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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

September 11, 2127

An Afternoon cram spelled an exhausting huddle after the Sports Festival for Eirei's Express Hero Course, 1B.

To think that half a year's worth of coursing, exhibited beyond tremendous firepower of lively progress in the entire campus but also hidden intrigues. 1B huddled after the exhausting turn of events as their homeroom got locked-down from the rest of the school since the victor is among them. Shibuya just like the rest of Japan isn't aware of the development that took place in Eirei as Principal Endeavor, Todoroki Enji & his staff kept it under the wraps.

Student Adviser, Himura Rin, debriefs the block about the things to come as the 2A Senpai was given custody in the absence of their Professor. The room temperature suddenly cooled with her penetrating smile, it was a silly smile that's reassuring but only not since only a few students were in the room. What stroke the deal was that the intriguing individuals were in the same room.

To name a few...

Sports Festival Victor, Jun Mawatari

Beauty Pageant Ms. Eirei & 1B classrep, Hebi Mamushi

Flame Sidekicker Intern, Kaiga Asagumo, formerly 1A

And the rest were intriguing individuals of their own right, who were reshuffled to 1B.

Rin held back her excitement, she had a lot to discuss yet her nervousness just spelled the obvious and most of it can be traced from the rumors prior the Sports Festival.

Oh my... Accidentally babbling it in a seductive tone.

Rin coughed and gathered courage, ignoring some of the aroused from the back of the class.

"Himura Rin of 2A, I'll be your Professor for an indefinite period ara. As we know we're all reshuffled for every second term of the school year based on grades and Sportsfest, pretty much overall activeness, that's all for now, internships will be starting tomorrow but today, I'll let all of your battered mind and body, slack."

Her virtual blackboard showed:
1. DORM assignment
2. Internships (in which a lot of offers are broadcasted real time, Jun is getting a lot of offers)

3. Free Period

"To conclude, Endeavor and the staff only broadcasted the Sports Fest to the Hero Commission, you're all gonna get a copy but please keep it a secret, I'll be firedropping these on your Hawkpads"

Hawkpads are exclusive laptops to Eirei Students, these are holographic interface, accessible by their virtual goggles.

So much showings, so much questions left unanswered.

Each student will receive more than just the Sportsfest Footage.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Jun Mawatari

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Jun Mawatari was, as could be expected from someone who had just moved heaven and earth to push through the Sports Festival, as tired as could be. It wasn’t just the constant use of her quirk, but also all the absolute running and movement, just…the normal physical part of it all. An icepack rested on her forehead, the third one she had gotten alongside the normal care offered by Eirei’s staff, as she leaned back in her chair to enjoy the whole of it with her school jacket unbuttoned down two or so. Her mind ran through the events, how they went, the feelings there, but also…

She couldn’t help but not think about the reaction afterwards, though. Did they just…want Jun to sit things out throughout the whole event? To just not do what she could do? Sure, the first event was as hard as could be, dodging through the obstacle course as they’d did…her quirk didn’t increase reaction time, after all…and the second had been a practical cakewalk as the girl had snagged nearly everyone’s headbands off before most had gotten up to any sort of speed, but the final battle had been as hard as could be. There were a lot of people focused on removing her, focused on taking her out from that ring, though admittedly Jun had taken out the worst fighters through something perhaps less than respectful. Just…change that distance to outside of the ring from the opponent, push them out, and that was that…over before it really could begin…but she’d tried to keep things better for the other students she actually respected. It’d been hard, but all told it had been a sweep for the girl. Did they just…not want her there at all? And what, not know what sorts of other things they could face out and about?

Jun didn’t know. She absorbed the ice cold feeling from the pack, let it run about as lines of water ran down the sides of her face. It seemed like there was nothing else, just heavy breathing here and there from some of the other classmates. They’d pushed themselves too, make no mistake about that, though some had it harder than others. Jun almost felt sorry for Hebi, specific as her quirk was. A cough rang out into the classroom, filling that empty space, and Jun opened her eyes, sat forward while still holding the icepack to her forehead. The girl before them scant could be older than some of the eldest in 1B, though the tone held was a bit more nervous than otherwise.

"Himura Rin of 2A, I'll be your Professor for an indefinite period ara. As we know we're all reshuffled for every second term of the school year based on grades and Sportsfest, pretty much overall activeness, that's all for now, internships will be starting tomorrow but today, I'll let all of your battered mind and body, slack."

A Second Year as professor? Jun’s heart dropped at the prospect. Surely that wouldn’t do well for the more impulsive people in the class, not to mention their actual education might struggle here or there simply because Rin seemed so…just…young. Sure, she was ahead of them, but compared to an actual professor, someone who had been around to the real world, fought real villains, been a real Pro Hero…someone who had struggled and grown, would Rin even have a portion of the knowledge they might? Could she? Jun wasn’t sure, really wasn’t sure, though the idea that they wouldn’t quite be pushing so hard for the rest of the day was just the slightest relief. She breathed out, looked over the digital board.

