Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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<Snipped quote by Shin Ghost Note>

Thank you for asking. Is it okay if I re-organize the HoC post a little bit? Here is how I would like it to be organized:

Thank you!

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
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@Estylwen Oh I'm rapt with anticipation as to where this is going. We'll hit the collab board again to talk about it more once the meeting's done!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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@Estylwen Oh I'm rapt with anticipation as to where this is going. We'll hit the collab board again to talk about it more once the meeting's done!

Yeses, me too! That sounds good to me!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Layla fuckin changing Apparitions like an influencer changes outfits
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Old as Reality Itself | N/A | They/Them
"Oh dear, it seems you found the source of it all."

The unseen hand. The guide. The being above it all.

The Child.

The Child is an enigmatic and omnipotent being, the successor to the primordial Artisans known as Father and Mother. Unlike their predecessors, The Child embodies a unique blend of innocence and boundless power, a being that wields the authority to oversee the entirety of the All-Verse. As reality's sole architect and guardian, The Child maintains the delicate balance between creation and destruction. Inheriting the responsibilities left by the Father and Mother, The Child possesses a profound understanding of Luminescence. This essence intertwines with the fabric of reality and all sentient life.

This understanding allows The Child to manipulate the fundamental aspects of existence, ensuring the continuous cycle of life, death, and rebirth within the All-Verse. They can grant or revoke access to Luminescence, deciding who may glimpse its mysteries and who must remain in the shadows. Despite their immense power, The Child is not a detached overseer. They are deeply connected to the All-Verse and the beings within it, feeling their emotions, thoughts, and struggles. This connection imbues The Child with a sense of responsibility, driving their actions to preserve the balance and ensure the continued evolution of the All-Verse. The Child's presence is a comforting yet awe-inspiring force, a reminder of the intricate web of existence and the delicate harmony that sustains it.

Artisan - The One Above All.
As expected, The Child's Abstraction embodies reality-warping. With this power, The Child can reshape the very fabric of existence, bending the laws of physics, time, and space, with a mere flick of their wrist or blink. This limitless reality manipulation allows The Child to create or erase entire universes, alter events across timelines, and mold reality to fit any desired outcome. The Child's control over reality is absolute, rendering it an omnipotent force within the All-Verse.

In addition to its unparalleled reality-warping abilities, The Child can also manipulate the Abstractions of other Paranormals. This means The Child can enhance, diminish, or entirely alter the skills of any Paranormal-Being, shaping their powers to serve greater cosmic purposes or to maintain balance within the All-Verse. This manipulation extends to granting or revoking Abstractions. The Child can weaponize Luminescence into devastating beams of pure energy; these beams are not only mighty but also multifaceted in their effects. When unleashed, these beams can fundamentally disintegrate matter, erasing targets from existence. No barrier or magic can protect against these beams. Additionally, the beams can create localized reality distortions around their impact radius, causing unpredictable and chaotic environmental changes.

38 | Adaobi Okeke | She/Her
"Transform the impossible to the possible..."

Adaobi Okeke grew up in Eziama, Nigeria, where she was fascinated by tales of spirits and otherworldly beings from a young age, often delving into local folklore and traditions. Her life took a dramatic turn when she inherited a powerful Apparition passed down through her family for generations, known as "The Witch Doctor." It gave her access to a unique abstraction which allowed her to manipulate other Apparitions physically. Initially, Adaobi struggled with this newfound power, unsure how to control or understand it. She spent years learning to harness her abilities, seeking out shamans, healers, and spiritual guides across Nigeria and Africa for guidance.

Adaobi's journey eventually led her to the bustling city of Lagos, where she began using her powers to help those plagued by Apparitions. Her reputation grew, attracting the attention of various magical and criminal entities. Recognizing the need for a broader understanding and more significant challenges, Adaobi decided to leave Nigeria and explore the world. Her travels took her across Africa and eventually to Europe, where she encountered many supernatural phenomena and further honed her skills.

Her path finally led her to Miami, a city teeming with both the criminal and magical. Here, she caught the eye of Dollhouse, who was impressed by her unique abilities. Dollhouse recruited her, and Adaobi quickly rose through their ranks due to her exceptional talent in manipulating Apparitions. Within Dollhouse, she found a place where her skills were valued and essential to their operations. As one of Dollhouse's most crucial members, Adaobi took on the role of head "Programmer." Adaobi's appearance is unique because when she was Adjoined to the Witch-Doctor, various white symbols appeared on her skin, such as tattoos. Other than that, Adaobi speaks with a thick Nigerian accent and stands at five-six, which is relatively fit due to eating well.


10 | Messiah Maxwell Vanburen | He/Him
"Hi! I'm Messiah!"

