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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Jumbus
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The Wise Words of Cawuio-Zast

Mentioned Character's: Fiske, Cal, & Tommy @Suicharte@jasbraq

A Foreword: "Hi, my name is John Darklaw - Astral Attorney, here to give a statement from my client, Dami-Zept. Dami-Zept would like to remind the reader of this post that the Cazenax given platform is a wanted felon and a crippling gambling addict. Therefore, he urges the reader to not heed his words, which should be regarded as nothing more than criminally bad advice. Legal action is currently being considered by the Astral Court on the grounds of slander & liable among other, more egregious, criminal acts. This will be actioned upon us mailing a summons to Cawuio-Zast's postal address."

"Thank you for your time."

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 32 min ago

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub.

Abdel’s head pounded to the systolic rhythm that hammered relentlessly, causing him to rudely wake up. His heart was not beating fast, but it was beating hard, so much so that it overshadowed the intense prickling in his feet that caught up quickly enough.

It was impossible that he felt those so early, he had taken an aberration just a few days ago! His hands hastily reached for his limbs to find a wound, only to come out empty. He was, in fact, feeling las hormigas with the painful dullness that came with their endless gnawing. Distraught, her smacked his palms over his face to wallow, only to find a wetness on them.

Blood …?

From his nose he found some of it still leaking. It then came back to him, the sacrifice he had done for the others to keep the Arch Zeno in check. It all made sense. Dayanara went to lick his face as he recognized what had happened. Quickly he drew toward their last known location.

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub …

Just one heartbeat, one that came with a less familiar energy signature than the others.

Zarina, Tku, Rikard? Where are you?

No matter where he searched, he could find them. And yet Alassa Tojarra, the reason they had risked their lives, slowly awoke from a chemical coma without an ounce of resistance put onto her. Something had happened. He had to intervene.

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub …

“We’re going.”

Abdel pushed himself off with his arms and took a step-

“Argh fuck!” he growled and slammed his fist onto a nearby surface. The ants were far more intense than he had estimated, leading to an acute pain that quickly vanished. It wasn’t so much difficult to walk as it was unusually uncomfortable. He could only imagine the damage going on down there.

He soldiered on, Skuggvars in tow, until he infiltrated the ruined Enclave.

Once in range, he stomped onto the gravel with his final step to get the magicless Arch Zeno’s attention, hiding the pain induced wince from the gesture. He stood a good thirty yards away from her.

“What did you do to them?” he asked, one hand on Qadira’s shoulder to keep her close, while Dayanara circled around Tojarra.

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub.

Alassa Tojarra was unafraid and her regular pulse was proof of it. Even magically naked, pillaged and defeated she did not falter. It made Abdel a tad tachycardic.

The Arch Zeno shrugged. “They’re gone. Far away from here.” she rubbed her bruised chin. “If you’re here to avenge them, make it quick.” she barely acknowledged Abdel, and only gave a cautionary glance at the nearby dragon.

“I can’t let you go.” Abdel, in an attempt to look stern and immovable, looked rather green with his typically teenage voice. One thing he did nail was a proper stance, but even that looked so little to Alassa’s stone hard posture.

“I will not bring them back.” she spat back viciously as she turned around toward one of the violet buildings. “Kill me or leave, darhannic, but don’t waste my time.”

Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub.

Even in her hate and haste, she never faltered. Abdel was intimidated. This wasn’t like Niallus, an easily impressed young man that hardly thought his actions through. This was a titan, even without magic.

“I’m not Darhannic.” he corrected, sounding like a petulant child called a no-no name.

“I recognize your type. And the way you do things. Like that detestable girl.”


“That’s what you savage sand apes do.”

Abdel recognized the heartbeats, the tone and the sentiment. For a moment, he almost thought he had been talking to his shower-thought self. The aggressive voice he consistently argued and fantasised with in his alone time. And there it was, under the form of a hateful woman. Such clarity was short lived as his feet ached once more. Or perhaps this interruption only accentuated his increasingly extreme feelings.

“I can’t kill you. You will bring them back.” he answered somewhat meekly, but made a show of force with a light surge to her nerves, to which she inhaled deeply and flexed her muscles.

“You’re the one that stopped me. Tethered and strong.” she smirked. “I can see you tremble. You’ve done all that just to get me.” Tojarra opened her arms to taunt him. “If you’re not going to kill me, then you may as well let me go. They won’t execute me - not after this. Not with what's become of the world.”


He could barely hear her anymore. His heart was killing him from all the anxiety and hesitation he was feeling.

Just put her to sleep. You must!

Abdel drew to capacity quickly enough. Tojarra didn’t even flinch despite her lack of defences. She only turned her head to grin his way.

She’ll never give them away. I can see it. She’s suffered everything I could do to her before.

The tethered clenched his fist, only to then suddenly fall onto his knee and wheeze out a grunt of pain. His legs shook in overexertion, prompting her Skuggvar to poke his side with her snout.

“You’re finally getting it.” uttered Tojarra with a voice that mellowed from her taunting and resentment demeanour. “You won’t ever find them if you kill me, and giving me to the new administration won’t provide the justice you want. All you can do is …” she began to walk. “Let me go.”

I need to keep her here! I need to do SOMETHING! I need to-

Drops of blood fell from his nostrils once more. In his overthinking he had pushed himself once more. All for nothing. Lost and forlorn as a child that thought himself more mature and harder than he truly was.

-for them!


In the endless ringing to tinnitus in his ears, the merciless pounding of his distressed hard and the cruel pricking of his feet, he found some sort of clarity. No other sounds could penetrate his mind. None except the heart of the woman he had no real control over.


The blood that ran through her body flowed so perfectly. The answer to a question that gnawed at his mind for days was right before him.

The silence enlightened him: There was nobody to cast judgement. Nobody could see what was behind the mask. Nobody other than a prisoner deemed kindred, and the Gods - the very ones that cursed him and his tethered friends into this pitiful existence.

“It’s not for them. Or for their Justice.” he muttered, barely audible to Tojarra but enough for her to stop and turn. “I don’t wanna kill you. Or give you away. Because I agree with what you stand for.” it was still Abdel’s voice, the non-threatening cracked one that oozed of awkwardness, but it was charged with purpose. And his intense gaze under his worker’s beret matched the Arch’s.

“Another one of these pathetic games? Or are you serious?” she shook her head and reconsidered even the notion of entertaining this.

“But I can’t let someone like you just walk free.” he shook his head like she did. “It makes me so angry to see how vapid and cruel this effort for Justice has made you. We could have done good work together if you weren’t such a resentful hag that would sooner see the world burn than let a few clueless peons run free in their sand dunes. Or denigrate someone for where they were born.”

Lub-dubLub-dubLub-dubLub-dubLub-dub …

The tachycardic melody only drove him more as he reached into his only pouch where something uneasy wiggled more and more.

Tojarra chuckled into a laugh. “You don’t know a thing ab-” she quickly turned to the right to face an unusually close gurgle.

Qadira was merely staring at her with no signs of hostility.

With a deep exhale, Alassa Tojarra straightened herself and looked back, only to be greeted by a massive, leathery maw that sucked in the entirety of her head. She couldn’t utter a word, and a few seconds in, she lost consciousness.

The Arch Zeno fell unconscious once more.

Although this time, there would be no friendship circle or ambitions for a brighter tomorrow.

There was only fire and malign inspiration, as the heartbeats silenced themselves into a bitter murmur.

Like my friends, I won’t give up on you. Nor will I let them, or yourself, ruin the work you’ve done, Arch Zeno Tojarra.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago


It was the third night of the standoff and Joshe Intaba - at least the statue of him - looked as hideous as ever. Biros, junior faculty, and regular citizens had gathered round, holding torches and placards, waving banners, and chanting for the return of Penny Pellerin, the resignation of Arch-Zeno Tojarra, and the reinstatement of Eloise, Yvette, and Jean-Marc. As of the past few hours, however, they had taken on a new and dangerous bent. There was talk of storming the Enclave. There was talk of a coup.

Now, as the final rays of sun began to fade from the sky and Eshiran looked towards Dami, the city's hundreds of bells sounded. Was it simply the passing of an hour or a call to arms? The swollen mob, feeding off of its own energy, had tried, more than once, to march towards the Violet Enclave, where the true seat of the academy's power lay. An army of mercenaries, City Guards, and constructed golems faced them, interspersed with Zenos, Tan-Zenos, Centuries, and even a few Lamplighters.

These blocked every path they could find between the angry mass and their employers but, every once in a while, someone got through, slipping off into the dusky depths of the Arboretum. Every once in a while, one appeared outside of the Enclave. They began to gather. The defenders began to split their forces. The enormous city gates closed for the first time in years, sealing off all contact with the outside world on this night - this destined night - of Lepdes, the thirteenth of Velles, DZ55. It was in Dami's hands, or perhaps even Reshta's now.


What happened on the night of Lepdes, the 13th of Velles? That there had been some sort of fight - some sort of violence - was a fact to all who lived within the walls of Ersand'Enise. Those who lived without had seen, clearly, the fires lighting up the darkness into the wee hours of the morning. They had seen the great beacon at the top of the Forked Tower flicker and disappear. People were left without sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, and others who had not upped and died for no reason. It was generally accepted that there had been a revolution and that the revolution had not been broadcast. The white walls held firm.

Yet, the vast majority of students had played only a lesser role in the fighting. They may have cut down a handful of mercenaries. They may have found themselves rushing and shouting through the hallowed halls of the Violet Enclave with torches in hand and anger in their hearts, but they had not done much more. There were mysteries at the heart of everything that they would never receive answers to: what had happened to Claresse Upta, the undoubtedly corrupt and biased but genuinely peace-loving Zenith? Why would she have called mercenaries against them? What had taken place in the Forked Tower - Ersand'Enise's centre of power? Some swore they'd seen demons swarming out of it. Others had awoken in infirmaries after trying to infiltrate the double-towered prison known as the Nashorn. Clearly, it was no normal prison, but a place of infamy. Finally, what of Alassa Tojarra, who had precipitated this entire conflict? None knew her whereabouts, and it was the topic of endless speculation.

It was mostly the rebelling Zenos, Tan-Zenos, and a particular group of about thirty students who'd been involved in clandestine work for these in the past who seemed to know more about these mysteries. Yet, perhaps some did not wish to remember and, as the magic of master internal chemists was used upon much of the city to... soften their memories of the uprising, these thirty were given a choice: keep their knowledge of the horrors they had encountered or return to blissful semi-ignorance.


That, indeed, seemed to be the operative word for much of the city. The swathes of the Arboretum that had lain in ashes for the first twenty hours following the violence were restored with speed and a degree of imperfection. They were not trying to hide, in its entirety, that something consequential had happened. They were merely trying to return matters to a semblance of normalcy. The towers and rooftops and warehouses were restored in short order. Pardons were issued to all but the most egregious of offenders, and the wards of the Violet Enclave returned, and stronger than before. The port was first to reopen, and then the gates - but not to the refugees of Tanso, Parmoy, and Yarsoc. Businesses were back at full capacity or something like it within a week, as classes were placed temporarily on hold. The scouts of the Perrench Legion, who had made camp outside, turned back once they were satisfied that the Princess Royal was safe. In retrospect, the events leading up to her arrest had been such a comedy of errors that it ought to have raised questions.

Classes remained suspended for a further week as the faculty voted upon, implemented, and announced a sweeping series of changes. Claresse Upta had been stripped of her office, position, and pension. Declared Anto, she had been sent back to Joru in disgrace. The same had gone for Riu Kai-Tan. Giacomo Giarrone had announced his retirement, scheduled for the end of the year, to give him time to wrap up his duties and move to an emeritus position. Joshe Intaba had been promoted into the role of Zenith over his own misgivings. The position of Paradigm was made formal, and not merely the purview of retired Zeniths as it had been before Hugo Hunghorasz had made something of the office. Karim Harrarchora remained ensconced there, but there were greater changes as well. While Arderedelle Latvar had fallen on the right side of history and retained her position as Arch-Zeno, she was now joined by a pair of newly-promoted High Zenos in the form of Sigmund Bastañer and João Fabio. Tarthas'talix'tuura and Sienna Afraval had been promoted straight from the rank of Zeno, which was highly irregular, and the disbarred Vaughn Marbrand had been reinstated not as a Zeno, but as an Arch-Zeno. Finally, the council had been expanded, with its two new positions going to recently-promoted High Zenos Olivier Masson and Giancarlo Silvestri. Much was done to balance matters between those two great political alliances of the outside world: Sovereign Pact and Central Alliance. Much was done to placate the latter that this was not simply a coup of the former. Much was done to assure the former that their position would, indeed, improve.

