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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlbert
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Here's a rough draft. I'll flesh it out some more after talking with Bee and the Co-Gms. Just wanted to get my foot in the door.

Appearance: Tall (for the region); slender; toned arms and chest; thick facial hair; ear-length hair. Portrait TBD.

Name: Sastro Sewojo, AKA "Sam"

Age: 31

Nationality: Indonesian

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: A single action revolver of late nineteenth century manufacture, in immaculately pristine condition. (Exact model and caliber TBD)

Noble Arm Rank:

Power: C
Speed: C? (The effect on Sam is continuous, his buffing (or debuffing) others takes effect pretty fast, the gun shoots a little slow on account of being single-action, but is otherwise a normal gun)
Range: E
Persistence: B
Precision: B
Potential: A

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: The item serves a support and a ranged function. The support function is achieved with skin-to-skin contact between the user and the person being affected. As a ranged weapon, the pistol has an effective range of a normal pistol of that manufacture (exact stats to be researched).

Noble Arm Abilities:
Endocrine Optimisation: When the weapon first appeared in his possession, Sam underwent a very uncomfortable growth spurt and increased muscle mass while losing body fat. Essentially, the Arm had forced the dweeby and physically unfit late-twenty-something to undergo a second puberty and develop the physique and stature commensurate with using the weapon. After this initial hurdle, the weapon has continued to regulate his brain and body chemistry, enforcing a more heightened wakefulness and a more deepened sleep, suppressing his appetite between regular meals, and keeping him pretty close to emotional equilibrium.

Endocrine Manipulation: When making skin-to-skin contact with another person, the Arm allows Sam to effect a change in their body chemistry to some particular end: releasing endorphins to dull pain; eliminating lactic acid to alleviate muscle fatigue; spiking testosterone to temporarily boost strength and aggressiveness; flooding a person with sleep or stress hormones to throw them off their game (a powerful and discreet tool, since discussions often begin with a handshake, giving him his chance.)

Factory Reset: The pistol always remains clean and fully loaded after a round is discharged. Powder burns and staining can occur on the surfaces shot, but the gun itself remains as it was. It never needs to be reloaded or maintained.

Misc Abilities: What are your other talents?
- Marksmanship; knife-throwing
- Multilingual
- Negotiation skills

Personality: WIP
Harsh with himself, patient with others. Well-spoken and "likable" (I'll work on better defining this at some point). Needs to get over himself, and let go of his guilt for being a rude NEET in the past.

*Likes: Kreteks, Cowboy/Buddy Cop movies,


Fears: WIP


*Current Goal: To make his parents pleased. This is sort of a moot point; his mother loved him unconditionally before he got the noble arm, and his father is just pleased to see him finally having grown up and gotten a life. Not to mention, they can't exactly know all the details about his classified work with Task Force Obsidian. But, driven but a deep-seated guilt over his being a lazy burden on them in his twenties pushes him to continually try to bite off more than he can chew.

Military or Civilian Rank:
[IDK about this; what do they do for non-military people in Task Force Obsidian?]
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Nice, can't say anything on NA Abilities, they look pretty much perfect.

Aight I will help you with the stats since I don't think you're in the Discord (?), and the explanation of power is there.

  • Power D, this is the level that's comparable to carrying a loaded gun, and the abilities aren't that destructive.
  • Speed C is fine, this is about the activation speed of the NA Abilities, excluding the passive effect on Sam himself, they all take decently fast but are not immediate (shooting is slightly slower cuz single-action and the ability on an ally will require him to reach out and touch them, so not immediate but not that slow)
  • Range... ok so F is touch range for Endocrine Manipulation, but also mind you D is around pistol range, less than 50m.
  • Persistence B, is cool.
  • Precision B, means you can selectively exempt whoever you want from the effects, it won't mean much with touch range for activation. But depending how precisely he can modify someone's bodily functions and chemistry, you may even argue for Precision A.
  • Potential C, B at most, but if you do B prepare a new ability for pretty soon in the story. A is restricted since that's the "blank state" for a brand NA.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by PrinceAlbert
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Member Seen 21 days ago

OK, based on feedback his and in the discord, my more full draft for the character:

Appearance: Tall (for the region); slender; toned arms and chest; thick facial hair; ear-length dark hair. Portrait TBD. 5'10", 187 lbs.

Name: Sastro Sewojo, AKA "Sam"

Age: 31

Nationality: Indonesian

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: The Batavian Special: A single action revolver of late nineteenth century manufacture, in immaculately pristine condition. (Exact model and caliber TBD)

Noble Arm Rank:
Power: D
Speed: C
Range: F
Persistence: B
Precision: B
Potential: A

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: The item serves a support and a ranged function. The support function is achieved with skin-to-skin contact between the user and the person being affected. As a ranged weapon, the pistol has an effective range of a normal pistol of that manufacture (exact stats to be researched).

