Dragon Age: The Grey Dawn

"In War, Victory.
In Peace, Vigilance.
In Death, Sacrifice.”
In Peace, Vigilance.
In Death, Sacrifice.”

The recall had been ongoing, the Wardens from across all of Thedas made their way to either local headquarters or Weisshaupt whichever was closer. As the news they received was shocking, while the orders ranks were swollen and they had once again gained access to their winged companions long thought extinct, news came down that the Warden's themselves would be installed as rulers within Anderfel's a nation under constant Darkspawn threat needed the best in fighting off those cursed with the taint. Moreso, that the senior most Warden's believed they had located where the Old God Lusacan sleeps, a chance to slay Blight before it begins. With the dwarves at the wardens' back and with Tevinter having been overtaken by Venatori and kicked the grey wardens from their lands along with seizing control of the Black Divine.
As well as a loss of faith across southern Thedas in the grey wardens their numbers may never again grow to this scale. However research done by the mages of order and with knowledge gleaned from the Inquisition, Corypheus, information sent back by Warden Commander Theron and the journal Isseya they have managed to create a new discipline of magic. Namely focused on removing the taint from the land, healing the area around it, first tested within Anders and dwarven lands it has helped see a marked rise in birth rates among animals and better health among those living in the regions.
You as a warden chosen for this expedition will be heading into sections of the deep roads not explored in centuries, you will embark from Weisshaupt to slay an Old God before it can become an Archdemon... Or slay an Archdemon before it might begin a Blight. What is known is that either way, this mission is of vital importance. While not openly stated, it is believed that additional Magister's sidereal may be below conspiring to control the Darkspawn, it may not be the total of seven threats to Thedas we face, but fourteen, and only half of them are dead.
If this mission is successful we can take this to the nations of Thedas for support in rooting Darkspawn out from below, but we must show results before we can tell them of our plans. Charter boats, mount griffins, Halla, Horses, or whatever transport you can find and make haste to Weisshaupt. You have been chosen for a task like no Warden before.
Here is the information on the state of Thedas, not all of this is exactly as it is in the games, some changes have been made for making a more interesting setting. Also to influence things in the direction of the Order's reformation and growth
9:30 Dragon Age: Theron, a scrapy and determined Dalish Elf warrior would become the hero of Ferelden, saving the land crowning Bhelen king after destroying the anvil, he would later broker peace between werewolves and Elves. He would also rescue the mages from the tower, refusing the right of annulment the templars craved. Avernus was spared and ordered to continue his research though ethically now. Seeking the Urn of Sacred Ashes and defeating a cult in the mountains. Arl of Redcliffe and his family survived the ordeal with his son sent to train with the mages. Coming to the landsmeet and winning its support the Grey Wardens would shout down and duel Loghain... With his punishment being putting him through the joining, made to serve the order even against Alistair’s wishes.
While this went on Marian Hawke and her siblings would escape from Lothering, though with the death of their mother they would find themselves alone in a strange land. Their oldest sibling, a charming rogue, would work for the local smugglers as muscle.
While this went on Marian Hawke and her siblings would escape from Lothering, though with the death of their mother they would find themselves alone in a strange land. Their oldest sibling, a charming rogue, would work for the local smugglers as muscle.
9:31 Dragon Age: Even managing to get Alistair onto the throne a new resolve hardened him and though he wished for revenge he understood later why Loghain would serve the Wardens. He, Leliana, Morrigan, and Loghain sought the arch-demon and though Alistair believed his best friend would die, the young man could not risk the king. Ending the Archdemon Morrigan's ritual had worked and the young Elvish warden lived. After the battle the elves of clan Sabrae were given lands in the Hinterlands by the crown, where eventually clan Sabrae would settle and invite other clans.
