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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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It wasn't as if she'd never had travelling companions before. But given the fame(or infamy) of her current party, it was hard to deny that Robin was feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

Not in a bad way, though. That was hardly the case.

After all, a famous hero had famous companions, didn't they?

She'd never actually set foot outside of her homeland's borders, either. This was a new experience for her as well. But traveling, helping people fighting wicked and villainous foes no matter where they arose---

That, too, was the journey of a legendary hero, wasn't it?

Robin wouldn't allow any apprehension to stop her. Aside from that, she was far too excited to worry very much. Besides, she had decided to keep accompanying them for the sake of helping others even beyond her homeland. What use would it be if she got anxious now? A hero didn't balk at such things.

So today, when she witnessed the Viera woman so gracefully exit the tree, it was hard to restrain herself from exclaiming how amazing it was right then and there.

But, at least for now, Robin felt it was likely for the best for her to wait for a good moment to introduce herself instead. Indeed, it was once they reached the inn that she finally stepped forward.

"I apologize for my failure to introduce myself earlier," she began, sweeping into a low bow as the sparkling lights returned, glimmering around her, "Robin Fey, at your service. It's a pleasure to meet such a skillful warrior such as yourself!"

With that, she gently reached out to take the Viera's hand, still bowing low, and kissed the back of it.

It wouldn't do to be impolite, after all.

"Ah, but what is your name?" Robin added, straightening, "I suppose I'll understand if it's unwise to introduce yourself given your duties, but it would be nice to be able to put a name to such a striking face."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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The shinobi seemed at ease inside the inn despite its clear use as a semi-frequent resting place for Valheimian officials. This was one of many hotspots she frequented to gain tidbits of intel that she could patch together later. She knew their schedule well and there shouldn't be any surprise visitors for the next few days and, while he served Valheim, the owner was a fierce loyalist to Osprey. Her attention turned back to Izayoi's party of mismatched adventurers. Which one should she press for information first? The cute, red Mystrel seemed like a good start seeing as she hardly said a word despite gazing quite blatantly.

The androgynous Edrenian approached her suddenly, much to her dismay, and introduced themself with a spectacular flourish. Years of training allowed her to maintain composure, keeping her bright expression up. Nothing could prepare her for the audacity of what happened next. Foolishly the Shinobi extended her hand for what she expected to be a conventional handshake. A small act to hopefully gain a small ounce of trust with the group. The Edrenian remained low, however, and the vile act was committed before she recognized what they were about to do.

Darkness gathered around an icy-cold glare as her brows came together in a heavy scowl. The compliments that Robin tried to throw her way bounced off completely as the edge of her lip began to twitch. Her pinkish lips once more curved into a smile "You'll know soon enough, but a word of advice?" The shinobi moved closer to Robin until her mouth was close to her ear "Do not do that again." the life in her voice falling to a monotone whisper before she back off to where she had been standing previously with a sly smirk before she turning her head looking for that red-maned cat.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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Rudolf Sagramore

"Oi, Robin," a distressed hiss came in from stage left as the Viera backed out of the exchange, leaving the flashier of the two swordsmen on her knee with a dagger through the heart. Metaphorically. Probably. He could cry for her, he knew that much, going through all that only to get that snarl back (before whatever she'd said as she leaned in) had to sting. That said, they didn't have too much room to commiserate.

A hand clamped down onto her shoulder as a mop of platinum blonde filled the periphery on the other side, holding a gloved hand up to shield the lips from being read. Hopefully, this'd just look like a couple of same-age pals getting up to tricks, or something, but they needed to set this straight as soon as they could. "I get where you're coming from, she's pretty, but lots of the people here still have the war on their minds, you know? She's also been trying to freeze us over all day with her eyes! Pull it back a little, most people are just going to see you in the dress blacks and think you're doing all this as some victory lap!"

Golden eyes flickered between the slight duelist and the shinobi for a few seconds, before settling closed with a long, slow exhale through the nose. As much as he was willing to play ball with the shinobi's proposal, he still didn't want anybody giving her reason to "lose somebody to the rigors of travel" and such, especially since they were all still getting to know eachother. Her rancor towards their nation certainly didn't feel ignorable, not yet.

"...Look, it's a fresh wound, one Valheim's gone and torn back open." he glanced around the inn, eyes settling briefly on the Limbtaker's lodging negotiations before returning to his fellow Edrenians. The spot of panic, at least, had now faded behind a stony sobriety and taken the edge off his tone. He wasn't mad at her, at least. "Before they got here, a lot of people who looked like us, talked like us, dressed like us... well, ran wild. Five years isn't so long ago for something like that. Since we're here now, we should be aware of it if we wanna help these people. We need their help before we can help them."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by The Otter
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Esben Mathiassen

@Ithradine@VitaVitaAR@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze

Esben nodded once in response to the Viera calling him clever, maintaining his silence for the rest of the short trip to the inn. While he never focused much on her, he made sure that the shinobi never left his sight either; however Éliane had been recruited into the Garden's service away from her normal position, that still didn't mean she was the most familiar with their particular method of conduct, including what to watch out for in others. He knew all the plans and tactics by heart, and knew that the shinobi would know much the same.

He knew her eyes were remaining on him as much as his were on her, as well.

Ah, I haven't had this much fun since I left home. Or is this forelsket?

He quickly stepped aside from the others to put down his pack and check on his things; even without his eyes directly on any of the rest of the group, he could recognize the Viera's soft tread as she walked near the group, and shortly afterwards heard Robin's crisp footfalls as she made her way over to introduce herself. He glanced back up, making note of where the others were.

Rudolf, watching the introduction with what Esben could only imagine was growing dread.

Izayoi, further away securing their rooms; most of the others doing much as he was currently with their own belongings. A short flash of red hair bobbing in and out of his peripheral vision made it clear where Miina was off to his left. Good, all accounted for.

The shinobi's voice dropped to a nearly-inaudible hiss before she stepped away from Robin with her eyes drawn elsewhere, Rudolf's urgent steps filling in the gap. He looked back down at his pack, listening more closely—one step, two, three...

Esben stepped backwards, arching his back to stretch, and collided directly with the Viera as she made to continue along. His rear foot tangled between her own set them both nearly stumbling to the floor before he quickly caught a chair with one hand, the other steadying the shinobi with a light hold on her arm.

"Ah, sorry about that!" he apologised, a mildly sheepish smile on his face. As obvious as a trick as it would rapidly prove to the shinobi, and even some of his companions, any normal visitor to the inn would see nothing more than a sudden small accident.

And of course, only the shinobi was close enough to see how the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

I know your game. Don't think I'll let you play with my companions that easily.

He released his light grasp on her arm, offering his own to her instead. Ever the gentleman, and not bothering to hide it, unlike some others in the present company. "I was hoping to get your attention after I finished checking my things, though, so this works nicely! Care to show me some of the local delicacies?"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 2 days ago

This journey was truly one of surprises. Most of it was generally of the unwelcome type—a Valheimr attack, roving bands of wildlife, unpleasant hosts, Gardening overreach, and a second Valheimr attack being the notable ones, but coffee delights and unexpected additions to the party were more welcome. Considering how they had met the party, Éliane thought that they had integrated remarkably well!

Integrating remarkably well didn’t mean they did in foreign land, though. Just like Éliane stood out like a sore thumb in her Guards uniform in Edrenian land, everyone else stood out as much as she did in Osprey, too. And that certainly extended to when they met a shinobi on the road.

Esben provided a very typical Garden-like analysis of the woman and the overall situation in Kugane at the behest of the strange draconic girl. Éliane was surprised at how forthcoming that analysis was, but it was definitely something that she wasn’t very good at. Ask her to plan or lead a battle, that she could do, but to give a fundamental analysis on the cloak and dagger business of a foreign occupied state… well, that was what SEED was for!

