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Zeroth Post
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by meri
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Member Seen 2 days ago

||Name|| Puriel (Cherry Bishop)
||Age|| Unknown (23)
||Race|| Demon (Demon-Possessed Human)
||Magic|| Fleshcraft—warping and augmentation of the body of the host. Provides excellent utility in combat as well as more mundane matters such as improved sight, hearing, speed, and so on. Puriel has a particular fondness for creating swords out of the host's bones.

||Appearance of Host||
[hair color] Blonde
[eye color] Brown
[height] 5'2”
[body build] Curvy and short
[weight] 140 lbs

||Personality & History||
Perhaps no creature is more beholden to a code than Puriel. Without law, there is chaos, without rules, destruction. By any logic, they are the perfect angel—but as much as they claim to value it, logic is not something Puriel possesses. They see God's insistence that humans retain free will as blasphemy. Free will allows humans to deviate from the divine commandments and sow sin across the Earth. Free will must be eradicated. This obsession with order eventually caused Puriel to fall from Heaven and become a demon. They are wrestling with this rather violently—they are not some wretched hellion, they do not renounce the teachings of God. They just renounce God. Funny how that works… such hubris from one who claims pride to be a sin. They are formal, cold, and haughty when interacting with others, only deigning to engage in sincerity with angelborn. The nephilim must be taught the word of God not as He wrote it, but as it is.

It was a cruel twist of God's plan, then, that Puriel was crammed into such an impetuous host. Cherry Bishop has, at the achingly mortal age of 23, engaged in more heresy than many of the most tenured demons. The seven deadly sins are, to her, something of a checklist—the more she can do, the more often, the more creatively, the better. She has always been fascinated by the occult and has sought to serve Satan most of her life. Good news: now she is. Bad news: the demon He gave her is a major buzzkill. Like, how is she supposed to spread the dark one's influence when this pathetic substitute for Beelzebub won't even let her curse? Forget about Ephesians 4:29, Puriel, sometimes “fuck” is the only appropriate word!

Long story short: Puriel is a by-the-book demon convinced they're still an angel who took the first ticket out of Hell by way of a chaotic, bloodthirsty cultist. They're roommates in Cherry's head and by God (and Satan), they will get along one day. That day is not today.

||Current Alignment||
Lawful Evil (Chaotic Evil)

Cherry usually wears clothing that's generally normal but is desperately aiming for whimsigoth energy. She'd really like to get into the traditional goth scene, but that takes far more money and time than she has.

Puriel loves animals because according to them, animals function strictly on preprogrammed instinct and cannot sin. All dogs go to Heaven confirmed.

Cherry used to live in an apartment with a bunch of roommates, but Puriel made her move out and demon-magicked her the credit score to get a place of her own. She misses her old roommates and their toleration of her freaky occult stuff, even if they too were weird and sort of toxic. They had so much in common.

Puriel is trying to teach Cherry how to handle guns and other weapons (no, pointing an unloaded pistol at a grocery store clerk does not count) so they don't have to use incredibly conspicuous fleshcraft as often. Cherry thinks incredibly conspicuous fleshcraft is rad as hell and is reluctant to use mundane weapons because of that.

Cherry's pronouns are she/her and Puriel's pronouns are they/them.

Puriel keeps as tight a control over the body as they can, given their distaste for humans’ free will and all, but the constant focus required to prevent Cherry from running things always eventually exhausts them, allowing her to grab the reins when they can hold on no longer. As such, there is no co-piloting: either Puriel is controlling the body or Cherry is. That's not to say they won't fight each other for it. If either of them want to help the demons break the seals and win the war, they'll have to learn to balance their desires in order to function at full power.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dr Acula
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Dr Acula

Member Seen 2 mos ago

||Name|| Avalon Laffay
||Age|| 24
||Race|| Knight of the Veil
||Magic|| a general Knights arsenal of blessed objects given their inability to perform magic themselves, plus an inherited Blessed sword passed down the maternal bloodline, Mistreaver. The blade is blessed to glow kn the presence of demons (when actively in control of the host) and warm when someone tells a lie (and be good at causing pain to demons from its Holy nature of course).