Theron would take command of the Arling of Amaranthine and begin building his new Order there as Loghain was assigned to Orlais, a fitting punishment. Recruiting and building out the Warden’s it would culminate Killing the Architect and Mother while saving both Amaranthine and the Keep. Oghren, Anders, Mhari, Sigrun, Nathaniel, and Velanna would serve proudly as the Warden’s first new recruits, with Nolan being the only one to pass away from the Joining. Kal'Hirol is reclaimed by the dwarves and begins trade with Amaranthine, at great cost the dwarves' expansion has come from the hands of the Grey Wardens.
After stabilizing the region, the warden commander would embark to Orzammar to help investigate the rumored golems of Amgarrak... And destroy the Thaig in hopes to bury the creature forever after discovering the flesh based monster below... Only to release dozens more into the deep roads to battle not only Darkspawn but find their way across Thedas.
The circle in Starkhaven burns down making the Circle at Kirkwall the largest in the region when all survivors move to it.
Hawke and her companions would embark into the deep roads on expedition, surviving barely as her siblings would be forced to undergo the Joining to survive. Leaving Hawke alone with nothing but a family name and an uncle she hardly knew, she turned more so to her friends and companions as a family.
Theron would take command of the Arling of Amaranthine and begin building his new Order there as Loghain was assigned to Orlais, a fitting punishment. Recruiting and building out the Warden’s it would culminate Killing the Architect and Mother while saving both Amaranthine and the Keep. Oghren, Anders, Mhari, Sigrun, Nathaniel, and Velanna would serve proudly as the Warden’s first new recruits, with Nolan being the only one to pass away from the Joining. Kal'Hirol is reclaimed by the dwarves and begins trade with Amaranthine, at great cost the dwarves' expansion has come from the hands of the Grey Wardens.
After stabilizing the region, the warden commander would embark to Orzammar to help investigate the rumored golems of Amgarrak... And destroy the Thaig in hopes to bury the creature forever after discovering the flesh based monster below... Only to release dozens more into the deep roads to battle not only Darkspawn but find their way across Thedas.
The circle in Starkhaven burns down making the Circle at Kirkwall the largest in the region when all survivors move to it.
Hawke and her companions would embark into the deep roads on expedition, surviving barely as her siblings would be forced to undergo the Joining to survive. Leaving Hawke alone with nothing but a family name and an uncle she hardly knew, she turned more so to her friends and companions as a family.
9:32 Dragon Age: Theron finally tracks down Morrigan, or so he believes. Wishing to know what the witch is up to, the Dalish elf would encounter another of his people Ariane and circle mage Finn. Traveling together they meet the former Witch of the Wilds, who while knowing he loves another does allow him to visit their children and reside there for a time. Finn and Ariane are tasked with taking a message back that Nathaniel Howe is to be Warden Constable in charge while he is away.
9:34 Dragon Age: Tensions with the Qunari in Kirkwall bubble over, the Arishok and his men assault the city, killing the Viscount and overwhelming the city guard. Only thanks to the Mages, Templars, and Hawke herself leading the counter offensive and personally killing the Arishok are the Qunari survivors made to flee the city with most put to the sword.
Knight Commander Meredith would take stewardship, tightening her control on the city and making the mages only fear her more.
Knight Commander Meredith would take stewardship, tightening her control on the city and making the mages only fear her more.
9:37 Dragon Age: Hawke learns of her father’s legacy and confronts Corypheus, siding Larius and locating her father’s will.
Anders would destroy the circle, with Hawke unable to forgive him for this crime she ended his life and moved to do what she could. While working to save the mages, Hawke would slay Enchanter Orsino and Knight Commander Meredith, before escaping the city. This move would see the siblings and Hawke’s companions vanish from Thedas for years to come.
Anders would destroy the circle, with Hawke unable to forgive him for this crime she ended his life and moved to do what she could. While working to save the mages, Hawke would slay Enchanter Orsino and Knight Commander Meredith, before escaping the city. This move would see the siblings and Hawke’s companions vanish from Thedas for years to come.
9:41 Dragon Age: Several mages from the Hossberg Circle of Magi join the Grey Wardens and begin researching records from the Fourth Blight, uncovering the diary of a Grey Warden named Isseya, the sister of Garahel, one of the last griffon riders.
