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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Abstract Proxy, for when you come back, want to have some shared backstory between Tenno and Wildfire?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Abstract Proxy Firstly, I've never stolen a picture faster in my life.

So let me give you some broad clarifying things; if this were tabletop the level of augmentation you've done (even with the prototype transhuman style origin and a seeming biocompatibility with Bioware) would gut roughly half your magical abilities, more or less. That's totally fine! This is not me telling you not to do this. This is just me telling you that your character will feel a weaker connection to their Awakened self, that their magical abilities will not compare to other people, and that as an adept this means you will usually just outright manifest weaker and fewer abilities than other Adepts. There are a lot of natural adepts out there who will use their 'extra' magical ability over what your character can possibly achieve to reach the same kinds of enhanced abilities you possess- on tabletop it's all about trades and sacrifices, and it's not like you'd end up in any sort of weaker spot in the long run. You just chose a different way to get there- or, rather, may have had it forced on you by EVO.

Side note, installing hand razors directly in the flesh is metal and I always love to see wild drek like that. Bring on the X-23 vibes. Bring on the Wolverine. If you're indirectly angling for that particular flavor, there are adept powers that do enhance natural healing ability (though it'd have to be a ludicrously magical adept to reach even close to 'Wolverine' levels). You could go with that as your primary 'adept' power and just embrace the gimmick, clawing people up and healing faster than everyone else.

@vietmyke Hoi, Frost! We love to see the Trogs represented.

You built what I like to call 'the indestructible troll'. Dodging is more of a suggestion for someone whose bones are titanium laced and whose skin is hardened and, frankly, is a troll. That full suit of body armor will make you feel like a god until something just as nasty as you shows up on the opposition, in which case we all hope and pray that Frosty is the one in the immediate area when things that nasty show up otherwise it will become quite gross quite fast for potential 'squishies' (read: everyone who isn't you).

Side note, there is no license on this sixth world that will legally permit you to carry an Ares Alpha, the Panther XXL, or the AM-47 Rifle. This is just so you know in case you decide to carry the Panther to a business meeting in an office building or something. On a purely joking-observation level due to the sheer size of it, the AM-47 is almost functionally an assault cannon itself and I love that for you. On a gentle nitpicking note, I'm pretty sure the current Ares Predator in 2075 is the Ares Predator V [which makes literally no difference on anything; the Ares Predator of whatever variant is always the standard go-to firearm for those with enough money to have one because Ares makes fraggin' good guns].

On a nostalgic level, I adore seeing Datajacks on non-deckers in the modern wireless world. You can now plug directly into things!...Namely your guns! For if you can't use the wireless smartgun functions! It's honestly a niche thing on tabletop, but for roleplay and narrative purposes I just love to see it. Nobody can hack or brick your eyes/guns if you're taking a few seconds to directly plug into them rather than turn their wireless connections on.

@Letter Bee Hoi

I don't have any specific feedback for you at the moment, you seem to have a solid grasp of your concept and a decent history with Shadowrun so you'll probably do fine without me chiming anything in lore-wise or vibes-wise.
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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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@vietmyke Hoi, Frost! We love to see the Trogs represented.

You built what I like to call 'the indestructible troll'. Dodging is more of a suggestion for someone whose bones are titanium laced and whose skin is hardened and, frankly, is a troll. That full suit of body armor will make you feel like a god until something just as nasty as you shows up on the opposition, in which case we all hope and pray that Frosty is the one in the immediate area when things that nasty show up otherwise it will become quite gross quite fast for potential 'squishies' (read: everyone who isn't you).

Side note, there is no license on this sixth world that will legally permit you to carry an Ares Alpha, the Panther XXL, or the AM-47 Rifle. This is just so you know in case you decide to carry the Panther to a business meeting in an office building or something. On a purely joking-observation level due to the sheer size of it, the AM-47 is almost functionally an assault cannon itself and I love that for you. On a gentle nitpicking note, I'm pretty sure the current Ares Predator in 2075 is the Ares Predator V [which makes literally no difference on anything; the Ares Predator of whatever variant is always the standard go-to firearm for those with enough money to have one because Ares makes fraggin' good guns].

On a nostalgic level, I adore seeing Datajacks on non-deckers in the modern wireless world. You can now plug directly into things!...Namely your guns! For if you can't use the wireless smartgun functions! It's honestly a niche thing on tabletop, but for roleplay and narrative purposes I just love to see it. Nobody can hack or brick your eyes/guns if you're taking a few seconds to directly plug into them rather than turn their wireless connections on.

