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Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Suicharte
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The First Dance

Characters: Tommy, Desmond@Th3King0fChaos, Edyta Laska@Force and Fury, Riu Kai-Tan

It was bound to be Tommy that was fashionably late out of the Raffscallions. He'd perused the drink list on the invitation, and found it sorely lacking. So, he'd taken Talkahn's invitation for 'hooch' as predrinks for this belated affair. Little did he know that these drink were powerful, mana-altering bastards of shots. He'd thrown up a couple of times, but he'd eventually settled a couple before Talkhan had told him that he'd had enough for the night, and so he sauntered to the party, a little tipsier than he should have been. At least this way, he wouldn't have to get toasted off wine and other fancy shit. That stuff was meant to be swirled, right?

Upon arrival, his eyes searched for his buds. He saw Johann at the buffet(obviously, boy liked his scran) and Abdel, the one who'd saved him from a grisly death at the hands of a snake, but he was with his missus and he respected that. So, albeit early, he went to chat up a lady. He was wearing his only nice piece of clothing for the affair, after all.

His eyes settled on... Laska. He had no idea who this particular girl was, but there was something about her that was eye-catching, like she could kill you if you wanted, but there was also the sweet innocence of a village girl. A different sort of danger from the ladies of Barrowton, and he was fairly sure she had all her teeth about her too. He went to the buffet table, picked a couple glasses of the expensive wine he couldn't pronounce and went over to the girl that was still on her own.

"Drinks are better in company, y'know." he said with a wink, handing her one, before continuing. "I've uhh.. not seen ya round here before, but I reckon you're strong. Was ya in the trials?" he asked, not knowing who the pale beauty was.

The greasiest-looking Enthish lad she'd ever seen made his way over to Edyta and she clenched up in apprehension. What was she doing here like this - dressed like this!? She swallowed and tried to make herself small and unnoticeable. Then, it became clear that... he didn't recognize her! He bought her a drink! Now, carnal pleasures weren't explicitly forbidden by the church, but those outside of one's specialty were discouraged as a distraction. She accepted the drink. "Oh," she laughed sheepishly, fiddling a bit with her hair, for she did not often leave it free and loose like this, "I've been around for a while, actually. I s'pose I'm one of those people who just fades into the crowd a bit, even in the Trials." She took a sip and imagined that this was a strong drink. "Oh, I didn't get your name, by the way!"

"How'd a girl like you fade into the crowd?" he laughed and clinked their glasses together gently, taking a sip himself. "I'm Tommy, was on the team with the tall girl over there. Not ta brag, but we won the thing." he said, honestly pretty proud of the accomplishment. "And what's your name, darlin'?" he asked, wondering if there was some protocol here. She didn't seem noble, but did he have to do the thing where he offered his arm? Or was it kissing the hand? Ah, maybe he was back with people who were easier to talk to. She smelled nice, and looked clean and pretty. He was just... so glad to be alive.

Edyta blinked. "Oh, I normally don't dress like this. My um... attire is relatively distinctive, I guess." She sipped some more from her glass. "I'm Edyta," she mumbled into it, feeling a warmth rise in her cheeks. "I brought... cupcakes, but... they feel a little stupid, you know? A little out of place over here."

Tommy, for the first time in a while, blushed himself. This girl was the sweetest someone could be without being sickly, and he honestly did a double take. "Well, Edyta, I don't think somethin' bein' outta place makes it stupid. I feel outta place here myself, but I don' feel stupid. After all, I ended up meetin a lovely girl 'ere." he said, slightly cringing at himself, but not showing it outwardly. Why was he getting self conscious? He'd done this a hundred times? "Can I try one? Hell, we can pass 'em out if ya want. Less nerve-wrackin' if ya do it with someone else, right? I reckon Zazzy and Raffie'll love em’." He spoke with a genuine smile, honestly a bit taken with the lass and not realizing how much he was talking. She reminded him of someone, but he couldn't put a finger on it.

Edyta's face lit up a bit. "Really?" She swallowed, face earnest and apprehensive. "You're not just saying that to.... you know..." She glanced down at her lap and then away for a moment. She'd been warned by the Bishop about how some men were.

He paused, and flinched. Had he? Was he attempting to take advantage of her? A thousand guilty thoughts ran through his head before he settled on a decisive answer at once: He hadn't. Recently, he'd experienced a lot of firsts, but this was something entirely new. It wasn't lust that drove his motive here, she was just.. pleasant. He felt endeared from the moment she started speaking, and so, he cleared his throat.

"I... no. Maybe on another day, but no. You're a sweetheart, Edyta, and I'm not just tryna get into your pants. I'm wondering how I hadn't noticed ya before." he said, scratching his hair and looking away himself. How was he folding to this girl?

With that, she sprung to her feet, seizing the basket with one hand and his hand with the other. "Well then, Tommy-boy, lets hand out cupcakes," she giggled. "Oh Ipte, I can't believe we're doing this." She started walking, before pausing abruptly and furrowing her brow. She nearly lost her grip on him. "Before we do, you should try one." She released his hand momentarily to pluck a cupcake from the basket. "If it's bad, you'll tell me honestly, right?"

Was he a little boy? Why was he so... happy to simply hold hands and walk with this girl? His slightly tipsy thoughts swayed before he found himself smiling at her giggling face and the offering of a cupcake. "You got it. Honest as can be." he grinned, popping it into his mouth. He found the taste... did not mix well with the brews and the wine that was still lingering in his mouth, but he forced himself to swallow it.

"Y'know, I don't think it agrees with this fancy wine. Wait till the desserts are bein' brought out?" he said, a moment of half honesty. They weren't disgusting, or bad, but they didn't sit right. But he'd be damned if he'd break this girls heart with a bold faced lie, or open honesty.

"Heh." For a moment, her face fell. "Well, never was much of a cook as the other girls, even though I tried." She perked up and smiled at him, squeezing his hand. "Thank you for trying to spare my feelings." She swung the basket gently and set it back on the table. "I suppose we can foist these on people we don't like later, hmm?" She started to grin and then paused, as if too embarrassed to speak it.

He felt a pang of regret as he watched her face drop, but she was a bundle of positivity right now and it was like his emotions were crossed with hers. Then she unveiled a 'trickster' streak, and well, his heartstrings were pulled even further towards her, as he squeezed her hand back in turn. "I didn't think you'd do somethin' like that... I'm IN." he said grinning at her, the flush from his cheeks fading and returning as often as her own despite their differences. "But, Edyta, who here d'you not like? I think they deserve worse than a cupcake not matchin' the drinks." he spoke a little more confidently.

"Oh, but..." She paused, caught between her true self and this girl she was playing the role of. "Well, come to think of it, nobody here has been awful enough to deserve it."

For a moment, it all faded away: the alcohol, the party, and then last of all, Tommy. Edyta Laska - the merciless 'Sister Mercy' - sat alone with herself and the truth of her words: nobody here has been awful enough to deserve it.

She shook her head as if to clear it and was back. "Well, I'm sure some will be by the end of the night, Reshta knows." She rolled her eyes and downed the rest of her drink. It felt bad and... good all at once and she paid it no heed. Edyta left the basket behind and took Tommy's other hand. "You know, there's some very decent music playing and I sense you're no rich nabob here, are you?" She winked. "I'd like to dance the way rich people don't."

"Bound to be someone doin' somethin' stupid at the end of the night. Usually it's me." he said, telling on himself a little and looking conspicuously to the side. He wanted to play a joke, pretend to be offended at her comment about him not being a 'rich nabob', but he was lost in her gaze, the slight chill to her hands and the ghostly beauty her skin held. She wasn't this striking when he'd started the conversation, was it beer goggles or something else. He simply nodded his head.

"Yeah, y'know what, I've missed it! Let's rock, darlin!" he spoke, taking her hands in stride and letting her lead the dance. He didn't want to let go, even if his hands were sure to be clammy. Because hers weren't what he'd expected. He'd always had a premonition about people, and he could tell a lot about ladies from their hands. At this school, they were usually soft. But these, he could sense the roughness of the skin. Not the type you'd get from being a farmer, but from swingining a weapon. His own fingers and palms had them. And that, for whatever reason, made his heart skip another beat.

She led him out onto the dance floor and, indeed, there was something about the way that she moved: light and graceful, but not effete, not ladylike. She leapt and twirled and raced about in a sort of giddy haze, sometimes being led, as was proper, and sometimes leading. And when he pulled her close, she smiled coyly and spun back out to arms-length. "You can move, Tommy-boy!" she exclaimed, winking at him over a shoulder. "But next comes the cantrava. Can you cantrava?" she giggled.

She moved well - far too well. He was no slouch when it came to a good boogie, but she was something special. And he was shocked, quite frankly, that he hadn't noticed her. Just who was this beauty? And how had she evaded his gaze this entire time. He was laser focused, and his brain, ever loud and interrupting, had finally quietened down. The music, the feel of her hands, the note of her smile, everything seemed to move in still frames as he attempted to match her in this cantrava - a dance unbecoming of the fancier folk here, but one he took great pleasure in joining good Edyta with. Great kicks of the legs, twirling, the sorts. He was free. And even with this blessed body of his, and the reflexes it possessed, she still outclassed him in this field.

"You're amazin! Haven't met anyone who moved as well as you, y'know!" he shouted gleefully, a bead of sweat running down the back of his neck as he continued to spin and twirl, pulling her close and returning that wink, this time flustered before pulling away himself to the next segment.

Sometimes, in moments like this, he wishes it'd last forever. He owed Zarina a big thank you, for putting this on. He'd never forget this, for whatever remained of his life.

"I can see those lil' wheels turning in your head," Edyta said when they were finished and headed back to their table. For what it was worth, the furniture of her mind was being moved about wildly as well and she didn't quite know what to make of it. "Mine too," she giggled, and then she shook her head. People were everywhere, talking, dancing, playing with pets, stuffing their faces. She breathed it in. She breathed it all in and... This is what I am sworn to protect. This is what's sacred. She thought it out loud in her mind's ear, trying to feel some sense of satisfaction but, instead, it felt... wrong. The very person who'd brought them all together, who likely also didn't recognize her lest she'd not have been allowed in, was a wildblood Edyta had tried to... kill. She shook her head as if to clear it but it all came crashing down. "You're amazing too, Tommy-boy," she replied belatedly, a faint smile on her face. She was a killing machine: a killing machine who was going to die by before her fortieth birthday and, if the strange dreams were right, perhaps even sooner. "I... have to go to the privy," she chirped. "I'll... be right back." She squeezed his hand uncertainly before letting go. (edited)

Tommy had the dance of his life, and as it came to the close, he took in a deep gulp of air and the rest of his wine when he got back to the table. He smiled at her in return, but sensed a sadness in her eyes, a pang of regret, an inability to live in the moment any further than the dance. Being called amazing by her felt amazing, but it also rang hollow for a moment, for she wasn't able to enjoy this any longer. He returned the little squeeze, with his own. He wanted to say something romantic, something special, but the only thing that came to mind was something his mother would say to him when he was a youngster. "Don't fall in." he said, shaking his head at the own stupid comment. If that was the last thing he got to say to this girl, he'd go and jump off the arch the moment this party was over, at least that's how he felt watching her walk away.

Once she was out of sight, he simply stared at the tablecloth. He wanted to bang his head against it for all the flounders he'd had, all the loose comments and jokes he'd made, but he simply sat and well, thought to himself for a moment as he loathed to do. The voices that told him he was a failure rang out. He'd died twice before coming here for some stupid gambling prize, and if he'd truly met his end, he wouldn't have met her. He wouldn't have had the time of his life. He wouldn't have been able to go back home and tell his family about all the awesome shit he did in the trials. About how the commoner lad from Barrowton had won 5 bouts of single combat against some of the most prodigious mages of the academy.

Why couldn't he let go of it now? Why was his enjoyment dependant on another person being at his side at this event? Hadn't he always lived as he pleased, and did what brought him the most enjoyment? Couldn't he have moved on, as he always did? She'd only gone to the bathroom, for dami's sake. He covered his head with his hands, trying to hide his anguish as 'taking a breather'. The laughter, joy, sounds of chewing, everything swarmed into him until his head was a vortex of chaos. So sick was he, that he couldn't even down this expensive wine that he'd normally have drunk by the bottle.

And the little wheels in his head had jammed shut.

Did they start back up? Was there grease to be applied? In any event, standing there, in front of a mirror in the dressing room, a pale skinny girl with humble little breasts poking up her shift, unfamiliar red hair, and poxy freckles, stripped of all that made her grand and gave her purpose, Edyta Laska was in the midst of her own crisis. She made the pentact again and again, fervently, in front of that mirror, hoping that it might absolve her of some unnamable sin while knowing that it would not. "This is not you, Mercy." She shook her head and there was that hair again - that harlot's tool. She could swish it back and forth or tuck it behind an ear and corrupt the reason of that dear sweet boy.

The tears just came. They spilled from her eyelids and traced lines down her cheeks. She watched them with dull blue eyes. All at once, she crouched down on her haunches and wrapped her arms around her legs. "Why, Mother Oraphe?" She sobbed bitterly. "Why did you have to make me this way?" She pressed her head against the tops of her knees, drawing shuddering breaths and just... feeling. "Why can't I be like them?" she mewed. "Why can't I have a future." She thought of Tommy. He had a future. In twenty years, when he was fat and middle aged, sitting by a roaring hearth with children on his lap and food in his belly, would he think back and remember her?

But this had been nothing so romantic. They had never even lain together. She had just been some girl at a party when he was drunk. Mostlike, he would not even remember her tomorrow, she counseled herself and, with that grim thought foremost in her mind, Edyta began to steady and Sister Laska began to return. In stages, she uncoiled, the desperately miserable creature she was. She dressed herself properly, in this harlot's getup, and slunk out the back quietly, back in control of herself again and eager to be away.

And yet, that was a lie as well. I'm sorry, Tommy. Be well. Find someone better than me. She couldn't help but think it. She had to think it to leave it behind.

A battle against the Fist of the North

They had split up momentarily, with Yvain, Trypano, and Leon going one way while Desmond, Tommy, and Edyta had gone the other.

Then, from around a bend in the hallway, the latter trio sensed it all at once: a mind-numbing agglomeration of energy. Edyta's eyes went wide and she faded into greyspace, drawing her twin sickles.

The Fist of the North, Arch-Zeno Riu Kai-Tan, emerged from around it and stood directly in their path. The sheer power rolling off of him was phenomenal: like trying to stand directly beneath a waterfall.

He regarded the youths with his customary sternness. "I am sorry, but I cannot let you go any further." He was not yet in a fighting stance though, if they could sense anything at all through the maelstrom that enveloped him and - indeed - them, it was that every fiber of his being was ready for a fight.

Standing in the path of the hurricane, the three who encountered him held up surprisingly well, but for Edyta. Even through the veil of greyspace, she felt it, her entire world warping. She staggered out into reality, fell to her knees, and retched upon the floor. Tommy could feel his colonies roiling inside of him, one much worse than the other, and Desmond squinted and took a few steps back, feeling lightheaded and queasy.

"You have no path to victory," the Arch-Zeno warned, taking his first step forward. "Nor do you want to win this fight."

He took a second step.

A vortex of air rushed toward him. For a moment, wind howled and lashed at the biros. Then, there was stillness and silence. Riu Kai-Tan slid one leg out in front of him and raised his guard, sinking into a Long high-back stance. The air exploded outwards. While the greyborn rushed into the VOID, the other two were not so fortunate.

