A bit barebones, but I can't seem to string together much in the past day or two, so here's my preliminary app.

Hikari Kana
Able to switch from being a closed-off, almost shy girl to a loud, belligerent one on a dime, Hikari tends to be a person of duality. When in her shier moods, she speaks as a regular girl of her age group, but when in her more outgoing ones she tends to speak like a boy, going so far as to refer to herself with "boku" rather than the usual "watashi." Her opinion of herself and others changes with her mood as well, dropping into deep self-loathing depressions or high, self-confident bursts of energy. And these moods tend to change very rapidly and almost at random, making her a very unpredictable person.
A daydreamer, Hikari has nearly flunked out of school several times, barely being able to focus long enough to catch up with her work. Things that she finds boring are nigh impossible for her to do, regardless of her mindset, and these things are very common. Due to her strange personality and her height, she has been bullied at school most of her life. This has led to her becoming quite skilled at picking and winning fights, giving her the reputation of a delinquent, especially combined with her lack of interest in schoolwork. She is, however, in excellent shape physically and has practice using a knife as a weapon, though the only person she's ever hurt with one is herself, usually accidentally.
Growing up, Hikari was never really close with anyone. Her parents were always at work and let her schools and older brother do most of the child-raising for them. Combined with an early onset of her mood-swings and her free spirited, uncontrollable personality shifts, she never really had any close friends either. These traits only grew with age, and while her parents eventually reentered her life due to a change in professions, they were not prepared for what she was like. In the end, her brother moving out three years ago and her parents leaving the country for their new jobs earlier this year have left Hikari to live alone in their home, something she is grateful for as she never did really connect with her parents after their career change two years prior.
Hikari wants nothing more than personal freedom, and finds the politics and culture of day to day life, especially as a student, to be miserable and boring. Her priorities can be explained like this: she'd rather pick a fight directly than play a sport, and she'd rather play video games than fight someone. Everything else falls somewhere on the line between video games at the top and physical games at the bottom.
Theme Song:
Turn on subtitles
- Height: 5 foot exactly
- Weight: 95 pounds
- Always wears a hoodie over athletic tops and bike-shorts, regardless of the heat or cold.
- Hates insects
(Let me know what other information you want us to know about your character)

Rox/Hei Long
- Dark Howling: Small Dark damage. All foes.
- Crush Claw: Small Phys damage +DEF Down one stage for two turns. 1 Foe.
- Dia: Small Heal. 1 Ally.
- Bufu: Small Ice damage. 1 Foe.
- Tarukaja: Raises Phys power of caster's team by one stage. Three turns.

Hikari Kana
Able to switch from being a closed-off, almost shy girl to a loud, belligerent one on a dime, Hikari tends to be a person of duality. When in her shier moods, she speaks as a regular girl of her age group, but when in her more outgoing ones she tends to speak like a boy, going so far as to refer to herself with "boku" rather than the usual "watashi." Her opinion of herself and others changes with her mood as well, dropping into deep self-loathing depressions or high, self-confident bursts of energy. And these moods tend to change very rapidly and almost at random, making her a very unpredictable person.
A daydreamer, Hikari has nearly flunked out of school several times, barely being able to focus long enough to catch up with her work. Things that she finds boring are nigh impossible for her to do, regardless of her mindset, and these things are very common. Due to her strange personality and her height, she has been bullied at school most of her life. This has led to her becoming quite skilled at picking and winning fights, giving her the reputation of a delinquent, especially combined with her lack of interest in schoolwork. She is, however, in excellent shape physically and has practice using a knife as a weapon, though the only person she's ever hurt with one is herself, usually accidentally.
Growing up, Hikari was never really close with anyone. Her parents were always at work and let her schools and older brother do most of the child-raising for them. Combined with an early onset of her mood-swings and her free spirited, uncontrollable personality shifts, she never really had any close friends either. These traits only grew with age, and while her parents eventually reentered her life due to a change in professions, they were not prepared for what she was like. In the end, her brother moving out three years ago and her parents leaving the country for their new jobs earlier this year have left Hikari to live alone in their home, something she is grateful for as she never did really connect with her parents after their career change two years prior.
Hikari wants nothing more than personal freedom, and finds the politics and culture of day to day life, especially as a student, to be miserable and boring. Her priorities can be explained like this: she'd rather pick a fight directly than play a sport, and she'd rather play video games than fight someone. Everything else falls somewhere on the line between video games at the top and physical games at the bottom.
Theme Song:
Turn on subtitles
- Height: 5 foot exactly
- Weight: 95 pounds
- Always wears a hoodie over athletic tops and bike-shorts, regardless of the heat or cold.
- Hates insects
(Let me know what other information you want us to know about your character)

Rox/Hei Long
- Dark Howling: Small Dark damage. All foes.
- Crush Claw: Small Phys damage +DEF Down one stage for two turns. 1 Foe.
- Dia: Small Heal. 1 Ally.
- Bufu: Small Ice damage. 1 Foe.
- Tarukaja: Raises Phys power of caster's team by one stage. Three turns.