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Hidden 6 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Are you still in? Yeah, why? Meet me at the usual spot. Be in good shape. What's the rush? We've got a new job. Details? Encrypted. Meet me. Fine. Give me 30.

Took you long enough. Traffic's a nightmare. What's so urgent? We're hitting a [D̡̗͍̘̬̜̎̕A̦̲̤̩̓́̅̇T̛͖̠̄͊̃̂A̰͑͒̎ ̢̜͔̎ͅC̪̅̇́͒Ò͔̫̙̺͇̍̒͝ͅR͍̎͐́̆͝R̘̘̺̩͍̀̇̉͗͊Ù͈̦̻̒̌̽͝P͕͇̼̈̀T̻̘̓͋̽̐͊̈́I̛̗̺̣̠͛̚͜͝ͅO̮̮̼͕̥͛̆͊̓̐͆N̪̥͍̩̄͑͊]. Again? This one's different. They're up to something big. What kind of something? Not sure. But someone's willing to pay a fortune for it. Sounds risky. That's why they hired us. Any backup? Just us. Great. What's the plan? Infiltrate, retrieve, get out. Simple enough. Don't underestimate it. We move in five.

You good? Yeah. You? Got what we came for. What about security? Dealt with, permanently. So now what? Lay low. Wait for our next move. Should we be worried? Always.

Welcome to Neon-York! The year is 2177, human cybernetic augmentation and robots are commonplace, and recently, a series of crimes have reverberated the Pyramid-City of Neon and Chrome across all of its three city layers. From the lower-city districts to the upper-city penthouses, no one seems safe, as a clear connection between them is missing save for one: a complete wipe of the victim's brain. As private investigators, fembot fatales, slumdog mentalists, and possibly mental cases too, you will deep-dive into crime scenes, computer systems and cybernetic minds across the city to uncover the madness behind the mystery.

(Image source: Rolly Rocket by Valenberg on DeviantArt

About the Game

Neon-Noir is a comfy-dystopian cyber-sleuthing RPG inspired by the settings and the feel of Cyberpunk 2077, L.A. Noire, and Eclipse Phase.

Player count has currently 0 free spots. So please check back later. Happy to have you!

The code of conduct:
  • Standard board rules apply.
  • Don’t be a d*ck (but don't be too easily slighted either).
  • We play a minimum of once-weekly updates.
  • Though roleplay may involve mature themes, there will be no explicit 18+ roleplay.
  • Anything else can be discussed and determined by the group in OOC.
  • The GM decides on matters that can’t be resolved by the group, and can always be consulted.
  • Keep real-life politics, religion, and drama 'off the table'.
  • Most importantly: Have fun!

The Fate Accelerated PBP system (thread): in this game we will use the Fate Accelerated system adapted to play-by-post. It is a minimal system of rules for collaborative storytelling games (see the thread if you want a thorough explanation with many examples, or here for a one-pager quick-reference). As it is a narrative-first system, play will not be very different from your usual RPG on this site. The changes will mostly be in how challenge and conflicts are resolved (elements of randomness), in that players are rewarded for acting in-character (even when that means getting into trouble, or failing sometimes), and in how players can add to the setting. If you have any questions about it, please don't hesitate to ask me. I will remind players of the rules as they become relevant, and will check-up with you, and update these as we learn what does and doesn't work.

Submit your Character Sheet for approval in OOC, using the template in the Resources below. Notice how it is quite minimal. This is on purpose: this lets other players quickly understand your character and how to interact with them, it gives you a lot of freedom in how to apply and develop your character in-game, and through the Fate system, these aspects can come back to help you (without your character becoming overpowered), or bite you in the ass. In my experience, it works best to focus on a few meaningful aspects you’d find interesting to play rather than choosing what you think is ‘optimal’, or very rigidly pre-defining the entirety of the character. Also consider if it fits the established setting (see the Glossary below).



