Hidden 5 mos ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Scene of the Crime(just north of the bundles by the rocks at the fence)
Action: Investigation, THUMATURGY TREMORS!!!
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


All things considered the summoning of the very helpful rant Chauncy was a great idea in Kosara’s mind. Sure enough the lil guy helpfully proved that yes it was still dangerous by quickly rushing back to her asap once she let him to go find clues. That told her the simple fact that – IT WAS DANGEROUS HERE. Which meant whatever was being mean and dangerous to the sheep was lurking very very close by. That gave her the immediate reason to stare at the tall fields that any number of wheat goblins might be hiding in and for some reason she pondered the benefits of burning it all down just to be sure and then dancing merrily on the ashes. Kosara blinked and scattered the random weird thought aside. She had to find them and break all their bones first before dancing on the ashes. That was better… probably.

“Not that I spotted really, but… think whatever did it is still around. Chauncy’s very afraid and returned right away in fear so… yeah. We aren’t alone.” She confirmed to Berry who inquired on her state of investigation. So she had to be ready for a fight! Well she was always ready for a fight more or less. She never really let her mage armor fade for that reason. It was just so convenient to have it up all time all the time. Except when she didn’t want it.

Now that the danger was established, she looked back to her friends and very good friend and spotted Kathryn’s sudden interest in the ground that turned out to be a mound. Which V was helpfully insistent on not being disturbed. Now that she looked around she spotted a few possible mounds.” Ohh...” She stated and looked at the others, noting that Cecily was making movements to secure her and Liz’s escape. Good idea!” Well… it reminds me of the sand critters back home… we used to hunt them by flushing em out...” She mused and looked around with a very wild gleam in her eyes and a huge almost savage grin on her face. A grin that looked so out of place on the usually happy bubbly Kosara. If these were critters and they were anything like those aka underground ambush predators… well…

“Shake and Tremble!” She proclaimed in wild manner as the magic forces inside her rushed into action and the cantrip spell was triggered. Well one variation off the cantrip Thaumaturgy to be specific as the usually rather harmless but notable tremors spread out and she drew out one of her daggers. If it was a creature she was so trying to cook it and see if it tasted like a scorpion.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Victoria Belmont
Half-Elf, Bard, Level 5
HP: 33 / 33 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Laurent Farmland - Near the fence, field side
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: Morty!
Reaction: N/A


Being that Victoria was not one accustomed to the subtle variations of Tiefling Thaumaturgy at work, she did not know exactly what was about to transpire when her traveling companion and fellow woman of the magical arts, Kosara, called out "shake and tremble" to whomever would listen. When the ground around then heeded her strongly intoned advice, the generally serene Bard's face took on an wide-eyed, incredulous look as her head swiveled slightly to gaze upon her. In that moment, time seemed to slow to an unnatural, perhaps terminal pace.

The first thought that caught up with Victoria was a question which she posed to herself and/or any deity that may have been listening. "When did I become the moral compass of this group?" More followed. The idea that she was the pragmatic, level-headed person on the field almost gave rise to laughter. In that moment, she honestly wished that their group's Cleric, Marita, had decided to join them. There wasn't a great longing for friendship with the lady nagging at the recesses of Victoria's psyche, as (if she were being honest) Marita didn't seem to trust her in the slightest. She wasn't the only one; it was something she had gotten accustomed to over her time as a student of the Grey Requiem. But Marita's presence would have meant that she would have been able to take up the role of even-keeled pragmatist and leave Victoria to her more genuine state of detached neutrality, like a good Bard should.

Instead, this was swiftly turning into a toddler fire. If Victoria's suspicions were even half right, it was going to be a four-alarm barn burner.

Victoria issued a mental command to her Morty to turn that shuffle into a sprint, if at all possible, prompting the recently animated beast to pick up its pace in as directly a line to its master as it could. When her assessment of time ceased its relative dilation and she rejoined the perceptual reality everyone else was in, all that she could do was ready herself, and hope she was wrong.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Nothing had jumped out and tried to strike at Kathryn. So, a win. She was nervous though. Sure, she could hold her own in a fight should push come to shove, but now she was the sole person who was a frontliner for the party. Though Blackberry could probably hold his own fine, she worried how things would go if he found himself alone holding the front because she made herself sick. He'd probably actually still do decent, but she still worried about him being overwhelmed and hurt. She didn't know a lot of monks... and Blackberry was clearly more than the few she had met. Kathryn made note to ask Blackberry more on his abilities and capabilities later. But she wanted to avoid a repeat of someone getting hurt to make up for her short comings. She debated again on using the runes. She'd be able to cover more ground sure, but her abilities were rather untested. She was far from optimistic on the matter.

The bad feelings were reinforced when Kosara let her new pet rat explore about, and seemed to get a bad reaction. Kathryn's eyes went wide under her helm when Kosara mentioned wanting to "Flush them out." Internally she was thinking "What the fuck?" Externally she was thinking "What do you mean flush them out?" Then Kathryn realized that she had spoken that out loud, and soon would get an answer to her inquiry. The grin on Kosara's face should have been telling enough that maybe this was a bit more than mischief. Than the ground began to shake under Kathryn. Kathryn's firm stance wavered briefly as she was caught off guard. She was still standing up right, but she had no idea that her tiefling friend was capable of such magic. Was that the extent of it? The limit?! Or was Kosara capable of dropping a house with her words. She was unsure... it was exciting to learn more, but she worried about Kosara sometimes. She's been struggling since... it tried to persuade them.

