Hidden 3 mos ago
Zeroth Post

For 700 Years, the Pergrande Kingdom stood resolute with its impregnable, beatitude stronghold amidst the demonic fog that plagues the living.

An erected holy fortress for the anguished to take refuge, being the mainland ishgar, Pergrande is an archipelago, surrounded by sinister waters. Every sevens of the month, in the counting calendariumized sequence of 7, 17 & 27; battles are fought for the Kingdom's purity & the souls of its people to a standstill. The adversaries of Pergrande are Devils from the neighboring Kingdom of Sin & its primary dark guild, Tartaros, torment & corrupt the holy lands.

In response to the the cataclysmic event, the Lady of The Lake shall penetratively thrust Excalibur into the capital's lacrimized stoneyard, for every succeeding King that pulls the holy sword from the stone, leads the kingdom under the banquet of Pendragon. In each passing generation, the Pendragon is customarily aided by a Mage from the Order of Merlin, serving the King as its Court Mage, the King is also expected to muster the peerless military might of the Roundtable Magic Knights. Seven Peerless Warriors serving Pendragon with their lives on the line and the fate of Elentir at their destiny shaping hands will do either make or break Pergrande's eternal kingdom like a grain of sand & heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm and eternity in an hour, the guild with an unquestionable honor has risen from the slumbering hearth as Pendragon's honorary subjects, the guild, Fenix Tear.

Neither a Dark Guild nor Light Guild but an Independent Guild, the guildies of Fenix Tear share the burden of Pergrande.

Can they continually rise from the ashes or are they already continual because they're ashes already? The battle rages on.

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fenix Tear without a doubt is an alternate continuity of Fairy Tail but set in the high fantasy magic world of Elentir and it's also a roleplay that I co-created with @j8cob, @Gittarackur & @Sanguine Rose back in 2020. I Endeavor beyond my limits, the expectations I am here to set for y'all only means that I care and love so much content from Hiro Mashima, let it sink in that his great works share the same verse but in different timelines/realities, the connection is evident and hard to ignore. These are Rave Master, Fairy Tail, Eden's Zero & Dead Rock.

Our Roleplay will be a Fairy Tail-oriented story and I'm expecting Players to at least acknowledge that there would be some form of concept overlap between Mashima's works because not only they share the same verse but also loosely inspired in their magic power systems. Although there'd be references from time to time, the "crossover" vibe is not something to be confused about, especially when the worldbuilding we're embarking is something that's already pre-ordained by Hiro Mashima, there's no shock factor to consider even if Players are to draw ideas for their OCs from RM, FT, EZ & DR magic systems, Ether is Ether and it's still magic/ethernano, call it whatever you want, based on the idea you're drawing from. That being said, also expect reworks of certain forms of magical abilities because of how crazy it can be canonically, this is to suit the roleplay yet not everything can be used and I have the right to ban magic that don't make sense, asspullish and Deus ex machina.

Rolewise, I decree Players to be around B, A or S Rank, given the adventurous and high stakes tone of the RP.

We will still be the fun-loving & lighthearted adventurers like any Fairy Tail character as it should be from the start, the serious parts of the lore is addressed when we're at that phase, encountering said things.

Likewise, I seek dedicated Players, preferably around 7 to 11 members in the recruitment and productive stages, anything after that, the RP will become an Invite-Only.

Universe 7
To cut straight to the point, the multiverse exists in Hiro Mashima's works and that's why there's consistent reference of all his works, primarily Rave Master, Fairy Tail, Eden's Zero & Dead Rock. Our world belongs to & is among the many realities based on probability, the reality within Elentir is called Universe 7, the map is laid for us to ponder and familiarize the different yet similar facets of this reality compared to the Earthland, we know and love. To embrace familiar comfort, Universe 7 of Elentir will be no different from Earthland in terms of geography, the only difference that remains constant is that Elentir being the world we inhabit, is a world of overflowing magic power.

Character Creation
As such, doppelgangers, variants and clones of characters in terms of physical appearance is normal in Hiro Mashima's works. I expect no less of y'all to be reminded that this is another world and that I'm permitting y'all to make not just an original character: OC that you so desire to manifest, I'm encouraging y'all in plain sight that making a variant of a canon character is fine. The canon variants come in many forms, as long as they don't heavily impact the limelight, they aren't the original versions but just copies. You can make a Natsu character only in physical appearance but the characterization is different and has no connection to canon events, said character's story will be mold by you.

NPCs will be strictly managed by the GM Team, y'all have rights to make NPCs but 90% of the time, I'm inclined to strictly review and even reject them. It's better to ask yourself, to what value will my NPC serve the RP? I'd like to set the record straight that NPCs aren't to be made selfishly, when making NPCs, there'll be a 50-50 control between GM and Player. NPCs are not your OCs and will never be developed equally because they aren't the relevant focus of your application.

