Lies Hidden in the Blood
Place: Palapar within the Agha family residence
Time: Lepdes 1st of Vardes , DZ38 ( 17 years ago)
The master of the house leaned against the frame of his porch door. His dark brown eyes spotted the clouds rolling in. A low warning rumble echoed across the jungles, followed by flickers of lightning. Sheets of rain poured across the land. It soaked everything it touched as it continued onward.
Ruslan pressed the pipe end to his lips and touched his wand to the silver bowl. Threads of tobacco smoldered then curled into embers. With a deep inhale, Ruslan inhaled. The warm smoke entered his body and chased away the seasons' chill. He watched two young boys try to outrun the downpour. Their hands cupped over their eyes as mud slowed their footing. Eventually, they stumbled into a thatch hut with the rest of his property. As the storm raged on, Ruslan caught the sound of footsteps behind him.
He turned to greet the source. Selim was a man three years his senior and a talented healer. In the binder's hand were a string of prayer beads which he rotated with his thumb. Ruslan frowned at the nervous tick of the man's religion. He never understood the Darhannic faith. Without a word, Selim walked over to a floor mat and crossed his legs to sit. The tension rose between them until Ruslan broke the silence.
"How is Onaona doing?"
He noticed Selim tilt his head and his gaze resting upon the floor. Ruslan increased his volume. "Speak up, Selim. Is everything all right?"
Selim calmly answered. "She's having twins."
Thunder rumbled behind Ruslan. He paused midway to the healer, his form stiffened at the word twins. His eyes examined Selim for signs of lies, but found none. Why did Onaona dare to cause him problems now? He inhaled on his pipe again. The smoke swirled in the dim light, breaking against his form. His eyes darted to the direction of his second wife's room. Weighing the dark thought in his mind, he turned to address Selim. "Is there anything you can do?"
The healer frowned. Uncertain where this line of questioning led, he aired a cautious answer. "The babies are healthy and fine. There's nothing to heal."
A cold mask of indifference fell over Ruslan's face. His thoughts raced for solutions, but only one presented itself. He doubted the binder would view his suggestion favorably. "Yes, of course. However, you can influence things in the future."
Selim's jaw tightened. "What do you mean by those words, Ruslan?"
"I ask you to favor one child's well-being over another. One child might need to be sacrificed for the other to live." With the last of his words, lightning cracked in the skies. The bright light flooded the room and the shadows deepened across Ruslan's face.
"What nonsense are you uttering? I told you that they were both heal-" Selim's eyes widened with realization. His form leaned back, but the distance mattered little between them. When their eyes locked, the healer knew how serious Ruslan was. Not a single hint of remorse shined back."Dami's judgment, you're serious. No, I refuse. Eshiran would strike me down for even considering such a sin." The binder spat back. Already his hand went to make the sign of the god across his body, praying for forgiveness. "Why would you want to do such a thing?"
Ruslan stood before Selim now, his form slightly bowed to tower over the healer. His eyes closed as he considered how much details were necessary. How much mattered in the end.
"Dalma's family still holds hope she will bear an heir. They provide funding to help support this plantation. I'm not willing to risk it with a loose end." Spotting the discomfort on Selim, Ruslan then added. "You won't need binding. I believe you're adept in chemical magic. A delayed poison targeting one and being absent would be enough."
"It's a child. The Gods would not accept this. You're damning your soul to hell." Selim shot back, pushing himself back onto his feet.
Ruslan straightened up and watched the healer step away. He took no joy in having to sacrifice one child for another, but minimizing risks were necessary. Especially when he had a business to run. The man took a sharp breath then called out to the healer's retreating back.
"Since my suggestion conflicts with your morals, I'll arrange something else. I'll send you away during that time and ask for another binder. One more agreeable to my request."
As Selim paused, but said nothing. Brushing off the comment, the healer once more started toward the door and likely to retire for the night. Ruslan returned to the doorway and casually watched the monsoon carry on. His hand raised the pipe back to his lips, releasing another puff of smoke into the air.
Pays to be Persistent
Place: Beer Stall, Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Lepdes 34th of Assani, midday of the Student Societies Faire
Roslyn tightened her eyes. She willed herself to focus, gritting her teeth and stretching out her arms.
"1...2...3!" Shouted one of her fellow brewers.
A spell slipped out from beneath her breath. She drained heat from the keeler's surface causing the surface to cool. The stolen energy drifted into the two boys siding the pot, empowering them. They tilted it in unison. Dark amber liquid poured from the spout into the large drum and stopped an inch from the top. Another girl stepped forward with the lid, sealing it in place. Next, Roslyn rolled it to the back of the stall and levitated it into the stillage.