It really wasn't all that much, between assigning dorms and internships, but still Jun didn’t really want to think about all of it. Did she really want to try and think about that living arrangement when the rest of the class was panting away beside her? Did she really want to think about the great future, about the internships that likely would all be flowing out into her inbox by any Hero Agency wanting someone who just absolutely pushed on through the festival? The answer to both of those was a strong no, not in the moment. Jun sighed at those thoughts, all of them.

"To conclude, Endeavor and the staff only broadcasted the Sports Fest to the Hero Commission, you're all gonna get a copy but please keep it a secret, I'll be firedropping these on your Hawkpads"

Well, that's optimistic. Setting down the icepack on the desk, which proved to be the next brick in her slowly growing pyramid, Jun slid on her goggles, opened up her little screen, and watched as…yeah, there was the footage alongside something else. It was brief, but then again it was also cut off. Endeavor Agency. Why was Jun not surprised by that sort of thing. Sliding her goggles off and replacing them with that same icepack, the girl sighed.

“What a day.”

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hebi Mamushi

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Hebi Mamushi seethed with frustration as she grappled with the unfairness of the situation. The teleporter, or whatever the fuck her quirk was, had pushed her out of the ring. It might have been fair, unlike some of the others, but still. She had been performing exceptionally well, and this sudden turn of events was disheartening. A brief pause in her angry thoughts came when one of her beloved snake babies affectionately booped her nose, lifting her spirits. Following the festival, she swiftly tidied herself up and reapplied her makeup, finishing up right before she heard the voice of the white-haired girl in front of the class.

"Himura Rin of 2A, I'll be your Professor for an indefinite period ara. As we know we're all reshuffled for every second term of the school year based on grades and Sportsfest, pretty much overall activeness, that's all for now, internships will be starting tomorrow but today, I'll let all of your battered mind and body, slack."

...A second year, as a professor. Like the day couldn't get any more annoying for her. This was straight-up embarrassing. She finished applying her black lipstick. Pressing her lips together, she smiled at the soft "pop" sound they made, ensuring the color was evenly distributed, looking in her small mirror. She snapped it shut, looking up at the girl, with her usual disdainful look.

As she reluctantly listened to the girl. Retrieving her Hawkpad from her bag, she unlocked the screen and saw a brief, abruptly cut-off message - an outcome that didn't come as a surprise. Hebi carefully returned her Hawkpad to her bag before proceeding with her task.

"Hebi Mamushi, class 1B's student representative. I'd like to ask, is this a mistake or a joke? I'm concerned if someone only a year ahead of us is qualified to teach and guide this class for the time being."

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga was sad and sore he had just been transferred from 1A to 1B leaving behind multiple friends and thirty minutes ago was the sports festival. So he laid his head on his desk wallowing in his own sadness waiting for the professor to appear. The room cooled down as the professor approached an ice quirk user. Then the professor walked in. They weren't a professor but another student. She was pretty but he was surprised another student was teaching them.

Her name was Himura Rin she was temporarily replacing their professor, she seemed nice but not nice enough to get rid of his sadness well that was until she passed out the internship file and Kaiga's eyes lit up. They were invited by THE Zealous Endeavor's eldest son. It was a dream come true. He was Endeavor's (Self-proclaimed) number-one fan.

Talking and training with Zelous can lead him to Endeavor. Kaiga pumped up his fist before he noticed Hebi's rude message "If Homura-sama wasn't qualified she wouldn't have been picked to teach us" Kaiga didn't like bullies especially those in the hero corps. How could they save others if they couldn't be respectful "We shouldn't try and insinuate she isn't worthy to teach." He couldn't believe that person was there class rep he missed 1a already.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Represent! This Narration from Present Mic, shall compel you, please fasten your ears & imaginary thinking for an immersive roleplay exposition reading to boot.

Eirei Gakuen, founded by Proheroes: Endeavor, Hawks & Best Jeanist, a bastion of hope amidst the saturated hero society of Japan that serves tertiary hero college education. Ranked third in the Hero Academia curriculum in all of Japan, Eirei endeavors to protect the identities of its Heroes based on the policy of the World Hero Association's Republic Act 293 of Non Disclosure Agreement. Sponsored by The Top Three Heroes' Agencies and the Hero Commission's support, Eirei will not broadcast any campus footage, said rule extends to its staff & students, breaking of agreement will result expulsion.

Eirei is the final destination for aspiring Proheroes to graduate and become full-fledged pros. On an institutional level, UA ranked first, Shiketsu second & Eirei third, admittedly the first two are that of High Schools to Eirei's College set, the ranking mattered less. The ranking simply meant that UA & Shiketsu strongly contributes to the Herobiz with its Alumni not having to go to College, whereas Eirei being a College simply means a natural progression for High School Graduates to attain tertiary education & a Degree in Heroics. Eirei is after all, the first tertiary hero education to be implemented in all of Japan since the Heroic Reform Bill, it's seven years old, Applicants preferably must already have High School Hero Experience or show an Aptitude for Hero Work.

