Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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| The All-Seeing Lens |

"If I bleed, the camera cries.
No one doubts the camera eye.
Move fast forward thru the camera eye.
Move fast forward thru the camera eye.
The camera eye."

| The CameraEye was spawned from the collective belief in the power of sight and the human desire to see beyond the visible spectrum, uncovering hidden truths and deeper layers of reality. |

| All-Seeing Eyepiece |

| In the possession of Sloane Faris. |

| Odessa Maxwell before she passed it off to Sloane. |

| No. |
The CameraEye is an artifact that grants its user extraordinary perception, allowing them to view the world in ways far beyond ordinary sight. When placed over the user's eye, the CameraEye bestows several remarkable abilities that transform how they interact with their surroundings. First and foremost, the CameraEye enables the user to see through solid objects, such as walls and barriers, revealing what lies beyond. Additionally, the CameraEye can perceive the souls of living beings, presenting their spiritual essence as radiant auras of varying colors and intensities. This allows the user to gauge an individual's emotional state, intentions, and hidden abilities or powers.

The CameraEye also provides glimpses into alternate dimensions, showing how people and objects appear in different realities. This multidimensional vision offers insights into various versions of the world, revealing alternate paths and possibilities. The user can witness parallel versions of individuals, understanding how their lives might have unfolded under different circumstances. Beyond these primary functions, the CameraEye has additional capabilities that align with its theme of enhanced perception. It can see through illusions and shapeshifting, negating magical disguises and deceptions.

Moreover, the CameraEye allows the user to zoom in on distant locations, providing a telescopic view that can bring faraway objects and scenes into sharp focus. One of the most intriguing features of the CameraEye is its ability to "save" a scene before the user, granting them a photographic memory of what they have "saved." This allows the user to recall precise details and visual information perfectly, making the CameraEye an excellent tool for gathering and retaining information.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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| The Bane of Malevolence |

"In the hands of the just, evil crumbles to dust."

| Forged in a rare collaboration between four masterful Paranormal-Beings - Yoko Hatanaka, Selena Phoenix, Connor Bray, and Luca Oliviera — The Yokai Killer was created to stand as a counterpart to the renowned Aberration and Apparition Killers. Each contributor brought their magic to the creation process, blending their skills to craft a weapon capable of combating the darkest entities. Yoko Hatanaka intended to use this blade in her dangerous expedition into the Pit, a realm known for housing the most powerful beings. |

| Aberration/Apparition Bane-Blade |

| The blade was last seen with Yoko Hatanaka as she ventured into the Pit. |

| Yoko Hatanaka. |

| No. |
The Yokai Killer is an elegant yet fearsome sword, its blade emitting a mystical blue glow, inscribed with ancient runes and adorned with intricate designs of mythical creatures. This light isn't merely for show; it illuminates the darkness in which evil beings hide and thrive. The Craftsmanship on the sword is impeccable due to Connor Bray's forgery; it's next to indestructible. The primary ability of The Yokai Killer is its power to induce decay in malevolent Apparitions and Aberrations, provided by Luca Olivera's Rot. Upon striking such an entity, the blade releases decaying energy, rapidly weakening the target and causing its form to deteriorate briefly. This decay is not merely physical but extends to the essence of the being, disrupting its energies and weakening it significantly.

Moreover, The Yokai Killer has a unique bond with its wielder, attuning itself to their spirit and intent. This bond means that the blade can only be effectively wielded by those who genuinely seek to protect and purify, making it a weapon of the righteous. The effectiveness of The Yokai Killer hinges on the user's intent. The blade senses the purity of the wielder's belief in the hostility of their target. The sword's power diminishes if the wielder harbors doubt or the target is not genuinely malevolent by their standards. In the hands of one with an unwavering conviction, the blade becomes a potent force against evil. Still, the sword will shrink back into the hilt if wielded against humans or benevolent beings, rendering it useless. This safeguard ensures that the weapon cannot be misused against innocents or in acts of vengeance, only to protect the weak.