The Hendlish girl just finished wiping the sweat from her brow when someone else called out. Her eyes shifted to spot a girl, Laverne, rushing over. The voice bore a heavy Perrench accent despite the words being Avinican.
"Roslyn! Your duty is done, go back to the faire! Quick before the society head changes his mind."
"Thank you, Laverne, and I will do." Roslyn shot back, her feet already quickening to the exit.
Just outside the stall, a form stepped in to intercept her. She blinked then looked up to identify the owner. Bernhart Richter flashed his brightest smile at her. With practiced politeness, Roslyn returned a modest one. She wondered if she could use her kinetic to bolt past him.
His greeting distracted her as he started an unwanted conversation.
"Hallo, Roslyn, I was wondering if you would like to join the Mage Hunter's Society this year?"
She cocked her head slightly to one side. Why in the world would he want to recruit such a shoddy shot like herself? After like six or more attempts, she had barely managed to snag a token.
"I'm not sure, Richter." Roslyn made sure to use his last name rather than his first.
"Come on Roslyn. You did... fair at the target shooting." He carefully worded his statement.
Her right eyebrow rose as she suppressed a small sigh in the back of her mind. Roslyn's right foot led the way around him and she shot past with the intention of escape. Even she could tell that was a bold face lie. He wasn't easily discouraged as he followed and swiftly fell into step with her. Roslyn silently cursed her shorter legs.
"Okay, so maybe I colored the truth a bit. But still, we can use students willing to pull the trigger. And your aim will improve with practice."
"But why?" Roslyn asked, her feet unable to increase the pace. "I wasn't even the best one."
"You weren't that horrible." Bernhart replied.
Roslyn stopped just to whirl about to face him.
"I didn't even hit the target until the sixth or seventh attempt!" She couldn't stop the squeak rising in her voice.
Not expecting her to suddenly turn on him, Bernhart nearly collided into her. His feet dug in and his arms raised to keep them in eyesight. The boy's frown cracked into a smile.
"Yet, you were still determined to get it," his arms lowered and crossed over his chest, "Don't underestimate that trait of yours."
Another sigh slipped from Roslyn's breath, her mind realizing he would hound her until she agreed. His next statement punctuated that fact.
"Just try it for a year, please?" His large hands pressed together as if praying to the Gods.
She had no choice.
"Fine... One year. If I don't get better, I'm quitting." She held up one finger to put emphasis on the number.
The grin on his face swallowed up any worry left in him. Seeing him satisfied, she then added.
"Now can I enjoy the society faire? I want to catch up with a few of my friends and hopefully get some tokens." She had heard the prizes were rather good this year.
“Uh, yeah. See you later Roslyn!” Bernhart smirked. She quickly disappeared into the crowd. His fingers ruffled his hair as he looked to Gotfrid who finally found him.
"I got her to join so I win the bet. Give it up." Berhart's palm turned upright and gestured for his prize.
Gotfrid muttered a curse in Eskand then passed over the coin. "Fine. Did you mean any of what you said?"
Bernhart glanced at the crowd, his eyes unable to pinpoint Roslyn's form, before he deposited his winnings in his pocket."Nope, but it doesn't matter. Let's go play a few of the games. I'm feeling lucky." The pair vanished toward the maze.
Brewery Team Up
Place: Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Lepdes 34th of Assani, Three Legged Race
Roslyn frowned. Her ears caught the first heat of the three-legged race end, the announcer calling for a new round. Fear edged into her core causing her heart to race. Her eyes flicked through the crowd gradually thinning. She had missed out on the first head due to her disadvantage in height. It never occurred to her how few people were her size until now.
One by one, the crowd began to thin as partners lined up to register. Swallowing down her defeat collecting in her throat. Her arms curled about her, shielding her from the disappointment. Her feet started to drag her back to the shaded benches.
A light tap on her shoulder stopped her. The brunette whirled around and came face to face with a familiar masked woman. Xiuyang. Her expression slipped into a smile at her fellow brewery member.
“Thanks," she muttered as they teamed up, the ropes handed off to tie themselves up.
As she started to strung about their legs, Xiuyang moved. She glanced up and frowned with a questioning glance. Though Xiuyang had approached her first, she seemed uncomfortable. Still, the woman kept insisting that she tied them together on her right side.
“Are you sure you still want to do this?" Her worry bled into her tone.