Think carefully on the bigger picture beyond your wants and needs.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I redefine rules as something we are predisposed by social cues & that's accomplished through having a clear-open mind to know our endeavors justly.

∞. The PlatinumRule

|x|. The Golden Rule

Platinum Articles
0. Articles 0 to 2 talks about our work ethics, work-life balance and state of being.

Golden Articles
These Golden Articles talk about the Gameplay Mechanics of the Roleplay.

3. Articles 3 to 12 talks about the immersive roleplay mechanics when it comes to role and power systems, as know, not all crazy ideas of an Author may translate well to a Roleplay Setting, hence they're reworked.

Silver Articles
Silver Articles refer to character creation guides.
13. Races
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Urizen, Interested. Give me some time.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll set the record straight here.

If anyone has questions, just ask me.

If anyone wants a Slayer Magic, ask me.

There's only gonna be three forms of Slayer Magic.

God, Devil and Dragon Slayer Magic.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Awaken my Masters!

This is headcount checking xD

Shown Interests via DMs cuz homies
@Sho Minazuki

Interests via thread
@Dragonfly 9

Invited by me
@Polaris North
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Urizen, what about me?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I guess another doesn't hurt
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Jaina Dalton
X-773-12-2-20 | Fenix Tear | A
Header Code to be used as an image

All Jaina Dalton wanted was to study and be the best Sorceress in the land. Burying herself in books, sailing to far lands to explore ancient libraries and temples, and eventually, becoming an Archmage who would closely advise her father, mother, and brother in the proper management of Magic. But with the presumed deaths of her father and brother in a freak storm, she is now the heir to the throne of her small coastal country and she has mixed feelings about that, especially as the existence of her God Slayer Magic means that she would have her people demand that she use it as a weapon when again, she just wanted to study, drink coffee and eat a sweet pastry before readying herself for a dinner of eel stew.

Then again, being royalty has its perks, and being a member of Fenix Tear, the neighboring Kingdom's most powerful Independent Guild, brought opportunities to use those perks. With her comrades at her side, she would make it as the Lady Admiral of Snaerverold or find out if her father and brother were really dead and bring them back!


Jaina was born in the Kingdom of Snaerverold, a land whose people relied on the sea and magic to survive whenever the farmlands were devastated by stronger nations. Thus, she was fascinated by the study of Magic from an early age, bugging the Court Wizard to teach her all the time. Eventually, she showed talent and was able to receive formal training in Magic, eventually becoming known as one of the most promising young Magicians in the land, always seeking out new lore to decipher, learn, and master.

One day, she received a mysterious clay tablet that was inscribed with an ancient script, one that was eventually revealed to contain the secrets of Memory God Slayer Magic, which allowed her near-perfect memory and the ability to extract and rewrite others' memories. Of course, she was not interested in the latter except when it allowed her to learn more magic and cram it into her head. And so her life passed uneventfully until one day, her father and brother went sailing with a squadron of Snaerverold's best warships to intercept some Pirates.

They instead ran into a storm of abnormal, potentially cursed, power, which destroyed most of the flotilla and caused the disappearance of the father and brother... Who were also the King/Lord Admiral of Snaerverold and his heir, the Lord Admiral-in-Waiting.

She now had to cease her magical studies and learn administration, economics, and warfare instead. Her mother, now the Lady Admiral of Snaerverold until she grew up, was busy rebuilding the naval strength of her nation to keep away invaders. The worst part of all was that the strongest neighboring nation, Pergrande, just got invaded by Devils, who in turn would invade her nation eventually. Oh, and she was invited by Pergrande's most powerful Independent Guild, Fenix Tear, to join their ranks, with a couple of promises; one, she would find out whether the storm that killed her father and brother was natural and if it wasn't, who cast it, and two, if her father and brother were actually dead.

Wait, if they weren't dead, can she return the heirship to the throne?

Memory God Slayer Magic + Enhances and Manipulates Memories and allows one to cast Magic and Spells one has memorized.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hello there, friendo

Long time Fairy Tail fan. I may perchance be interested in spinning of a character if there's still room here?
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Rune_Alchemistyes we do, you're welcome to join!
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll start working on spinning up a CS then and get it up in the next few days
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Forgor to sub here as well as the interest check
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

My CS will probably be awhile but I'm here.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I am here and I am interested. I started watching the 100 Year Quest so this is perfect. I'll work on a CS later, but I'll be making a Gravity Dragon Slayer.

I love the break rules. This is my first time seeing a roleplay with something like that. Especially the Saturday sabbatical one.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@King Kindred Thanks man.

I look forward to it.

As for the rest, I look forward for y'all and please timely check the Rules because all the useful links and systems are going to be there, Rules 3 onwards will be power system based.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Aku the Samurai embrace the power of feelings xD
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alright, here she is. Lemme know if I need to clarify or change anything!

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