Kathryn drew her hammer resting it on her shoulder so she could swing it quickly while she checked something really fast. She brushed her thumb over the buckled on her shoulder. The core rune that is supposed to let the others work effectively. Thankfully it's a rather simple rune, but if it failed any of the magic Kathryn tried would become considerably harder to wield. Likely far outside of Kathryn's skill sets. "A Thuismitheoir mo thuismitheora, tabhair neart dom seasamh os comhair mo naimhde, agus bua a fháil orthu siúd a dhéanfadh dochar do mo chuid féin." Kathryn mumbled in her best old tongue. With help of her older education, and attempting vigorously to read those damn notes, she had been able to make some progress in speaking some of the lines. But her pronounciation was still weak, and her understanding of some of the words were still imperfect. But the carvings in the buckle began to glow a soft blue ever so faintly, before flashing white. Okay, so far so good. "If any of you under the dirt can hear me. This would be a great chance to come out peacefully and talk things over. This doesn't have to come to blows." Kathryn spoke with an assertive tone, wanting to give any possible sentient creature the chance to back off before things turned bloody. She paused, and worried about if they might be sentient, but do not speak common. Her dialect was limited to an early education and it showed in her pronunciation of several words, but she hoped she didn't butcher the translation. "Hello, if any of you can understand me under the dirt, this would be a good time to step out and talk this out peacefully." She spoke in the same commanding tone, but this time in a very basic Elvish. It was clearly a second language she was rusty with, but she was able to speak it clearly and confidently. She figured chances are these were wild creatures or monsters just looking for the next easy kill. But it felt wrong to at least not try and talk things through if possible.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: Farmland, next to Victoria
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 5/5


Lady Kathryn putting on her helmet made BlackBerry concerned. The concern then bloomed to worry when Victoria beside him sharply called out for Lady Kathryn to not do whatever it was she was trying to do.

Barbel Mosswater was absolutely certain that this was the right field, though BlackBerry remained a little unconvinced personally, but who was he to argue with the man who had grown up here? BlackBerry simply shrugged in an attempt to dismiss the anxiety that permeated the air around them all.

When Kosara’s report of her, or rather Chauncys findings, he turned to see Madame L’rose already moving her wagon ready to go should the situation descend into something dangerous. “Perhaps you should follow suit, Mr Barb…” The rest of the sentence died in his throat.

Right on cue, Kosara gave a giddy cackle from the field as she made to pull the situation kicking and screaming into possible danger. “A ‘Heads up’ would have been appreciated greatly, Kosara!” Hopping down from the wagon, and following on Victorias heels, he vowed to have words with the mad woman.

“Best get ready to run, Sirs.” BlackBerry spun around mid step, slowing his run to a jog, to call over to Barbal and Terace with a cheery grin. “It would appear danger is afoot. If you would attend to our mule as well? Please and thank you.” His concerns of Barbels trustworthiness forgotten, for now.

With that request sorted he twisted around again and hurried after Victoria, hopping over the boundary fence to meet her in the field. He arrived just in time to hear Lady Kathryn calling out something he couldn’t understand. His gaze snapped between Lady Kathryn ready but hesitant, and Kosara all but frothing at the mouth with a knife in hand.

“Might I suggest a deep breath and a moments pause before we act, hm?” BlackBerry was already rolling his shoulders, himself preparing for an oncoming fight. His knees bent and feet treading lightly across the soil. “Kosara, Victoria. If I may, it would seem you two have at least some idea of what could have caused this.” He gestured to the mounds he could now see Lady Kathryn standing beside that continued into the fields of wheat. “Care to explain to the rest of us? Did Chauncy…uh, say what it might be nearby?”
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Weather: The dim shy and cold winds remain, occasional and gusty, be they an afterthought to the horrors of the next few minutes.

Time: Afternoon. And if I might add, it is a nice day for fishin', ain't it?

Ambience: The road, the hill, the field, and the fence around it; all of these charming countryside features have one thing in common aside from their proximity. This solitary uniting factor is that, were they to achieve sapience and life experience enough to understand the concept of violence, they would understand what is to transpire before them.


The attempts at negotiation with the hypothetically present unnamed underground bad guys did not show any outward appearances at bearing fruit, so far as the tall and imposing warrior in vintage mail armor or anyone observing the scene could surmise. Then again, this was secondary to the shaking sensation which covered a remarkable amount of ground underneath and around the party. This shaking, though harmless in and of itself, was exactly as harmless as a dinner bell ringing a half hour late.

At first, there was nothing. Just the glances of the group at one another and wide-eyed anticipation from the others at the wagons. Then the most curious movement of one of the mounds - specifically the one nearest to Kathryn - as the ripped and shorn half-carcass of what used to be one of the fatter sheep pushed upward, exposing more of itself through the dirt as it rose. The space of this seemed to take slow, ponderous moments, but in reality was less than a second. It made the explosive rush of motion which followed even more startling.

The thing of shredded meat, bone, and blood flung into the air as if propelled by an inexpert trebuchet, leaving a trail of intestinal gore behind it in a ballistic arc. Simultaneously, three creatures sprung from the loose, soft earth of the field; one from underneath the mound in front of Kathryn and the other two farther out toward the road in crude flanking positions.

These creatures resembled a monstrous pairing of a centipede and a mantis, as big as a horse and significantly longer. Thick green and brown mottled chitin covered their seemingly unwieldly but still quite agile forms, and sharp mandibles clacked in a manner that seemed rhythmic. The screams of Cecily and Lizbeth (and Tarace) cut through the field and appeared to draw the notice of the giant insects if not their full attention, prompting dense fluid to secrete from their mouthparts in anticipation of a further meal.

Roll for Initiative.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05

HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A

Location: K8 -> G9

Action: Attack with Viscious Sword X2 (26 x2, dmg 7 x2)

Bonus Action: Arms of Astral Self

Reaction: N/A

Ki: 4/5


The answer to BlackBerry’s question came a lot sooner, and a lot louder than he had expected. Creatures bursting out of the field like maggots from a corpse, shrieking and flailing their grotesque forms about in apparent maddened frenzy, and throwing earth and a half eaten meal in all directions. He watched the half eaten sheep arc, almost majestically through the air with a grim fascination before it returned to the ground with a wet ‘smack’.

One more question answered.

BlackBerry pulled his gaze to the three horrifying, giant, horse sized, insects screeching in fury after being disturbed from their sleep. One had emerged not too far from Kosara, another was baring down upon Kathryn leaving her like a silhouette of silver against its green carapace. The third one however had turned its horrible gaze to beyond the the field, Blackberry followed its gaze, to the screaming non-combatants frozen in fear.