A notable feature of The Yokai Killer, attributed to Selena Phoenix's White Lux, is its ability to sense the presence of hostile Apparitions and Aberrations. When such entities are near, the blade's glow intensifies, acting as a warning and a guide for its wielder. This response is not just a passive reaction but a manifestation of the White Lux infused into the sword. The brighter the glow, the closer and more powerful the entity. The Yokai Killer has another feature derived from White Lux that allows the wielder to see its aura through walls and other obstacles if separated. This connection manifests as a glowing outline that guides the user back to the blade..............................................................................
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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| The World Ending Parchment |

"Look. You don't know what you're doing. If you find this thing, find some way to destroy it."

| Who knows? It probably came out of the All-Verse's butthole. |

| Cursed. That's all you need to know, idiot. It's cursed. |

| Long as you're not in the same universe as it... don't worry about it. |

| You know, they're all dead. |

| No, but it does things to you. Things to your soul. You won't last long after you touch it. |
Hey there, you don't know who I am, but you'll thank me later.

I am the last person to hold the Black Envelope. I thought... I thought it was the key to gaining the power I always wanted. I thought it could be the solution to taking out threats like the Stygian Snake, the Rampage, and the Deathpile. I thought it could solve all the problems. I thought it could help people. I thought it could help me. I thought it could help me. But, I didn't realize - until it was too late, of course - that it's worse than every Multiversal threat put together. Whatever this artifact is, it's easily the most dangerous thing in the All-Verse.

It does things to your mind. It gives you power, yeah, but it makes you a slave to its power... and the scariest part is that you won't even realize it. None of that "a prisoner in your own body" bullshit; it alters your mind, your memories, and your personality to suit its dark needs. With the help of others, I managed to break free, but I realized that this thing was too dangerous. So, I made it my mission to spread the word of its danger... and erase all knowledge of what it can do.

It's powerful; it can change the world, but it changes the world in its image. So, I tracked down the Compendium, tore the page out on it, and burned it. I replaced it with this warning: Please. Don't look for it. It's gone. I took it somewhere where nobody will ever find it.

I'm probably dead by the time you read this.












Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago


| The Tralvo Subjugator |

"No men are allowed to wield this blade."

| Created by Faith Ringgold of the 317. |

| Blade of Command |

| In possession of the House of Cards Mafia. |

| Valencia Vorpal |

| No. |
The Mulier Vires is an artifact made by Faith Ringgold of the 317 specifically designed to subjugate Tralvo, the monster of the deep. Appearing like a normal gladius sword and sheath, it has carvings engraved down the center, a metal hilt, and sharp edges.

When a woman holds the Mulier Vires, Tralvo will obey their every command without question. If they want Tralvo to attack, Tralvo will attack. If they want Tralvo to sit and stay, Tralvo will do so. They only have to utter the command.

However, if a man holds the blade, Tralvo will go into a blind, murderous fury, and try to kill the man holding the blade. This will continue until the man is dead, or a woman holds the blade and called Tralvo off.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago


| Magic Discerner |

"Reveal your mysteries."

| Created by “Lancy” Zhu |

| Magic Discerning and Freezing Sunglasses |

| In the House of Cards vault |

| “Lancy” Zhu |

| No |
The Green-Tinted Seer is a pair of sunglasses imbued with the ability to discern and freeze magic. “Lancy” Zhu made this in anticipation of discerning artifacts in a safe manner that House of Cards would surely bring.

One only needs to wear the sunglasses and look at the artifact or object with magical imbuement. By looking, they will see the luxes infused in the object. They will also see lines of code that make up the intent of the object's magic. However, this code is often complex and can take hours to read and discern.

The object or artifact, when captured in the gaze of the sunglasses, with experience a chromatic ‘flash-freeze’, where time will stop on the object. This is a taxing process that drains the energy of the wearer. However, it allows the wearer to discern the object without the object's magic interfering.

The sunglasses are designed for artifacts and magical objects, and not adept or magical individuals. The emotional field repels almost all prying or freezing of the sunglasses.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Withering Cirlet |

"They rise and bloom, but all shall wither in my sight."

| Yoko Hatanaka forged the Jade Ring with the help of Luca Olivera. It was designed to combat the terrifying Calamities, specifically the Vulture and the Floral Wreath. |

| Decaying Ring |

| The last known location was in the Hatanaka Sanctuary, where Yoko stored it in case it was ever needed again. |

| Yoko Hatanaka, the creator, who used the ring in several fierce battles against the Calamities. |

| No. |
The Jade Ring is a small yet incredibly potent artifact, crafted from a rare, vibrant jade gem that glows with an ethereal green light. The ring's magic is directly tied to its creators', Yoko's, intent: to counter the relentless destruction of the Calamities - specifically the Vulture and the Foral Wreath.