Tommy was thrown like scrap into a pillar. Desmond was hurled, tumbling down the hallway.
PaleGreen"You are not very strong,"[/color] the Fist of the North remarked, perhaps a bit... disappointed? Then, from the void, materialized the Red Rezaindian, her twin scythes glinting in the dim light, her eyes gleaming with predatory hunger.If a hand shot up into her path, none of them saw it, least of all Sister Edyta Laska. The girl was hurled away, tumbling down the hall before coming up on her feet between Desmond and Tommy. "We are here to bring justice to a tyrant," she snarled, wiping blood from her nose with the back of her hand. "You defend her, you are our enemy."

"You speak much and know little," the Arch-Zeno replied. He had not taken so much as a step since sinking into his fighting stance.

"It'll take all three of us -" The nun spoke through clenched teeth, eyes searching her opponent for any opening, any weakness. "- In perfect sync, to have a hope of breaking through against a monster like that."

An overwhelming use of the gift. He had drunk the tea that Tku had given him, twice in fact. A vile brew, no sugar or milk to make it taste like it should - but it was still nothing here. Desmond had more than him still, and it had not been enough. They were flies to him, gnats in the wind. His hands were trembling - whether in excitement or fear he didn't know - and before he knew it, they were both sent back. His head split against the back of the pillar, and he felt blood trickling down his scalp. Still, he was alive and that was good enough.

The nun launched a counter attack... the nun... she moved so gracefully. A reminiscence of the past occurred in his dazed, shaky state as he began to rise to his feet and something he should have realized a long time ago still had not come to mind. For what filled his mind was anger. They were not weak. They were victors. He wiped the blood from his head and nose, and looked at Desmond. If they needed to do it again to get a win against another abnormality, then so be it.

"Sorry Edyta. Fightin' like this probably isn't the cool way ta do it, but, these fuckers are outta my league currently." he muttered to himself as the nun spoke, not realizing they were the same person. He nodded at her after, before giving a final glance to Desmond. He pulled the earrings from his pocket and tossed one to him.

"Not very strong, eh? Yer talkin' to the champs. Think we were lucky or somethin'?" he grinned through the pain, blowing the blood out of his nose onto the stone floor.

Desmond finally got up from his tumble, half of which was him laying there thinking as he adjusted himself, then finally answering Edyta, "You think?" The magusjaeger got up as he looked at Riu, "Let's see what we can do" Desmond threw a glance towards Tommy, then a smile as he snatched the earring from the air, "Let's entertain the old man for a bit, see if we can get his old bones moving again"

Riu Kai-Tan straightened. "Do what you must." The rest was left unspoken: 'As shall I.' Edyta's eyes searched the other two, a hint of curiosity sparking behind them. "I-" she began, but then she went silent and simply nodded. "I will distract him if needed." She rolled one of her shoulders tenderly and applied some healing to it.

Suddenly, her arms shot out to the sides and touched both men. They could feel their wounds close, their blood pump with renewed vigor, the throbbing in their heads and ringing in their ears abate.

He nodded at the nun. "Cheers luv." before turning to Desmond. The idea of doing the dance in this situation was utterly ridiculous, but he cleared his head. They had a show to put on, and the pride of being champions to maintain here.

"Ready for it? It's fookin' showtime!" he grinned as he got ready to fuse.

As Desmond stood up, he felt his wounds heal as Laska healed them. A smile came to his face as he put his hands in front of him and stared right directly to Riu while saying, "Ready as always"

The two clicked the earrings after their pre-fusion ritual, and at first, it was ugly. It switched and swarmed a couple of times before the two fully came into synchronization. Out emerged a different fusion than last time, one that looked distinctly more like Desmond. Two colonies became an overwhelming strong singular, kitted out with a myriad of items. A supreme magusjaeger had been born from the fusion, rippling with far more power than both individuals could ever hope to have on their own. In either hand set the rewards from the trials that they had obtained, a strange Sirrahi tech revolver in one, and a masterwork of Kagemitsu Kenshin in the other.
"Sorry for the wait" both hands of the man rose as he leveled the weapons upon the Arch Zeno, "Let's dance", as a small smile crossed the man's face

He did not wait for more than a second after they'd finished their ritual. Riu Kai-Tan was upon them before they knew it.

And so, a fierce battle ensued. Blow after blow was exchanged, but no matter how hard they seemed to try, the trio(or duo, in this case) were always on the back foot. The difference in power was immeasurable, for this was a Arch-Zeno and the title was not for show, nor was his title as Fist of the North. Still, to not be instantly obliterated by the power of this man was a testament to the strength of the champions of the trials, and of the Mano-e-Mano tournament. This fusion which has wrestled with Chad fought until its last breath.

And that last breath came. Thankfully, due to the designs of Isabella Lowell, the anchor held and they remained alive, two halves of the whole they once were, but the punch that Riu Kai-Tan threw was so potent that it damaged them even through this. Desmond and Tommy were sent flying by the impact, dazed. Laska remained in grayspace, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike but so perfect was the mans stance that they could find no purchase.

"Why're you tryin' so hard? Thought you was a decent bloke, not one who'd defend the crazy fuckers who put people in jail for throwin' paint."

Desmond stood up, his face wincing in pain, "Damn-" he winced, as he began coughing. His hand reached for his helm as he put it on and said, "You wanna give us a lecture during this fight?" The helm slammed as the eyes flared to life as he stood and he took up his pistols, "You must really think little of us huh?"

In one hand was a gorgeous black pistol, the same one Tommy had. The other was a gaudy and strange pistol that spun and squealed as every now and again a vibrant and brilliant red 7 appeared.

Riu Kai-Tan shook his head tightly. "It is my duty to protect people from the harm that their actions may cause." He bowed his head in apology. "It is my duty and I shall not neglect it."

Tommy retorted "Fair enough. Then I'll tell ya - it's my duty to stand up to tyrants as a student. You lot taught us as much - schools only about the gift, not about this political bullshit"

Riu bowed his head. "Then we are at an impasse. May your gods protect you where I cannot."

The battle continued, and although they had begun to make purchase onto the man, they had still not wounded him. Perhaps they had made him feint an attack, or reveal a new move or technique, but they were unable to hurt this Arch-Zeno. And it was their stamina running out first. Desmond attempted a brave gambit, an all or nothing attack to force the man to do something, but it was too soon and the pistol they’d been charging up failed to find its mark.

He was blindingly fast, stepping over to Desmond and knocking the youth out with a brutal chop to the neck."You fought well."

Still, the battle was not over. Tommy saw an opportunity in the knockout of his best friend, and that was the Sirrahi-Tech revolver that had been spinning since the start. A magic of gambling, an essence of risking it all. He lunged for it with all he had, but he was still slower than Riu Kai-Tan who was there already. Seeing his intentions, the Arch-Zeno kicked it away from the Enthish brat, only for it to fall squarely in the hands of a Red Rezaindian Nun. Sister Laska held the cards, and the Wheel of Fortune. A last gambit for an impossible foe.

She could feel it: destiny building behind the trigger. She could feel Ahn-Eshiran willing her to pull it. A soul would be coming her way. Edyta exhaled, cleared her mind, and fired.

A blazing apparition of death, it rode towards its target on a trail of fire both holy and unholy.
But it was already there.

The bullet had traveled the distance between the firearm and target so quickly that not even Riu Kai-Tan, Fist of the North, could make a mockery of it.

This was Desmond's finest.

It was Tommy's finest.

On it rested all the hopes and fears of the three young people who'd fought the Arch-Zeno to a standstill but still, maddeningly, failed to leave so much as a mark upon him.

He got a hand up, in the very nick of time.

Preternaturally quick, that hand made a flicking motion.

Such was the power of the shot that every bone in that hand was broken. Such was the power of that shot that Riu Kai-Tan's arm and flank were covered in sickly red and blackened burns and blisters.


The bullet turned

He did it without thinking. It was... reflexive after sixty years of training.

The shot that had been meant to send a soul to Lady Eshiran headed for the one whom Edyta Laska loved, though she could not admit it to herself.

Tommy, with his reflexes nearly the equal of the famed Arch-Zeno, could see it coming too. It was sudden - incredibly so - but he could see it. His hand shot out, thinking to stop it, catch it, and turn it back, just like Riu Kai-Tan had. It was an achievement just getting there on time.

Edyta Laska barreled forward, habit fluttering free of her tangled red hair.

The last thing that Tommy Kavanaugh saw was not the woman he loved, however. It was the bullet, meeting his hand and piercing it. It filled his sight for one hundredth of a hundredth of a second. He didn't even have time to feel pain.

Appeal to the God of Death

Edyta was there a split second after and she knew what had happened.

Like claws, her hands shot out and grasped Tommy, desperately, before he even hit the ground.
And there she was - a girl who had scarcely felt anything her entire life, or who had at least lived in strenuous denial of such. There she was, in so much pain that she was not numb by choice.

She knelt there with Tommy's body in her hands, shaking so viciously that it would have been comical if not for the context.

There was no shout of "Tommy!" or anything like that. She had dealt in death for long enough to see its actions wrought irreparably. The bullet had gone through his skull and destroyed everything that was Tommy: his thoughts, his dreams, his memories.

She crumpled there, utterly beyond words, her face melting into a mask of forlorn horror.

The Arch-Zeno stood there, dazed and burnt, all of his supposedly wise words stripped away, all of his pontificating and grandstanding ripped free. He was exposed for the charlatan he was: a pompous old fool whose only true virtue was that he was strong.

There was no proverb for causing the death of a student.

And then came the scream.

Yet, to call it that would be to fall back on language tired and unimaginative, for it was not a scream so much as it was a noise: a thing of animal grief escaped the girl known as Sister Mercy.
It was a choked, bereft, ugly noise.
The tears flowed out in constant streams for an indeterminate amount of time.
She buried her face in him.
Then came the words.
"Tommy. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I..." She sobbed some more.
Riu knew better than to speak and so she wept alone. (edited)
"It's me, you know. It's me, Edyta, not just Sister Laska: Edyta!"
His blood was on her hands and so she cried some more. (edited)
She cried for the years she hadn't let herself cry before.
"You were good. You were good. You loved me and I should've loved you."
She pulled him close and lost herself again.
"I should've..." They were entwined there.
She shuddered and breathed as misery held her hair aside for her so that she could vomit it all out.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't..." She forced the breaths in and out of her body. Desmond lay on the floor nearby and she could feel his heart still beating with the Gift: funny, loyal Desmond, with his schemes and wacky inventions.
It struck her, then, how horrible this all was: how horrible death was.

It took these people from the world. It removed the light and warmth they provided. It... ended their stories: hopes unmet, dreams unfulfilled, loves left behind and jokes left unsaid.

It was a wretched thing.

And, gradually, the grief turned.

She wasn't sure when it happened, but it turned.

"I..." The Arch-Zeno began, and her head jerked up like that of a cornered animal. Had she the ears of one, they'd have folded back.

"I'm sorry," the Fist of the North apologized to the common girl. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't -"

"Just go away," she said with quiet finality, turning back to Tommy.

He was going cold and rigid in her arms.

There was blood all over his face and she did nothing so trite as to kiss him. She reached down, closed his eyes, and rested his head on the floor.

Then there was nothing: nothing there for her.

She could not even imagine what to tell Desmond. She could not imagine waking him up. How might he react? Would he hate her? Would he blame her? Should she lie?

But that was not Desmond.

That was not him and she blessed him for it.

But she could not bring him that pain - not yet. Let him sleep a little bit longer. Let him rest in ignorance. If it wasn't bliss, it was better than what she was now feeling.

Out of - was it truly instinct - she went to pray, as she always did, but Edyta Laska stopped short.

She knelt there on her haunches, staring up at the starry sky where the ceiling had broken open and, for the first time, she felt as if she understood something: about herself, about the Gods, about the nature of it all.

"Mother Eshiran," she began, but it was not a prayer. "I ask you to listen to me."

There was no soft rain to fall upon her and wash away her tears. There was only the distant echo of death - horrid death - and faint illumination of a hundred fires as Ersand'Enise burned.

"These ten years, I have given all that is myself to you."

"I have loved only my work. I have lived only for you. I have done horrible, horrible things."

How many dreams had she ended? How many books shut?

"I have believed," she proclaimed with trembling conviction.

"And now, I ask that you, in your black majesty -" She remembered the first time, as a girl of five, when she had been to the cathedral in Tarwałki and gazed upon the calm, peaceful face of the statue of Ahn-Eshiran there. How beatific its expression. How serene its visage. How it had comforted her to know that death was like that.

But it was not. Death was an ugly thing.

"I ask that, in your infinite power and mercy, you bring him back," she choked, the last words barely audible, spoken with shame.

She cleared her throat, fists clenching. "I ask that you bring him back," she declared more clearly.

"Please," she squeaked.

She knelt there, staring up at the sky, daring to believe.

Her heart raced. Please, Lady Eshiran. Please!

She knelt and she waited. Maybe the Zenith fell. Maybe she didn't. Maybe there was a revolution.

All that greeted her was a vast and cruel silence, and it broke every bit of her, once and for all.

Her fists clenched, now, in rage instead of anticipation or anxiety.

Her fists clenched and her face reddened. She shot to her feet. "Bring him back!" she screamed, voice ragged from an eternity of tears.

"Bring him back!"

"I've given everything to you! I've murdered for you: good people as well as bad!"

Helplessly, she turned to regard Tommy. She couldn't lose him.

She couldn't.

She didn't want to be who she was.

She could be Edyta: a girl who burned too easily in the sun, who went to parties and danced, who baked terrible muffins. She'd been ready to be his Edyta and just be... happy. Once more, she sunk to the ground, fixing his clothes here and there, dabbing at the blood on his face and his shattered hand.

She cast about for a cloth to wipe it up with and her eyes fell upon…

A scarf, silken and shiny but dulled with splatters of gore. A beautiful piece of artisanal work, made of Godsweave, in tragic irony. A crumpled piece of parchment lay next to it, a note. Part of it was damaged, soaked crimson red from the splatter of the impact, burned in other places, but it was still mostly legible, even with the poor handwriting of the lad.

"Thank you for the dance. Even if that was everything we'll ever have, I'll never forget y.."

She pulled it into her chest and held it tight. She reached for the scarf and draped it about her neck.

She tied it tightly and pulled on it some more, until it was uncomfortable.

A dark impulse overcame her, then: to just keep on pulling.

Maybe she could... not breathe anymore.

It fled quickly enough, for Edyta Laska was not one to give up.

Please, Mother Eshiran, I ask you, once more, to let me, your faithful servant, return this man to the land of the living. She closed her eyes and prayed fervently. "I know now that death is not beautiful. This is a lie that we tell ourselves so we don't fear it, but I also know that it's necessary, and I thank you for taking on this difficult and thankless job." A tear slid down your cheek. "In some ways, though I am as an insect before you, I think I understand. I think I can feel it too, and so I thank you with all of my heart and humbly beg you to grant me this one thing: one thing for the rest of my days and I shall be forever yours. I swear it. I shall serve." She wiped her tears dry but did not dare turn her face to the heavens.

From above, the moons and the stars lit her little patch of misery where lay an unconscious Desmond and what had been Tommy. Their faint light seemed hardly adequate and she could not lift her eyes from either the ground or the man she'd wanted to love.

She tried to think nothing for, once more, she knew that she would be disappointed. Either the gods were not real or they did not care.

So it was that she stared at the stones, trying to find both something and nothing in their bleak surfaces.

She turned her gaze downward so that she could not see what lay above.

A soft, pale light fell upon Edyta Laska then, and she sniffed and gathered Tommy up, once again, in her arms.

