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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

She was alright. She knew him. She hugged him. She called him dad. Tears pricked at his eyes as he hugged his daughter back. He didn't care that she looked like a demon. He was just thankful that she was alright. Thankful that she knew him. That 1 thing almost lifted a weight off of him, but that was slammed right back down when she asked where he had been. He nodded at her whisper. Now wasn't the time for asking questions like 'When was the last time you saw me?'

He looked over at the three new people joining them. He recognized Carolina. He hadn't recognized the child Klara, but once Runa spoke to her he figured it out. This was getting more awkward. Five of the people here he knew personally. Interesting. He waved to Carolina but didn't say anything, just letting her know he knew her. She was older too, older than him by the looks of it.

Entering the throne room and taking it all in Ed knew he would not eat or drink anything given here. He did not trust it. He kept himself between Madalyne and Witchfire.

"I'm sorry for not being there." He said softly to Mads, and from his pocket pulled out the candy bracelet before holding out his hand and offering it to Madalyne.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 32 min ago

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo, Castle
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Demon Form, Heal.

Madalyne was glad that the elderly woman said that she was alright, she really did regret her actions and attacking Runa. Annika was there seeing the woman shifting back she was alright. Madalyne gave Ed a loving smile she was just happy to see him, there was so much that she wanted to actually tell him and what she had been up to and how her mother was actually doing. She was just really happy to see her stepfather once more, her eyes went wide when Klara decided to go up to Max and stabbed him in the leg. She recognized Max as Dorian's father having seen a few pictures of him and being friends with him back when she attended Avenger's Academy when she was younger.

She thought about saying something to Max but decided to not and thought that it would mess something up, Max certainly did look a lot younger than when she had seen pictures of him after all. "Hold on one second." Madalyne said to Ed as she approached Max and knelt down looking up at Max. "I'll heal you." She said as Madalyne started to press her hands on Max's sword wound, and started to chant a quiet spell as a soft gold glow came from her hands as it started to mend Max's injury. When she stopped she removed her hands and stared at where the wound once was. "Well That certainly isn't normal at all.." She said seeing that the skin around the area was red and scaly.

She stood up looking at Max before making her way back to her father and stood next to him Witchfire seemed to recognize the other woman who came on those horses and invited them into the castle. Madalyne quietly followed them into the throne room, seeing the spread that was on the table made her feel sick seeing the body parts strewn all across the table. She chose to sit next to Ed when he took something out of his pocket, seeing that it was the same candy bracelet the night that her father had disappeared. She looked at him and smiled as she gave him a loving hug a tear went down her face. "You owe me thirty more of these now." She said teasingly as she held the bracelet in her hands and looked down at it, she couldn't be mad at him.

Her eyes turned towards Sym and Witchfire she was tortured by him not to long ago and forced to attack everyone, she didn't trust any of the food that was on the table at all.

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo, Green Eyed One's Home
Skills: N/A

"It's great to see you once more love." Carolina said giving October a loving smile she was just really happy to see her once again, she easily recognized Ed she was surprised that he was here as well. Max approached them and she gave him a slight smile, this place was certainly very weird when it came to travel and teleporting in general. "It's okay Max it wasn't your fault." Carolina said as she gently patted him on the shoulder. Klara on the other end decided to stab Max in the leg, she winced slightly. She stared at the young Asgardian girl she could understand being mad at him but stabbing him was a little bit over the top.

The demon girl approached Max and quickly healed his wound seeing her interacting with Ed she didn't think that he end up finding someone actually. She noticed the red scales where the injury once was that was definitely not normal at all. "Was that really necessary Klara?" Carolina asked her rolling her eyes slightly. The elderly woman spoke to Klara and quickly recognized that it was Runa. "It's good to see you Runa." Carolina said to her, she was the only other Asgardian that she personally knew.

October then invited them all into the castle itself, Carolina followed behind October as she looked around at the grand interior of the castle. Eventually they were led into a large room, Carolina went over and took a seat next to October, the food and tea certainly didn't look all that appetizing to her really. "I am happy to see you as well to. I didn't think I would ever see you again." Carolina said to October as she dug into the pocket of the cloak and pulled out the letter that Strange had given all to them and handed it over to October.

"You certainly made a name for yourself." Carolina told her. "I was brought here randomly after receiving these, i'm pretty sure that the others got the same letter to." Carolina said gesturing to the cloak and Eye around her neck. "The letter has given us instructions that we need to do." Carolina told October as her attention turned to the others figuring that they could use an explanation why she knew Witchfire. "October and I were together a long time ago." Carolina said deciding to not go into the full details

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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Cooking
Spells: N/A

Once the battle had calmed down, the next sequence of events happened rather quickly. They had come face-to-face with the very being they were after, this Witchfire. What Prudence hadn't expected was to run into more people. Prudence scanned over all of the new faces. One such being a young child. For the first time since being sent here, Prudence's heart softened. She had a soft spot for children since her own childhood was taken from her. It chilled her that the young girl seemed chummy with Runa. She trusted the old lady very little now.