Really, they had nobody to blame but themselves if she bungled something again for them. After all, her main mission here was still to show the flag and investigate the blight. As far as Éliane was concerned, everything else was still secondary to that.

The encounter, at least, went well, and they were led through the desolate village into the inn. Given her mission, she wanted to properly introduce herself to the big-breasted shinobi woman, if just for diplomatic niceties (it would be very nice if foreign notables would actually be pleasant for once, but what could one do when meeting foreigners) but Robin had beaten her to the chase.

And bungled it.

Not that everybody could see that happening from far away. Nobody had to be an expert analyst at the Garden like Esben to tell how unlike Éliane’s uniform, the Edrenian one nearly made her persona-non-grata in Osprey…

And then Esben got in the way, too!

Approaching, she patted him on the shoulder and joined their conversation, more or less bullying through whatever subtly he was attempting with her typical blunt approach. It was more or less Robin style, but without the Edrenian element, the sparkles, or the kissing. Nearly identical, really.

“Apologies about my fellow countryman. He’s a clumsy fellow. I am Éliane Laruelle, of the Household Guards. I’ve been intending to meet more Ospreyan representatives as a part of our investigation… may we have the pleasure of your name?”
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Mentions: @Izurich

While his new allies swarmed the Viera, Arton decided to tackle a different kind of mystery that had come into their party. He walked over to Eve after fetching two cups of piping hot black tea with a dash of vanilla and milk "Here." Carefully he set Eve's cup on a table next to her, warmly smiling as he looked back at her "I'm sorry if its a bit plain but I don't know what ya like yet." His mind briefly recalling the coffee he made for Eliane before they left Midgar. Faint trails of steam rose from the murky, caramel-colored liquid inside a pair of floral-decorated cups with little Sakura buds.

He let out a small chuckle "I know, I know. I could have asked what you liked but I just thought I'd surprise ya a little." She didn't have to say a word for Arton to chastise himself for his own amusement. No amount of niceties could keep his eyes from wandering to her more draconic features now that he was aware of them. They were fascinating and while he was highly curious, he doubt it was something she would readily talk about it. He raised the cup gingerly to his lips in a vain attempt to take a sip but the flinch that flashed on his face made it clear it was a bit too hot yet "This is my first time in Osprey, ya know? Even with everything going on, it's still kinda of pretty." It was just some small talk, unaware of the comparison that could be made.

She caught the beginning of the other Edrenian addressing his comrade, gaining a bit of her respect in the process but it was a long road to walk before she would forgive Edren. Now...where was she..? A firm body collied into her and the tip of her foot caught the heel of a large boot throwing her off-balance. A light grip on her arm steadied her enough that she quickly recovered, belonging to the same individual who had caused her to trip in the first place. A sly smirk creased her lips as she came face to face with Esben, the agent from Skael.

You're just going to have to try and stop me.

She firmly gripped his hand"Yes, it seemed to work out perfectly." The shinobi gave a quick wink "There are a few that would suit your tastes that I can show you." Before they could continue their verbal dance, another Skaellan barged into the conversation. This one proved a direct counter to her countrymen and refreshingly straightforward. Her request was a difficult one, but perhaps it was a small opportunity to gain some trust "Polite and straight-forward, I think I like you Éliane." The shinobi laid a finger at the edge of her own smile, considering the request before she gave a nod.

"My name is Chisaki Katama but you, Éliane, may call me Chisa." There was a trace of genuine glee in her voice, revealing her name to Esben and Éliane. Risky as it was for a shinobi to let others know her true name, few words were as sweet than to hear your name called out by a friend.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Esben Mathiassen

@Ithradine@Click This

Éliane’s own intrusion was unexpected, but not unwelcome—especially as it seemed to get the shinobi to relax somewhat herself. Pushing aside the slight disappointment at not getting to play much longer, he shifted aside a small amount to actually let Éliane into the conversation. "Well, making me the impolite one?" he chided playfully after their introductions were done. "And here I was hoping to introduce myself over a drink, instead. Esben Mathiassen—it's a pleasure, miss Chisaki."

With Éliane’s joining the fray, he felt he could safely let her deal with the shinobi—no doubt Chisaki's easiest target was the one with the least to really offer her, after all, and Éliane could keep her well away if need be—but there was precious little else to occupy his time, and likely no better source of information than to stick beside the shinobi himself.

"You say you have some things that will pique my interest, ja? Perhaps we should invite miss Laruelle along, especially if there's any good coffee to be found."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 mos ago

--Osprey - Village--

"..." Well, yes, was it wrong to demand a white mage to heal? Esben could say the silliest of things sometimes, but she figured he was doing it purely to garner some kind of reaction, maybe a part of his SEED training, play the facade of a jester so others would underestimate him, a rather ingenious skill if she could say so herself.

"Hmm." The black mage was all earholes as the Garden operative started elaborating his take on the matter. He brought up very fair points, even if he could infiltrate the occupied capital with little to no issues, the same couldn't be said for the rest of the party, not to mention the time constraints. Eve frowned subtly, trying to come up with something to justify avoiding the rabbit-eared kunoichi, but she came up short. With a silent sigh, she resigned to let the more diplomatic folks handle the negotiations, a rather peculiar one since it’d involve former mortal enemies working with each other...

With nothing else to be said, she followed along with her comrades and their newfound ally(?) to the nearby inn.

--Village - Inn--

While Izayoi was handling their accommodation administration, Eve decided to simply pick one of the vacant table seats and sat there nicely, blending into the shadows with her hood up like some kind of shady figure at a tavern's corner, well, quite less intimidating than that due to her lack of stature. Really, right now silence was golden considering the tension in the air...

Tension that had no room for shenanigans, but it seemed one of them didn't get that message. The artificial eidolon could only watch with unamused half-closed eyes as the aspiring hero Robin performed his flamboyant introductions. It was rather painful to watch and Eve had to try her best to silence the exasperated groan stewing in her throat. Fortunately, nothing fatal came of it, the Viera didn't lash out and Izayoi wouldn't have to cut down her fellow countrywoman. Miina lacks confidence, while Robin has too much of it. Truly, moderation is key...

While Esben and Eliane were doing their Garden thing with Chisaki and Rudolf giving a lecture to the overenthusiastic hero, the Pseudolon found herself approached by the third and last of the party's Skaellan roster, carrying two cups of tea with him. At first, she assumed he was the type to really love tea so one portion wouldn't be enough, but then he made it clear that said second cup was for her instead. "..." Her red eyes stared down at the filled container, wondering if he should just give it to someone who actually needed it, but then she remembered that people drink tea mainly for pleasure and recreation. Therefore, no issues.

"Thank you." Eve replied tersely, but there was no hint of hostility in her voice, she was simply a person of few words. The horned girl proceeded to wrap her fingers around the cup's ear while lightly brushing the opposite side with her other hand, letting the beverage stew for now. "This journey has been nothing but full of surprises, some pleasant, some less so, I suppose this is one of the former."

Eve turned her gaze toward the Sollan, realizing that they couldn't be more different. He was dark-haired, blue-eyed, tanned, tall, athletic, and skilled in the arts of the martial and physical, while she was light-haired, red-eyed, pale, diminutive, scrawny, and proficient in the arcane instead. Technically, they were both Sollans and moments like these made Eve wonder how she’d look like had she been allowed to grow naturally as a person, not a lab rat.

"..." Her thoughts caused her to stare at Anton's face, one that was awkwardly longer than necessary, a blunder that she realized far too late as she momentarily diverted her gaze back to her cup, taking a sip of the vanilla milk tea to mask her anxiety, the warmth and taste worked wonders at doing so.

"I see," She curled a small, difficult smile at Arton's confession, if only they were all here for a vacation... "Yes, it's a pretty country, and we're here to restore things to how they're supposed to be, it'll be even more beautiful by then." A tinge of burning ambition momentarily flashed on her visage as she recalled the two main culprits of the world's woes.