She let the tassels of her scarf dangle into his face, tickling his nose.

A single black feather drifted down lazily into her vision.

She blinked.

There came a second.

It landed within arms' reach and she picked it up off of the ground.

Edyta Laska looked up as Ahn-Eshiran, the goddess of death, alighted softly on the ground before her.

Great black wings folded noiselessly and, for a moment, the apparition made not a sound.

For the second time this day, the girl was past speech. She gazed into the perfect, porcelain face of her goddess. Awe, fear, wonder, joy: none was the word.

Then, the goddess of death knelt. She knelt beside Edyta Laska and held out a single bright red apple.

Curtains of black hair spilled down the sides of her face like curtains.

"You are right, my child," she said tenderly.

Edyta cried.

"You are right and I love you for it."

She spoke, but her face did not move. With a start, Edyta realized that it truly was porcelain.

"I love you too, Lady Eshiran."

The apple waited on long, slender gloved fingers.

"Death is an ugly thing, so please, Edyta, take this."

Quietly, with a nod and a mewed "thank you," she did. Then, she furrowed her brow slightly. "But you are not ugly, Lady Eshiran. You are beautiful."

The goddess tilted her head to the side and then quietly shook it.

The mask began to come apart: first, little pieces that flew away as if in the wind. Then, splinters. Finally, the last few large chunks fell away and... what lay behind it was... horrible.

For a moment, Edyta recoiled at the sight, for the being was hideous and twisted: lipless, eyeless, and gnarled.

"You see," she rasped, "we are what people believe us."

And in that voice, she sensed pain: pain from a goddess, but also...pain from another human being.

Without really thinking, she leaned aside and enfolded Ahn-Eshiran in a hug. "I am sorry for cursing you in anger," she murmured into the goddess' shoulder. "You are everything I hoped you would be were I ever blessed enough to meet you."

Gradually, the arms of Eshiran closed around her and she shook with a light snort of ironic laughter. "You are hardly the first."

Edyta drew back and gazed upon the horror visage. Then, the mask returned. It smiled in an uncanny way. "Well, I shall never do so again. I promise."

Ahn-Eshiran rose, solemn and beautiful: black and white in this place where she had yet so much to do. "Until I see you again, Edyta Laska." Vast black wings spread, stretching from one wall to the next, and the goddess turned her head upwards. "Eat the apple, dear. You will save him." Then, with two mighty beats of those angelic wings, she was gone.

Edyta gazed upon the fruit with wonder. You will save him. She turned it over in her hands.

She did not have long to simply kneel there and ponder, however. Desmond began to stir and she knew her duty. "Don't move," she said softly, scooting over and calling upon the Gift.

The gods themselves had blessed her, and Edyta felt it. Effortlessly, she found all of Desmond's wounds and healed them.

However, when she looked down, there was a second apple, occupying her other hand, and she knew what it meant.

"Desmond," she said softly, "don't get up too fast. You were almost dead."

She smiled ruefully. "Kind of a regular occurrence for you, I'm beginning to see."

Then her face turned serious.

"But Tommy wasn't so lucky."

Before he could do anything, she held a hand up to forestall him. "I know that we hardly know each other, but I'm the girl: the one I'm sure Tommy's told you about. He and I danced at that party, in Zarina's backyard."

"So... I'm asking you to trust me."

She held out the apple. "This is a gift from Ahn-Eshiran, who I serve with great faith."

"She told me that, if I eat it, I may save him." She cradled hers in her hands. "Then, when I healed you, there appeared a second. It must be for you."

Desmond had awoken and began to nod his head slowly, "I...see".

The man looked at the apple. He felt...strange. The Gods were real. He knew this for long enough now. Yet still. All he could do was sigh and ask the same question every time.


Why now?

Why didn't he ever get this before? Why not when he lost his own? Why not when he cried out? Why not then when he still had some love of his own? Why not when he had slivers of himself left?

Desmond lightly sat up and said, "Well, I guess we know what that means.".

He took it into his hand and nodded, preparing to take a bite. As a thought crossed his mind, and a smile appeared.

Never worry about yesterday. Be thankful for today.

The past can't be changed. And tomorrow is always ready to do the same.

The past may be painful. But this woman's future doesn't have to be the same.

Live in the moment.

Live for what can be changed.

Leave nothing for tomorrow.

Leave nothing to the whims of fate.

Set a path forward.

Where nothing is left to what-ifs.

Edyta offered back a nervous, supportive smile. She raised the apple to her mouth. "On three," she said.




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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

E N D I N G S & B E G I N N I N G S
Mentioned: Zarina, Abdel @YummyYummy, Ayla, Maura, Ashon @Ti, Fiske, Dory @jasbraq, Cola Brothers @Jumbus, Niallus @Echotech71

Apology Tour

No Apologies







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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
Avatar of Force and Fury

Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

It was a most unlikely sight: more than a half-dozen students of the school jumping into the water. Anyone who had seen fit to watch them might've been alarmed, for they leapt into Hedda's Lake from a rock on the island and they did not resurface. Fortunately, there were few about the Arboretum at this early hour, when the sun was only just beginning to reach its glowing rays across the landscape of Ersand'Enise. Crate after crate went in after the students: was it junk or something more? None but the eight - or were there nine? - who'd leapt in knew. Whatever they may have contained, the crates, too, disappeared beneath the surface of the glorified pond in the Arboretum.

High Zeno Giancarlo Silvestri, head of the Archaeology Department at the Academy of Thaumaturgy, watched for a moment longer from beneath the small gazebo there. Then he turned, hands clasped behind his back, and walked away.

It was day ten of the standoff and the fingers of night crept across Moatu Suva. They started from Mauna Hekili and, as it cast its great shadow across Taoranga, the townspeople began to pack up for the night ahead. Next came the foothills of the main island, then those of the smaller ones, the tallest trees and buildings, then humbler things. Before those, however, came the the vast shadow that the moku make nui - the great hulk that lay off half-grounded on Mehameha - cast across this place. Before those, however, came the dark, skeletal shapes of the foreign ships' masts that had taken up residence in the lagoon, right beside the giant wreck.

The private contractors of Virang's Royal Asper Salvage Co., the soldiers of the Tarlonese empire, and the levies of the Diamyo of Toishima all clutched their guns, peered through their spyglasses, and paced anxiously. Threateningly close to each lurked the other and, finally, the Pyrates. The infamous Blue Adam of Mycormii unabashedly flew its flag, and there were more, anchored in the outer reaches of the island chain: waiting. The great bounty of threshers, uncaring as to the activities of their terrestrial neighbours, churned up the waters in their month-long mating orgy as the sun set and the winds began to pick up.

And then, unassumingly, it happened. They'd been so used to being 'on edge' that they were not truly on edge anymore. It took them a moment to notice but, when they did, shouts erupted on the decks of all three of the Asper ships. The Blue Adam, with no notice or warning, had unfurled its great black sails and caught the brisk evening wind. It was, that very moment, closing the gap at an alarming rate.

Bells rang and torches were lit. "She's underway!"

"Pyrates! East' Nor'east! Closin' fast!"

The bells were desperate. "All hands! All hands! People rushed up from below decks, groggy, dishevelled, and half-dressed.

Still, the Blue Adam closed. "Reports!" shouted a tall bearded man in an impeccable uniform and a feathered hat, still doing up the top handful of his buttons. "Where are my sails?" he shouted. "Helm!?" He scowled as sailors climbed into the rigging to give answer to his first question. "Gunnery!"

"We'll be underway in moments, Captain, sir!"

Metin Çelik, Captain of the Altın Oğul, finished with his buttons and held out a hand for his spyglass. "Damned knife-ears," he muttered. "What're they playing at?"

He looked over his shoulder, spotting the great hulk in the near distance. The three Asper ships had taken up positions closest to it, cutting off any others from reaching the wreck but, when they'd tried to board, the pirates and locals both had fired warning shots and the Tarlonese had moved in closer, to the edge of gunnery range. Now, the Nikanese had arrived as well. If the Royal Asper Salvage Company could outgun any single other party, they could not outgun them all. He shifted his lookout to the Güçlü Adam. There was movement on deck, but they were not even close to getting underway. "Anything from the Dalgıç and Güçlü?"

"Nothing yet, sir!"

"Flags, Balık! Tell them to get underway! Head her off!" Metin did not like being caught off-guard like this. He liked not knowing what the Blue Adam was up to even less. They couldn't possibly be considering an attack. They might outgun any one of the Virangish ships, but all three would massacre them. "Guns!" he ordered. "All guns! Signal the Dalgıç and Güçlü! We need everything!"

His people moved through the rigging with a grace, speed, and silence that their human counterparts could never have hoped to. It was because of their excellence that the Bish'Audam had caught its rivals cold. Now, the famed Mycormish pyrates, half a world away from their home, surged forward at a breakneck pace, cutting through the dusky waters on their way to the score of - potentially - a lifetime.

Anthal'dyros'tormiiyei, boatswain and son of the captain, perched on the bowsprit, eyes alight in anticipation. Holstered across his chest and at his hip were six pistols and a dagger. At his back lay the two hundred tons of the vessel known to yanii as the 'Blue Adam'. Smoke ribboned away rapidly from the pipe clenched between his teeth and the young pyrate grinned wickedly. This was when he could feel her - the ship: her every dip and rise, the tremble of her timbers, the thump of the ocean waves beneath her hull. His hair billowed in the wind and Ocean spray wet his cheeks. The grin became content and he rose.

Nimbly, the young pyrate raced down the bowsprit, dodging the jib, and sprung onto the deck. Beneath his feet, the deck was rumbling as cannons were loaded and shifted in preparation. The dash'teloi gunports creaked open and, not so far away from where he stood, the anchor was being readied. "Aye, yeh lazy sea rats! Tighten up the t'gallant! She's flappin' about like Enoxii in Amato!"

A chorus of affirmations, laughs, and jeers rained back his way and he strode on towards the quarterdeck, where he could see his father. "Cap'n."

"Junior." They exchanged nods. Meanwhile, the three Aspers were getting underway, the big one - the Altın Oğul - hanging back a bit and arraying its guns against them in broadside while its smaller peers moved to cut off the Audam's approach. "Yeh see that, boy-o? They wanna play chicken with us! Hah! Haha!" He shook his head.

"Others running on clock?"

"Clocked as ol' Roger last I checked."

"Hey Sanette!" Anthal called out to a figure sitting cross-legged and close-eyed near the stern. When there was no reply, he raised his voice. "Your ears crippled too, now?"

The eyes - an eerie periwinkle - flashed open. "I am concentrating, hyco'moila. It isn't easy to speak to people over miles of water and all your Ypti-cursed noise."

"Ah, it's just your social skills!" He bounded over. "Where are the others right now?"

She smiled devilishly. "Why don't you take out daddy's spyglass and look for yourself?"

The Adam was heading straight for the Dalgıç and Güçlü but, even if they somehow breached the Aspers' perimeter, what could they hope to do? They'd be surrounded. All three ships were underway now, but the Adam was hardly more than a couple hundred yards out and closing. Did it mean to ram one of the xebecs!?

Then, it came to him. "Crowsnest!" the captain shouted. "Get me eyes on both ends of Pelolia!" His order was relayed swiftly. "Guns ready!" For this, he used the Gift to amplify his voice.

"They can't truly mean for a pitched battle, sir," murmured Balık. "Pyrates never..."

"Likely not, but if they breach our perimeter, we don't hesitate. Are we clear?"

She swallowed and nodded, pretty young daughter of some Emir that she was. "Crystal, sir."

"Warning shot, Solak!" the captain ordered and, within the next few seconds, it was threading its way mere feet past the Dalgıç and splashing into the water short of the Adam's bow. Then, Aksoy rushed up, breathless. "Lookouts report more pyrates, sir! Nor an' South o' Pelolia!"

"Öjeran-damned cowards!" Captain Çelik hissed. "Balık!"


"Signal the Dalgıç and Güçlü: part for the Adam and then close. We'll trap her 'tween our flanks and she'll have only her chasers." (see here)

The first officer nodded and rushed off to carry out the order. Flags were raised. Still, the Adam closed and, now, Metin could see individual figures on the decks. All about him, the Altın Oğul was a hive of activity: sails being adjusted, guns being loaded - even the deck carronades - and mages pulling in all the energy they could from their surroundings.

Still the Adam closed. The Güçlü began to draw back.

There was no missing the sheer power of the casters aboard that Mycormishman and they would surely enhance their shot. For a moment, the captain wondered if it was truly worth risking death here, in some colonial backwater, subcontracted out to a crown corporation, for the sake of this wreck. the thought passed quickly, though Even if this was not a navy ship, he was a navy man and had been since his eleventh birthday.

The Adam was mere meters and seconds from impact. Desperately, the Dalgıç started to turn. The sheer balls on these fucking knife-ears! The captain shook his head. Brave, foolish, or something else, they were about to pay for it. "Men, steady!" he bellowed, as the Adam and its crew of shouting, mocking pirates squirted through the gap, plowing straight towards the Altın Oğul.

Immediately, the thiis'elaaz slewed sharply, her bow nearly static and stern swinging hard to port. "On my mark!" He raised an arm, eyes wide in fear, fury, and the sheer desire to make these cocky bastards eat lead. "She's comin' about!" rose the shouts. "How in the six hells!?"

"Öjeran spare us."

"Öjeran spare them!!"

"Vaşdal akbar!"

"Vaşdal akbar!!" It rose as a war cry.

All twenty-eight cannon aboard the Altın Oğul unleashed a withering broadside. The cannonballs hurtled towards the Bish'Audam. It was at this precise moment, in between the two ships, that a rip in space and time opened. It was at this precise moment that eight - or perhaps nine - biros of Ersand'Enise appeared.


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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Suicharte
Avatar of Suicharte


Member Seen 2 days ago

The Finger

“Vani, you know we can’t send it like that. Like it is, that's just gonna bleed all over tha envelope.”

“Yeah, it ain’t gonna be no good sendin’ like that. The postage will just toss it in tha trash.”

Little but dim light encompassed most of the warehouse aside from a central lantern-lit table. Upon the surface sat an open envelope, with a written letter already inside, and some distance from it was a severed pinky finger still seeping blood from the open wound and staining an already well-stained wooden table.

Surrounding the table were three brothers. The first was a tall, grinning yasoi with ginger hair and a crooked nose whose friends called him Fantas and enemies called him Scum. The second was a bigger and more rotund yasoi named Diayet. One may take that weight to consider him out of shape, but an equal amount of muscle hidden behind the folds made it a painful misjudgment to make. They both looked down toward the third figure, younger, smaller, and with a paleness that could only be attributed to a bloodchild. His name was Vani and his eyes were locked down at the finger on the table.

Vani turned his lip up in disgust and looked up at his older brothers with pleading in his eyes. ”There’s no way I’m doin’ that. Surely there's another way or somethin’. One of you do it, you’ve done it before ain’t ya.”

Fantas and Daiyet shot each other a look without their grins wavering. “Well, yeah, that's right Vani. We both done it… and you ain’t. You wanted to help out in the family business, this is the sort of thing you gotta do sometimes.”

“Yeah, it ain’t much Vani. Just gotta suck tha blood out then we can put it in tha envelope and it's good ta send. It's that easy. Consider it like a propa initiation of sorts.”

Vani was in the process of picking up the severed finger until Daiyet finished his last sentence at which the bloodchild brother furrowed his brow. He set the finger back down in a rush and pointed at Daiyet, a flash of anger burned in his eyes. ”Now wait just a minute, I’ve been initiated. Proved myself when I snatched that girl’s coin purse. I ain’t got nothin’ to prove.”