Prudence followed along with everyone, keeping an ear to their conversations to see who knew who. It appeared she was either the only one or one of very few who did not have some history with another here. Why then was she summoned?

Prudence also took in her surroundings. She paid ample attention to the throne, but the table was set for nine.

And this Witchfire. Were they friend or foe? Prudence was slowly finding no allies (though given who she was with, she considered that a blessing) but having fought off hordes of demons, it would be nice to have someone not trying to kill her.

Prudence glanced at the bubbling tea. She tried to get a sense if it was poisoned or magic or something. But it was a tea, unlike anything she had seen before. Either way, she got the sense she wouldn't enjoy it as much as the goblet from before.

"I speak not for the others, but I was brought here almost unwillingly. I would soon return, but I believe that is not possible now."
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo

Don't laugh at the stab, don't laugh at the stab, don't-

Witchfire answered his question. That was a vague answer. Her father could've been Belasco, or someone else entirely. She didn't sound like Ananym, but time changed people. Nevertheless, he'd put that information in the back of his mind for the foreseeable future. Jack wasn't about to start jumping to conclusion out of the gate- literally, given the castle- over rumors. It was good to see that Madalyne and Annika were relatively fine, and it appeared everyone present would have some sense of peace for the moment. Some rest while they got answers over tea. It would be nice to finally get some damn answers. His dinner was getting cold.

Jack trailed behind everyone, taking a moment to thank both Mercymorn and Butter Rum for their trouble, and watching the movements of everyone who followed Witchfire into the castle. Madalyne seemed to know the older man, her father apparently? That explained a lot. With the Bone Fashion Twink tended to, nothing stood out. The halls of her domain were ominous, like anything in Limbo. His eyes darted carefully from one shadow to the next, expecting the torchlight to hide figures in the dark, or one of the suits of armor to be someone blending in to ambush them. All too often, there was a fool who felt offended by Jack's existence, and considered themselves bold enough to strike from his own domain. He was ready for the slightest misstep in peace.

Upon entering the throne room, the scenery was nothing alarming to Jack. The scattered remains of murder victims were a delectable form of dinner in another place, after all. He took a seat near the middle of the table, where he could keep his attention on everything at once, and give equal amounts of it to everyone present. Everyone who wore the same clock as Jack was powerful in their own right, they were here tonight for a reason. Could they hold their own, from within the walls of this place if the truce turned out to be a trap? He couldn't say, arriving so late as he had. So for now, Jack rolled with the punches.

"October." How did that line up, he wondered.

"It seems as if most of us have been brought here without warning," he observed, upon hearing Carolina and one of the strangers' answer. That was two, on top of himself, Annika, and Madalyne. Leaning back in his seat and keeping his elbows off the table out of respect for manners in someone else's home, Jack steepled his hands together in a very philosophical way. He appeared to be in deep thought at the moment. "I also received a letter, at the same time as the cloak and amulet we all have duplicates of. It was written by earth's now-deceased Sorcerer Supreme. A portal opened itself beneath me, and I fell into Limbo not long ago." He elected not to launch into the same bit about how they were here to presumably prevent earth from colliding with Limbo on an abstract, cosmic scale. Or the part about how they seemed to be pulled from differently places in time itself just as indiscriminately as their physical locations. This was not the time to strike fear and confusion in such a wide group. Besides, if someone else had their own interpretation, he was open to that.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

The smile quickly faded from Max's face, replaced with a tight lipped grin as he tried to hide the pain that surged through him as a quiet squeal could be heard from within his throat. His hands quickly went to his leg where the wound was, applying pressure to it to help with the bleeding. The demonic girl who'd originally given the order for their lives had now approached him in his time of weakness. His first instinct was to run, to gain whatever distance he could between him and her, but then he recalled how caring Ed was towards her. He didn't know Ed yet, but clearly he would, and if he trusted him in the future he may as well start now. Max let Madalyne heal his wound, a red patch of scales covering over the open gap. He ran his fingers against the new layer of skin before chuckling at her comment towards it. "Normal is vastly overrated, especially in a place like Limbo where it's subjective."

Max wanted to thank Carolina for the kind words, but she seemed to be in twined with this Witchfire he'd heard so much about. They appeared to be invited for Tea, but the last invitation ended in an attack on their very souls. He hesitated before finally bounding towards the familiar unfamiliar face, Ed. Looping his arm into his as he walked into the throne room of October. "Thanks for the help back there. I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but you two seem to know each other real well. You frequent Limbo often? Or?" Max rambled on for a moment before looking towards October and then snapping his attention towards Jack.

