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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rivaan
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@Sigil sorry sig forgot to tag you in the ic post, X1's turn is next!!!!!!!!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox


Baronfjørd (23)
Kathryn (19)
Kosara (17)
X1 (16)
Victoria (13)
X2 (8)
X3 (1)

Congratulations for surviving the rigors of one entire round of fighting (alleged) Ankhegs! Huzzah! It's just so gosh darn exciting I could soil by finest of manly undergarb! But let's look forward, shall we? There's a Round Two to suffer through, and not all of the tricks have been pulled yet, by either side I'd wager.

SO! A couple of things - I have altered the map juuust a hair to account for the large size of the Ankhegs and the new, large size of Kathryn. For a reliable accounting in the headers, I am labeling their location as the upper-left square that they occupy. If this sounds a little weird, just compare what I'm listing to their place on the battlemap and it should be apparent. To wit, when Kathryn's header calls for a location, please use the above format for as long as she's Large.

Remember to put your rolls in the open in our Discord OOC Lounge, and tag the next person in line at the end of your IC post. Then your 48 hour timer begins. So once again, Baronfjørd - you're up. Go be a hitter.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Had some free time, made a backup.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

And here we are, our characters standing in a gore-spattered field of triumph. The good news is that they've figured out what's been going on with Mssr. Laurent's sheep. The bad news is that one can never be sure if you got them all. Time has a way of telling these things, and hindsight, as they say, is 20/20. When and/or if another session of sheep slaughter comes around, you'll know.

But those are depressing thoughts. Victory is at hand! Huzzah! Of course, even victory seems to come with a series of questions attached when you live thenlife of an Adventurer, and this is no exception. Something does seem a little bit off here.

In any case, we are out of Initiative order and back into Narrative. Standard rules apply for posting moving forward, and feel free to have your characters move/act independently (within reason). There is still a bit of traveling necessary before you get to the Vineyard, but luckily there is daylight left in which to do so.

Oh yes, and one of those feelings that something is off? Roll me a Nature check in the Discord and tag me. Best of luck!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

And the update-iness continues! Brass tacks of it:

The field dressing of the Ankhegs to remove meat and carapace will take two hours, give or take. This accounts for dice rolls, help provided, and other factors. At this time, the L'Roses do not seem impatient to leave. Helpful, even.

Anyone who drinks the diluted wine that Lizbeth is handing out needs to roll a CON save at Disadvantage will find that it is not unpleasant and quite refreshing. The mild amount of alcohol present is also, as Cecily mentioned, a lot better for cleaning than regular water. Just a bit of flavor for the posts.

If Barbel's offer is taken, he will wait until the carcasses are stripped and load what's left into his wagon, preferably with help. He will likewise volunteer himself and Tarace to help load up the party's goods onto the L'Rose wagon, and lend a tarp. If the offer is not taken, he will continue helping Kosara dress her giant bug and leave the party to their devices, claiming to pass the message along to Monsieur Laurent that the issue has been handled.

In either situation, the way is paved to either stick around and get more discussion in or have the party back on the road by the next update. Let me know in the Discord which way you want to play it. Per usual, any questions, die rolls, or concerns, please tag me in our Discord.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Update has been updated, which is probably plain to see in our IC via those lovely notifications we all get, so... yeah. This post is pretty redundant. BUT! Here are a couple particulars about this specific update:

The party has a final chance to do stuff before arriving at the Rose River Vineyard, so if you have any last-minute gift ideas or suddenly feel like cornering the market on toilet paper, here's your opportunity. It will be a fairly rural area for shopping or socializing, so don't expect those Big City Marketplaces. They will also be coming down from their own, much smaller version of Harvestide, so keep this in mind.

Anyway, consider arrival in town to be the end of the coming posts for this cycle, and the time before this on the road at a standard wagon's pace. There is ample time in the interim to get conversations worked out or introduce new concepts with which to foist bedevilment upon my plate as a DM. One can hop down from a wagon and traverse up to the other at a moderate jog, or hop down from the front one and wait a moment to get back to the rear one easily enough. Walking alongside will be a steady, somewhat brisk march. Or a leisurely stroll if you're seven feet tall, like Kathryn.

