Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Aura watched the group from her spot on the front of the cart. Just listening to the conversation quietly. She appretiated when Flicker went the extra mile and cooked for them, though she would never say so outloud. It had been a while since Flicker had cooked last. It had to have been well before the hag incident. How long ago was that? It seemed like forever ago, though maybe that was because the last couple days had been so long.

If Aura was honest she was greatful for the potions but was ready to actually close her eyes and sleep. Being awake this long was a strange feeling. Her mind slowly wondered to the possibility of taking a nap when they finally got on the road and soon her companions conversation was nothing but background noise as she stared up at the clouds daydreaming. Something she wasn't caught doing often.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Cascade looks at the fruit among the shelves, before she turns her attention to Jormund with the chest. She listens with a smile as he pays Flicker compliments on their cooking skills. She looks to Flicker when they modestly dismissed his compliments. She speaks up, "Yeah, Shoots, Flicker! If you're getting these high of compliments, I'd say your cooking is something to really look forward to! No need to be modest, yeah?"

She then spends 20 Silver for enough fruits from Comfortable Meals for 10 meals. She takes care to examine the fruits before choosing. She places the ingredients into the chest Jormund was carrying carefully, thanking him for carrying the chest and ingredients.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 8 mos ago Post by rush99999
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@XxFellsingxX @Guardian Angel Haruki
As Flicker and Cascade shop, a sense of contentment came over them. Flicker's came from the purchase of the various foodstuffs they would later cook for the rest of the party. Cascade's came not from buying the fruit, but rather from making sure there was still a good amount of money left for Zephyr. Regardless of the source though, this feeling settled within them, as it had done so many times before, and became a mote of extra resolve or good fortune that they might call upon later when the need arose.

Grocer assisted the shoppers when requested and accepted payment when it was given. Once everything had been loaded into the chest, the warforged spoke to the whole party. "Your business is appreciated." It intoned with a slight nod of its head. "This unit wishes you well in your travels."

@Lurking Krog
Jørmund found nothing of interest in the crowd surrounding the immediate vicinity. But a good distance beyond the highwaymen and the former slaves working to clean up after the battle, Jørmund caught a glimpse of a figure. The figure was distant and facing away from him, but Jørmund could still pick up two details. The figure was feminine in form and holding a human skull.

@Cao the Exiled
At Plasm's words, the intellect devourer attempted to retreat further into the skull. As it did so, it began to transmit a telepathic broadcast, seemingly too panicked to will its message to only its intended recipient. 'Alert! Alert! Tricked! Trapped! Cornered! Capture imminent! Guidance requested! Alert! Alert!' No stranger to eldritch entities, Plasm knew that the intellect devourer was communicating with the illithid hivemind it was a part of.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund closed the chest as Flicker and Cascade finished loading the foods into it. As he was turning to return to the cart, he noticed a feminine figure in the distance holding what looked like a human skull. Their features were undeterminable from this distance. At this point it was as good a guess as any if the earthen cleric was witnessing the aftermath of someone mourning a lost loved one, reminiscing or plotting something devious, or just being strange in a busy encampment.

"Not meaning to alarm you two, just want you to be aware there is someone standing over there with a human skull in their hands. I cannot tell who they are or what they are doing." He holds the chest out to both Cascade and Flicker before continuing. "Take this back to the cart with the others."

As soon as one or both of them take the chest Jørmund starts to head towards the figure wary of sudden movement, yet still exuding his recent calm demeanor.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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During their little shop, Flicker's face had actually begun to form a semi-decent smile as they thought about all the different meals they could cook for their friends on the way to Zephyr. This smile then promptly dissolved the moment Jørmund drew their attention to the figure watching them. "It's always something, isn't it?" they muttered to themself as Jørmund handed them the chest. As the cleric started making his way towards the figure, Flicker quickly called after him, "If something happens, call for us and we'll be right over!" They then turned back to Cascade. "Let's get this back to the others," they said, and began carrying the chest back towards the rest of the party.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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@Lurking Krog

As Jørmund drew closer to the figure holding the skull. He began to make out more and more of the figure's features. And as he made out more and more features, the figure became more and more familiar to him. The figure was still facing away from Jørmund, so he couldn't see the figure's face. But the earth genasi could still see the clothes the figure wore and the shape of the figure's body. And his ears even briefly caught the sound of the figures voice. All of these things along with the skull reminded Jørmund of one person: Plasm. But before he could reach the figure and either confirm or deny his suspicions, a work crew passed by ten feet ahead of Jørmund, obscuring the figure from view.

When the way was clear again, the figure was gone.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lurking Krog
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As soon as Jørmund recognized the voice the started to break into a swift jog hoping to get to the figure quicker. The earth genasi was ten feet away when a work crew passed in front of him blocking his view. He tried to go around them to little result. By the time the crew had passed by the figure was gone.