"I can't speak for the others, but I believe that Strange is mine. He was hosting a party, my birthday, when he'd mentioned he needed to go help a friend, said he'd be right back. I didn't think anything of it, after all he assured me it was nothing. Next thing I know as I'm opening a portal to drop off my son back home, another one tears open beneath my feet and pulls me into this place. Into Limbo. From there it's all the same. Same note, same items." By this point his arm had moved out of Ed's, gesticulating as he spoke before finally sitting down in a chair closest to Ed.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

"I wish I could say the same," Runa joked lightly to Carolina. After all, her sight was long since gone. Dear Klara was kind enough to guide them into Witchfire's domain. Her gnarled old hands grasped the back of the chair, and they maneuvered it, before sitting their weary old bones down. They didn't let go of their staff, however. It was all that remained of the thing most precious to them in every universe. She didn't dare part with it, even for a moment.

They made no move to partake in the food or drink, not out of a fear of a curse or poison, but for another reason entirely. They could not see what was there in front of them. Of course, she could smell it, but that scent was not enough to determine what exactly was there or its location. And she did not feel like grasping about in the dark. No, she would do well to just sit and listen. Most liars tended to spill their secrets themselves, one way or another. And they knew they were in the company of the finest assortment of liars the multiverse had ever seen.

Carolina was seated at the spot on the table directly in front of the Lady Witchfire's throne, allowing her the closest proximity, but even then there was a distance. Witchfire took the letter from her with interest, her eyes sweeping over its contents once, twice, thrice. Her eyebrows furrowed, before she lowered the letter and returned it to Carolina. Others then chimed in, confirming the tale.

"I see," the Lady Witchfire said. "I must apologize for attacking you - a small army of Sorcerers Supreme... You must imagine my concern, as Limbo's new Queen," she explained. She took a sip from the goblet to her side, her lips stained red from its sizzling liquid. "I will help you return to your realm. Limbo's ways are twisted and snared, as the veil grows thin. But together, I think our magics will be sufficient to breach it and send you home, where you can continue the late sorcerer's work."

Runa frowned ever so slightly. It all felt a little too... convenient. A little too tidy. It was awfully kind of Limbo's proclaimed queen to offer to help send them all home, to pierce through the veil fully to return to their realms. But from what Runa had experienced of Limbo, they doubted someone became its ruler by being nice. And then for this woman to turn out to be Carolina's long lost love? It was too much like a fairytale.

"Carolina, dear, forgive me - my memory is not what it once was. What was it that happened between you two?" Runa asked innocently.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

He wanted to tell Madalyne that he'd buy her a hundred candy bracelets. That'd never make up for not being there for her, but he could try. If he could change his fate. There was of course 0 chance of that happening. He couldn't focus on that for now. He wanted to make sure their duty here was complete. That Earth would be safe. That going home would even be worthwhile.

Ed couldn't help but smile at Max, letting him hold onto his arm. Maybe Max found reassurance in his presence without knowing the friendship that came with it. At least he was taking the weird healing well. There seemed to be something wrong with how healing worked here. Max had tried to heal Annika (not that Ed knew her name he felt better about thinking of her, names were much easier than descriptions), and that had led to her spouting fur. Now Max was scaly. Had he healed anyone since coming here? He knew he would have remembered it causing something so strange, but healing people was nearly second nature to him. That was most of what he did for the X-men half the time it felt like. He smiled at the memory of Max telepathically asking him to heal someone across an asteroid.

Ed considered how to answer Max's question while Witchfire was distracted by the letter. He didn't want to give too much away here and now, but Max probably would never get any resolution for his question if Ed didn't answer it soon. "It is complicated. We didn't meet here." He decided for a simple answer.

"We have to finish the task set before us before we can leave. I don't particularly like the idea of leaving a weakness as such." Ed said. "I do not know much of this type of magic." This last part was said more in the direction of Runa and Max. He was relieved that Max was there. Ed knew Max had studied under Dr. Strange before joining the X-Men, maybe he would have the information they needed. Between Max and Runa they should have the necessary knowledge.

Ed wanted to say more, say how he wanted to protect his family. Protect the future of his world. He also knew that such weakness in him would easily be used against him. Considering one of those people he considered family was sitting next to him, and several other people he would die trying to protect were in this room he felt...exposed.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Klara didn't seem to care too much about anyone in the area, though she was a bit surprised by how the old hag had introduced herself. "How? You're a baby!" she commented as she helped the old lady along to follow after the others. There were a million questions running through her head with regards to this sort of thing. Honestly she had last seen Runa not that long ago and she was very much still a baby. Foresti had clearly become super protective of her from her existing for a whole two seconds so it had been a little difficult to at least meet her baby cousin.