Speaking of, she was curious what part of the world Arton hailed from, aside from herself, the swordsman might just be the most secretive about his homeland, however, she came from Valheim, there were plenty of reasons to be ashamed, but what about him? She was... curious.

"What about your homeland? Is it as beautiful as Osprey?"
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Galahad Caradoc

Mentions: @HereComesTheSnow, @VitaVitaAR

Galahad wasn't exactly thrilled to be stepping into an inn that saw most of its traffic as valheimr officials, but they didn't exactly have anywhere else to stay. As noted before, their group was hardly subtle. Camping outside of town was just asking to be investigated by a passing Valheim patrol. Plus, they were already in the inn, leaving now would just attract more attention.

It wasn't hard to miss the glares thrown their way, were they that obviously Edreni? Well, maybe a few of them more obvious than others. Robin for instance- while not technically dressed in the full regalia of an Edren Officer, was pretty darned close. Galahad noticed the exchange she had with the shinobi, given her demeanor, he perhaps shouldn't have been too surprised with the interaction, but it caught him off guard nonetheless. Luckily the monster hunter Rudolf was quicker on the draw than he.

"Edren and Osprey hadn't gotten along for a long time even before the war." Galahad noted quietly as he shifted in his seat next to the other Edreni. "The war was a product of some generations of bad blood between our countries, and, much like Edreni, Ospreans are a prideful people. If looks could kill, we'd have been dead long before we entered these doors. At the very least I would be. Ospreans think about as favorably of Dragoons as we do their Samurai."

Galahad shifted again, his armor creaking subtly beneath his cloak. Not unlike Izayoi in Midgar, it was perhaps in their best interests if he kept his identity on a need to know basis. The last thing they needed was an old Osprean warrior recognizing his name or face and either running to Valheim- or pulling together a mob. "The two of you have your heads in the right places. We have the opportunity to do some real good here. I'm unsure if it'll make a difference in the grand scheme of things, but perhaps we can change the minds of these people."

Galahad glanced about the room and sighed, "But for now, perhaps introductions are best left to those who won't be starting off on the wrong foot." He snorted lightly, gesturing towards Esben and Elaine chatting up their no-longer-as-cold shinobi guide. "At least she doesn't look at Elaine as though she wants to rip her guts out."
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Ranbu no Izayoi

Dawn came, and they left the inn and the village without further incident. Small mercies, at least. As the morning march went on, the party would see the walls and pagodas of Kugane in the distance grow ever larger, though not without...additions. A pair of black steel Valheimr airships patrolled the airspace around the city at all times, and single airships seemed to transit in and out of the city multiple times per hour. As they drew ever closer, several towers of the same black steel could be seen dotting the city, breaking up the Kugane skyline.

Some hours later, the party reached the city's grand gates. A platoon of Valheimr soldiers in full armor occupied the entrance, guarding the gates while looking over papers carried by a line of people awaiting entry.

"Och, going to take more than a minute, kupo." Goug groused from his position driving the wagon, uncapping a flask as he raised it to his lips. "What's someone supposed to do if they need a kupoin' piss break?"

As they awaited entry, Izayoi looked to Robin specifically, having plenty of time as the line shuffled along.

"For your own sake, do try not to wear that abhorrent outfit within a nation your people called enemy not half a decade ago. Or at least go without the coat." Her piece said, she resumed her wait, though not without sideeyeing Chisaki once or twice. Katama. Right. Rather convenient to represent a shinobi bloodline when they were supposed to have been wiped out.

By midday, they'd finally reached the head of the line. The sergeant in charge took one look at the group, shook his head, and gave a tired sigh.

"Papers, occupation, and intent." He grumbled, most of the other soldiers at the gate looking just as bored as he sounded. Izayoi kept her arms within her cloak, one hand falling to the hit of her sword. If the viera was false, this would be the moment to strike. Though judging by how the platoon acted, they were either marvelous actors or as bored as any other garrison soldier.

"Traveling performers hired by my mistress for a show. And their guards from Blightbeasts of course." Chisaki interjected smoothly, handing a sheaf of papers over. The sergeant flicked through them briefly with a disinterested eye before handing them back with a nod.

"Mummers and ronin. Fine. Let them pass!" The gate opened, and the garrison on duty stood aside. "Cause no trouble, lest we treat you like a subversive. Or do. Interior garrison gets to have all the excitement..."

Izayoi waited until they were out of earshot of the guards before looking to the ninja.

"Perhaps you may not be false after all. In this regard, at least. Onward to Ciradyl, as you claim."

They entered Kugane proper, and Izayoi was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Even with the addition of Valheim in the mix, six years without beholding the capital brought back memories. Chisaki led them through the streets, winding up in what Izayoi remembered to be the merchant's quarter. A small, nondescript house awaited, with stables to the side. Goug parked the wagon and started attending to the chocobos while everyone else was led in.

The building was modestly furnished, with sparse decorations. But homely enough. Upon being bid to remove their traveling shoes and following Chisaki deeper inside, winding up in a sitting room with cushions, a low table with tea on it, and...

"Ciradyl." Izayoi exhaled, removing her hat. "You look...well." She'd say age had been kind to the Faye, but last she remembered, Ciradyl was only...twenty-seven? Twenty-eight? Of course the years hadn't quite ravaged her yet. She unclipped her cloak, sitting down at the table. "Ought I apologize for never having called on you while faking my death?"
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

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The strikingly beautiful Faye was adorned in a white, silk dress that conformed to her shape like it was tailored for every curve of her body. A body that filled out the dress nicely. Delicate, dainty hands held a cup of bergamot tea that she sipped slowly and with purpose. There was not a wasted motion in every movement she made, handling the simplest of tasks with extreme grace. Such was the scene when they entered, Ciradyl kneeled patiently at the table with tea freshly prepared and hot. A place had been set for each member of Team Kirin.

Her expression hardly changed when Izayoi said her name, looking up at her friend for what could be barely called a smile. The cold and heavy energy that was present in her mint-green eyes when they entered seemed to let up "Izayoi." Ciradyl gently set the cup of tea she had been drinking onto a matching saucer "You look...alive." She replied with some mirth, which was apparently enough to shock Chisaki that she glanced confused at Izayoi. Ciradyl rose from her kneeling position and calmly walked over where Izayoi was sitting and kneeled down next to her side, practically ignoring her other guests.

Ciradyl looked into Izayoi's eyes with a softness that seemed to spook the shinobi even further "When has apologies ever been necessary between us?" The moment she finished speaking, the Faye launched herself at the Mystrel and wrapped her arms around her in a firm embrace. When Valheim invaded...when soldiers broke into her home...when she watched her family be cut down...she had thought she had lost everything. Now her dear friend Izayoi had returned from the grave, a vengeful warrior spirit to help her take down the Valheim monsters.

Chisaki was left speechless with her mouth agape at this shocking display of affection. She had never once seen her mistress like this in the time she had served her. She shook her head and remembered her code. Chisa dropped to one knee with a fist pressing into the ground while her opposite arm rested on her leg, her head down in a reverence shinobi only gave to their master "My lady, I humbly present to you Team Kirin as you've requested." The Viera who had seemed so playful spoke with clear respect and seriousness.

Ciradyl pulled away from Izayoi but still kept her arms around her shoulders as she turned her head towards Chisaki, a noticeable but still faint smile on her lips "You have done well, Chisa. You may excuse yourself and retire for the evening. I shall have new orders for you in the morning." Chisa nodded and stood up quickly, a look of hesitation on her face before she turned to the rest of the party "It was nice to meet you all. Please treat my mistress with the upmost respect." The Viera bowed respectfully and as she walked out of the safehouse she gave Miina a sly wink before disappearing into the city streets outside.

