Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas stepped out of the front door ahead of Drake. He glanced around and couldn't see any threat so far, so he gestured for Drake to follow him out. Stepping forward, he decided to to circle the perimeter by going clockwise around, only unlike last time he did checks, he was much more thorough and made wider search. "See anything?" He asked.

As Serena stepped inside, Fia finished and closed the circle. Proud of her work, she looked up when John asked a question that surprised her. The John in her time wouldn't let her take the lead on something like this, even though she felt she was more than capable to do so. Yet she also knew, or at least, assumed it was because John was a lot more protective of her than he outwardly showed. "Sure, what's the spell?" She replied, stepping up to him to look at what book he was holding.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake was using the shadows to check around as well and said ā€œnothing so far. I think Bane more then likely scared anything around hereā€¦ā€

John turned the book to her and pointed to the page. ā€œThis one here. Easy and straight forward. I think you can handle it right?ā€

Serena looked over looking a little nervous ā€œyou sure about this John? Fia?ā€
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas wasn't finding anything either so far and that was exactly what he wanted. "I'm not finding either, but ya can never be too careful. Always good to truly make sure" he replied to Drake. He didn't know if that was a lesson he would have been taught in his time or not, but it was a lesson he always stood by firmly. Especially when it came to being around John Constantine.

Fia looked at the spell in question that John was showing her and nodded. "I can handle it" she replied to him before turning her head to Serena. "Yeah we're sure about this, you're gonna be fine" she told her honestly. She then looked back at the spell to really memorise it in her mind. "Let's do this" she said.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake nodded and said ā€œIā€™ll keep the shadows searching for now to be sureā€¦luck never was one on our side at timesā€¦ā€ he paused and looked at Chas. ā€œHow many are you up to now? Saved souls?ā€

Serena sighed and said ā€œI was more worried about you twoā€¦ā€ John chuckled and sat down. ā€œThis is Fias show. I want to see what she can doā€
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas found it sad but not surprising that luck wasn't always on the kid's side, considering it seemed their families stayed linked to John in the future. What did surprise him however was the kid's next question. "Uhh...8 I think?" He replied as he have it a quick think off the top of his head. "Yeah, I saved souls" he repeated more aure of his answer this time.

Fia looked between her dad and Serena as they spoke and couldn't help but smirk slightly, happy that John was taking an interest in seeing how capable she was. "you're gonna be fine Serena" she reassured, before she looked back at the book and took a deep to centre herself. Something she was always told to do if it was at all possible. She really didn't want to mess this up and disappoint John, even though technically he wasn't yet her dad in this time. She began to recite the spell in the book, holding out one hand to hover it over the circle around Serena as she did so. Her pronunciation was perfect of the Latin she spoke, a by product of the teaching she underwent in her time. The spell made her eyes glow their phoenix golden hue. Shadows of her phoenix wings cast out onto the walls behind her, despite the wings not revealing themselves physically.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake smiled and said ā€œyou know that goal of yours is one my moms favorite things about you. That you always do the right thing for othersā€¦you get a lot more in the futureā€¦I donā€™t think youā€™ve reached your goal just yet last I askedā€¦ā€

Serena watched impressed as John smiled ā€œthatā€™s my girlā€¦now see if anything comes out or even your senses picking up on anythingā€¦ā€
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas wasn't sure if he wanted to know about himself in the future. It the fact he was still in their lives was a bit of a relief. He knew every time he 'died', it was one less soul keeping him on this earth. He just wanted to be in his friends and his family's lives. He wanted to see his own daughter grow up, so knowing he was still alive in Drake's future was a great relief. "Good to know" he replied.

Fia smiled briefly at hearing John's praise, but she refused to break concentration. "Right and Serena? Let me know if you feel anything off" she replied before asking for some help from Serena. She tried to let her sense home in on Serena and the spell to make sure nothing went wrong. "I'm not sensing anything yet..." She spoke up.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake smiled and said softly so only he heard ā€œshe loves you too. Both of them. And she still calls John her uncleā€¦ā€ he moved to go inside but stopped and looked up towards the roof. ā€œWas that burn mark there before?ā€

Serena said ā€œI donā€™t feel anythingā€¦but now my right leg is itching like crazyā€¦ā€ John raised an eyebrow at that and said ā€œthatā€™sā€¦oddā€¦ā€
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas couldn't stop the smile and amused look on his face from appearing as he just knew RenƩe no doubt would still absolutely hate the idea of John being called Uncle in the future. They all knew she hated it now, so why would the future be any different? He began to walk back inside with Drake when he noticed the boy stare towards the roof. Looking in the same direction, he shook his head, "not to my knowledge. Could have been from when Kay and Fia were up there" he replied.

At first, Fia was glad that Serena didn't feel anything but when she said her leg was itching, Fia also found it strange. "That's not right...dad, got any idea what I should do?" She asked, whilst still trying to keep control of the spell. It was getting difficult but she didn't want to disappoint her father.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake frowned and said ā€œmaybeā€¦but odd itā€™s on the side of the buildingā€¦but letā€™s go see how moms doing with thisā€¦then I have to figure out why the timeline is still in chaosā€¦ā€

John said ā€œmove the point of the spell to her leg. It might be trying to pull something out thereā€
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Chas nodded in agreement with Drake's plan. They needed to focus on one thing at a time and not overwhelm themselves with numerous things all at once. He took was curious as to why the timeline was still in chaos but he didn't want to let Drake know that. The less he knew of the future the better. Though he couldn't help but wonder if the chaos that happens in the kids time was a fixed point and couldn't be changed. Which meant no matter what they did, Kay would become corrupted eventually, no matter what they did to stop it from happening. He shook the thought from his head, Drake and Fia could NOT know that possibility under any circumstances.

