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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra turned to look at Willow as she approached her and asked if she was nervous and nodded towards her, she was actually pretty nervous she never really thought about joining in on this fight until now. But they were all fighting for their homes right now both here and where they had initially grown up. ]"I am pretty nervous actually." Sierra answered Willow and gave her a slight smile she was hopeful that they all will be able to win.

Lancelot followed shortly behind Megan, he knew he was in pretty rough shape at the moment and was still in a lot of pain at the moment. "I don't intend on fighting, just providing any aid for the ones who will most likely get injured in the fighting." He answered her as Gabriella looked between the two of them, and then at Megan. "I'll meet you on the other side." Gabriella said as she left and entered the portal as soon as Merlin opened it up and started to summon her undead army now.

Sierra could see in the distance as a massive portal was opened up and everyone was starting to pack up and head through it now and turned to Willow. "I'll be right next to you the entire time alright?" Sierra said as she took her hand and quickly met with her parents as they started to enter the portal.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Hopefully it won't come down to that at all, but I have your back while we are in there though." Flynn said to Rosalia and gave her a smile gently patting her on the shoulder. He then started to follow the rest towards the portal and onto the other side with the rest of their army now, a small group of Robin Hood's men were going to sneak in as well to as backup.

Layla looked at her sister and girlfriend, they were pretty cute together as she followed behind everyone else seeing that Merlin had finally opened his portal and all of the troops were going through now. "Meet you two love birds on the other side." Layla said giving them a smile as she managed to catch up to her father and his men now as well to onto the other side of the portal.

On the other side of the portal once everyone had stepped through the portal was closed behind them, on the other side was Maleficent's castle. They had time the night before to summon up their own defenses the draw bridge was quickly pulled up and an army was there to meet them and catapults were quickly deployed as they sent massive boulders down onto their forces, and the fighting had quickly started luckily none of the children were hurt yet as the group who were sneaking in quickly started to head in and sneak through the side entrance.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie

Cassiopeia watched Merlin create his portal. She was still amazed by the magic here. Cassiopeia held Rose’s hand tightly, waiting for their turn to enter the portal. Layla went on ahead, and Cass shook her head affectionately. Rose spoke, and Cass nodded in agreement; she breathed before looking at Rose. Cassiopeia turned Rose’s head gently and looked into her eyes. ”After all this, I’m taking you on a proper date with roses, a candle-lit dinner, and romantic music. The whole picture.” Cassiopeia leaned in then and kissed Rose deeply. It was perhaps a bit much in public view, but the moment called for it. Cass pulled away from the kiss, resting her forehead briefly on Rose’s before heading into the portal.
Once on the other side, the action started right away. Hunching low and following her sister’s back, Cassiopeia led Rose in their group's direction. Cass figured getting into the castle would be easy. It would be the getting Genie to help part she wasn’t looking forward to.

Willow Jones

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Willow felt a little better after Sierra confirmed she was nervous, too. Willow finished getting ready for the upcoming battle. She looked around at the others, pairing off and joining their groups. She hoped she would be able to see everyone again.
Serria grabbed Willow’s hand, and a surge of nerves was quickly calmed by the comfort of having someone to go through this with. Willow looked into Sierra’s eyes, seeing nothing but the truth and nodded. ”I’ll watch your back,” she declared boldly. Without looking back, Willow followed Sierra into the portal and into the fight.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Fencing

Megan nodded, as Gabriella went through the portal. She admired the deliciously macabre view, as Gabriella raised her army of the dead. It was the sweetest sight she had ever seen before. In many ways, it reminded her of a book series she quite enjoyed - the Locked Tomb trilogy. She could have watched Gabriella work her magics for hours. But she tore her gaze away. Lancelot was insisting on providing aid to the wounded. "If you perish, I did warn you," Megan settled on. She turned her gaze to where Jack was. She hadn't spoken with her brother much that day. She gave him a curt nod.

And then Megan went on through the portal. On the other side, Maleficent's castle was ahead. The drawbridge had been pulled. An army stood at the castle's defense. Catapults sent boulders flying through the sky. Megan drew excalibur from its sheath, feeling every bit the knight she could become. And she joined the fray. It was like she had been born to this, as she took down grunt after grunt with relative ease, taking on no injuries herself. The sword felt like a natural extension of herself. It was the most exhilarating dance of life and death.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie

Rose smirked at Layla and when Cassie kissed her she sunk into the kiss. Savoring it. She didn't want it to end. But it did, as all good things do. She rested her forehead on Cassie's. "That's a date then." She smiled. Pulling back from the embrace. The public show of affection didn't bother her.