Per usual, send me a message via Discord for questions, dice roll requests, and the like. Huzzah!
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Congratulations! You're there. The main setting for Act Two has been reached, and for better or for worse, you all have landed slap in the middle of the THERENESS of it all. So, as the Update says, settle in! Get comfy. Relax. Let your guard down. Get yourselves out of that itchy, heavy armor. You're probably safe here, right? Right?

Well, whichever way you play it, there are rooms to divvy up and decisions to make, a meal to be had, and Stuff. Lest we forget the Stuff. And the Things. It's important. But for now, per usual, any questions, concerns, or die roll request, please contact me in our Discord. And rememeber - courage.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Okay, everyone roll for Initiative. Ahem, sorry. The evening progresses as one might expect it to. I mean, it's perfectly normal to have people wait hand and foot on road-traveling adventuring types in a charming, rolling estate full of generational wealth and suspiciously successful grape harvests for large scale wine production, right? And because it's so normal, it's really a good time to get nice and sloppy on extremely fine wine they're just giving you, bottle after bottle, cask after cask. There's no reason to get paranoid at all, now is there?

Well good on ya! I'm proud of your levels of trust. Now to business:

The issues with room selection and topping off the meal are still on the table, if you want to get into specifics. To be clear, you have the full run of the Coach House, so if you really want to stay in the servants' quarters near the stable you can do that. Or set up a bedroll near the taproom's fireplace. Or crash in the kitchen. But the beds will be a lot more comfortable. It will be another tick in the Current Clack timer that I use behind the DM Screen before something awful happens something does indeed clack, so please continue on with the festivities. Unless I'm lying. I do that sometimes.

Per usual, contact me in our Discord for die rolls, questions, or sudden breaking revelations about your surrounding that you previously missed and have to voice so that you cannot be accused of metagaming later. Best of luck!
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Well, here we are again. A new cast member has been added, with several clues as to their origin and a possible deal is on the table. Then again, is blind trust in this strange guy really the best option? Or was this a carefully crafted piece of luck? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF AVONSHIREBALL Z!!! (Okay, sorry, had to.) Basically nothing has been resolved from the last post to this one, and that's actually just fine, seeing as there's some good RP action going on and the interaction is comfortable. You all do what you're doing, if it works for you.

That said, Master Urmdrus has been hinted at for a month or so, and here he is. Whether he becomes a Jacques Mallard or a Constable Cavendish is fully up for debate, but he seems interested in something you have and has opened with an offer. Do with this what you will. Per usual, contact me with needs, questions, or dice shenanigans in our Discord, and may whatever god looks out for adventurers (Nuada actually, in this pantheon) smile on the lot of you.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Huzzah, huzzah!

Okay, maybe I gave that minor celebration a little too early. But a better deal has been struck, if the party accepts it. Unfortunately, if the plans mentioned in the OOC Lounge is any indicator of what's going to go down this posting cycle, then we have an interesting IC night ahead of us. Best of luck, I suppose. Things could be worse. All in all, I guess it's fair enough to say that everyone should enjoy the moment, for however long those moments last until the bottom drops out and we remember that we're in an investigation and combat oriented forum fantasy RPG. So pay attention to those details, keep your swords handy, and make sure your spellbooks are legibly inked.

Oh, but remember: You're on vacation, right?
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

And the hits just keep on coming! Now with confirmation of the deal an the materials hauled off, it's only a matter of time (and apparently a bucket of freshly squeezed urine) before the party members capable of utilizing said equipment acquires it. Let us hope that our good Duergar friend doesn't have a previously undiagnosed heart condition or gets eaten by something particularly nasty that may or may not exist nearby. In any case, consider this another good RP round, let us close out the day with a nice, spiffy Long Rest upon a decent mattress under thick blankets, blissfully unaware of the horrors which might await. Or not. I mean, you're wintering in wine country, right? What's the worst that can happen?