Getting to Eirei means having to take the typical written exams that are abstract IQ tests in nature and Simulated Rescue Exams under great pressure of having to think on the fly.

After six months of studying in Eirei, its students may participate in taking the International Heroes License Exam. Unlike the Provisional Heroe License, which functions within the nation, the International Heroes License functions across the boarders, the license is equivalent to a VISA, allowing them to visit North Korea & Iraq. The International Heroes License doesn't expire yet can be revoked based on the Hero Commission's verdict if any misdeed is proven to be true.

Student Adviser! A Student Adviser or Tutor are honored students who were given the opportunity to pursue teaching careers in Eirei as expected of their exceptional grades. One becomes a Student Adviser by attending the tutor curriculum, they're given advanced handouts ahead of their standard programme, making them Scholars or Academic Ace as Junior Professors. This is also a position that a Student Council Member/Setokai can hold.

Rin Himura: The Origin
Flustered by the fact that the freshmen know not of Eirei's Student Adviser Program. Rin connected the dots & realized the gravity of indefinite absence that their Professor has impacted the class. Then again, he was her Sensei too, he often leaves without notice and worse, leave vague information about the time period of absences, she sighed at the lack of knowledge.

Well, at least not all Sensei are like that, there are just some who loved ghosting, so much that it became a bad habit that all these Professors can't even make it over 6 months, thus resigning. Rin knew that the Eirei Board of Directors just accepted those resignation letters to help them save face than to rigorously torture their mental health. It's also the main reason why the Dean, the Principal, Endeavor, Todoroki Enji would only hire internally. It's better to hire internally than externally since the internal folks knew better of what Eirei is, because unlike them, they're passionate about the job while the external folks were simply in for the high salary.

Rin suddenly noticed a slight change of the room temperature, somehow there's someone who exhibited a similar Quirk Factor.

Yūhi Yusuke

Suddenly a boy with an emo hairstyle, spiked duckbutt back mullet spoke up against the stupidity of his classmates.

"Ehem." He coughed sarcastically while dramatically weaving his mouse on the page he needed to cement his awesomeness.

"You extras can turn to Page 394 in your Hawkpads and read the school manual." He said so in a condescending manner. If it wasn't enough, Yusuke started hacking everyone's Hawkpads and flashed them the exact file to look onto, containing the Student Adviser section.

"Rin-senpai, I strongly suggest to conserve energy for the things we must learn onward." Yusuke smiled and it confused Rin, why does this boy share the same Quirk Factor as her?

Yusuke blurted out after consuming two energy drinks in quick succession.

"It's no wonder why I didn't attend the dreaded Sports Festival, y'all lack hatred, no, y'all lack tact. It's no question why were chased by the student mob out there, on the way here earlier just because of a stupid competition...

How many times must I save our Class 1B's credibility when it comes to knowledge? To think that a former 1A has more manners than you, Mamushi-san. In fact, he's the type of guy I like to make 1B great. For the record, it's Himura-senpai for you, mongrel." Backhandedly praising Kaiga.

"Oh? And what's this? Famous Mawatari. Can't even speak up to defend her own class earlier. Wait till my father hears about this."

Yūhi Yusuke, the bookworm of Class 1B, the offensive stuck-up loner/nerd who seemed to know it all, his ego is on par with Hebi! A boy of aristocracy.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As she listened to the thoughtless remarks, Hebi felt her eye twitch with irritation. Her serpents raised their heads, hissing at Yusuke in alarm. She sighed, reached for her mirror to fix her hair and calm down her snakes, and then tucked it away before addressing the situation.

"I'm not insinuating anything. I am just expressing my concern about someone slightly older than us being our Student Advisor," she replied to Kaiga with a smile that didn't reach her glaring yellow eyes.

"And for you..." Turning her attention to Yusuke, she slowly pivoted, causing the eyes of the snakes to fixate on him. "Yusuke, we've had this conversation far too many times. I don't even know what else to say to you."

Finally, she turned to face the front of the class, shifting her attention back to Rin, flashing another faked smile. "I’m sorry if anything I said seemed rude. I always strive to make a positive impression, unlike some individuals in this class." Her serpents rose menacingly, fixing their gaze on Yusuke once more.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Jun Mawatari

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Another long sigh, as Jun listened to a few other members of the class going on this way and that. Hebi was easily enough the spitfire, annoyed by the festival and how that all went most likely, openly questioning exactly how things would go with a Second Year while Kaiga defended the girl. He had more faith in the decisions of the staff than others, that was for sure, though Jun kept her eyes closed throughout the exchange. She really, really didn’t want to jump in, especially when things were entirely uncertain thus far.

Of course, that was when another jumped in. Yusuke. A click clack on the mouse and he was throwing insults left, right, and center, talking about how the others didn't know, calling others mongrels. She didn't see whatever he'd brought up on that page. She didn't need to. Jun slowly brought her chair back to its normal position, setting the icepack down again. Hebi said something halfway resembling a praise, halfway to an insult, and entirely scathing…something Jun might disapprove of under normal circumstances. Yet, of course, things weren’t entirely normal. She twisted about in her chair, fixing him with a glare.