She rocked back on her heels, let out a sigh, and then nodded. Ready. She followed Cassie through the portal and back the way they had come before. Hopefully, their secret entrance was still unguarded. Rose doubted it though. They had left the same way and had not left subtlety.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Colby awkwardly reached back and hugged Maddie. Then he turned around so he could hug him properly. "I will. The same goes for you. And make sure they don't do anything stupid with that lamp." No consensus had been made or even attempted to devise the exact phrasing of how to get the genie to help. Colby didn't trust that. Hopefully, it was the Robin Williams type of Genie, not something more sinister. At least Merlin seemed to think it was since he had mentioned to free the Genie with the wish.

"I've got a great plan too." Colby grinned. He was going to teleport around the field and send blasts of fire at the enemy. He couldn't be pinned down if he did that. It wouldn't be easy. And Colby had a feeling he'd wear out quickly doing both. But if he was smart about it he could have swaths of the enemy taken out and a huge amount of distraction accomplished. And the enemy might think there was more than one mage on their side. That would hopefully be a morale destroyer. And if you destroy the morale of the enemy that's half the fight.

Colby released Maddie from the hug and headed for the portal. "See ya after the fight okay." He smiled his lopsided grin and hurried through joining the distraction team. Colby shook his head. Didn't they know catapults were for attacking a castle not defending it? All well those would make for good targets for his fireballs.

He summoned a fireball hitting one of the catapults, but it didn't even catch fire. That was annoying. He tried to hit it again but missed this time. Next, Colby did the next step in his plan and cast the teleport spell on himself. Transporting himself from one end of the field to the other, staying on their side of the battlefield, but now in a different location.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > Team Genie

Maddie nodded, tears streaming down his cheeks as he promised Colby he'd make it out alive. He hoped he could stop them from making frivolous our stupid wishes, he had one in mind himself but wasn't sure how well it would work, he also had more of a nuclear option should they need it. That was a far scarier idea, he had no idea how it would affect the land, the lives of others, the world, but would it be worth it to say they stopped the villains and freed the lands? "You have the best plans." Maddie said with a light chuckle as he wiped the tears from his eyes. A portal ripped open for both sides, and he stood there watching until Colbys silhouette vanished beyond his sight before he made it through his own.

It didn't seem fair. Everyone got to be with their loved ones, their girlfriends or partners they'd made along the way. So then why was he and Colby separated? Why were they the ones pulled apart at the very end. Maddie didn't even get the chance to defend Colby if stray fire happened or if the enemy advanced on them. He wouldn't know till it was all too late. There was a gripping sensation in his chest and his hand instinctively went up to grasp at his shirt. The sounds of explosions echoed across the field from a distance, and Maddie knew it'd all already begun. "Let's go, they've started and we're wasting time here."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, well if we do our job correctly there won't be a need for it," she commented with a shrug as she followed along through the portal, not sure what she fully expected on the other side, but things were a bit more hectic then she expected as fire was already getting thrown around. This just made things a lot more interesting for them in general, but the distraction group going through the front definitely were living up to that title.

She wasn't entirely sure what direction they were going through in order to sneak into the castle, though she was expecting some resistance. They hadn't exactly left the castle very quietly last time, so Rosalia was expecting them to have done a whole bunch to maybe find how they had gotten in before. That would make the most sense really, but these people didn't exactly seem like they were the smartest people around, at least as far as things so far were concerned really. Though she did keep down in order to hopefully avoid anything since they needed to head on out already for infiltrating the castle.

Jack Gold

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Well, guess they were all heading out to see about getting this whole thing started. He followed along after the others through the portal, not saying anything but he did give Megan a slight smile when she had glanced over at him. They were going to be fighting an army with an army (sort of) of their own. Which meant that they were going to have a whole bunch of chaos erupting around them now. As he stepped through, he noticed the catapults that were there, and saw that Colby seemed to have the same sort of thinking as he did as he started throwing fire at the weapons.