“Woah, woah! Settle down Vani.” Fantas chuckled at his brother's sudden flare-up. “That was a good start, but do you really think stealing a few Magus from a cripple girl makes you a fully-fledged Cola Brother? I mean, it's a good start but you got some ways to go, ya know?”

Fantas placed a supportive hand on Vani’s shoulder. “Listen. I know it's gross, I thought the same thing when I first did it. But it's the sort of thing ya need to get used to in the business. Just have a go at it and, trust me, you’ll have the stuff spit out in no time and I’ll fetch you some ale to wash the taste out. Deal?”

Vani looked toward his brothers anxiously then back to the finger, the disgust never really left his face. With a long exhale, he rolled his shoulders as if building up the courage to go through with it. ”Alright you fuckers, but ya better have that ale on hand or I’m coming for ya both.” He laughed a very nervous laugh.

Fantas and Daiyet both clapped their hands together and gave their younger brother words of encouragement for the task ahead. “Don’t worry. I got you.” Daiyet said as he walked off to a nearby keg.

With a mug of ale on the table and Vani suitably steeled for the disgusting feat, he grabbed the pinky finger and was quick to bring it near to his mouth. But he froze when it was mere centimetres from his lips. He stopped, held it back, and looked to the ground as if he was going to puke. But he didn’t puke, instead, he breathed in and out, in and out, building more confidence. He looked back up and brought the finger back toward his lips.

”Put the finger down, Vani.”

A voice called firmly but without urgency from across the warehouse. A figure leant in the doorway to a pitch black side room barely illuminated by the fading reaches of the lantern. The eldest Cola Brother, Pepsii, looked out at the situation in front of him coldly and with neither approval nor disapproval. A hair tie that he seldom employed aside from ‘messy work’ was used to keep back his longer brown hair. In his hands, he cleaned a knife with a thin, blood-soaked rag. His movements were slow and deliberate, he was in no hurry to get it clean.

Fantas was the first to speak up. “Took ya long enough. We was just finishing up Vani’s initiation He spoke trying to let his older brother in on the joke without Vani catching on.

”I was just reading our good friend a bedtime story to help him knock off. He’s down to nine digits now, it can be hard to catch sleep after a spout of misfortune like that.” Pepsii spoke while shifting out of the door frame and approaching the table. While the comment was sarcastic, his delivery was flat and humourless as if he were speaking matter-of-factly. His voice didn’t carry the Mudville accent of his younger siblings. Instead, he carried the accent of a rural Constantian yasoi as the only sibling who could remember a time before Ersand’Enise.

He shot Vani an annoyed look seeing that his youngest brother had yet to drop the trophy of his labours. ”Vani, drop the finger.” Vani followed his brother’s order the second time.

“Come on now, we’s jus’ doin’ a bidda hazin’.” Daiyet replied with disappointment.

“Yeah, you did tha same shit to us when we was startin’.” Fantas backed up Daiyet with annoyance in his voice.

Pepsii raised an eyebrow at the two’s protests against the perceived sibling injustice. ”Well that was easy because the two of you share a brain cell. But Vani here is smarter than that, aren’t you Vani?” He placed his unbloodied left hand on the young man’s shoulder as he asked.

”Yeah, yeah, I’m smarta than that.” Vani replied but a telling look to the floor made the lie rather transparent.

”Alright, then can you get a box for this finger? Go ask Ma for a real nice one, you know how rich folk are with presentation.” Pepsii dismissed Vani who took his leave from the warehouse promptly.

Pepsii then turned his attention to Daiyet and pointed with his thumb over to the side room. ”And Daiyet, now that we have our good friend sleeping, could you go and heal up the finger wound? Just to let him know it isn’t anything personal.” Daiyet nodded and took his leave from the main warehouse space, leaving only Pepsii and Fantas alone.

There was a lengthy period of silence between the two as Pepsii set the knife and rag onto one corner of the table. He grabbed the mug that was set aside of the faux initiation and took a cautious sniff. Pepsii was surprised to find out that it was actually alcohol instead of the usual soap water, his brothers were kinder to Vani than he had been to them.

Fantas leaned against a table edge with an awkward composure. “So what? All a sudden yous wantin’ ta go easy on Vani or somethin’”

Pepsii finished his sip of ale and set it aside. Instinctively he tried using his dominant right hand to rub his face but stopped himself upon seeing it was still bloodstained and used his left instead. ”You think I did that because I’m being soft on him, do ya?” The question lingered for a while before he continued. ”Wake the fuck up Fantas.” Disappoint oozed from the older brother’s tone.

”What we’re doing here, there's a lot of money involved. And when big money is involved, someone who can actually do something is going to find the room to care. We asked for big money, and there's a decent shot we can get that money. But we also run the risk of upstarts looking to get the boy back for less. We need to be ready for that, not fucking around with this.” Pepsii raised the severed finger and gave it a shake in front of Fantas’ face before placing it back down.

The eldest brother let out a sigh before continuing his lecture. ”Doesn’t help that you, Cherii, and Daiyet decided to go fuck things up. Now instead of having the whole crew here, like we should, Cherii’s out schmoozing up the people we want talking and Coca’s out making sure the other ones don’t say a fucking word. You should have known better Fantas, but we can turn our misfortunes into opportunities.”

Fantas sunk deeper into a slump as the lecture continued. Even if he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, he was still the older of Daiyet and Cherii and as a result the responsibility for the fallout rested on him. “Right, yeah, so what now then?” He said, lacking certainty.

”A storm’s coming. Even if our dear sisters do the best work of their lives, it's unavoidable. Some dumb yasoi kid goes missing and out of all the gangs in this city, they’ll point at us. Ya know why?”

Fantas shrugged to which Pepsii quickly replied by flicking his brother’s ear. Little more needed to be explained after that.

Seeing his brother's defeated expression, Pepsii raised a hand to his cheek reassuringly. ”Fanta, Fanta, Fanta, don’t beat yourself up over it. We’ll weather the storm that comes our way. Back when it was just me, Ma, and Coca doing the work, we had to carve a home for ourselves out of this place. What we have now is nothing new, just a return to the same old shit. Except we have more of us to share the load.” Pepsii shot Fantas the first smile he had broken all day, and it was a warm one.

”Now go see if Daiyet needs a hand back there.” Pepsii dismissed Fantas.

The ginger-haired yasoi made his way toward the side rooms before something caught his mind and he turned on a heel. “Aaa… Pepsii, ain’t you got a bidness meetin’ ta go to in a few days?”

Pepsii, who had returned to cleaning the knife, didn’t turn around when answering. ”I do. But I ain’t leaving Ersand’Enise with you all like this. I’ll take off when we have the situation settled down. Wouldn’t want to disappoint Ma.”

Satisfied with the answer, Fantas turned back toward the exit when another question got posed. ”Say Fantas, that sword on your back looks good on you. Where’d you get it?”

Fantas didn’t turn back this time but instead kept walking and called out his answer in a snarky tone. “Through perfectly legitahmit means, of course.” Then he hand waved away any further enquiry from the elder brother.

Pepsii knew the Cola Brother translation of that phrase: Coulda bought it, coulda stole it, who the fuck cares?. It got the second smile of the night out of the older brother as he chuckled at the joke.

Ransom Demand

Exceptions to the rule were not common in the city of the bells. Wave after wave of yasoi refugees had flooded to the gates, but some were more equal than others, and that was immediately apparent to the student group when they had entered the abode of the Doridax family.

They had not been here for long. The ornaments on the shelves had not acquired dust, nor did the place smell as a true home might. The walls were freshly painted and the furniture was in place, but as the vast group of Ersand’Enise students sat down, Talthan’chal’doridax had an air of authority and old money about him. The same type that many of them were likely familiar with, or had recently come into contact with having attended a school full of this sort.

”I appreciate you coming to meet with me directly.” he spoke, a low tone filled with authority and appreciation. He deliberately took the time to shake everyone’s hand and ask for the names of the students who had decided to go on this mission, and for some, even questions about their time at the school before resuming to the rather urgent matter at hand. ”As I’m sure you’re all aware from the missive I directed at the school, this matter is in regard to my eldest son, Jaxan.”

”It is not easy to be a good father, especially in tumultuous times such as these, yet I have done my utmost to raise this boy true and proper, so that he might not damage our name and reputation.” his gaze washed over Ashon and Seviin a moment longer than the rest of the troupe. ”Correct me if I’m wrong, but I find that freedom calls to the young. It called to me at that age as well, but this is not an age where we Constantian Yasoi have that privilege, not here at any rate.” and there was an earnest pause for a moment, as he produced two boxes, one with the jingle of coin and another that remained ominously silent.

He opened the first, and it was as one might expect, full to the brim with the ransom promised in the letter. The second however, was a far grislier sight. A severed finger, with the ransom note in tow. It may have elicited some gags from the students present, but if one were to gaze upon Talthan’s eyes in this moment, all they would see is fire and rage. ”I was content to play nice with some of these late night adventures. Perhaps he was homesick, or grief stricken by the war that ravaged our former home. But I can do so no longer.” His hand gripped the lockbox so hard that it might have shattered if he had poured the Gift into it. ”I ask you with all my heart, not just as a Doridax, but as a concerned father. Bring my boy home, and bring these fiends justice.”

What a stark difference it was. To go from that fresh, clean manor to the streets of Belleville was the difference between Hundri and Dorrad. And although it held a new name, these streets were once named Mudville for a reason. However skilled a mage you might be, stepping through these streets, you’d still find your boots caked in, well, mud. Moreso than the dirt that people found themselves caked in getting from place to place around there, the settlement was filthy on a different level. Gangsters, pickpockets, the desperate and the destitute and many other kinds of lost souls found themselves washed up on this side of the gate. To navigate these took certain finesse.

A clock was ticking, but there was much to discern and little given save for the ransom note, a drop-off location for the money and the grisly sight of a dismembered finger. The group could certainly risk giving the money and hoping that the boy would be brought back in one piece, but there was plenty to be said for trickery and foul play on this side of the wall. Risking it however, would mean putting further maiming of Jaxan on the line…


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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sunny Rain

Fierce winds whirled into the fjord accompanied by sunny rain. The verdant cliffs shifted at the mercy of the storm with little show of relief with the dark storm billowing off the coast of Zengali. Rain ran down to the port, tossing the damaged ships and the survivors in their makeshift camp. It was a sorry sight for a fleet that was held as untouchable by pirates or any navy. The protection that the Sant'Agata della Compagnia Rossa held in such high regard, reduced to something truly pitiful.

“Now that proud fleet is in my port, asking me for repairs for little pay,” the Marquis sipped from his glass as he looked over his city of Zengali.

Past the Marquis's desk, an injured but well dressed sailor sat on a green settee, “Marquis Dume, I implore you to look past what we have on our ships and what we can promise-”

“Promise what?” Dume spoke over her, “Money from a country on the brink of war and their crown vessel at the bottom of Australic Ocean?” he waved a dismissive hand at her without even turning to her. She bit her tongue, doing her duty to not glare at the man. The room grew tense as a few seconds went by.

“Father,” Dume looked over his shoulder to allow Raimy to speak, “I believe that Alberta has claims to stand on. In my time at Ersand’Ernise, the Doge is one of the few people with the kind of credit that we can accept with little worry.” Raimy endorsed the Doge’s very deep pockets then glanced back at Alberta to spur her to continue.

A small nod back to Raimy, “Marquis Dume,” Alberta waited to speak, Dume allowed, “The Central Alliance believes in paying its dues and respecting the sovereignty of independent nations. The ‘Unification’ of Belzagg was froth with infighting and outright violence at times-”

She was interrupted again with no visible distaste for her comments, “Brother Hodari,” one of the men standing in the back of the room, near the door stepped forward revealing his red vestments. “How are our own preparations for the White Thresher coming along?”

A deep voice thick with a Zengali accent spoke as clearly as he could in Avincian, “Our cannons are well maintained however our guns and ammunition outnumber our vessels ready for fighting,” Hodari said neutrally but a small smirk came to him.

“Ha!” the marquis let out a hearty laugh, “What a fortunate problem to have, you have done well,” Hodari stepped back knowing that was the end of what the Marquis required of him. Maquis Dume set down his glass, finally turning to the woman that led the remains of her defeated fleet. His smile melted back down to a neutral ruler, “How many injured do you have?”

“One hundred strong and fifty injured but they will recover soon,” Alberta answered quickly and earnestly.

Dume glanced at his son for verification, and Raimy carefully recalled what he saw before validating Alberta’s claims. Marquis Dume nodded as he flipped through some further notes and intelligence he had on hand, weighing the outcomes of what he can do in the odd respite they have. He gently set down his glass, “I will trust that the ruler of the central alliance will pay his dues when the war is done.” The marquis went to pour a new glass of water for the woman.

Relief fell over Alberta face as she had seemingly achieved the responsibilities laid on her as the highest in command, “Thank you for your grace, Marquis,” she accepted the glass with her one good arm but when she tried to drink, she couldn't move it. She up glanced at the Marquis, wondering is she offended him in some way

“In the meantime, you and your hundred men will take the repaired ships to battle with me,” Dume declared to everyone in the room leaving no room to argue. Still, he watched how the Revidian would try to squirm out of it. Each sign of hesitation changed his thoughts on her.

But to Dume's surprise, Alberta let go of the glass and laid her hand over her heart, “It is only expected for the survivor to seek revenge, we will gladly set sail with you to destroy the white thresher.” She accepted the Marquis' declaration quickly seeing the opportunity laid in front of her.

Dume grinned and handed the still glass to Alberta, “Raimy, tell the craftsman to put other tasks to the side and put the skilled slaves and convicts to work immediately. Tempt them with honey if you need.”

Raimy stood up at his father's orders, “As you say, father,” Raimy headed out but there was a small glance shared between Alberta and him.

Dume looked back at her, “Alberta, go with Raimy, he will show your injured to drier quarters than their flooded ones and have some binders visit them,” adding more to his son’s duties for the day.

As they left, Marquis Dume was left with old and trusted aides. In these private chambers, Dume took a seat at his desk. Looking at his aides, all of them had something to say but he chose Hodari, the one with the most duties right now, “Speak Hodari,” He started to pour him and his other aides some wine.

Hodari took the glass and drank heavily, “Your son seems quite infatuated with the central alliance,” only a slip of concern coming through.

“Infatuated with a pretty and needy face,” one of them scowled at Reimy’s behavior in front of them.

Dume raised a hand to put the issue to rest, “He’s a young man and the war is on the brink. Awar unlike anything in known history. His blood boils but his stomach turns at the sight of the wounded. He needs a side.” Dume disappointedly sighed but he moved on. “Be truthful, do we have the forces to put it down this year?” he looked through the latest reports gathered.

Hodari looked into his glass, “We have the ammunition, we have new cannons for longer combat from a place in Enth. We have the spirit, but we don’t have the people or the ships to load the cannons.” he answered after finishing his drink.

There was a pause as Hodari’s words stole the bravado they displayed earlier. Before they could continue the discussion, the warning bells rang over the sunny rain. Dume and his aids turned to the window, and they saw another damaged ship. The ship was large with rows upon rows of cannons. The breaks Dume knew. He could never forget what happened to his own ship years ago.

“Another damaged ship,” Hodari said, exasperated from another group forced into their port, especially this particular lot.

Dume only smiled at the ship taking on water. “Hodari, send a dragon rider to Belzagg, the rest of you will greet the new ship and tell them the cost for entering the port and repairs.”