A click of her quirk. Two points - the upper and lower lip. A three foot distance would do for her purposes. That was really all it took.

“Yusuke, shut up.”

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki decided to ignore the brewing fracas for the sake of his sanity and instead kept reading the files he had gotten over and over until he had fully understood them. It seemed Endaevor was angling for them all to join his Agency. Sure, why not? It's not as if he hadn't already gotten everything he wanted from that internship with Hawks - Including a license to kill he made noises about using but didn't want to unless it was absolutely necessary.

As he looked at Rin, Kazuki decided to give her a chance, raising his hand to ask, "Miss Himura, forgive the doubts of my classmates; they do not know that you would have been chosen for us for a reason. Also, Endaevor's Hero Agency, with an invitation from his son - I am honored that someone such as me would be seen as acceptable for such an exalted post."

After reviewing the context of Yusuke's behavior, Kazuki turned to the other youth, looked him in the eye, and said, "What a backhanded way to defend our new teacher, while attracting all the negative attention for yourself. I almost got up to punch you in the face before I got that it was what you're doing."

He was not the only one skilled with computers; Kazuki had taken the time to improve his skills in that area of expertise precisely because the digital sphere was more accessible to Quirkless and it was easier for them to be recognized there. Typing into his own Hawkpad, the young man brought up Eirei's privacy and data protection policies to see if looking into Yusuke's records would get him expelled (it turned out it would, so he stopped after a few seconds).

I think I can have friends here... was his latest string of thoughts.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 1 hr ago

At the back of the class Hikari simply enjoyed the show, her upper body resting on the desk and head barely high enough to see past her arms. The ongoing banter was in fact quite spectacular, Jun and Hebi arguing to just about anyone, it was understandable for Hebi, to go down like that after putting in that much effort… must suck.

Not like Hikari could fully relate, she realized it was futile trying just a couple minutes in the preliminaries.

Fuelling the fire was Yusuke, of course, that’s like his life passion, to spite everyone and make himself enemy number 1, but at least he makes things more entertaining. And now Yusuke is… sucking up to their teacher, if one can call her that, Rin did not seem like the type to be great at teaching, at least not in a classroom, but to find her here felt more like one of those weird, senseless dreams rather than reality.

Everyone here who worked in Hawks Agency should at least have heard of Rin, a weirdo, a curveball, and someone with insane potential, must be nice being sought after like that on top of her family name. Hikari turned to look at Kazuki, he was also in Hawks wasn’t he? Then why does he look like he doesn’t know Rin, or maybe it’s his first time seeing her in person and he’s trying to gauge her first impression.

Kazuki then turned to his hawkpad, probably looking at more important things than the ongoing banter, not a terrible idea.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kanako sat near the back of the class. The minute the conflict sprung up she relaxed slightly. Finally being able to focus on her work, now that an argument was going on. She listened to the argument at hand and took out her Voice Notebook, quickly sketching out a strange pattern of foreign characters that no one else could read to be able to help her remember what everyone's voices sounded like.

When she stopped writing and actually focused on the argument she heard what the situation (that she hadn't been paying attention to) was. She didn't mind having a professor only a little older than she was. She'd had worse teachers before.

She put her Voice Notebook back into her bag, slipped on her goggles and watched the screen of the Hawkpad, she saw the internship invitation and wondered how the hell she was going to survive an internship when she could barely survive a classroom.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Near one of the window seats sat a second year. He had unkept short hair with rich indigo eyes. In his hands was a copy of "The Complete Works of Shakespeare". He took turns reading a passage from "Othello" and observing the class. On his uniform was a "Student Advisor" badge.

Many in class 1B would know of Matsuru, even if its simply through passing stories. Being someone who was accepted to Eirei through a letter of recommendation tends to come with the glancing rumors. Though he is also a Student Advisor, like Rin, he has not been assigned a class to teach yet. In truth, he is completely fine with this turn of events. It gives him an opportunity to do something he rarely gets to do nowaways, satiate his curiosity.

When he heard that Jun, Hebi and Kaiga were being put into the same class, his mind went abuzz with curiosity. Though only being a year younger than Matsuru, they have achieved so much in so little time. For heavens sake, one of them won the sports tournament. It's not often that he would be able to witness such raw potential in a long time. It also helps that the class-designated Student Advisor was Rin. As if he needed more reason to justify his actions of sitting in on the class.

Everything was going smoothy until Yusuke came into the class. Matsuru closed his book and stared intently at him. He knew of Yusuke, and even had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with him a handfull of times. To put it simply, Matsuru absolutely dislikes him. His demeanor is abhorred and his attitude is absolutely awful. What irks Matsuru off even more is that Yusuke is powerful, very powerful. To him, no one of Yusuke's character should even be allowed entrance to Eirei.