"Might as well practice my aim now," he mused a bit, thinking, as he generated a fireball in his own hands. There were 5 catapults that he could see, so let's see how much damage he can do. Throwing his first fireball, it slammed into one of the catapults and lit it on fire, engulfing it in flames and destroying it as he started creating another one in his hands, before lobbing that one too. It hit another one and that one also went up in flames, getting destroyed.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

As the fighting continued on, some of the catapults that were seen were destroyed thanks to Jack, both forces were fighting against each other right now things seemed to be tied for the time being. However everyone would be able to hear what sounded like a roaring sound, Sierra was fighting against one of Maleficent's men managing to take him out easily. When she heard the roaring sound she looked up towards the sky, and she saw ten dragons flying in the air. Three of them quickly started to fly down and started breathing fire down on their forces, however some of Maleficent's men were also hit by the fire instantly burning them all to the ground. What remained were just charred bones and burning grass.

One of the dragons spotted Jack and swooped down nearly grabbing him in it's massive claws but it missed as it flew back up into the air once more for another pass. Willow would suddenly be jumped by one of Maleficent's men who tried to stab her with his sword, Sierra quickly turned around and swung her own weapon at him. It was enough to stun the soldier but he wasn't dead as he quickly got back up again glaring at the two of them.

Three men would quickly approach Colby they had swords and shields with them, the three of them attacked Colby two of them would miss, but one of them managed to hit Colby the hit wasn't bad but it would hurt like hell though. One of Gabriella's zombies quickly ran over to Colby's fight and managed to tackle the soldier and took a chunk out of the man's throat only leaving two for Colby to deal with.

Gabriella started to smile a little bit as she saw some of the soldiers on both sides were dead now, and she started to bring them all back to life now to their own numbers to, even the charred remains of the dragon's attack were brought back from the dead. She looked over at Megan and gave her a smile as she charged into the fight now alongside her using her staff and hitting the closest soldier knocking him out.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla looked at her sister and Rose and rolled her eyes slightly at the two of them. "Eww." She said teasingly at the two of them after seeing their little display of affection, the group managed to cross over with ease to where they were at the night before. Maleficent's forces did make time to prepare there were at least ten guards in the area now but it wasn't as well defended like the front was unfortunately for them. Layla charged forward using one of her knives and threw one at the closest soldier taking him out and used another knife to fight up closely as one of the guards managed to strike her, but she was able to block it.

Robin Hood charged in and used his bow and fired off three arrows at the soldiers defending taking them out easily as well to, one of the soldiers ran up to Maddie and swung his sword at him managing to cut him slightly. Two ran forward and started to attack both Cassi and Rose, and another soldier went to attack Rosalia only for him to be blocked by Flynn and managed to kill the soldier with his own weapon. As the fighting continued luckily for them there weren't anymore soldiers coming their way thanks to the distraction going on at the front door.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie
Skills: Combat Archery;

Cassiopeia quickly changed her mind; getting into the castle would not be easy. Ten guards swarmed the area, and Cassiopeia was quickly engaged in combat with one of them. Cassi grunted with the effort of getting her bow and an arrow ready. She took a couple of steps back to create distance before firing off an arrow, aiming for the soldier’s leg. Her arrow found its mark, and Cassi quickly moved to line up another shot on a different soldier. Hit! Cassiopeia shifted her feet, kneeling as she reached for another arrow. She notched it, pulled back the string and breathed out before releasing the third arrow on her third target. Hit. The soldier went down, clutching his shoulder. Cassiopeia grinned and adjusted the red hood on her head.
Cassiopeia wasn’t aiming to kill. It wasn’t in her. If she needed to kill, she would have to, but it didn’t seem she had to right now. She was doing enough damage, simply wounding the soldiers. If Hood’s people wanted to go around and finish the job for her, all the power to them.

Willow Jones

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team
Skills: Kickboxing;

The sight that greeted Willow was overwhelming and frightening. People were fighting, objects were flying, and dragons were soaring above them. Willow was gawking up at the sky when she was grabbed from behind. She screeched and kicked until she was suddenly free. Willow scrambled away and turned around to see that Sierra had saved her. Willow’s face turned red, but there was no time to say thank you or dwell on the warmth in her stomach.
Willow quickly shifted into a fighting stance. She moved her left foot back, raised both arms and moved quickly. She moved her right hand to land a hook on her assailant’s jaw. The man crumbled before her, and Willow breathed a sigh of relief before she turned around.
”Thanks for earlier,” she said to Sierra.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Chaos was beginning to get even crazier as she followed along after the others who were in the sneaking in group. There was a good thing though, namely the fact that there weren't too many people guarding the back way into the castle. Which meant that they didn't have to deal with too many, and the group attacking the front door were doing their jobs by distracting the majority of Maleficent's forces. Made their lives easier in the long run, so hooray for that.