Dume looked towards the sky shining through the rain and drank to his fortune, “Your time is running thin, beast.”


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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

~ 🙡 𝄋 🙣 ∽

"Sing me a song, you're a singer. Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil..." Who could say what the angel's name was, and his song could scarcely be heard above the rattle of the chains. It carried all of the way up the great vaulted marble halls. "While the thrashing does add something of an aesthetic, mister Kavanaugh, I'll have you know that it shall work against you come judgement time." They had taken Tommy's voice and bound him in chains. The only resistance he could offer was to thrash, and it came naturally to him as it might a fish hauled up into the unfamiliar environment of a boat from its watery home. After a moment, the cherub began dragging him along again. At least the accursed singing had stopped. He had opted for humming instead.

"Good morning, your honour. The tall, beautiful angel of Ipté bowed deeply. Was it morning here? Who could say where the light came from... "This court will plainly show that the accused who now stands before you is guilty of the following fifty-seven crimes:" She cleared her throat and each one of Tommy's crimes against love, kinship, and beauty flashed before the court in every agonizing detail. "And yet, in his latter days, he learned to love. He held some care for his friends." A much shorter show played itself out before the five hooded figures who perched atop the dais in the distance. Still, he was muted. Still, he could not speak. There was an extended pause where only his actions could speak for him, and they were sorely wanting.

The figure on the left stood, and she was Edyta. She gazed upon him with hard eyes and, still, he could not speak. "We find the accused guilty on thirty-nine counts minus eight. We sentence him to a hell without love or beauty. May Shune have mercy on his soul." There was no an ounce of mercy to it.

"You were closer than we thought you'd be," the cherub allowed, dragging Tommy to the next of the Hourglass Courts. "Thirty one out of fifty-seven counts. Only three away from heaven." He grunted, the chains rattling again. Had the thrashing stopped? That was entirely up to the condemned. "Shune next. You're in with a shot, you know."

"Good morning, your honour." The lanky angel of Shune cleared his throat. "This court will plainly show that the accused who now stands before you is guilty of the following thirty-four crimes." Tommy's lies, moments of idiocy, and refusals to learn displayed themselves in no less depth and detail than his crimes against Ipté earlier. "However," the angel allowed, "He has shown some curiosity. He has asked questions and explored for information. He has learned how to learn." Some of his better moments played themselves out within the grand hall and the cowled figure at the right end of the five revealed himself to be Johann. He frowned and pondered before speaking. "We find the accused guilty on twenty-six counts minus ten. We grant him entrance to the heaven of learning."

"Told you you were in with a chance, boy. Didn't I?" Perhaps Tommy was no longer being dragged. "You need three out of the five, you know. Everything here works on simple majority." He jangled the chains. "Well, come on. We haven't got all day."

The second figure on the left stepped forward. It was still fresh in Tommy's head - all of it: the other kids shanked in a back alley, the fingers and jaws broken, the killing. Lady Avis' face had not left his mind's eye and there she was, the hooded figure. She was as impassive as any of the others and, yet, not so. "We declare the accused guilty of forty crimes against life, minus nothing." She regarded him unflinchingly. "We sentence him to burn for all eternity in hellfyre and death." Imperious, she concluded. "May Eshiran have mercy on his soul."

"I knew you were rough," the cherub remarked, "but I didn't think you were such a rotten one." He shook his head and, still, Tommy could not speak. Did he squirm a bit now? Did he thrash? "One more, and it's hell for you," the angel said evenly. "Both and there's no escaping." Eshiran was not long in coming.

It all came down to Eshiran. "Good afternoon, your honour." The tall, muscled pentangel bowed rigidly. "This day, we shall weigh the actions of the accused and determine if he is worthy or if he is a miserable coward and senseless killer." He twisted to regard the youth evaluatively before returning his gaze to the five hooded figures. "He stands accused of twelve counts of cowardice and senseless slaughter." They played themselves out as if they were true life, but there was nothing Tommy could say in his defense. "But he has been brave, as well, repeatedly. Often, he has shed blood for reasons that made sense in his situation." Tommy had to hope that those were enough. From the shadowed cowl emerged Desmond and he, too, was dispassionate. "We find him worthy of a warrior's heaven." He nodded, and there was - finally - a hint of a smile.

"All down to Dami, isn't it, kid?" The cherub interrupted his humming and, after a few moments, began singing again. "The devil is never a maker. The less that you give, you're a taker..." Tommy could hear every echo of his voice, every footstep, and every rattle of the chains against the towering marble pillars, those impassive floors and pillars, that ceiling so far above his reach. He had seen not a single other soul his entire time here.

There was no angel of Dami to stand beside Tommy and present his greatest failures and accomplishments. Even the cherub had backed off after prostrating himself, disappearing... the youth wasn't quite sure where. Instead, the central of the five shadowy figures rose. He rose and... continued to do so, spilling over the edge like a thin, oily waterfall of blackness, rising up towards the ceiling until he towered over everything else in the room. "You have been measured," declared a great, booming voice. "Your choices. Your justice. You judgement." He seemed to be leaning forward, over and above Tommy, and still, strangely, his face could not be seen. There was no reenactment this time. "You have been weighed in all measures of your being," he thundered, "and found wanting."

The ceiling began to black and swirl. A fiery glow began to emanate from it. "I consign thee to hell, Thomas Kavanaugh, where thou shalt burn until such time as thou art cleansed of the stench of sin from the disappointing life thou hath led." The hood fell back to reveal Tommy's own face, regarding him with unnerving disdain. His voice was returned to him in that moment, but it made no difference. Dami's judgement was final and absolute. The swirling vortex of the ceiling pulled him in. That was the last that he saw. That was the last thing that happened to him.

They had gotten it wrong! That had to be it! Instead of a burning hell or empty void of madness, Tommy had awoken on a field of soft green grass and dandelions. There was a faint smell of Stresia in the air, and birds chittering among the trees. He might've pinched himself to make sure that it wasn't some accursed hallucination, but he'd felt pain: real pain - just a little flash of it. For how long he was unsure, he simply wandered about, across endless green fields, through copses of trees, and across babbling brooks and streams. The sun warmed his skin. The wind ruffled his hair. If there was one thing missing, it was other people. He had seen not a single soul and, for a moment, there was some apprehension. He had been sentenced to hell, hadn't he? Was this it? The perfection was empty without companionship? Was this Ipté's Hell?

The sun began to dip, growing fat and golden, and it struck Tommy that he was rather thirsty. He would have to eat as well. Hunting was something that he could do. If he hadn't been trained in it like some of those noble kids, it couldn't have been that hard, could it? In the distance, as the sun's golden rays filtered through the tall grass, he caught sight of a creek winding its way through a small valley. Managing a light jog, he made it there in what he assumed was a couple of minutes. Surely it wasn't poisoned or full of parasites. Tommy was no master of chemical magic, but he couldn't sense anything wrong with the water and he was dead anyhow. He crouched on a rock, reached down, and cupped his hands, filling them with water. He lifted it to his lips and drank. Without thinking, he drank again, and some more.

His lips were still dry. His tongue remained sticky and his throat rough. A growing alarm rising inside of him, he took a slow, cautious sip. The water... felt like water, but it was only superficial. Beyond a feeling and a taste, it seemed to do... nothing. It gave him nothing. It was nothing. He sat back on the grass, only then beginning to realize the true nature of this hell.

~ 🙡 𝄋 🙣 ∽

Edyta Laska did not remember closing her eyes. She did not remember anything after biting the apple. She looked around and... well, she certainly wasn't in Ersand'Enise anymore. An idyllic wilderness stretched out before her eyes: hills and mountains, seas of trees and great green valleys. Throughout wound sparkling rivers, while opulent lodges perched on the hillsides. In the distance lay a great coliseum. She craned her neck to get a better look at it, and that was when she realized that she was a direstork.

She let out an alarmed squawk and flapped her wings. This had to be some sort of dream or... No, it wasn't! This was the back door into the heaven of Lord Eshiran. She could still think as if she were a woman and not a beast. This was the eternal hunt! She and... she twisted in her unfamiliar body to regard the honey badger relaxing in some nearby brambles - Desmond!? If she had been reformed as an animal in order to slip into this heaven, then... that had to be him, right? Oddly, she did not feel as awkward in this form as she should have. She hopped back a few steps and found it easy to cover ground. Direstorks were enormous birds, after all. Experimentally, she flapped her wings a couple of times and Honey Badger Desmond twisted to regard her. He snuffled around a bit, scratching at something with his paws, and rose.

Then, just as she was wondering how in Eshiran's green heaven they might communicate, there came a familiar sound echoing across the grassy hills: a gunshot, and then another. This was the hunt, and they were the beasts! Desmond's stubby little ears had perked up and he let out a long hissing growl. If only you'd been reformed here as a gun. Would've been oddly appropriate, Direstork Edyta thought to herself, and useful. she swallowed. What to do? Where to even begin!?

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Castaway: Scallywags | Location: Waters near Mehameha

Kerplunk! Splash!

Maura breathed out as her head resurfaced above the water, cannonballs whistling over her head. “Silvestri, my fee just went up!” she yelled out, though it was uncertain if the Zeno would hear her over the chaos. The students found themselves dropped in the middle of the water, caught between crossfire. Thankfully, her chair floated, allowing her to assess the situation without too much scrambling. Her crates had made it through safely so far, and she would be very unhappy if anything happened to them. She glanced at the ships—three of Virangish colours and the unmistakable Blue Adam, the pirates of the Dami's eyes far from home in these waters. The land was distant, with the closest being the wreck itself.

“Everyone, head towards the beach by the wreck. We need to prevent either of them from approaching and try to create a stalemate between them so they will withdraw.”

She looked around and spotted Zast swimming towards the pirate ship. She shrugged, admiring his bravery. “Make sure they withdraw!” she shouted after the Cazenax.

On the other side, she watched as the Raffie and Ren head over towards the Virangish ships. It is clear that some appear quick to forgo their task to side with their individual interests, but that is not going to deter her from the task at hand.

“Kaureerah, we need to get the crates to the shore! Once we hold the beach head, we can get to work.”

The five of them at least, Mahal, Kaureerah, Tku, Marz, and Maura, will do Zeno Silvestri proud as they made their way toward the closest beach with their equipment and crates. Guiding her chair towards the shore, she used her gift and redirected any incoming cannonballs to give them a wide berth using her magnetic and kinetic magic.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Casted Into the Deep

Marz Mohfolk


A loud slash was made the moment Marz hit the water as he sank beneath the waves. Marz felt himself sink deeper and deeper into the water. Marz began to look around as he realized he was only going further and further into the water. He drew in the energy of the waves as he began to propel himself up towards the light, where the moment he broke the surface he came out like a majestic beast of the sea. His long majestic hair and beard flowed as he landed back into the water.

Where he proceeded to start drowning again.

He proceeded to perform this same dance with the sea over and over again as he evaded cannon fire and figured out where the land was. Thankfully it seemed all he needed to do was follow where multiple students who began to move the large crates. Marz performed his majestic swimming all the way towards the beach, whereupon launching himself out of the water one more time, he flew for a moment and landed with all the grace a rock being spiked into the sand would.

Marz began coughing up water as he looked around, "So, how was my swimming?"

Marz began to stand up as he used kinetic and magnetic magic to pull the water off his body. Once Marz made sure he was fine he began to intertwine his magics to begin pulling sand and water together to create a mound of sand, thick and large to give them some haven if the cannon fire was to turn on them.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hunters and Hunted

Desmond Catulus

Desmond's eyes opened, he took a breath in, and found himself...digging through...bramble?!

Desmond subconsciously began to wince in pain, yet he found as he moved twisted in the bramble, if felt...good? It felt like it scratched just hard enough to itch the back, yet not hard enough to hurt. Desmond was curious, he began to rummage through the bramble, seeing what was within, yet before he could even reach in, he noticed something, his hand was different. He had a paw with extended claws, he turned his hands to him to see he had foot pads, with fur of black, and as he looked higher up his arm some white. Desmond began to rub his hands into the bramble, it didn't hurt, not even when he leaned into it, well, it did hurt, it just felt as if he didn't care.

Desmond then sensed something, a very powerful smell, he twisted his body to see a massive Direstork just a ways away. He tilted his head as he made his way over, every now and again pawing at the ground to see if the bird would respond, yet it looked to him. Desmond sighed, 'This had to be Eshiran's Eternal Hunt, and we were sent here as prey'. Laska forming as a giant bird was quite funny to him. 'Her big beak matching her big mouth', Desmond chuckled to himself.

Desmond began to cast his sight about, into the great wonders this world was. Great seas of green, winding rivers and deep valleys, comfortable hunting lodges, and in the very distance, a coliseum. Desmond pondered for a moment, 'Where to go? Hm, we might be trying to reach the coliseum, that, had to be where we had fully reached heaven'

Desmond nodded to himself before his ears picked up the snap of a gunshot. Multiple began to ring out as that confirmed it, this was the Eternal hunt, and they were in prey. Desmond gritted his teeth, it would be easy to fight if they were other animals, yet they were a Direstork, a large bird no doubt, yet it was not a beast who was intimidating, and a Honey badger. As a Honey badger, they can be fierce, yet being the size of a small child didn't do any favors.

Desmond began to look around, they needed to survive, and hopefully find a way to get a more appropriate physical form.

Desmond the Honey badger turned to Edyta the Direstork as he made multiple reverberating whiles and squeaks, 'If we show up at a Lodge, they'll maybe think twice in shooting us', as he began to move towards one of the lodges. They needed to survive, this is the only chance they had in doing this, so they needed to do this smart. First, they needed to figure out where the shots were coming from, then they need to move to a place with more people. They may be hunters, however, if they show human signs in a place where the hunters may not fire, it could give them some way to find what they needed to do here.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Mahal Agha
"Move, now!"

Mahal's patience began to wane as she popped something white into her mouth. The hot, spicy seasoning hit her taste first. Gently her tongue rolled it about, weighing the texture and noting the size. She was confident it was a pork knuckle with some cartilage still attached. Drawing in the slightest hint of mana from the sunlight, she strengthened her teeth and cracked it. She had just swallowed it down when Raffie's voice caught her attention.

She lowered her gaze to size up the petite, pink girl, "I'm surprised you're here too."

Any additional conversation was cut short when students were instructed to jump into the lake.

Straight From The Stone And Into The Fire.
Date: 19th of Velles, Victendes
Time: Dusk
Location: Moatu Suva, Kiluaho

Mahal bobbed in the waves as her arms held tightly onto a nearby crate. Her eyes did a quick scan around her, seeking out any shapes of her fellow students close by. Identification was near impossible due to the dying light. Suddenly a loud sound of whistling came from behind her. She turned to spot a towering ship. Several dark rounded shapes sailed from its board side and flew across the fading twilight sky.

"Move, now!" Mahal shouted then pulled her body higher onto the crate. Driven by instinct and fear, she drew in mana then kicked her legs. Her eyes fixed on the nearest land mass.

Past the choppy waves, Mahal spotted one of the students splitting off from the rest. The small green one. He swam for the Blue Adam while the others scrambled for safety. She wasn't sure if she should be impressed by his bravery or take a lesson from his foolishness. They would find out later when or if he returned.

Something with bright red hair shot past her and narrowly missed her. Mahal jerked back to see a helegan toss himself through the water like a skipping stone toward shore. Every few meters, he tilted up then dove beneath the surface. Finally, he landed face first into the shoreline where the wheelchair bound girl and the Eeaiko already were.