Xiuyang winked and patted her shoulder. She mentioned that she wanted to win something for once.
Reassured by her words, Roslyn nodded and grinned, “ "Let's do this then."
At the start of the race, they struggled with their foot work. Roslyn either lifted her leg too fast or slow for Xiuyang to match her. They swiftly fell behind as they cut into one of the positions. Around the last stretch of it, two teams collided into a pile up. Legs and arms went flying as the contestants started to add to it.
The two tripped, but managed to recover and bolted for the finishing line. Roslyn glanced back. Esmii and her partner were quickly gaining ground. With a burst of energy, her feet nearly tripping over themselves, the girls bolted past the ribbon.
It snapped as they finished the race. Roslyn's lungs tightened, her legs burned, and her form stumbled a bit. However they won! She turned a beaming grin toward Xiuyang, both girls taking their deserved tokens.
In the Light of the Moons
Place: Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Lepdes 34th of Assani, during the Late hours of Dami to Early Ipte.
Finding out that Roslyn was a target had really made Valerian's choices rather clear cut, and if he was being was better that way. Still, not having been able to warn her was not an ideal situation.
Glancing to Ariadne, Valerian took a breath and let his heart harden. "I'll take Roslyn, but it won't be much of a hunt." His tone was dismissive, perhaps to hide the truth of things. It seemed he was playing things close to the chest.
"Okie doke." she gave him the 'okay' sign.
Nodding, honestly rather glad to not get a significant response, Vel turned his attention to the so-called 'hunt' and set out. Rather than running, Valerian conducted himself like a proper gentleman--if one moving with purpose.
Eyes sharp as he moved through the night streets, Vel took care to use the dark to his advantage. While he'd not appear as anymore than a nobleman on the way to some important business, Vel stretched his senses out and used a bit of magic to further obscure his features.
Eventually his senses picked up on his friend, her signature rather familiar to him. Honing in on her, Vel noticed the nervousness in her gait, the way she walked and occasionally glanced around. He had to be careful, after all, she'd had her own struggles with sanguinaires and though she knew his nature that didn't mean he could just slip from the darkness and feast.
Wincing at the idea, Vel nonetheless raised a hand and hailed his friend. "You know, it's really not safe for a noblewoman to be walking about at night all alone," he called out in his familiar tone--faintly mocking, but filled with warmth. As he spoke he relaxed his drawing, allowing the light to catch his features, shifting him from stranger to friend.
Roslyn cursed her luck. Her boots stomped across the flagstone as her skirts ruffled, her legs moving quick. Already the dim light barely chased away the darkness, drawing up her anxiety. That detour with Niallus had taken far too much time, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Now she suffered for it.
"Fuck, fuck." The girl muttered beneath her breath in her native tongue. She paused mid-step when she caught Vel's voice. Her head turned to look for him, spotting him when he revealed himself.
"To be fair, I tend to blend into the background so I doubt anyone would care. But you're right. What are you doing out here so late?"
Valerian flashed her a smile--not a grin--and his expression shifted subtly, his eyes warning her before his features slipped into a more relaxed expression. Idly he offered her an arm as a nobleman did for a lady. "Enjoying the moonlight," he said, but his eyes told a different story, they warned her '...not here.'
Roslyn's head tilted, uncertain about Valerian's behavior. Something about his eyes didn't match his demeanor. Inexperience and innocence hurt her in this situation as she forced herself to settle down. She accepted company without question. The girl slipped into step with him and her arms wrapped about his offered one.
"I'm not going to say no to the company. I will admit, I shouldn't have lost track of time. I let my curiosity get the better of me." She answered quietly.
Chuckling, Vel nodded along, keeping his eyes ahead of them even as he turned his senses to their surroundings. While he'd claimed Roslyn as his prey that did not mean that another Sanguinaire couldn't decide to hunt her anyways. If someone did, he'd be in place to make sure that no Sanguinaire harmed her. "Ah, I'm familiar with the experience, believe me. Of course, I've the benefit of being a nobleman, rather than a lady. Still, you never know when the night's denizens might turn their gaze on you. Glad I ran into you," he finished, gently leading her towards the dorms.
While on the one hand it might have been wise to stay on the mainstreets where the lanterns cast some measure of light, Vel opted for a faster route. Casually, he cast out several small flames, lighting the area several meters around them in every direction.
"True. Best I can do is freeze or run, sadly. Neither one of those talents have come in handy yet. So... where were you heading to?" Roslyn asked, still unaware of the reason for Vel casting so much. It drew a deeper discomfort in her core, but she shrugged it off. He wouldn't hurt her.