Fighting though was unavoidable in their current situation, since they still have to get through the guys here. Which was something Rosalia was fine maybe letting the others deal with some more then her. Of course she was a little bit prepared to fight if needed. Though someone did come to attack her, she was a bit surprised that her father had ended up stepping in rather quickly and taking the guy out. She didn't say anything though, just really hoping that they could get into the castle soon.

Jack Gold

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Considering the world that they were in, the dragons should have been less surprising for him. However seeing them compared to the rationality of them being around were two very different things. Course, he didn't have much to really think of with regards to that as one decided to try and swoop down and grab him, but thankfully they had missed and so he didn't end up in the claws of a giant dragon that was still impressive to see. Even if they were trying to kill them.

There still was the issue with the remaining catapults that were out there. Jack wasn't entirely sure about how best to deal with the dragons, but he could deal with other things that could cause massive damage. So he summoned up another fireball, and sent it flying, aiming for the remaining catapults that were there. Didn't take much, but he ended up taking out the remaining catapults that they had. At least they didn't have to worry about that sort of thing anymore.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > Team Genie

It appeared Maleficent wasn't holy unprepared for the assault. Having chosen to leave a handful of warriors posted at the back entrance in the event they tried to sneak in. She was smart, and he hated that. Fighting quickly broke out, knives flying, swords stabbing, controlled chaos enraptured them. So much was happening that Maddie had barely registered the soldier coming at him, moving a bit too late as a tear ran across his shirt and a thin red line appeared against his fair skin. The only sound he let out was that of air rushing past clenched teeth as he sucked in air. He didn't want the fight to go noticed, so he needed subtler spells.

Maddie shifted his feet, following the same motions he had back at the Tower when he practiced his magic. Static forming at his fingertips as he focused on the blade of the sword that slashed him. Lightning arced from him to the sword, shooting up the hilt and into the soldier's arm. A tingling sensation ran up it before the guard shrugged it away. He tried once more, summoning the lightning and thrusting it through the weapon but the arc went wide and struck a nearby branch that was embedded in the dirt path. Frustrated, Maddie bottled up that emotion and sent a larger surge than the two before, managing to knock the guard back with a grunt of anger.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

The fight was chaotic, but that was to be expected. Two armies were facing off against each other. Megan felt a little silly for a brief moment, as she heard the roars from up above and she glanced upwards, seeing a dragon. She had never been particularly into Game of Thrones, but she had heard enough about it to be familiar with one concept - that cities burned and innocents died when dragons rode to war. They were the ultimate weapon. And all around her, other acts of magic occurred - Gabriella raised the dead, her brother sent fireballs slamming into Maleficent's weapons.

Megan had a sword.

Other people might have felt self conscious, insignificant, inadequate, or so forth. But Megan loved swordplay. She always had, no matter what world she was in. And bizarrely, this world was one where a sword could make a difference - where magic was not required to take on a titan. So she kept on fighting, feeling more and more like a black knight with each passing moment.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie

There were guards, Rose wasn't surprised they hadn't been subtle the last time they had gone this way. Of course, she had reinforced the entrance. But not enough. Already the group had downed most of the guards that had been there. She stayed near Cassi, knocked an arrow, and drew the bow. She did not have any compunctions with killing, at least in the heat of a battle. She might find she had an issue if she had to do it cold.

The first arrow she shot was dodged. She was a good shot, it was very rude of the guard to do that. She shot again. He was not so lucky this time. He fell to the ground, unmoving. She shot a third arrow, this one hitting its target and killing the man. There were some guards still living, but they were probably going to be disfigured from the fight. That was good enough. The thing about war was killing was not always necessary. What mattered was removing the person from battle. And these guards were removed. She glanced at Cassi to make sure she was alright.

Colby Jackson

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team
Magic, fist fighting

"Thanks." He gave Gabriella a thumbs up. Before just decking one of the surviving soldiers in front of him. The guy now had a broken nose. He doubted that'd do much to stop him.