Feeling the edges of the shoreline press against her toes, Mahal dug in and pushed the crate onto the sand. She caught the small shapes of both Raffie and Baykara on the Virangish flagship. Maybe they will get them to stop firing while the others made it to shore. Securing her crate with the others, her eyes counted the remaining students. Her teeth gritted as her count was off by two repeatedly.

"We're missing two, where's Tku and Fiske?" Mahal asked, her eyes fixed on the water and ready to dive back in.

Mahal races to the shore with the remain students, save Ren, Raffie, and Zast. Doing a brief head count, she notices two are missing: Tku and Fiske.
Items of note on her person: Diyablos, x2 Virangish black steel dagger
Purchases this Cycle None
Tags: Maura @Ti, Fiske @jasbraq, Tku @dragonpiece, Marz @Th3King0fChaos, Raffie @Emeth, Kaureerah @Force and Fury, Zast@Jumbus, and Ren @Suicharte
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Roslyn Wicke
"Truth be told, I don't like it."

Off To The Ports
Date: 17th of Velles, Orredes
Time: daytime
Location: Morrento in Zengali, Mezegol

After introductions finished, Roslyn weighed the information. She seemed distracted when the sounds of someone talking pulled her from her thoughts. With a deep inhale, she addressed any of her group that remained.

"I'm not very elegant with words. It is better I head out to the docks rather than deal with the Marquis. I want some idea of what to expect before we rush into battling this Thresher..." She secured her invitation and rest of her things before adding, hoping it wouldn't be snitched later. "I'm guessing we're all meeting up at the festive later? Do we meet back here or somewhere else?"

Leon's voice came from behind her as he chimed in. "I, for one, intend to enjoy the festival to the fullest." He flashed a smile. "We fight tomorrow, so why not enjoy today. But you can find me if you need me, I don't exactly blend into a crowd." He departed with those words as he moved once more toward the encampment.

"Yeah, I'm the opposite. I blend way too well into the crowds." Roslyn countered with a small chuckle. She some times envied those that didn't simply disappear, but knew her 'talent' had its own perks.

Upon hearing that Ciro was heading toward the port proper, she chimed in. "I guess we'll be accompanying each other for a bit then. "

Putting All The Cards On The Table Roslyn joins in with the others over sharing their letters.
Off to the Ports Once they get a debriefing at the Baker's Dozen, the group divide and pick their own places of interest. Roslyn, alongside Ciro, heads down to the port to see what information she can find out about the attacks.
Items of note on her person: Smoking Bandit (per-loaded with Rosy Wick- x2 charges), Four-Dimensional Compass of the Seafaring Tribe, Bottle of Whine, Band of the Beggar King, Tusk Bandages x2, Snowpepper sniffing power x2, Skinglue x2
Tags: Leon @Jumbus, Alya @Ti, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Ciro @Force and Fury
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Jumbus
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Danger is a Distant Horizon

Event: White Thresher: Central Alliance | Location: Zengali

“It would be important for us to make a positive impression with the authorities here, especially when it comes to discussions with the Sovereign Pact-aligned members. We have a mutual goal in mind, so it is a good opportunity to work together. Though, there is potential for things to come apart quickly if we don’t account for the human factor,” she remarked, referring to people with their own agendas who might attempt to derail things.

Leon listened to Ayla's plan as he noticed a shadow flickering over him from above. He looked up, shielding his eyes from the sun above, and watched Ayla’s Froabas soaring above. He thought of his Harlequin Kite, Luminosa, and how her collection had been put on hold because of the mission. He had only come to realise recently how much he missed her.

Ayla flashed Leon a playful smile. “That is when we need your smooth talking to help us out.”

As she finished her talk and addressed Leon directly, he brought his focus back down to the rest of the group and smiled back at the girl. Even if he was a little distracted, he had been listening. He gave a playfully exaggerated bow in response. "I would be happy to oblige. I'm sure I could win us a few friends before the festival starts. And even more after it's done." He joked.

His eyes wandered off "I could be of use at the encampment, so I'll start there." His curiosity was caught by a young Mezegol nobleman going in between tents.

Leon stuck around for a following discussion and sharing of skills, then made his way over to the tents. He inspected the lyre as he approached to be sure it was tuned up and ready for playing. The grace of Ipte-Zept's Lyre had healing properties, but he would like to think that the music itself also helped. Somewhere along the way, he was sure to draw the young nobleman's attention too.

"I'm guessing we're all meeting up at the festive later? Do we meet back here or somewhere else?"

Leon pivoted on his heel while walking away to answer and keep his pace backwards in a half-waltz. "I, for one, intend to enjoy the festival to the fullest." He called with a smile. "We fight tomorrow, so why not enjoy today? But you can find me if you need me, I don't exactly blend into a crowd." And with that, he spun back around again and was off.

Leon had spent a good half hour playing delicate, calming songs with the Lyre of Ipte-Zept around the encampment. As he played, he left a trail of soldiers suddenly cured of their diseases and on the gradual path to recovery. It didn't outright cure wounds, but it seemed to help on that front as well.

He had made his way toward the tent where the noble was. Raimy was his name, or at least from what he had heard, and he seemed dedicated to healing the sick and wounded. It was a noble goal that was ironically ignored by many nobles. Why would this young man risk his health for people that weren't even his own?

Concluding another song, Leon thought it would be best to take a break. What fortune that the soldier Raimy was healing had suddenly stopped coughing and was miraculously recovered. It would give the two boys a seat on the now-empty medical stretcher.

"It’s a strange sight to see a noble in a medical tent." Leon remarked, offering Raimy to sit with him. "I don't know why you are so dedicated, but I assume it has something to do with forbidden love." He continued with a feigned knowing smile.

The green slough slicked off their wounds. Clear liquid dripped from their skin that only to congeal with the slough into a mass on the bedding and floor. It quivered for a few moments, ever pulsating at times, only to then lose all structure. Slipping back to just green murky water. Whatever the disease was, it was dispelled by the lyre but it was no ordinary disease, anyone could see that.

Upon second inspection, Leon decided it was perhaps best they both stand. His lip was turned up somewhat by the disgusting byproduct of the disease. He was no medical expert, but he was certain the human body didn't produce that.

Raimy looked at the man who played his song and watched him do what he had struggled with for the last week.

Whatever face he had watching, either awe or jealousy, faded to small relief. "Wouldn't it be stranger for a binder to not to be working in the medical tent?" Raimy answered back, “And who might you be?” giving some pause to inspect the lyre that had just been used.

When Raimy addressed him, Leon took a little offence that the noble didn't know him already. But he hid it well and looked forward to it on second thought. It was rare for the performer to talk to someone without the weight of reputation influencing the exchange. Seeing that Raimy was looking at the lyre, Leon handed it to him for a closer look. "And yet, so many noble binders keep themselves absent from places like this. Don't get me wrong, I respect you for your efforts, but you have piqued my curiosity."

"My name is Leon Solaire, I'm somewhat of a famed performer but you can call me friend." He went to shake his hand.

The noble took the item in with much care, quickly inspecting and seeing much beauty in it. If he was less sane, he would poster it to be the Lyre of Ipte-Zept but there was no way this random man could have it. He handed it back with no fuss. “Well that may be true for most with noble blood though I'm sure even they would be here to increase the odds just a little before tomorrow.”

There was judgement from Raimy, the man spurring him on to call him friend wasn't much appreciated. Still, “A friend in rough waters is the best friend you can have,” Raimy shook Leon's hand with a smile.

Leon took back the lyre and held it to his side; he needed a break from playing. Some may think playing is effortless, but it is a trick on the performer's end to make it look so.

"So it's worry that brought you down here then? Concern that we may not have enough people?" He questioned, trying to get a read on his company. "I wouldn't worry. Tomorrow will be a success, I will guarantee it." The performer expressed with sheer confidence that came off oddly comforting and egotistical in equal parts, especially to someone who didn't know him. "But I would like to continue healing regardless. It's the right thing to do; that and I would hate to see your generosity be rewarded with an outbreak."

“The White Thresher is a beast like any other," Raimy packed up his unused bandages and started to clear the stench with the gift. He knew his healing was no equal for Leon's in this case.

Raimy shook his head in disbelief, “I thank you for your confidence my friend, truly," Raimy slapped a hand onto Leon's shoulder, “But's let's keep ourself realistic. The beast has been cornered more than once in the past and yet it still draws water. Might you be the difference Leon?"

"If this beast has haunted your people until today, then tomorrow will be the day that changes." Leon laid a hand on the boys shoulder in turn. "I would like to think myself to be one who makes difference, but even then I won't be alone in this endeavor. I would like to consider that extra assurance of our success." With that he started preparing the lyre for another song.

Raimy made his way to exit the tent, "I thank you for healing them, find me at the festival when you have a chance. Perhaps you can even perform, Sun King." Raimy repeated the whispers he heard from the injured.

Leon waved goodbye back to Raimy. "Yes, I wasn't going to say anything, but it's best you clean up before the festival starts." He laughed light-heartedly gesturing toward the noble's dirtied clothes. "I'll be sure to catch up with you then and treat your people to the best performance I can give. You have a beautiful city, I would like to make a name for myself for when I return in more fortunate times." He gave a wink as he saw Raimy out the door.

Leon gave a bow to the audience of sick and injured. "And I would like to see all your lovely faces at the festival as well," he called. "So let's try to recover as best we can." He resumed playing.

Later on, he inquired the nurses about the strange disease caught by the sailors. He found out that the infirm had all been in the turmoiling in the water during the White Thresher’s attack. He couldn’t get more out of the nurses and he didn’t search further as to details that would be lost on him. Leon was not the most educated in medical studies after all. But one message was clear, the waters carried danger around the White Thresher. He would be sure to tell the others when he saw them next, Central Alliance and Sovereign Pact alike.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Emeth
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Frenzied Waters


Raffaella had taken the plunge, confident that she and her erstwhile allies would be given a dignified entrance. Whether it was on the beach, or the deck of a ship, or some nearby outpost, they would most certainly not be cast away into the water like some common criminals.

Ah. The boat must have moved, she thought, as she hit the water. Cannon fire became more and more muffled, her tiny body offering little resistance as she sank like a rock. The cold was a shock, and by the time she was able to control her movements in the water well, she had already hit bottom. There was precious little to draw energy from down here, except the tide and some curious and hungry crustaceans. Unconcerned at first, she bounded up toward the surface, but as the need to breathe became more dire, she realized that the math wasn't working out in her favor. She was going to drown, unless...

Raffaella's heroic torpedo thresher dived to her aid, and pushed her the rest of the way to the surface, toward the Virangish flagship. She coughed and struggled as she recovered her senses, and she launched herself out of the water and landed on the deck. It would be a moment before she could speak properly, a moment in which the captain and crew would not know if she was a stowaway, an intruder, or what. A storm of questions was surely headed her way, but as soon as she could speak, she would shout the only thing she could think of to get them to stop firing at the students. "Ren Baykara is in the water! We came from Ersand'Enise!" she rattled off in quick Virangish. She may not look like one, but she could speak like one of their own countrymen.

The Six-Tailed Fox

The Doridax Family's Plight

Abdel peered into the contents of the boxes, relatively unfazed by the grizzly display. Still, he put up a look of concern to not appear too callous in what he saw as a trying moment for the family's patriarch. The tethered beastmaster rubbed his chin. “I'm sorry this is blighted situation has befallen your family, Mister Doridax.” he looked into the man's eyes with sincerity. “I have no doubt we'll be able to track these people. In fact,” he hovered his hand over the box that held the finger. “for what they've done, I think letting them stay ahead of us wouldn't be prudent and a signal for them that you can be bullied at any time.” he shot an expectant look at the father as the hovering hand approached the finger.

“You must know about Skuggvars from where you're from, Mr. Doridax. Then you would understand why I'd need this finger.” only with the authorization for the fatherly Yasoi would he seize the severed part, of course. “We should be able to track down the owner. With some luck, it's actually a decoy and thus a lead for us to get a jump on the kidnappers.”

Oksana examined the details of the case. Such complicated affairs were not her strong suit; she was a simple girl who spent most of her time in the wilderness. If a huntress wanted to catch an animal, then the first task was to find its location, and the second task was to lure it out. In retrospect, this case was far easier to resolve because they knew where the 'animal' was; they just needed bait for the trap.

"We don't know them, but we have the location, and we have what they want." She indicated towards the letter, pointing out the writing warehouse on Owl Street and the demand for five thousand Magus. "We bait the trap, they come out. We capture them for lord. Job done." She spoke positively and authoritatively on the matter as she looked at the others.

Ashon listened to the ideas presented, raising his own finger, though not too close to Abdel. "Yes, yes, there are some great ideas here. A touch of refinement needed, but they will definitely work to bring home your wayward son." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "There's a good chance that Jaxan wouldn't be there at the meet, and our little springing of their trap could backfire on its own." He flicked Oksana's nose playfully. "What we need is what's called a multi-faceted approach in yanii speak, or in less fancy words, a plan with a couple of moves going on at once."

He gestured toward Abdel with an enclosed hand. "One group tracks down Jaxan specifically, rescuing him from the foes." He held up another hand. "Another acts as the distraction; we'll need to create a very juicy target to draw away support." He opened his hand to reveal a benny. "With attention focused elsewhere, you can grab him safely, then we apprehend those involved." He flicked the coin up and caught it.

"As for the distraction, it's best if you don't attend yourself. So we'll need to borrow some clothes for myself and my friend here." He put his arm around Seviin, pulling her close. "We'll dress up enough to resemble yourselves so they think we're the bigger mark." He grinned widely at Seviin. "What do you say? Will you be my wife for the evening?"

Seviin was not sure if she should've been here. She knew nobody, aside from Ashon in the most cursory manner, and felt like an outsider. Still, there was a need and she was a healer and protector. If she would not sully the name of Lady Oirase by employing her talents on behalf of the Grey Fleet, then neither could she sit idle while her people suffered outside the gates of Ersand'Enise. The 'pass' she'd been given a couple days ago - the one that she'd been told to wear at all times - was a reminder of the challenges they faced and she burned with resentment over the entire affair. Still, it was not enough to drive her back into the arms of her Tarlonese brethren. She'd made her break and there was no going back.

Mostly, out of sorts as she was, the young priestess listened in lieu of speaking. There seemed very many speakers and few listeners here. She listened and observed. Abdel was one of those proactive principled secretly-angry sorts. Lunara was a soft, weak noble girl who let others lead her. Oksana knew killing, though Seviin could scarcely understand her.

Then, Ashon spoke and Seviin's face lost much of its paleness for a moment. "I... I shall endeavour to serve... well," she stammered, trying to fight back the aggressive blush. "I should speak little, however. I sound ever so much like a Tarlonese." When Niallus opened his mouth she took some solace. Jaxon. He was perhaps even more hopeless than her. beyond that, she got little sense of him. He was kind, perhaps, especially to ladies, set on his own ideas. Dorothea was the mocking type, but with a bit of grace and subtlety. Seviin found herself torn. She often harboured similar impulses, though she never entertained them.

There were, as far as she could discern, four different plans being floated about and nine people to carry them out. Track the finger with the skuggvars, bring the money and ambush the kidnappers, create a decoy target - including myself, and nab Jaxan. It was a lot to juggle and they had no idea of their enemy's strength. Seviin did not like killing; she abhorred it, in fact, but she knew it almost like Oksana did, so immersed had she been in the brutal world of Tarlonese expansion. You did your recon. Leaping in without doing any was a recipe for disaster. Dory was right.