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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 days ago

@MrSkimobile Eeeey, you got four votes on Neon Noir! 🥳
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Then I better start setting stuff up. Give me a week or so to write something up
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Glep @wikkit @AwesomeZero5, @CERO76, @Izurich, @Red Wizard

Updated the main post for your pleasure. Feel free to create a CS, ask any questions (e.g. about the setting or the Fate system), or drop out if you don't feel like it anymore ;).
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Glep @wikkit @AwesomeZero5, @CERO76, @Izurich, @Red Wizard

Updated the main post for your pleasure. Feel free to create a CS, ask any questions (e.g. about the setting or the Fate system), or drop out if you don't feel like it anymore ;).

Ooooh, nice! Unfortunately, I've just signed up to another RP with a similar premise. I admit to resuming my search after 10 days had passed since your second to last announcement. Apologies.

I shall relinquish my spot for anyone else who may be interested and I wish you and your future players all the best, Ski!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 40 min ago

For relationships, should we just put TBD?
It seems you want it for character connection, but that may take a bit-.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For relationships, should we just put TBD?
It seems you want it for character connection, but that may take a bit-.

You put whatever you want to actively RP. ;)

Usually, the Relationship aspect is used to connect you to another player character right at the start of the game like you said, so you immediately have a connection to RP with. But it's really not a hard rule. If you have another kind of relationship you want to explore for your character, feel free! Else, you can leave it 'TBD', and then later if we have enough people, we can match up.

Also, do note that this doesn't need to be romantic, or even a positive relationship. It could also be about a friend, rival, family, your favorite barmaid, whatever.

And don't forget that Aspects can change in Fate during play, so don't feel like you have to get it perfect immediately, or even be bound to it for the long run.

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ooooh, nice! Unfortunately, I've just signed up to another RP with a similar premise. I admit to resuming my search after 10 days had passed since your second to last announcement. Apologies.

I shall relinquish my spot for anyone else who may be interested and I wish you and your future players all the best, Ski!

@MrSkimobile Soooo, I didn't really vibe with the RP I mentioned earlier so I've cancelled my participation there.

That leaves me back open for this, so, if there are slots still open, I wish to rejoin, Ski!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ooo, this sounds new and interesting.

Are you still accepting players?

I've never done a cyber RP before, so I'll be a little fresh with it, but I have lots of experience with moderate to high RPing.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 40 min ago

Would suggestive persuasion be clever or flashy, or either or?
Making an android currently, and have a loose draft but haven't gone through edits yet
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 20 min ago


I am intersted in joining this RP. I will be working on a draft of my character sheet for you to look over.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Izurich Then feel free to join once more, as you can see there are no CS yet. What kind of RP experience are you looking for, out of curiosity?

@AwesomeZero5 Up to you, it really depends on how it's RP'ed. I'd say if it's (mostly) done by sheer force of performance (seductiveness, Wolf of Wall Street) it's Flashy, if it's done via logical reasoning or problem solving (Sherlock Holmes) it's Clever, thuggish intimidation (Godfather) is Forceful, (ab)using cognitive patterns/biases or hypnosis (Dune's Bene Gesserit) could even be Sneaky. But again, note that as we play and reach 'milestones' in the story, you will have the opportunity to swap approaches if you want. Nothing's set in stone in the Fate system, if during play you discover you like another playstyle more or want to develop the character in some other way, you can.

@Eviledd1984 Glad to have you aboard! Looking forward to it.

@KazAlkemi Feel free to join. We're all going to be creating a story together, and nothing's on rails, so don't worry about your freshness. :) Also, in terms of the Fate system, I'll try to incorporate a small 'tutorial' when we start so we can get comfortable with the ideas of compels, rolling, etc. I'll setup a Discord for rolling and ooc discussions in due time as well.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Izurich Then feel free to join once more, as you can see there are no CS yet. What kind of RP experience are you looking for, out of curiosity?

Wonderful! Thanks.

Something that doesn't have too wide of a gap regarding the abilities and powers between the cast. More Captain America and Hawkeye and less Batman and Superman teaming up.