Yet, there was still more. Numerous Tan-Zenos found themselves preemptively promoted to full communion and pressed into teaching duties, a fact that a handful grumbled about. Administration decided to fill the gaps left in the same way that it had with one of these - Jocasta Re - by holding a series of interviews for 'Advanced Placement', allowing students seventeen years of age or older who demonstrated levels of maturity, magical understanding, and ability that significantly outstripped their peers' to test and interview for Tan-Zeno positions. Thus, it was, as the conflict that had torn the academy and city apart slipped from immediacy to recency, as dorrad sweltered, refugees gathered at the gates, and trade once again bustled, the tryouts were held and classes resumed. There seemed, once more, to be something to look forward to.

A R C F I V E : F I N
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Jocasta looked out of sorts. Rikard could sense it and it wasn't because he spent an awful lot of time looking at her. Presently, he averted his eyes and focused on his work. They were just so big and perfectly shaped and her pretty voice and smile and tiny little waist... His cheeks flushed with shame. It wasn't all about how she looked. She was smart, and didn't talk to people condescendingly. She always had some witty commentary or way to make class interesting. She was strong, too: really strong, and she knew her stuff. You're good people, Zeno Re, he told himself, Not just a pretty face. Presently, she reached up to scrawl something in chalk on the board - a basic equation for time pressure that he already knew - and her dress stretched extra tight around her chest. His eyes couldn't help it, but he reminded himself that he respected her. That she was a cool person and a good thaumaturge. If he just wanted to steal glances like a pervert, there was Trypano, and Esmii, and kind of Marci. Well, the first two, anyhow. The third was... more of a friend, though she'd sort of just disappeared lately.

Still, he stuck by his initial observation and it distracted him, even as Jocasta rolled between rows of desks with a smile and an encouraging voice that only slipped into ironic tones when she was dealing with some of the dumber students. She hadn't cracked a single joke. There was no 'bounce' to her 'step'. He'd noticed a habit that she had when she was happy or excited: every third push of her wheels, she'd push herself up a little as well. "Daydreaming again, Rikster." Suddenly, she wasn't where he'd perceived her to be; she was right beside him, leaning over and resting her chin on a hand and her elbow on his desk. "Benny for your thoughts?"

Flummoxed, he straightened in his seat until they were nearly at eye level. "No, Zeno Re."

"Is that a no to the daydreaming or can I not pay you to disgorge your innermost secrets?"

He'd been put on the spot. He was being made a fool of! Sometimes, he hated her for this! "The daydreaming, ma'am. I was just running some numbers in my head."

She smiled knowingly. "Well, then I'm sorry to interrupt." She lowered her voice. "Listen, it's okay if you're a little out of it. It's our first week back. I think a lot of us are."

Rikard nodded dumbly. "A bit," he admitted. Then, he, too, lowered his voice. "Are...you okay, Tan-Zeno?"

Jocasta paused and blinked, seemingly taken by surprise. "Not exactly, Rikard, but we manage, don't we?"

He swallowed and nodded and she rolled on to the next desk. "Pop challenge!" she called out suddenly, in her chipper Jocasta voice. "Books closed, wands ready!"

That night, he dreamt that he was in class, and that Jocasta was there, but she was the only one he recognized and, for some reason, his mind was telling him that she was... Emma? Enna? Something like that. It was weird. He didn't know anyone by that name, but he felt, fleetingly, like he did. She wasn't a teacher, either, but a fellow student, like him. They were seated together near the front, on account of his eagerness to learn and her wheelchair. After class, they went to the great hall for dinner instead of back to their dorms, and there was a yasoi girl who looked a bit like Miret, and a boy who looked like Benedetto, and another who he didn't recognize, though something about him reminded Rikard slightly of... Juulet? He knew them, as well, or had the sense that he did. Who could really say what dreams were about?

He awoke to find himself standing outside of a random dorm that he did not recognize. He was standing there, in his nightgown. A stray cat was looking up at him strangely. He cast about, but there was nobody else. Surreptitiously, the youth pinched himself, but he was most certainly awake now. Disturbed and exhausted, Rikard gathered his magic and returned to his own bed as quickly as he could.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Emeth
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Emeth Fluffs Responsibly

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lost and Found, the Voice of an Unyielding Will

Dami's Judgment, Vyshta's Mercy

The Face of Triumph is a Warm Smile

Mano e Mano

Two Girls and a Scheme

A Party is Never Just a Party

Cal {Placeholder}

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

The people of the village of Porto dell'Alba - at least those who were not currently at sea - looked out of their homes one warm dordian morning to witness something unexpected: there was a girl, running down the single dirt road that passed through one end of their tiny settlement and out the other. A couple made comments and went back to their routines, for people are nothing if not beholden to their norms.

Had they looked closer, they might've noticed that she was not human, like every single one of them, but eeaiko. Her long dark hair, half-gathered in a ponytail, bounced and flicked behind her as she ran in that slightly awkward way that her people did. Perhaps, they might've wondered why she was in such a hurry and where she might've been going but, if they did, they said nothing and merely remarked on the queerness of it.

Kaureerah wasn't sure why she had decided to run today. She brought with her no lute. She left no message for her friends. The bare earth fell away from her feet in the language of footsteps. The clean, crisp air filled her lungs. The sun warmed her skin and sweat beaded on her forehead She ran past the little fishing village until she came to a low promontory that she had been to a handful of times before. There, she stopped, chest heaving, hair pasted in wet bands to the sides of her face and back of her neck. There she stopped: one small woman away from the sight of all but the gods. In the grassy field around her, butterflies flickered from flower to flower, fragile and beautiful amid the shifting sea of green. In the vast sky above, puffy white clouds drifted languidly in the breeze, impossibly huge and yet gentle amid the serene blue. In the churning sea at her feet, waves rose and crashed upon the rocks, cool and refreshing and welcoming her into their cerulean world.

The people of Porto dell'Alba did not see the girl dive into the water. She swam and darted and caught the fish with her bare hands as she had done in her distant home: a place that she hated, a place that she missed. Soon, she would return to her new home, and she reflected that it was so very different from the original but, in some ways, just the same. She didn't have to go back yet.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by Jumbus
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Connection, Delusion, & the Dawn

Event: The Revolution - Speaks with: Zarina - Mentions: Kaureerah @Force and Fury@YummyYummy

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Niallus Saberhagen

Event: Aftermath.

Niallus sat, daydreaming as always. The fires of Revolution seem to have dimmed, but what's to say that something will rekindle it. Surveying the landscape it had some resemblance of a street, but with all the debris, it was difficult to tell. From where he sat, he wasn't too far away from Himself, Rikard, Roslyn, Johann and a little Cazenax stood their ground against a small army.

It was an extremely close call for himself as he suffered quite a few injuries. Luckily for him someone from the long range support group, must have noticed his group was in trouble, deciding to provide heals and buffs to Niallus and his group. Knowing what was at stake, he stood his ground with the others and continued fighting. Rikard managed to wipe out quite a few in succession. Niallus managed to take down a few, and also used Bottom Feeder to drain some of the rebel’s Manas. He didn't want to use it, but given the situation, he had little choice, he needed every advantage, his home was under attack.

Looking back, after the fight when his group managed to succeed in defeating the army they were against. At some point during the fight, the little Cazenax seemed to run away. When the students all came together. They broke off into groups once more. Niallus' group broke off in an attempt to rescue Penny. Pushing forward towards an idea where Penny could have been held, it was a difficult journey to get there. Navigating through a maze avoiding deadly traps.

His thoughts come back as his satchel falls onto the floor, spilling its contents; some sheets of parchment fall out of a book that was in his"Crap." as he leaned down to pick them up, he went through the sheets, checking if they were intact. Some sheets had sketches on them out of charcoal. Some were of landmarks, The Forked Tower, The Evertree. There were a few portraits of some of his friends. Even one of Albion. Seems that they were all accounted for. Need to be a bit careful with these. Sketching has been somewhat of an interesting hobby, as his work seemed to be paying off as they were pretty good. Portraits of people were far better than landscapes, but he was making steady progress. Placing them and the book back he found his application form for the opening for Tan-Zeno.

His application was complete. He was still debating whether he should hand in his application, as he wasn't sure if he was good enough for it. Thinking his answers were lacklustre, mediocre at best. Come on, at least try. Trying to motivate himself to go through with it. Taking a deep breath, deciding that he might as well get this over with, he went to hand in his application.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

She had one leg.

Chad sat at his desk as Alta Sansuul went on. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class, dear?"

He watched her walk. He wasn't the only one. The class always erupted in speculation whenever there was to be a new student. Alta Sansuul usually heard a few days ahead of time and let slip the juicy secret to whoever had scored the highest on the weekly exam. This time, nobody had known. This time, the usual crescendo of murmurs and excited whispers was notably absent. Every student could hear every awkward click-thump, click-thump of the new girl's one legged steps as she made her way towards the teacher's desk. Her eyes flicked nervously their way for a moment and Chad thought he caught them before they escaped to the safety of the floor. He saw her throat tighten as she swallowed and, suddenly, it was as if he was in her shoes - shoe - and absorbing every bit of the mind-racing terror she must've been in. Still, he watched. Eyes continued to dart among the students.

It wasn't as if he hadn't seen a one-legged person before. Everyone had. There were statues of the fallen goddess Vyshta. Then, there were the discards who came back from the frontiers from time to time: ones who'd survived some sort of animal attack, writhing tree, or other unknown horror. There was lots that hadn't been discovered yet deep in the Writhing Wood. Chad watched the new girl come to a stop. She wasn't just missing a foot or anything either: it was her entire leg. He paused, trying to recall right and left. My left, he remembered, her right. There was only a tiny bit of it left and he watched it just kind of dangle there as she stood, jiggling slightly when she turned on the spot. He found himself burning with curiosity and he could not have been alone. He'd never actually known anyone with such a gnarly injury. What had happened? What was the story? He remembered not to stare. His father had told him not to.

The silence hung ripe and heavy and Alta Sansuul's eyes momentarily joined those of her students in glancing the one-legged girl's way expectantly. She opened her mouth as if to speak but, then, all at once, the new arrival took a deep breath and: "I'm Tyrel and I just got here last night from all the way out in Saliac and I'm tireder than you could imagine... but I'm happy to be here." She flashed a nervous smile, as if having to remind herself to do so. Her eyes flicked up and searched the class and Chad tried to give her a reassuring look. At least she sounded just like any other girl, really. Why would she not have?

"Well, we'll get you caught up soon enough," promised the teacher. "And perhaps be a tiny bit lenient if we see any yawns or daydreaming in class."

Tyrel's big green eyes darted to Alta Sansuul's. "Thank you Alta," she replied, and her voice was kind of nice, "But I promise you won't need to." Now, there were a couple of whispers - a couple of murmurs. The new girl had given them something else to chew on besides a missing leg. The teacher looked at her questioningly and there was a hind of something in the girl's eyes that reminded him of his brother Darien when he was about to - "I always try to put my best foot forward."

There was a collective intake of breath. Eyes widened among the smarter kids and the teacher clammed up. A couple burst out in nervous giggles and snickers. "And I always succeed, too," concluded Tyrel with a straight face. In an instant, Chad reevaluated her entirely. He grinned. The girl smiled back. Was it at him, specifically?

Alta Sansuul smiled as well, in that way that adults did when they were reacting to something unexpected from kids. "Oh? she remarked, "Then I shall expect much from you Tyrel'dichora."

The girl bit her lower lip as if stifling a grin. Then she smiled up at the teacher. "I'll do my best, Alta Sansuul," she promised, "But I'm not like... some goody two-shoes," She replied, and now even the dullest among her audience could not doubt what she was doing it on purpose. The teacher let out a snort of amusement. "Well, it seems that year three has yet another original."

Tyrel shifted on the spot, resting the little stump of her leg on one of her crutch handles. That seemed to bring everyone back to what they'd noticed first about her, before she'd been funny. "Well, instead of me asking you to keep talking about yourself," the teacher offered, "We're going to let the class ask."

Tyrel nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she called out in her singsong voice, "What kind of questions are we going to ask?"

Chad knew the answer to this. It was an easy way to win points with Alta Sansuul, so his hand shot up along with a half dozen others'. As usual, one of the girls with ribbons in her hair was picked. "Relevant, Respectful, and Reasonable," she chirped and the teacher nodded. "Exactly, class!" She clapped her hands together before turning to Tyrel, speaking in a low voice. "If there's anything you're uncomfortable answering, you don't have to," she promised.

"Okay," the girl replied sheepishly, and the chorus of whispers only grew. From behind Chad, Ashon tapped him on the shoulder. "I dare you to ask it," he whispered, eyes gleaming with mischief and a hint of malevolence as Chad twisted to face him. A couple of others were looking his way as well.

"Uh huh?" came Tyrel's voice suddenly, and Chad turned back around. She was pointing at Emiin. "What is your favourite colour?" she asked, and Tyrel furrowed her brow. After a moment she shrugged. "Magenta," she declared, "And then maybe light green."