It was when Yusuke opened his mouth and started spouting nonsense that Matsuru's entire demeanor changed. It was one thing to tolerate his overall shitty nature, but to do it so boldly to everyone, to Rin... Enough was enough. Matsuru stood from his seat and threw his book directly at Yusuke. His indigo eyes now glowing like a neon light as his face contorted with tempered anger.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." he said through bated breaths. "So much as say one more thing and I swear to whatever you hold dear I will personally ensure that the entire school sees me beat you into a bloody, worthless, pulp you wretched excuse of a human."
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kanako glanced over at Matsuru and Yusuke briefly. She was used to this kind of conflict. Where she was from things like this happened on the daily, often even more than that. It was nice to finally have something normal going on, rather than a peaceful conversation.

She could tell that Matsuru's threat wasn't a joke. He was fully prepared to fight, and Kanako was fully prepared to watch. Maybe it wasn't the most heroic thing, to stand by and watch her classmates infighting and threatening each other, but then again, she wasn't the most heroic person.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

"My...apologies," Kaiga said to Hebi her eyes freaked him out, hopefully, that should have been the end of things a simple apology but then the weird loner in the back of the room started spewing out insults. He complimented and also insulted him and called everyone extras? "Thanks for the compliment." Kaiga gritted his teeth as he muttered out "But I don't think insulting your classmates will help save class 1B"

"You shouldn't antagonize Jun she won the sports festival thanks to her own merit" Kaiga was going to try and calm the situation down he didn't want Himura-Senpai to have a tough first day "Yusuke right" He got that from Hebi "How about instead of belittling our classmates we work together to help get class 1B up to class 1A's level" He was hoping that he could get through to him he didn't want any trouble between class 1B's classmate.

to him being a hero wasn't only about fighting and beating up villains but also about reaching out and helping those who've lost their ways everyone has a reason they do things and he was sure Yasuke was a nice person deep down.

Everything was going well enough until Matsuru threw his book at Yusuke which Kaiga went out of his way to catch. "Hey" Kaiga stared at him not glare but a soft gaze "I understand Yusuke pissed you off but throwing the book at a fellow classmate is against the rules and it would look bad on Himura-senpai's first day if we all got into a fight already" Kaiga walked over to Matsuru and put his book down "So let's not argue, okay" he gave Matsuru a smile before walking back to his desk class 1B was a handful.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Kaiga. You're so sweet, but respectfully, shut up." Hebi flashed Kaiga with a bright smile, before turning back to Yusuke.

"See...I didn't even need to say anything myself." Her face in a smug look of satisfaction, turning back around, taking out her purse and happily feeding her snake children. Still she eyed the other students, who decided to speak up. Matsuru's response to Yusuke, was...a tad violent, not like that stopped Hebi from supporting it fully. But, the heroic thing to do is try to cool everything down. Sighing, before speaking to Matsuru, not facing him.

"As much as I despise Yusuke, there will be no beating to bloody pulps, Matsuru. Not very hero-like."
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Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

ʜᴇʀᴏ ʙɪʟʟʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴛ ᴊᴘ
ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ᴋᴀᴍɪɴᴏ, ʏᴏᴋᴏʜᴀᴍᴀ
The Hero Billboard Chart JP is an annual event that presents the official rankings of Japanese Pro Heroes.

Backstage with the Hero Commission President, Takami Keigo, he huddled with his cabinet members about the current state of Japan and the lately increasing activity of villains. The former #2 has only been the leader of the Hero Society for about a year & the populace greatly benefited from the rapid utilities culminated from the confiscated works of the League of Villains members like the incarcerated Dr. Daruma Ujiko, ReDestro & Quirk Research from the then Shie Hassaikai.

Equality has never been realized as discrimination against each other still thrived yet the thread that connected different types of people into a common mind is the anticipation of the annual Hero Billboard Ranking Broadcast. Regardless of color, race and belief, Japan gathered to see how it all unfolds, today marked the day of heroes and villains ceasefire to be entertained, it's also the ushering of a new beginning. In the same room, the former Top Three Heroes expressed their passing of the torch to the new generation, all dressed for the occasion, Endeavor mentioned retiring and leaving his Agency to his eldest son while Hawks simply expressed of not desiring to be part of any rank while he just desired focusing his time on leading hero society and Best Jeanist mentioned quitting Hero Work and focus in the Fashion Industry.

One of the major driving factors of their distance can be attributed to the long-term injuries they sustained in fighting the late Villain King Shigaraki Tomura during the Paranormal Liberation War or as one called it to be the Japan Civil War. Endeavor had no lungs, Hawks is abled yet unwilling to do anymore fanservice for ranking sake while Best Jeanist lost his ribs and his friends Edge Shot & Kamui Woods. In fact, most of the Top 10 Heroes in the roster died in that war, names such as Mirko, Ryukyu, Crust, Gang Orca and many more Heroes that weren't even Top 10.