The moment Chisaki left Ciradyl turned back to Izayoi and reluctantly let go of her, standing back up and moving back to her original position at the table and began pouring a few more cups of tea "Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable. Renzo will be bringing out some pastries soon enough." Her melodic voice perked up slightly as a noticeable sweet aroma began to waft into the room.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 30 min ago

Rudolf Sagramore

"...So it's ended up being Kirin we've all linked up with then." Rudolf began as he and the rest took their seats, plopping down in a cross-legged lounge onto the cushion that mindfully dodged total indignity, instead settling on "lax". As the shinobi stiffly finished her report to the elegant Faye hosting them, his eyes warily followed her out, searching for whatever read he could into the palette of emotions they'd seen of her in the past... really, five minutes. Her professionalism had proven itself on the day's journey, and it helped that she'd taken a shine to some of their number from further-flung lands than his— but there was a lot of question marks left, even if they'd mostly nixed the one that asked "Am I gonna wake up with a kunai jammed between my floating rib and liver?"

It also served the secondary purpose of politely not staring as the affection burst forth from this Lady Ciradyl, and Izayoi was suddenly undergoing a stress-test of her lung capacity. Much like 'Chisa' (remember the name for later, but don't use it if you like having a tongue in your mouth), their host was, objectively speaking, very beautiful. From her crisp movement to her melodic voice to her flattering dress, it was brain dead easy to see why the shinobi had left a teasing wink in her wake. Fight, little red, fight for your life.

All that acknowledged, beauty alone was something he could readily handle himself against, and not waver in focus. He'd been trained far better than that— but the near-tearful reunion was a different story. Honestly, was one intrusion on his part these past two days not more than enough? At least with Kurogane, there was the sense of matter-of-factness that every old smith the Mother Crystal ever made had that kept things grounded, but this sort of tender atmosphere was a whole different ballgame.

The moment passed, and he scratched the travel-worn mess atop his scalp as he pulled the collar he'd used to shield his nose from road dust down, raising the teacup to his lips and staring down at the orange liquid within. Bitter leaf water. As a bitter bean water enjoyer, there was always that initial rejection of the immediate grassy note, but he wasn't going to deny the clear craft that went into preparing these cups.

He sipped gingerly, cleared his throat, and continued. This had been a question on his mind for a while, but he'd not found a good time to bring it up yet. A discrepancy between the letters and the reality he'd need to send word back on (or not, depending on how this went).

"The understanding I'd gotten while playing catch up was there being four teams— I think one was Unicorn, Fenrir... blanking on the other, but the important thing's this—"

He looked the assembly of nine over.

"Do we know what's going on with the other units? This group was the only one I'd really caught wind of, but we're pretty well-stocked with nine of us on the job now."

One more and that would make things an even million gil a piece, for those at home who meant to keep score. He had his own reasons, but the others might've been differently inclined.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Galahad Caradoc

Mentions: @Psyker Landshark, @Ithradine

Somehow they'd made it past the gates of Kugane without being carted off or recognized. It seemed at the very least the shinobi was a woman of her word. Galahad had never been to Kugane before, his father had oft spoken about how they were going to march into the city and raze it by the end of the war, but such a thing never happened, thankfully. Even under Valheim occupation, the city held a character and charm unlike any city in Edren he'd see before. The streets were smaller and more crampt, and Valheim soldiers stalked the street, but the city still held awe in Galahad's eyes.

However, they had not come to Kugane to sight see. Their guide had shown them to a rather discreet and nondescript abode. There, they were greeted by the Faye Ciradyl, or more specifically, Izayoi was, the two sharing an embrace before she acknowledged the rest of them. Old friends indeed, Galahad couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at how warm Izayoi's reception home was, at least compared to his own. His face remained still as he and the rest of the party filtered into the room. As he set leaned his covered halberd against the wall and gingerly set his helmet down on the table, Galahad caught Izayoi's eye, and the simple nod that followed. Best to get things started then.

"Lady Ciradyl, thank you for your hospitality." Galahad said softly as he took a seat and pulled back his cloak, his hair well maintained despite their dusty travel conditions. Getting us into Kugane alone was incredibly gracious. In time, hopefully we are able to be repay your kindness."

"As Miss Chisaki has said, we are Team Kirin, one of four groups tasked with putting a stop to the Blight." Galahad continued, his tone even and polite, pausing to take a sip of the tea that had been poured for them. Bergamot tea was not exactly a Edren drink of choice, but he supposed it tasted fine enough. "Though, if you knew of us, I suppose it's safe to assume that you were already aware of our objective as well."

Galahad was unsure why they were summoned here, though he had a sinking suspicion it wasn't just so Izayoi could have tea with an old friend. More likely than not, the Faye would have something for them, if she would give it to them by virtue of her relationship with Izayoi, or require a task of them in return remained to be seen.

"It seems you are already well acquainted with Izayoi." The dragoon said with a slight nod, "My name is Galahad." he said simply, with a formal dip of his head, opting to omit his family name as well this time. "How may we be of service?"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

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Earlier that day...

”I will return in an hour or so before we make our way to Kugane. There is a swordsmith I intend to pay my respects to.”

The morning that they had set out to Kugane, that was all Izayoi had told the remainder the party before leaving the inn, her traveling cloak and straw hat donned. And that was all she’d intended to do. So why then, had one among their number followed her?

”Is there an issue?” Izayoi raised one eyebrow coolly in Rudolf’s direction, having noticed him trailing behind her as they walked. ”You’ve yet to explain why you wish to see a northern swordsmith so badly, despite the fact that you use none of our blades.”

He hid his grimace, only refuge being dignity after she’d noted the tail this quickly. Regrettable time to try and mimic the way their SEED operative moved through the streets, as opposed to his more familiar brush or grass.

His pulse ratcheted up a single notch— and not more. Incredibly, it felt like the week’s travel had seen him begin to get used to her and her measuring gaze. Last month, saying that about Ranbu no Izayoi was unimaginable.

Just begin, though— his heart had made a point not to quicken, but it still felt like the hammer of a heavy church bell in his chest. He cleared his throat.

“None from me,” he replied after that moment, slowly accelerating his pace to draw just behind as they continued. Serve a half truth here? It could get her off his back. He was all about that idea. “I’m meaning to familiarize myself with the area. If we split, for whatever reason, it’ll serve us if more people can navigate, understand the surroundings, so on.”

The mention of their differing armaments drew his eyes to the long and short blades at the samurai’s hip, heavy with the stench of iron and smoke. Thirsty things, all the moreso here and now. They lingered there a moment. Daisho Pair, if his memory served him…

He made a decision, and met her eyes again.

“…As well, I come from a village of swordsmen myself. If there’s a swordsmith someone like you would go out of their way for, then I have certain matters I’d like to petition his insight on, if I can. Some riddles in the steel I carry that’ve stumped Edren pretty thoroughly. The different perspective could be a windfall.”

It’d probably be churlish to mention the idea that arriving in tandem with her was probably set to give him much better odds at being heard out at all, with the previous near-kerfuffle regarding Robin and the Shinobi Escort still fresh in his mind.

“If it’d be an intrusion, I can wait around outside until your respects are paid in full.”

”Do what you will. I’ll not take long.” Izayoi replied after a moment. She was hardly going to protest a member of the party seeking to make himself more effective. ”And word it the same way. Kurogane enjoys having his ego stroked.”

Eventually, several minutes’ walking east of the village led them to a small smithy and attached home, its fires unlit. Izayoi frowned at the lack of smoke before marching up to knock on the house’s door. No response. She scowled. She knocked again, this time more insistently.

“Gods damn you, what do you jackals want now-” A squat, wizened old man easily no younger than seventy slammed the door open with a snarl, only to pause and blink as he beheld Izayoi. After a moment, he snorted.