Indestructible angry troll was the name of the game 😎 Though generally smart/tactically minded enough to use concepts like cover-as her size allows, and not standing around and taking unnecessary fire.

I was pretty certain weapon licenses wouldn't cover the bigger boys- didn't know the Alpha was also off the table but that's fine too. The licenses were more for the smaller guns anyway. I figure if we're walking into a situation where Frost needs to bring the Alpha or the bigger guns, we're not necessarily caring about legality. Not that its particularly relevant for the rp, but I noticed on the wiki that the damage numbers for the AM-47 were pretty close to the Panther XXL, but I felt obligated to keep the Panther because I made a comment to @Abstract Proxy that Frost was almost certainly a cat person, and there is a joke in there somewhere about a troll and her pet cat/cannon.

I'm a bit unlearned about how matrix stuff works in shadowrun, but having spent enough time with some cybersecurity friends have made me fear basically any and all wireless networks. Closed systems all the way, forever from now until the end of time for me!
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Fading Memory, have time to talk in Discord, btw?

@Theyra, you're still pondering to make or not make a Discord Server?
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Barring someone else jumping on it, when everyone else is done with their sheets I’ll be producing someone Matrix-focused, so nobody needs to particularly worry about it unless they get L337 H4CKZ0R V183Z injected into them. So don’t worry too much about it.

The minimum line for everyone to understand in 2075 is that the entire world is functionally Augmented Reality capable and that even the cheapest Commlink (think personal assistant smartphone) can be held up to interact with and view the AR. Menus, entire storefronts, social media data, etc, are all just a glance away. Adverts are hyper specialized. Devices communicate constantly. Even guns and cyberlimbs benefit from wireless connectivity, and thus are at risk from nefarious hacking attacks.

A decent Decker can turn off your eyes, eject the magazine from your gun, and melt the firing mechanism to boot.

Now, you can turn the wireless off! Woo! But then you lose out on nice functions like a Smartgun or Gridguide Self Driving cars. It’s about risk management if you’re afraid of being at risk from Matrix attacks. Hence my nostalgia at the DataJack on the Troll; they can’t brick the gun if it’s offline and you’re just connected to it.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Baring any edits that need to be made, I think Frost is done!
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Wildfire's totally sister, here! Still working on finishing it up.

Unless Fading Memory has anything to say about it. Accepted.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Theyra, you're still pondering to make or not make a Discord Server?

Yeah, I am still thinking about it and I will discuss it with Fading Memory.

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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I see no issues with Frost. Fun times all around.
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Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Here's edit: FINISHED!

Decided to go ahead and get to this step since everyone else has solidified their concepts and I won't step on anyone's toes with CAPTCHA here. I elaborated a lot on the capabilities of the Technomancer half because the Rigger stuff is pretty easy to explain; she literally puts her mind into machines to directly operate them. Bam, Rigger explained. Technomancer just makes that a far more literal connection.

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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Theyra
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After thinking about it, I have decided to make a discord, and a link to it is on the ooc.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago


Updated the character sheet now with an IC background added.

Not sure how well the in character background works, but I was feeling tired of writing a "history" style background. Made some tweaks to Nadya overall too (she's human now, less bioware for more or rather max magic + some totally responsible drug usage).
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Here's edit: FINISHED!

Decided to go ahead and get to this step since everyone else has solidified their concepts and I won't step on anyone's toes with CAPTCHA here. I elaborated a lot on the capabilities of the Technomancer half because the Rigger stuff is pretty easy to explain; she literally puts her mind into machines to directly operate them. Bam, Rigger explained. Technomancer just makes that a far more literal connection.

Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Returning from my flu bout, I have wrapped up my character sheet (mostly adding adept powers and doing some quick spot checking, I didn't bother with actually calculating final PP or adept power levels since we are more RPing than going full table top, but let me know if you want me to do so).

Wildfire 2.0
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Now that we have everyone, I will start working on the ic and it will be up sometime this week.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The IC is now live and feel free to post when you can.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So, since I have received two more interested players, the rp will be set to full for the time being.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Pragia12
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Pragia12 Chaos and Conspiracy

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Accepted but next time, wait until I officially accept it before adding it to the character tab.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Thayr
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