When worn, the Jade Ring can emit powerful blasts of concentrated decay. These blasts have a unique property: they specifically target and wither undead beings and plant life, causing them to rot and disintegrate almost instantaneously. This makes the ring an invaluable weapon against the armies of reanimated corpses raised by the Vulture and the monstrous flora controlled by the Floral Wreath.

The ring's decay power is not limited to direct attacks; it also creates an aura of decay around the wearer. Any undead or plant-based creature that comes too close will begin to wither and weaken, their life force rapidly drained by the ring's influence. The Jade Ring's power, however, comes at a cost. Prolonged use of the ring can take a toll on the wearer's own vitality, causing physical and emotional fatigue.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Key To All Gates |

"No door remains locked, no realm remains hidden, and no threat remains unchecked. "

| Human hands or other sentient beings did not forge the Kingdom Key. Instead, it was born from the collective belief and desire for security and sanctity across the All-Verse. This artifact embodies the primal need to protect one's domain from unwanted intrusions.|

| Sealing/Key Artifact. |

| The last known location of the Kingdom Key is shrouded in mystery. It appears only to those with a true and desperate need to seal away a dimension. |

| Throughout history, the Kingdom Key has passed through the hands of various notable figures, each chosen for their unwavering dedication to preserving the balance between realms. |

| No. |
The Kingdom Key is an artifact of immense power, taking the form of an oversized key that, despite its grand and intricate design, feels utterly weightless in the hand of its bearer. This paradoxical nature underscores its unique capabilities, which extend far beyond its physical form. The primary power of the Kingdom Key is its ability to seal entire dimensions, making them completely inaccessible to any form of teleportation or magical entry.

When activated, the Kingdom Key channels the latent energies of the All-Verse, firing a beam of light that weaves an unbreakable seal around the targeted dimension, regardless of whether the user is within or outside the dimension. This seal is impervious to tampering or destruction other than the Kingdom Key. Additionally, the Key can break seals placed on dimensions through other means, restoring access where it was once restricted.

Beyond its primary function, the Kingdom Key possesses several other abilities. It can unlock or lock any ordinary or magical lock with a tap. The artifact is supernaturally protected, rendering it indestructible by any known force.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Key to Luminescence |

"The White Compass points to where humanity ends and magic begins...."

| Unknown. Likely spawned by some belief. |

| Teleporting-Artifact |

| The White Compass’s last known location was in the Pit, but now it's believed to have been taken to St. Portwell, Oregon. |

| Edmund the Seeker: A renowned Adept who first discovered the White Compass and used it to journey to Luminscience, gaining unparalleled magical insights.
Edward Elrich: A scholar of the Accordance who documented the properties and potential of the White Compass, though he never used it himself.

| No. |
The White Compass is an artifact of unparalleled significance, designed with a singular purpose: to teleport its bearer to the realms of Luminescence and the Oasis. When activated by merely touching it, The White Compass emits an ethereal glow, transporting its user to the very heart of the All-Verse. It functions as a gateway, effortlessly bypassing the barriers that separate dimensions and leading directly to Luminescence or the Oasis.

The creation of The White Compass is shrouded in mystery. Legends suggest it was a gift from above intended to provide a means for select beings to access the essence of all life. It resonates with its wielder's deepest desires and intentions, ensuring that only those in need or those destined for higher purposes can harness its power.

Throughout history, The White Compass has been sought by many but possessed by few.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Hellish Engine |

"The relentless engine of creation and destruction."

| A coalition of Adepts from the world of Glint created the Forge. It combined the powers of Orange, Red, Yellow, Purple, and Gold Adepts and was originally intended to expand the influence of the League of Luminescence. Cast into the Pit as a result of political intrigue and seen as a threat by the ruling powers, the Forge now stands as a monumental factory producing Autoknights and refining artifacts. |

| Massive Factory Artifact. |

| Currently located in a strategic region within the Pit, drawing power from the very essence of the realm. |

| The Forge has been controlled by successive Kings of the Pit, each using its power to enforce their rule. The current King uses it to gather and refine artifacts for unknown purposes. |

| No. The Forge does not grant Abstractions but refines artifacts, potentially bestowing powerful Abstractions. |
The Forge is an immense, sprawling factory and a singularly powerful artifact, a marvel of combined magical and industrial might. It is a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of hundreds of Adepts from various Lux colors: Orange, Red, Yellow, Purple, and Gold. Conceived in the world of Glint, it was intended to be a cornerstone of the League of Luminescence’s power, a colossal engine of creation and refinement. Its creators were a coalition of lesser families within the League who pooled their resources and expertise to build what they envisioned as an unstoppable production force. However, the ruling powers saw their efforts as a threat, and the Forge was cast into the Pit.