Colby took a half step back and held his hands up with thumbs touching and fingers spread. A thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. The two men were burned but not badly. He tried again. This time, one of them died. The other seemed fine.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra looked at Willow and gave her a friendly smile and nodded towards her. "No problem at all." Sierra said to Willow as she watched her attack her assailant and smiled. She then went in and started to fight another while still standing close by to Willow she managed to take out one more. Sierra though was more worried about the dragons as another one came down and landed right in front of Megan and Gabreilla.

The dragon would let out a loud roar as it took a swipe at Gabreilla and sent her flying and slamming into Colby. The girl had a rather nasty looking wound across her chest, however the ground around her quickly started to die and decay as her wound slowly started to heal itself. The dragon would then take a swipe at Megan only to miss her by mere inches. Some of the zombies were slowly starting to crawl onto the dragon trying to eat the massive beast alive, but it didn't seem to affect it much at all.

The same dragon that tried to attack Jack started to make another pass at him and this time it was able to pick up Jack within it's massive talons and started to fly high up into the air. It seemed that it was taking Jack directly into the castle eventually dropping him down on the ground roughly right in front of his father Rumple who smiled at him. "You know it's still not to late to join me Jackie." Rumple said giving his son an evil grin.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Merlin was starting to have enough with this and they needed to end the fight as soon as possible, he started to chant a spell as a massive wave went forward knocking all of Maleficent's men back and slamming them into nearby walls. They were knocked out pretty quickly the others weren't affected by Merlin's spell luckily anyway. "Lets keep going." Merlin said as he looked towards Flynn who nodded and started to make his way down a nearby hallway and up a flight of stairs having been here before had it's perks and knew where to go a little bit. "The main foyer is here." Flynn said as he quietly opened the door.

"Send more people through the front gate!" A soldier yelled as a large group of fresh troops were being led and out of the room and out to help with the fighting that was going on outside. Flynn took a moment to look around the room once more and spotted Maleficent nearby and was heading up a flight of stairs. "I just saw the boss herself." Flynn whispered to everyone else Layla took a moment and looked through the door there were a lot more troops in the area than there were in the back entrance. "You guys have a stealth spell or something?" Layla asked as Merlin took out a spell book of his own.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 32 min ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > Team Genie

Maddie watched as arrows whizzed past him, whistling as they pierced the air only to be silenced by a thud of a dropping body. He looked towards Rose with a bit of shock, wondering how she could do it so easily. Then again with her skills she was likely a hunter, and killing must've lost most of its horrors after so many animals she may have felled. He was about to attempt his spell again, but before the sparks could even flow, a wave appeared before home causing him to take a step back. The water crashed against the enemy and slammed each of them against a wall only to fall unconscious. The way was clear and it was time to press forward.

As they snaked the halls of the castle, coming to a halt as Flynn spotted Maleficent ascending the stairs. Maddie's hands gripped tight, wishing they could just take her out and end this all quickly. But he knew that wasn't how this would work. He pulled out his spellbook, well not his exactly but the one he'd taken from Merlin's tower, and began to thumb through the pages. When he got to where the spell for invisibility could be, he noticed the page was torn out. Maddie ran his fingers against the jagged edges before closing the book quietly and whispering. "Spell seems to be missing from my book, perhaps Merlin has it."
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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie
Skills: Combat Archery;

One by one, the guards went down, and then Merlin took care of all of them fairly quickly. ”Well, where was that spell before I used some of my arrows,” Cassiopeia joked. She took Rose’s hand and hurried into the castle after her sister and the others. Cass knelt with the group, releasing Rose’s hand. Her eyes tracked the soldiers as they ran out the front to attack the others. Halfway there.
Cass looked at Layla and nudged her. ”Since when do we need a stealth spell?” They had learned to be quite stealthy and good at tracking with hunting. Cassi was confident they could sneak through the castle without spellwork. However, she didn’t move ahead of the group, knowing they needed to move as a team unless otherwise told by Merlin or her father.