Her attention turned towards the staff, sort of ignoring others and what was being said around her. It was made out of bones, like the Green Eyed One's home and all. So that was the first question she was going to ask with regards to things. "Hey, whose bones is your staff made of? I wanna know cause the staff looks incredibly cool!" Klara said, looking at the staff Runa was holding onto more closely.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo

Annika surveyed her surroundings with invested interest. She had never seen buildings quite like these before. There were new members of their party as well, but they were all dressed similarly.

She took a seat next to Jack once the group reached the table and sat with the cloak wrapped around her. She absentmindedly brushed at the feathers in her hair, mindful of the talons, and listened to the people around her speak.

Due to her long fingers being in the shape of claws, she refrained from eating or drinking anything. Truth be told, even if she had human hands Annika would have refrained from eating or drinking anything here. She didn't know how the food was grown or how the land was cultivated.

The Lady Witchfire seemed to be willing to help them all return to their own time, but Annika remained unconvinced. She came from a time period where people went against their word. They spoke in colourful language that made it seem as if they understood but the outcome was far from understanding. No, Annika did not believe this person.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

It all seemed a tad too convenient. They had fought off hordes of demons and were now just sitting down to tea with this random person who promised to send them back as quickly as they came?

Prudence wasn't buying it.

"If I may be so bold, but it sounds too good to be true. I am familiar with deals and people do not hand out wishes without expecting something in return. What is it you want?" Deals with the devils rarely went in the one asking's favor also. Prudence's eyes traveled to Runa, who was engaged with the young girl. It seemed the old woman knew more people here. Just how old was she and how did she get to be so powerful? Prudence found her anger subsiding for now.

Ed mentioned a task needing to be finished, but Prudence did not care. Whatever called her here had better show itself soon or she would find her own way back, Witchfire or no. She may even be so obliged to burn it all around her before she left.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 32 min ago

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo, Castle
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Demon Form, Eldritch Magic

Madalyne looked over at Max for a moment seeing him wrapping his arms around Ed's made her feel slightly jealous but she decided to not say anything as she eyed the food and drink with caution. She didn't trust Witchfire at all, as far as she could tell the woman had some sort of motive but Madalyne couldn't quiet place it however. Her attention turned towards Max and then back over at her step-father while gently holding onto his hand. "Actually I am half demon, I was actually born and raised in Salem my mother is a witch, Ed is my step-father. My bio dad however is a demon from here, this is my second time in Limbo." Madalyne answered Max as the others spoke up about how they came here while her eyes turned to Witchfire.

The woman offered to help them all get back home, that made her very suspicious of Witchfire thinking that she might have some sort of ulterior motive. She tried to use her magic to sense if there was something off with the food while still looking at the woman sitting on her throne at least Prudence was voicing her concerns. "I am with her, and being kidnapped and strapped down in your dungeon not to long ago and tortured by him and what happened to Ananym." Madalyne said as she gestured to Sym. "There has to be some sort of catch." Madalyne said to Witchfire.

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo, Green Eyed One's Home
Skills: N/A

"You certainly made a name for yourself here love." Carolina said to October as she accepted the letter back and quickly tucked it back into the pockets of her cloak. While she listened to everyone talking her eyes turned towards Runa when she asked about their tale and what had happened. Carolina turned to look back at her love for a moment she still felt she was responsible for her death, and wished that there was a way that she could have saved her.

"October and I were traveling around the country by train together as a couple, we stopped at Coventry for a little bit and ran into some OMEN agents. I stupidly used my powers to mess with them that caught their attention, and we tried to escape them they took a few shots at her and died in my arms soon after I dealt with them." Carolina said as she looked down for a moment and sighed slightly before continuing. "I ended up bumping into Hel, I believe she's a relative of yours and almost killed me as well to but I got lucky and was picked up by my sister not to long after." Carolina said to Runa the next thing she remembered was waking up in a SHIELD hospital a few days later that all happened before she ended up joining with the X-Men.
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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo

So far, it seemed no one else wanted to trust Witchfire's offer. And as someone who understood that interdimensional travel was... Complicated to say the least, Jack wasn't so inclined either. He didn't know who OMEN was, but Carolina's story suggested they were speaking with a dead woman. That was somewhat alarming to him, but the Veil was always thinnest on this night. Anything could cross to anywhere, and stumble upon any place by accident if they weren't careful. And even when it wasn't, one did not simply open a door across it, even Jack himself had to perform mental calculations as to where he was going. But what really got his attention was what Madalyne said. She was tortured in this very castle, and Sym did something to Ananym. He waited a moment, and turned to give the purple demon a silent glare. One that would've been a death sentence in its own right, were it not for the circumstances. Jack calmly made a mental note to shred him to ribbons at a later date. "I will assume that Ananym has been tended to, and that my friend was not left to rot in your dungeon, demon. Surely, your Lady would not allow you to leave a child there, in whatever state you may have wished upon her." Ananym could take care of herself, but she was a kid, and Jack had a habit of feeling protective about people he cared for.