It took her a moment to realize they had detoured from her home. She almost paused in her pace as she looked at him.
"Umm, where are we heading?" A wariness edged into Roslyn's voice.
"Ah, I thought we could do with some privacy," he said casually, "...unless you wanted to disturb your roommates with our conversation." Vel gave her a knowing grin as he glanced sidelong down at her.
That look... Roslyn's cheeks blushed a crimson red. Was he implying... no, she abruptly cut off the thought. Vel never showed any interest in her before now. What changed?
"I guess you're right, but I don't want to keep you from a good night's sleep." Her eyes lowered in a shy fashion.
Valerian blinked a moment at her response then glanced down at her even as she averted her eyes. Seeing the red on her pale cheeks in the moonlight parted his lips for a moment before he tactfully swallowed, cleared his throat and cast his gaze forwards again. Recovering almost immediately he let out a short breathy laugh. "Hmm? I'm sure I'll be fine," he said, sounding almost as if it were an afterthought. He'd decided that--after her rather adorable reaction--that he'd let her marinate in the idea awhile.
On that note--with only some idle chatter between the two--Valerian escorted the fair lady to his chambers, his actions rife with implication. Of course, his intentions--while certainly not entirely harmless--were not nearly so scandalous as Roslyn had assumed.
Opening the door for her as they arrived on his floor, Vel's well appointed dorm room lay before them. Some of his tiny wisps of flame whisked into the room ahead of her, lighting several lanterns and even stoking the fireplace to life. It created an immediate ambiance in the room, as if the fire was welcoming her in.
"Do make yourself comfortable," Valerian offered with a smile, having turned up the charm more than absolutely necessary.
Roslyn hesitated a moment when Valerian opened the door. She stood at a crossroads that easily could lead to serious consequences. Her form tensed, debating in her head over the best choice. She inhaled, silently deciding to stick struck to a conversation only. In the end, her father would arrange some one regardless and she held only a minor choice in the matter.
The girl followed him in, the decision made to stick only to conversation. Her eyes wandered idly over the dorm as she smiled at Valerian's words. Casually, she folded her skirts beneath her and settled into a chair to wait. Truth be told, she wasn't sure how to approach this type of... situation.
"Okay, what did you want to talk about?"
Noticing her hesitation--and silently stifling a chuckle--Valerian let her situate herself as he closed and quietly locked the door. As soon as the lock slid into place, a hidden tension left him.
Laying his forehead against the door and not yet turning to her, Valerian let out a sigh of relief. Dropping some of the act, Vel began.
"Well, for one, ensuring your safety," he said honestly, before turning to her and offering her a small--almost apologetic--smile. "There, an unexpected hunt tonight," Valerian clarified, "...and fortunately, I was there to make sure no one else drew your name."
Upon hearing the word hunt, Roslyn tensed. Her eyes widened as expected and she sucked in a sharp breath. Images of the Sanginuaire trying to tear into Esmii flickered across her mind. Her head shook the memory away, not wanting to relive it. She forced her fingers, which had clutched her skirts, to relax.
"I-I" She paused to collect her racing mind, taming it to properly form words.
"I wasn't expecting that. You mean there's more than you in the academy?" Her eyes shined with fear, despite her effort to swallow it down.
Frowning, his expression one of worry rather than discontent, Valerian let her take a breath before he gave her a somber nod. "There are. For...obvious reasons I cannot say whom. It doesn't appear there are that many and ideally they--like me--will want to lay low so as not to draw undue attention."
That said, he walked across the room, moved a chair across from her and sat facing her. "You were lucky. I was able to take your name out of the pool deliberately. Fortunately no one contested me on that, but I know that I would have fought them if they had."
He gave her a small companionable smile before pushing his hair back, composing himself. "I...won't impose, but I did have to give up an opportunity to..." he trailed off, meeting her eyes for a moment. There was something painful in his expression. He hated the moral quandary of this, of his choice, his ill-considered transformation into something other than just human.
"If I have to, I'll...take the risk, go out and find someone else, but I'd..." he gritted his teeth, a scowl coming over his features. He let out a sharp breath and brought his hands to his head, rubbing his temples. "I should have chosen better, been wiser," he mumbled, swearing briefly in Perrench, then Eskandish.
Roslyn eyed Valerian as he nodded, approaching and taking a seat in front of her. Despite knowing what he was, she wasn't scared of him specifically. Just those that showed themselves to be real monsters.
"I can understand that and I agree, but it doesn't matter now."