UPDATE: I'm currently in the process of reading up on the FATE rules as outlined here. After that, I'll get started on musing and designing my CS.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[@all] I created an example character sheet in the main post. (and yes, I know, the Fate stuff can be finicky at first, but you'll see why it's awesome when we start playing)

@Eviledd1984 A bit of re-arranging and looks good to me, nice and classic.

The Aspects have a bit too much information (that you don't have to chuck out, but could better go in the Description section or the writing sample, for example). Aspects are seriously short distillations of a character to their very core. They describe what they are, what they can do and what makes them tick. In-game, they explain how you get bonuses on rolls, or how your character can be moved into action. Think of them as mini-plot hooks that we can tempt your character with later. This is why it's important to really think about how you want to actually play the character. And it's why they often strike a balance between being quite specific and meaningful, but also generic enough that it can be applied to many situations. So for your character, for example they could maybe even be made into "Disgruntled Private Eye, For Hire", "I want to make up with my ex-wife and children", "I'm Weak For The Bottle, The Cigar, And The Female Charm", or whatever you think would fit well. Further details can be put into the description, the writing sample, or left open to be filled in through role-play. I mean, save some for the good stuff later eh? ;).

As for the augmentations for stunts: that depends. Again, it's all about how you want to play the character. I put in glossary that most people are augmented in basic ways, so I won't require you to write down everything. A lot of that is going to be flavoring to the RP and the setting, so just let that be implied and sprinkle it in whenever. But if there are augmentations that you really want your character to be defined by, and really want to impact the story (an overclocked hacking module, a robotic hot-swappable strong-arm, a pheromone dispenser for seductive persuasion, etc.), that's what you put as Stunts. Alternatively, if you don't want to play focusing on augmentations at all, you can do things like 'Because I Think Out Of The Box, I get a +2 bonus on Cleverly Creating Advantages when I'm in a restrictive situation', for example. So think about: what can your character do that is truly exceptional for them? Could be augs, could be something else. Stunts are the most difficult to get right on the first go, so feel free to reply or PM me also if you have an idea, but don't know how to put it into these fate-y terms yet.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Izurich Great! Then it sounds like this could be a better fit, yes. It's a Noir setting, after all, about the down-to-earthness of life, and flawed characters. So no outright superheroes here, though I'm sure we'll have plenty of exceptional and cool characters to work with later ;)

Also, I want to make it clear to everyone once again: Do not focus too much on the Fate rules! Narrative first! As long as the story's engaging, that's all that matters. Fate's just a system that can facilitate that. Again, I'll make sure to 'tutorial' the rules when we start. Discord's being spun up as well, so if anything's unclear during play later we can go back and forth more easily on that, and if you want a brief mini-lecture, we can arrange that too. Thumbs up all around.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 days ago

@MrSkimobile My CS is up for review, GM!

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 20 min ago


I was thinking of using this as a source of references for augmentations. Is that okay? I also may need help with the formating, because for some reason RP Guild hates me lol.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Eviledd1984 Looks good to me. It definitely fits the setting. If you see anything you like or need help translating it to the system, let me know. What problem do you have with your formatting?

@Izurich Looking good! We can definitely do some cool things with that (evilgrin).
Two tips:
1. your Relationship and Want aspect seem quite close. This is OK, but you get the most bang for your buck if all Aspects are somewhat distinct. So I'd collapse them both into one Want, and then you have one more Relationship Aspect to play with. Does Lenneth know anyone from her past? Does she want to?
2. I'm not sure how you intended the HALo Stunt to work, as you technically use Stunts either as bonuses with, or as actions (and they cost 1 Fate Point to use, remember!). Normally you will know all the enemies that are in play anyway too, so though the HALo system could still be used as flavoring in RP, the gameplay effect would be minimal if any. Maybe you could mechanize it more like "in the first round of conflict, I can create a situational aspect 'weak spot detected' with 2 free invokes", or something.

Feel free to @ or PM me to brainstorm. (this counts for everyone)
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 20 min ago


I will message you if i have any further issues. For the formatting, i'm afraid if i change one thing the whole sheet will be screwed up.
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