“You a ghost here to lead me to the next life, girl? Was hoping for m’wife, really.”

”Hello, Kurogane.” Izayoi nodded curtly. He really hadn’t changed, after all. Her sheathed sword came out of its belt, Izayoi cracking the steel out just an inch for him to examine one of his own masterworks.

“Kept it in decent condition, at least. So what’s a dead woman want with this old bastard?”

”Merely to pay my respects while I still can. I owe you that much, at least.”

“So you do,” Kurogane grunted. “Would’ve been better if you’d actually won the war with it, but I wasn’t asking for miracles.” His gaze shifted over her shoulder. “Who’s the foreigner?”

He stiffened for a moment, then stepped forward. The frosty reception was only to be expected, a fresh-faced warrior from a faraway land— but the blunt manner of a master craftsman was the same everywhere, no matter calling, creed, or culture. The familiarity was a comfort for his skittish soul.

“My name is Rudolf, I’m a swordsman hailing from Sagramore village.” he inclined his head with respect, but didn’t linger. These types may have sometimes liked praise, but to a man they hated an effusive beggar. Best to be straightforward with your business.

“I’m one of Miss Izayoi’s traveling companions on her current mission— When she told us she was making time for meeting you, I believed it’d be in my best interests to tag along. I’d be remiss to pass up a chance to speak with a swordsmith someone of her caliber holds in that high a regard.”

His introductions given, he stepped off to the side, gesturing to the Mystrel that the man wished had won glory over his home. Strange, strange feeling, knowing but now seeing it in front of you, hearing it outright… But that, very pointedly, was not Rudolf Sagramore’s war. He’d enjoyed nothing of the bounties of that victory. If anything, the opposite.

“I’ll ask my questions once you guys are finished.”

No, runt. a cold voice retorted inside his head. You had plenty of country to run amok in. You think Daddy kicking you out changes that? You want to tell her, him, or the hare that little opinion? I’m sure they’d loooooooove a self-centered Edrenian—

Quiet. Don’t you dare.

—to rip apart.

“Edreni?” Kurogane raised an eyebrow, looking at Izayoi before shrugging. “Well, you can’t be all bad if she’s not split you head to toe yet. I’ll see to you in a moment, then. Girl, you here for the same as usual?”

Izayoi only nodded at this, following the smith inside and beckoning for Rudolf to join them as well.

“Mn. Too bad. The Black Helms took it.” Kurogane gestured to the top of his mantle, where a mounting for a sword was present…but with no sword.

”Valheimr soldiers?” Izayoi said after a moment of shocked silence. ”When?”

“Near a year ago. They came to collect taxes. Their commander knew their steel well enough to see an artifact above all others being held on my fucking mantle. So the bastards took it.” He reached for a pipe, starting to pack it. “Could’ve avoided all this if y’just used the damn blade like we’d intended, you know.”

”I already have a sword.” Izayoi’s reply was nearly automatic, as if they’d had this exact same line of argument in the past. ”You were free to hand it off to anyone else you deemed worthy.”

“I forged that sword for the Emperor’s court, you stupid girl.” Kurogane snapped, lighting his pipe in his hearth’s fire. “And let the finest swordsman I ever did see take it instead. Between him and you, no one else is fit to wield the bloody thing. Let me guess, you’ve been killing Valheimr?” At Izayoi’s nod, he continued. “You ever find it, actually use it this time. As fine as that blade I forged for your coming-of-age is, my one and only masterwork is superior. Might’ve actually won the war with it.”

His piece said to Izayoi, who stood scowling at him, Kurogane turned back to Rudolf.

“Right. You. Looking for a consult? I’ll tell you right now: I’m not forging a sword in any of the southern styles.” Kurogane looked the monster hunter’s sheathed blades over. “I’ve my own specialties, and I ain’t young enough to go relearning everything to forge your ugly, double-edged pieces of shit. So whatever you want, I’d hope it isn’t that.”

Guh. Now everyone’s getting bent outta shape. You know she really would, right old man Kurogane? If I told her any more than I’m gonna have to tell you? She still might a minute from now!

Rudolf had politely kept silent during the exchange, knowing well enough that there was far too much history there to step into as an outsider— and doubly cautious of the bristling tempers that were rising throughout, the moment Izayoi had protectively snapped her jaws in defense of the sword she continued to carry, even in the face of a masterwork now pilfered by the invaders. An injustice to be sure, but more immediately…

”You’re lucky, then. The steel from my village is honest and trustworthy.”

His reply came with no small amount of frigid humor, as the paired cruciform blades on his hip remained well inside the leather, and his wiry arm instead crested his shoulder. Adopted as the culture may have been, Rudolf found himself forcing down a certain degree of venom for the disrespect— Sagramori held their chosen blades in the regard most reserved only for old friends. He was more than a little sympathetic to his samurai counterpart in that regard.

“My problem child, though, knows no home and tells only lies. He was thrown into my lap some time ago as a gift from afar.”

The bitter words on his tongue would have to do as an outlet. Pointless lie. He was bringing out the only ugly bastard of the bunch.

It took no small amount of work to properly draw and present a greatsword within the confines of the smithy without knocking anything—or indeed anyone to the wayside, but experienced eyes like those in present company possessed would doubtless catch the truth. However much the dimensions were a hassle, they were the only one. Even gripping with one hand, the haft transferred intent through the length of the blade very, very well.

He held it in both arms before Kurogane when all was said and done, flat and hilt resting in a palm each as he peered down the length with a furrowed brow.

”It cuts nothing, no matter the skill or strength behind the swing. Not even fishing twine. It won’t even do the courtesy of acting as a dull bar to smash straight through something. For the life of me, I can’t determine why— But it must go deeper than construction. I wanted to know what you make of such dead steel.”

Kurogane took the blade out of Rudolf’s hands, holding it up to the light as he inspected it, testing its weight and heft. After a few moments of this, he wordlessly marched towards his smithy, retrieving a bag of tools as he did so.

Several minutes passed, in which he murmured feverishly to himself as he examined away, prodding it with this and that tool, sparks coming off every now and then. In the meantime, Izayoi dug into the smith’s pantry and started a pot of tea.

Eventually, Kurogane finally looked up, looking straight at Rudolf.

“Boy. Where’d you get your hands on this?”

Miraculously, he found himself thanking his lucky stars.

Five years of headache and dozens of stumped Edreni bladesmiths past by like grass on wind, until he was led here by the most unlikely company, to the most unlikely benefactor. Finally, a hit a half-decade in the making on this vexing hunk of scrap.

No, don’t get ahead of yourself. He needs more information, he hasn’t made an indication one way or another yet.

And what was more, the information he was requesting, the raw truth of the matter… was sensitive. The sounds of Izayoi rummaging through the pantry drew his gaze for a moment, before he met Kurogane’s again.

She was preoccupied, but did he trust her to not have ears half as sharp as her blades? To loosen her focus on a matter that concerned her new party member, and had the smith this alert?

“Secondhand. My father and I parted in anger, and he saw fit to part with this alongside me.” he began, leaning in with a lowered tone. He had Robin’s encounter with the shinobi and to a lesser extent Izayoi herself too fresh in his mind to be fully forthcoming, not when Kurogane himself had so much of the war in his mind. He’d tell as much of the truth as he could… reasonably get away with.

Quite the politician. It’s like you never left his side.

“As for him, he said it was a battle trophy. A powerful warrior in real garish clothes appeared in the middle of his camp one night from seemingly nowhere, and it took half their number to subdue him. That this was the worth of four dozen soldiers. I never heard if they learned where the man came from, only that he disappeared as quickly as he popped up.”

“That so?” Kurogane raised an eyebrow. “This during the war? Only samurai I’d know worth four dozen men is busy stealing my tea.” His voice raised during the last bit, to which Izayoi blew him off with a glower, though not without starting to listen in.

