Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo, Green Eyed One's Home
Skills: Divination
Carolina closed her eyes and let out a slight sigh as she looked between both Jack and Klara and shook her head slightly as Klara decided to be a little bit petty and just healed herself in front of Jack. Though true she could have done a lot more to help Klara and she did feel responsible for her loosing her soul. "And I am sorry for that and I should have done a lot more to help." Carolina said as she heard the two horses demanding their attention and to be let out. "They are good, they'll help us." Carolina said to Jack as she started to head outside and made her way to Mercymourn and Butter Rum. "We are ready to get out of here." Carolina said to the two skeletal horses as she untied them from where they were.
Carolina closed her eyes, they needed to find a way to get out of here, the only lead that they had was her girlfriend October who had died so many years ago. She got the sense that she was somewhere within Limbo but not a specific location, Carolina tried again and managed to find a location. She could see a castle on top of a massive mountain. "The only lead we have is Witchfire, can you take us to a castle thats on top of a mountain?" Carolina asked the two of them and looked at Jack and Klara. "Are you two coming?" Carolina asked as she went to get their chariot set up again.
Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo, Castle Dungeon
Skills: Sword Fighting
Grimoire: Soul Sword, Demon Form.
Madalyne flinched slightly when Sym spat in her face and glared at him, she really wanted to murder this demon and wanted to make sure that he would never be seen again. Ananym's screams became much louder now, and then silence happened she looked down she regretted not helping her at all and felt helpless. Madalyne cried out in pain once again as Sym brought down his club onto her knee, it hurt like hell as she watched the demon bringing his club above his head to go down on her head. When she heard another voice and her eyes turned towards a demon who appeared just outside of her torture chamber. Apparently there were more Sorcerers Supremes out there that would be able to help. However Sym had other plans for her and pulled out some kind of potion, he forced her mouth open and poured it down into her mouth and forced to swallow it.
Madalyne tried to resist whatever it was but eventually her mind went blank and Sym released her, as he ordered her to lead the demons outside to attack her fellow sorcerers outside. She waved the demons to follow her outside and stood in front of the castle, her eyes turned to face the ones that were outside. "Kill them all!" Madalyne ordered the demons to attack the others and she set her eyes on Runa seeing the elderly woman who looked very frail to her and an easy target.
It took her two tries but she managed to summon her sword and quickly charged forward and swung her sword at Runa aiming to kill the old woman only for her to block her attack with her staff.