“Get out of here!”S He shouted over to the wagons, his feet already pounding across the dirt towards the creature. “Move! Now!”

Power churned, surging up from his core and out from his shoulders as powerful bursts of glorious righteous flames pounded brutally at the air infront of the insect creature, BlackBerry skidding to a stop between it and it’s quarry.

The creature however appeared to be completely unphazed, even somewhat unimpressed.

BlackBerry snarled up at the twitching mandibles, the hooked serated forelimbs, the mud and blood dried upon its grotesque carapice. While BlackBerry was against judging by a book these creatures did not make for pleasant reading. His hand wrapped around the hilt of the Viscious Shortsword, it sang almost gleefully being pulled from its sheethe and shone with menacing delight in the sun. Putting Lady Kathryns traing to use he took a step forward and thrust the sword forwards at the same time with the speed of lightning, the sword dived through the insects armour and into it’s tender flesh. The creature squealed in pain while BlackBerry struck it again with another piercing stab.

@Shoe Thief you're up!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field
Action: Multi Attack, rune magic
Bonus Action: Giant's Might
Reaction: N/A


Blackberry very kindly inquired about the potential events taking place. Kathryn would have loved to have been the one to answer said inquiries, but found herself unable too. Firstly, because she had no clue other than Something was under them. And Something was likely here watching them. Hostile or not she couldn't be sure until the second point. Secondly, one of the missing sheep had deemed it necessary to make itself known. At least what was left of it. Then, the air filled with blood and bits of sheep. "What The Fuck!?" Kathryn spoke sharply as she took a step back. Not wavering, but she needed room. Just a little more room. The rune on her buckle was still glowing. The occasional spark still coming off it, but it was still active. Good. The creatures that came out from where the very dead sheep had been hiding? Not good. Huge bug like creatures the size of horses. In a way that was comforting to Kathryn. Bigger things were easier to strike. But it looked vicious. if given a chance to get through Kathryn's steel, she had no doubts the creature would do much like what it did to the sheep earlier. But she was a tough nut to crack, and she didn't need her armor to hold up forever. Just longer than the bug plates of these creatures.

Blackberry was into action quick, taking one of the creatures head on. The dude was brave, Kathryn had to give him that. Even Kathryn now didn't want to charge up into the face of one of these things. Thankfully, it made the choice for her. Thankfully, she already had her weapons in her hands, and she had her helm on. As the creature emerged, Kathryn took an additional couple steps back. Still not wavering, but now she needed that room much sooner. No, she needed it now. She mumbled a couple quick words in old tongue, and the rune began to flare up as if it were being scratched up against another piece of metal. Sparks flying, the carvings glowing briefly as if someone had set off a magical explosion on the doorway that was the rune. Than, her boots began to sink, and the creature emerging in front of her began to shrink. The world began to shrink! And she began to grow bigger. Then the headaches returned, the upset gullet, she felt like she was going to hurl then pass out. Or pass out and drool vomit after she collapsed. But soon the rune stopped sparking, and Kathryn stabilized. She was still standing, she had not drowned herself in her own puke, and she had not collapsed from weakness. Looking about her, she maybe doubled in height? But she wasn't focused enough to know for sure. Now her attention needed to be focused on winning the fight.

It had to only have been a couple seconds between when the sheep had been launched and Kathryn landed her first swing. But as the creature took a step towards her, maybe surprised at the sudden change of Kathryn, or maybe it didn't care at all, Kathryn had landed a blow on the side of the creature, catching at least one leg as she nailed the hammer into the side. The first hit had an audible crunch, which she figured was good! But the creature was still very mobile, very hungry, and likely very pissed. So Kathryn using the momentum from the first swing, had brought the hammer around while still keeping eye contact with the beast, and sent the hammer down right onto the back of the creature, hoping to break it's back. But she knew that wasn't as likely as she had hoped. She did however get a chance to mutter off one more rune. Not loud enough she could even hear it over the carnage, but loud enough that she was able to get the runes to respond. They technically didn't need verbal components, but she was a beginner with lots and lots of intro lessons. Some of which self taught. Verbal was less likely to fail.

What she had not expected was just how effective the runes could be. The moment the hammer struck the beast, a collection of flaming chains flew out from the ground, and from the hammer, wrapping themselves around the creature as if they were living creatures wrapping up their own prey before crushing and killing it. Kathryn took a step back, and was awe struck as fire flew from the ghostly living chains. She had a rough idea what the rune was supposed to do. But this was by far much more than she expected. And now, the once fearsome bug monster, was little more than any other trapped animal. Kathryn was exciting that her abilities seemed to be working, but that one person could hold this sort of power, even as inexperienced with it as Kathryn was. It was a whole new world that Kathryn couldn't even begin to register.


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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, N10->N13
Action: Celestial(eldrich) Blast X2!!
Bonus Action: RAAAAAGE
Reaction: N/a


Kosara didn’t even have time to reply to the tasty Berry pie named draconoid adventurer that she suspected they had tasty lunchables hiding underneath them of some kind of bug-like variety when said lunchables burst forth in an overly dramatic manner. The remains of a carcass were flung up, then they fell down and big green insectoids were there for all to see.” DINNER!” Was Kosara’s very on point reaction scream to seeing them as she contemplated their resemblance to giant scorpions and if they were edible or not. Chances were… that these things were very edible indeed! She can make it work she just needed one or at least enough parts of one that were of reasonable condition to try to prepare to her tastes later!

Then both Kathryn and Berry burst forth into action, the monk speeding up ahead of the curve over everybody as he unleashed his attacks on the leftmost giant bug that if the sounds and reactions were to go by, did a good number on it. Then Kathryn did it also, getting huge much to Kosara’s delight and possible future uses of such a conveniently useful ability. There was going to be much ranged attacks that involved tossing an angry theifling at the enemies indeed! Also for dramatic entrances and good perching point to keep track of the surroundings, she could see it as invaluable especially in something like the busy market streets of the far southern lands of her birth where it was so packed with people it was hard to keep track of everybody around. Naturally that caused the buggy to appear tastefully crunchy from the impacts. Good idea actually, would make pulling out useful chunks easier from damaged carapace.