Noble Arm Abilities:

Endocrine Optimisation: When the weapon first appeared in his possession, Sam underwent a very uncomfortable growth spurt and increased muscle mass while losing body fat. Essentially, the Arm had forced the dweeby and physically unfit late-twenty-something to undergo a second puberty and develop the physique and stature commensurate with using the weapon. After this initial hurdle, the weapon has continued to regulate his brain and body chemistry, enforcing a more heightened wakefulness and a more deepened sleep, suppressing his appetite between regular meals, and keeping him pretty close to emotional equilibrium.

Endocrine Manipulation: When making skin-to-skin contact with another person, the Arm allows Sam to effect a change in their body chemistry to some particular end: releasing endorphins to dull pain; eliminating lactic acid to alleviate muscle fatigue; spiking testosterone to temporarily boost strength and aggressiveness; flooding a person with sleep or stress hormones to throw them off their game (a powerful and discreet tool, since discussions often begin with a handshake, giving him his chance.)

Factory Reset: The pistol always remains clean and fully loaded after a round is discharged. Powder burns and staining can occur on the surfaces shot, but the gun itself remains as it was. It never needs to be reloaded or maintained.

Misc Abilities: What are your other talents?
- Marksmanship; knife-throwing
- Multilingual
- Negotiation skills
- Radio operation

Personality: WIP
Harsh with himself, patient with others. Well-spoken and "likable"; likes to quote American movies and break tension with humor when he can do tastefully. Not very political, he'll tend to try to diplomatically redirect the conversation when something contentious comes up. He likes to adopt some western fashions without compromising an Indonesian identity; in casual occasions he might be wearing American-stye heeled cowboy boots and a vest while at the same time wearing a Peci and smoking that distinctively Indonesian artifact: the Kretek. While he does support the ASEAN move to check Chinese aggression, is not a hawk, and would like to see the fighting stop as quickly as possible. Needs to get over himself, and let go of his suppressed shame for wasting his youth, and feeling that he doesn't deserve the second chance he got from the Noble Arm that he didn't earn.

Likes: Kreteks, Cowboy/Buddy Cop movies, Lizards,

Dislikes:Sweets, media that reminds him of his "Otaku" phase, Snakes

Fears: Reverting back into a "loser"; Being exposed as a fraud (no specific reason, just a looming sense of inadequacy); harm coming to his parents or siblings.


- Sastro Sewojo was born in 1991, the middle child of seven, to a comfortable middle class family in Aceh. His parents were pretty normal people; dad was a junior manager for a natural gas extraction company. However was a little too coddled, and never made very much of himself throughout his young adult life. Staying at home, he never attended college and only worked intermittently, although opportunities for study and a do-nothing job were both made available by his parents. When not collecting toys or comic books, he did tinker with radios and practice English and Japanese. He received his Noble Arm via inheritance three years ago, when an inexperienced Arms Master who possessed it previously took a bullet between the eyes from separatists. Sam was out walking in the woods when this happened out of his line of sight, and the weapon passed to him in a brilliant flash.

- Described above in Abilities, Sam underwent a bodily and psychological metamorphosis, and became someone actually useful for fighting. He threw away a lot of his old manchild junk, and pivoted hard towards "manly" hobbies as best as he knew how. As a volunteer, he has assisted non-powered army patrols in-country with his buffing ability and radio knowledge. His first mission outside of Indonesia, and the one before joining task force Obsidian, was a bounty-hunting job in the Philippines, catching an Arms Master who fled on bail.

Current Goal: To make his parents pleased. This is sort of a moot point; his mother loved him unconditionally before he got the noble arm, and his father is just pleased to see him finally having grown up and gotten a life. Not to mention, they can't exactly know all the details about his classified work with Task Force Obsidian. But, driven but a deep-seated guilt over his being a lazy burden on them in his twenties pushes him to continually try to bite off more than he can chew.

Military or Civilian Rank:
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@PrinceAlbert, Approval One granted.

Provisional Approval to post also granted, but can be overridden by the other GMs.
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We might have another player soon, but no promises.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We are still looking for more players, but once temperatures cool in America, I will hold a roll call to see if people want to continue this game or try a sequel.
Hidden 14 days ago 14 days ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

NTL: Filipino | FAC: Mafia | AGE: 19y.o

Noble Arms





Source Material
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Urizen, Approval One given.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Urizen approved
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There are 24 more days till the heatwaves end; this means that if we can set the groundwork for a continuation once players can write and post again, we can.
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