of some new spell?”

Over in the kitchen area, humming and the sound of water and dishware could be heard. The water stopped for a moment and Bellum had walked into the mess to see Leon joining the others.

”Oh hi there!” She said cheerfully. ”I reckon you just got back from a mission. Well, I got plenty of steak and veggies to go around, help yerself!”


(Currently in collab)

@Polaris North @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree

”Oh! Please don’t let it trouble you. All of you are really strong, and I’m sure that Sir Einer will make a full recovery.” Irma said, attempting to comfort her escorts. ”Sometimes, things out of our control happen, but that’s why I made sure to prepare accordingly."

Irma rubbed her cheek with a finger, blushing at Shavis’s words. ”Oh my! Um, to be truthful Lady Shavis, I’m not sure I could give you a proper bout. You give my abilities too much credit, and I’ve no doubt you’d shatter my blade with your fists!”

She then grew silent for a moment as Hector inquired into the identity of the earlier assailants.

”Yeah. Seems like whoever hired ‘em doesn’t take failure as an option.” Ruecian replied. ”Irma, as a noble, I feel like you’d be more valuable alive than dead, but it seems like you really pissed someone off. Do you know of any entities that oppose you in such a way?”

Irma broke her silence, her expression stern but somber. ”Truthfully, I actually have quite a few peers within my circle who would want me dead. You see, there’s an issue with…corruption within the ranks of the Flugell nobility. I’ve..made it a personal goal to combat it in any way possible. They would have more than enough resources and finances to hire well-trained fighters to do their dirty work, all the while keeping their hands clean in the matter.”

Rue’s face grimaced. Not so much the situation, but the mention of corruption in Flugell in general. That place brought back memories that he tried his best to forget.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel had turned at the outburst of a now awake Einer. ”Well yes, Sir Einer, it is true. As a noble, she of course knows how to use magic, and in addition knows well how to use it to defend herself with. But, please understand, Lady Irma has become the target of unsavory characters in higher society. They can hire very powerful fighters to complete a given task. In this instance, she suspected that during her trip her, she would be targeted by assailants. Unfortunately, we had no way of knowing how strong they’d actually be. However, she herself wasn’t deterred at that prospect, she wanted to fight with you all from the very beginning. I was the one to insist that she stay back and let you lot handle the situation. It wasn’t until your situation grew dire that she forwent my request and charged into the fray. Forgive me, but as her servant, I have to prioritize her well being in all instances.”

Eventually, the two arrived in front of the physician’s clinic. Upon entering, Nathaniel flashed a card of sorts to the desk clerk. A few moments later, they were seen after. The doctor was able to treat Einer’s injuries quite effectively, treating the irregular flow of mana that was preventing his shoulder being healed by Irma or Hector. The clinician gave Einer recommendations of rest, and gave them the ok to leave. Eventually, they made their way back to the rest of the group.

”Milday and fellow comrades, you will be pleased to know that the worst of Sir Einer’s wounds have been fully treated, and with a bit of rest he’ll make a swift recovery.”

Irma clasped her hands together as her expression became much brighter. ”That’s wonderful, Sir Einer I’m so glad! I was worried when mine and Hector’s magic fail to heal you in a meaningful way, but thankfully we weren’t too far away from town.

Nathaniel walked over to Irma and got close to her ear. ”Do not forget why we're here, Milady.” He said.

”Oh! Of course! Forgive me everyone, but Nathanial and I must attend to some business as part of coming here in the first place. We won’t be too long, I assure you.”

”No worries, that’s why we made sure to get you here in one piece.” Rue replied. ”Take your time.”

Irma and Nathaniel bowed and left for an establishment that was down the borough a little ways. It looked like a normal enough building, but they did notice there were much less people going in and out of it compared to those around it.

”Glad you’re OK, Einer.” Ruecian said to the young noble as they waited. ”Hector, I know that you got pretty banged up, but good work protecting him. To be honest, I’m not sure Shavis or I could’ve made it over to you guys in time…” He continued, scratching his head. ”I mean, I probably still would’ve been able to save you guys though, but...”

While they conversed, Irma was having a discussion of her own

After some time, Irma and Nathanial returned to the group. ”Our business here has concluded, and I think it’s time I got you all home now.” Irma said.

”Sounds good. Alright, you heard the lady, let’s saddle up.” Rue said.

The ride back to the Republic had remained uneventful the whole ride, without any interruptions from geared up death merchants thankfully. The sun was beginning to set, bathing the landscape in front of Morgenröte’s gates with a vermilion light.

”We’re back home, everyone.” Nathaniel said, signaling for everyone to exit the vehicle. Rue, Shavis, Hector, and a treated Einer now stood in front of Irma and her servant, both them with grateful looks on their faces.

