Hidden 5 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Marybecker


Member Seen 16 days ago

Name: Lura
Age: around 13-14
Race: Human
Fighting class: Rogue
Gear: Very light flexible armor.
Appearance: 5'4, with freckles. Fair skin, short choppy brown hair.
Backstory: During the war, millions of lives were lost. And despite the good it did, Lura began to resent both sides for destroying her home and her family. She was left orphaned, and with families already struggling to feed the mouths they still have, had nowhere to go.
But she wasn't going to give in. She was the only survivor from her family, and she owed it to them to survive. Sure, petty thievery might not have been exactly what they wanted, but what other way did she have?
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

@Marybecker Approved I will make first post soon
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by RogueFox
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RogueFox Runner-up Hero

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

Approved first post coming tonight.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 15 days ago

Character Sheet:
Name: Extreme Viper.
Age: 32.
Race: Human.
Fighting Class: Thief.
Gear: One-Piece polorized Goggle, a green camo neck gaiter, green camo uv arm sleeves, brown Camo cargo pants with fastnerbelt, brown urban assault boots.
Weapons: A double-edged Chromaticsword around the waighst. It wires out to 7Ft.
Appearance: 6"3 Male, Muscular peach skinned but not buff around the Neck and Shoulders - a Pushups jogging formal situps type. Brown Crown Hawk.
Backstory: Dad was a Guard, He retired to smith Armor, Mother saw Her marriage to retirement. Ranger Guild didnt accept me, so I learned agility stealing self teaching myself swordsmanship. I crafted this sword instead of armor, so went ranging not adventuring.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hope this one is alright
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Archazen
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


I hope this guy is okay, I've been using them for ages and would love to continue to do so!

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Geese
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Geese Shippūken

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hope this is ok! I've not RP'd in a few years!!
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

@Archazen@Geese Welcome welcome! Both of you are accepted and can post in IC whenever you are ready
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Assallya Kressair

Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 92

Class: Wizard
Level: 1
Hit Points: 4
Passive Perception:11


Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 20 (+5)

Physical Description: Assallya is a diminutive, blonde elf with long lustrous locks that cascade down over her shoulders like a river of molten gold. Her heart shaped face possesses a radiant smile replete with piercing azure eyes that can inspire calm or burn like ice. Surprising for a Calishite is her porcelain skin, snow white with but a blush of rose petals. Her flesh is pristine, contains no tattoos and not a single blemish.

Short of stature she is lithesome and willowy. Her manner and bearing change based on any number of assumed personas but in most she does not walk, so much as floats across any given room and has a habit of touching objects at random, caressing them with slender fingers.

At times a wanton wench, at others a pristine uncompromised virgin. However, when she is bent upon enrapturing a man her curvaceous hips and heaving pendulous bosom come into play, inspiring the men about her to come to her aid.

Armor/Attire: Assallya prefers her harem attire (depicted above) which involves ebony silks that cast her fair skin into shadow. She quite willingly adapts other styles to blend. When masquerading as a common thief she will dye her hair and wear soft leathers and carry short blades (that she doesn't know how to use). When masquerading as a bard she wears the attire of a gypsy, long skirts and colourful sashes. She also has a gown for dealing with nobility and simple peasant attire.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PreservedVessel
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PreservedVessel The Corrupted

Member Seen 2 mos ago




Race:Fallen Vessel

Styx's scout form:

Styx's combat form:

Fighting Class: Melee

Gear: Outer shell, which protects the inside of the vessel from being released. Nightmare's blessing, a cape worn by the strongest combatants of the Nightmare's Fallen Vessels, this cape makes the capabilities of life stealing magic more devastating to the foe if worn by the bearer.

Weapons: Retractable claws, Fangs.

Styx was created by the Nightmare god himself, the first to be created to be exact. When he was formed, he was taught one, and one thing only, destruction. Styx was the feared fighter amongst the ranks of Vessels which came along years after him, and the only one with the Nightmare King's claws. The claws are so strong, when a foe is cut by them, the bearer gains an ounce of soul back, ensuring the bearer will not fall easily.
He fought in the great war of the gods, leading his brothers and sisters to war against the opposing gods and forces of vessels. They fought for centuries with barely any breaks between wars. There were endless vessels it seemed and the bloodshed never stopped. Once they gained control of the major cities from the light, void, and crystal god, it seemed victory was near. But, all that changed when the gods formed an idea of how to settle this, it would take place in God's Court.
Styx was forced to watch the battle in the God's Court, a region wide arena where the gods could battle without consequences. All vessels cheered on their own god, Styx himself was witnessing the battle and cheering on the Nightmare god. When the vessels were allowed to join in on the chaos, Styx jumped down first and let out a screech of anger and determination so strong, it shook the stands of where vessels sat. The rest of the opposing vessels joined in and battled for hours, without realizing the gods were decaying from the lack of energy.
Styx noticed first the gods were gone, he dropped a young vessel, sparing him and closed his eyes amongst the bloodshed, attempting to sense his creator. There was no detection. The vessels slowly stopped and did the same. Realizing they were lost without a god, many destroyed their own shell, setting them free and into their afterlife promised to them. But Styx and a few hundred others from each god remained intact hoping one day the gods would return to them.
But Styx, Styx was the only one with doubt that they would ever come back, that they ascended amongst the war and found peace at last. Years turned into decades, and Styx watched the world change before him slowly. He himself felt lost without a god, but didn't give up on his spirit within his shell. He wanted to live a life, but the question was how? All he knew was chaos.
Unfortunately, this led to him instinctively destroying cities, destroying travelers, even demolishing kingdoms by himself. He remains in this world without guidance, feeling forever lost. Will he one day destroy his shell as well? Or would he meet someone or something that could spark something in him? Only time will tell for Styx.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago


Very impressive welcome and feel free to join in anywhere youd like.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Character Sheet: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/130515323/9vodKq
Name: Loki Nightingale
Age: 19 (looks 15)
Race: tiefling
Fighting Class: sorcerer
Gear: burglar's pack, 25 gold, and a diary.
Weapons: broadsword, daggers, quarterstaff, AND ME FISTS!

Backstory: Mother was kidnapped by slavers after birth, and Loki has made it his mission to find her. one small issue, he has no clue what she looks like.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

@Sky Blue

You never fixed your image please choose a different link or image
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

is it ok if the appearence is just my profile pic?
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Loki Nicholas Nightingale
Age: 19 (looks 15)
Race: shapeshifter
Gear: burglar's pack, 25 gold, and a diary.
Powers/skills: magic, shapeshifting, thievery, deception, and persuasion. doesn't like to lie, but he's good at it.
Weapons: broadsword, daggers, quarterstaff, AND ME FISTS!

Backstory: Mother was kidnapped by slavers after birth, and Loki has made it his mission to find her. one small issue, he has no clue what she looks like.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

@Sky Blue
Perfect that works for me if that's what you're going for. Accepted and welcome to join IC whenever you're ready.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

just lemme know when is good.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 18 days ago

@Sky Blue

you can join whenever you'd like.
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