Fia took on John's advice and focused on moving the spell to Serena's leg where it was causing Serena some irritation. "I don't know about Serena, but there's a shift I'm definitely feeling in the spell. Like there's resistance fighting me" she said, trying not to strain herself and keep herself in control. The phoenix golden glow in her eyes began to flicker as it reacted to whatever was giving Fia a fight against the spell.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake was watching him closely and said ā€œyou know that time travel isnā€™t like it is in the movies right? We donā€™t just vanish when the timeline rights itself? Fia saw something a while back that triggered all of thisā€¦I think thatā€™s what sheā€™s waiting forā€

Serena looked down and asked ā€œcan you describe it Fia? Maybe I can have Bane or my shadows helpā€ John got up and said ā€œlove do you need me?ā€
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas glanced at Drake when he pointed out the fact about time travel. He was ready to say yes he knew that, but what Drake continued to say intrigued him more. Fia saw something that triggered everything? This he found incredibly interesting and he couldn't help but wonder why Fia never said anything to the rest of them before. "did she tell you what she saw?" He couldn't help but ask, despite his previous decision to know as little as possible of the future. Something told him this was more important than his previous opinions.

Fia kept trying to keep hold of the control. She didn't want to disappoint John or feel like she was coming off as not being ready for this. Yet the truth was, she was still young, a teenager really. She still had a lot to learn. "It's like it's pulling back against me...giving me resistance. Like it's.... stuck somehow....dad I need you" she explained through gritted teeth. Her own power beginning to flicker as it became strained, this was becoming rapidly too much power for her to control.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake shook his head and said ā€œno, she showed up at my place and told me that we had to fix the past, then grabbed me and we went into the portal. Not a whole lot was talked aboutā€

John moved and rested his hands on her shoulders and started to help her spell work. ā€œI got ya love donā€™t worryā€¦ā€
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas listened to Drake's explanation and he didn't know why, but he got a feeling Fia was the type to do that sort of thing a lot. "Does she do that a lot?" He asked him out of curiosity as they headed back inside to check on Serena.

Fia was thankful for John's help. She felt his own power ability course through her from her shoulders as she continued to work. As he stood behind her, he would have felt the warmth from her wings that weren't visible other than the shadow on the back wall, but were most definitely there in feeling. "Tha is dad" she said without thinking. After a few seconds, she began to feel she had more power against whatever was in Serena's leg, "okay...I'm gaining control again..." She explained, managing to mystically envelope what was inside and pull it out of Serena. She kept it sealed as she did so. "Got it!" She smiled.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake smiled and nodded ā€œso much. Upsets my mom sometimes cause Iā€™ll be gone for days with no warningā€¦ā€ he paused inside and said ā€œI just want everyone to be okayā€¦ā€

When she was trying to pull it out Serena gasped as the form was trapped under the skin. Without a pause she moved and pulled a blade from her belt and bent down, cutting into her leg and cursing in pain. Thatā€™s when the form came out and was trapped in Fias magic, a nasty looking bug creature.

John looked over and said ā€œSerena youā€™re bleeding! Fia seal that thing in a jar and fast.ā€
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas could honestly understand where future Serena was coming from and why she'd get upset. He was after all, a father himself in this day and age and he never wanted to remember the time his own daughter went missing thanks to a warlock wanting payback on John. Though it was one thing he'd never be able to forget. "I can understand that. A parent will always worry about their offspring, no matter what they are" he explained. "Hells, I'd even imagine John would put of his mind if anything happens to Fia in the future. He gives off a demeanor to pretend he don't care but kids are his kryptonite. His own flesh and blood I can imagine being even more so" he continued.

Fia thought she was managing to get the parasite out without the need for Serena to cut her leg open, but it seemed that wasn't to be the case. When it was out, she nodded at her father's orders and quickly went to the nearest jar which she opened and encased the thing. With a few muttered words, she magically sealed the jar. "Done!" She said.

Kay saw the boys come back inside and walked up to them, "they're still working in that other room, but by the sounds of it they might be nearing the end. Find anything outside?" She explained and then queried.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake heard his mother yell in pain and he bolted up the stairs and into the office and saw his mother bleeding from her leg. ā€œWhat happened!? Fia whatā€™s going onā€ he moved to his motherā€™s side and tried to stop the bleeding.

Serena flinched and said ā€œI didnā€™t want to take any chances with its energy being in my skinā€¦just want it out of meā€¦ā€
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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They all heard the scream and went running after Drake. When they reached the room, they saw Serena's leg bleeding, Fia locking whatever it was in a jar that clearly came out of Serena's leg and John seemingly trying to help. "She took it upon herself to cut an opening to remove this bug thing mid spell. This is not my doing" Fia said in defence. Kay walked over to Fia to see what was in Serena and pulled a face to show she found it gross. "you got it out, that's the main thing" she said to the young girl.

"There's also something that's attached to the outside of the house that we found weird" Chas said, knowing he couldn't exactly keep it from John. "of course there is" Kay remarked sarcastically.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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John sighed and rubbed his face looking tired again. ā€œWhat was on the house mate? Letā€™s take it from the top. Whatā€™s did you find?ā€

Drake said softly ā€œI wasnā€™t saying you did anything wrongā€¦I was justā€¦justā€¦ā€ his hands were shaking and he watched his mother try and wrap her leg with gaze but it was a deeper cut. He was scared for her.
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