Finally there was the third of the ankhegs that appeared and it was to the far right where there was only Kosara in nearest reasonable distance so she was going to fight it and bog it down too! Maybe blast it in chunks… OR RIP AND TEAR it to pieces. Especially as a weirdly gleeful and bloodthirsty mood took her as she craved to rip it’s mandibles and whack it with them.” CEEELESSTIAAAAAL BLAAAAAAST!” She screamed and cast the spell as a golden streak of blasting light flew out at the target and did… absolutely nothing. Kosara’s monochrome eyes and even her white irises contracted at the sight in shock before a surge of anger overtook her and she assumed a crouch dash ready position, horns blazing into golden light again, mouth twisted into a furious snarl.” CELESTIAAAL BLAST!” The second beam was fired and did exactly the same as the first one… nothing. It was hard to describe the feeling that Kosara felt at that moment, the sensation as if she was useless, the knowledge she was lesser and that she lacked the strength of her peers to help and protect… and the simple fact that this damn bug was… not… HURTING.

[Kosara has become… ENRAGED!!!]

Something inside her snapped and she saw red. Loud and piercing roar escaped her mouth.” GRAAAAARH!” The mage armor she had on constantly was crackling and sizzling trying to maintain it’s cohesion. Becoming visually distinct to it’s usual practically transparent and not very noticeable state. It luckily didn’t fizzle out though, just adapted itself to Kosara’s current state. Her muscles then flexed and she dashed at the ankheg arriving face to mandible with it, roar still going on and only one thought in her mind - CRUSH HER PREY.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ankheg (X1)
Location: G14


Note: Creature is Restrained.

The great, chitinous monstrosity thrashed and bucked against the burning, confining links which sprung from the earth around it with deadly purpose, but seemed to only get itself further entangled. Previous hunger, and indeed the desire to sate that emptiness how it may, was supplanted heartily with more immediate survival. It could not snap a forelimb at the meat in front of it, nor could it advance so much as a single jerky step. It could not even make a decent attempt to burrow back into the ground and escape the pummeling damage of that unexpected concussive slam which assailed its ability to maintain consciousness and/or structural integrity. The chains which prevented this seared its exoskeleton to blackness in the places it clasped the tightest, which was keenly felt. All in all, this Ankheg was driven to an act of desperation, generally reserved for emergencies. Its internal scream to survive made the call.

It was still able to focus one set of its eyes upon its former prey-turned-attacker, and drew from within itself the corrosive ichor usually utilized to break down earth and bone. It gave what movement it could with its mouthparts to aim, and with a particularly inhuman series of clicking sounds, spewed the caustic juice directly at Kathryn. The gruesomeness of it connected, but such was the force of the projection that in continued in a narrow spray for a remarkable distance beyond, making partial connection with Victoria, several feet away.

Kathryn has taken 10 points of Acid damage (failed save)
Victoria has taken 3 points of Acid damage (passed save)
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Victoria Belmont
Half-Elf, Bard, Level 5
HP: 30 / 33 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Laurent Farmland, J8
Action: Casting Vicious Mockery
Bonus Action: Harming Beat
Reaction: N/A


The facepalm that Victoria would give herself after the adrenaline of the moment wore off would be epic. She honestly thought that there had to be a better way to flush out and/or avoid a possible ambush from underground than to cause a localized earthquake. On the other hand, it might have been confusing enough to make them show themselves, rather than start things off with a surprise attack. All the same, it didn't matter now. This grand ball had started and she suddenly felt like dancing. There was a moment of distraction when she witnessed the previously mundane (but notably powerful) Kathryn grow to a size proportional to their new adversaries and swaddle the one in front of her with burning chains. "That's what those runes meant..." she mused to herself, before refocusing on the fight. In truth, Victoria was a little jealous there wasn't a bardic equivalent to the new magic. It was visually impressive.

But back to Victoria's love of dance. It proved to be invaluable in that moment as an unforeseen jet of giant insect ichor streaked out from Kathryn's position; an attack from which the tall Knight likely caught the lion's share. The agile Bard dipped low and spun away like a transitional step in a lively folk dance, the briefest smile crossing her face. The expression was sort lived, however, as a feather-light arc of acid made contact, searing her leathers and opening a streak across her coat, dissolving down to burn the flesh beneath. Victoria cried out in surprise and pain - even in distress she was absolutely mellifluous of voice - but counted herself lucky it was only that minor.

The bitter sting of acid clarified her intent. She reached into her repertoire of spells she might cast. Shatter was still her most directly destructive area spell, but a thought came to mind that stayed the investment of her voice and talent in this way. It would cause widespread damage to its body and that was not her angle. Dissonant Whispers was another option, and more reliable of damage against a single target. But that bit of sorcery might make it flee, and she wanted them to stick around. Another option came to mind; one mastered only recently. It would harm in a way that did not physically damage and distract or befuddle the already dull creature to make it easier for the front-liners to finish the job with less fuss. "After all," she mused internally, "my role in a battle is to support."

She took in a deep breath and began to speak rhythmically, almost a chant, in proper and well enunciated Elvish. Even to those who did not speak the language whatsoever, there was a hard and wiry edge to it that left the shadow of a hurt more emotional or mental in nature. Like an echo of empathy for someone verbally cut to their core, or the second-hand embarrassment one may feel for a person humiliated in a room full of their peers. But the thing which was the obvious target, the Ankheg squaring off with Baronfjord, suddenly cringed as the psychic assault slammed into it. Its vigorous attack stance dropped into something sloppy and its clacking mandibles grew despondent, slowing their movements. Thin lines of dark fluid oozed from behind its compound eyes.