"I like magenta too," Emiin lied, or maybe it wasn't a lie. Chad didn't know her favourite colour and it probably changed every weak, realistically.

Three more hands shot up. "Do you have Titan sloths in Saliac?" came Samon's question.

Tyrel nodded vigorously. "We do, and they're huge!"

"Have you seen one?"

The girl seemed a bit lost for response for a moment and Velani whispered from the desk beside Samon. "Of course she has if she just said they're huge, dumbass."

Samon shrunk two sizes and something flashed in Tyrel's eyes. "Actually, I didn't just see one," she replied, "I got to ride on one once."

People shifted in their seats and conversation rose. Either Tyrel was one of those kids who told a lot of ridiculous stories or she'd had a really interesting life. Of course, the most interesting question hadn't been asked yet, as if everyone was just waiting for someone else to ask it.

"What other animals did you see there? Oh, are there writhing trees?"

Tyrel nodded and, all at once, she lifted her stump off of her crutch handle so she could grab it. She took a small step. "There are, and we need to hack them back every day. Saliac's not quite on the frontier, but it's close. A lot of mundanes come through it on their way there."

It was like they were sharks, ever more certainly circling in towards the question they wanted to ask, trying to make it seem natural so it wasn't rude, as if by collective agreement. Chad raised his hand and was chosen immediately. "Have you ever been to the Writhing Wood?" he asked daringly, and people leaned forward on their elbows or lifted their butts off of their seats.

With a small, close-lipped smile, Tyrel nodded. "A couple times. It was..." She trailed off. "scary but amazing."

Chad was going to ask a follow-up, but Thandar was practically falling out of his seat in eagerness to ask the next question and Tyrel picked him with a nervous but good-natured smile. "Did any of them try to eat you?" People bounced up and down nervously. Alta Sansuul's eyes scanned the room warningly, but Tyrel shook her head. "Not really. Sometimes, their branches move a bit in your direction but, as long as you keep moving, you're fine."

"Well, since we're going to be learning about the different regions of Tarlon starting tomorrow," the teacher interjected, "It'll be very nice to have someone who's lived in such a different one." She smiled. "Maybe Tyrel will really have a chance to put her best foot forward and help us with some of our wonderings."

There were a dozen hands up now. "You ever see any really dangerous animals?" asked Sandii, kneeling on her seat until a venomous look from the teacher forced her to sit properly. Tyrel nodded. "Yeah, but mostly just in the distance."

Jasco was next. "How 'bout when you saw 'em not in the distance? Were you scared? Did you fight them?"

Tyrel arched an eyebrow, taking one of her weird steps back. "Of course I was scared. I was with my dad and brother." She shrugged. "I ran away."

A few pairs of eyes went to her leg, or lack thereof, once more. How do you run? They were all thinking it, but none asked.

"What's your brother's name?" came a reprieve from Lyla.


"That's my brother's name!"

"How old is he?"

"Fourteen," Tyrel replied, eyes roving about the sea of hands and faces.

"Did he outrun you?" Thandar's question was particularly brazen, and a few people shot him annoyed looks. "Um." Tyrel's eyes flicked the teacher's way, but she didn't ask for help. That was the worst thing she could do and she seemed to know it. "I mean, he's a lot older than me, so what do you think?"

Velani made the 'poop' sign at Thandar and rolled her eyes. A few people laughed and he opened his mouth to protest. "You know what I was trying to ask!" he retorted. "I just wanted to -"

Alta Sansuul clapped and, out of reflex, Chad clapped back with the others. "Thandar, quiet time one!" she singsonged. There were two more claps. "Velani, quiet time two!" Clap clap. "Class! Three 'R's!"

As one, they recited, even Tyrel, Chad noted, tentatively.

"Exactly, everyone!" She cleared her throat as Thandar and Velani glared daggers at each other for as long as they could until retreating into their opposite-corner wall-facing exiles. "Now, do we have any more questions that follow our three 'R's or are we finished, class?" Chad wanted to die. There were so many dumb people. He raised his hand and Tyrel, scanning the crowd, chose him again. Emiin let out a frustrated huff. "So, if it's okay with you, I'm just gonna ask the thing I think everyone wants to." He wasn't trying to be rude, but he was pretty sure it was rude anyway. He plowed forward regardless, despite Alta Sansuul's warning look. "So, um..." He was starting to clam up. He never clammed up. Why did he suddenly care so much about this random girl? She'd probably be like all the other girls in the class once the novelty wore off and they'd only ever talk to each other when they were paired up for stuff. "What happened to your leg?"

Gasps and murmurs. Chad had done it again, of course: the thing everyone else had wanted to do, and at just the right moment. Ironically, he hadn't really been meaning to. He'd just honestly started feeling bad for Tyrel, having to put up with so many dumb questions. Maybe you're not so bad, for a girl, like Velani. Maybe we can kind of be friends.

"Oh," replied Tyrel after a moment, and everyone went dead silent. "It was anklechewers," she admitted, "I think you call them kneebiters here?" She looked at Alta Sansuul and the teacher nodded, along with a few other people. "I was five and I got lost in the forest and bitten. I wasn't supposed to be there and I didn't want my parents to know so I didn't tell them."

"Well that's stupid," Chad could hear Samon whisper to Ashon, and he made a note to punch the former at recess. Tyrel's eyes flicked his way, too, as if she might've heard, and he pretended to be looking elsewhere.

"It was pretty dumb," she addressed him indirectly, "but I was five and five-year-olds are dumb. Anyway, the eggs spread and they had to cut my leg off or I probably would've died." She shrugged again, only a little bit uncomfortable. "Honestly, I'm used to it and, most of the time, it isn't that bad." She sniffed and glanced about, eyes finding the teacher momentarily before returning to her peers. "Honestly, I know I'm kind of a rare thing, so if you wanna know anything, you can just ask. It doesn't bug me."

Alta Sansuul nodded approvingly at Tyrel and, momentarily, at Chad as well. He would get a checkmark today. He could feel it. For a moment, whispering and murmured conversation held the class, but then there were more hands. "You said you ran. How do you run?" There were plenty of nods and more murmurs.

"I can show you at recess," Tyrel replied eagerly. "There's two ways: the like... jogging run and the hundred percent run for your life run." She shook her head. "They're totally different."

"And, speaking of recess," the teacher interjected, "We need to get started on today's arithmetic before we run out of time." She turned to the new girl. "Tyrel?"

"Yes, Alta?"

"Thank you very much for your informative and amusing answers."

"You're very welcome, Alta Sansuul."

"Boys and girls!" the teacher singsonged, and they all perked up. "Let's all give our new student a big round of applause and make her feel very welcome today."

Chad clapped along with the others. Ashon's claps were obnoxiously loud, as usual, as if he thought it was some sort of competition.

"The empty desk near the door is yours," Alta Sansuul was telling Tyrel. "You'll find a slate inside."

Tyrel bowed her head. "Thank you," she replied in a small, sweet voice, making her way over. A few people watched, but the novelty was already beginning to wear off now that their burning question had been answered. She took her seat, pulled out her slate, and that seemed to be the cue for everyone else to do so. Velani and Thandar were called back belatedly to join in and class routine returned to its norm: waiting for the clock to tick its way to 1:00 HO so that recess could begin.

Chad had earned some goodwill, and so he was chosen for a few questions. Duly, he calculated his equations, erased with his rag and not his sleeve, and flipped his board when asked to. Alta Sansuul tried to call upon everyone at least once and, when Tyrel stood to give her answer, people took a bit more interest, just to see if she was smart. Chad found himself a bit disappointed not in her response, but in the fact that she was so far from him. He felt like he'd made kind of a friend, and he didn't want to have to wait until recess when the other girls would inevitably steal her away and she'd be busy demonstrating how she ran - not that he wasn't curious himself.

The minutes faded one into the other, and so did the equations. Times tables were easy. That was when he felt a gentle tap on his side: it was a note, passed surreptitiously by Sandii, and he took it with the smallest nod. He opened it and quickly closed it up, warmth rising in his cheeks. His eyes shot Tyrel's way and hers flicked over to meet them. Did she give a hint of a smile or did she follow the unspoken code that one did not acknowledge sending such letters. He wasn't sure. He opened it again. Then, feeling guilty, he folded it gently, tucked it deep into his desk, and decided to keep it.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(Header Pending)

In a busy warehouse in the morning hours amidst the bustle of busy sailors and warehouse workers a tall pale woman stood, hair of crimson and a dark cloak adorned loosely upon her shoulders. Hoisted upon her shoulders was a large box, just one of several which contained her belongings. Not only had her laboratory been destroyed but the rest of the school had been damaged during this period of great upheaval. While she still had a dorm to rest in she really didn't have a place to call her own within this city anymore. Any privacy she previously had claim to was more than thoroughly spoiled, leaving the purpose of hiding moot. Hence, it was time to pack up her belongings and shelve them for the time being.

Each step spoke of the sheer weight of her approach as she carried her belongings to the zone she was allotted. She placed the one hundred and thirty six or so kilogram crate into the empty spot next to the other five she had already placed, setting it down with remarkable control for something so heavy. Standing back up she turned back towards the entrance, her last crate of belongings now set away to linger in anonymity like so many other things stored here. Of course, someone so tall lifting so much hadn't gone unnoticed by the various workers who were also busy moving crates to and fro, nor had her scant garments below the cloak which had hung like a cape from her shoulders whilst she had worked.

"Eh, she might be a giant but she's a might finer sight than the prostitutes 'round 'ere." She overheard one commenting to his co-worker as they passed. "P'haps if you're into mountain climbing." The other replied to the former, followed by some rough guffawing from the two. She paid the idle comments of those around her no mind. She'd been tuning out the words of those spectating her since she was a child. This was nothing new.

Having drawn her cloak back around herself in full she walked down the rubble strewn streets, gravel and debris grinding below her bare feet. Hers was not the only home that was damaged, the chaos brought about by the upheaval having taken it's toll far from just the tower itself. Many homes and businesses now had to undergo repairs. A number were now also sans an owner as some were killed in the violence, however many wasn't something she had been tracking. Still, it did mean that there was possibility for finding new housing. She contemplated discussing the matter with Xiuyang as she walked. It did bring to mind that Xiuyang hadn't spoken with her in a while. While she was naturally reclusive Trypano had made no effort to avoid her. Perhaps there was something involving her condition she was still trying to keep from the world. She was more than willing to seek a cure for it in the book she was promised but alas they still had yet to cross that bridge.

Turning the corner into an alleyway Trypano continued down out of sight, stepping into a doorway to her left. Using binding to open up the floor slab she slipped below into a discrete tunnel which led down into a sewer line that crossed under this specific area, closing the path behind her so no evidence of her passage remained. Continuing through the dark passage she made her way along until she was finally below her destination. Emerging in a similar manner to how she descended she closed the path behind her, placed on her mask and then used a combination of her binding and chemistry knowledge to cleanse the detritus that clung to her cloak and stuck between her toes. A simple execution removed all the stench from her person, leaving her veritably scentless. In exchange she then lightly coated herself with a conjured perfume which smelt of freshly baked bread. It was a delightful scent that was not too strong nor too alluring but rather brought about feelings of home's comforts and a light tease to hunger.

Turning a corner she found her way to the door to the usual spot for their blood magic classes. She stepped through the doorway, scrutinized by those tasked to watch the entry as she made her way in. Even despite their guises some of her fellow students were no less recognizable than her here such as Johann, Sven or Maura who it seemed has come down with some sort of injury or malady. Others she knew were attending but couldn't accurately pick them out from a mere glance such as Xiuyang and Kaspar. She knew better than to discuss personal matters here anyways, it would be a faux paus to out each other's identities through casual conversation just in case authorities were listening in.

As the course of the lesson went on they listened for the day's lecture before presenting their own works in progress. Trypano walked up to the dais at the end of the room, having been slated to be presenting her work that day. Standing there before the crowd she stood, waiting stoically as the room's focus gradually centered on her. It was time.

"Fellow colleagues and of course our esteemed teachers, I stand before you to present to you the progress I have made in the fields of both blood mark energy communication and limb animation." She opened her presentation, standing before a table which was prepared ahead of time for the operation she was about to conduct. "As you all well know blood marks are capable of taking in energy and converting it and/or redirecting it as per their design." She then unveiled her arm from below her cloak which revealed two parallel rings installed upon her arm, up along the bicep, in the form of crimson marks, intricate lines woven throughout the pattern within the rings.

"What I am attempting to do is create marks that can convert both blood and impulses from our nerves into energy which will then be transmitted into the receiving mark and converted back into their original states. With this I should be able to sever a limb such as this arm-" She gestured to her arm that's presented. "- And not only will it continue to survive while removed from it's host body but I should be able to retain full control over it. Observe..."

