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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Benjamin Marcus Zebrowski

Black Sun Neurostim Den, June 12th 2177, 20:08

Benjamin walked down the corridor, wondering why he had said what he had said. He had a bad feeling that something terrible was going to happen. He hoped he wouldn’t get into a fight, but it could happen if he didn’t play his cards right. He was led into a side room from the furthest end of the corridor.

Watching a woman approaching him, he had to say that even with her cybernetics, she was quite beautiful. “Yeah, you can say that.” He said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “The P.I. business isn’t paying the bills as I thought. My friend told me that mercenary work is where I can make the big bucks. And I heard your group was looking for an extra pair of hands.” He could tell she was a soldier like him. However, he felt she was quite different from the others. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but felt like he had seen her somewhere.

Ben shook her hand with a smile on his face. “Name’s Ben.” Cringing when he felt the prick of the needle. “Ow, I usually like someone to buy me a drink before asking me for blood.” Ben was rubbing his palm. “You’d probably find some military records, maybe some arrest for public drunkness, but nothing too special.” Shrugging his shoulders. He was playing it cool since he was kinda telling the truth. And being cool as a cucumber would help save his ass.

Actions: N/A | FP: 4| Stress: 0| Consequences: 0
Tag: @MrSkimobile
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kit Cochrin

"Maybe a little."
Kit was a little worried over Virginia. The worry became rather clear at the mention of the 'supplements'. There was a clear brow furrow and twist of the lips in silent disapproval. Supplements or caffeine pills among other things could help stay up a little longer. But they were no real replacement for humans sleeping. Especially ones who were overworked or over-stressed to begin with.
Not a, satisfying answer to the droid.

He crossed his arms over at the mention of pay. It was good to bring up the business and such. It was just something to get 'out of the way', more or less. He still wanted to get paid of course, but it wasn't as interesting as the drop-off itself, or as much as an exciting conversation started.

Rizzo's direct thoroughness did get to the interesting bits of what the job was over. If it had been anyone else, Kit doubted they'd get any information or interesting tales for the trade.

"So a lot more subtle turf grabs coming up, and some more gangsters coming out of the woodwork too. That might spice things up for us. Already had an interesting chase tonight as it was."
Kit grinned to himself a bit.
He was listening about the Gala, and as it was being brought up. His intuition was already getting the feeling that either him, or Rizzo would be involved looking into it further. Blending in, might be harder these days if he went in with the typical 'air'. Definitely needed some careful types with him, but it should be fun to go in either way.

"Oh, I'm always on the edge or looking for excitement. This one will just be trying not to give away too much~. I'm happy to go but uh... been a while since I've caught up in corporate lingo and who's leading who as much."
Kit grinned. "Probably going to need a bit more persons called in on this one, but I'm definitely in."

Action: Trade Off | FP: 0 | Stress: 0 | Consequences: 0
Scene: Somewhere in the Depths of the Lower City SCENE | Tag:@MrSkimobile
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Zain Anders

Zain stared at the goods Sprocket revealed, the thirst for all three plain on his face. He twitched, thinking about which one he'd rather have when trouble walked in.

Zain turned to look at the intruder. He glared at Varis Hark as they stomped in, reading Sprocket their charges.

”Like hell this doesn't concern me. I was sent here for a job you hunk of junk. They're connected to a whole network. We could use them,” Zain pressed.

He shifted his focus back to the goods Sprocket was offering him for their silence. Zain was no stranger to pain. It was the only constant in his life, so he could care less about the sim. The cloaking device would be useful. Most places in the Lower City were dimly lit — if there was any light at all. As for the disappearing act Zain could have… That was lightly tempting, but was it worth it?

Zain licked his lips, his mind whirring as he tried to decide what he could live with.

”Fuck it. You have a deal,” he told Sprocket before he looked at Varis.

Zain slipped his electrified brass knuckles onto his right fingers and flexed them into a fist before he concentrated his punch into a vulnerable section of Varis Harm's armour. When Zain connects, his brass knuckles will send an electric volt into Varis Harm.

Actions: Vulnerable Punch - Average (+1) result with +2 bonus for total +5| FP: 0| Stress: 0| Consequences: 0
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A breeze flitted its way through the alley, rank with the smell of rotting garbage and urine, making her skin break out in goosebumps. It did little to stir the fog around her ankles, hiding the surface. Nor did the boots she wore keep her feet warm, but if that was induction through the sole or radiation to the fog, she couldn't say.

"Now," Rho said quietly through the encrypted channel as a graphic appeared in front of her eyes, "We can go in through here, or come down through the ceiling..."
"That's a trap," Niner replied.
"What do you mean it's a trap?" Rho frowned. "What do you see?"

Niner glanced at Rho, but a noise came from the building visible just beyond, just as they heard steps coming rapidly towards the alley.

They both stepped back, taking cover, as someone came into the alley and tripped, splashing face first in the fetid pools and small mammals darting away. What did Rho call them? Rats?