Willow Jones

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team
Skills: Kickboxing; Acrobatic

Willow beamed at Sierra before refocusing on the task at hand. She went for the next closest soldier and went in for a hit. They quickly blocked her. Willow frowned and threw in a counterattack to the other side. Whoever this person was, they knew how to fight. Fine, that’s fine. Willow took two quick steps back before she went for a strike, backed out and slid forward, only to turn around and attack the soldier from behind. Instead of connecting with flesh, she connected with the man’s arm.
Willow looked into the grinning face of the soldier and yelled in frustration. She went for a fake body shot before rising from the ground to make a powerful uppercut. However, he had a jaw of steel. The man only stumbled back rather than becoming unconscious. Willow glared, taking a couple of steps back to reset herself. She held her hands up, her stance open and beckoned the soldier forward.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 10 days ago

Megan Pendragon

Location: Maleficent's Gates
Skills: N/A

The next thing Megan knew, one of Maleficent's dragons landed in front of her. The beast swiped, hitting Gabriella and sending her flying backwards. Megan's nostrils flared. She enjoyed a good scar, a fun injury, a nice bit of pain - and certainly the threat to their lives was making her blood pump - but as much as she was a sadist, she wasn't going to stand for this. The dragon tried to do the same to her, only for it to barely miss her. She hoped that her armor would at least protect her partially. The dragon was still in range, so Megan gritted her teeth and swung her sword, aiming for the beast's neck.

But it moved erratically, causing her blow to be a miss. But Megan did not let that deter her, attacking again - this time, she connected, but excalibur practically bounced off of its thick outer hide. Megan narrowed her eyes, quickly sweeping over the dragon, before she noticed one point that seemed weaker than the rest - its underbelly. If she could strike there, she could probably slay the beast.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Well at least Merlin's magic was being useful, unlike the magic of a few others she could instantly think of, and they were now heading inside of the castle itself. So that was going to work out well for them. Rosalia snuck along with the others, and they were heading for the main foyer area of the castle, which resulted in some shouting for more troops from some of those in the room. The fact that they were so close to Maleficent herself was not exactly a comforting thought either.

She listened as Layla asked about a stealth spell, and Rosalia thought something lie that was a bit pointless, and she couldn't help but agree with Cass when she asked about why they even needed one. "...I agree with her, why bother unless anyone in this group is really bad at sneaking around then we shouldn't need one. Especially since we are so close to Maleficent herself and doesn't she use magic or something? Feel like she'd be able to tell if something like that was used."

Jack Gold

Location: Maleficent's Castle
Skills: N/A

Jack was more then prepared to fire off another fireball towards Maleficent's forces, when that pesky dragon from before decided to attack him again. Though this time he wasn't able to avoid it, and he expected to get thrown or something by the dragon, but no, the thing decided to pick him up and start flying off. Well now there was the expectation to get dropped from the sky to go splat on the ground, but once again, his expectations were very much wrong, as he ended up getting flown more of directly to the castle.

Uh oh, he did not like where this was going.

Aaaaaand that suspicion was proven to be true, as he ended up getting dropped, in a courtyard area, right in front of his father. Who once again was trying to get him to help him or to join him. "...Pretty sure we've been through this before already. I'm not going to, why would I do that anyway seriously you are trying to hurt a lot of people." Jack said to him, though he knew that being there right now and saying that sort of thing was probably not the smartest move in the world.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rose Buckner

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie

Rose was thankful for Cassie's hand as they made their way into the castle. When they stopped she knocked an arrow just in case. She'd be ready if needed. She didn't draw though. She shook her head at the request for a stealth spell. That felt like something they should have cast before getting this far if that had been part of the plan.

She looked at Merlin, waiting. She didn't add to the conversation. There was nothing to say that would be new. And speaking here was asking to be noticed. Rose scanned the area, making sure they weren't going to be noticed. Rose holds her free hand up to her lips and then gestures to the guards she spots near them.

Colby Jackson

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Colby was knocked over by Gabreilla bowling into him. He was going to offer to help, but she seemed to have her shit together. There was now the actual dragon to deal with. He wondered if it was Maleficent in disguise. Riding it was Rumple, jerk. Colby thought he might be able to hit Rumple with some lighting but he was way more likely to be able to hit the dragon. He didn't think fire would do much so lighting was a better idea.

He cast the spell. The bolt hit the dragon. It seemed to hurt it, the dragon likely wouldn't be able to fly. This of course meant it was going to be very angry... at him. He quickly cast again, missing. Colby had been hoping he'd have time to teleport away but taking out the dragon seemed more important suddenly. He casts the lightening spell again. This one hit the dragon and it seemed to pass out. It was still breathing, but at least it was unconscious and couldn't hurt him.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Sierra watched as Willow was having some trouble seeing the soldier was stumbling back, she quickly ran up to him and swung her weapon at him. He quickly blocked it as he knocked her back with her fist and glared at the two girls with an annoyed look and took another swing at Sierra and knocked her onto the ground. He approached her as Sierra quickly thought about what to do, as she looked at the dirt next to her and quickly tossed it into the man's face blinding and disorienting him as the man tried to get the dirt out of his eyes.