Divine Justina V calls for a Divine Conclave with the ambassadors of the Mages and Templars to bring an end to the war. The conclave is destroyed when the Breach is opened.
A survivor of the Breach is found, an elf of clan Lavellan, with a mark that can control the Breach and the rifts created by its eruption. After calming the Breach, the survivor is hailed as the Herald of Andraste. This elf known as the Herald at this point would set about recruiting the Mages to assist in sealing the breach,
The Mage-Templar War ends as the Inquisition seals the breach and the unrecruited templars are corrupted by Corypheus who would form the Red Templars, from the corrupted templars using Red Lyrium. Then assault the Inquisition at Haven, with a corrupted dragon failing to reclaim the anchor his army stopped by Herald Mahanon Lavellan was named Inquisitor where he led the survivors to Skyhaven.
The Grey Wardens in Orlais all begin to hear a false Calling and are scared into desperation to end all Blights before their perceived end. They join forces with the Venatori and blood sacrifice their own warriors to raise a demon army, ostensibly to march into the Deep Roads and kill the remaining Old Gods. The Inquisition learns that they are being manipulated and lays siege to their base at Adamant Fortress, putting an end to their machinations. During this battle Loghain would lay down his life to serve the Grey Warden’s staying behind in the Fade to buy time.
The Inquisitor attends a ball held by Empress Celene I at her winter palace in Halamshiral after learning of an assassination plot against her. This would end with the Inquisitor creating a truce between the three powers trying to control the throne of Orlais for their own whims. Having enough of them bickering like children.
Divine Justina V calls for a Divine Conclave with the ambassadors of the Mages and Templars to bring an end to the war. The conclave is destroyed when the Breach is opened.
A survivor of the Breach is found, an elf of clan Lavellan, with a mark that can control the Breach and the rifts created by its eruption. After calming the Breach, the survivor is hailed as the Herald of Andraste. This elf known as the Herald at this point would set about recruiting the Mages to assist in sealing the breach,
The Mage-Templar War ends as the Inquisition seals the breach and the unrecruited templars are corrupted by Corypheus who would form the Red Templars, from the corrupted templars using Red Lyrium. Then assault the Inquisition at Haven, with a corrupted dragon failing to reclaim the anchor his army stopped by Herald Mahanon Lavellan was named Inquisitor where he led the survivors to Skyhaven.
The Grey Wardens in Orlais all begin to hear a false Calling and are scared into desperation to end all Blights before their perceived end. They join forces with the Venatori and blood sacrifice their own warriors to raise a demon army, ostensibly to march into the Deep Roads and kill the remaining Old Gods. The Inquisition learns that they are being manipulated and lays siege to their base at Adamant Fortress, putting an end to their machinations. During this battle Loghain would lay down his life to serve the Grey Warden’s staying behind in the Fade to buy time.
The Inquisitor attends a ball held by Empress Celene I at her winter palace in Halamshiral after learning of an assassination plot against her. This would end with the Inquisitor creating a truce between the three powers trying to control the throne of Orlais for their own whims. Having enough of them bickering like children.
9:42 Dragon Age: The temple of Mythal is attacked, as Inquisition forces do battle a returned Morrigan and the Inquisitor battle through the temple. Where the Elven Inquisitor drank from the well before escaping with Morrigan. Shortly afterwards Flemeth reveals herself as the remains of the goddess Mythal stole the elder god's soul from Kieran. Leaving Morrigan and her son alone as she escaped.
