Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A Location: Vineyard Couch House Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Kathryn listened as Blackberry talked on about the former town guard. And, he was right on his points. "I keep trying to go for a peaceful way out there, but I worry that not dealing with those goons then and there is going to bite us, or some other innocent in the ass. I hope they either disappear forever, or someone catches them sooner rather then later." But she couldn't dwell on this too much now. If they turned up, she or the new law in town would deal with them. If they never turned up again? Well, no loss really. Then she remembered, she had folded one of them into a barrel in town... and now wasn't too sure if she had brought it up to the Sheriff... Another mistake of hers really. More things to account for. Blackberry on the other hand, had tasks to attend to now that someone else had returned. SO! Kathryn took over watching the mule. "So, how's it going?" She turned and spoke to the creature. Getting little more than a stare back from them. "Cool... Cool cool cool..." She trailed off looking around for anything else to hold her attention.
Thankfully, the rest of the trip was rather nice and relaxing. Kathryn spent most of it in the party's wagon, taking in the sights and enjoying every moment of it. For a while she began to walk about again, making sure her legs got plenty of exercise. But again would ride once the sun began to set Not dark, but she'd feel like a fool if she twisted her ankle in the dark. Deciding that she had been pretty active today. Tomorrow she would get a proper work out of some kind. Move some stones, split some logs, lift the wagon again, something. She did find herself rather excited seeing the sign stating they were getting close. The lands of the vineyard were something that Kathryn couldn't comprehend at first. To Kathryn, they reminded her of the more wealthy nobles from back home. Hell, if you removed the castle walls, made the lands appear more prosperous, and replaces the keep with a manor, this could have been her own home! Well, her home had a lot more mud. And there wasn't much open space inside the walls. Everything was pretty on top of one another. Looking at the lands in front of her, this seemed like something from the heartland of Arconaple, not the frontiers and fringes like her own home. Something you would see in the country side of major cities and ultra wealthy lords. And it felt so... homely. It was beautiful in ways Kathryn couldn't bring to words. "wow..." Kathryn mumbled as she gazed on the vineyard in amazement. Still trying to process everything.
Even approaching the big house of the land things felt like the keeps of old. The mass of servants and workers coming to quickly unload the wagons, and attend to the family's every need. Even in her Father's keep Kathryn didn't get this sort of attention. At least not immediately. Generally the keeps Castellan would have to muster up enough staff from other jobs to assist while key things were taken care of by his assistant and squire. This however? Was probably what lords of higher keeps experienced. Barons or Dukes maybe? Either way, it was shocking, and kind of exciting to be experiencing this sort of thing yet again. It was like reliving apart of her life that was long gone.
Kathryn listened closely about the talk of the remaining harvests. But had trouble imagining such a thing. Ice Grapes?! That was a thing? Insane to think about. AND! Another festival?! Kathryn would either have to exercise a lot more or really watch what she treated herself too. Veggies, proteins, and beer would allow her to keep working on her strength. Cake? Pies? Wine? Less so. Buuuuut.... for her first few months on her own? She was doing pretty good. Sure, there was the less than pretty few weeks after Ser Lucas passed. Where she almost drank herself into a coma and would have likely been robbed if not for the fact the only pick pocket daring enough to try it took a trip through a wall with her when he tried. Kathryn almost seemed giddy, but tried her best to seem like a mature adult when responding to Lizbeth. Though she struggled. "Oh? is that so? I guess I will have to try for myself and see now won't I?" Kathryn said humoring the small child. Though, she did actually really want to try this legendary wine. Honigblume Icewine. That had a nice zing to it.
Kathryn didn't know a ton on agriculture. She knew bits as it was apart of her responsibility as a lady of her father's lands, and she needed to have a fair understanding of many areas. Not that she did that well in her few years of education. But she knew an insane number of a yield when she heard one. "Ninty Five Percent?!" Kathryn asked in surprise. Clearly shocked at such a revelation. Clearly an exaggeration, but it was clear that the L'Rose family was very well off. Maybe that successful yield rate had something to do with it? She didn't know for sure, but holy shite if it was true, the family lucked out on some of the best lands in the realms. She thought at least. She tried to remember what the statistics of her Father's lands were... but she couldn't recall that. She realized, she was forgetting more and more of her homeland every day. She wondered when the day would come when it would be little more than a distant memory, comparable to lucid dreams.