Anyway... do that thing where you get in touch over our Discord for rolls, questions, or if you think I missed something (has happened before). Best of luck, and I do hope that we all have pleasant dreams. <insert evil laugh here>

Image unrelated - we hope.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

And the group has survived their first night at the Vineyard. I'd call that a rousing success, even if you don't know exactly why this should be considered a rousing success. Now, the beginning of the post describes the place at night, but the end puts us out at morning. There are two reasons for this: 1) No rolls called for anything awful happening to the party at night, hence we could move along, and 2) The frigging post started at one time and ended at another. There! Hope we're all up to speed.

Consider us getting going the next morning with next morning shenanigans. Send me that DM for rolls, questions, etc, and feel free to do your thing (within reason) in the IC. Obviously, this means that we have gone through a Long Rest, with all of the game mechanic stuff that entails. Best of luck surviving Day Two. Or would that be Day One, as we arrived in the evening on the previous day? Whatever. Doesn't matter. You're all here now and have to deal with it.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Let's keep the ball rolling with a.m. shenanigans. There isn't anything official planned with the owners and/or staff for a while yet, so if anyone in the party has a task they wanted to get to in the meantime (and it doesn't take more than a couple hours), there is time. Per my standard setup, there is a Current Clack of events unfolding; whether or not the party has influence on said Clack is up to them and their individual decisions and actions.

Hit me up in the Discord, leave me a message about stuff, blah blah, and suchforth. And best of luck with those conspiracy theories in chat. Huzzah!
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Another cycle of posting comes to a conclusion, and another begins. The King is dead; long live The King. So let's get to the bare business if things first:

Shoe - Kathryn's acceptance of the necromancy being done to her has to be voluntary, or the spell won't take. To wit, I appreciate the explicit and direct mention of consent to such in the IC. Something official and open is appreciated as we may be skirting into PvP territory here.

Arty - Baronfjord is right to feel nervous. You've seen the Bard take out a giant insect with her voice and a casual necrotic follow-up, and she still hasn't answered his question from the night before. Experimenting with magic taken from a book previously owned by the warlock you all just killed is a little sus.

Rivaan - The initial incident moved Lizbeth's social reaction down to Cautious. The apology brought it up to Indifferent. Immediately asking her to serve you tea was ...certainly a choice to make. But the rolls were made and the situation has improved, so that's a positive note.

The immediately preceding point should be taken to heart - I don't believe that I have mentioned outright that I am loosely keeping up with the named NPCs and their reactions to party members, following interactions and events. It goes back to the bit at the start of the Act One when I mentioned that actions matter. This is, at heart, an investigative RPG with elements of combat throughout. Social presentation is just as important as a good swordarm. On the other hand, keeping true to character regardless of consequence is noted, too. Consider it a balancing act.

A.M. shenanigans continue. There is still time before the scheduled Clackery, so do your thing. To hammer the point from the last OOC post here, there is a timetable of events that occur, and the party's actions (either individual or as a group) will influence these events. Or they will continue unabated. If a charcater is in the spot where and when these things happen, you'll have your chance. But just for now, speaking in a very meta, DMish way, I will say that you're good for a bit.

Per usual, message me in Discord for rolls and stuff. And best of luck moving forward.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

And the Update is Updated. Here we lucky few are here to witness this; we may even pass this information down to our grandchildren (or pets, you do you, kids aren't for everybody) that posterity may know of the spiffiness of this update. So... yeah. We have passed by the next few minutes in game time with a ritual that isn't taken too amazingly well by the civilians in the room. But it was effective, the visible results were posted in the IC, and the spell description, along with repercussions and hidden effects, are detailed in our Discord. That being said, all we have left to do is react to our surroundings and hope that something awful doesn't happen in the meantime.

Anyhoo, get with me for questions, concerns, or dice rolls, per our usual channels. Best of luck.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Once again, I sit here typing stuff, and once again, you sit there reading it. It's like staring up at the moon, wondering if my players are looking up at the same moon, and I feel ...sick. Why are you bogarting all the good moon so's I can't have any? Give someone else a chance, damnit! You're like teenagers that refuse to leave the bathroom!