With his army devastated and his designs foiled, Corypheus returns to the Temple of Sacred Ashes and in one last attempt to crush his enemies, reopens the Breach. Corypheus confronts the Inquisition soldiers stationed at the Temple ruins and proclaims that the Maker is a falsehood and he would be the new god. When the soldiers rebuff him, Corypheus unleashes a wave of Terror demons which massacre most of the squadron. The Inquisitor and their inner circle arrive with a platoon of Inquisition soldiers to confront Corypheus. Corypheus causes huge chunks of the ruins and surrounding mountainside to rise out of the ground into the breach, reshaping them into a miniature version of the Black City. The Inquisitor and three of their companions are left trapped and cut off from their allies. Corypheus moves to kill them with his Red Lyrium Dragon; however, as the Dragon attempts to attack, another the Guardian of Mythal tackles it out of the way. Enraged, Corypheus clashes with the Inquisitor in one final battle, unleashing his new red lyrium enhanced magic and summoning a pack of Shades to assist him.
In the midst of the clash, Corypheus's dragon manages to disable the Inquisitor, just as Corypheus is wounded. Corypheus momentarily withdraws and unleashes the Dragon on the Inquisitor personally, only for the Red Lyrium Dragon to be slain soon after, disrupting Corypheus's ability to leap into other bodies. Rendered vulnerable, Corypheus resolves to see the world destroyed if he cannot rule it. But as the Inquisitor grows close to winning, Corypheus refuses to accept failure after all he has endured and tries calling out to the Old Gods, Dumat in particular, for aid, only for the Inquisitor to rip the orb from his grasp with the Anchor, shattering his jaw. The Inquisitor then uses the Anchor to seal the Breach and open a rift within Corypheus
With his army devastated and his designs foiled, Corypheus returns to the Temple of Sacred Ashes and in one last attempt to crush his enemies, reopens the Breach. Corypheus confronts the Inquisition soldiers stationed at the Temple ruins and proclaims that the Maker is a falsehood and he would be the new god. When the soldiers rebuff him, Corypheus unleashes a wave of Terror demons which massacre most of the squadron. The Inquisitor and their inner circle arrive with a platoon of Inquisition soldiers to confront Corypheus. Corypheus causes huge chunks of the ruins and surrounding mountainside to rise out of the ground into the breach, reshaping them into a miniature version of the Black City. The Inquisitor and three of their companions are left trapped and cut off from their allies. Corypheus moves to kill them with his Red Lyrium Dragon; however, as the Dragon attempts to attack, another the Guardian of Mythal tackles it out of the way. Enraged, Corypheus clashes with the Inquisitor in one final battle, unleashing his new red lyrium enhanced magic and summoning a pack of Shades to assist him.
In the midst of the clash, Corypheus's dragon manages to disable the Inquisitor, just as Corypheus is wounded. Corypheus momentarily withdraws and unleashes the Dragon on the Inquisitor personally, only for the Red Lyrium Dragon to be slain soon after, disrupting Corypheus's ability to leap into other bodies. Rendered vulnerable, Corypheus resolves to see the world destroyed if he cannot rule it. But as the Inquisitor grows close to winning, Corypheus refuses to accept failure after all he has endured and tries calling out to the Old Gods, Dumat in particular, for aid, only for the Inquisitor to rip the orb from his grasp with the Anchor, shattering his jaw. The Inquisitor then uses the Anchor to seal the Breach and open a rift within Corypheus
9:44 Dragon Age: The ‘Dragon’s Breath Plot’ is uncovered by the Inquisitor saving all of Southern Thedas from Qunari invasion. However the loss of the Inquisitor’s arm and the Exalted Council demands lead to the public disbanding of the inquisition in truth it will now operate covertly and with direct authority from the Inquisitor.
It is also shortly after this that the recipe for Qunari Gaatlok is reversed engineered by the dwarves who make use of it in improving their forces. Quickly finding ways to produce it without the need for high dragons, while the material is uncommon outside of Qunari hands their monopoly on and their technological advantage has begun to erode.
It is also shortly after this that the recipe for Qunari Gaatlok is reversed engineered by the dwarves who make use of it in improving their forces. Quickly finding ways to produce it without the need for high dragons, while the material is uncommon outside of Qunari hands their monopoly on and their technological advantage has begun to erode.
