Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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Hospital Wing

@Wayward, @Qia

The administrator looking over their four gurneys watched with hawkish eyes. So far, there were an even amount of ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Before she addressed the rebellious spirit of A, she turned to VV.

“And you? Will you go or refuse me?”

VV glanced at D, seeing his reassuring smile. Would they really be okay if they went out and did this? Who knew how dangerous it would be. After all, there must have been a reason this powerful organization was sealed underground.

Vv's lips pursed, eyes narrowing in thought, before she finally gave a short, “Yes. I'll go.”

Pia, however, had taken a page from A's book.She had that scared, resolute look on her face. That refusal to move, to budge.

“I'm… I'm not going.”

The administrator stared at Pia for a long moment, before she shrugged, and stepped up to the woman. A small needle appeared in her hand, which swiftly found itself embedded in Pia's neck. Pia yelped, a hand rushing to the puncture site.

With a cold, grim smirk, the administrator withdrew the needle and took a step back. Pia stared in shock, not comprehending, before a look of horror shadowed her face. She began to convulse on the bed, little whimpers escaping her lips, before she stilled, eyes glazing over.

VV stared in shock. Her eyes blinked frantically at Pia, before turning to the administrator.

“What… what have you done?”

The administrator shrugged with that cold smile still on her face. “I don't need all of you. If I have to kill off the ones who refuse to comply, I will. Or I'll find other means to ensure compliance…”

The administrator gestured with her chin down the hall. Attendants came immediately, carting away Pia's gurney. Her lifeless body swaying against the movement.

Attendants, in their blue scrubs, also approached VV and D. VV immediately flinched at their touch, unsure of what to expect. But she relaxed when she realized they only meant to free them. The cuffs were removed from D and VV, and the administrator gestured with a hand.

“Come stand by me, Umbra's champions. I will clothe you, feed you, and give you all the tools you'll need to win.”

VV gave a look to D, before she crawled off her gurney and moved to stand by the administrator. Dressed as VV was in a hospital gown like the rest of them, a change of clothes would be welcome before venturing out into… well, whatever remained of the world.

The administrator turned to D specifically. “For you I have a special tool. Something that will fit nicely in your hands, and show off that strength you have. The Wilds won't stand a chance, I'm afraid.” She said with that cold, calculated grin.

Then she turned to A, still trapped on her gurney. “Your friends have done the sensible thing. Why don't you join them? Give up this senseless rebellion, and take up your destiny.”

The administrator turned to VV and D. “Why don't you convince her?”

VV pursed her lips, glancing at A. Her expression was a mixture of fear, before it softened. “A, we've done everything together, we can do this too. I just…” She ran a stressed hand through her short hair. “I don't want anything bad to happen to you… Come with us. It'll be okay, I promise.”

VV swallowed hard, staring intently at A, before she turned to D. “Back me up, D.”

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

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A’s resolve crumbled as she imagined the perilous fate awaiting her friends. The thought of VV and D navigating the treacherous unknown without her was unbearable. Fear and distrust of the administrator gnawed at her, but the bond with her newfound friends was stronger. She couldn’t abandon them in their time of need, no matter the cost.

And she did not want to die. Not now. Not like this.

So, with a heavy heart, she nodded.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” A said, her eyes clouding with sorrow as Pia’s face flashed in her mind. She watched the administrator turn away, a crushing sense of defeat washing over her. She had chosen to comply, to sacrifice her own freedom for the sake of her friends. Yet, the decision felt like a pact with the devil, a chilling trade of one prison for another.

As the restraints fell away, A gingerly sat up, her muscles protesting from prolonged disuse. She swung her legs over the edge of the gurney, the icy touch of the floor sending a shiver up her spine.

She hesitated momentarily, her heart pounding in her chest as uncertainty gnawed at her. What lay beyond this sterile room? The unknown loomed large, a shadowy specter that both beckoned and repelled her. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for whatever awaited.

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