[hair color] Raven black loose curls
[eye color] Grey as riverstones
[height] 5'8"
[body build] Athletically feminine
[weight] 80kg
[Mistreaver] the blade hangs from her hip to her ankle, and shines silver beind the runes etched skilfully into the blade. It's crossguard is relatively plain, as is the handle with its white wrapping. The pommel is an equal armed cross within a circle, and in the middle of the cross is a diamond, the source of the glow from demonic presence. It's scabbard is mostly a white suede, with banded sections of rune inscribed silvery steel.

Avalon is a kind hearted soul who has a warm smile and a nice word to.say about everyone. She's the kind of person to go out of their way to help someone who looks like they're struggling, and manages at least one genuine compliment to a stranger daily. When it comes to the fight though it's like a switch is flipped, and she becomes the kind of person to bop first, ask questions later. No demon is getting past her come Hell or high water.

The Laffay family can trace their history through their women all the way back to the original order of Knights of the Grail. And just as Mistreaver has passed from Mother to Daughter upon their first demon kill, the Laffay name has been kept by the women, refusing to take up their husband's names in marriage. Whilst her homeland is still the British Isles, where she was born and raised for most of her childhood, their family was reassigned to an American chapter when she was in her teens after a particularly bad run in with demons that had grouped together.

Her father is also a Knight, trained in demon killing and Angel-born protection as much as the others but specialises more into helping keep the Knights armed. He has been a behind the scenes Knight his whole career, forging weapons and teaching those children born into the order like Avalon. Her mother is an active duty Knight, and whilst Avalon looks up to her mother, and all the women in her line, she's closer to her father, for she sees a lot more of him. Less so now that she is a Knight herself, and she wishes to prove herself worthy of the Laffay name.

||Current Alignment||
Fighting the Good fight against the demon blight

Avalon's first demon kill is talked up proudly by her parents, who have always cheered her accomplishments, but was also almost completely by accident - albeit an accident out of a comedic horror film scene with a woodchipper. As per tradition, she was gifted Mistreaver at this point, and she has yet to draw the bladenor fight with it as she doesn't feel like it counted, or that she is worthy yet.

Her family's sigil is that of a silver sword, encircled by a gold halo on a blue background.

Avalon's pronouns are she/her
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

||Name|| Kalan / Jasper Raven
||Age|| 132 years / 26 years
||Race|| Demon / Demon Possessed
||Magic|| Blood manipulation - visible blood can be changed in shape. Kalan loves to make sharp spikes out of his victims' blood, essentially hurting them with their own blood. He also regularly forces Jasper to physically hurt himself in order to have blood to manipulate if the victim isn't bleeding yet.

[hair color] the natural color is black, it is dyed navy blue
[eye color] brown
[height] 5' 4"
[body build] short and skinny
[weight] 110 lbs

Kalan does not only have a magic type that is centered around blood, he is also obsessed with it as well as the vulnerability of the human body. He loves messing with it and finds it quite odd that they are allowed to do as they please when they are such a weak species. Planning is not his favorite thing to do, so most of his actions are impulsive. Some might say that he has no brain, values or norms and compare him to a wild animal. However, he understands more than they think. Jasper on the other hand spent most of his life thinking everything through. That is the way he was raised by his family. Every single minute of every single day was planned by his parents. Impulsiveness, creativity, freedom. Those were unfamiliar concepts. Now that the lives of his family members have ended, he loves the freedom he is getting. It is not that he has a particular hate for humanity or a love for hurting people, but he loves how Kalan treats him and allows him to do whatever he wants.