A concentrated silence grew ever deafening as people watched on, ever concentrated on Trypano's demonstration as she was about to sever the limb. All eyes were on her, there was no backing down from this now.

She was able to cleanly sever the limb, yes. It flopped onto the table like a dead fish, no signs of life to it yet. The blood that would be bleeding from either stumps were frittering away, the material being broken down and passed into the limb and back. "And now, time for the limb to receive it's commands." She announced to the room of spectators. Despite her professional air however she knew that something was wrong. She was willing her arm to move as though it were still attached and yet nothing was born of the effort.

"Ah. J-just a hiccup! It definitely worked in the tests. Just gotta..." She leaned over the still inanimate limb, pouring over the mark she had set. It should be transmitting properly! She fretted internally, studying the pattern to her mark with great intensity. Why!? Why now is it not performing as expected? Her mind screamed back at her, the stares from the audience now boring holes into her as she fumbled to recover from this technical error. As she brought her stump near to the ring around the separated limb she saw a couple of fingers give an errant twitch, a sign that the marks connected, if only briefly for an intermittent spasm.

"Ah, a-as you can all see it does connect! There may be a slight issue in the transmission distance but it really is proof that these types of blood marks can allow for remote control of connected parts!" As she spoke she was now desperately trying to wind down her display, bringing the arm back up and re-attaching it through binding. Still reforming all the connections within the arm she started hurrying off the stage, trying badly to mask her embarrassment. If she could have she'd of fled the classroom to find some abandoned space to review what went wrong but seeing as class wasn't dismissed yet she instead found herself a corner to keep herself until they were dismissed.

Even if she possessed enough temporal knowledge to simply disappear as she now strongly desired there was no escape from this absolute failure.

Mentioned - @Force and Fury,@Emeth,(Possibly more)
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

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Hidden 1 yr ago 11 mos ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 32 min ago

The Trials had finally ended. What was a simple, action-packed week felt like months to some, but it was all worth it for the big top ten (and then some) as they claimed their prizes and bid generously during the auction. Zarina’s invite punctuated this chapter of their lives with what was hoped to be a positive note and she was still hopeful despite the very recent developments and accelerated tensions. There would be no such things during this homebrewed gala. When 1:00 HD hit, the party officially begun.

“Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!”

At the main entrance door that remained open during the whole evening was none other than Horus wearing a hat similar to Zarina’s Homburg. A popular face and voice to greet the guests, with hats and other items gathered by the short but conveniently dextrous young Monkeybird to be stored in one of the nearby closets. The house had been arranged to accommodate for an influx of people, with tables added to the drawing room decorated with many appetisers. But the bulk of the activity was actually in the yard where three rows of tables were set with more foods and drinks aplenty.

Ellermane Bleu, courtesy of Desmond’s catering, was the main alcoholic beverage to go with the bite sized goods on the tables, but soon came a butt of Hegelan-approved beer to be set by the archway between the indoors and outdoors. Maat, the second and more colorful Monkeybird, made sure to tend to the nozzle.

““More? More? MOOOOORE! SLURP!””

Then came Osman, the newcomer land octopus carrying trays of biscottis with cream and shrimp as well as glasses of Meattu champagne. His tentacles stretched out to reach for finished glasses to switch them with a newly filled one. A brilliant server, to be sure, even if it couldn’t quite grasp any sort of order, it knew when to take an item and when not to.

Zarina, clad in a brilliant gold dress of both Virangish and Torragonese inspiration and long trumpet sleeves, was playing the role of host to a T, making sure to greet as many guests as possible with the usual politeness and pleasantries - even to those she didn’t quite remember. Big smiles, loads of energy, and an offering of expensive drinks to keep the mood up were her go-tos. Oh, and of course, she wouldn’t hesitate to show off her fancy new House Hippo in her handbag. The little critter was a tad overwhelmed, but also found itself consistently fed.

Technically Correct had arrived precisely on time, finding Johann to be one of the earliest arrivals to help the hostess prepare for the evening. Others such as Ayla, Ashon, Marceline and Kaureerah were there from the start by virtue of actually living there. And the Zeno Bucks staff worked to keep the dishes coming and the venue clean (as well as helping the animals/mascots).

The Soul Sisters were expected to arrive soon with a whole stage prepared out back dedicated to them and all other performers. Until then, Gonzalo, the barista stationed in the Workman’s Quarter, was the tune of the evening with his Laud, along with his troupe of merry musicians. There wasn’t a minute with some music.

Welcome to the Trials End Party at Zarina’s! Feel free to enjoy, reach out to people, do your own little skits for entertainment and so on! This is an opportunity to exchange with friends, new or old, before the world makes this difficult for you. Ellermane Bleu effects apply to all those who drink it.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aftermath of the City Burning and Meeting Lunara

Place: The Ever Tree
Time: Evening

When the groups of students finally got back and had helped to heal as many Zenos as they could, Esmii overheard a group of people mention that The Ever Tree where she lives had been one of the many places affected by the attacks. Her heart began to race as she feared the worst, even though her and Sven’s little animals were at Sven’s home, but she was still very worried.

She searched around and, on finding Sven, quickly ran over to him and tried to explain what she had heard. "Sven, I need to get to the Ever Tree. I heard it was one of the places that was hit by the attack. I’m going straight there to help heal people and see the damage. Do you want to accompany me or meet me there in a short while?" She said this while she frantically looked around.

”Whoa whoa whoa!” he replied, the words tumbling out of him just as they’d tumbled out of her. ”It’sh not too bad,” he assured her quickly. ”I think they managed to shave it, but there’sh damage.” He shook his head. ”I still have to help shtabilize the tower. That thing fallsh and it takes three blocksh of houshesh with it.” He bit his lip, peering about to see if there was anyone else he knew or trusted nearby. ”Shtick to the plan, okay? I’ll meet up with you ash shoon ash I can. I love you.” He paused, squeezing her extra tight before letting go. ”And don’t go alone.” He scowled. ”You never know, okay?”

Esmii smiled, and in his embrace she took a deep breath, to calm herself down. "I feel calmer now, thank you, my love, I will be careful and I promise, I won't go alone. Promise me that you will be careful as well." placing a hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes. She rose onto her tiptoes and gave him a kiss. ”I Love you too.” she said softly to him.

Lunara, on hearing their conversation, made her way to the cute couple. She cleared her throat and said. "Hello, My name is Lunara Agha, I am one of the people who helped to defend the Ever Tree. If you want I can accompany you, until your boyfriend is free to join you?."

Esmii on hearing Lunara’s voice, she looks in her direction, smiles and says. "Nice to meet you Lunara, I am Esmii and this is Sven. I believe I have seen you around, but never spoken to you. Thank you for helping to protect the Ever Tree, and Yes if it’s not too much trouble for you, I would appreciate it."

Lunara smiled at the little Yasoi girl. "It’s no trouble at all, as I also want to see how everything is there, as I had to leave before I was finished helping."

Esmii excitedly walked over to the girl and hugged her, when she realised what she did, she stopped and stepped back from the girl. "Lunara I am so sorry, being a Yasoi I tend to get too excited and hug people a lot, but I should have asked, since we have only now properly met."

Lunara started to laugh. "It’s ok Esmii, I don’t mind being hugged. Well should we set off. And don’t worry Sven, I will keep an eye on her, until you meet up with us." Lunara then turned back to Esmii and said. "Let's get going then, I will follow your lead as I can’t remember how to get there."

Esmii looked back at Sven, she then smiled and blew him a kiss."I will be careful, please be careful as well. See you soon." she then turned to Lunara. "Yes, let's head there now. We can go this way. I will try not to walk too fast."

The two of them set off for The Ever Tree. Being very careful, as they were worried that someone or something could attack at any moment. They had many conversations while they made their way to the Ever tree, about their pets, the courses they were taking part in, their hobbies, about their friends and families. They enjoyed each other's company. Maybe they both found a new friend amidst this chaos.

Esmii was able to lead the two of them to the Ever tree quite quickly, with a few small dentures as a few of the ways Esmii knew were blocked with debris, however they got there in the end. On arriving they both noticed a few groups, some were clearing the debris and others were trying to help the people who had been injured.

The first thing Esmii did was look at the Ever Tree, and she noticed that what Sven said was true, it had taken damage but not too bad. ”Ruii joi Damy (Bless you Dami)“ She mumbled with relief in her tone as she was worried about the area. She then began to help the people around, She knew she needed to be careful as she had healed and buffed her group, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her.

She then thought Suuluun (Sorry) Sven I know you will be mad at me for overusing my magic, but I need to heal these people. She made her way to the group of people where Lunara was already, She then grabbed a hair tie from her bag and put her hair into a ponytail, and began to heal people. She knelt down next to a small Yasoi girl and asked."Oira hyco yr, eloi ciin joi diidolrey? (Hello little one, where are you uncomfortable?)"

On arriving Lunara walked straight over to the injured people and began to heal as many as she could. She knew she couldn’t heal a lot of them as she was tired and her binding isn’t great. She looked at the group of people and said. "Ok who needs to be healed, Me and my friend Esmii can help you, but please be patient."

After healing a few people, Lunara decided to take a small break, however she noticed Esmii wasn’t taking any breaks. She saw that she was healing person after person, and she could tell that Esmii was tired. "Hey Esmii, are you sure you can heal all of these people? You look tired, you should take a rest, before you do more. I don’t think Sven will be happy that you are pushing yourself."

Esmii looked at her, acknowledging what she said. "I will take a break soon, but I need to help these people first. They got hurt because of the stupidity and anger of others. I can’t just sit back and rest, these people didn’t do anything, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

She started to remember a memory from her past, but she shook her head and thought. Now is not the time for this. Focus on healing people. You can rest later, I wasn’t here to help these people before, but I am now. She then continued to help, heal and bandage the injured people that were around her.

Lunara frowned on hearing Esmii’s response, Lunara knew this was bad, and that she would not be able to carry on much longer. Lunara thought. I hope Sven arrives soon, I feel like you are the only person that she might listen to, or the only one who can stop her now.

Just as she was thinking, Lunara noticed Sven was slowly making his way over. Lunara decided to meet him, before he reached where they were as she wanted to tell him what's happening. "Hello again Sven. We managed to get here with no problems. But." She took a breath and looked in Esmii's direction, then continued. "Esmii has healed a lot of people, but she refuses to rest, and she looks like she will drop at any moment. I am worried about her. I feel like right now, you may be the only person that can get through to her."

Sven had a feeling that his beloved wouldn't just sit by. He kinda expected this. He scratched the back of his head. ”Thank you Lunara.” feeling fatigue starting to set in, letting out a small yawn.”I can take her back to mine. It's been a long night and both of us need to resht.” with that, he walked to his beloved.

Esmii was so focused on helping people, she didn’t realise Sven had arrived and that Lunara was telling him what she was doing. Suddenly Esmii began to feel lightheaded and started to have problems with her balance, and knew she wouldn’t be able to carry on much longer. So she sat on the ground and rested her back against a tree that was close to the lake, she then glanced up at the night sky and at the lake, and said to herself.

"Dii (No) not now. I need to keep going, I can’t stop now." She clenched her dress in her fists, and sighed out of frustration. She knew that she shouldn’t push herself but she wanted to carry on helping people as she couldn’t help them before. She was so lost in her thoughts and in the lovely sights of the lake and night sky, she didn’t notice footsteps from someone getting closer to her.

With her being distracted, it was easy for the giant Eskand to walk up to his girlfriend. And in one fluent motion he scooped her up in his arms. ”Shweetie, You've done enough you are exhaushted.” turning on his heels, walking off, bridal carrying Esmii. ”Letsh head back to mine. Sho we can get a good resht.” tightening his grip on Esmii's frame.

Esmii suddenly realising she was picked up, she looked and noticed it was Sven. "Sven you startled me." On hearing what he had to say to her, she rested her head on his chest, sighed and said. "Ok my love, you are right. Let's head back to yours. I have done all I can, Sorry for overdoing it again." While she was in Sven’s embrace, on feeling his warmth and the sound of his heart beat, the little Yasoi girl slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Upon realising that Esmii had fallen asleep, Sven smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead. ”Shleep well my love.”

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Suicharte
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Opportunity Knocks... or Doesn't

Characters: Cal'tuuro'jaros, Johann Steinbauer@Force and Fury

The others were busy having their revolution and, in principle, Johann supported them, just not... in action. He had bigger fish to fry.

"I am telling you, moila, the good stuff is up and not down. I have it on a very reliable source." When the door wouldn't open and the only traps he sensed were mundane, Johann gathered up a great deal of magnetic energy and... a few turns to the right, one to the left, slide the bar... CLICK!