Hero Society recently felt unease with the surrounding rumor of these Top 3 Heroes & Pillars of Peace; The Symbol of Strength, The Wings of Hope & The Ironed Denim, retiring. Retired Hero, Creati, now Hero Commission President, Keigo, recounted that if it weren't for the #1 American Hero, Star & Stripes who contributed with Captain Celebrity & Skycrawler, Japan would've regressed back to the Darker Days ruled by All For One. He remembered the sacrifices of the fallen and anguished Heroes who died in that war such as Dynamight, Mt. Lady, Midnight, Cellophane, Eraserhead, Gran Torino, Majestic, Grape Juice, Real Steel, Can't Stop Twinkling, Nejire Chan, and many more, the body count was too much to bear as lives were cut short.

Endeavor resonated with live being cut short as he nearly damaged his family way back, he remembered how obsessed he was with strength and surpassing All Might but all of that changed when there was no more All Might. He attended to his then 13 year old son, Toya in Sekoto Peak back in the same day that All Might died and apologized for not being a father and moved forward from there. An empty victory was a bittersweet ending to Todoroki Enji's dark chapter but it wasn't fully empty, Endeavor became a UA Teacher, fought the USJ Nomu, taught martial arts and eventually made Eirei seven years ago, he went beyond like never before and went Plus Ultra and all battles since then.

Now, Endeavor is officially a retired man from Hero Work on the front lines, he's happy of how his sons turned out; eldest son Toya as the Phoenix Hero - Zealous, who inherited the Endeavor Agency & youngest son, Shoto, as the Phosphorus Hero - Icyhot and not to mention, their sister Fuyumi, a Professor in Eirei, who he then passed his flame onto as the new Dean of Eirei, Todoroki Enji wished to spend his life and soon old age with his wife, Rei.

"The past was Plus Ultra but from now on, no one has to deitify a symbol because everyone will set their hearts ablaze!"

ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱɪɴɢ
Living on the edge, fighting crime, spinning webs, he can leap above our heads!

Villains who had an inkling of terrorizing Shibuya won't sting away for another day, a masked hero of red and blue with web patterns on his hero costume who moves like a spider. His webs went thwipp! as he singlehandedly stopped a bullet train from going off track and even made railshaped webs for the bullet train to move safely and lives were saved. This was the man who's none other than the next candidate to become the new #1 Hero, he's Spiderman!

A lone satellite from space then captured the images of Spiderman and the Hero himself, uploaded the photos to the Daily Muzzle, the local Shibuya Newspaper Company. Spiderman received multiple calls, one coming from his Aunt Mei, second from his girlfriend, Mirajane and his annoying boss from the Daily Muzzle, Jojo Jojima, JJ for short and to which he first answered. Picking up his Hawkphone, Spiderman received a yelling harassment from his Boss.

"Park it up, Kumonosu! I need pictures of Spiderman!" Jojo said in the most slanderous tone as possible, the man has been a hater of Spiderman for the past three years. JJ is an avid hater of the masked pro hero but he won't go to questionable lengths of things like deep faking the pro hero with artificial intelligence nor will he coerce his employees to spread misinformation. It's clear that JJ wanted is to see Spiderman fall.

"Well Kumonosu? This isn't Chinatown, the webfreak will be strangled by his own webs and crushed by The Hippo! I heard from the paparazzi that this bug is going to be the new #1 Hero! We will make the headlines!

To which the masked hero and Daily Muzzle Freelance Photographer rebutted the senile old man. "Careful JJ, we wouldn't want another retraction for false information, the last time you did that and painted the villain, the Emerald Elf, a Hero, you got the public wanting to cancel you."

JJ replied. "He's a menace to the entire City! If he doesn't wanna be famous, I'll make him infamous! the phone call ended.

Sheesh. I missed the part where that's my problem and I will continue putting dirt in your eyes JJ and once I become the number one Hero, I will quit the Daily Muzzle. Spiderman monologued by thought as he had enough of JJ's nonsense.

Suddenly Spiderman's webs got cut before he could answer his phone calls, there were six villains who cornered him, two in the sky and the other four on land.

"Ah great, the Insidious Six. You all wanna mess with my big day? Aren't you all middle-aged man who got nothing better to do? Villainy don't legally pay the bills you know!" Spiderman said sarcastically.

Villain — Emerald Elf
"The Mastermind and the League of Villains aren't buffoons, arachnid and for their sake, I will paint the town green hahahahaha!!!!" Emerald Elf bantered with Spiderman while floating with his Glider.

Villain — Magpie
"Rumor has it that Hawks will be retired...now there's only one bird that soars the skies!

The Hippo
"I have enough of your damn jokes!

Villain — Electricgod
Lightning spawned from the air.

"Your life is nothing, you serve zero purpose, you —" His rant got cancelled by having his mouth shut by webs.

"Trust me fam, we don't wanna go there, our audience these days are soft with such toxicity and fourth wall breakin'."

Villain — Takoman
Eight Handy Tentacles knockbacked Spiderman to the next building but he landed just fine.

"Will you ever shut up!"

Villain — Sparky
"Oh guys? I think he just went quiet, we don't want a Spiderman that's quiet."

In a blink of an eye, all five villains were beaten to pulp.

Only Sparky was left and he made a run for it.

Spiderman said with a serious and ferocious rabid animalistic voice. GET BACK HERE SPARKY!!! SSSPPPPASARRRKKKYYYY!!! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME, I'LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!"