The flow of Elvish was cut short by an abrupt change in Victoria's speech. Harsh, not quite whispery, and deepening of tone as another voice layered atop hers, no less harmonious but potentially very unnerving. This short burst of dark speech resulted in previous wounds flaring with black, bubbling fluid, and localized veins of darkness spreading across the shell of the great beast, pulsating as they grew. The Ankheg wobbled as it took this renewed attack poorly, unable to even detect where the source of the pain originated.

Victoria held her position. So long as nothing got too close, she was in a good spot to contribute to this fray in a manner with which she was highly proficient. Morty finally complied with the task set to it and took its place by its master's side, awaiting further command.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ankheg (X2)
Location: F10


The fate of this creature, now stabbed a couple of times and psychically assaulted, not to mention its well-being chipped away by spreading necrosis from an unknown (to it) source, it not an extraordinarily pleasant one. Not quite at the level of mortal desperation as its companion, which was presently held down by fire chains, it nonetheless wished to press the issue for meat. The Ankheg didn't remember eating a bipedal reptile before, and this new potential source of meat intrigued its insect-brain. Be it at disadvantage, it attempted to latch onto the Dragonborn Monk and draw it closer to its corrosive mandibles.

Unfortunately, everything had taken a toll on the creature. Neither decent slash nor passable grapple was to be had, and it was left with no alternatives but to move away, or press the fight. It was still hungry.

Ankheg (X3)
Location: M14 -> M10 -> M12


This Ankheg sensed much of what was going on around it, be it not due to sharp eyesight as much as a sense of reading vibrations from the ground around it. Even if it wasn't as effective as its antennae, it could stil tell that there were things, larger and slower things which might not fight back quite as hard - just outside of the loose soil of the field. If it were able to catch a clear look, it would have known that it was targeting one of the three wagons present; specifically one which held two female humans that was trying to maneuver for an escape.

Unfortunately, there was a bit of disorganization between the L'Rose and Mosswater's wagons, denying either wagon a speedy withdrawal.

Kosara, in full blown RAGE, was between the beast and its intended target. Well, it didn't mind an a little something light to start its meal off. The fully instinctual thought process had this beast rushing to intercept the L'Roses' wagon, not even slowing to snatch up the raging Tiefling and deliver a vicious snap of its mandibles to her torso, digging in with its chitinous appendages and oozing acidic ichor onto the wounded area. The ride didn't stop there.

The creature took scampering but determined steps toward its intended victims, dragging the wounded Warlock along. It brought her just about back to where she started her charge before inexplicably halting. The horse-sized insect began to shiver wildly and dart its head around, as if to look for someplace to run. It is usually a very difficult thing to tell if a giant bug is afraid of something, but this one was showing all of the signs.

Kosara slipped from the Ankheg's grasp as it trembled, every one of its eyes now focused on the L'Rose wagon. It took a couple of shaky steps backward, now pawing at the earth with its back legs. It was trying to dig back into the ground, but made painfully little headway with an escape burrow as its senses were focused on the wagon in horror.

Kosara has taken 13 points of Slashing damage.
Kosara has taken 2 points of Acid damage.
Kosara has been moved to M10 on the battlemap.
NOTE: Creature is Frightened.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


So let's recap.

X1 isn't in the best of shape, presently damaged and Restrained by Kathryn "I'm not really a Giant" Pyke, rather ironically using Rune Knight abilities. So there's that.

X2 is likewise not in the best of shape, thanks to a little stabbity-stab action from Baronfjord combined with some psychic and necrotic assistance from Victoria. The beast seems rather dejected about the whole thing.

X3 is physically undamaged, but is presently suffering from the Frightened condition, rather unexpectedly.

Anyway, best of luck. It's time for...
Round 2
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05

HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A

Location: G9

Action: Attack X2 (10, dmg: N/A. 16, dmg:8)

Bonus Action: Unarmed Strike (19, dmg: . 13, dmg: N/A)

Reaction: N/A

Ki: 3/5


A satisfied grin split BlackBerry’s scaly face seeing the creature apparently far too stunned to even react to the sudden onslaught both physical and magical. The latter he asumed to be from the talented Victoria, bringing up the rear with her marvellous voice tuned perfectly to ease ones worries or evident ally sharpen them to a razor edge.

A surge of fire to his right caught his attention to see Lady Kathryn nearly double her original size, his thoughts scurried to bring back what she had said just some hours ago about her antics with magic.

“Sizing up the enemy I see, Lady Kathryn. Marvellous ide-ah!”

Mandibles filled his vision, the giant creature suddenly lunged at him. BlackBerry hopped backwards a step and the vertical teeth snapped shut in front of his nose, giving him full sight and smell of its last grisly meal. Then two monstrous claws came snatching at him from either side, the beast pressing forward upon him, forcing him to jump again to avoid the attack. Coming back down on the outside of its arm he aimed the sword at the creature only for the strike to go wide and miss completely.

Blackberry grimaced, grunting as he re-found his footing then drove the sword forward again and this time slipping in between the gaps of its armour plating. He then gave the sword a sharp twist to the right, its edge locking against the sides of the plates it had slipped between. Then he pulled on the sword as hard as he could, with mighty grunt of effort pulling the creature towards him, his fiery left arm shot like an arrow up at the creatures face. The blow landed with a satisfying grunt, and with enough force to rip the sword out of the wound.

In the space that emerged between the creature and himself, BlackBerry could see the situation emerging to his right; the giant bug with its claws sinking into Kosara’s flesh and its back limbs furiously scratching at the ground. It was trying to dig! It was going to take her away!

Desperately, he looked around the battlefield trying to take in the situation, trying to think of the next move he could make. Fiery chains had emerged from the ground and restrained Lady Kathryns target, While Victoria to his right with Morty ready for battle. Kathryn could go an help Kosara but there was no guarantee the creature wouldn't escape or be able to land a thrashing blow regardless. He threw his other arm towards his own opponent but the distance between them meant the blow didn’t land with enough force to be of much use and the firey limb simply bounced off its scales. Despite Victoria being a magic user she did have Morty and the beast looked as if it could do some decent amount of damage if it threw its weight around.