He grinned wickedly. "All of this good stuff," he crowed, "that they keep under lock and key, is now ours, as all magical knowledge should be." Perhaps it was just Johann's revolutionary spirit that caused him to speak thusly. He was... animated by the zeitgeist. What could he say?

The door slid open with the slightest creak, revealing the most comically nefarious of shadows: tall and lean, shorter (though still not short) and round. The latter cast about for further security measures but - wasn't it beautiful? - all of the people who warded this place were rather busy at the moment. "Let there be light!" He kickstarted a few chemical reactions and the lanterns flickered to life.

Like a child who'd pried open the honey jar, Johann tiptoed into the room, still paranoid, but increasingly eager with each passing moment. It was here! It was all here: Temporal, Dark, Blood, Deep Atomic, Command, Primordial, though the last two sparingly! Johann licked his fingertips and reached eagerly for his first prize.

Cal had his own goals in here and the Kerreman did not begrudge him those. It was an alliance of mutual convenience. There could be no... achieving positive goals for... the world without breaking a few rules, after all.

Cal'tuuro'jaros was not one to show emotions in their fullest extent. Perhaps he may have went a little over the top when playing a part, but in this moment, he felt true, ecstatic glee. Johann was a man of the sciences, one of unique principles and actions that resonated with him. At least, as far as he could tell about him. The conversations they'd shared seemed to suggest as such, but oftentimes in life, people wear masks.

In this instance, the masks were off. The two were as open as a book about their intentions to dive deep into topics well hidden, and with the benefit of mutually assured destruction, they were perhaps allowed to be their unfiltered selves for a little bit.

"As it should be, Moila. Better in the hands of respected scholars and providers to the community, than to tyrants or an angry mob!" he joyously looked around the room. There was still the caution of traps, as the zenos were fond of, but he found it hard to imagine they'd put something that could risk work as precious as this.

As Johann reached for his prize, Zeno Cyrus McGillicuddy's Treatise on Pocket Dimensions, he shot an interested gaze. The idea of wanting a personal space told him much - but he had something else on his brain. He reached for a couple of books that he sought knowledge from - two that he stuffed inside a bag for later reading and one that he began to read in the moment, looking eagerly for something he'd heard rumors of

"Say, Johann, my good man. The knowledge of the schools is bound to be excellent, and this research will surely further our work..." he paused, and evaluated. To say what was on his mind was a risky proposition, and it was a pure fifty-fifty that his read was right. He hated gambling. But, there was true potential for exponential growth here, and he had been shown that taking calculated risks could sometimes have colossal payoff.

"What if there was a faster way? he grinned wickedly, genuinely in fact, holding a particular book written by the late Paradigm, on a page related to the pinnacle of chemical magic - something that was practically in reach by both, so long as they helped each other and his assessment of the portly Kerreman was correct.

Johann furrowed his brow and shuffled inward. His eyes flicked back and forth across the page. "What if... He bit his lower lip and bade Cal turn the page already! "This," he murmured, "is ground breaking stuff." He twisted to regard Cal for a moment, eyes lighting up with almost-childish glee. "Think of all the stability we could provide: so many needs and fears erased just like that!" He nodded along as he read and, perhaps, his curious nature even rivaled that of Cal's. Yasoi were known to lose themselves in pursuits like this, even Tarlonese.

Then, from somewhere far too close for comfort, he heard a thump. People were rushing up the stairs: perhaps past the two pilferers and perhaps through the same doors that they'd entered. Johann's eyes widened and he reached out with his energetic sense. No: not this time, but the danger was very much present. "I suggest we might read these in safer environs. We should abscond with our prize before it gets too hot." He hustled over to a nearby shelf on Chemical magic, one on Temporal, and one on Blood, and slid the choicest texts into first one bag and then the other. "Time to liberate some knowledge."

Cal looked curiously at the man's reaction. To think that his read was right - that this man was a kindred spirit. He was glad he'd picked him to come along and not another. People like Tku were certainly a grade above the average Yanii - but if he'd read the mans words in writing, he could have easily mistaken him for a member of his own kin. "I couldn't agree more, my good friend. As we prosper, so shall our communities." he spoke in earnest glee, nodding as their eyes met in mutual understanding and agreement.

And Johann deliberated his warning. His heart pounded a little faster in his chest, as to be caught in the midst of their scheme here would spell disaster. But, as he would suggest, a flight response is often better than a fight, especially dealing with the monsters in these corridors. So he followed the instruction of Johann. Several different books were shoved into his own collection of bags, including several notes personally written by Hugo Hunghorasz, Adradelle Latvar, Giacomo the Owl, and a number of the books of forbidden schools that he'd taken particular interest in.

"I do believe we've scored ourselves quite a haul, my good friend. Now, should we indulge in the fruits of our liberation? It would be a waste to not experiment and make the best of such unfortunate circumstances" he spoke with a wide smile, a sense of the unbridled yasoi curiosity he normally kept bundled away coming through in his tone

Johann was surprisingly quick - he was not the sort of man one usually thought of as such. He chose five tomes - one for each of the gods, and made haste for the exit. Then, he froze. He froze and his eyes flicked Cal's way. "We go out there, we're found out, I think." He cursed beneath his breath: "Schiesse I'm not losing my mind, correct? You sense them too?" The revolution had arrived, or perhaps just some unfortunate souls. There were more of those infernal clones of the Zenith and someone was fighting them.

here wasn't much chance for conversation at this point - the risky maneuver they'd pulled had immediate consequences as the revolution was fully underway at this point, and he didn't need Johann's reassurance to feel it. He'd left manas behind to detect entry, and it was clear as day there were multiple powerful signatures around them - a battle between the strong and no real way to escape unscathed. He grit his teeth in frustration - there was only one way out. "You're not crazy. But there's only one way out." and then there was a pause. "They're fighting, though. An ample opportunity to slip by." he gave him a look of confidence, as if this was there shot, and prepared to sneak by. So long as they didn't have to fight, no-one would know they'd been here.

The battle that followed was intense. The moment they'd stepped back out into the hall of this place, there was clear combatants. One, two, no... three variations of the Zenith Claresse Upta were currently engaged in battle with Tan-Zeno Klesta Hannevor. And as sneaky as they tried to be with the magics they possessed, it was not enough to trick a combatant of that level, engaged in a fight to the death with opponents at her level or stronger. She did not turn to regard them but shouted out, relief resounding through her voice "Thank god tha cavalries arrived! Give me a hand 'ere!" she shouted, deflecting a blood spell from a maddened clone of the Zenith and responding with an arcane lance of her own.

Cal spared a quick glance at Johann to indicate that he had absolutely no intention of sticking around to help this woman. She was a loose end, and were she not in the midst of life or death, perhaps she'd realize immediately where they'd come from. It only took that thought for him to also realize that - perhaps they'd better make themselves sparse before they were recognized. He hesitated to speak before the Tan-Zeno spoke again, this time far more insistent. "Interesting direction ya came from, help me out and I'll turn a blind eye, c'mon!" she shouted, throwing more defensive magics out to resist the horde. She seemed to be truly desperate at this point

They'd had very little time to process the information they'd read in the library, and even a three versus three as this was, it was far from a fair match. They were only students, after all, right? Still, he figured that sometimes, taking a risk was worthwhile. Especially for an opportunity like this. He thought back to the passages he'd read - thousands of words in his head as he attempted to find the right ones. The theoretical school was too risky. The other one... there wasn't nearly enough, and his mind went back to what he was familiar with - blood. There was a spell that Giacomo the Crow had written about in his personal memoires that had phenomenal potential. It was, of course, a spell of the forbidden magics that could hold vast consequence from being used. Regardless, he took the gamble and attempted to unleash it.

The effects towards one of the charging Upta's was... not pretty. Truth be told, it was the first time that Cal had truly killed somebody. He'd done so in Mano-e-Mano, but even in Mandelein where his mettle had truly been tested, he had settled for putting the wildbloods to sleep. And yet, he couldn't find himself feeling much as the body of said Upta was torn to ribbons, imploding from the inside out. He spared only a glance at Johann, and then at Hannevor as the viscera covered his clothing just from the splashback.

Within 5 seconds, another explosion of gore occurred, but it wasn't his doing, nor was it the Zenos. And it wasn't at the Upta still channeling the spell toward Klesta. He turned again and saw that she was still deep in concentration, somewhat shocked at what had occurred. One look at Johann was all he needed to decipher that it was him. An instantaneous copying of magic of that level. And such precise target selection - it was only then that Cal realized that this Yanii possessed talent potentially beyond his own.

You're terrifying, Steinbauer. Terrifying and brilliant.

His thought was cut short as the atomic spell was unleashed toward the Tan-Zeno, right as a combined assault had managed to rid the world of a third Upta. But they'd simply acted too late..

Klesta Hannevor lay before them, on death's doorstep, and Johann scowled. "It appears the unforeseen has come to pass," he remarked, standing over her crumpled form. It was a grim sight and he let out a sigh and shook his head. "A shame, truly, wouldn't you say?" He glanced over at Cal, lips pressed together in a thin line, and then at their bags, thrown hastily into an alcove and - only by the grace of Ahn-Shune and some defensive spells - saved. His face settled on a determined look, bu tthere was something else in it: something eager and wild and difficult to place. "But... mayhaps, Gods willing, not all need be lost?"

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Emeth
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Emeth Fluffs Responsibly

Member Seen 16 min ago

The Price of Memories, a Renewal of the Soul

The Death Merchant

For a Friend of a Friend

Clarity, and a Turning Point

Xiuyang sat at her desk, faced with two big decisions—first, the school faculty was asking the students if they wished to keep their memories of everything that had happened in the past two weeks, or if they wanted to return to blissful ignorance. Xiuyang found the whole thing unconscionable—if forcing the Trials and Mano e Mano upon the students was being inhumanely cruel to children, erasing their memories of the riots was an equal but opposite offense of infantilizing them. Of course, Xiuyang would choose to keep hers. She couldn't imagine how she'd react to the knowledge that something so monumentally important had happened, and that she had chosen to forget about it and now had to rely on secondhand information.

Was a Xiuyang who had forgotten the past two weeks—or even just the most traumatic events that had taken place then—even the same person? There was surely no guarantee that she would be happier. If anything, her resentment and self-loathing would only deepen for making such a weak decision. That was to say nothing of the possibility of having other memories conveniently tampered with, or rifled through like so much private correspondence. What if they discovered that she was a Facemimic? What if they learned of her plans? Her actions had surely made her new enemies, and she couldn't afford to be at such an insurmountable disadvantage as to have them know of her schemes, and for her to forget that they even existed. The only real question was whether or not it was a genuine choice. Was there an unstated threat that, should she choose to retain her memories, she could become a target?

Bah. If there was a political target on her back, it was only a slightly larger one than she was born with. She would take her chances—which just left the matter of the piece of paper she was currently poring over carefully. Even as the school sent out inquiries regarding the mammoth in the room that was the revolution and change in management, they also sent out inquiries regarding Tan-Zeno positions. Xiuyang was faced with a kind of dilemma; did she really want to dabble in a teaching career? Not really—but the need to impress her family and Ciro, who she hoped would become family sometime next year, continued to hover over her and weigh on her mind from time to time. Additionally, there were the benefits it could bring—potential access to forbidden magics which could cure her defects and allow her to become a match for Juulet. Everything she could want was being dangled before her like a carrot on a stick; the only issue was whether or not the school at large saw her as a liability, which she would only know if she sent in an application. A rejection, in itself, would present potentially valuable information.

She found herself filling out the form, slowly and thoughtfully, a process that took all the hours of Oraff and continued well into the hours of Eshiran. As she did, she found herself deciding upon reasons why she might actually be good at teaching, and find some enjoyment in it. Of course, she had lied about her mana type, and made no indication that she'd received any instruction in blood magic. Technically, it wasn't a lie—as she hadn't had her level of skill in the school officially evaluated in any capacity. Overall, though, she was surprised at how truthful her statements felt when they were finally finished, and had found reasons to be optimistic about the prospect by the end. Maybe... I really need this. Something to call my very own—an important role to play, where others can rely on me. She carefully folded up the form and waxed the envelope shut. For a moment, she simply held it in her hand, letting time pass her by while her third cup of undrunken tea grew cold, and simply breathed in and out.

Accepting a job offer from Ciro would be yet another easy decision, in a long line of easy decisions. She enjoyed working with him, but that was what she wanted to do—work with him, and not for him. Already, she caught herself relying on him too much. No matter how long the past few weeks had felt—(if only their time together would always feel so long!)—it was still such a short amount of time. A little voice in her head told her to slow down, told her that things were moving too fast. Whether it was a voice of reason or a voice of cowardice, she couldn't yet be sure. Another voice told her other things: that she was a worthless girl, growing more and more dependent on her boyfriend by the day, already irresponsibly deep in his debt, and that someday he would surely collect, just as any sensible businessman would. She needed to do more—be more than she was: ruthless, brave, strong, smart, beautiful.