9:45 Dragon Age: The Warden Reformation: The war between Mages and Templars had been a boon to the Grey Wardens of all nations, though Weisshaupt especially opened their fortresses during that time. Hosting Mage and Templars who refused the call to arms, as well as refugees trained to defend themselves and sometimes offered a position within the Order. As well as those during the war against the Elder One, joining all those they could during this time, the Order swole across all of Thedas, after dissolution of the Inquisition their ranks were doubled by offering positions to those that had so recently saved the world and cast off by unforgiving politics the Inquisition was forced to play even with the heroic work they done.
However, for years the silence of official statements from Wheisshaupt had baffled and concerned many Wardens. Most Warden Commanders were used to acting on their own but for so long without any official response. At the start of the year, news finally came to all Warden’s from Antiva to Ferelden that upheavals and silence had come from two fold measures. Namely, the former Warden High Constable had ascended the position of First Warden after the former First Warden had considered selling newly recovered Griffin eggs to the highest bidder, believing a single clutch could not restore the noble beasts to a place of prominence. As a breach of duty, he and other ranking members were relieved and judged to be sent into exile in the Deep roads by a jury of their fellow wardens. This took years of work to come about and information about how exactly deep the corruption of the First Warden went took nearly three years to fully uncover.
The announcement of the return of the Griffins was met with shock, and jubilation. While kept secret the Warden Commander's of all nations embarked for one to meet this new First Warden... And more importantly meet these new near mythical beasts their forebears once rode upon. First Warden Wilhelm ‘Blackcrest’ Stol, showed off the first thirteen and announced a careful breeding program would mean clutches of eggs would be ready in years to come for all Warden postings. Not only that but that but confiscated personal fortunes made using the Grey Warden name by the former leadership would now be put to work restoring their fortresses and outposts. Recruiting was to begin anew... The First Warden announced sweeping reforms, namely that Wheisshaupt would become a place of learning for mages, with a focus on finding ways to heal the taint and more importantly research the Magister’s Sidereal who had been encountered by Grey Warden’s on three occasions now.
The second was that they would no longer sit idle between Blight's and the location of the remaining two Elder Gods was known. The dwarves had made strides in reclaiming the Deep Roads and now was the time to join them. While this was disclosed this new ambitious plan also had new added changes, namely that Warden’s were no longer ignored the chance to gain titles and lands the Order could use to build war coffers. With the Circles now more lenient but still intolerant to more... Ambitious mages, they were to offer positions and recruitment more freely to those looking to experiment beyond the rules of Magi Circles. This meeting was kept from most Warden’s but the new direction of the Order would slowly be rolled out in the years to come.
However, for years the silence of official statements from Wheisshaupt had baffled and concerned many Wardens. Most Warden Commanders were used to acting on their own but for so long without any official response. At the start of the year, news finally came to all Warden’s from Antiva to Ferelden that upheavals and silence had come from two fold measures. Namely, the former Warden High Constable had ascended the position of First Warden after the former First Warden had considered selling newly recovered Griffin eggs to the highest bidder, believing a single clutch could not restore the noble beasts to a place of prominence. As a breach of duty, he and other ranking members were relieved and judged to be sent into exile in the Deep roads by a jury of their fellow wardens. This took years of work to come about and information about how exactly deep the corruption of the First Warden went took nearly three years to fully uncover.
The announcement of the return of the Griffins was met with shock, and jubilation. While kept secret the Warden Commander's of all nations embarked for one to meet this new First Warden... And more importantly meet these new near mythical beasts their forebears once rode upon. First Warden Wilhelm ‘Blackcrest’ Stol, showed off the first thirteen and announced a careful breeding program would mean clutches of eggs would be ready in years to come for all Warden postings. Not only that but that but confiscated personal fortunes made using the Grey Warden name by the former leadership would now be put to work restoring their fortresses and outposts. Recruiting was to begin anew... The First Warden announced sweeping reforms, namely that Wheisshaupt would become a place of learning for mages, with a focus on finding ways to heal the taint and more importantly research the Magister’s Sidereal who had been encountered by Grey Warden’s on three occasions now.