“Victoria. Kosara requires Assistance!” He called, pulling back into his fighting stance with fiery limbs around his head. “Lady Kathryn, finish your opponent. Fast.”

@Shoe Thief get smacking!!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Giant's Might
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field H12--> K12
Action: Multi Attack
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The battle continued on with semi reliable success. The creature infront of Kathryn burned and struggled against the fiery chains. Kathryn was beginning to think that this battle wouldn't be nearly as difficult as she thought. Kosara was off to the side, blasting and raging like a wild animal with magical eldritch magical fireballs against her own creature. They seemed to hold little effect. Kathryn couldn't be sure if it was because of dumb luck, or the creatures were somehow resistant, but the beast seemed to shrug off the attack for the time being. She looked ready to fight the thing hand to hand, and likely try to take a bite out of it. Kathryn wasn't so sure that the small tiefling woman could, but in her current state she seemed like she would try. She had been very... different since the battle with Cavendish. And after his Patron had called out to them all. She was concerned for her friend, and worried apart of her was lost that would never heal. She was beginning to think that maybe this was now the only way she could express her trauma. Kathryn just hoped it wouldn't completely take over her.

Kathryn however, was deep enough in thought that she had noticed that the giant bug she was facing had at least one more trick up it's sleeve. A trick she saw just a bit too late, as her person soon became assaulted with an acidic force that would burn even through her steel armor. "Son of a bitch mother Cunt Fucker!" Kathryn exclaimed in far less than polite terms. As she turned to shield herself from the worst of it, she saw that V had also been hit. This was starting to be a reoccurring theme. Kathryn would attempt to shield her party, she would then attempt to defeat her enemies quickly to end things as soon as possible, and V would take a hit meant for Kathryn. Gods be damned it's like the universe wanted V to take a brutal end and just saw Kathryn as a simple ditch to be avoided or run over in it's place. On a back thought, she realized she would also have to now clean her new tunic and new armor tonight to prevent the corrosion from the acid from ruining the armor int he long run. Her last set had already struggled due to its over extended service life. Already showing extreme signs of wear, tear, and rust. Kathryn being new to maintaining such gear she struggled to keep up with the nearly ruined set of armor. her own fear as well getting in the way of things. Stabbed in the back a few too many times, stabbed in the front a couple times, and trust issues she wanted desperately to work past. Tonight she would be apologizing to V for letting her get struck so brutally again, and she'd likely have to spend much of the evening without her armor so she had time to clean it up. V was the priority though. She would have to find a way to make it up to the poor bard.

V still seemed determined to not let the creature slow her down. Though Kathryn had a solid understanding of Elvish, the magical tune that came from the bard made Kathryn feel... unwell. Not sick, but as if there was a sinking feeling inside of her that could not be avoided. Thankfully, said magic was not directed at her. But she wondered what other tricks the small woman had hidden up her sleeves. Things that definitely gave Kathryn the chills. She'd pity the creature who was targeted by it if they weren't actively trying to kill them. The sharp turn in V's voice confirmed that Kathryn was very glad to not be on the receiving end.

Whatever Kosara was doing to the beast, it seemed to be working. Maybe too well. Like the one Kathryn fought, it was fighting like a cornered animal. Trying to do whatever it could to get away. Unfortunately for it, and the one Kathryn was battling, that would not be allowed. The creature retaliated and struck Kosara hard enough to send her back. Punishment that Could be lethal to some. Thankfully, not Kosara. She would need help, looking back to Blackberry, he held some comparable concerns. Now it was time to finish things. Thankfully the dragonborn was holding up going toe to toe well with his bug. With V's support the two had it down for sure. "Aye, fast. Can do!" And that is what she did. It helped that the bug she faced had already taken a beating, but while it struggled Kathryn looked for a window of opportunity to retaliate at the creature for its cheeky acidic attack.

Kathryn bounced back and forth on both feet as she closed the distance. As she did so attempting to feign the restricted creature, she dropped low and swung the giant hammer upwards with enough force it dug a small trench into the field bringing dirt and stone upwards as the weapon grazed the ground, and impacted with the creatures chest. A sickening crunch as the hammer inserted itself past the chitin like plates, the fiery chains holding the creature in place as Kathryn's force continued upwards. Soon creating a hole in the creatures back where chitin, guts, and the creatures blood exploded out. And with what appeared to be little resistance, Kathryn yanked the hammer out of the monster flicking off the gore from her weapon and in the same motion, turned her person to let the momentum of the hammer and body guide her person and destructive force into the bug that struck her friend. Bringing it down with enough force to cause another sickening crunch. Though not as destructive as the blow on the last one, Kathryn hoped that it was on its last legs.


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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: RAAAAAAAGE
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, M10->M12
Action: Grapple(athletics) -SUCCESS!
Bonus Action: Healing Light
Reaction: N/a


The angry little tiefling’s charge was interrupted by the very big and hungry bug as it scooped her up with it’s mandibles in clear intent to get a snack on her while it was moving on to the carriage. Maybe it wanted the horses? Not that she cared much for it as the mandibles snapped up at her sides as she was brought along for the ride, it’s sharp implements of munching digging into her taught flesh, the mage armor flashing as it struggled to resist the damage also. Primal beastial anger bubbled up in her as her muscles flexed and pulled as she struggled against it’s grip, being surprisingly effective in mitigating a lot of the possible harm the thing could have inflected her. The only real thing that did well even if not much was the acid it was dripping everywere though she lucked out of most of that.

Her mind kept bare minimum attention to the events outside of her own fight though by instinct she did note enemy position and friendlies positions and of course the fact the beast got afraid when it went to the carriage even if she wasn’t in the state of mind to act on it right now. Maybe when her current target to overcome was dealt with? Or maybe it was going to be when she snaps out of her rage… One could never be certain especially about something she stopped focusing about just as fast as she had noted it.