"Drone," warned Niner, glancing up. Instinctively, she reached out with the collar to seize control of the drone....
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Session 01: SYN-SENT

@Izurich Lenneth, ART-ficer Workshop, Lower City

A lazy cat lazed outside the workshop as cats tend to do. The workshop was the usual modular box, barely bigger than a garage, and there were no signs outside hinting at what lay inside. The best artisans don’t need much, and rarely draw attention to themselves, and that's exactly why the Master chose the ART-ficer for his personal ripperdoc: his clinic wasn't much, and he didn't draw attention to himself. Save for his strange doorbell, that is. When it spotted Lenneth, the cat stretched its legs, then waddled inside, its neon-lit fur undulating in all the colors of the rainbow, 'nyaaa NYAAAA'-ing loudly as it went. "No, you stupid old cat, tell them to go away, business hours are from… What the--?" Derek Burris stopped in his tracks as he saw Lenneth’s battle-damage.

Frantic moments later she was laid out on his table, and his arms had opened up in an octopoidal arsenal of tools, whirring at the base of her skull and chassis like the fingers of a concert pianist. "I swear, that master of yours is going to be the end of you. My masterpiece.” The ripperdoc's face had softened from his usual gruff concentration as he looked onto Lenneth's doll-like face. Derek scanned the diagnostic readouts holographically projected above her. Stable vitals, and her system had performed a solid feat of auto-first-aid -exactly as he programmed it- but the stress on the systems were evident. "Even the finest creation has its limits, Lenneth, even those of my making," he said, as he plugged Lenneth into a recharge station with a face that was halfway between a preacher and your regular know-it-all at the pub. The cat purred as it jumped onto Lenneth’s lap. "And it’s not just the body that takes its toll, eh… I worry your master forgets that sometimes. No more playing the hero for at least a few days, doctor's orders.”

@EvilEdd1984 Benjamin Markus Zebrowski, Black Sun Neurostim Den

"Blood is everything to us." Gretchen said. "So much can be told from just a drop of it: where you've been, what you're like, who your relatives are. And whether you’re born with a chrome stick up your arse, or from the tank, when it gets down to it, we all bleed the same. So this..." she gestured towards the sample taken from Ben's flesh. "You could call this our insurance policy, our oath, our essence."

Ben saw tiny lines of text scroll up at the back of Gretchen's iris, undoubtedly cross-referencing what he said with whatever data was available to them. She nodded. "At least you're not lying: quite the spotless record, your worst crime I'd say is getting drunk off of that cheap synthetic stuff. Interesting..." She then grew serious. "P.I. business, huh?" she said, one of her eyebrows lifting the slightest bit. She shifted her eyes to the guard behind him. Ben heard him stir for a moment, but then the door shut behind him, before opening again a short while later. The lanky man came back in, placed two glasses in front of them and a shared bottle - whisky, without the 'e' and all, and with a name on its label you couldn't pronounce even on your most slurring-drunk days, the real deal, in other words. Then he left again with a bow, leaving the two alone. Gretchen poured both of the glasses, then bounced one of them towards Ben, and taking the other one, leaned back into her chair.

"We share a lot here, in the Blutwölfe. Shared blood, shared... history." Ben swore he heard something akin to pain in her voice, even if it was supposedly bred out of her. "If you hurt one of us you hurt all of us. A victory for one of us is the victory for all of us. And a transgression of one of us..." She looked at Ben with a piercing gaze. "I'll come straight to the point. We have reasons to believe there is a rogue element in our midst. Jäger-model, someone from my very own gene-seed. But with his... own agenda. We believe he has been involved in unauthorized activities, disruptions, including the disappearance of valuable assets. His actions threaten the secrecy and stability of our organisation, and make a mockery of who we are. I want you to find out who this is." She swirled her glass and raised it in cheers, never once having taken her eyes off of Ben. "Have you ever killed someone, Mr. Zebrowski?"

@AwesomeZero5 Kit Cochrin, In Virginia’s Car

A little while later, Kit and Virginia were cruising in her car up to her office at a pace almost too leisurely for the chase Kit had just a short while ago. Rizzo had taken the previous car for the usual decommissioning protocol: fly it to one of their bought-off fabricator furnaces in the city, and watch the evidence be thoroughly reduced into its constituent components for creating other vehicles or foodstuffs. But not before grumbling things about disguises, cover stories and all the other details that they would have to think about, of course.

Finally, Virginia spoke up, still more business-like than anything. "You have no idea of the crew that’s coming. It’s the whole deal. Something big’s coming up. SatoCorp and Parker industries seem to be especially interested in going, then some small fries, Pleasure King Subach’s coming, all their lackeys will be there. As will ours, of course. Some NYSF infiltrants, no doubt, and then some shadowy figures we still haven’t identified yet. Do you have any in mind we should be wary about, having had an ear close to the ground the last few years?”

She smiled, fully realizing the awkward excuse of a question she asked, and for a second, Kit could see through the lawyer-boss facade when that usual mask of hers dropped for just that brief second. "I miss our talks, Kit. It pays well, up in the chrome towers, but you lose touch with… it, you know.” She said, staring out into the vast neon landscape that stretched out in front of them.