She was about to separate herself from Ashon and say as much when Johann, another listener, spoke up. "I might be called overcautious," he admitted, "but I can't help help but wonder if my lady is right." He gestured in the Feskan girl's direction. "We know nothing about our quarry except that they have put forward a ransom note for Baron Doridax's son and seen fit to include a finger that may be his as evidence of their seriousness. I am very much for a multifaceted approach and I see no reason not to employ the... talents of those skuggvars, but surely we must learn something before just charging in."

"We also should not split into groups of less than three people," Seviin suggested, finally finding her voice again, "except, perhaps, in the case of myself and Ashon somewhat later."

Oksana rubbed her nose as the Yasoi flicked the tip of it, earning him a disapproving glare from her. As he and the others spoke, she tilted her head, trying to follow along with the conversation. A part of her wondered if they were just making up words at this point. From what she gathered, they thought her plan was a good one, and that worked for her.

Peeling an apple with her sword, she noticed Seviin looking over at her a couple of times. Perhaps she's hungry, Oksana thought. She cut the fruit in half and offered a portion to the girl with a big smile on her face. "It's sweet," she said, then proceeded to cut the remaining half into quarters, taking a bite of one of them herself. Secretly, she slipped another piece under her cloak, feeding some kind of animal tucked in there.

The discussion seemed to shift towards dividing people into groups for further talks. In hindsight, she should have considered a task involving hunting and tracking animals, or something related to the wilderness where her skill set would be more relevant. But beggars can't be choosers, and she was certainly begging when it came to income right now.

Lunara on seeing the Yasoi's severed finger, started to feel quinsy. She instinctively put her left hand over her mouth and she also started to feel unsteady, as she had never seen a severed limb before. On noticing that Niallus was next to her she grabbed his are with her right hand to steady herself. "Sorry Niallus, I suddenly felt ill on seeing the finger, never seen that before." Lunara's Goma cat Miray on seeing that Lunara wasn't feeling well started to rub her face on her leg and stand on her hind legs to get her attention. Lunara on noticing this crouched down and petted her. "It's ok Miray, I'm fine."

Lunara after pulling herself around, stood and attentively listened to the conversations. To make sure she heard every idea, and information. She wanted to make sure she knew exactly what had happened and what was going to happen.

Feeling something grip on his sleeve, From his first glance, he originally thought it was Mahal. But seeing the Goma Cat by her side turns out it was the other one, Lunara. Hearing her apologise for gripping him to help keep her steady. "No, no it's alright." listening to the ideas that was mentioned by the his fellow biros. When Jamboi mentioned about the diversion. Niallus agreed. "A Diversion would be good." cupping his chin, pondering on what more input could be added to help.

"If we have a small group looking for Jaxon while the the others cause a distraction. I can take part im looking Like Jamboi said, Most of their priorities will be on this meeting, more likely be one high goons and a few lackys at best." Thinking more about it, his gaze turned to Daxon. "Would you be able to provide a description of your son? Or Hair colour, length, height that sort of thing. Or even how he talks. It can help the group who are searching for him have an easier time."

"A finger, huh? Now that's a classic." Dory looked with a wide smirk on her expression. Her look turned to the girl that fell ill from just a finger. "There were corpses and mangled bodies all around Ersand'Enise when some students attacked for their little 'revolution'. A little finger can't be too much to look at, right?"

The girl just leaned around. "These plans could work if the kidnappers don't account for it, I guess. But than again we don't even know how strong they are given a fight could break out."

But among the many who spoke, there was one who listened, and listened intently: the one who simply introduced herself with the yasoi word for "fox." Her skeletal smile was at times impossibly friendly and, only when appropriate, menacing.

"It is hard for the young to understand the love of a parent, but, as someone who was kidnapped and rescued once, I know your feelings well." She narrowed her eyes at the flippant attitudes of some of her allies. Then, her gloved hands reached for the ransom money, as she produced a bag of rice from her own cloak and mixed the two together. Anticipating the strange looks from her wealthy patrons and classmates, she explained. "When carrying large sums of money through a seedy place like Mudville, one should take care that her purse does not jingle with the telltale sound of gold." Ensuring a top layer of rice, and tying the mundane-looking sack tightly, she jostled it a few times, satisfied with her handiwork.

"I can vouch for the talents of Abdel and his skuggvars. But regardless of what other plans we decide to set into motion, to give us the best chance of returning the boy unharmed, someone must take the money to the location and negotiate if necessary. Surely no one objects to letting me perform this role?" She looked around at each of them reassuringly. "If I were accompanied, even by a distance, by the pair of you, disguised as the parents, this might go smoothly," she said as she regarded Ashon's contribution.

Seviin blinked at Oksana's offer. She swallowed and accepted the slice of apple. "I thank you for your generosity, suunei." If there was more to notice, she did not comment upon it. Then, the Rettanese girl spoke and she nodded. "I agree that we should try, but it is best if we go as agents of their Lord and Ladyships, however. I am not a skilled enough illusionist to pass myself off as Jaxan's Lady mother." She twisted to regard Ashon briefly. "And I may be mistaken, but I don't believe he is either." She winked. Xiuyang gave Ashon an exasperated side-eye, as if to suggest that this was his problem to solve.

Ashon smirked widely, and shook his head at the pair of them. “We don’t have to look like her. We simply have to look like we could be her," as he placed emphasis on the points “After all, this beautiful and regal lady has never stepped foot in the slums known as Mudsville.”

He clasped his hands together, “Now, we have a plan idea, let’s go and gather some information so we can put it into practice.”

The masked Rettanese pinched his sleeve as if expecting him to run off. "True, they could be idiots who wouldn't know one well-dressed yasoi from another. But we shouldn't just assume that. I don't think they could have kidnapped Jaxan without a plan. This was probably a targeted abduction, which means they might know who they're dealing with. And yet they did what they did. Which is why Seviin is right. Smaller groups are a bad idea."

Seviin narrowed her eyes for a moment. Then, she shrugged. "I suppose we should try to look distinguished, then." The mysterious Rettanese spoke in a way that was quite familiar with Ashon and this only added a layer to the mystery. "All three of us together, then. Ideally, as Belleville is not geographically large, we should each try to keep within sensing range of at least one other group."

Having separated themselves from the wealthy family for this brief discussion, Seviin pivoted on her heel and made to return. "Perhaps we might borrow some clothing?"

"Then, as the kids say, I shall 'case the joint' while you two prepare," she replied to Seviin. "You know, you may not need to worry so much about getting your physical appearance exactly right. Dress well, maintain good posture, walk with dignity, age yourselves up with some makeup-wrinkles if you can. Throw on a cloak and cover as much as possible; any sensible person would do that in this situation. I can change the color of your hair, at least, if need be. And if we're found out, so be it. Our enemies shouldn't be shocked to be confronted with body doubles at the end of the day."

Johann, meanwhile, simply played an easygoing part. "I admit to being in quite over my head," he remarked. "Like my Feskan neighbour here -" He gestured at Dory "I am merely looking to set things right immediately outside our city's gates and help some people in need." He paused and furrowed his brow. "Perhaps, given the... regrettable recent history between our people and the yasoi, I should focus on the human side of matters and, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of matters, I might act as muscle if needed." He seemed less than enthusiastic about the last part of his proposal but, perhaps , accepting of its necessity. "Now, I do think time is somewhat of the essence. We should get moving if we are to recover Master Jaxan in a reasonable state."

With that, the Fox took her leave and, expecting to go alone, was surprised to find Dory following her outside. "Is this really a task for a lady of noble bearing such as yourself? The types we are dealing with may decide that a woman of your beauty would fetch a high price. Not to be crass, but I'd prefer to be thought of as rude rather than incompetent. Can you handle yourself if things go south?" She didn't look at Dory while she spoke; her head was always on a swivel. "Their delivery point is a warehouse. Relatively isolated and, if bystanders happened to hear loud noises, it would likely be overlooked. Not that many in that part of Mudville would likely investigate a potential danger in any case."

A surprised look appeared on Dory’s expression, only to be followed by a chuckle. ”I feel blessed that you worry about me that much, but please be more worried about your own safety than my own.” She decided to take the words of the other as a compliment. ”If things go south, as they say. I will make sure it will be them that will have things go south, you can count on that.” A warm smile was the look she accompanied those words by.

She elected to lead the duo of Ashon and Seviin as the "obvious bodyguard" while Dory and Lunara followed at a discreet distance, effectively to tail anyone who was tailing them. Usually, she would have her own hired help for this, but there was only time to prepare enough tricks to be confident—not certain. Both her eyes and her mind wandered as she considered the next steps, but "being followed" was almost a distinct sense to Xiuyang. She knew the feeling of being stalked uncomfortably well, especially after her recent experiences: the subtle change in brain chemistry and the ever-so-slight increase in pace that could be felt nearby whenever she and her escorts would turn a sudden corner. With each corner, she eliminated suspects, and eventually, she was down to four. She was no Tethered, but if she kept them just barely in range, and with enough trials and errors—

She saw herself, ten seconds ahead, and saw Ashon lean in to whisper something she couldn't hear. That was enough for her. She started drawing, and not a moment too soon for the Devourer, for the enemy was upon them. Seviin was on the ground, and Xiuyang deleted an arcane lance with perhaps a bit more force than was necessary. She saw herself try and fail to recover the box, caught in a struggle of kinetic magic that she couldn't win, and instead opted to just use binding to cause the earth to swallow it up as it landed with a distinctly un-money-like "clunk."

As the attackers lunged forward, Ashon smoothly stepped back, his tailored suit rippling with his movements. With a flick of his wrist, he launched a small purse of coins at the nearest assailant, the bag bursting open upon impact, showering the thief with a cascade of copper.

He spun around gracefully, the large money bag held firmly in his hand like a seasoned duellist wielding a rapier. Ka-ching! The sound of the clunk of coins made as the bag connected with the head of another thug, sending him stumbling backward. The sound of clinking coins filled the air as the bag swung through the melee, each strike precise as he bludgeoned their foe.

Ashon straightened his jacket with a flourish, as he surveyed the surrounding chaos with a critical eye. "Manners maketh a Moila," he declared loudly, the condescending smirk played on his lips as his voice carried above the commotion. With a swift movement, he used the bag to uppercut one of the thugs before bringing it down on the back of his head. "Stay down, Tem’broa," he chided, his tone dripping with disdain. He kicked the thug as he rolled into a puddle, using him as a makeshift bridge to keep his feet dry as he approached his dear wife.

Turning to Seviin with an elegant bow, Ashon extended his hand to hers, his eyes sparkled as he drew her close. "Please, don't cry, my Eluulan," he murmured, pressing a delicate kiss to her fingertips.

Ashon threw money at them—actually, he threw it everywhere, and in no time at all, the box was buried not just in dirt, but beneath the feet of a scurrying crowd, eagerly scooping up whatever they could. There was no time to be impressed with their accidental teamwork, however. It was time for the finisher. "Eshiran condemn you, defilers!" she shouted, her words thick with disdain and a not-so-subtle implication that the fancy-looking box the thieves had just tried to steal contained the ashes or remains of the deceased. "Shall I kill them, milady?" she asked Seviin as Ashon helped her to her feet. Of course, she already knew her answer would be "no," and this was the point: to paint a halo on her allies, and devil horns on the four criminals, before they could try to do the reverse. The general public held little love for the wealthy, after all.

Seviin had drawn a bonecrush away before it could cause anything more than discomfort and dropped a wall in front of the second brigand coming at her, but it did not prove necessary. Bags of money flew out, the masked woman who she did not know dropped the chest into a hole, and she could sense Dory and Lunara catching up from behind, hopefully under the cover of wanting to dive for the cash. Indeed, Ashon was having too much fun throwing his money around, quite literally, and the pause following the masked woman's question was about to tip over into awkward.

Seviin was not supposed to have spoken, but she couldn't just... She cleared her throat and focused on sounding like a Consoi. "No." she pleaded beatifically, "Please just secure -" It couldn't be a 'family member'. She remembered very well from her schooling that consoi did not cremate their dead, so she adjusted on the fly. "Mister Zahrawi's ashes. He was very dear to us."

It was more words than she'd have liked. She hadn't rolled her 'r' quite well enough. She'd made sure to use a name from a population who were buried with money. Hopefully nobody would notice the first in the scramble and all would notice the second. Most were still diving for pocket change, at least. It was a little bit pathetic how caught up in worldly things they were, to be honest. Seviin needed only her faith.

The robbers had switched targets, of course, going after Ashon, and Lunara and Dory were reaching the thick of things presently. It occurred to her that these were likely not the Colas. They'd have known there was a ransom and they'd have recognized that the bags of bennies and owls were not it. "Please let him rest!" Seviin wailed, and a couple of people drew back from the area of the semi-buried chest. Might someone else add to the ruse? Her accent had slipped there and she knew she was treading too far on a narrow branch. They merely needed to extract themselves from a situation that was nothing more than unneeded peril and a waste of their collective time.

Fuck I'm so stupid that should not have worked holy shit, Xiuyang managed to hurl at herself quickly. She was on a tight schedule, after all. "S-Say no more, milady," she stammered back quietly, the statement of double meaning delivered with a look of panic and apology in equal measure.

Managing to somehow not break character too much, she turned her attention back to the crowd in front of them. "Oi, oi. Make way already," she said as she kinetically scattered the coins away from the small mound in the center of the street, then stuck her staff in the dirt as if she were staking a claim. "You there. Take this money and leave, and I'll only have to bury one person today. Understood? Capito? Habla Torragonese?" She gestured somewhat flippantly, as if they posed no threat to her whatsoever.

Dory was close enough to intervene if need be. She had enough on her for any scenario she might be in, her rifle, her sword and a certain book. The Feskan did not expect for things to get this lively so soon, but the closer she got to the conflict the bigger the grin on her face became.

She stumbled upon her oh so favorite yasoi boy and one of the troublemakers. As soon as she got a good inspection on the situation, a small disturbance within reality would appear over the girl’s torso and soon the butt of a rifle would poke out of it. With one quick pull the rifle revealed its beauty. The rifle was black instead of the normal wood brown that most magusjaegers were used to. The etchings were deep crimson and almost seemed to glow with a flicker pattern similar to fire.

She could so easily switch targets to take revenge on that smug asshole blaming the death of her beloved on her. . . But she won’t, not this time. Her breathing was steady, her eyes sharpened and within what felt like a second after she pulled the rifle, her arm straightened and took the shot. Hitting the robber’s neck, although missing the spine. ”Oh, dear. . . I was aiming for the shoulder.” She looked shocked at the shot she took, and it seemed she wasn’t as good of a shot as she thought she was. The robber was alive, but for how long would they be able to hold onto life?

"Man servant," Ashon called out as he addressed Xiuyang with a regal air, "Once you have dealt with these ruffians, please ensure the ashes are secure. If you make my dearest raise her voice again, I'll dock your pay." He clicked his fingers imperiously, the sound cracked in the air. "You may leave the coin; I will find a new levy to enact."

Having a little too much fun committing to the bit, there. "Man-servant..." Xiuyang thought irritably. Well, she certainly was in the process of "dealing with" the ruffians, but seeing as one of her allies had deemed it fit to nearly behead one of them with a bullet, she began drawing to enhance her threat... and prepare for an unnecessarily drawn-out battle that was likely about to happen.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by dragonpiece
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Excited as ever for a trip to an unknown place, it felt like he was picking up his journey from before Ersand'Ernise. Dressed in his finest travel clothes, accessorized to the high heavens, and topped off with seafoam green hair. This would be the vacation he needed to truly get himself out of this funk. All he has to do was some light work for the school and then all that tropical splendor was for him to enjoy and paint.