The second was that they would no longer sit idle between Blight's and the location of the remaining two Elder Gods was known. The dwarves had made strides in reclaiming the Deep Roads and now was the time to join them. While this was disclosed this new ambitious plan also had new added changes, namely that Warden’s were no longer ignored the chance to gain titles and lands the Order could use to build war coffers. With the Circles now more lenient but still intolerant to more... Ambitious mages, they were to offer positions and recruitment more freely to those looking to experiment beyond the rules of Magi Circles. This meeting was kept from most Warden’s but the new direction of the Order would slowly be rolled out in the years to come.
9:50 Dragon Age: The Anders Fall: Five years into the reforms and the Grey Warden’s now had roosts of Weisshaupt filled, Griffin’s bonded to riders in-training. Warden’s of considerable talent arrived from all over to bond to a hatchling. However, the resurgence of the Warden’s after the poor showing they made during the crisis of the rifts and the war with Corypheus, with their new war chest and now much more confident Warden Commanders excited to field an air force. Along with renewed contact with the Hero of Ferelden who sent back information and personnel to assist Weisshaupt, happy with the changes in leadership.
However, the Anderfel’s still under the rule of a corrupt and uninterested king who had depended on greatly on the Warden’s to protect and council him in the running of the realm. The decline of the Anderfel’s was sharp with the Warden’s focus now on their own matters; the Hossberg’s elite became even worse. Tribunal’s and Absolution became even more common, tribunals wiping out entire villages who did not have enough to give and Chantry priests finding Absolution shortly after disagree that the Maker would not want to see the people suffer further.
This would come to a head when a party of Wardens were ordered by the King to take over all defense duties outside of Hossberg and pay the king for the privilege of staying in his lands. First Warden and his people enraged, marched to the couple and burst into the court in session. Stating if they would enlist warden’s for the defense of their nation, the Warden’s would not be beholden to a crown as corrupt as the taint itself.
What would start with words, would end in swords as the king of Hossberg ordered the arrest and detainment of the Grey Wardens and the Absolution of the First Warden who dared insult him. First Warden Wilhelm and his company would not surrender without a fight, and the nobles of Hossberg loyalty were divided, namely for those that defend them from Darkspawn and the King they were pledged to. The battle raged across the castle as Griffin riders stationed nearby saw fires be lit warning the First Warden had been attacked by the King. From the mountains a force of nearly a hundred riders came down a charge that swept aside the defenders and brought the nobles to their knees in awe. The King of Anderfel’s attempted to flee, as the First Warden pursued him, planning to turn him and the documents he had over to the Chantry. The King feared the punishment for his own decadence and abandonment of his own people... Leapt from the tower he had been cornered upon, hoping his death would incite the people to assault the Wardens.
What it did was leave a nation poor, blighted, and beset leaderless with frightened nobles and exhausted peasants... So the Grey Wardens assumed stewardship, while the nations of Thedas were called to help assist in the crisis of leadership... In truth the Warden Commander and First Warden were in agreement... The Anderfels would be the home of the Order and the Order must control its home. The only other people with the level of influence they had over the region was the Chantry... Who were not in the business of direct rulership.
However, the Anderfel’s still under the rule of a corrupt and uninterested king who had depended on greatly on the Warden’s to protect and council him in the running of the realm. The decline of the Anderfel’s was sharp with the Warden’s focus now on their own matters; the Hossberg’s elite became even worse. Tribunal’s and Absolution became even more common, tribunals wiping out entire villages who did not have enough to give and Chantry priests finding Absolution shortly after disagree that the Maker would not want to see the people suffer further.
This would come to a head when a party of Wardens were ordered by the King to take over all defense duties outside of Hossberg and pay the king for the privilege of staying in his lands. First Warden and his people enraged, marched to the couple and burst into the court in session. Stating if they would enlist warden’s for the defense of their nation, the Warden’s would not be beholden to a crown as corrupt as the taint itself.