The fun and energetic son of James Vanburen, it is stated that Messiah is one of the last children he sired before his unfortunate death ten years ago. However, the timeline of his birth (and the fact that his mother has yet to be identified) raises more questions than answers, leaving his true parentage shrouded in mystery. Currently residing with Sabrina Vanburen and her sisters, Messiah displays an unusual depth of insight and wisdom, often surprising those around him with profound observations and a keen understanding of human nature. Besides, he's like your typical child who loves to play and grows every day. Messiah stands around four-eleven, is skinny, and is African-American with a bushy afro.

Messiah is One-Eye-Open.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Moonfoot Assassins This summoning drains a significant amount of energy from both Jack and Kenshiro, leaving them physically and mentally exhausted afterward. They will need time to recover before casting any other significant spells. The Moonfoot Assassins' dependence on darkness means that enemies can use bright light sources to nullify them - Even a sudden flash of bright light can destroy them.

FASTER THAN A SHADOW The supercharging process creates a severe strain on both Jack and Aryin's bodies, causing intense pain and fatigue once the spell's effect wears off. This leaves them vulnerable for a period afterward. Additionally, Aryin's weightlessness makes her susceptible to being displaced by physical force or magic. Furthermore, light-based attacks can easily penetrate and destroy the shadow armor, rendering it ineffective.

DARKNESS, FALL UPON THEM The nature of the displacement effect can work both ways: it can also displace an ally or critical items to an unknown location.

SHOCK AND AWE The fusion of Lux from Stormy and Aaron, followed by Aryin's transformation, puts immense strain on all three participants, resulting in a prolonged recovery time if used repeatedly. The explosion radius of the Spirit Bomb is difficult to control precisely, increasing the risk of friendly fire and collateral damage,

HALLOW BLAST The fusion of Phantombane aura and Spirit Bomb drains a significant amount of Stormy's and Aaron's energy reserves, severely limiting their ability to cast other spells afterward. The Phantombane Aura left behind affects allies and enemies, and the casting process requires precise timing and coordination. Any interruption or misalignment between Stormy and Aaron can cause the spell to backfire, potentially injuring them or their allies.

@Blizz Finally approved those Joint-Casts you won't add to your sheet.
@AtomicEmperor Oh yeah, and here are Ken's revised weaknesses as discussed (hmmmyes).

The Hundred Scrolls of Master Kai Overuse of Haste leads to severe mental fatigue and temporary cognitive impairment. The Hazy Doppelgangers are quickly banished by sudden movements, making them ineffective in chaotic situations. Send & Recieve causes disorientation afterward, leaving Kenshiro vulnerable for the brief moment required. The Skin Jack is flammable and easily destroyed by fire and other elements. The Beacon Beetle has a limited lifespan and can be easily killed or trapped. Its effectiveness is reduced in urban environments where it can be lost among numerous signals. Using Phantom Hands extensively can cause headaches, dizziness, and blurry vision. Powerful winds can quickly destroy the Smoke Sprite. The pathways are ancient and unstable, often leading to dangerous or unknown locations. Due to the high energy cost, the spell also leaves the user vulnerable during and after the transition.

The Gama Pact ⫻ The Salamander Jesters are vulnerable, easy to destroy with minimal effort, and are also weak against cold and water-based damage. The larger scouts are slow and cumbersome, while the smaller ones' chemical excretions can affect Ken and their allies. Both types are vulnerable to environmental changes, such as dry or cold conditions. The Toughs are slow-moving and have difficulty navigating terrain. Their voracious appetites can lead to unintended collateral damage, consuming allies or essential objects. The Bullfrog Mercenaries are not particularly loyal, which can result in morale issues. They may flee the summoner's influence and return to their realm if demoralized. The Toadskin Troopers are also very slow-moving and have bad eye-sight, making faster opponents easily capable of outmaneuvering them. Over time, as their armor sustains damage, it becomes less effective. Although they can withstand impact damage due to their loose skin and densely packed muscles, significant piercing attacks can banish them. Summoning the Cane Guard weakens Kenshiro's Emotional-Field and can make it far easier to pierce through it, along with straining him. The Salamander Priestess is highly sensitive to environmental conditions. Extreme temperatures or dry environments can cause her to expend energy at an accelerated rate, effectively acting as damage. The energy constraint for maintaining this summoning is exceptionally high, and the symbiosis with Kenshiro can be a double-edged sword, as any harm to Kenshiro will appear on the Daimyo and vice versa.