How it should have been a perfect trip, an easy time, but his expectations were blown up by the sudden ear rupturing sound of cannon fire. He plummets into water, diving 10 or so feet under the surface. Bobbing up to the surface to hack up the cups of sea water he took on. Startled and panicked, Tku swam to the closest island. All the commotion should scare large creatures away so he should be safe from their claws and jaws. But what he was not safe from was his makeup smearing in the water.

"Nope, not my makeup," he said unamusingly. He reached into his bag of wonder and yelled out, "BANANA BOAT!" Materializing out of thin air came a banana canoe with accompanying peel oars. He leaped aboard and dried himself off binding. Rowing over to the island in fruity fashion, offering a ride to whoever wanted it. Tku wasn't one to play around when his makeup was on the line. Hopefully the island proved safer than their entry point.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Suicharte
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Ren Baykara

Location: Killuaho - Mentions: @Emeth@Force and Fury

The disorientation of teleportation was not something that Ren was unfamiliar with, and immediately upon arrival, he realized the colossal mistake that had been made. There were plenty of bad places to end up, but in the middle of a pitched battle was a touch too far for his personal taste. Especially when a ship had just fired and a cannonball had made its way toward him and another girl - an eeiako. Were he a second too slow, or not as great as he was, he would have been pulp. Alas, he had just enough time to draw and halt the cannonball with a massive output of kinetic stasis, halting it in its tracks before letting it fall slowly into the water, as he used the momentum to rise himself.

One, two, three ships of the Royal Asper and a rogue pirate ship that he recognized, though didn't respect. Lawless criminals who had breached maritime law more times than he could count, and if they were making a gambit like this, they had a plan. A divide and conquer, if you would. By being here and performing this manoeuvre, they'd already given legitimacy to the Virangish stakes in 'protecting' the salvage, and that was an inconvenience. Were they to be gone, say, by a third party, then they would have no choice but to return home.

Still, he had no time to talk or do much. Cannonfire and chaos spread through the battlefield, and the people he came with were hardly visible, save for the girl who thought herself in charge and the rapid swimming of a cazenax that looked like a younger Gesté-Mago. If he did nothing, in the current circumstances, the pirates would win. They were poised to fire next, and they had damn near double the guns. An idea came to mind though. If the pirates were to be decimated, the virangish would have no choices to leave as their official reasoning would be ran out. And they were unlikely to break that agreement, especially with him here.

He floated up onto the deck of the Virangish flagship and projected his voice across the ocean in Avincean, barely taking heed of what Raffaella was saying. "To the pirates of the Blue Adam: This is your first and only warning. Under maritime law, you will leave the waters of Killuaho. Otherwise, you will be given NO quarter." and then he turned, hands clasped behind his back and saw the girl, captain and several of the sailors on the top deck. He smiled warmly as the smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils from the last of the volley, and switched to Virangish, his own language. "Some of our compatriots are still within the waters, captain, but if they do not begin to make their exit, feel free to continue firing. I will protect you and the good men of our nation in this duty, but once the matter of the pirates is dealt with, the rest will be left to me."

Then, he turned to Raffaella. The girl had expressed concern for his safety, and for that, he nodded at her in approval. Perhaps this girl had more to her than she suggested...
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Jumbus
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Danger is Magnificently Close

Event: Castaway | Location: Waters near Mehameha

Cawuio-Zast caught the flash of a blue pirate flag before plunging into the seas. Blue Adam. Below the water's surface, he felt the shakes of cannon fire let loose and was taken by an odd calm despite the circumstances. What might appear strange to others, he felt at home in the midst of conflict on the seas.

Without any discussion with the rest of the team, the Cazenax began swimming toward the lead pirate ship. Coming back up, he took a big whiff of the gunpowder smoke on the water. If Zast were an educated man, he may have been able to put his feelings into words like so: Today, like any other day, is the crucible in which I risk my life to dance with Lady Eshiran. Not out of respect, but because it is a necessity of life. Knowing that my continuous survival is justification enough for my existence and the rewards that come from risk will be pleasurable beyond what gold can provide. But a wide toothy grin would have to suffice for now.

The Cazenax were a desert people, not many found the need to learn swimming before that need found them. How many elders would see a Cazenax find the water and drown? Seven thousand? Eight thousand? Nine thousand? Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine? Well if they got around to seeing Cawuio-Zast, they would see a Cazenax swim for the first time. For he was that one in ten thousand Cazenax daring enough to take to the seas, he was that Cazenax brave (and stupid) enough to continuously risk his life on the open ocean with the humans. These measly waves meant nothing to him, all that mattered was the payout when he survived and won.

The reward offered in this mission could set a person up for life if they played their cards right. So what could he achieve if he blew it all in a week? That was a matter for when he alone emerged the victor in this conflict (along with those who picked the winning side like him).

“Make sure they withdraw!” Maura shouted after the Cazenax. He had reached the ship and begun climbing by this point. In reply, he looked back with a smile and a thumbs up. But the Cazenax's smile was anything but kind or comforting in appearance. It could be taken as either reassuring or anything but.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

Running out of luck

Cannonfire already!? What a warm welcome! His instinct kicked in and soon he was untraceable by anyone's sight. He began to dive deeper to avoid any incoming fire. Keeping his breathing in check with the chemical magic knowledge that he had. .His eyes sharpened to see through the darkened parts of the sea. Fuck you, Silvestri. . Could've warned us that it would be a fucking warzone. .

It was too much. He survived so much death around him. During the events at An Zenui, during his meeting with the so-called avatar of Reshta, during the student’s attack on the school and now not even a month after they get dropped off within a warzone? He did not have any person who he should care for more than himself. . . There was Kaureerah but she usually seemed to have luck on her side and if she were to be in trouble someone else would help her out, right?

Fiske just needed to get as far away from it as he could. Anywhere but those ships would be a gift from the gods. He dove and swam until he found… wood? Were these parts that fell off the wreck that Silvestri talked about? He needed to investigate it further, luckily for the boy he was the most experienced student at bending light to his whim, not that he would ever brag about that.

The closer he got to it, the further he went down to avoid anyone noticing him. The threshers in this area were not as big as the Golds he was familiar with but they were so numerous that it became harder to see much else. He wanted to let out a sigh of relief… before he realized it might not have been the best idea underwater. The boy was too confident in his own manas and skill in camouflage that he swam close to the threshers… not even realizing that the rock he had passed left a small cut on his leg.

While these threshers’ rather lackluster sight could be easily tricked, their sense of smell could not. One by one did they start noticing the invisible prey in their waters, cutting into his clothing and skin. At first Fiske did not notice, but when his sight saw red he panicked. Those things noticed him? He tried to speed himself up through the water, broken bones be damned but these threshers were called torpedoes for a reason… They kept up with his feeble attempt to escape and even overtook him.

He pushed them away but the kinetic energy he dispersed came back to him. His eyes glimpsed at one of his arms. He wondered why it was so hard to move but then saw chunks of his flesh missing… Was that bone? His bone?.. He grit his teeth trying his hardest to keep his sense of pain down enough to mentally function. Was this going to be the end? Of course it can’t, not after he survived fights against mages three times his superior, a grand demon and even a goddess… to die to a group of glorified arthropods would be the funniest joke he couldn’t live to tell.

Well, it looks like I can’t swim away anymore. The humor in this pathetic way of dying was not lost on the boy who tried to reach the sun. Chunks of his leg… abdomen.. he couldn’t really which it was floated along his one working eye. He tried to numb the fear of death with his own ‘humor’. Will I end up in Oratz’s heaven for all the lives I’ve saved?... or tried to at least? Maybe I’ll end up in Escheran’s hell for wanting to live…

The water began to boil and the boy’s mangled face contorted further. The threshers backed off. Am I not to your liking? Let me see Dami already, damn it! What little will he had left dragged the threshers back to him. While he did so his body, or what was left of it began to change as something within him clasped onto what he felt was his soul. I think I see now, I’m beginning to see it all so clearly. Fiske silhouette was utterly unrecognizable at this point. Another threat was near his broken frame and he did not even notice it. The shore was so close, if he could just survive for a little bit longer, help would come. He knew people wouldn’t just abandon him, right?

It was then that the sand on which he laid began to shift, his abdomen falling within the creature’s claws which soon created a Fis and a Ke. He could not fight against this thing, not in the state he was in. All he could do was laugh.

”Hee hee, hoo hoo hahahaha! So this is it, huh!” What was left of the Huulisch boy was dragged down as the last of his laughter became muffled under the sand.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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The first thing that Kaureerah saw was a cannonball heading straight for her. The eeaiko's eyes widened, her pulse quickened, and she drew aggressively from its kinetic energy, throwing herself to the side in desperation. Then, the cannonball simply stopped, and not by her hand. She let herself fall into the water, tucking in and sliding gracefully beneath the surface.

The same eyes that had widened quickly adjusted to the lessened light. In the near distance, just under a hundred yards away, she could sense a Martello tower and, barely beyond it, an island and an immense slab of... something that had to be the wreck. She wasn't sure who was fighting, but the safest place to be was away from the fight and the wreck was too close to the hot zone. Sighting a larger island to the West, she started to swim, easily outpacing the humans, before pausing and casting about for any in need of help. Maura was managing, but she had a lot to manage. As for the others, she waited, as the pirate ship opened fire and clouds of gunsmoke drifted across the water.

She reached out with her senses and could feel them: dozens of threshers, and there were more out in the rest of the lagoon. An apprehension seized her. Any blood in the water and they'd frenzy. With nobody taking her up on her offer of assistance, Kaureerah reluctantly turned, nerves on fire with fear, and made rapidly for shore, gently punting the laggard of Maura's three crates along with kinetic magic. The water churned with torpedo threshers and she could sense a giant Sandbar moving in the lee of the wreck. Then, she was moving in a different direction and it wasn't her concern.

She came ashore on a sandy beach, plopping down beneath a coconut tree before stopping to take stock of the others. "Ewey!" she shouted, waving the lauboos aggressively onto shore. "Te wauter's fooll auf treshers!" She reached out again and, for a second, thought she had sensed something more, but it was just her paranoia. Clearly, it had to be. In the background loomed the immense bulk of the derelict, impressive even from this range. The ships began to fire a second volley, and there was a small explosion on the deck of the big Virangish one. She began a headcount. Maura, Marz, Mahal, Tku... That was it. She vaguely remembered Zast, Fiske, and Raffie breaking off in different directions, and it occurred to her that the latter was Virangish, along with Ren. Had the other two gone for the pirate ship or the tiny islet with the wreck? From what she knew of them, they might be the type to do either.

Having retreated further up onto shore, Kaureerah seated herself on a large rock. "Well, she added shakily, "Thees ees te sefest wee'll get, baut Eye doon't theenk wee're eloone."
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

O N E : T H E P L A N

There was altogether too much talk. If the group's earlier information gathering had borne fruit, then it was a bounty they now struggled to solidify into an actual plan. There had been sightings of Jaxan, up until just before his disappearance, the last of these in the company of a rather posh-looking yasoi woman with one leg. Could it have been Tyrel'yrash? Could he have been taken by the Tarlonese!? Yet, there was one name that kept coming up again and again as they went to gather information: the Cola Brothers. Hence, it was finally decided to cut to the chase. The two leads most likely to bear immediate fruit were the two simplest ones: going in with the ransom and ambushing the kidnappers, and having Abdel's skuggvars follow the scent trail of the severed finger back to the kidnappers' base.

Ashon took point on the first, disguising himself and Seviin as a couple who might pass as Jaxan's wealthy middle-aged parents. Xiuyang travelled with them openly as a security detail, with Lunara and Dory incognito, following at a discrete distance. If their fine clothing didn't provoke an attempt at robbery from Belleville's criminal elements - most likely the Colas - then they would secure Jaxan and ambush his kidnappers at the exchange.

In theory, the second group would meet up with the first, with Qadira and Dayanara following the scent trail from the severed finger. If it was, indeed, Jaxan's, then they would end up at the same place, Abdel using his tethered range to keep track on the others and ensure a timely arrival. He was accompanied by Johann, Niallus, and Oksana, with absolutely zero consideration given to stealth. It would've been futile, after all, with a pair of skuggvars about.

T W O : T H E S C E N T

The animals were eager to go, and Abdel was hard-pressed to keep them under control. Johann, Oksana, and Niallus provided an escort and, ironically, the Bellvillians appeared warier of them than they did the beasts. It was just as well, for the skuggvars proved eager to investigate a myriad of scents and veer off-course. They stopped by a buudvuud restaurant, they went down to the water to drink, they poked around an empty warehouse and then, finally, they seemed to gain some direction.

Johann found himself hard-pressed to keep up. The skuggvars' tails whipped back and forth, their heads lowered to the ground, and they were suddenly fast. Locals scrambled to get out of their way, perhaps not terrified, but at least somewhat unnerved. A steady diet of treats kept Dayanara and Qadira motivated and, before long, they led their master and his escorts to destination... of sorts. It was all so very easy except that this was not at all what any of them had expected.

A row of townhouses stood before them, lawns neatly manicured, bushes trimmed, and smoke trickling from brick chimneys. The skuggvars circled in on one, in particular, somewhat shabbier than the others, but not remarkably so. Abdel reached out with his energetic senses and sensed four people inside: likely yasoi, of varying ages, including a child. This appeared to be... a family dwelling, nothing more and nothing less, and here he stood with two enormous and intimidating beasts at its doorstep. Dayanara began gurgling and whining, straining gently upon her leash. Qadira joined in, sniffing aggressively in the identified house's direction. Whatever there was to be found, it was here without a doubt.

T H R E E : T H E A M B U S H

Meanwhile, while Seviin had been somewhat incessant in her misgivings about her and Ashon's ability to pass themselves off without strong illusory magics, these seemed to have proven unfounded as the second group made its way through Belleville. Certainly, some of the locals - human and yasoi alike - glanced their way, but there wasn't any real sense of danger or threat. Children darted and dodged through the milling crowds, stealing glances at the interlopers and dashing off. A dozen languages wafted through the air, along with the familiar scents of cooking, manure, and sawdust. The dorrad sun beat down and the rasping buzz of cicadas could be heard from every spot where there might be tall grass or trees. It might've even been idyllic, in truth, were it not for the very real knowledge that they could be heading into an ambush: either one of their own design or else sprung on them by the unsavoury elements of a place that had been known as 'Mudville' until a scant few months before.

They had their destination. They managed to take a few wrong turns but, eventually, Seviin had them pointed in the right direction. They were walking along, discussing what would come next in hushed tones when all at once, it happened. To be fair, Ashon, his latent timewalker abilities making themselves known, had sensed it moments before. Xiuyang had spotted what appeared to be figures shadowing them. In short, the trio was ready when four figures came barrelling out of an alleyway to hit Seviin with a kinetic slam and gaze of sloth. The priestess was blown backwards but remained on her feet, and Ashon moved to counterattack. Xiuyang took action as well, denying an arcane lance that might've sliced her in two had it landed. There was only one problem: the small coin chest with the ransom sprung loose and clattered to the ground, somehow landing intact and not popping open.

People screamed and swirled back. Such attacks were not rare, but nor were they common either and they were dangerous. The third and fourth members of the attacking quartet reached out with kinetic magic to pull the chest in towards them. It was all on the line right now: call in Dory and Lunara, defeat these assailants, and hope that they were the right ones, or leave this fight - four on three - to Ashon, Seviin, and Xiuyang?

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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with Roslyn Wicke @Fallenreaper







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