Suddenly it more or less dropped her and even her rageful mind picked up on it’s sudden display of fear. Maybe it was because she was in primal and almost beastial rage that she realize what was happening and acted on it within a moment on pure instinct.”DAAAAAAAAAANARTH!” She roared and pounced from her posture in an almost beast like fashion, her lithe pale form seemingly propelling itself as the beast and then she went vertical instead.

In a instinctual rapid flurry of motion as her pale body moved over the frightened beast, it tried to react to her antics, but she was faster and surprisingly more effective as it’s attempted failed at tossing her off until the pale woman finally found herself up on top of the beast.”AAAAAARAH!” She roared now on top of the distinctly bigger creature, standing on top of it’s nominal head, holding herself there with one hand and roaring and hissing like a beast herself, eyes bloodshot, the reed bleeding into the usual snow white.”HEEERRRRRRRRRRRAAAAGAAAAAAAAAH!” She let out a final roar of victory at her apparently success because yes she had gotten up there… for some reason.

Though even in her barbaric rage that had consumed her unstable mind she did one thing that for the initiated would have been a clear sign it was still Kosara. While roaring in victory she raised her hand holding the dagger up and above aimed at the skies while she appeared like she was almost riding the ankheg… because… riding a great beast was heroic… probably. Especially since all the while that was happening, the golden sparkles of her celestial magics were covering her injuries rapidly making many of the grotesque injuries on her sides vanish.

@Sigil X1 next
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Victoria Belmont
Half-Elf, Bard, Level 5
HP: 30 / 33 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Laurent Farmland, J8
Action: Casting Dissonant Whispers at X2
Bonus Action: Morty
Reaction: N/A


The burn was unpleasant, but nothing like what Kathryn must have been going through. Armor or not, she took that acid point blank and Victoria's growing irritation at the more minor injury upon her person wasn't comparable. Still, she would have to get her clothing repaired - again - and she really liked this jacket. A magic-tinged syllable or two from her would be enough to soothe her acid-damaged flesh, and if she was lucky it wouldn't even leave a scar. Well, it was coin toss, possibly. Acid and fire didn't always leave without a trace, in Victoria's experience. Maybe it was because she wasn't exactly a dedicated healer. Her nature was, with a few notable exceptions, to dabble. And with their present situation being in the middle of a battle against really big bugs, she needed to utilize one those notable exceptions.

The Ankheg nearest Kosara was curiously in a state of dysfunction, and curiouser still had the pale Tiefling astride it. Not quite as curious was were the actions of Kathryn, who just got finished battering one of the Ankhegs to death and moved on Kosara's impromptu mount. Also, she was still frigging huge. The situation looked fairly well handled; or at least enough that Victoria felt comfortable ignoring (what she really hoped was) a suggestion from Baronfjord to give Kosara assistance. On the other hand, the Monk was within mandible distance of his own chitinous foe and it was still sluggish from her earlier psychic and necrotic assaults, not to mention the very expert holes left in the front of its carapace by Baronfjord's shortsword. It looked like all it needed was one more solid push before it tumbled off the precipice of mortality, and that was a service that Victoria was pleased to provide.

Victoria interposed this recent incarnation of Morty between herself and the fight going on between Kat, Kosara, and the Ankheg to the south of her. Then bright, crystal blue eyes shot back at the Ankheg she had damaged just a moment before. Shadow painted her face as she gathered music within her thoughts and willed it to manifest, the blackness surrounding her eyes and spilling downward like an expression of necrotic grief. It made the contrast of her eyes seem even brighter, perhaps a bit colder, as she began to whisper. Echoes of voices which were not hers joined, but quietly. So quietly as to make one believe they were imagining it, mishearing, experiencing something caught in the wind.

But the Ankheg heard them. It heard everything. It couldn't not hear them, even if it lacked the capacity to understand. Words, whispers, verbal jabs persisted for what seemed like longer than the small moment it was afflicted by the cacophony of voices crawling around the inside of its psyche, invading its mind, stressing it from within until thought, even primitive insect survival thought brought it agony. The Ankheg took two faltering steps backwards before albuminous blood leaked from behind its eyes and it collapsed upon the soft earth. It shuddered sickeningly and breathed its last.

Victoria's mouth curved upward on one side, the start to a satisfied smile which she held back from fully forming. She didn't get the kill shot very often and she had plans for the carcass. As many of them as possible, point of fact.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ankheg (X3)
Location: M12


The Ankheg's want for fresh meat had taken a backseat to a firm and far reaching desire to not have an angry Tiefling on its back, nor a really, really big woman continue to assault it with a block of enchanted metal on a stick. Even more than this, however, was the intense gnawing fear which gripped its guts with icy claws and threatened to yank them out at any given moment. This was not a tenable situation by any means, and it had to escape. The deeply rooted instinct to flee had taken over, and it wasn't going to get very far above ground. Below the surface there was greater protection. In the dark, it could still navigate. And it could scrape off its unwanted rider. It might have simply rolled over to crush the young woman mounting it, and indeed would have were it just the two of them. But the Ankheg instinctively knew that it may open itself to further attack from the other enemies around it. This was for the best.

It first lashed out at Kathryn, hoping to injure the new threat to its safety. Between the effects of its frightened condition and the woman on its back who made the free movement of all of its limbs somewhat more difficult, this was not an easy task to perform. The impact of mandible and claw upon armor was significant, just not enough to cause any pressing damage to Kathryn. So it proceeded to do what it did best: DIG.

Its other appendages began moving earth away from itself; still with profound difficulty as its main dirt-movers were occupied with other things, but if it could hang tough for a little bit longer, it could regain the upper hand in this fight and get a much more advantageous position. Or just escape. Either way, in one short moment the Ankheg managed to burrow backwards enough so that only two thirds of its abdomen remained above ground. It was raised in a defensive posture, with fresh ichor glistening about its mouthparts as if readying one last gambit for success.

NOTE: Creature is Frightened.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago


And onward to Round 3. Let's see what we're working with:

X1 is dead. The last thing that went through its mind, prior to expiration, was Kathryn's hammer.