Sparky stopped and was cornered by Spiderman.

"Please don't kill me." He said as be pooped and urinated visibly on his pants.

"It's Pizza Time! Time to go to jail before I get late.

Living on the edge, fighting crime, spinning webs, he can leap above our heads! He's the Sensational Spiderman!

Pro Hero: Spiderman
Real Name: Kumonosu Magaho
Quirk: Spideresque [Evolved]
Spiderman's real name is Kumonosu Magaho, an Eirei Alumni, who finished his master's degree in Heroics. A hardworking student who interned under Best Jeanist, Kumonosu also worked for the local Shibuya Digital Newspaper as a freelance photographer to make ends meet while still schooling. He has a strong tendency to throw quips which ticks a lot of people off with his offensive jokes, he even outjoked Ms. Joke and did a psychological suggestion that made her Quirk turned against her making her laugh for five minutes.

ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ᴇɪʀᴇɪ
Set Your Heart Ablaze – Kokoro wo moyase is the Eirei's motto alluding to Plus Ultra, one may say it personally as "Set My Heart Ablaze" and to a person, "Set Your Heart Ablaze".

In the same wavelength, the bullying came crashing down on the acclaimed bully, Yūhi Yusuke as bottled emotions resurfaced towards the scene, having imagined the grotesque image of broken glass and crumbling flesh. All of those fond to sad memories came flashing before his eyes, Yusuke's hatred was strong, or at least that's what he deluded himself into, thanks to Rin's Quirk, for that he saw his disposition similar to his ancestor, who vowed revenge to restore ones lost honor. In a fit of rage, Yusuke coughed blood out, his hair became fiery ethereal resembling Kaiga's flames and strand of snakes, nodding to Hebi, his eyes were purple resembling Matsuru and while he couldn't talk earlier, the adrenaline in this scenario overloaded and broke free by using Matsuru's Quirk to understand Jun's Quirk and reverse engineer it.

"You've done it now." Yusuke appeared to be a human chimera, it's seen as an awesome moment for him to fight back against his "bullies" and to make them back away, only for Rin to have shot him, relentlessly with multiple dozes of Antiquirk Bullets, knocking him outcold.

FYI - the bullets are non-lethal but the sheer knockback pressure was enough to put Yusuke down.

Rin apologized to her newfound homeroom, her demeanor changed into something sinister, even her voice changed.

Enter Dark Rin
Rin deluded herself as an Overlord with the power to compel her class, her tone portrayed a lower tone similar to hers but more mature in a split second and puts on her student adviser badge.

"If anyone has something else rude to say, I dare all of you to say it, one thing I will not tolerate is judging the book by its cover, f**k around and find out as to why I am your Junior Professor." She sat down and raised her gun and shoot a bullet to the ceiling, intentionally missing it, as means of intimidation.

Back to Normal Rin
"Ara ara sayonara~ Yaoyorozu-san can you please take Yusuke to Dr. Chisaki? Thanks. My deepest apologies for letting the other me out, let us all calm down like good children and discuss our last two agendas for the day, the Hero Billboard Ranking to watch and Dorm Assignments. Any questions? She said while putting her gun behind her back.

Like Jekyll and Hyde, only those who interned with the Hawks Agency knew how vicious Rin's Quirk is.

She also cited per Eirei standard, a non-lethal Antiquirk Bullet can be used to apprehend students that are notorious and non-conforming to the rules.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Kaiga Asagumo

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Kaiga jumped back at Yusuke's transformation shocked mostly at Yusuke using his flames Kaiga reached his desk prepared to try and calm down Yusuke before he noticed his hawk pad beeping. The moment Yusuke was shot with bullets Kaiga screamed...not because of Yusuke but because of what he saw on his hawk pad "ENDEAVOR RETIRED" Kaiga's scream filled the classroom before he turned around to see Yusuke shot.

"He's still breathing," Kaiga said "but he managed to copy not only my quirk but Hebi's and others to" Kaiga keeps thinking about Yusuke's quirk before he felt a chill run down his spine and turns toward dark Rin. "Y-yes mam" scary Kaiga thought "I volunteer to help take yusuke with Yaoyoruzu-san." He was sure Yusuke would be a handful and didn't want to leave that to a single classmate.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 3 days ago

Akisuji Gendou

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Gendou sat in a corner of the classroom, his eyes (still inside his head) scanning the other students. His body ached from over-exertion, and a migraine assaulted him; a symptom of pushing his quirk to its limits during the sports festival. Part of him was proud; he had performed surprisingly well, especially during the maze section where his eyes could scout ahead for the best route, and during the archery section, where his aim was as simple as looking at his targets. Part of him was apprehensive; his performance had pushed him into class 1B with students he didn't know and he worried that there was a former 1B student whose spot he had usurped who might hold a grudge. What was more troubling though, was that a lot of the students who had done exceptionally well during the festival were in this class too. Gendou had assumed that the A, B, and C classes were ordered by ability, but now he wasn't so sure. But if all the best students of the year were here, did he really deserve to be among them? Or was there some other 'issue' with these students that landed them here, despite their performance? Was this the problem class?