Something came to Jack, suddenly. Ananym was a strange child, she always had been. The girl had a knack for mimicking sounds. He once heard her openly call Belasco a "little piss boy" in his voice, and had never laughed so hard in his life. During his last stay in Limbo, the two spent plenty of time together, enough that she showed him several of the books she had been reading on impersonating people. Glamor magic, something he found quite menacing. She showed Jack something she had been practicing, and it was quite convincing.

Time worked in strange ways... How long had this woman been in Limbo, to have not only known Carolina, but to make it to her position? It did not add up. If "October" truly was dead, then how did Ananym find her body, or her voice? Was that the voice of "October?" Ananym was a dangerous person, she could've been through any number of things up to this point. Being the daughter of Belasco, she no doubt had access to all his books and sources. But why? Why this woman in particular?

Whatever the reason, she obviously had something to hide, so he didn't even think to blow her cover.

Maintaining his composure and the raging poker face he had going on, Jack returned his attention to Witchfire. "As we were just saying... I'm afraid I have to agree with her entirely." Jack gestured to Prudence, who seemed to instantly clock Witchfire as suspicious. "I regularly travel across the universe, and I've rarely met others like me who can open portals through it. I certainly would expect the queen of Limbo to have such power, especially on the night when the Veil is weakest. But the ruler has her machinations- Her own visions for the realm. And everyone else at this table must be greatly powerful in their own rights to have made it here today. Some of us have a responsibility we must see to," Ed was right about this. Did he know Strange too? "But for those who would go home, what would you ask in return for safe passage?" He wanted to add on his own experience with portals tonight. But Witchfire could easily use that to deem him incompetent, saying that there was no way to know if it was his magic or magic in general that was acting up. Jack suspected it was the Veil slowly cracking open, but perhaps she knew about this already.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Runa did not answer Klara's question about her age. Some things were better figured out by oneself. It would be good for Klara's development to not just have everything given to her. However, they would answer the question about the staff. It was a trivial matter, and they were somewhat surprised no one had asked yet about it, but there were more pressing things on everyone's mind. "Mmm, thank you. It is made from the bones of my husband," Runa said. She gave the bones an affectionate squeeze. Even now, she could feel the prickles of his innate power in them. The faintest specter of his spirit remained, long after Runa had killed him.

They held their head still, as the others immediately were distrustful of the Lady Witchfire and her offer. Runa could not blame them. In their experience, everything had a price - there would always be a cost. However, they disagreed with their execution. Placing the Lady Witchfire immediately on the defensive was showing their hand. Over the eons, they had found that it was better to wait and to be still, rather than prompting a foe into escalation.

But the play was being made now - and so, Runa would play the next card.

"It is a kind offer, my Lady," Runa said, their old withered voice cutting through the conversation. "As my companions have alluded to, we do have business here in Limbo. Stephen Strange was murdered - in this realm, it would appear," Runa explained. "As you are the Queen of Limbo, surely you must be able to find out who is responsible and see that this is made right?" There was the matter of Witchfire's resurrection to settle as well, but Runa figured they could begin here.

The Lady Witchfire exchanged a look with Sym, before nodding. The purple demon stepped back and moved around the table, headed for the entrance they had all come through. Witchfire then rose from her chair, looking at the assembled group thoughtfully. "I see that there is significant distrust here," Witchfire began. "Perhaps that is my fault, for thinking that we could come to an understanding... But that was never going to happen."

Witchfire paused. "Was it, Jackass?" she asked.

Within the span of a few seconds, several things happened, in no particular order:

1. More demons entered the room, surrounding the table. There was a demon for every sorcerer.
2. Sym grabbed Edus' neck and twisted it with a snap, killing him instantly.
3. Witchfire's form flickered, and suddenly, she was not the older blonde woman. Instead, she was Ananym.

"We could've had so much fun together. Sucks that you have to die now," Ananym complained, still speaking with the voice of October Crypt. She then grabbed Carolina's shoulder and a bright light flashed - and the two of them were gone.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 32 min ago

Madalyne Crane

Location: Limbo, Witchfire's Castle.
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Demon Form, Fire Ball

Madalyne looked at everyone else in the room seeing listening to Runa and Jack as the two of them spoke, her eyes still focused on S'ym who was standing by Witchfire still. She held Ed's hand a little bit tighter as she looked at him as S'ym made his way towards the door behind them that they had entered. And then the chaos suddenly started her eyes turned to Witchfire seeing the woman's form flickered and quickly revealed that it was Ananym all along. Then the doors opened behind them as several demons started to enter the room, the started to surround them.