Once in the Pit, the Forge became an even more fearsome entity. Its primary function is the creation of Autoknights, towering coal-powered iron golems that serve as the primary enforcers of the King of the Pit. Beyond its role in producing Autoknights, the Forge can create any weapon imaginable. Its vast halls and chambers are filled with machinery and magical devices that can bring to life the wildest designs. The Forge can produce a simple sword, complex firearm, mystical staff, or devastating cannon. This versatility makes it an invaluable asset, providing the King of the Pit with a virtually limitless arsenal to maintain and expand his rule. The weapons produced by the Forge are numerous and of exceptional quality, each imbued with the magical energy of its creators.

One of the most extraordinary aspects of the Forge is its artifact refinement section. Here, artifacts can be enhanced, their powers amplified, and their limitations reduced. This process involves intricate mechanical procedures and powerful magic, drawing on the diverse abilities of the Adepts who created the Forge. The refinement process can turn a simple magical item into a formidable artifact capable of feats far beyond its original design. This ability to refine artifacts makes the Forge not just a factory but a place of alchemical transformation, where the mundane becomes extraordinary.

The Forge harnesses a unique ability to convert various types of energy into raw materials or fuel for its operations. This includes traditional forms of energy and emotional and magical energies that permeate the Pit. The despair, anger, and suffering that pervades the Pit are drawn into the Forge, transformed into the power that drives its machinery and fuels its production lines. This energy conversion capability means the Forge can sustain itself indefinitely, feeding off the ambient emotions and magic of the Pit. It also allows Forge to create more potent and effective creations, as the energies it converts imbue its products with enhanced power and resilience.

The Forge wields a significant influence over the environment within the Pit, capable of controlling the weather and terrain to suit its needs. The Forge can summon fierce storms to deter intruders, create fog to obscure its operations, or raise barriers of ice or earth to protect itself. The Forge is not just a static construct; it possesses a remarkable ability to self-repair and adapt. Its machinery is imbued with powerful enchantments and intricate engineering, allowing it to detect and mend any damage automatically. When the Forge encounters new challenges or threats, it can reconfigure its internal mechanisms to develop new functions and defenses. This adaptive quality ensures that the Forge remains operational and evolves.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Blade of Blackmore |

"Honor his name."

| It was created by a mixture of all the Blackmore siblings, Jade West, and Goro, as an alternative to the Apparition Killer if another Stygian Snake-level crisis occurs. |

| Elemental Sword |

| The Blackmore Manor, where it rests in the attic. |

| The Blackmore Family. |

| No. |
Goro Hatanaka's first ambitious project, The Memory of Adam, was created a few years after the Stygian Snake War as a contingency plan against future crises. This artifact was made from a significant collaboration between the Blackmore siblings, Jade West and Goro Hatanaka, pooling their diverse Lux abilities to forge a weapon of immense power. Though it was not deemed a success, Drake Blackmore kept the blade, which now resides in the attic of the Blackmore Manor.

The Memory of Adam is imbued with the ability to command the elements of Light, Wind, and Water—Adam's preferred elements. This elemental mastery, derived from the combined Red and Purple Lux Adepts, allows the wielder to manipulate these forces effortlessly. The sword can unleash blinding light, summon potent gusts of wind, or create torrents of water. One of the blade's most remarkable features is its Energy Absorption capability. The sword can absorb magical and kinetic energy directed at it, storing this energy within its blade. Once absorbed, the power can be released in powerful bursts, amplifying the sword's strikes or creating devastating shockwaves.