@KazAlkemi Zain Anders, Sprocket’s Scraphouse

V4ris Harm’s visor lit up in an angry red as Zain's knuckledusters sent sparks flying from its frame. V4ris stumbled, servos whirring, then they leapt behind cover and drew a sleek blaster, set to stun, which started to whine in an increasing pitch as it charged up to undoubtedly very painful power levels. "You’re making a big mistake, Anders!" Harm growled through their modulator. "You think Ratface is just gonna let this go? You’re an accomplice now, and we’re going to enjoy hunting you!" And Zain knew they meant it - their bounty hunter’s name wasn’t ‘Harm’ for nothing - they may have been a robotic creature more than a man, but their thrill of the stalking, the trapping, and the pain, was still just as great as any of the all-too-human psychopaths Zain knew. What’s worse, all 4 of its shard-mind bodies were.

"Zain, cover me!" Sprocket shouted as she dove behind the counter and frantically clicked and clacked at her terminal. The security shutdown activated, doors slammed shut, lights in the shop shut down, and the spider-bots leapt into action with a vengeance Zain didn’t think they had in them. They wouldn’t be much good against V4ris -cameras aren’t the best weapons- but they could keep him busy and distracted. Zain could hear Sprocket open a safe and grab the holo-cloak Anders indicated through her prompt, and with a final tap on her screen, the emergency exit opened to a narrow escape tunnel. "This way!" she shouted, as V4ris' blaster discharged its charged bolt.

@Expendable Niner, Lower City Alley

The drone rattled and froze briefly in its flight pattern, as if it only noticed a bug had landed in it. Niner stumbled when the full countermeisures of its internal security systems hit her. Rho caught her just in time as she stumbled. The digital punch didn’t feel right, as if an entire networked security system mobilized against her instantly, not just the drone’s, but much, much more. She felt the digital tendrils run through her, feel at her, scan her, distract her, claw at her.

"Talk to me, Niner” Rho transmitted through their mental comm-link as she took a defensive position, her silenced rifle at the ready. "My heat-vision spots three guards coming this way, but they’re moving haphazardly, not tactically. We’re not being flanked. Can you divert them, or do I engage?” In the distance was Dex’ voice, only reduced to a noise of static now. Were they being jammed?

There was more going on here than simple implant manufacturing.

GM’s prompts and Actions:
  • [@All] FP Refresh to at least your REFRESH rate, if you have more, you keep them all. Minor Milestone reached, CHOOSE from the following as a reward: RENAME a character aspect, OR SWITCH the bonuses of 2 approaches, OR REPLACE an existing Stunt, OR GAIN a new Stunt
  • @Expendable: roll to hack/‘attack’ the drone/network (0 to merely stop the drone/countermeisures, 2 to take full control of the drone and scan the network), roll to divert/attack the oncoming troops (2 is success).
  • @KazAlkemi: V4ris Defends Forcefully against Zain’s punch (1, gets 4 stress, incurred via Mild Consequence and 2 Stress). GM compels Zain’s Relationship aspect that Ratface finds out (accept to gain 1 FP, or refuse and try to talk your way out of it at a cost of 1 FP). Whatever you do (try to escape or keep attacking V4rus), roll 1 Defend roll against V4ris’ Forceful Attack (difficulty: 3).
  • @AwesomeZero5: please describe a misadventure or a faction you had ‘Trouble’ with in the past.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

--Lower City - ART-ficer Workshop--

After what seemed like an endless trek through an infinite maze, Lenneth - assisted by her navigation systems and modules - eventually arrived within the vicinity of a seemingly nondescript structure, a tiny morsel compared to the towering skyscraper she had just jumped out of mere hours ago. But of course, the blonde knew better, for this otherwise bland structure hosted one of the best ripperdocs Neon York ever had.

After making sure she wasn't followed, the cyborg enforcer approached the structure proper, triggering the feline 'doorbell'. She didn't really approve of this method, the creature was far too loud, a silent alarm would've been much more preferable, alas, it wasn't in her place to question Derek's quirks, the man had always been eccentric, as it was common among gifted savants.

Entering the workshop, Lenneth made a silent sigh as she promptly disarmed and disrobed, putting away all of the equipment that wasn't a permanent fixture of the mechanical vessel housing her brain, then she laid down on the table. All standard procedure, they had done this countless times by now.

"..." The blue-eyed blonde couldn't help but curl a subtle amused smirk at ART-Ficer's comments. Well, there were several good reasons why Master chose him, not others. Though he did have a point, nothing in the world is invincible, even the toughest of armor could crack and break. Ultimately, she held the reins over her body.

Ah, perhaps he wasn't aware about her being an adrenaline junkie, though Lenneth supposed it'd be best to just... keep it to herself.

"Affirmative, doctor." She humored him back, then relaxed while the doctor did his magic, meanwhile allowing the prismatic-furred feline to settle onto her lap. She'd have personally preferred a fluffy bunny instead, but cats would do just fine.

...maybe she should watch a movie while she waited, she had been meaning to see the sequel of the classic crime drama, 'The Godmother'.

❖ No Rolls

FP: 0 | Stress: Tick 0 | Consequences: None
Tag: @MrSkimobile
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