Then S'ym suddenly went right up behind father, her eyes went wide as S'ym grabbed him by the neck and twisted it, hearing the sickening cracking sound as the demon snapped Ed's neck. Madalyne would let out a loud scream as she watched his lifeless body falling limp on the table. She had just been reunited with her step-dad only for him to suddenly being taken away from her after thirty years of being apart Madalyne clenched her fist as years started going down her face. There was still so much that she wanted to talk to Ed about and catch up, there was no way to do that now.

She quickly started to cast a spell and sent a massive fireball directly at S'ym. She wanted to make sure that S'ym suffered as her fireball engulfed the demon, which left him disfigured now she threw another one at him just for extra measure. She wanted to make the demon suffer for taking her father away from her.

Carolina Reed

Location: Limbo, Witchfire's Castle -> Creepy Library
Skills: N/A

Chaos in the room suddenly started to happen as October stood up, seeing her former love's form flickered revealing a demon child in front of her by the name of Ananym. The muscle head of a demon made his way towards the door and several demons quickly entered the room. The next thing that shocked Carolina was the demon went over to Ed and simply snapped his neck. The other demon girl Madalyne let out a loud scream seeing Ed's lifeless body there.

Carolina quickly turned around as she felt a hand on her shoulder as Ananym grabbed it, and then the two of them were suddenly transported somewhere else. She stumbled forward as she found herself in an eerie looking grand library, Carolina quickly faced her once again she didn't trust Ananym at all. "Where am I and why the hell did you take me here?" Carolina demanded wanting to know why she was suddenly taken away from her fellow sorcerers.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Annika Falling Star

Location: Limbo
Skills: Knife Fighting;
Spells: Shapechange;

Several things happened next that were all quite shocking to Annika. She was bewildered to hear that Runa’s staff was made up of the remains of her husband, that Madelyne’s second home was Limbo of all places, and that Witchfire was not who she portrayed herself to be. Annika remembered learning from Jack that Ananym was Belasco’s daughter, and she suspected Ananym was the Lady Witchfire before meeting her. Annika supposed just as she could shift form, so could anyone else who possessed the ability.

The doors opened, and a wave of demons descended upon them just as Ananym took Carolina and disappeared. Annika moved quickly. She jumped onto her chair and picked up a knife from the table. She turned, locking her eyes on a target and threw the blade towards the demon’s chest. Annika didn’t wait to see if she made her mark. Instead, she shifted focus to another demon and ran for them, shifting into a bear as she went. Annika opened her mouth to let loose a roar, but it came out as a higher-pitched squawk. Annika looked down at herself as she fell to the ground. Baby bear Annika rolled until she hit another demon’s legs and stopped. Shaking her head, Annika stood on tiny legs and latched onto the demon’s ankle. Unfortunately, it seemed demon skin was much too thick for the sharp teeth of a baby bear to penetrate.

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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Skills: Magical Expertise, Magic Combat
Spells: Shadow Scythe

He knew it. Deep down, he knew she had to be Ananym. Watching Witchfire's face blur into the exact fact of Jack's dear friend, he almost missed the fact that Madalyne's father was killed right before their eyes. She grabbed Carolina, and they were gone.

"Ananym-" But it was too late, she had left them all for the wolves. Or rather, the demons. Madalyne incinerated Sym on the spot- He doubted the demon was dead, and was glad, since now he could still interrogate the little fucker. Annika, funnily enough, became a cute little bear and went on the attack. He watched them both, contemplating the once-peaceful battlefield for a moment as the demons circled them. He maintained his composure in the chair, and suddenly a weapon materialized out of nothingness in his hands- A scythe made of shadows, with an edge no duller than a strand of hair. Jack kicked his chair away, out from under him, and whirled the scythe overhead with palpable skill and fury. The demon who tried to ambush him from behind had its head removed in a quick swing, and Jack tried to lift into the air. But something weighed him to the ground. He could not help but feel that all magic was destabilizing in Limbo- How long would they have before they were unarmed? If they were all lucky, it was only a side-effect of his magic being based on another plane, during a time when multiple planes were starting to bristle.

"CUT OFF THEIR HEADS! THEY DO NOT DIE LIKE HUMANS!" Jack shouted, loud enough to fill the entire chamber. He jumped onto the table, kicking away teacups and silverware.