“Either way, probably not an Osprean, given he dropped this sword. Frankly? In terms of forging? Composition? This slab of iron you’re lugging’s damn well on par with my best. If not, and I’m hesitant to admit this, possibly better. That said, figured out why it’s so damn useless in your hands: the blade’s sealed. Someone enchanted it to have absolutely no potency or heft in the hands of any wielder. I know some green magics to enhance the blades I forge, but not enough to reverse the seal on your sword.”

Kurogane sighed, handing the greatsword back to Rudolf.

“Damn shame. Thing’d probably be a right terror without that seal. Now, care to have some of my fucking tea,” Another scowl at Izayoi. “Before you head off?”

Sealed by arcane means… They had closed one mystery and opened a plethora in its wake. And these questions were even more obscure than the first set— in spite of the supernatural, thoroughly regrettable nature of his empowerment (hey, don’t be like that), matters of magic as a craft were far beyond his ken. At least with metallurgical concerns, a swordsman’s need for understanding and maintaining his weaponry could give him a certain headway… But they had lead to a dead end.

His eyebrows shot up as he half-way received the sudden venom sent Izayoi’s way, stepping back with a start from the crossfire.

A moment later, though, he bowed his head deeper than before. It was a stiff gesture, not wholly familiar, but earnestly made.

“...Thank you, sir. This has been really enlightening. I owe you.”

This visit was a greater windfall than he could have ever really bargained for. It had smashed through that wall he’d been beating his head upon and lead him in a direction entirely anew— now it was time to explore, study, and learn what he could. Reverse a seal on a blade. Unlock the true, potentially devastating power within, something to match its poise, craftsmanship, and sturdiness. A path of action.

The sword wasn’t going to give it up easy, that much he knew… but now he had proper questions to ask.

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t go to waste.”

Izayoi had already steeped the tea, after all— but the note of excitement in his voice was worth more than just a beverage.

Kurogane dismissed Rudolf with a grunt, walking over to the low table at which Izayoi sat and pouring himself a cup of tea. Several moments passed, in which all three inhabitants of the room drank in silence. Once Izayoi and Rudolf finished, the former stood, bowing to Kurogane.

”Thank you, Kurogane. For everything.” Her words were returned with a glower.

“Don’t say it like that. Makes it sound like you’re planning on getting offed. Again. You were mourned last time, idiot girl. Try not to do that to everyone who ever knew you this time. Unlike your master, some people actually liked you.”

In lieu of words, Izayoi only bowed deeper before rising and turning to leave.

Rudolf rose in her wake, and mirrored the bow, albeit with the stiffness of fresh learning.

“My thanks as well. Take care, Mister Kurogane.”

Following Izayoi out with a turn on the heel, he found the brusque smith’s last rejoinder to echo in his mind as he contemplated what he’d seen and heard.

The Limbtaker was still very much alive within her. That much was impossible to ignore— the bile she had for the invading Valheimr had proven the visage had far from waned.

But war’s harshest realities were in the way you boiled the people on the other side down to a demon to fear, hate, and slaughter. He knew, always academically, that this was the case— it was why he had accepted the shinobi’s anger at his accent, after all.

He gingerly pulled the door shut behind, before jogging down the street to burn the rest of the distance between them.

Even this terrifying figure, molded by battlefield myth into a gruesome beast of carnage, bloodshed, and bottomless hatred… Was just an idiot girl, liked by those around her, mourned when believed dead. Same as anyone else.

He couldn’t swallow the years of knowing her as the former right away. The mind was flexible, but nowhere near pliable enough for it, esp in ecially in bearing witness to the unfettered wrath she carried. No way he’d drop his guard and pretend they were friends.

But, in accepting that,

Wouldn’t hurt to try and get to know the latter a little more. We’re walking the same way, after all, and we’re in for the long haul. It’s not like I don’t trust what he says.

“And thank you, for letting me tag along. I owe you a real favor, Izayoi.”

Hidden 11 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

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Eve “Grayscale”

Arton lit up a little as she thanked him and took the cup of tea into her hands “You’re welcome!” He replied as he took a seat across from the Pseudolon, the chair groaning from the weight of the swordsman. There was a heaviness in his otherwise bright, blue eyes that conflicted with the smile he eagerly bore ”I’m glad to hear it. I’d be mortified if I gave you a reason to dislike me already.” Once more he chuckled as he picked up the tea cup for another sip and gingerly took a sip.

That’s when he noticed Eve looking at him…though ‘examining’ was perhaps a better word. He didn’t really mind since he always believed eye contact was important during a conversation…at least when you were talking. A faint blush flashed on his cheeks as she quickly shifted her attention, trying to hide the fact he had noticed.

Luckily the conversation kicked up again ”That’s right! We’ll push them all out!” He passionately said standing up with the tea in his hand, a small amount spilling over the edge. Embarrassment took hold of him as he sat back down, taking a rag hanging on his belt to clean the tea “Sorry.”

His misery was quickly thrown away by Eve’s question, a look of hesitation in his eyes. It was not exactly a secret he intentionally kept but not something he advertised either. Arton found it was easier to tell the truth regarding his homeland when asked because lying had brought more attention in the past ”It has a different kind of beauty. I grew up in the countryside of Skael where my father taught me smithing and how to survive. Nothing was quite as beautiful waking up early in the morning with fresh snow on the ground, the icy wind howling before the warmth of the forge overtook it….Sorry, I’m starting to ramble.” He anxiously rubbing the back of his neck as he sat back into the chair.


Upon Arton's passionate agreement, Eve couldn't help but curl a rather eager smile. She might not have expressed her enthusiasm as outwardly as he did, but it was there nonetheless, in spades even. In fact, the white-haired black mage was more partial to exterminating the tyrants rather than simply pushing them out, after all, one solution had more... permanence than the other. Ibrosians shall not suffer the Valheimrs to live. However, it might be a case of pedantism as Arton had no qualms with lethally incapacitating those soldiers back in Atsu.

The sword-wielding Sollan's immediate reaction to the topic of his homeland instilled a burgeoning sense of camaraderie in Eve; it appeared that he wasn't fond of Skael, just like herself with Valheim, but why? "..." The draconic chimera felt a bit guilty at bringing the matter up, not to mention hypocritical, but... if these people were going to be her comrades for Valheim's downfall, then maybe it's fine, besides, she had already intruded upon Izayoi's past, what's one more? "No, don't be, please, go on."

And in exchange... "And should you wish to ask about mine, I won't mind." After all, twas' only fair.


It was comforting to see the previously stoic dragoness crack a smile and through it he could feel their bond strengthening. Arton, however, was forced to be thinking several steps ahead if they were going to keep talking about their past. His twisted history that he’d developed over the years wouldn’t hold up with more permanent companions. He would just need to hide behind the truth “Alright, well I guess I can share a bit more…” Arton said with some reservation.

”My father was pretty strict with me…heh, I’m not sure he expected to have to look after a child at all. I might have hated him if I wasn’t even harder on myself. He trained me how to fight and survive out in the wilds on my own.” He sat back with a fond smile “There was a time he left me in the middle of the woods with nothing but a sharp knife. I think it was days before I made it back home.” There was no resentment in the retelling of this story.

Arton leaned forwards again, crossing his arms and resting them onto the table as he looked directly into Eve’s eyes ”Do you…um, remember anything before Valheim did this to you?”


As Eve listened to Arton sharing more of his past, she couldn't help but feel a little... envious. Whereas most others would think that the swordsman's father was being an abusive neglectful prick, treating his own child as if expecting he could survive through anything, all the chimera could see was how free Arton was, he could venture outside whenever he wanted, in fact, he was encouraged to do so. The sheer contrast made Eve pause as she turned her gaze down at her own reflection on the tea cup.