Roslyn eyed Valerian as he nodded, approaching and taking a seat in front of her. Despite knowing what he was, she wasn't scared of him specifically. Just those that showed themselves to be real monsters.
"My grandfather once told me, it's what you do after you fall that makes the biggest difference." An inner struggle surged as she considered what she was about to offer. She risked giving up her soul, but Vel had been her first and almost only friend in the first year.
"If you need blood, I don't mind. Take what you need, but don't take too much... okay?" She didn't know how this was done or if it would hurt, but she was willing to risk it. She wanted to think the best of him even now.
Lifting his head he met her eyes and in them he saw determination and trepidation in equal measure. Swallowing, Valerian closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Nodding in recognition of her words, Valerian opened his eyes and stood. None of his moves were sudden, in fact it was more like every movement he made was with exceptional care. Wanting, if not to put her at ease, then to at least distract her, Valerian approached and--gently--set a hand just above her hip at her waist.
Gritting his teeth slightly as she startled slightly in surprise, Valerian managed a smile and the faintest of jokes. "Do excuse my indiscretions Lyn, I'll be careful." Then, slowly--almost teasingly, he leaned down over her, a warm pressure shifting her head aside to bare her neck, Valerian lightly nicked her pale flesh with a kinetic spell.
There would be a brief sharp pain, then warmth and a not-so-subtle flood of pleasant sensations as he used a bit of Chemical magic to distract her senses as he pressed his lips over the wound and drank.
Roslyn didn't know what to expect, but she prayed for it to be quick. She had agreed, but regret began to pool at the back of her mind. Through pure sheer will, she managed to push the screaming impulses to run down. Not an easy feat since she froze like a deer when Valerian moved in closer. Her breath stilled in her chest and eyes snapped on his advancing form.
She felt his hand rest on her hips causing her eyes to flicker down. Her throat swallowed the rising lump in her throat and exhaled. Time stretched its length as if to taunt her. Her imagination began to stir with unwanted thoughts or false horror.
A subtle flinch crossed across her surface. Of course Vel noticed. He seemed to dismiss it and gave a charming smile, joking with a given nickname. Tension evaporated from her form as she rewarded him with a timid smile. Her head tilted to feel his breath across her throat. Her fingers gripped her skirts and her eyes stared ahead, waiting with anxiety rising. This seemed more intimate than she expected.
Thoughts vanished when the soft nick of her skin caught her attention. Distracted by the sudden pain, a hazy pleasantness flooded her mind. A soft hum escaped her voice while his lips pressed to her wound and drew her life from it. Somehow, she managed to keep her hands resting in her lap.
After a brief time, Vel withdrew, catalyzing a final sharp influx of pleasure as he simultaneously sealed the wound with a bit of Arcane magic, the heat causing an incredibly narrow hot pain, before he soothed it with a cold touch. Swallowing the last dregs of the blood he'd drawn from her, Valerian couldn't help but notice Roslyn's rather indisposed state. However, rather than take it for what it was, he took a knee before her and asked her a question with a note of worry in his voice.
"Are you alright?"
For the majority of the time, Roslyn's mind had rolled in a wave of chemical complacency and faint pain. When the scent of burnt flesh mingled with the sensation, she began to pull slowly back to the present. She turned to look at him. A dizziness slammed into her head, sending her leaning back into the chair. A sharp inhale flew from her lungs.
"That was a bad idea..." She muttered.
Raising her hand to check her pulse, she took slow breaths to anchor herself. "Yeah. I'm just a bit dizzy. Might be because I'm not used to losing that much blood. I might need a drink or some water." Roslyn tried to be reassuring with a smirk.
"I'm sure it will pass with time."
“Now, to find the other little half-savage ...”
Something did pass and in little time. Valerian found Roslyn unconscious, head craned forward and safely seated. A powerful chemical magic had befallen the girl, and Ariadne was not too subtle about it.
Right beside him manifested his appointed mentor, hands on her hips as she bent over to inspect Roslyn.
“Wowie.” impressed she was, and even whistled to emphasize. “You drained her just right, got your fill AND did not cause a mess. That is so baller.” she flashed Vel a toothy grin and gave him a thumbs up. “Great work.”
She straightened herself and passed the tips of her digits over the Enthish girl's neck, right where the blood had been sampled drained. “Surgical. You're a natural. AND you finished the job quickly. Oh my,” she raised her hand to her lips to stifle a chuckle. “You're quite the Surgical Finisher, I must say!” she snapped her fingers. “That's it! You're my Surgical Finisher now. Félicitations, jeune soldat!” clap clap.