Jørmund searched around though the crowd looking for the figure he was sure was Plasm. A few minutes passed before he started to wonder if he imagined it all. The cleric started to make his way back to the rest of the group. His excitement of finding the groups injured comrade up an moving had fallen to quiet, withdrawn sadness. Part of him also was doubting his own physical and mental wellness if he was imagining those who he had seen hours earlier severely injured, up and in apparent well being. This also left him wondering if he would be a liability to the party while traveling, or while trying to deal with the raiders from his home land.

"Who ever it was I thought I saw they are not there any more. We should probably start moving on." Jørmund said as he started to put his pack into the back of the wagon. For the time being he was trying to put his thoughts towards how to convince the raiders to move on to other lands.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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Chapter Three: A Bad Seed At The Manticore's Tale

Once all the preparations had been made, the party departed from the highwaymen's campsite and set off along the King's Road for the village of Zephyr. They would soon discover that they weren't the only ones departing in that direction though. Half an hour into their travels, a mighty dire wolf drew level with the party's newly acquired wagon. The large beast bore upon its back the orc that Rala had encountered the prior evening. Gorgash Grim-Tusk as he introduced himself had been pointed in the village's direction by an omen from the orc god Gruumsh as he was planning his next move. When filled in on the situation at Zephyr, the orc grinned eagerly. An opportunity to cross blades with raiders from the Northlands was an opportunity Gorgash was always happy about.

With their new companion in tow, the party crossed half the distance between the campsite and Zephyr in a day of travel. And as the sun began to set and the party began to think about rest for the night, Gorgash seemed eager to crest one last hill before any talks of stopping began in earnest. For when the party reached the top of the hill they would see a road side inn waiting by the opposite foot of the hill. They were just close enough to make out the sign, which bore the inn's name - The Manticore's Tale - and depicted a manticore that lounged before a crowd of various humanoids who were all listening with rapt attention to whatever the manticore was saying.

As they approached, Gorgash mentioned that he had done right by the people of this inn before and promised the party the they would be well received with him among their number. And he was right. When he kicked open the door and announced to all present that he was back, he was met with a joyous welcome that extended to the rest of the party once the orc made the necessary introductions. Soon enough, Gorgash and the party were guided to the best seats in the house, a table large enough for all of them that was positioned right next to the fire.

Gorgash took a seat at the head of the table and gestured for the party to do likewise as menus arrived. "Order what ya will! Everythin' at this table is on me!" He declared happily. "AS IS A ROUND FER THE EVERYONE 'ERE!"

That last booming announcement was met with enthusiastic cheering from the present patrons.

What do you do?
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund made sure the horses were taken care of and the wagon stored, and their supplies on it put out of sight. Once that was done he stepped into the inn just as Gorgash announced he was buying food and drink. The cleric smiled and he approached the table. "Bring a flagon of whiskey if you have it, ale if you don't, to start. Not sure what the rest of my group will drink." He sat down in a chair rather heavily as the fatigue from the travel and poor sleep from the last evening set in. "Oh, I would like meat, bread, and roasted vegetables to eat." Jørmund paused for a moment before remembering what the others had been trying to work with him on. "Please."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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If Flicker was one to thank the gods, they would have done so having the foresight to buy extra ingredients, otherwise the addition of their new comrade would have stressed them out... well, stressed then out more. As those who had travelled with Flicker long enough to know, the fire genasi wasn't one to warm to strangers that easily - the fact they had so readily accepted Cascade as quickly as they had was actually a little unprecedented - and Gorgash had the kind of boisterous personality that Flicker typically didn't mesh well with, so they'd been keeping their distance from the orc.

Upon entering the Manticore's Tale, Flicker's body tensed at the joyous welcome they received thanks to their companion, obviously not used to warm reception, and once the group was sat down, they would hunch over in an attempt to appear as unconscious as possible. When everyone started ordering drinks, they simply muttered, "A water, please. And food-wise, I'll have the same as him." They nodded towards Jørmund, before turning their gaze towards the fire.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The time spent traveling Aura seemed to return to her old happy-go-lucky self. Those who traveled with her knew she got antsy if they remained in a spot for too long, especially after conflict, so it was expected that she would perk up more on the road. She of course perked up even more when the Orc joined them. The Air Genasi never tired of new faces so one more was more than welcome.

When they arrived at the Inn Aura was more than willing to accept the warm welcome the group recived being in Gorgash's company. Handing out some casual flirtiation winks to a few of the Inn's guest she strode to the table the Orc had taken. "An Ale for me. As for food same as my Earthen friend here but add some cheese to that spread as well if you could." She smiled at the individual taking their orders before turning her attention to the Orc in the group's company. "Also a small plate of meats for my friend here." She pointed to Hawk in his pseudodragon form who moved to sit on the table beside Aura.