They were going to have their own inn. A full inn to themselves full stocked and prepped shy of in house staff for them. This was a life Kathryn never figured she would live. She wondered if there were any beds big enough for her?! Most beds were too short, but a double bed or anything bigger she could make due rather comfortably. A proper comfortable bed... without any strangers in the whole inn... Maybe she could relax for a night? Get comfortable? And just... stop worrying for a night... or a whole winter? No traders passing through, no mercenaries, no scummy opportunists. She wondered if the place was big enough for her own room? For a whole winter. Having her own safe space. "This is... So much. Thank you so much Cecily! I don't think words can describe how thankful we are for such accommodations. While we're here, please do let us know if we can assist with anything. It feels weird to not have work or plans for the winter." Not that the L'Rose family had much use for a hired sword in the winter. But she could handle smithing tools rather well, and if needed she was strong enough that there wasn't much in terms of manual labor she wasn't able to excel at. Sure being here was thanks for their help, but this was so much more then that. And... A Bath. A real and true proper bath. Kathryn wasn't sure when the last time she had a decent bath was. She got extraordinarily uneasy near strangers, had a lingering fear of being attacked when she relaxed, and was extremely self conscious about her self. Be it worrying about her own looks, or some pervert barging in while she cleaned up. She had to rely a lot on buckets being dumped over her, and isolated rivers. But a nice and true bath... in what was the equivalent to her own home? She had no idea how she would ever return to the road life after this winter. "I can't wait to see the rest of this place Cecily. It's just... Something special." Kathryn said giddy with excitement. And a good brunch with it?! It was the high life. If loyalty could be bribed with food, booze, and housing, Kathryn could now consider herself a corrupt noble woman.
Kathryn was able to take pretty much all her gear. She did not own much of her own things. But she did thank the laborers for their efforts as they passed by. It was jarring in a way to receive so much attention, but it was also rather exciting! "I think we can definitely accommodate young Lizbeth is she wants to spend some time with us. We still gotta figure out sleeping arrangements, but I'd be surprised if we couldn't figure something out." Kathryn said with a big smile on her face. Lizbeth was like a little sister that Kathryn didn't have. Well... not anymore at least. Apart of Kathryn found herself rather excited to have Lizbeth around. In a way, it would be like a sleep over! Well... as far as she knew. She didn't really get to do sleepovers while she grew up. Her father forbade it with commoner families, and her family didn't venture enough for Kathryn to get to know other girls her age. And when she did travel, she'd get her own room, and then be cleared out the next day.
Kathryn took her gear and bags and set them in the hall upstairs. She didn't want to claim a room until the party had a chance to talk it over. Though she did take a moment to explore some of the rooms. She guessed they would have to decide if the party would bunk up together, or each get their own rooms. And if they did, where would Lizbeth sleep? What caught Kathryn's attention, was the fact that two of the rooms had beds that had to be at least double sized. The bed in the master room being considerably bigger. That was the bed she wanted... the fire place too? God what else could a woman want! But... it felt selfish to just claim the biggest and the best room. Though she did take a moment to change into more comfortable clothes. She felt... almost weightless without wearing her armor. Almost like she would float off any moment now... Not that she wasn't used to not wearing armor. But she wasn't used to being still active in her day. It was rare her armor ever came off outside of bed rest, and when she cleaned up. But things were finally... okay. It felt so good to not worry for once. She was... safe.
Still being a little paranoid, and self conscious about her own person, she wrapped herself in her sleeping bag, completely opened up so it more resembled a blanket then a sleeping bag, and carried down the new gambeson material she wanted to attach to the bag, and the belt that contained her family sword. She never felt safe leaving her sword about. It was a family heirloom that frankly needed a lot of love. Plus, it was supposed to be more of a ceremonial piece than a weapon of war. Used for events, and if things got dire, a weapon to defend one's home. Small for a great sword, big for a long sword, perfect decorative piece. Kathryn arrived into the main tap room to find Lizbeth piecing together their meals for the night. Something, Kathryn would never turn down. "Oh look at you? Lady of the kitchen aye?" Kathryn amused as she made her way over towards the bar to sit. Setting her family sword down on the counter and grabbing a plate. "You know, my first crush was the baker in my parent's kitchen? I thought they were the coolest person ever. My parents forbade such a relationship, but I thought she was cool." Kathryn chuckled at the memory. Then stopped, cold faced. "Not that I am attracted to you. You're not my type. You're uh... young..." She paused again, worried her damage control may have made things worse in other ways. "Not that you aren't a pretty young lady, but like... uh... please forgive me. My main source of a social life was a 160 year old halfing man and the rather nice ladies he met up with from time to time." She paused again, unsure if she made things better or worse. "I'm sorry I'm sober. I'll shut up now." Kathryn spoke up embarrassed as she reached over the counter, grabbed the first bottle of wine she could reach, yanked off the cork with her bare hands, and began downing it as if it were a lite beer.