“Anyway. It seems like you've got everything under control. I'll be tending to the other if you don't need anything else ...”
Catching her so that she didn't fall from the chair when she began to slump over, Vel would have struck if he hadn't immediately recognized Ariadne as she slipped into his awareness.
He did not like how easily she'd been able to do that, but he didn't say it, simply schooling his expression as she gave her assessment of his 'work' as it were. Nodding his thanks, Valerian then shook his head. "No, I'll be fine. Thank you for watching over us," he said, bowing his head briefly before turning his attention fully to his friend.
Satiated as he was, Valerian lifted her with his renewed strength--making sure to move slowly as he still had not entirely adjusted to the enhancements of his...condition--Vel moved her to his bed and gently wrapped the blankets around her. He knew people would talk if she spent the entire night, but there was little for it, he could hardly smack her awake. She was a lady after all.
Watching her for a moment and marveling briefly at how delicate and fragile she looked in that moment, Valerian eventually frowned slightly and turned his attention elsewhere. Giving her space such that she'd not think anything scandalous had been done to her in her sleep, Vel situated himself back at his desk and dimmed the light in his room, leaving only a small lantern lit at his desk.
For a time he'd turn to his studies, reading up further on blood types, researching what he could of anatomy, and chemistry, and physics in the interest of bettering his knowledge--and as a result his magicks.
For the first time since in what felt like ages, Roslyn slept peacefully. No flash of fangs, monk dying on his own spit, or monsters stalking her through the night. A peaceful darkness embraced her until several hours later. Time ticked away to the late hours of Ipte's grace before Roslyn stirred awake.
Her form sat up as her hand raised to touch her head. The sleepy haze began to roll back, her mind collecting itself. One moment she recalled talking to Vel and the next, her world went black. Roslyn shifted her sight to the room. Her eyes scrunched up, nothing seeming familiar. Her heart jumped when she realized she hadn't left Valerian's dorm all night. Oh, shit... what happened?!?
As Roslyn awoke, she'd find the room quiet, the drapes still drawn against the early morning light. Valerian, for his part, appeared to have found a semi-comfortable spot in his desk chair--which was at least well cushioned. The faint flames he'd been maintaining hours earlier had winked out when he'd fallen asleep and so the only light in the room was that seen through the edges of the drapes, and a faint warm glow coming from the fireplace.
Vel's sleep appeared to be...somewhat fitful as he occasionally frowned in his sleep, twitching and turning his head on occasion.
As Roslyn's racing heart began to calm, her eyes gradually adjusted to the dim light. It didn't take long for her to spot Vel in the chair. Her legs slid to the side and dangled off the edge before she pushed onto her feet. She approached the restless man. An empathetic expression crossed her face when she saw his discomfort, familiar with the effect of nightmares.
An intrusive thought entered Roslyn's mind before she shook it away. No, this wasn't the time for it. With a firm frown, the small girl approached the fireplace. She reached for the colder ash and held it in her hand. Recalling Jocasta's class, she focused inward. Images turned into reality as her binding broke the material into energy. Pushing past her caution, Roslyn moved back toward Vel and placed her hand upon his shoulder. A tingling of chemical magic flooded into his being to hopefully ease the emotions. She did this once with her horse Bay, but she wasn't sure how well it might work on him.
Blessing of Joy. She thought before breaking the silence.
"Vel? Vel, wake up. You're having a nightmare, please wake up."
Images of the Ogauraq being torn apart as he was fixed in place, not by any force, but by his own indecision, by his own foolishness. The horrors of being slowly digested by the rotting dragon. Dreams of hunger…faces flashing before him and the image of his father looming over him with a smug smile, laughter in his eyes.
Then a sense of relief washed through him even as a faint sound brought him up from the stupor of unconscious dreaming and into the waking world. Eyes opening, Valerian felt his racing heart slow. He smiled blearily at his friend before his expression turned to a lopsided grin as he remembered the night before.
“You know…the rumor mill is going to set on fire if you leave this room looking all ruffled after spending the night.”
Roslyn knew that, but there was nothing she could do about it. She chose to ignore it for now and deal with it later. She didn't move when Vel rose to his feet. Instead, her head lowered and her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn't like what she was hearing. There was a lot of risk here and she had willingly chosen this position. She could only blame herself, causing her to mentally sigh. Why in the hells, why did she care so much?!?