"So, care to recount whatever epic tale you have to spin about why you are so welcomed here?" She asked as she gave her familiar some idol pets. The creature chirping in what one would assume was response but the group knew only Aura herself could understand. Though she did not stop the petting so one would assume Hawk had allowed her to continue.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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During the trip to Zephyr, Cascade would often talk about her home to try and brief the party what to expect when they get there. But at some point, that discussion would devolve into Cascade telling silly stories that took place in Zephyr and telling the rest of the party of the various fond memories she has there. Gorgash's appearance was unexpected but not unwelcome from Cascade. She helped explain the situation at Zephyr and she raised an eyebrow at his smile and eagerness to join in.

Now that she thought about it...who was Gruumsh?

Soon the party reached the Manticore's Tale and she was surprised to see that they were escorted to the best seats in the house. When Gorgash said that he was paying for everything, she gave a loud cheer in happiness,


She then answers after Jormund, Flicker, and Aura all ordered, "I'll have the same for food! I'll have an Ale too!"

After Aura asks about Gorgash's story, she pipes in, "Ooh! I'd like to hear too!"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Birdboy
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The trip towards Zephyr left the party once again alone on the trail, at least at first. Despite being the one who had met the orc prior, Rala stayed apprehensive long after the party agreed to travel with him. Her hand never left her hilt and her eyes darted about looking for an ambush or a tell from the dire wolf but the road remained relatively safe.

Over the next couple of hours cascade regaled them with anecdotes and stories of her hometown. At first Rala tried to ignore them but a few stories managed to get a short chuckle from the brooding blade maiden. More than anything the stories made her yearn for home and reminded her of all the tales she could never tell, lest someone realized who she was.

Seeing the tavern gave Rala a sense of releif, she was weary to going back to sleeping on the side of the road. The stars only gave so much comfort and her pockets where still fat with coin. The rest of the group proudly and loudly entered and Rala couldn't help but shrink back, practically enveloping herself in her cloak. The giddiness of the tavern was too much for her gruff disposition, and she had a hard time believing that such hospitality could be real. Sheepishly she moved to join the rest of the group and sat down. She seemed worried abkut the orders the group requested.

"We're nearing Zephyr. Don't you think you should pace yourselves?" She asked in regards to the orders of whiskey and ale.
"Perhaps it would be a good time to work out a strategy"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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"So, care to recount whatever epic tale you have to spin about why you are so welcomed here?"

At those words, an eager grin formed on Gorgash's face. "Of course!" He happily obliged and with a glint of what the more passively insightful party members and those who were actively using their insight would discern to be expectant eagerness. "There's a tower about three miles north by northwest of this inn. A few months back, a small group o' cultists moved in an' started attackin' travelers on the King's Road. At one point they even attacked the inn itself, I 'appened by about a day later an' took a job to clear out the tower. When I got there I found ten cultists an' two fanatics waitin' fer me. Strange thing was though that the fanatics didn't fight, they just watched me carve through their underlings like it was all some kinda show to 'em. Once I was done with the cultists, I 'ad planned on on showin' the fanatics that I weren't no dancin' monkey. But before I could, that was when I met Ms. Midnight."

By now, Gorgash's friendly smile had morphed into a knowing grin. "This ring any bells to you lot?" He asked.

While Gorgash had told his story, Rala's distrust of the people in the inn had compelled her to view her surroundings with an insightful eye. Though she found noting of suspicion, she did notice another orc sitting nearby. One that was listening to the story with a look on his face that suggested the tale was ringing a few bells for him as well.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker's already rigid body language became even more tense the further Gorgash went with his story, and by the time they mentioned this 'Ms. Midnight', the fire genasi's hair was slowly morphing from slightly glowing to actual flames, pale yellow in colour and spitting sparks. They turned their eyes towards the orc, their hands slowly becoming fists. "You know, I really don't like where this story is going," they muttered.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Aura smiled at Rala when the older woman suggested pacing themselves. "One drink won't kill us, plus we didn't really get much of a chance to celebrate after the attack at the camp so why not let lose just a little?" She raised an eyebrow in a way that suggested Aura was encouraging the bladeswoman to let lose, just a little. "Plus, with how close we are we might not want to talk strategy out in the open where prying ears might hear." Her tone went a little more serious at that last comment. But then her attention was pulled to their orc companion.