What would start with words, would end in swords as the king of Hossberg ordered the arrest and detainment of the Grey Wardens and the Absolution of the First Warden who dared insult him. First Warden Wilhelm and his company would not surrender without a fight, and the nobles of Hossberg loyalty were divided, namely for those that defend them from Darkspawn and the King they were pledged to. The battle raged across the castle as Griffin riders stationed nearby saw fires be lit warning the First Warden had been attacked by the King. From the mountains a force of nearly a hundred riders came down a charge that swept aside the defenders and brought the nobles to their knees in awe. The King of Anderfel’s attempted to flee, as the First Warden pursued him, planning to turn him and the documents he had over to the Chantry. The King feared the punishment for his own decadence and abandonment of his own people... Leapt from the tower he had been cornered upon, hoping his death would incite the people to assault the Wardens.
What it did was leave a nation poor, blighted, and beset leaderless with frightened nobles and exhausted peasants... So the Grey Wardens assumed stewardship, while the nations of Thedas were called to help assist in the crisis of leadership... In truth the Warden Commander and First Warden were in agreement... The Anderfels would be the home of the Order and the Order must control its home. The only other people with the level of influence they had over the region was the Chantry... Who were not in the business of direct rulership.
Character Sheet
While I make recommendations on how many of a certain skill or flaw to add, I am okay with working with individual players to tweak the sheet to fulfill what you are looking at trying to make your character resemble. All sections should be filled out but, I am open to more or less in certain sections to help balance your character the way you want it, so feel free to DM me.
While I make recommendations on how many of a certain skill or flaw to add, I am okay with working with individual players to tweak the sheet to fulfill what you are looking at trying to make your character resemble. All sections should be filled out but, I am open to more or less in certain sections to help balance your character the way you want it, so feel free to DM me.
[hider=Character name][center][h1][color=???]Character name/Title[/color][/h1]
[img]Image or gif of character[/img][/center]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Full Name} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Age} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Species} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Gender} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Class/subclass} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]This is for your main class and the subset of abilities you’d like to pull from, I could make a list but I’d rather people picks what interests them or ask me directly.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Appearance} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]This should be roughly two paragraphs of description of the individual and how they carry themselves. Images may be included at your convenience but written description still required.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Equipment and Personal Belongings} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Important personal items and equipment, we can assume basic items would be with people like food and medicines.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Skills} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Non-combat abilities, such as picking locks, sneaking, or making potions, even making a decent meal. Rogues get a choice of four, mages and warriors get three to reflect the focuses they put in.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Talents} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]Combat related skill set, swinging around swords or more or more of an archer? Yes Mages can have combat skills, but throwing lightning or turning into giant wolves can be better than swords in some circumstances. For warriors you can go to four, rogues sadly will stop at three, this helps the warriors feel more heavily trained, while rogues look for flanks and maneuvers. Mages have access to spells from their studies so stop at two, so they aren’t losing out too much considering they have spells as well.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Spells} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]For Mages, this is your section to show off your spells of choice, this does not affect non-combat magic or casting. More mundane spells justifiably simple castings can be done without need to disclose them here. Mages can have four spells to start.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Home/Family} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent] What nation do you hail from? Are you from a noble house? Did you leave behind siblings or are you alone in the world? This helps make quick reference and can help with understanding who you may or may not know.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Flaws and limits} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]This is not a section I want to heavily enforce but I feel it’s good to have people think on these things. Certainly I would prefer to see one or two but I’m not going to force everyone to have a bunch of these, just something to keep in mind.[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Personality} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent]This is your most important section, this will certainly be where I want to see the most detail and effort[/indent]
[color=???][b]|[u] {Background} [/u]|[/b][/color]
[indent] Who you are before and after becoming a Warden, what is important to you and why you chose this path. Remember, Wardens can come from the unwilling as well thanks to the right of conscription, so may not always be here by choice.[/indent]
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