The Memory of Adam also possesses a Healing Aura, an enchantment infused by Jade West's Green Lux. This ability enables the blade to emit a soothing, regenerative energy that mends wounds and revitalizes the wielder and nearby allies. The healing aura can make the difference between life and death in prolonged battles, allowing the wielder to sustain themselves and their companions through even the most grueling encounters. Another unique ability of The Memory of Adam is its reflective shield. When activated, this power creates a shimmering barrier of light that deflects incoming attacks. The Reflective Shield can bounce projectiles back at attackers and absorb the force of melee strikes, providing an extra layer of protection for the wielder.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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| Adam's Memories |

"In times of crisis, channel my strength and wisdom."

| Commissioned by Adam Blackmore and created by a council of master Orange and Red-Purple Adepts, intended to be a safeguard for his descendants in times of great need |

| Spell-Granting Amulet |

| In the attic of the Blackmore Manor. |

| The Blackmore Family. |

| No. |
Adam's Wisdom is an artifact within the Blackmore family, conceived by Adam Blackmore himself. Recognizing the possibility of future crises, Adam commissioned this amulet to serve as a lifeline for his descendants. Crafted by a council of master Adepts skilled in Red and Purple Lux, Adam's Wisdom embodies Adam's extensive magical knowledge and capabilities, ensuring his legacy endures through those who bear it. When worn by a Red/Purple Adept, Adam's Wisdom replaces their spell arsenal with Adam's repertoire of spells. Adam, known for his wisdom and versatility, had mastered dozens of spells across his preferred elements of Light, Air, and Water and his favored Purple Lux spells: chronomancy, teleportation, and telekinesis. This immediate and complete substitution provides the wearer with Adam's formidable spellbook while temporarily sealing away their original abilities. These spells are deeply ingrained in the amulet, allowing the wearer to cast them as naturally as they had learned.

Another critical feature of Adam's Wisdom is Lux Synchronization. This ability ensures that the amulet can only be wielded by Adepts who possess both Red and Purple Lux. If an Adept has only one of these Lux colors, they can exclusively access Adam's spells of that color. This synchronization ensures the amulet's power is used by those who can fully appreciate and harness its dual Lux nature.

Adam's Wisdom also boasts Lux-Memory, a safeguard mechanism that gradually restores the wearer's original spells once the amulet is removed. However, the longer the Adept uses Adam's spells, the longer it will take for their original spellbook to be fully accessible again. This delay balances, ensuring the amulet is used judiciously and encouraging the wielder to rely on their abilities alongside Adam's formidable spells.

In times of extreme danger, the amulet can activate Adam's Aegis, a defensive spell that envelops the wearer in a protective barrier of light. This barrier can deflect magical and physical attacks, providing crucial protection while the wearer gathers their strength or prepares a counterattack. The Aegis manifests Adam's mastery over light and his enduring desire to safeguard his family. Lastly, Adam's Wisdom grants an ability that allows the wearer to tap into Adam's vast reservoir of knowledge and experience. Through this connection, the wearer can receive guidance, strategic insights, and even fragments of Adam's memories, aiding them in making crucial decisions during times of crisis.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Blade of Unrelenting Carnage |

"It drinks in the blood of the fallen, growing sharper with every life it takes."

| The Slaughter Sabre was born from the collective fear and fascination with violence and death. It materialized not through the hands of a skilled blacksmith but through the intense, primal emotions surrounding war, bloodshed, and the dark desires of mankind. Over countless generations, as tales of brutal battles and merciless warriors were passed down, the weight of these stories took shape in the form of the Slaughter Sabre—a sword that embodies the pure essence of slaughter. |

| Cursed sword. |

| Like many similar artifacts, the Slaughter Sabre was cast into the Pit. |

| The Slaughter Sabre has been wielded by some of the All-Verse's most ruthless and bloodthirsty figures. |

| No. |
The Slaughter Sabre is a weapon of pure spite, a blade forged in the darkest recesses of human belief and sustained by the blood it spills. This cursed sword is as much a predator as it is a tool, crafted from a metal that seems to absorb light itself. The blade is inscribed with ancient, arcane runes that pulse with a dim, hellish glow, growing brighter with every life it takes.

This weapon’s foremost power is its insatiable thirst for blood, a hunger beyond mere killing. Each time the Slaughter Sabre takes a life, it drinks deeply of the victim’s essence, not just their life force but their very soul. This consumption feeds the blade, making it sharper, more lethal, and increasingly nasty. The Sabre’s sinister aura grows with every death, radiating a sense of dread that chills the bones of anyone near it. Those who wield it are quickly overwhelmed by a relentless bloodlust; their minds twisted into something monstrous, driven to kill again and again, each strike feeding the blade’s ravenous appetite.