"Weekly doesn't sound too bad. The RAS might be an issue. Mine's nothing impressive, I'm sorry to say. Did you get full?" Her hand slipped down to her mouth, her eyes studying him. Part of her expected to see him give her a cold, hungry stare back. She shivered and pushed it away.
This was Vel, not some monster, right?
Vel rubbed the back of his neck then smoothed his hair back, the expression not quite nervous, yet not quite one of frustration either. It seemed more of a measure to calm himself than anything else. "It looks that way..." he said, responding to the first before he listened to her continue. After a moment's thought he nodded, "Yes I've heard similar, though as I understand it the practice is all but confirmed to be effective. Though...there are potential side effects, though I'm not clear on what they are."
Frowning slightly he met her gaze, "If...if those side effects are too dangerous I'd prefer you not. I can always figure something else out. I'm sure there's a way...." He trailed off though, his eyes becoming distant. It was clear that he knew the only way was to find somewhere--well... _someone_ else to feed from. He didn't like the prospect, but he knew what not feeding would do to him and as such he knew that if it came down to it he'd do what he had to in order to survive.
All the tension dropped from Roslyn. "I appreciate your concern, but we currently have an issue. From the sounds of it, I can't be a long term solution to your... hunger."
In the back of her mind, she already knew that on some level. Her form leaned into the chair, dissolving some of her prim posture. It didn't help that she felt a bit lightheaded.
"I'm trying to recall what I know of RAS. I heard rumors about some students absorbing aberrations, but we're not supposed to. According to the stories their RAS increased." She bit her lip a moment, debating with herself. "I'm not sure how true this information is or where to get aberrations."
Roslyn found herself between a rock and a hard spot. Her mind drifted back to Vorossyia, reminded of her helplessness and weakness. She wondered what might've been different if she was stronger. Her head claimed nothing, but her heart believed otherwise.
She let a soft, half-worried smile come to her lips.
"We don’t have much of a choice, Vel. You put yourself into a very bad position. The only other way is feeding off someone else, and that's dangerous. I don't need to tell you why. "
Her voice became sharper at the end. Realizing this, Roslyn sighed. She tucked a stray hair about her ear while she continued.
"I didn't mean to sound miffed, but... I don't want you or anyone to get hurt. Especially anyone I care about. At this point, I see nothing wrong with trying. The positive part is that I haven't heard of any student dying from aberrations. That means it's mostly safe, right?" Roslyn's positive expression did not quite match her eyes.
"We should talk more in depth later, I need to leave soon. The less students around means eyes to spread the gossip. But I should freshen up my hair at least." Her hands briefly examined her mussed up hair, barely held together by the gravours. Shortly after she had been able to tidy up, they bid each other farewell and he escorted her out. He casually agreed that they would talk again and then she swiftly darted back to her dorms. She silently prayed to the Gods that no one saw her.
All’s Fair in Tug O’ War
Place: Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Victendes 35th of Assani, Evening
Noticing one person sit down, looking a bit lost to her, Roslyn had started to make her way to him. However, some of his friends called out and he joined their team. She sighed, but she continued to look for a team.
Having little luck, Roslyn suspected this to happen. She was usually picked last for any strength contest and she understood why. Not spotting Niallus and Esmii, she had wandered over to take a seat for now.
Penny looked at Roslyn. "Hey buddy, wanna go get our asses kicked?"
Roslyn nodded, "Yeah... I'm glad you're okay and it seems you came back with an additional limb."
She gestured to Penny's new leg, "I have so many questions, but I'm feeling like I'm not going to get all the answers."
Penny shook her head. "In due time," she promised with a smile.
Niallus wanted to ask Sven if he wanted to be on the same team just about to go up to him. Ingrid had already asked him. Niallus didn't want to put his friend in a situation where he would have to choose between him and Ingrid, so he didn't push that, maybe next time if there's another team game he'll ask him.
Esmii walks up to Ashon happy to see a fellow Yasoi teamed up with her. Also having Roslyn and Penny too is great since she has spent time with both of them when they were all away. "This is going to be great." She said in an outburst of joy, her arms in the air. "Yay, I'm not the only Yasoi." She said to Jamboi.
He took the invitation with her arms up to pick the yasoi girl up into the air and swung her around before placing her back down , "Always wanted a semprii'hy’lelan." He lowered his head toward Penny, smiling shyly as his gaze lingered toward her in unspoken meaning.
"Looks like I am spared from hax"toil for a moment."