Jack was typically a mobile fighter, he did not fare well in confined spaces. His magic depended on his environment to a degree, meaning open areas such as this were favorable. But with this many people, it wasn't easy to stay on top of the enemy. Especially when his magic wasn't cooperating right now. From this position, he could hack away any demons who would join the fray. More importantly, though- He could keep an eye on Sym's smoking body, in case that wretch had the strength to get back up. The moment Jack had the chance, he planned to wring that grapejuice-skinned shitstain for all he was worth. It was a trick from the start, Ananym called herself Limbo's queen- If that was true, then where was Magik? In a realm such as this, their titles would no doubt conflict. She had to be compromised in some way. Missing, busy, perhaps dead. That would be just the thing they needed tonight- Two dead Sorcerers Supreme, now three. But if Jack was lucky, then maybe he could right that wrong. He had the purest form of life magic to ever grace the world resting in his pocket, after all.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Klara, Daughter of Thor

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kjede av Hjerter

"Oooooh, what happened to him and why'd you use his bones for your staff?" she couldn't help but ask, still very much not paying attention to what was going on with regards to the Limbo people and all. Klara just found the staff to be way more interesting at this point instead. Of course that's when all hell seemingly started to break loose with the people in the room, as the one lady decided to turn into a child or whatever and take off with Carolina. Well that was just plain rude, since she wasn't sure how she felt about most other people here currently and Carolina was someone familiar to her.

Jack was deciding to yell about something or whatever, but Klara sort of ignored his existence still. Also apparently while she hadn't been paying attention someone had ended up dead? It was all so confusing, but she did pay attention to the demons that had all popped up. Instead of using her sword, she decided to mess around with her magic, as she cast a spell, a glowing chain of bright pink hearts shot out and slammed into a few of the demons in the area, burning them a bit. Klara didn't know what fully was going on with this, but oh well.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Curse Magic/Hexing
Spells: Bewitched, Storm's Chosen

In a matter of moments, everything went to hell. Prudence would have laughed at how predictable it was had there not been some changes within herself. She felt different. Evolved. Whatever was in that cup she drank from had finally taken its hold. She felt both stronger and weaker like she needed something to make her complete. She craved blood. She could almost sense it in the others.

But now was not the time for that.

Their 'hostess' had sent more demons at them. One quickly took care of Ed. Prudence wouldn't shed a tear, but she also did not want him dead. He had proven himself adequate. Everyone else felt the call to arms, unleashing their potential at their enemies. One person, another man, started screaming at the top of his lungs at how to kill the demons. Prudence rolled her eyes. "We have already fought them before, you fool. Be quiet and let the grown-ups handle things."

Prudence looked over at the demon that came near her. She called forth her favorite hex, hitting the target. She moved her hand over her body, allowing the demon to take her in. "You do not wish to hurt me. You are mine as I am yours. Please, help me. Take care of your brethren here so we may be together for eternity." With that, the demon would start fighting its own.

She glanced over at another, seeing it as the most likely to cause harm to them, and sent a lightning bolt out. It hit its mark, but barely registered. Still, she had managed to hurt it.

Another of theirs was now a young bear cub and they still had a little girl and a blind old lady who, while powerful, elected to do her own thing.

Things were not looking well.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells:Basic Spellcraft

Max listened intently to what it was Ed had to say. He was keeping details vague, as if he was afraid to harm the past by divulging the future. He figured that was fine. If anything it was probably smarter than what Max was trying to do. He didn't care for which time or reality someone came, if he saw a friend in them he'd defend them till the end. It was clear he'd already seen it in Ed or will have seen it, and it was all the more reason to protect him while they were here in Limbo. He didn't doubt that Ed could handle himself, but he did note how defensive he'd been, meaning he needed a gunner to help keep others at bay. Madalyne, however, had no issue giving away more details. It made the intimacy the two shared moments ago fit in. A father figure and daughter reunited again even in the most hellish of landscapes.

Everyone quickly began to voice their concerns for the free ride home. Sure Max was weary of it all, but he also wanted to return back to see his son, his boyfriend. Who knew how much time had passed back in the waking world, and agitating the supposed Queen of Limbo was likely the worst idea he'd ever heard, and he's come up with some very bad ideas. But the Witchfires words pulled him out of his thoughts. Carving into his mind as the clear threat began to drip from her tongue like venom. And before Max could react, Ed was dead. Fighting broke out all around him, hexes flung, scythe called forth, bears mauling, and more. Chaos. Meanwhile all he could do was sit there and stare at the lifeless corpse of the man he would befriend, the one whose life he couldn't save. All thoughts of his ability to form the trio with James and Casper had flown out the door.