Unlike the Skaeller, Eve didn't step on fresh soil or even see the sun until after that fateful day, hell, for most of her time in that accursed facility, she was in either her secured cell, experimentation chambers, or most abhorred of all, a stasis pod whenever those heartless bastards didn't even allow her to be conscious.

"..." The white-haired girl became eerily silent for a moment, entranced by her own past, up until Arton broke them as he reestablished eye contact, "Ah, well..." It was a bit difficult to explain, but fortunately, this wasn't her first time sharing the unusual circumstances of her past, "No, less due to a fault in my memory and more so the fact that I didn't exist before." She chuckled dryly, "I was made, not born, Valheim wanted a living weapon of mass destruction, and they figured mutating a fetus with Bahamut's essence was the way to go about it." Eve murmured, "...well, they succeeded, but the only thing I'll destroy is my own creator, both for making me and murdering the only person in that goddessforsaken facility who ever cared about me." She said through clenched teeth, but there was righteous ambition in her words amidst all the vengeful hatred, "Can I count on you to stand by my side as we rid the world of both Valheim and the Blight, Arton?"


Arton tilted his head in confusion at her remark about not existing beforehand, his eyes widening as she began to explain. His face remained stoic as he listened but his fingers were gradually digging into the wood of the table. She didn’t have to elaborate further for him to understand that her creators were unlikely to be nurturing parents. Arton never once took his eyes off Eve as she talked, wanting to let her know his full attention was on her.

”For as long as Valheim and the Blight remain a threat, I’ll be right beside you. I promise.” He spoke without hesitation but was sincere with his words. It was a commitment some might need time to consider but for Arton there was no need. Whatever danger or obstacle came their way, Arton would make sure to shield Eve from the worst of it. Long ago he made a similar promise to protect Furi from all evil, but this time only death would prevent him from fulfilling it.

He began tapping on the table, still wrapping his head around the fact Eve had been grown in a lab ”Ya know, I’m happy Valheim created you.” Arton shifted awkwardly in his chair, not sure if what he just said was the wrong thing to say ”Now that we got a chance to talk…I couldn’t imagine never meeting you.” He quickly lifted his tea cup and took a long sip before he could say anything else strange. Despite their differences, Arton felt a sense of camaraderie he had yet to fully experience with the rest of the party. Izayoi and Galahad were more like mentors, he had avoided Eliane for most of the trip, and the other newcomers he had yet to get to know.


Eve's brows sharpened while her lips curled an approving smirk as Arton made his declaration. His vow was very welcomed, she had traveled with all manner of adventurers over the years since she escaped captivity, but none really had any aspirations of ending the two global threats, which she understood why, toppling a mighty empire or neutralizing a pandemic was beyond the scope of most. Fortunately, finally, after all these years, she found like-minded comrades brave - or foolish - enough to embark upon this suicide mission. Indeed, the only way this journey would end is by them succeeding or die trying.

Though her expression shifted into a difficult smile when the swordsman admits being happy at her being made. Eve saw her own existence as a mistake, an abomination that shouldn't have ever manifested, the result of the pure hubris of people wondering only whether they could, yet never whether they should. "Perhaps, we could've met under different circumstances, with me being a fellow Sollan instead of... whatever I currently am."

However, the events of the past had led to this moment, it had already happened, she should focus on the future instead of what could've been, together, with everyone, "Likewise, Arton." With that, Eve too raised the cup to her lips, enjoying the beverage.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 mos ago

--Osprey - Kugane--

In the morning, the party departed and a day's journey later, they soon arrived before the main gates of Kugane, a once-mighty city that had seen better days. Though the capital was left in a better state than the countryside, Eve had the feeling that most of the residents here would prefer suffering worse damage if it meant Valheim could be sent scampering back to the ocean. Alas, as it stood, the invaders' "mercy" at leaving the city quite intact was a worse insult to Ospreyan pride than anything else.

As the party's wagon closed the distance with the checkpoint inspectors, Eve fixed her hood and coat, making sure they covered her well and then tucked herself at the darkest corner of the wagon, all she could do now was stay still and hope for the best.

Fortunately, Chisaki kept her promise and none of her comrades fucked up - concerning Robin for the most part really - as the guards bought the Shinobi's story and forged documents. Perhaps being a ragtag bunch of misfits had its perks, adventurers and mercenaries would be the usual excuse considering they were armed, but if traveling performers also worked just fine, then she wouldn't look at the gift horse in the mouth.

Their pass granted, the group plus their guide continued onward until the wagon parked before a seemingly humble home. Eve made no fuss as she disembarked, though she did take a pause at the request of removing her footwear, until she remembered that she wore socks for this reason, among others. As Chisaki led the party to her mistress, the comely Elven bard Ciradyl Ianthyra, the hooded black mage kept to the back, deliberately blending among the less-famous members of the party as she took a seat with them upon Cyradil's behest.

It was immediately obvious that Izayoi and this Cyradil were old friends, and Eve certainly didn't have even a fleeting desire to intrude upon their reunion. In fact, it seemed like Galahad, Rudolf, and the others had this socialization part well taken care of, combined with the fact that she didn't have anything relevant to say to their host - at least for now - being a silent observer was the preferred course of action.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 30 min ago

Miina Malina

Not having to talk herself to get into the guarded city was nice, although something about being mistaken for a performer rankled. She hadn't learned magic and swordplay, however ineptly, to be mistaken for some common juggler or the like, and Miina had even gone out of her way to make sure her clothes made an impression that the rest of her didn't. Not that she spoke up to object, or anything that might jeopardise their progress--the girl just pouted a little instead.

Plus continued wondering why exactly she was travelling with this group. Well... if Zeke was anywhere in this country, looking in cities was probably the best place for it.

No other red hair around, so not right here.

Fortunately, she was at least somewhat forewarned about who they were meeting this time--enough to not fall into hopelessly staring straight from the offset. Not that she could think of many other places to look in this scenario, defaulting to staring down at her feet instead. Almost enough to miss the Viera's wink, but that just added another furious blush to her cheeks.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 30 min ago


The hour had grown late and it was time for members of the party to go to their rooms and rest for the remaining journey to Kugane. Chisaki had done her best to mingle amidst the members of Team Kirin, although the one known as Esben proved to be a thorn in her side at every chance. This was especially true every time that she tried to approach the small, red-haired Mystrel that had been giving her a distinct look ever since she first introduced herself. The Garden spy would have to sleep eventually, and that is when she would find her chance.

Chisa waited patiently inside of Miina’s room, listening carefully as her prey drew closer and closer. A sly smile grew on her lips as the door opened and Miina stepped inside. The moment she was clear of the door Chisa pushed it gently close, giving away her position with the soft ‘click’ of the door closing.

“Would you look at that, it seems we’re sharing the room tonight.” She took a few steps into the room. The metal chestplate and bracers of her armor had been set aside, leaving only the form-fitting leather armor underneath. A predatory look flashed in her eyes as she circled Miina on her way to one of the beds.

”Here I was thinking we would never have a chance to talk…” Her voice tenderly trailed off, hand brushing against the soft fabric on the bed.

“U-Um… h-h-hello?” Miina managed, freezing up with her hands halfway through unfastening the outermost layer of coat. She had known about sharing rooms, yes, but had thought that they would put her with Eve or maybe Izayoi, not this shinobi. And with nobody else in the room she had been hoping to undress and get into bed before they came in and avoid this small talk.

Now she was just fidgeting with the toggle, tail held low. Was Chisa going to pump her for information? She’d seen all the questioning and confusing back and forth with the others and had no idea what to say! Oh no, did she think Miina’s silence meant she knew a lot? Then the older woman might torture and kill her until she spilled her nonexistent secrets!

Escape, escape… maybe if she ran straight ahead she could blow a hole in the wall and escape through that? There might be a chance, Chisa didn’t look armed, though there might be something hidden in her cleavage… surely she could see a handle or something by looking, right?