”Everyone, I’d just like to thank you again on behalf of house Mohner for escorting us to and from our destination. The tactics and combat skills you displayed were nothing short of spectacular! Sir Einer, I apologize again that you were injured during the ordeal, and am overjoyed that you were able to recover! As for your payment, I’ve already made arrangements for the gold to be transferred directly to the Tower. Well…”

Irma paused for a moment, looking over everyone, Ruecian being the last one she looked at. Rue noticed, being puzzled by her gaze. ”Well, I do believe that just about covers everything. I expect great things from Eon, based on what I’ve witnessed today. I do hope we can continue to rely on your assistance in the foreseeable future. Until then, I hope you all have a good evening. Nathaniel, we’re heading home.” With a confirming nod, Nathaniel along with Irma made a polite bow at the team and entered back into their vehicle, driving back to her household.

Ruecian looked at the pair drive off, then turned back to the group. ”Alright, a job well done, team. Glad it seems like none of you are slacking on your training! Unless you guys have stuff to do somewhere else, I say we head back to the Tower. Got use some rest, especially Einer.” He said, motioning them to follow him back to Eon.


Uskeche would find himself in the entrance hall of Eon, amongst the elaborate and ornate workings of the walls around him. In front of him was the master of the Tower and the one who escorted him here, Arteus Navarre Irvin, who up until this point had been out all day.

”Here we are at the Tower, welcome abroad!” Arteus said, welcoming the newest edition to the Eon. ”I can give you a full tour if you’d like, although it’s rather late in the evening and I’d imagine you may want to get settled in for the day.” He said in a jovial tone.

”I see that a good chunk of our new team members are here, perhaps you’ll get a chance to meet some of them. Speaking of which, Ruecian, your drill instructor of sorts, seems to be returning from a mission with his team.”

Indeed, Rue and co had made their way into the entrance hall, meeting eyes with Arteus and the curious magus Uskeche. ”Arteus, there you are!” Rue said. ”Brun mentioned that you’d be gone on business most of the day, more shit with the Association?”

”Something of the sort…” Arteus replied, in a rather foreboding tone. ”We’ll talk about it tomorrow. For now, I want to introduce everyone here to our newest member. That includes Xashan’s group.”

”Ugh, so even the furball joins us…” He whined.

”Nice to see you too, scale-shedder!” Retorted a familiar loud voice. Xashan, Scarlett, and Lupina had also returned to the Tower, having just got done with a dinner that had a check with too many digits… ”Master Arteus, see you made it back here finally! How’s your new friend?”

He is your new teammate and new member of the Tower, Uskeche.”

”I see, evening. I’m Ruecian Valeniquen, nice to meetcha. Try to get up in the morning on time and don’t slack off, and we should get along fine.”

”Aw, lay off the guy ya gremlin! Not everyone’s a fight nerd like you.” Xashan jeered.

”Oh, sorry, guess I should be a loud-mouthed himbo like you then?” Rue retorted.

”Ahem. Uskeche, don’t mind the nonsense from these two. We here at Eon pride ourselves on a team-oriented environment. I have to head to my office for the time being, but Uskeche, feel free to make yourself at home. Thankfully I was able to show you were your quarters and the mess hall are, so do as you please. Do remember that we have an inspection from the Church coming up as well.”

With that, Arteus in a violet veil, leaving the others to their devices.


Kiff paused for a moment at Damian’s inquiry, the mention of the subject matter and Kiff’s reaction raised Naomi’s curiosity.

”Voidal…?” Kiff said. ”Hmm…I believe I may have heard that name mentioned once or twice throughout the years. As for my actual understanding of the language, I’m afraid it’s more or less non-existent. But! Perhaps some of my more ‘aged’ tomes could be of help!” With another wave of his hand, Kiff caused some books to shuffle off of the shelves in the back, with a couple of books being pulled over to him. ”Here, feel free to peruse, hopefully you find something of value.”

As Damian looked through the dusty old books, he found himself having to shuffle through a good majority of the pages without finding anything of real substance. However, eventually, he stumbled upon something that set off a switch in his mind.

Naomi noticed, inching closer to Damian’s person and looking at the book with him.

”Mr. Damian, what is it? Did you find something?”
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 3 days ago

Leon Hyksos


Great. just great.

Even with my superior foresight, i didn't expect meeting these two troublesome beauties over here. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to socialize for a bit. Besides, i'm parched. Consuming that amount of esper energy can be draining.

Leon's empty stomach rumbles as his hunger betrays him infront of Eve and Lapis.

"Ehem, I'm just here to eat." Leon clear his throat and makes his way towards their table.

”Donovan came by earlier and said that he wanted to talk to you about something, it was about the last mission we went on.”

"I've already submitted the report to the higher ups. I'm willing to testify my report personally if Mr. Donovan wishes to." He compose himself and sits across the blue haired magus.

”Anyway, he said the heart of the matter was an item that could halt mana flow within a given radius of its vicinity. Eve likely blew it up, as she does everything else, but he wanted to ask you since you were there as well.”

"I supposed it couldn't be help. We're outnumbered by a horde of crazed bandits. If it wasn't for Ms. Evelyn's quick and irrational.. err bold thinking. We wouldn't make it out there alive. In some strange luck, Ms.Evelyn's destrutive spell save us." The rogue fae shrug, complimenting the star witch in a way.