Aura listened to the Orcs story with interest at first, but when the story turned to sound a lot like the job they had before the Highway man camp her smiling lips turned to a thin line. "That sounds...familiar yes." Was all she said to Gorgash in a low tone as to not draw too many of the patron's attention. Though her eyes slid over the other people occupying the inn. Making note of those who were listenting to the story their Orc companion had just told them.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lurking Krog
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As Gorgash told his story Jørmund's boisterous mood started to dampen, slightly mirroring Aura and Flicker's disposition. He turned to face the Orc, watching his expressions change.

"And if it does what is it to you." He kept his tone even, least as much as he could. The cleric was however, tensing himself up ready to start swinging.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Upon realizing who Gruumsh is, what his tenets are, and the general knowledge about him in Religion through her connection to Deep Sashelas, she is slightly less joyful. But she does try to keep an upbeat attitude to keep up morale.

...Perhaps Gorgash isn't so bad and maybe he's actually a good guy? One could only hope, and if he does try to hurt anyone, then she'd be ready to defend...

She listened to the story Gorgash gave. At first she was about to give applause, but she stopped herself upon noticing that her new allies' attitudes seem to take a turn for the worse, and Gorgash's friendly grin turned into a knowing one. Even Jormund was ignoring his own alcohol! Her watery hair starts to splash upwards as though her own hackles were being raised.

A quick of glance of her eyes landed on the lone orc and Deep Sashelas's knowledge flooded through her mind. He was an ex worshipper of Gruumsh if the omen is true. If Gorgash was a true worshipper, then giving away the lone orc's identity might not be a good idea. Deciding to protect the orc and not say anything, she directs her attention back to Gorgash and the party.

She starts to speak, keeping the conversation on the party and Gorgash, "Not for me, Brah, no. ....I'm a little confused, what's going on?" Her hand starts to go for the holy symbol in her wariness, as though she was quietly asking Deep Sashelas for guidance and protection.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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In the dimly lit tavern, another orc sat quietly with a tankard of mead in hand. The weight of dishonor and cursed fate hung heavy upon his broad shoulders as he overheard the animated conversation nearby, a flicker of something in his yellow eyes giving way his attention to one of the people gathered near his younger kin.

Gorgash, a fellow orc, regaled the crowd with a tale of vanquishing cultists in a tower to the north, a story that resonated with Hammerhand in an unexpected way. The creases in the venerated orc's face deepened as he threw back his drink.

'Strange, this one also has met hag woman?' looking at the bottom of his tankard he grunted lowering it to the bar with a soft thump nodding to the bartender for another Hammerhand's keen orcish senses pricked up as he felt the gaze of the few listeners of the other orc's story fall on him.

Despite his own tumultuous past and the burden of Gruumsh's curse, the grizzled orc knew better than to make a target of himself especially to one of his kind.

But he was smart enough to know that he wouldn't be leaving this tavern without the notice of the other orc.

'Mmph, what humie' saying? It not matter if only when?' Hammerhand thought to himself dropping a few silver on the table as the bartender shoved another tankard his way.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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"And if it does what is it to you."

"To me? Not much." Gorgash said with a relaxed shrug and a smile that displayed to all that he felt little concern for how tense the party had become. "To you though? More than you might think."

"I'm a little confused, what's going on?"

"What's goin' on is that this lot 'it the Jackpot." Gorgash declared. "Ms. Midnight's as generous as she is lazy. Steamroll a few cultists for 'er an' she'll bury you up to yer neck in coin. An' that's just the start. If you picked up those three weird things what Ms. Midnight leaves behind with the money and what no normal shopkeep'll touch with a ten foot pole, don't worry 'bout the fact that you can't flog the things what ain't already useful. Sooner or later, you'll meet a shopkeep what ain't so normal. When you do..." Gorgash paused as something beyond the window nearest the front door caught his attention and soured his expression. "Oh great." Gorgash growled in annoyance just before the door gets kicked open.

Into the inn stepped a human boy of no more than ten years of age. A scimitar hung from his hip, a basket of javelins was strapped to his back, a spiked metal shield was fitted to his forearm, and each step he took produced the telling jingle of a chain shirt hidden beneath his supple leather clothing. At the boy's passing, a few of the inn's patrons sitting nearest the door got up and left in a hurry.

"He's back. A patron seated at a table within hear shot of the party said fearfully. "The Bad Seed of the Sapphire Lake Hamlets is back."

"Bring me my usual!" The boy barked before turning towards the party's table, scowling as he saw it occupied, and began walking towards them.

"You should move, you're sitting in his favorite spot." The patron that had spoken before spoke again, this time to the party. "You can have my table if you like. I'm just about done with my meal anywa-"

"Save yer breath." Gorgash interrupted the frightened bystander. "Gorgash Grim-Tusk doesn't budge fer no one. Least of all fer 'im."
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