Victims of the Sabre are not merely slain; they are tormented by horrifying visions and hallucinations in their final moments, seeing their worst fears manifest before them. The sword delights in this torment, drawing strength from the fear and agony of its victims. The Sabre can incite a frenzy in its wielder, enhancing their strength, speed, and reflexes to superhuman levels, but at the cost of their sanity. In this state, the wielder becomes a near-unstoppable force, driven purely by the desire to kill. However, once the frenzy subsides, the wielder is exhausted physically and mentally, and the Sabre’s hold over their mind grows more robust.

Additionally, the Sabre retains a "memory" of every life it has taken. The wielder can access these memories, gaining insight into the victims' skills, tactics, and weaknesses. The Slaughter Sabre can also transfer a portion of the life force it absorbs to its wielder, healing their wounds. However, this comes with a cost—the more the wielder relies on this ability, the more their soul becomes bound to the Sabre, making it increasingly difficult to part with the cursed weapon.

But the Sabre’s darkness does not end with its victims. The blade is a parasite, feeding not just on those it kills but also on its wielder. Each time it is used, the Sabre tightens its grip on the wielder’s soul, corrupting their thoughts, eroding their humanity, and binding them ever closer to the weapon’s malevolent will. What begins as a subtle whisper in the back of the mind soon becomes an overwhelming, all-consuming obsession. The wielder becomes a puppet to the blade, their will subverted, their identity erased, until they are nothing more than a vessel for the Sabre’s dark intent.

The Sabre does not merely crave blood; it craves the destruction of all that is good, reveling in the destruction it leaves in its wake. Those who wield the Slaughter Sabre are doomed to a fate worse than death, their souls devoured, their lives consumed by an unending cycle of bloodshed and despair until there is nothing left but the darkness that the Sabre so desperately craves.
Hidden 27 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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| The Storm's Sovereign |

"Hold dominion over the skies..."

| Unknown, believed to be created by a Weather-based Apparition. |

| Weather Changing Orb. |

| It was accidentally cast into the Pit. |

| TBA |

| No. |
The Tempest Sphere is a legendary artifact renowned for its immense power, intricately etched with designs that pulse with the raw energy of countless storms. Its deep blue surface, adorned with ancient symbols, represents the elements it commands: wind, rain, thunder, and lightning.

Believed to have been created by forgotten weather deities or born from the collective belief of ancient civilizations that revered the forces of nature, the Tempest Sphere holds the remarkable ability to manipulate the weather with a mere thought. Its wielder can summon torrential rains, unleash devastating hurricanes, or quickly calm a fierce storm.

However, this incredible power comes with a price. The sphere feeds on its user’s emotions, amplifying its potency in response to anger and desperation. Conversely, if wielded by someone with a troubled heart, it becomes unpredictable and chaotic. The artifact's volatile nature makes it a double-edged sword, embodying the very essence of nature’s fury.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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| The Maelstrom of Cruelty and Despair |

"The Abyss answers..."

| The origins of the Tubular Bells is a mystery. Some say a cabal of Necromancers created it, while others believe a belief spawned it. |

| Cursed Instrument. |

| Like many similar artifacts, the Tubular Bells were cast into The Pit, where they can no longer hurt anyone (important). |

| TBD |

| No. |
The Tubular Bells is an artifact of grotesque horror; when struck, the bells produce a sound that transcends mere auditory experience. This sound is heard and felt, a physical assault on the senses that tears through the sanity of those listening.

Upon hearing the bell’s toll, the victim is subjected to a transformation of unparalleled cruelty. The process is a slow, agonizing ordeal where the victim’s flesh, bones, and soul are twisted and warped into a grotesque parody of their former self. The transformation is not a mere change but a horrific metamorphosis that molds the individual into a nightmarish creature, embodying their deepest fears and most terrible sins. These monsters are far from mere beasts, embodying pure terror and depravity.

The transformed beings do not retain any semblance of their former sanity. The process obliterates their previous identity, leaving them as mindless horrors driven solely by primal rage and a consuming, insatiable hunger. Once transformed, these monsters become instruments of chaos and despair. They wreak havoc upon their surroundings, driven by an instinctive drive to cause suffering and destruction. Their actions are not guided by any rational thought but by a ceaseless, primal need to spread pain and chaos.
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