Fine. Keep all the good moon. I'm still the guy rolling the big dice. Anyhoo... consider the events of the post taking place over the course of 20 - 30 minutes. Morning is progressing as mornings do, everyone can get seconds or thirds of tea if they wish, and a bit of toast isn't going to ruin anyone's breakfast. But situations are brewing, and stuff is slowing coming afoot. As a side note, the odd things are beginning. You are catching whispers of it embedded in the updates starting with this one, so please pay attention.

Once again, any questions, comments, concerns, die rolls, etc., please contact me in Discord. Best of luck, and thanks for joining me in my only mildly traumatic storytime.
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Hidden 24 days ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

"Did you ever get the feeling that we're not really off adventuring in the world of Priomh, stuck in a series of strange and evolving events in the Avonshire region that threaten to drag us into something potentially fatal and/or epic? That we're really figments of a collective group of people's imaginations, and we're going through all of this purely for the amusement of these enigmatic figures? If this why almost all of us have a tragic history and abilities that elevate us over the average farmer or artist by leaps and bounds? Is everyone we meet and get to know going to die a horrifying and dramatic death right in front of us?"

- Legacy Adventurer, after way too many Svirfneblin "relaxation" mushrooms

Okay, deal here is that you have an open block of time to do things, explore, get in a task, etc. before you have a scheduled place to be. However, there is nothing forcing you to attend that breakfast. Even if you do, let me know what you're doing in the meantime. At present, there is a Duergar exile carrying buckets of piss to his workshop, a small gathering of workers around a rather distraught lady, a domestic worker running to meet up with them, the new lady of the estate returning to her home, workers in the field, and yeah, full hills of grapevines to get lost in. For later on, there is a river that hasn't frozen over yet and a town a short distance away, in case anyone wants to do a little sight seeing.

Questions, issues, I missed something, or you need a die roll handled, get with me on the Discord. Good luck. Things are in motion.
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Hidden 24 days ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Double post. That was weird. Carry on!
Hidden 16 days ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Being that we discussed this at some detail in our Discord, I'll keep it short and sweet. Kosara and Baronfjord have full run of the kitchen, do as you will. If you mess something up, there is a housekeeper who is already a little nervous and willing to help in any way he can. To a point. Kathryn has the best view ever and can see damn near to the town. In fact, this spot looks like an excellent place to have some epic, final duel. Not that it would ever happen, of course. Victoria is being personable and schmoozing the hosts, in a good position to ask questions and deal with her own pursuits.

And for the attentive reader - yes. That is an omelette station.

Per our usual, if I missed anything or if you have questions, need rolls, etc., let me know in the Discord and I'll give that DMish assist. At the end of your posts this cycle, decide if your characters will be attending the breakfast, because that's when it's starting. If you won't be there, let me know so that I can account for that with the update and detail your actions otherwise.

Best of luck; the fuckery is officially afoot.
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@rivaan@Shoe Thief@Sigil@Arty Fox

Before we get into the pleasantries - Kathryn: The Perception roll in the Discord was not ideal, but it did bear a little fruit. The bits and pieces of smoked Morty that was ingested reminded Kat of something. She couldn't quite put her finger on it at first, but damnit if that meat seemed like it would pair amazingly well with the wine she was guzzling the evening before. Something similar about them, just out of mental reach.

Now, for the rest of us. Your characters may arrive at any time after Cecily answers her first question, about the Medician in town. Past that, feel free to react. Plenty of information to be soaked up there. The last bit, with the stablehands, can only be directly noticed if your characters are coming up from the front of the Estate House. Remember that Cecily bid you all to walk around the place to get to the terrace in the back.

Further, as this takes place over a full season (give or take), there are going to be significant lapses in time between events that need to be accounted for. To this end, be thinking about how you wish for your characters to spend their time. If it can be worked out within the context of the storyline, there are skills to learn, tools and weapons to familiarize yourself with, languages to pick up, etc. Any character who puts consistent in-game time toward something along these lines will acquire it, along with their milestone level at the end of the Act.

Per usual, hti me up in the Discord for questions, concerns, or die rolls. Or if I forgot to address something in the IC.
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