As if to cement this hypothesis, a student advisor came in and introduced herself as their teacher going forward; unorthodox, but not unheard of. But her entrance immediately sparked an argument that escalated rapidly, causing Gendou to cover his head with his hands and keep himself low to his desk. Though very little violence had actually taken place, Gendou simply didn't deal well with flaring tempers, and his best bet was simply to stay out of it; better that they were gunning for each other than home in on him as the target of bullying. However, Gendou almost shrieked as Yusuke unleashed his quirk, copying the quirks of several of the others who had been arguing with him, only to be shot by the teacher. At this point, Gendou was shaking and covering his mouth with his hands. For a brief moment, he was convinced that their teacher had just committed murder before she mentioned that she had shot Yusuke with an anti-quirk bullet. So she wasn't a murderer, just a psychopath.

"This is the problem class, this is the problem class, this is the problem class..." this mantra repeated over and over again in Gendou's mind as he tried to come to terms with his current predicament. "Why am I here? What did I do wrong?"
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

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Hebi Mamushi

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Hebi's serpents hissed together, with one of the larger five emitting smoke through its fangs defensively, persisting in loud hisses. She narrowed her eyes at the supposed "Student Advisor, her face etched with disdain and a scowl. With a gesture of her hand, she soothed her snakes before she spoke.

"Setting such a good example already." Hebi spat outwardly, her reptilian eyes locked onto the advisor. "I don't think someone actively threatening the class is fit to be our teacher. I fear for the safety of my peers, alas, might as well continue with the day."

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki remembered Rin now; who knew that shy and introverted girl from the Hawks Agency had such ferocity in her? Nodding at her words, Kazuki took note of Yusuke's power copying quirk, and wrote down all he was able to observe about it on a piece of paper; best not to write it on something that can be hacked into.

Then he noticed Hebi continuing the drama, and to be honest, he understood her reasoning; the force used on Yusuke had been overwhelming and disproportionate and the threat to the class, though humorous, was not tolerable. Maybe he should pitch in with his opinions? He was allowed to have them despite being a Qurikless, after all. However, a reputation for insubordination was not something he wanted to cultivate so early; he wanted to be sober, professional, and worthy of being a hero.

But then again, some heroes are insubordinate, aren't they? Looking Rin in the eye, Kazuki said, "With all due respect, we've been taught trigger discipline and how to use force the right way under Hawks; have you forgotten what we've been taught already, Student Adviser? But I will admit that the fault lies with both sides; us for being skeptical and letting Yusuke get under our skin, and well, I've already said my piece about your actions - Now let's discuss dorm arrangements like you invited us to."

Kazuki spoke, "Honestly, I hate to say this, but a Quirkless with guns might be the best dorm-mate for Yusuke - I'm volunteering myself, as distasteful as that sounds. I also don't think we should concentrate students with destructive powers on each other, too; that sounds like a recipe for disaster. Now, as for my opinions on the Hero Billboard..."

The young man then paused, and opened his mouth to address both Rin and Kaiga, "Endaevor retiring should be greeted with gratitude, not lamentations; he's given us a lot after All Might's death, and he deserves a happy life after that. Besides, this means more room for the new generation, aka us, right? This makes me wonder if Quirkless Hero Deku should be rising in the ranks now... Yes, I am one of his fans for reasons obvious as all heck."

What he was going to say next was unnecessary, but very rewarding, as he looked at Rin and said to the Student Adviser, "Student Adviser Himura, once this is done, would it be acceptable if I challenge you to a marksmanship contest after class? Shooting against moving targets, of course - I have not had a serious challenge against anyone since the Hawks Agency days..."

There, that entire set of words and actions ought to calm everyone down and bring things back on track... Well, there was still Gendou (?), who had loudly exclaimed a lamentation earlier. Looking at the younger boy, who was distressed while trying to focus on his studies, Kazuki sighed and said, "You'll get used to this, don't worry. And even if you don't, private study to compensate for any failings with the class exists. So just hang in there."
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kanako was, for once, not nervous or on edge. She didn't even flinch when the gun went off, merely looked up to see if anyone had died. Rin's transformation barely phased her. Most of the other students were freaking out, or at least reacting in some way, but Kanako was simply sitting in the back of the class, not saying anything, watching Rin carefully. "She can't be trusted, far too dangerous and let's power get to her head quickly," she thought. She stayed perfectly calm, with the same small smile she always had, although this time it had a different effect. It felt darker, and more or less like she was absolutely insane for not even really caring that their Professor had just shot a student.

Her gaze was piercing, as cold as a frozen lake, and calculating, like clockwork. All her jumpiness and constant fear had disappeared. She shifted her gaze to Yusuke and concluded that he'd live. She felt little to no concern or sympathy, not because she hated Yusuke, but because she couldn't care less whether anyone else got injured or not, so long as no one died. He wasn't dead, so why worry? Her reaction was, to say the least, unusual.

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