Sierra Finley

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A
Sierra turned to look at Willow as she approached her and asked if she was nervous and nodded towards her, she was actually pretty nervous she never really thought about joining in on this fight until now. But they were all fighting for their homes right now both here and where they had initially grown up. ]"I am pretty nervous actually." Sierra answered Willow and gave her a slight smile she was hopeful that they all will be able to win.
Lancelot followed shortly behind Megan, he knew he was in pretty rough shape at the moment and was still in a lot of pain at the moment. "I don't intend on fighting, just providing any aid for the ones who will most likely get injured in the fighting." He answered her as Gabriella looked between the two of them, and then at Megan. "I'll meet you on the other side." Gabriella said as she left and entered the portal as soon as Merlin opened it up and started to summon her undead army now.
Sierra could see in the distance as a massive portal was opened up and everyone was starting to pack up and head through it now and turned to Willow. "I'll be right next to you the entire time alright?" Sierra said as she took her hand and quickly met with her parents as they started to enter the portal.
Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A
"Hopefully it won't come down to that at all, but I have your back while we are in there though." Flynn said to Rosalia and gave her a smile gently patting her on the shoulder. He then started to follow the rest towards the portal and onto the other side with the rest of their army now, a small group of Robin Hood's men were going to sneak in as well to as backup.
Layla looked at her sister and girlfriend, they were pretty cute together as she followed behind everyone else seeing that Merlin had finally opened his portal and all of the troops were going through now. "Meet you two love birds on the other side." Layla said giving them a smile as she managed to catch up to her father and his men now as well to onto the other side of the portal.
On the other side of the portal once everyone had stepped through the portal was closed behind them, on the other side was Maleficent's castle. They had time the night before to summon up their own defenses the draw bridge was quickly pulled up and an army was there to meet them and catapults were quickly deployed as they sent massive boulders down onto their forces, and the fighting had quickly started luckily none of the children were hurt yet as the group who were sneaking in quickly started to head in and sneak through the side entrance.