Penny took a moment to go over it in her head. She'd been practicing yasoi, but was not that good with it yet... Then, it hit her. She blushed and grimaced in equal measure. "Dress her up in a bonnet and giver her a sucker then, hmm?" Her expression turned into a challenging smile that was all lips. She shook her head. They had their suspicions. They'd had them for a week now. She was trying not to think about those at present.
Esmii puffed her cheeks at Jamboi's words to her. But she knew he was just joking with her and giggled about it. When Penny added to the joke Esmii had to respond in kind. "Well I have an Eskandish teddy bear I love to snuggle." She giggled a little bit, before focusing.
"Penny, how are you fairing?" She asks her friend politely.
Penny shrugged. "You know, about as well as any of us could be after... well, you know." She was perfectly polite and casual enough about it on the surface, but her tone of voice and body language tried to send the message that any further probing into the subject wasn't really something she would like. "How 'bout you?"
As Esmii and another Yasoi joined them, Roslyn heard the exchange with Penny. Her eyes glanced at Penny's reaction. It didn't take a genius to know he had said something fluttering or cringy to her. The Hendlish girl's head turned from one to the other. She recalled the mention of a boyfriend named Ashon in the blowback and she smiled. Guess she needed to learn another language now.
That was when Roslyn spotted Niallus. He looked lost in the crowd. With a deep breath, she stepped back from her friends for a moment. She drew in some of the dying light then coiled her legs underneath her. With all her might, she jumped up above the crowd.
"Niallus! Over here! We need another person!" An excited shout came from the small girl.
As she hit the ground, her balance faltered a bit. She managed to remain upright against the sloppy landing.
Esmii scanned Penny while she spoke to her, she could guess that she was putting on a brave face. So was Esmii. Her dreams filled with terrors of what happened during that time, causing her to wake through the night in sweats. Giving a little shake of her head.
"I...I'm doing ok. I'm just glad that nightmare was over." Her body tensed a little bit before she spoke.
"We could spend some time together. I'd love to know more about you." She knew there wasn't much to offer, but small gestures like these could help.
Hearing his name being shouted, looking in the direction of where it came from. When he saw Roslyn, Esmii and the others.
"Sure." He simply said walking over to them standing next to Jamboi. A person he speaks to every now and again. He hadn't teamed with him since they made that request for Jocasta in Mdara in Djament. He thanked Roslyn for the invitation to be part of the group.
"No problem. You looked as out of place as I did so I'm glad you joined us." Roslyn said, the mirth clear in her tone.
Catching the hint of building anxiety, the young girl commented in a fashion she hoped helped. "I think we all have regrets or questions we want to air. Now is likely not the time or place. We should focus on having fun and enjoying each other's company. Also," she turned to Ashon.
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Roslyn Wicke."
Before they could continue any additional conversation, their team was called up to the second heat of the event.
After introductions finished, the announcer summoned them to the platforms. Roslyn filed in between Niallus and Esmii, her short frame stuck out like an oddball. The brewery girl pushed away the uncomfortable thoughts springing to her mind. When the game started, their opponent overwhelmed them. Roslyn and Esmii dug in their heels in hopes to prevent lost ground. However, Niallus' boots slipped across the wet surface. Ashon didn't fare well either as the monkey king slid forward.
"Ashon Carry gets hauled almost halfway to the edge on the very first round! Hopefully, they can turn the page quickly!" The Announcer's voice boomed.
"Can they do more than just survive, however?"
For a bit, Roslyn's team continued to lose ground. Her best efforts seemed to do nothing, but she continued to try anyway. Suddenly everything crumbled in the last round.
Roslyn felt the rope slacken in her grip causing her to glance backwards. Penny locked lips with Ashon. Niallus had leaned too far forward causing him to topple into the water. Roslyn jerked her elbow, her face protected from the spray. Meanwhile, Esmii bolted off the platform toward Sven.
Esmii ran straight to Sven, grabbing his hand. "Come with me for a moment." She pleaded.
The large lad's grin showed he wasn't about to argue with her. He took her in his arms and kissed her. They disappeared into the trees momentarily.
With the last of her team disabled, Roslyn's feet neared the edge and she fell into the water. It slammed into her chest, driving the air from her lungs. Her legs kicked and brought her to the surface. She inhaled deeply before breaking into a cough. Roslyn drifted to the platform then spotted an outstretched hand.
"T-th-thanks," Roslyn muttered, taking Niallus' hand, the water soaking her through her dress. A blush of embarrassment rushed along her cheeks as her arms tightened about her petite frame. She shivered a bit and followed him off the platform. Her fingers wringing her skirt front to distract her flustered thoughts.
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