Ten Ton Takedo's Teachings ⫻ The specific somatic stances and gestures required for each technique can make Kenshiro predictable to opponents who can anticipate his moves based on stance and telekinetic cues. Each stance and technique requires Kenshiro to draw on his energy reserves (or their emotional field), making prolonged use taxing and physically exhausting. The effectiveness of these techniques is tied to Kenshiro's emotional stability. Emotional turmoil, fear, or distress can weaken his control, reducing the potency and reliability of his spells.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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You thought I wouldn’t

But I did
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Didn’t know how to conveniently answer your characters but Nora can 100% build the things they requested. Wouldn’t be too difficult.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Great post, @NoriWasHere! Luna certainly didn't see that coming. xD
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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@Shin Ghost Note Can you please place them under 'Other'?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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@Shin Ghost Note Can you please place them under 'Other'?

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Unknown | The King | He/Him
The King of the Pit is less a singular individual, and more a title passed down through the ages. Personally selected by the Mother Will, the King is often the most brutal and ruthless inhabitant of the Pit or a child meticulously groomed into the role. Many have held this title for ages, from mere minutes to decades. Each King's rule is marked by varying degrees of brutality, as the Mother Will explicitly encourages the King to act on their darkest impulses.

What makes the King capable of exerting control over the Pit is his psychic connection to the legions of Autoknights created by the Forge. The current King's rule began after the previous King met his demise at the hands of the Pale Horse. Immediately, Mother Will selected a new king: a child named Jane Andrews, who had fallen into the Pit. Mother Will found her and turned her into the King, giving her a playground with many toys. This transformation rendered the King wicked, devoid of morality and empathy, with a lust for power.

Under the current King's rule, the Pit has become more organized in its chaos. The Autoknights, driven by the King's psychic commands, patrol the Pit more efficiently, hunting down those who defy the King's will. The King's influence extends beyond the physical realm. This King is morbidly obese and physically incapable of leaving his throne, which necessitates the Autoknights physically lifting the throne to move him around. The King's face, like all Kings of the Pit, is hidden behind a mask, with a crown atop his head. His reign primarily focused on gathering artifacts scattered throughout the Pit for unknown purposes.

Afflicted - Voices of the Pit.
The Voices of the Pit is a potent and sinister Abstraction the Mother Will bestowed upon the King of the Pit. It grants him unparalleled control over the minds of those unfortunate enough to cross his path. This ability manifests as a duality of power: mind manipulation and telepathic communication.

At the core of the Voices of the Pit lies the King's ability to implant thoughts, fears, and hallucinations into the minds of others. He can amplify these fears with a whisper, driving individuals to madness or coercing them into submission. Those who encounter the King often find themselves haunted by relentless, tormenting voices that echo their deepest thoughts, pushing them to the brink of insanity. This aspect of the Abstraction is particularly insidious, as it can erode the mental fortitude of even the strongest-willed individuals, leaving them vulnerable to the King's will.

Complementing this ability is the King's power of telepathic communication. Within the confines of the Pit, he can establish a psychic link with any being, allowing for instantaneous and silent communication. This telepathic ability is crucial in maintaining control over his legions of Autoknights and other minions. The King can issue commands and coordinate complex maneuvers and strategies.

N/A | N/A | It/Its
"Obey the King, or die!"
Autoknights, short for Automatic Knights, are a marvel of engineering forged from the collective work of countless Adepts. Originating from Glint, these mechanical monstrosities were birthed in The Forge, a massive factory created by the lesser families of the League of Luminescence. Intended to expand the League's power, The Forge was deemed an act of rebellion and cast into the Pit. The families responsible were exiled to other worlds, but The Forge remained operational, falling into the hands of the King of the Pit. This massive factory is the cornerstone of the King's power, allowing him to produce legions of Autoknights.

Autoknights are towering, coal-powered iron golems, each eight feet tall. Uniform in appearance, they wield various weapons, ranging from massive swords and muskets to cannons and salvaged artifacts, all created by The Forge or scavenged from the Pit. These iron giants are a familiar and terrifying sight in the Pit, representing a formidable challenge to anyone encountering them. Despite their slow speed, Autoknights are organized and individually strong, making them a significant threat. Autoknights operate under a hive-mind control system directed by the King of the Pit. Each unit is connected to the King, allowing him to command entire battalions with a single thought.

Abominable - Wretched Automaton.
Though Autoknights lack individual Abstractions and Emotional-Fields, they are solid and durable by default. Their metal bodies render many abstractions ineffective against them. However, agile and quick-witted adversaries can exploit their bulky and slow nature.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Oh Layla

You sweet summer child

If only you knew what that would do for you
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Do I wanna know? o.o;
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Local cursed girl gets slammed with facts and logic
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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”Layla is not Sycamore."

Gonna make little Layla cry with that one. Nice post.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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yeah Layla kinda bit herself in the ass with this tbh
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Layla: You all hurt me so much! I hate you!

Also Layla: Nooo I'm one of you!!!!1!

girl 💀
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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