The envelope she held in her hand represented a difficult decision, and challenges ahead.

Unlike before, she would make this decision, and face these challenges of her own will.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Small Steps, Graceful Strides. | Location: Enise'Ersand

The events of the revolution were certainly a turning point in the history of the world. Who would have thought Upta had been a Grand Demon who had taken over the academy? It seemed that this fact alone had essentially excused all of their actions and transgressions in the form of a general amnesty, though the repercussions and very real consequences were still sorely felt by everyone.

Even with all this, Ayla found parts of herself very excited, simply buzzing with excessive energy. She couldn’t exactly put her finger on the pulse of the matter, but a little positivity in this dark time was surely needed. She remembered that warm smile that spoke from the heart as she held the girl’s hand, of someone who appeared to understand. She picked Asier up in her excitement, swung him around, and then put him down on her bed as she grinned from ear to ear. She had finally done it; she was about to make friends with a Yasoi! Casii, Ismet, Tyrel, it had all failed horribly. Well, Jamboi technically counts, kind of, but everyone is Jamboi’s friend, and he wasn’t the kind of boy you would invite out for some coffee. No, this is going to be her new friend, a tall pretty girl with white hair and a good heart. A good, normal friend to go out on dates with—no weird awkwardness, no boys involved, and especially not pretending to be a boy and unintentionally getting introduced to her parents as a potential suitor again. She brushed her hair for the nth time, put it down, then clapped her box of treats, picked up a bottle of wine, and took that long moment to breathe and settle back into being herself again.

One downside of the revolution was certainly the damage done to the green spaces. Thankfully, Ersand’Enise had some trained gardeners, but the scars on the land would take time to heal. It gave her some anxiety, especially as she knew Yasoi loved nature, but she hoped she chose wisely in choosing the arboretum. After all, they could always go for a walk instead. She decided to bring out her flute as she played, waiting for Seviin to appear as Asier lounged nearby.

Seviin didn't so much arrive as she appeared, leaning almost impishly against a nearby tree trunk. "Sorry," she began. "I've been here for some time and missed you, and then your playing was so nice that I fear I was entranced." She pushed off and strode forward, smiling shyly. "Might you forgive me, Ayla?"

Ayla’s playing almost came to an abrupt stop as Seviin arrived. The girl clearly looked pleased to see Seviin before her expression dropped for a moment, and her eyebrow raised. “Forgive you? We certainly do not. You have done nothing that requires our forgiveness.” Ayla smiled impishly after the comment as she went to give Seviin a hug. “Thank you for patiently waiting for us. We are very pleased that you arrived.”

Her expression changed again for a moment as she recalled something. She went to collect her picnic basket and opened it up to reveal the macaroons inside. “Help yourself to one. We have brought plenty of food and drink.” Asier continued to lie on the grass, his eyes peeled open, only to yawn, and then appeared to continue resting as they closed again. “And this sleepy one is Asier; he is doing the important job of looking after the picnic basket,” Her voice purred as she teased the cat.

"These look... delicious," Seviin remarked, kneeling demurely once she had been released. "And so does *he*!" she squealed, holding a hand out towards the cat to help him acclimate to her. After a tentative peace had been established with the distinct possibility of petting at a later juncture, she reached for a macaroon. "I think I shall," she agreed to Ayla's offer, but then she paused. "Oh! Um... there aren't any... animal products in them, right?" The yasoi smiled uncertainly, fingers just about to grasp one.

The Puff-lion sniffed curiously toward Seviin’s fingers as she stretched them before its maw. It looked towards the digits in a wary manner, then moved closer to sniff at them, licking the tips of the fingers. After this brief investigation, it withdrew to continue snoozing, seemingly losing interest.

Ayla, on the other hand, was caught off-guard by the question about animal products in the food. She glanced toward the macaroons, saying, “They are baked with egg whites. Does that suit your palate?”

Seviin blinked. "Well, you see, it's something of a moral choice," she replied. "Mother Oirase created all and she gave to the yasoi - and to huusoi, of course - reason and empathy. Why is it that we raise some animals en masse to be slaughtered while, others, we give a nice comfy bed, all the food they could want, and plenty of petting?" She shook her blonde head. "It has always seemed an odd and unjust thing to me, so I choose not to participate." She seemed to catch herself there. "Egg whites are fine, though, so long as none of the eggs are fertilized, of course."

Ayla looked flummoxed at the sudden moralizing as she chewed on her bottom lip, her cheeks rosy, and she appeared a little flustered by the speech. She sheepishly offered the macaroons she had poured her heart into making once again. "Was that a rhetorical question, or do you enjoy sharing ideas on concepts such as these?" Ayla’s eyelashes batted gently as she ran her fingers through her hair, twisting a few strands. "We... have a reputation for wanting to enjoy long discussions on morality, philosophy, and history. We haven’t met someone open-minded enough to enjoy such deep, exploring, and intimate discussions with." Her heart thumped in her chest, and her cheeks almost went as red as her hair. "It's okay if you don’t. We just thought we should ask."

Her eyes did glance toward Asier, as she silently sent her thoughts toward him. "Sorry, little one, might have to wait until after the walk for your beef bully stick."

"I never ask a question that isn't meant to be answered," Seviin replied. "That I *do* believe there are right and wrong answers, not like some of these new Yan- *huusoi* and siisoi philosophers who'd steep everything in ambivalent shades of grey." She took a bit of the macaroon and smiled widely. "It's delicious, by the way! You are *very* talented." After finishing the treat, she swallowed and cleared her throat. "I simply don't believe that we are random things. The gods made us with intentionality and I intend to live in a way that reflects that." her eyes darted towards the treats once more and she smiled shyly.

Ayla took a macaroon and placed it between her lips, taking a bite as the other spoke. The soft shell melted within her mouth, and the vibrant taste of the fruit jam in the middle complemented the texture. “There are certainly black and white in the world, but instead of things being grey, we like to think of it as yellow, red, blue, purple, and orange. After all, there are at least five gods,” her voice a subtle purr as she playfully highlighted the difference, “and when they are in unison, we have our white, and when they are absent, it is a void.” She beamed brightly towards Seviin, using hand gestures to emphasize her points. “We live in a rich and colourful world, and you are right, everything is very intentional. Even the way we treat different animals, sometimes even different peoples.” She offered the box again to Seviin, shuffling it to encourage her to take the white one, or was it the red one next to it?

Seviin grinned wickedly. "You're my type of lil' ol' agitator." Daringly, she chose *both* macaroons. "And you're not wrong. The world is full of colour, verve, and option, but I think we have to pick ours: pick what matters to us, and champion it." She bit into the white one first. "That's not to say we can't change, but it should only be done for a truly compelling reason. Wouldn't you agree?" She flipped the other between her fingers nimbly and smiled.

Ayla gasped in faux terror, “Both? How dare you have more than one. You have a dark soul, Seviin, and we like it.” She giggled playfully, “The white reminded me of you,” she smiled shyly as she watched the girl bite into the treat and enjoy it. She then moved her hand to the other side of the basket, to the box, and pulled out a beef bully stick from under a blanket, “Since we are on the topic of being controversial. Macaroons unfortunately won’t feed him.” She cast it towards Asier, giving Seviin a look of playful defiance, as the puff-lion began to wake up, sniffed over towards it, and then began to bite and chew on it, his paws gripping it hold it as he savoured his treat.

"Provocative," Seviin remarked, averting her eyes. She finished the white macaroon, eyes roving about the Arboretum. "So, not to completely change the subject, but... to completely change the subject." She blushed. "I've made a rather big leap. I cannot countenance my people's violence, even if one buys the line that it is well-intended, but now I find that violence has followed me here." She swallowed and cast her eyes downward. "Tell me, truly, Ayla, for I feel as if we are just kindred enough that we may understand each other." She lifted her face towards the other. "What is Ersand'Enise like? What can I expect?"

Ayla smiled gently as she gazed up toward Seviin, pausing to reflect, “Ersand’Enise is full of diverse ideas and people. How else could two distant roses ever hope to meet?” She blushed lightly as she shared an expression of kinship with her, “Yet, amongst this diversity, things do tend to be relatively peaceful in general, recent events notwithstanding. We enjoy it here, making new friends, ones that otherwise never would have met. Maybe you'll find out not all yanii are bad,” she gave her a wink, and then held her hand, “and perhaps here you can lead by example, like the other night. Perhaps we can show others that we don’t need violence to solve everything.”

Seviin bit into the red macaroon, finally, and smiled. "I shall take you at your word, Ayla, for you have earned that much." She chewed and swallowed. "I know at least *one* huusoi who I will trust not to commit daily crimes against all that is holy and decent." She winked. All around them, nature was rebuilding, rejuvenating, with the assistance of people of all sorts instead of their indifference or even antagonism. It was... something new, something that would take time to get used to, but something that she thought she could grow very much to like. "I so ardently hope you are right, suunei." She finished the last bite, dusted off her hands, and began to rise. "Might you be willing to give your lost little foreign friend a tour?"

Ayla looked up at the tall girl and raised her eyebrow. “Not so sure about a little foreign friend, but we are happy to show around this really tall one.” She moved onto her tiptoes, as if trying to measure up next to Seviin, using her hand to indicate their height difference, grinning widely.

“Yes, let’s go for a walk, there are some nice woods nearby.” She held her friend's hand, her smile beamed as she walked, calling on Asier, who had finished his treat and came running after them.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Part Two: Kryzhana Fortetsya | Location: Vossoriyan Tundra, 8-6 years ago

Oksana and Metel continued their arduous journey south through the expansive taiga, navigating the rugged terrain and surviving off the bounties of the land. The keen sense of the elk, drawn to the sweet allure of snowberries, became their guiding compass in this vast wilderness. As the time blurred into days, perhaps weeks, the duo unexpectedly encountered a seasoned hunter accompanied by his son and daughter.

At the first sign of humans, Oksana and the elk mirrored each other's skittishness, both reacting with instinctive fear that drove them to bolt at the mere hint of contact. Shouts and pleas from the bewildered family fell upon deaf ears. However, a turning point emerged when the family cleverly baited the duo with food. The irresistibly tempting rations proved too much for the hungry Oksana to resist.

Amidst this interaction, Alina, the daughter of the hunter, exhibited a warm and welcoming demeanour. Her earthy green eyes held a gentle invitation as she introduced herself to Oksana. Through a series of gentle gestures, Alina coaxed Oksana to join them. Further introductions revealed the hunter's name as Andrei, and his son as Kirill, an unpleasant boy.

Oksana, with Metel, found herself accompanying the family to the great Sich of the south—the formidable Kryzhana fortetsya.

There have been many nights since Oksana first joined them in the Sich, and adapting to a new life proved challenging for the girl. Nighttime, in particular, posed difficulties when her mind settled, and demons crept into her thoughts and dreams. To ease her anxieties, she often shared the bed with Svetlana, her newly adopted mother, and Alina. In moments of fear, loneliness, or night terrors, they consistently provided comfort, embracing her in a warm manner that restored her sense of security.

Her favourite part of the evening was a tradition involving oral histories and lullabies, frequently repeated and sung at night, passed down through generations. While some stories were pleasant, many served as advisories, cautioning about dangers lurking in the wild. One such tale, "Bayu Bayushki Bayu," warned of the perils of wolves, urging children to tuck in tightly, lest a wolf would bite them. As Svetlana sang the lullaby, Alina, gripped by fear, tucked up against her tightly. Meanwhile, Oksana, simply feeling the rhythmic melody, found the experience soothing and comforting. Being close together like this became a favourite nightly ritual.

Over the last two years, the Kryzhana Fortetsya Sich has experienced exponential growth in size. Oksana was not the first, and far from the last, of the refugees who made their way in this direction. Many from smaller settlements and nomadic groups found themselves compelled to move south due to the aggressive actions of Borislav and his people. The pursuit seemed relentless, driven by a goal to eradicate their way of life. With nowhere else to turn, the ice walls of the Sich became the last beacon of safety and hope in the south.

This influx of refugees resulted in heightened tensions as life within the Sich was forced to adapt. A new class system emerged, distinguishing between those who were originally present and those who had earned their membership, giving the former a certain level of superiority over the latter, the new refugee underclass. While Oksana, adopted into one of the original families, technically shared in their privilege, her status as the "brudnyy" (dirty outsider) and her strong-willed spirit marked her out for ridicule among her peers.

“Oksana! Wait!” Alina hurriedly followed after the upset girl, gesturing wildly with her hands in an attempt to capture her attention. Tears welled in Oksana's eyes as she stormed off toward the forest by the Sich, her usual refuge when she needed to escape.