The fighting continued to rage on around everyone as the dragon in front of Colby started to slowly wake up again, it's eyes looked down at Colby with rage as it got back up to it's full height and started to get ready to breath fire at him. Only for the dragon to be hit with a fireball. Cheshire looked over at his son and quickly went over to him are you alright?" He asked, when Gabriella looked at the two of them and rolled her eyes slightly. "Less talking and more fighting." She said as she sent a magical blast of her own knocking the dragon back slightly.

Over where Megan was it started to take in a deep breath as fire started to build up and then sent a wave of fire directly at Megan, the heat was very intense. She would get a few nasty burns over her arms. Her armor however was enchanted and had protected her for the most part. It left a few scorch marks over her armor but for the most part Megan was unscathed. Arthur quickly went into the fray and swung his sword at it's legs, cutting it pretty badly but it was still standing.

Over in the castle courtyard Rumple looked at Jack and gave him a very annoyed look he wanted his son by his side he then sighed slightly. "Maybe i'll take that lovely sister of yours then." Rumple said as he sent a wave of fire at Jack knocking him back, he would slam into a nearby tree in the courtyard. "And maybe i'll take your mother in again to." Rumple said with an evil smile.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla looked at her sister and Rosalia and shook her head slightly while rolling her eyes. "There are more guards in that room than when we entered." Layla pointed out as she eyed the room through the crack in the door, it looked like there could be more in the courtyard waiting for more orders to go out and attack the invading forces. Merlin started to think for a moment as he looked at Layla and then over at the others. "Grab hold of me." Merlin said as he started to chant a spell and they were suddenly teleported to one of the upper floors of Maleficent's castle.

"The throne room should be at the end of the hall." Flynn said recognizing the area as a door opened, and Jafar from Agraba came out from one of the rooms with about ten of his own men. "Invaders!" Jafar yelled as he stared at the group as he summoned his own magic, and knocked both Merlin and Colby back. Then the men quickly drew their own weapons and quickly went in and attacked Layla, she was hit in the arm, while the other guard swung his weapon at Cassi but missed, as another one missed Rosalia as well to. But was quickly taken out by Flynn. The last guard managed to run forward and tackled Rose to the ground trying to choke her out.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie
Skills: Combat Archery; Knife Throwing

Cassiopeia was surprised Rosaline had agreed with her, but she didn’t jinx the team-up by saying anything. She simply looked at her twin instead and stuck her tongue out. ”I’m just saying. We’re pretty stealthy without magic,” she whispered before grabbing onto Merlin.
Merlin teleported the group to a new location. Feeling disoriented, Cassi blinked her eyes a few times to gain her bearings. She missed what Flynn said but certainly heard Jafar's alarm. ”Oh, goodie. They know we’re here.”
Cassiopeia rushed forward with her sister, and the battle began. A soldier came at Cassi, but she dropped to the ground to dodge the hit. She removed one of her daggers as she hit the floor and sliced out at the soldier where she nicked his femoral artery. Cassi prayed it would be enough to slow him down.
Cassiopeia sheathed her knife as she stood. She switched back to her favourite weapon and notched an arrow. Aiming at another soldier, Cassiopeia fired at their shoulder, where her arrow found its mark. Satisfied, Cassiopeia turned to survey the chaos and see who needed help.

Willow Jones

Location: Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Willow wasn’t worried yet. Her heart was pounding a million miles a minute, and she had never worked so hard in her life, but she wasn’t worried about failing. However, Sierra came to her aid, and Willow was grateful for the tag team action. Willow took an extra second to breathe, and that was all the soldier needed to get Sierra on the ground. Sierra reacted quickly and temporarily blinded the guy. The soldier dropped his sword, and Willow didn’t hesitate.
Willow raced forward to grab the sword and used the momentum to swing it. Unfortunately, the soldier recovered quickly and dodged her swing. He turned to face her, and Willow readjusted to stab his chest. He jumped back, but Willow continued to advance on him. She thrust the weapon forward and impaled the soldier. Grunting, Willow wretched the sword back and watched the man drop to the ground — dead.
Willow fixed her hair before she turned around and walked back to Sierra. She offered a hand down to her friend, smiling but also blushing for some strange reason. ”You okay?”
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