X2 is also dead. Victoria wracked up enough psychic damage to override its vitality with the world's worst headache.

X3 has been hurt and is still suffering from the Frightened condition.

As we do not have any changes in the map aside from locations and no additional issues have been raised, I'm skipping an OOC post. Up next is @Arty Fox, as Baronfjørd gets to open up:
Round 3
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 05
HP: 40 / 40 Armor Class: 16 Conditions: N/A
Location: G9 -> N11
Action: Attack X3 (hit 26, dmg 5), (hit 11, dmg N/A)
Bonus Action: Flurry of blows (hit 18, dmg 4), (hit 16, dmg 6)
Reaction: N/A
Ki: 2/5


The bugs last moments were apparently of great pain and suffering if its flailing limbs and shuddering mandibles were anything to go by. BlackBerry ducked beneath one such limb in its final moments of screeching, horrid death throws. Watching the black ichor pour out from around its eyes he had a very good idea as to who had landed the final blow to the disgusting creature.

He paused for a moment to let his lip curl at the twitching form of the now, thankfully, dead giant bug. He was averse to most bugs even at their usual size, so this was absolutely beyond disgusting, and in his opinion they had no right to be this big. It was simply impolite for everyone else. Already hoping from foot to foot ready to sprint, he gave the bulbous skull a quick tap with his sword to make sure the damn thing was dead. Satisfied it wasn't playing dead he spun on the balls of his feet towards a startling scene of Kosara having turned the tables on her assailant, now victim scrambling to remove the screaming Tiefling from its back. He gave a quick glance towards Lady Kathryn to see she had managed to single handedly dispatch her bug.

BlackBerry wasted not a moment more and surged towards the pair. fiery limbs trailing behind him from the shoulder.

“I stand corrected. It is the beast who needs assistance.” He called to Victoria as he sped past.

He held the blades point directly ahead of him as he ran, speeding towards the creature, throwing up wheat and dirt behind him. He collided with the bug. The blade slipped between the chitinous plates and sunk into the beasts soft innards, drawing out anguish screams alongside Kosaras maddened bellows, but it had only managed to pierce about a third of the blades length. BlackBerry pulled himself away from the bugs hide, trying hard not to gag at the smell of its blood, and pushed hard upon the blade forcing it deeper into the wound. Then, BlackBerry did gag at the stench of its blood gushing over his hand as he snatched the blade away, and struggled to see past his tears for his next strike to even hit the creature.

“Bugs are far too small to have blood or veins like us.” Anothers helpful voice in a memory spoke, he tried to shake the it away but the memory persisted. “Their organs sit in a liquid inside their bodies. I’m not sure what its called but I’ll find out.”

His right limb fired out a delicate jab, a gentle caress, a little love tap against its (for lack of a better word) chest to confirm the creature was within striking distance.


The left fiery limb, BlackBerry threw his whole body into the lunge with a twist at the hip, came in like a battering ram. The fiery fist came into focus upon the world as it slipped under the creatures fore-claws and struck the bugs torso with a satisfyingly audible crunch.

@Shoe Thief nicely done! Lets get the last beasty
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Giant's Might
Location: Avonshire Grazing Field K12
Action: Bug Murder Part II
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Kosara was a rather vicious little gremlin on top of the bug, and Kathryn hoped that her friend would be able to calm herself down once the fighting was over. She did find it amusing watching Kosara climb up on the big. And she pitied the poor creature who was likely facing off against its last fleeting moments. On the other hand, Kathryn would play a big part in that. She got a brief glimpes at the creature the others were fighting, saw what was happening to it, and decided the creature who had it's chest inverted had it easy and likely had the best death of all three of the bugs at present. She had no idea what had happened to the creature for sure, but she figured it had to be Victoria or Blackberry. Knowing what she did on the duo she leaned towards Victoria. Unless Lizbeth or Cecily had some sort of magic that could cause... that.

The bug that She and Kosara were fighting looked to be suffering its own fate pretty poorly too. Kathryn had no idea what the little tiefling did to the creature, but it seemed to want nothing to do with her. Granted, in Kosara's current state if the small tiefling was trying to get her too Kathryn may also attempt to dig her way under ground to get away from the small little menace. Blackberry soon came in to assist Kosara and herself with defeating the last bug. Dishing out several lethal looking blow with his sword and person, Kathryn was glad to not be on the receiving end of that mess. To Kathryn's surprise, the beast was still willing to keep fighting, or at least refused to die as it tried to desperately crawl away. A quick thought as Kathryn braced her hammer to her shield like a spear Kathryn figured it was likely the latter.

Kathryn thrust forward with her hammer and body weight as sending the head of the hammer into the creature's shoulder, or equivalent of, and sent it awkwardly towards the ground. Careful to avoid Kosara in the potentially lethal blow. As the creature attempted to recover itself Kathryn brought the hammer low, under the bug's neck, and hooked it lifting it rapidly upwards. Not a graceful connection, but she lifted up with a single fluid motion ripping the bug's head off, yet still attached to it a section of back like a spine as bits of the bug are removed with the head out the back. A single swift motion as if the half giant were swinging a pick axe and going to split a giant boulder. The head, still attached to some of the bug would find itself flying off towards the bug she faced, and what was left of the creature would collapse into the the borrow it attempted to dig, though not fast enough it seems. The hammer in Kathryn's hands never finished the motion, stopping just a few feet off the ground after the bug's head and bits had been launched.

Standing up strait, she looked over the battlefield. Much of it now covered in guts, acid, and thankfully not too much non bug blood. Looking at herself, she found a fair amount of acid, bug goo, and chitin across her person. "Well, that wasn't too bad." Kathryn chuckled as a piece of chitin slid off her helmet and onto the ground. She turned her attention back towards the non combatants and spoke up with a cheerful tone. "I think we got them! We should be good. But we can go make sure they're dead first to be safe." Kathryn had no idea how to make sure giant bugs were dead, but she figured it couldn't be too hard. Her next problem though. How did she get... un-big.

@Sigil Let Victoria do her thing!

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