A sinister smile creased her lips as she began to walk over towards Miina, hips swaying with each step. One would have to be blind not to see what the red Mystrel’s eyes drew to “I’m not going to harm you…but you can check me for weapons if you want.” Her voice drew into a whisper as she leaned her chest down for Miina just a foot away. Chisa giggled and playfully tapped her on the nose before righting herself. ”I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing you speak yet, so why don’t we start with your name or are those pretty eyes of yours going to start undressing me?”

Chisa didn’t actually expect Miina to be a treasure trove of information and she was interested in such. Her only concern was getting a reading on the members of Team Kirin, seeing if there was ill-intent harbored in any of them. Besides, she wanted to have a little fun before heading back into the capital.

There was a gulp and squeak; now the girl was completely red from head to toe.

“M-M-Miina M-M-M-M…” aaaaah, this was terrible! Normally her name was fine, she couldn’t let that pretty lady get to her that much, no matter how provocatively her bosom was presented! It was an effort, but that small girl pulled her eyes upwards. Still not really making eye contact, but close enough, right? “M-Miina Malina.”

Miina would not be the first to fall to her charms but Chisa decided to stop before the poor girl was a drooling, broken mess. She took a few steps backwards, this time with less motion, and lowered herself gently onto the opposing bed. Miina might have fainted straight away if she had fallen back onto it ”What a lovely name. Tell you what. I know you’re probably scared half to death right now thinking about what I might do to you….” Her voice trailed off at her intentional pause before she continued.

Chisa leaned back using her arms to keep herself upright ”...but let’s make it fair. You can ask me a question, anything you want, and I’ll answer truthfully. Then, I’ll ask you something. Not too bad, right?” This line of work made it difficult to make and keep friends. She loved what she did and was really good at it…but seeing the fear in Miina’s eyes. It did sting a little.

Yes, she was scared half to death. Probably unreasonably so? It didn’t seem like Chisa really had anything out for her, she was being very nice and had backed off and… well, there weren’t knives hidden there, that was for sure. Miina obediently sat on the opposite bed, fingers still playing with the top layer of her outfit and eventually removing it–not that this revealed that much, it was multi-layered.

“R-Right…” Miina replied, looking down at her lap. What did she want to ask…? Something about being a shinobi? No, no, that would just make killing her attractive, she didn’t want that at all, and she didn’t even know what to ask that would reveal useful information. So that was… well, she hadn’t met many Viera, right? They were very tall, but…

“U-Um, are all V-Viera so… um… b-big?”

Chisa idly kicked her feet off the side of the bed as she waited, preparing whatever question she might have. Her eyes traced the outline of Miina’s body as she shed her outer coat. Perhaps what stood out most was her chest…or lack thereof. They do say we are envious of what we don’t have and Chisa considered all the problems a smaller bust would solve for her.
She looked down at her own chest and then shook her head ”Mine were a gift from my mother. I’ve only met a few with similar proportions. You should see my mistress! ” A brief laugh escaped her lips. It wasn’t hard to understand Father’s type. Chisa cleared her throat ”Viera on average do seem to have larger in size whereas Mystrels keep a firmer shape. Sollans have the widest range of busts and Faye are usually one extreme or the other.” She spoke matter of fact, hoping to ease the tension by speaking about Miina’s interests.

[color=FEF69]”Now then, it's my turn.”[/color] A silver of innocent excitement slipped under her guise. This was really beginning to feel like genuine, casual talk between two friends! ”Did you have any trouble with the blight on your way here?” Chisa asked, wary of Miina mistaking a question for espionage when she had no intention of squeezing every bit of intel out of her.

Oh, so it was just this one? Well… that was good, right? It didn’t mean every conversation with every Viera in the country–so far as Miina was going to be starting conversations, obviously–would be going the exact same way. It was a shame, though, there really was just something… nicer about them this way.

The blight, on the way here? Thinking about it… not really; at least, not her in particular, and the small girl shook her head. Which reminded her… still had the hat on, so fiddling with that to take it off gave her something else to do other than stare. “N-Not much, the f-forest is b-b-bad but not… d-dangerous.”

Or, at least, it wasn’t too dangerous for one relatively agile traveler with magic on her side. Maybe others would have struggled more, or those unfamiliar with the terrain–it wasn’t like Miina had stuck to a formal route until she left the country at all, so if the Blight had started to interfere with what would constitute major paths, then it could probably have been a lot trickier.

Chisa listened intently, the tension releasing in her shoulders as she began to relax. It was…strange to say the least. Her response did give her conflicted feelings. Horrible as Valheim were, at least Osprey had yet to be ravaged by the Blight ”You must be pretty skilled then. I’ve heard a few travelers with stories that would keep you awake for days.” Her tone growing ominous towards the end.

While a compliment to her curves, Chisa had yet to fully exchange her armor for some more comfortable attire. The part about her rooming with Miina was only partly a lie. She had arranged it so the bed next to hers would be empty, but did not plan on sleeping in the same room. However, there was something that was alluringly comforting about Miina. The Vierea had initially thought that the Mystrel was enthralled with her, but having this conversation made it clear that her new friend was simply fascinated by breasts. A severe case it would seem.

”I would love to pick your brain more but it is growing late. Will you let me room with you? I could really use some help with a few of the clasps on my back here.” Chisa was only half-joking as she twisted until Miina could get a good look where some metal clips held the harder leather pieces on ”I promise I won’t bite.”

The girl tried to say something, but ended up stumbling over her words so much that she eventually resorted to nodding. Right, yes, she could share a room with the Viera, and help with these clasps, just… take it slow. And don’t stare too much.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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It was hard getting over such a sharp response.

Robin sighed heavily to herself.

Aah, she'd just been trying to be polite, what did she do wrong? She realized she hadn't really thought about the potential relations between her own homeland and the neighboring nation and its residents, but at the same time she'd been so use to having such pleasantries be well-received...

The pretty baker lady just a few days ago loved it!

"Aaah, I really upset her..." Robin lamented aloud, mostly to herself. All she'd wanted to do was give a good first impression and show that she respected the shinobi, too.

Her tone of voice had let her know everything she'd needed to hear, though. It wasn't as if the brunette was oblivious.

Sagging forward where she sat, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Next time I see her, I'll have to apologize if she'll let me..." she murmured.

This was someone they were meeting with, so it was important to at least try and have a good relationship. She hadn't intended to offend her at all, so the fact it went like this---

She was a hero! And a hero tried to fix things when they made mistakes!

Most of the time, at least, but she was hopefully not going the route of one of those tragic heroes who only works out what they've done wrong when it's too late.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Esben Mathiassen

@Izurich @VitaVitaAR

Not an entire second after her sigh, Robin felt a quick poke to the ribs as Esben settled into the spot between her and Eve. "Head up, shoulders back," he commanded just as quickly, just quietly enough not to draw attention away from Rudolf and Galahad as they took over the conversation from Ciradyl and Izayoi's sudden embrace. "That mopey look might've served you well sneaking through the streets, but let's not forget that a third of being a hero is in appearances, ja?" The theatre cover seemed more apt than the shinobi or their host might even have realized, given the personalities of all those included in it; hopefully they all at least knew their parts well enough to fit into the wider ensemble.

Or could learn them quickly enough.

At least the others could take heart that Esben was back to his usual self once they were within the safehouse; his usual easygoing demeanour had been entirely absent as they approached Kugane, his focus almost entirely on his observations of the occupying force, their activities, and the effects of their presence. As much as he may have jested with Eve about it when Chisaki first dropped in front of them, he couldn't keep his mind off work this close to the enemy.

"Maybe you and Eve can take a page from each other's book," he suggested, leaning back and gesturing over at the half-dragon mage. "Prudence and subtlety are just as virtuous as forthrightness and chivalry, after all."
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