Eventually, Alina caught up, firmly grabbing hold of Oksana and pulling her around, stomping her foot on the ground. “You don’t run off, okay?” She gestured emphatically at her feet, signalling to stand still, then moved in for a comforting hug. Oksana meekly reciprocated, muttering apologies as she embraced Alina. “My brother is a svynya, he is only jealous,” Alina reassured her, running her hands through Oksana’s hair while softly singing the lullaby her mother had taught her. The gentle rumbling of her voice provided comfort, gradually easing the distress.

The two of them sat together on a log by the forest, Oksana reaching for Alina's hand and squeezing it. Life had been challenging, and the ache of missing her parents persisted daily. Yet, with her new family, it was bearable. She turned her attention to Alina as the other girl spoke animatedly. Oksana focused on Alina's lips, observing the rhythmic and gentle movements as they formed words. The topic shifted to boys, and a pang of sympathy for Alina swept over Oksana. The family, being among the eldest in the Sich, carried expectations of Andrei becoming the successor, and marriage proposals were already circulating for the children.

In a moment of realization, Oksana noticed Alina's smile brightening as she spoke about becoming a real sestra. Oksana's eyes widened, contemplating the possibility of Alina proposing her pairing with Kirill. She playfully stuck her tongue out with an audible "yuck." Alina's giggles resonated through her body, their vibrations serving as an unspoken language of their kinship as Oksana smiled warmly.

As dusk settled, Oksana and Ailna began their journey back to the Sich. The air grew cool, as Alina pressed herself against Oksana, seemingly cold. Oksana, who was concerned, removed her outer layer of fur, intending to help shield her from the cold by wrapping it around her, when she felt Alina’s hand grab her wrist. To her surprise, Alina was not shivering, she was trembling. It wasn’t a chill, but sheer fear that had seized Alina’s body - she stood frozen in fear.

Oksana scanned the surroundings, as she felt Alina’s startled reaction. She looked in the direction she pointed as the cause of her fear materialized: a pack of wolves.

With urgency, Oksana grabbed Alina’s hand and pulled, signalling her to run, as she attempted to drag her along. The girl stumbled behind clumsily, slow and unsteady. As the pack closed in, and Alina fell behind, tripping over in the snow. The lead wolf prepared to pounce on the defenceless girl as Oksana, without hesitation and in a split-second decision, threw herself at the beast. Chomp. Oksana cried out in pain as the wolf’s bite sank into her arm, the warmth of her blood oozed from the wound as her saturated leather and furs failed to fully withstand the ferocity of the attack as the jaws clamped onto her arm. As the wolf tore at her, she reacted swiftly as she struck it hard on the nose, forcing it to release its grip as she dislodged her arm from the jaw.

The wolf backed away as the pack circled around the two girls in a menacing ring. Oksana clutched her wounded arm, freezing the wound. Alina, frightened, leaned against her, scared. Oksana began to conjure a spear made of ice to hold with her hands as she spoke softly to Alina, “When we move, they will move. Make a signal, and make it big.” Alina nodded as she understood, and followed tradition, and used her own gift to send a smoke flare above their heads into the dark sky, signalling for help. It erupted into a radiating light, as below, the shadows of the wolves twisted as the pack closed in on their prey.

Oksana wielded the ice spear in her hands, spinning and twisting to ward off the approaching wolves who moved to evade its sharpened point. One, being grave, ignored the spear as it lunged at Alina, bypassing the spear. “Nyet!” Oksana broke the ice spear into two, using one half to stab the wolf in the leg, to tug it away from the other girl, then stabbed it in the back with the other half. As the wolf was pulled away, another charged Alina from the other side, toppling her over. Alina threw snow at its face as it tried to snap at her, whilst Oksana rushed to her aid, and kicked the beast away, by booting against its ribs as hard as she could. With her back turned, Oksana found herself a victim as one leaped on her back, as it wrestled her face down into the snow. She pushed against the ground as she rolled with the wolf, pushing herself onto her back, as it lost its grip, then it scurried away. Another wolf approached the part as she grabbed a hold of a stone, and threw it towards it to deter it from approaching closer.

The wolves regrouped, but this time, arrows and shouts disrupted their advance. Men from the Kryzhana fortetsya charge forward, frightening and driving the wolves away. The two girls were rescued from the predatory pack.

Svetlana attended to the two girls, Oksana using her knowledge of healing from her mother, helping out as Andrei paced in frustration. Svetlana shook her head at the pacing as she sat down with the two girls, speaking to them softly, with concern in her voice.“I am so relieved you’re both back home. What happened out there?”

Alina spoke nervously, her hands gripped tightly together on her lap. “It was terrifying, Mama. We were walking and lost track of time when I heard the howling of the wolf. When I tried to tell Sana, they had already started to surround us.” Oksana simply had her head down; her thoughts were filled with guilt. It was her that put them in such a dangerous situation. It was her fault, and again, she was powerless.

Svetlana’s expression softened as she smiled, moving to place herself between the girls as she held onto them. “It is okay; take your time. We’re both here for you.” She and Andrei exchanged an unspoken expression toward each other. “How did you manage to get away?”

“It was Sana; she stood so brave as I sent the signal, trying to keep them away.” Alina spoke fondly as she looked across at her ‘sister’, who appeared to be in a world of her own. Svetlana squeezed tighter on the girl, as if to gesture, thank you. Andrei was going to say something when he felt Oksana’s eyes on him, watching him. He decided to simply leave the girls alone as he exited the room.

After the conversation, Svetlana tucked the girls into their bed as she eventually retired to her own bed to be with Andrei. “She could have been seriously hurt,” he grumbled as he started to express his frustration. “They are both alive and with us now,” she spoke softly to him. “It is that girl’s fault; she constantly gets Alina into trouble.” Svetlana turned her head as she stared towards him in a more stern manner. “You were the one who did the right thing and brought her home. Do you see how protective of Alina she is? Our daughter couldn’t have a better friend.”

“It is more that Alina is protective of her. The way Kirill speaks, her reputation is being tarnished by the girl.” Svetlana stared at him. “Is this your concerned father's voice, or are you worried about your prospects of becoming the chieftain?” He looked back at her, held that gaze for a moment, then relented. “If we can secure a good marriage for her, it is all but done.” Svetlana elbowed him as she turned her back towards him. “Good night.” He frowned. “I am just looking out for us.”

Days passed with Alina in a state of panic, relentlessly searching for her missing necklace. Oksana tried to assist, but their efforts were in vain. It was during the search that they had a revelation: "The wolves! It must have dropped there." Despite warnings against exploring, Oksana offered to go alone, but Alina insisted on accompanying her.

Journeying back to the forest, they reached the fateful spot. The snow had come and gone, and in the waning moments of their unsuccessful search, Alina heard a sound. She signalled Oksana, who conjured an ice blade and cautiously approached. Oksana vanished, leaving everything silent, causing concern. A rustle in the bushes preceded yapping sounds, and Oksana emerged, holding a wolf pup by the scruff, the necklace in its mouth. Smiling widely, she handed the pup to Alina, saying, "He looked after it for you." Three more were yapping at her feet, "No food, pups are hungry." Alina looked at the pup as it gnawed on the elk antler necklace futilely, giggled, and gently tugged it away.

They discovered that the wolves' den was nearby, and they had young to feed. Oksana felt some kinship with the creatures, knowing the pain of losing her own parents. After coaxing Alina to help nurse and feed the pups in their absence until they could leave on their own. Though her arguments for bringing them home were dismissed, this new routine became a regular occurrence, and the wolf pups grew in size.

One day, Oksana had returned from one of her trips and began to change into her indoor clothes. Alina rushed in through the door, alarmed, "Sana! The wolf pups!" She tugged at the deaf girl, who was perplexed, and hurried back into her outerwear as she followed her. They made it outside the walls to find three teenage boys throwing rocks at the wolf pups, who must have followed Oksana back home.

The largest teen picked up a hefty rock as he advanced toward them, causing them to step back. "You filthy beasts! You will suffer like your parents did!" he bellowed. Using both hands, he hurled the rock towards them, prompting whimpers and hurried movements. "Stop it, Kirill! What are you doing? These pups aren't to blame for what happened!" Alina rushed ahead of her brother, positioning herself between them and the pups.

"They're part of the same pack, they deserve it!" He went to pick up another rock, but his sister stepped in the way, preventing him from throwing it. "No, they don't. They lost their parents. We've been taking care of them, feeding them. They're innocent."

His eyes gleamed maliciously, "Innocent? Wolves are never innocent. You're just soft-hearted, always trying to save everything, even that brudnyy." His gaze shifted to Oksana, another 'rescued' by his sister, as she approached the pups, gently shooing them away. "Maybe so, but I won't let you hurt them. They're not the enemy; they're just trying to survive."

He spat toward his sister, "Survive? You're being stupid, and I won't stand by and watch you make that same mistake again!" He pushed Alina over and out of the way as he approached the creatures.

Oksana sensed the change in the wolves as they began to growl. She turned her head to watch Kirill push Alina over with a rock in his hands. She yelled out as she went to charge him, keeping her head low as she tackled into him, causing him to fly backward. She moved between herself and Alina, checking on her.

Kirill was assisted by his friends as he brushed off the snow. "You all saw that, didn't you? She attacked me." His grin was wide, "That was a mistake, brudnyy mutt. One that was a long time coming."

Alina tugged on Oksana as she was able to stand. "Let's go; he is trying to provoke you." She tried to soothe her as Oksana began to relax slightly and slowly lower her guard.

"Don't think it will be that easy this time." He began to use the gift, summoning a ball of fire in his hand as he pointed it toward the wolves. "Goodbye, Mutt." Oksana ran to intercept, but it was too late; he had turned, pointing it toward his own sister and released it. Alina cried out as Oksana only saw red, drawing from the flame.

Kirill laughed as he watched. He knew it was large enough to cause a scare, but his grin continued as he noticed Oksana heading towards him. "Take care of her. Let's see how good she is when the supervisors are not watching."

His friend Bodgen charged towards Oksana with a stick, intending to strike her. Oksana formed a blade with ice as she countered his attack. The impact caused the stick to snap and go flying as she followed up with an uppercut punch.

Dmitri bound some rocks together and cast them towards her. They thudded into her back, and she rolled onto the floor, creating a wall of ice behind her to stop the assault. The boy tried to knock down the wall with his rocks when suddenly hands grasped his ankles and pulled him down into the snow. Oksana popped out from underneath him and delivered an elbow drop.

"Kirill, stop, it has gone too far!" Alina's words seemed lost to the wind as Kirill fired a hot plume of fire towards the direction of Oksana. She created a shield of water, turning it to ice as she used it to push away the flames while slowly approaching him. The pair locked in a song of ice and fire, the heat of the flames licking past dangerous levels. Oksana conjured darts of ice as she tilted the shield upwards, creating an opening to impale the boy's feet with them. As Kirill cried out in pain, his attack halted, Oksana charged forward and barrelled into him, knocking him on his back as she jumped on him.

With her tormentor underneath her, all she could envisage was Borislav's face as she laid into him, raining blow after blow with her fists. Alina ran up to Oksana, attempting to pull her away, as she fought back, tears in her eyes as she continued. The fighting had attracted attention, and guards came to the scene, tackling Oksana and dragging the distressed girl away. Alina stayed behind with her brother, those green eyes of hers watched her get taken away.

Oksana was held in a secure location behind a locked door. She had not seen or heard from her family for a couple of days, as her only contact was the shifting of the guard and when she brought some food. The guards had spoken, but she was unable to hear, a fact they misunderstood, as this made them talk more freely with each other, thinking she was unable to follow the odd phrase as she watched their lips. Kirill, despite being beaten black and blue, was otherwise unharmed and recovering. The wolf cubs were not found, presumed to have left the area. It was when Andrei came himself that she knew the outcome.

The man came alone, not a trace of Alina or Svetlana having accompanied him. He looked towards her, then sighed, shaking his head. “You are not to return to our home; you are not welcome.” Oksana could feel her heart skip a beat, her pleading quickly silenced as he raised his hand. “Kirill is my son and heir. You are not. That is all that needs to be said of that decision.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, the droplets crystallizing as they reached her jaw, falling like tiny gem droplets.

He turned as he was about to leave, “My daughter and wife would never forgive me if I allowed something to happen to you. Despite your age, you will join to serve the guards on the wall. A roof over your head, food, and an important position in the Sich.” He walked out, as the guards came in to bring her to her new quarters.

Alina was gone.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

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Hidden 12 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
Avatar of Force and Fury

Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago




This was war in the Empire of Tantiac, and it looked surprisingly normal. The wagon train between Tanythen, Soisanda, and Yandreluul saw business even at the worst of times but, with the ban on unsanctioned teleportation, it was suddenly booming. The nineteen-year-old leaned back in her seat, trying to catch something like sleep, but she'd have needed to chemically douse herself in serotonin to have so much as a chance.