"As for for the item. It was never found if i recall correctly. It got lost in the midst of the chaos. There's nothing you can do about that. Say you wouldn't tell on your brother Lucian about our little oopsie given the dire circumstance, ya?" Leon slyly smiles, looking at Lapis as if he was flirting with her. Something he pick up with his time with Lanus in a less creepy way.

"If only there was a reliable magus such as yourself during that time, things would gone smoothly." The knife-eared fae winked at her, enticing her with sweet words, hoping she drops the subject.

Ofcourse, Leon lied as he breaths.

He is a deceiver and a charmer. The quality of a true rogue. The anti-magic orb was indeed recovered under the safe keeping of Kiff and a piece of its shard were engraved in one of Leon's daggers.

”Umm…What made you decide to get all of those weird tattoos on your body? Is it a fashion statement, or is it a part of some new spell?”

"Yeah, something like that, Hopefully I don't regret getting these." Leon sheepishly answered and became cautious about Eve noticing his runes around his body.

Ofcourse, He can always disclose that these weird tats is like a parasite. Causing to him lose his own sanity at the cost of borrowing its taboo power. But, why on earth would he do that?

"Hi, I'll have something that can replenish a weary magus, twice of each, Thank you." Leon said without any hesitation and turn his attention to the cook, Mrs.Bellum. Despite his small frame, his hunger seems to doubled ever since the grimoire bonded with him.

"Say not to be rude, but you seem to be a veteran at your craft and served the tower for quite some time now. Have you ever serve the holy church food during their visits? also, what are they like?" Leon asked the kitchen wiz. Hoping to get some clarity about his vision.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Uskeche walked slowly behind Arteus, taking in the orient and the rather fancy looking design of the hall. He felt like he had to be careful so that he would not ruin or knock anything over. “I want to thank you again for letting me join the Reavers.” The cloaked figure said in a deep but whispery sounding voice."I can tour the area by myself. So you may not worry about giving me the grand tour.” Uskeche walked a bit faster so that he was beside Arteus.

I am honoured to meet my new teammates, perhaps I will recognize one of them.” He had mentioned before to Arteus that he had no memory, and hoped that he would get some clue of who he was being a part of this group. He turned towards his new teammates who were fast approaching the two men. Uskeche squinted his eyes wondering if he recognized any of them. It took him a while of squinting his eyes but he didn’t recognize any of them.

Good evening, it is very nice to meet you, I will try not to be tardy.” He said not noticing that he still had his hood on. He could hear a voice speaking behind him. “Seems like a bunch of lively folks, do you know any of em?” Uskeche shook his head as the person speaking was now beside Uskeche. It was the spirit of someone who claimed to be Uskeche’s friend in the past.

Thank you.” Uskeche bowed his head as he turned towards the others. “So how long have you two been working for the Reavers?” He didn’t take off his hood as he didn’t want to scare them with his appearance.

"What are you not gonna introduce me? Come on chief don't be rude." Uskeche turned his head to the spirit, "Not now Eddi, when the time is right." He spoke in a low whisper so no one else would hear him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Polaris North
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Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

The belua gave a hearty chuckle and waved her hand. "I think it would be a decent sparring match but..." She gave her a shrug. Not everyone was always up for a physical fight— Shavis had learned that from her time at the Association where most of the mages would rather pore through books than do practical lessons.

She quieted down once the conversation turned serious once more. So, Irma did have a few enemies here and there. Irma seemed to have noble intentions as she intended to directly do something about the corruption within the nobility. Shavis wasn't very familiar with Flugell or its politics. She had only ever been in Great Ithaca Forest and Morgenröte. Even then, Shavis wasn't all too familiar with the political atmosphere of those places either.

Based on how those assassins were well-armed and well-trained, it seemed to be a dangerous place where pieces were moved around using money.

It wasn't long after that when Nathaniel and Einer returned with their friend healed up and ready to go again. Shavis gave the bard a small gesture of a thumbs-up to ask if he was, indeed, doing fine before the butler and the noble had to excuse themselves again to meet up with someone. She gave them a two-fingered salute. "Just yell if you need help."

She nodded alongside Ruecian. "It would have definitely been a lot worse if Lady Irma didn't save our asses from incurring really heavy damage aside from..." A small grimace appeared across her face as she shifted uneasily from one leg to the other. "At the end of the day, it all worked out. I'm sure we can do better next time, yeah?"

Shavis tapped the spear infused with air magic and the sword infused with fire magic that was strapped around her waist. "And I got these cool things! Not really anything as cool as what the Tower can provide but they're still pretty cool."

Thankfully, the ride back to their home was uneventful and Shavis could spend most of her time staring off into the distance or conversing with the others. Lady Irma had said her departing words and it would seem like it wouldn't be the last she would see of the noble and her butler. Well, if they really were fighting for a just cause, Shavis would be keeping an eye on future requests from them.

"Aw, thanks Ruecian! I see you're warming up to us as well." She said with a grin before shrugging. "I might drop by Johannes to see if he wants to do anything with these magic items before heading to rest."
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