Max stood there, the sounds of fighting growing distant as all that remained was silence. For a moment that lasted an eternity. The silence broke as his eyes went pitch, magic swarming around him as he lost control. He'd worked so hard to learn how to keep his emotions in check, how not to have freak outs. But this was all too much. Max stood up, his chair screeching against the floor before it clattered onto the ground. Magic pulsed out of his feet, his usual cosmic dust tainted red and black by Limbos design as t'en grotesque skeletal hands ripped through the Castle floors and grabbed hold of ten demons. They tried to rip the heads off, they tried to make them feel the pain Ed felt, but all they could manage was to hold them firmly in place. All Max could manage out was a single sentence. "No more…" The final words a whisper in the ears of the ten. Their demonic visage began to fade, turning them human before their skin became ash and blew away in the pulses of magic Max was radiating. He gaze affixed on Sym, letting them know he was coming for their ass.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

My name is Illyana Rasputina, but these days, I go by Magik. I'm the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo. I should be there now. But I'm not.

Ananym brings you to my library, Carolina. I have read every book on its many shelves at least a thousand times. There is not much to do in Limbo as a child that does not involve pain, so I read. You might be trapped here long enough to read them all too. Ananym looks up at you, adoration in her eyes. "You're in my library," Ananym says.

"Well, it used to my by dad's, until he got, like, exiled an' stuff - and then it was Magik's, buuuut she's not here right now and I kinda took over, so it's mine now. Do you still like art? I can get you paints, whatever you want," Ananym chirps. She avoids answering your other question, as to why you were brought here.

But I think that you know why, Carolina.

You know why it had to be you.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Elder Futhark Runes, Kosmisk Ild

There was no time for Runa to answer little Klara's questions. They would have to wait until after this battle was won. Already, one of their number had departed. Runa had long since mourned the deaths of everyone they knew and cared for, so the familiar pangs of grief brought with them a sense of exhaustion and stillness. There were only so many tears that could be shed in one life, especially as she had no eyes.

They could feel the rush of flames, as Madalyne summoned fire to burn S'ym in vengeance. They heard the agony of those demons as they cried out, reduced to nothingness by Max's spell. She heard Jack's scream, beckoning for their party to focus on decapitation as a method to kill the demons. In Runa's experience, that tended to work on most creatures.

She could feel the infernal energies of remaining demons though, so Runa rose to her feet, pulling a rune from her bag - algiz. She whispered the rune's name and it glowed. To those with sight, the image of the rune would appear above all of their heads, pulsing with a faint pink glow. It was a protection spell, of course. In some ways, they were honoring Ed already. He had always loved a shield spell, she recalled.

They then went with a more intricate work, the art of Kosmisk Ild. She clasped her hands together and pulled them apart about shoulder width. She could feel the heat of the flames dancing between her fingertips, strangely flowing like taffy. And then, using those demonic energies as targets, Runa snapped her fingers. The flames flew out, connecting with a good portion of Ananym's forces remaining, their heads bursting into flames.

Runa smiled ever so slightly, hearing the demons' screams.

They were not dead yet, of course - just weakened. And none were as weak as S'ym, who had been thoroughly burned by Mads, and now looked at Max. He would never show fear, but he was afraid in that moment. And so, like the cowardly thing he was, S'ym ran - he burst through the doors to the throne room, attempting to flee the palace.

Prudence's enchanted beau was a skilled fighter, doing his best to destroy his demonic kin. He managed to rip an arm or two off of one of them, and then found himself embroiled in combat with another. No real victories were scored, but at the same time, those demons were then fighting amongst themselves and not a threat to the others.

Annika, in her form as the baby bear clinging to the ankle, would be roughly kicked by one of the demons - enough to hurt and bruise, but no serious injuries.

Klara, after her adorable attack, ended up attracting the attention of a particularly vicious demon, with a sword for a hand. He snuck up behind her and ran her through, somehow missing any important organs, but still, ouch. Fortunately for her, her lack of soul meant she would feel no pain.

Prudence would end up getting hit in the head with a brick one of the demons had thrown, before ducking down behind the table to hide itself from her. Where had it found a brick to throw? No one knew. But strangely, while she was bleeding from the impact sight, she wasn't unconscious or anything of the sorts - as if her new form was much more durable than the old one.

Max, as he stared down S'ym to put the fear of god in him, similarly would miss an attack from behind. A demon jumped onto him, and bit his throat, yanking their head back in an attempt to, well, rip his throat out. Max would be bleeding profusely, but alive - for now.

Lastly, Runa - for all of her subtle confidence and assuredness - could not intuit everything. She didn't sense a demon approach her with a whip. She didn't feel the whip pierce the air until it was too late, and it had wrapped itself around their throat, choking her to death. She gasped and struggled, reaching with her hands to grab it and try to pull it off, and she managed some relief, but not enough as she was blindly dragged backwards.

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