And then, a new sound: "Hah. Aaahah. Aaaaah Aaaahah. Whaaaaa!"

Momentarily, she thought about turning off her ears. On some level they still rang with the words of the general: equal parts commendation and rebuke. You charmed them, Dichora, like we hoped you would. How approving he'd sounded, for once. But these Ersand'Enise yanii have very short memories when it comes to the good and very long ones when it comes to the bad. She'd not known what to say, so she'd simply nodded. You sure you didn't let them charm you back? She'd spoken against the accusation, for that was effectively what it had been, even with its somewhat informal tone. She'd requested that she be sent into the theatre with Chad and Miret. Nowhere else I'd rather send you, kid, but I craft the tactics, not the strategies.

Request denied.

And so she'd asked if she might return home for a week, as a morale exercise, but Chad had been sent in her stead, as a member of the winning team at the Trials. Her performance, in comparison, had been an embarrassment. Fuck your embarrassment. Those people were tough. Plus, she'd sworn she'd do things differently from last time: no big dark magic, no intimidating or bullying people. She, Miret, and Chad had been sent there to both charm and succeed. They'd decided that Chad would succeed, and the cousins would charm. Tyrel would always be granted her gilded cage. Chad's status depended on his personal success.

Request denied.

They had been seen too much together recently, as if they were exclusively each other's in the fashion of yanii and some consoi. It was scandalous and, like a child, she needed to be managed for her own good and the two of them temporarily separated. Chad had done his part, bedding Juulet, Seviin, and half a dozen yanii girls. He'd have made a pass at Penny too were it not for Ashon. He'd done it to be convincing, she knew, and because it was right to share oneself and one's love, even if one kept a luush'elar. And yet... Tyrel thumped her head against the side of the passenger car, groaning as a baby continued to wail over the desperate coos of its mother, two old men yammered loudly in the dialect of Osai, and a trio of children continued to chase each other around halfheartedly, with nothing better to do. Who had Tyrel given the gift of herself to, the general had asked. If she were a bit more generous, he had added, then perhaps her leave could be considered...

Request denied.

She'd been offered leave for Saliac, where her aunt, uncle, and a few cousins lived. She'd been denied teleport permission, hence the wagon train. Avatar of the Fallen Goddess she scoffed inwardly, but it was something. Most people couldn't simply request leave for nothing other than a desire to see family in the midst of a war. All around flew the banners of the Siip'suuras. Children painted them in school between making maps of Consoi lands, learning about the people and the animals there, and training in war games. Jaadas, Juuras, Tan'daxii: the words were on everyone's lips. Victory, Justice, Deliverance. They were so eager to give up their luxuries. They were so eager to drill or work extended hours. They were so united in imagination at what they might finally achieve now that the thousand-year plan had been put into action. Tyrel knew, as she watched a little boy tag a little girl on the soldier - "Caught you, Yanii-jexoff!" - that it was not so simple a picture; nothing ever was. And yet... maybe they could do it. The consoi might hate them for it for some time. Some might fight back - she'd already seen where they had - but their kings were cruel and corrupt. Their nations were failed. Addiction, pestilence, poverty, and chaos stalked their lands. What did they fight for? Why did they fight? Was it for their own stubborn pride or was it something as nebulous and ill-defined as a sense of identity.

A high-pitched shriek from the baby caused her to drape her spare shirt over her head. She tapped her boot rhythmically on the floor in annoyance. "Hyco faiyiil luun'ithan..." she hummed to herself.

"Duun juu saluuv!" came a reply, and Tyrel cracked an eye open. It was 'Yanii'jexoff' from earlier. The little girl, unbidden, had slid into the empty seat to her right and was smiling tentatively up at her. She must've been no more than five or six. "Holum duul alax." The child grinned. "You look really sleepy. I'm sleepy too."

From a seat some ways down, a bedraggled-looking woman leaned forward. "Tyrel, leave the nice lady alone!"

The 'nice lady' started at that. Tyrel wasn't a rare name, but it was not common either. She pushed off from the soft upholstery and leaned forward. "Oh, it's no worry. I can't sleep anyhow, and she's being sweet."

The woman replied with a nod and a grateful look, twisting to shout at the boy. "Maxan! Maxan, here!" She twisted back to Tyrel - perhaps both Tyrels. "Sorry! And thank you." Her voice rose. "Tyrel!" The girl perked up and the teenager forced herself not to. "You don't bother her with silly things, okay?"

She rolled her eyes. "Okaaaayyy, mom." Then, it was just the two of them. "So, you're Tyrel, hmm?"

The girl arched an eyebrow and nodded. "What's your name?"

"Well, I'll give you a clue: it's something to do with winter."


She shook her head.

"Well, mine's a winter name too. It means snow."

Tyrel the elder nodded. "I'll give you a second clue: when your mother called you, she called me too."

The girl's eyes widened. "Tyrel! You're Tyrel too!" Both Tyrels smiled at each other. "Well, I didn't think I'd meet another Tyrel today! I only know two: One's my grandmother and the other was in my class last year but now she's in a different class."

"I knew I'd meet another Tyrel today," the older of the two responded. "In fact, as soon as I saw you, I thought, 'that's another Tyrel, for sure.'"

The child looked skeptical. "Really?" she pressed, and Tyrel nodded. "They say we all come out when it's winter, you know."

"My mom calls me 'snow angel'," she confirmed, kicking her feet back and forth. If the bench had some nice upholstery - a necessity for what was effectively a sleeper wagon - It was still a basic thing, with empty space beneath. She kept kicking back and forth, humming a little tune and looking at her senior expectantly. "It's a way to practice music," she declared. "I use my legs to keep time." She glanced at Tyrel's lone leg. "Did you learn the same way?" she asked, and the teenager decided to mess with her a little bit by nodding. "I think everybody does."

"Oh," was all that she received in return and there was a long pause filled only with her slight disappointment. "Why do you have one leg?"

Kids. An adult would've blushed to ask such a question. A five-year-old did not. Tyrel felt a small finger poke her stump. "It's so squishy!" The girl made a face of endless amusement.



"Did I say you could poke me?"

"Sorry." There was another pause. Then: "Sooo..."

"Well, you see there, buckaroo," the Avatar of Vyshta began, "one time, when I was just a weeeeee little nugget of a person, roundabout your age, I made me the mistake of gettin' a murderpenguin as a pet."

"You have a murderpenguin!?"

"Had, past tense, and I think you may be missing the point of this here story."

"Oh." The child shook her head. "It bited off your leg, right?"

Tyrel scowled. "Well now you've gone and ruined it."


"So anyways, I had me a great big honkin' murderpenguin, with flappy little wings and a long swingy neck and a sharp snappy beak."

"What was his name?"

"Mortimer Montgomery Masterson-Murderpenguin, Esquire."

Little Tyrel blinked.

"Monty, for short."

"Oh. My dowsingjay is named Berry."

"Well that's a nice name," Tyrel senior lied. It was boring. It was, in fact, only nice because an adorable little kid had clearly named it. "Anyhow, one day, I decided to take ol' Monty there for a swim."

"By yourself!?"

"Yeah," the teenager responded. "Why not?"

"But you said you were six?"

"Five, actually."

"But you said you were my age."

One mystery solved. "Oh. I thought you were five."

"Nuh-uh! I'm six and one quarter, actually."

"Well alrighty then. So, anyhow, I took him out for a swim -"

"You could swim?"

"Yes, Tyrel."

"Okay, Tyrel. Wow. I can't swim."

"Well, I could."

"I can run fast." She looked over at the older girl's missing leg smugly.

"Good for you. Have a cookie."

"Do you really have cookies or is that just some grownup thing to say?"

"Some grownup thing to say." She smiled tightly. "So, I was taking Monty out for a swim and -"

"My mom never lets me go out on my own."

"That's because you don't have a murderpenguin."

"Neither do you... anymore."

Child, I swear to Shiin, screw the story. I am going to destroy you with facts and logic. She went with something a touch more conciliatory, however. "Am I going to tell the story or are you gonna try to guess it?"

"What was it about, again?"

It was at that moment that Tyrel the elder knew she was beaten. "Oh, it was just about how badly I wanted murderpenguin eggs."

"Are they really yummy?" The child bounced up and down on her seat.

"I wouldn't know. I never got to eat them."

The girl's eyes widened. "Why?"

"Well, you see, I was an expert fisherman back then and -"

"Why not fishergirl?" Little Tyrel blinked in earnest curiosity. "Why's it always 'man' for everything?"

That was... actually not a bad point, the older Tyrel allowed. "Because, otherwise, men won't feel special and important, so we let them have it."

"That's dumb. How about girls?"

"Well, we're a bit tougher than them.'

The child nodded dubiously.

"So anyhow, I went swimmin' with that there murderpenguin Mortimer."


"Both names are okay."

"But you said Monty before."

"Whose penguin was he?"

Little Tyrel rolled her eyes.

"So, there's nothing that murderpenguins like better than tasselfish and I decided to catch me one o' them big suckers!"

"To feed Monty?"

Tyrel nodded. "Exactly! So I took out my bait and dangled it in the water. Can you guess what that bait was?"

"Miss? Are you the Avatar of Vyshta?"

With that, the last of Tyrel's confidence was shattered, though she wasn't quite certain if it was confidence in herself or in children. She sighed. "Nope," she lied, aware of her duty to not be noticed. "Just some random girl with one leg."

"Oh," the child replied. "Are you sure?"

Tyrel arched an eyebrow. "I think I know who I am." Immediately, profound questions leapt to mind. Immediately, she brushed past them.

"Oh, it's just 'cause I'm named after her and she's my hero."

Tyrel swallowed. Shit. "Tyrel, lean in close for a second." The girl did so and she whispered something in her ear. Their eyes met, the smaller one's wide. "You can't tell anyone, okay?"

It was a cold somnes, snow already coating the ground. Behind Tyrel, the wagon was receding into the distance, its flickering lamps becoming faint. Three other figures - anonymous people - had separated almost immediately, hurrying home in the cold and the dark, arms wrapped around themselves. The teenager's breath came out in wispy white puffs and her footsteps crunched in the fresh white snow. She twisted on the spot, eyes roving about her surroundings: the distant line of leafless trees, the glowing partial orbs of the moons, and the line of footprints she had left to connect her to the wagonway station. She knew the way back by heart. Likely, she could navigate it blindfolded. In the distance, perched amid the giant branches of Aldreth, Daxodreth, and Luudreth lay Saliac. There, lay her old home and Miret's. There, people knew her. There, she could simply be Tyrel.

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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Smoldering Grace

Marz found himself in a strange scene, he had found the city he had wished to become a student of since the last year's trials in a state of smoldering chaos. The fighting was over, the injured had either been taken care of or passed, the dead were being moved, the victors cried out, and the losers sulked or quietly laid in their piles, ready to be buried or burned.

Marz recounted the days as he sat down, resting after everything that happened, from the start, to the Trials. An event Marz had wished to join when Shortlisted first was being formed, yet he was passed over when the team was formed, and he had to watch. This year was different, he joined the school in earnest and had participated in the many games. From the simple Cherune game where they were to steal from each other small boxes that lead them to treasure to give themselves a leg up in the final rewards. Or the eventful race that the Dragon always provides. Yet where some of the most heated moments came from when Mano-e-Mano was lined up.

Marz sighed as he thought about the events that transpired during that time. It was no more than a week ago since the events happened, yet it felt like an eternity and it felt as if the world had set its eyes upon the event and all evil sprung from it with their own machinations. Many who looked upon the combat that kids were doing and had their own plans. Marz could not say what all of them were, yet for him, he remembered his fights and nodded as he thought about his strength, he himself knew he was strong, he was always told he was strong and he proved it, he had gained many accolades in many combat sports, yet here he had learned he was only that, strong. Then there were many truly scary people, even in the school where they were all learning together. Marz sighed as he looked to the Forked Tower where there lay pieces of rubble, ruined stone that was once said never to have been tarnished.

Marz had finally made his way back to his shop, a place that had found some reprieve, he had made sure to keep it protected before he had even thought to walk away from it. Some of the building was slightly charred, pot marked because of acid rain, and stone being chipped from the commotion. Within he felt it was still warm, reminding Marz, that no more than a few hours had passed. What to him felt like days of defending his own forge, multiple houses in which he knew that other Hegelans had lived, and then entering the Forked Tower with Cal. All these things, and not more than a few hours passed for him. Marz made his way to the forge, quietly swiping his hand as the fires ignited, burning the little bit of fuel that was there, he looked into the fire and sat upon his anvil, feeling it heat up slowly as the heat traveled through the many pipes within the forge to keep the many workstations heated.

He let the anvil heat, the pipes being able to transfer the heat well from the small fire Marz lit to the anvil that was a few feet away, it felt comforting, the heat of the forge, after the cold realization that the school has permanently changed, and all he can do is watch.
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