When Jasper first met Kalan, his first instinct was to give up his life to the demon. During his whole life he had only been a pawn to others. No one would ever miss him. He was tired, so tired of everything. He needed an escape. An escape of everything and everyone. However, when he started to think about it more, he realised that he wasn't ready to go to the afterlife yet. He never got a chance to live, due to the way his parents treated him. He wanted to finally live, for the very first time. He would escape, but not by going to the afterlife. He would escape by working together with this demon who promised him excitement and adrenaline, so he made a deal with Kalan that he wouldn't end Jasper's life, but rather possess his body. This way Kalan can roam free and Jasper gets to enjoy the ride.

||Current Alignment||
Chaotic Evil / Neutral Evil

Jasper carries a dagger on him at all times. He even made a small pocket inside all of his shirts at the back. This way, he constantly feels the dagger leaning against his neck and that seems to give him a calm feeling. During battle, he usually carries it horizontally in his mouth. It isn't rare that he cuts his lips or tongue. The dagger allows Jasper to either cut himself or his victims, allowing him to use his magic as much as he wants. To help with this, he always wears shirts with shorts sleeves and never another layer. He also wears shorts no matter the season. Only his feet are fully covered in regular shoes and his hands in gloves.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

Member Seen 2 days ago

Character Sheets
||Name|| Jasmin Anabell Rhodes/ Jazz
||Age|| 32
||Race|| Prophet, coordinator for the southern branch of the Knights of the Veil
||Magic|| Along with her incredible ability to sense auras and souls, she can control and channel wind

[hair color] Mid back length, curly, and black
[eye color] Crystal Blue
[height] 5'11
[body build] Athletic
[weight] 178

Jasmine is not the most patient person. Her personality is not one that a lot of people would get along with. She can be impatient, short fused, hot headed, and can be quite brash if she feels she needs to be. She had learned that being nice and sweet might get things done but being brash and fierce gets them done faster. Her role as the coordinator for the southern branch of the Knights of the Veil means that she is always on the go and always working on something. When things start to step away from the plan she had set, she is quick to slap that foot back into line. It does not mean she is purposely cruel. She just understands what is at stake and what would happen if more seals were to be broken. So she tends to be more stern that what the matter may call for.

Jasmine was always a devout believer ever since a young age. She was raised Catholic and after her confirmation, she began to get visions. They began as images of things she didn't understand at first but as she grew older, they developed to full blown visions and, most the time, they were quite gruesome. The visions were always of angel born who were out in the world in need of guidance and of those who didn't get that guidance in time before the demons got to them. She understood that it was her job to go seeking these children out but she barely understood her own powers, let alone have the ability to go and train another in theirs. So, one day in her late teens, when she was in a particularly bad depressive episode that was brought on by the visions, she poured drain cleaner into her eyes. It worked, to make her blind. It did nothing for her visions. Eventually she had to simply accept that she had a job to do, so she started praying.

After a year or two of communing with the angels and getting a hang of life as a blind person, she graduated high school and began her life as a Prophet. Eventually the angels led her to the Knights of the Veil and she organized with them to seek out as many angel born as possible. With her incredible ability to see the demonic souls in a person, she was very useful in clearing areas of demon possessed but it was quickly becoming obvious that it was growing too danger for her to be out in the field. So, she eventually retired from the field to work in coordinating the knights instead, following her visions and the words of the angels to get knights and prophets where they would need to be. She's incredibly good at her job but sometimes, she just needs to get out of the walls of the knights headquarters. So you may find her roaming around from time to time with Bruno, her seeing eye dog, and a knightly escort. She is rarely alone anymore.

||Current Alignment||
Prophet helping coordinate the knights

Jasmine is completely blind. She uses a white cane to get around and uses a seeing eye dog. His name is Bruno. He's a mutt that she rescued from a shelter and raised from a young pup. He's very protective and has been trained to help her in fights if she needs help.

Because Jasmine is blind, her ability to sense auras and people's magical trademarks is far superior than those of other prophets. It's one of the ways she knows who is in front of her. Everyone's aura has it's own little markings, kind of like a printer and a sheet of paper. After she has meet a person a time or two, she can determine who they are just by their aura and voice. It makes her exceptionally good at spotting demon possessed as well but she doesn't go out into the field as much anymore, sticking to teaching angel born and knights in her free time.
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 28 min ago

Angel Born:

Knight of the Veil:

Demon / Fallen:
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Frog Dog
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Frog Dog All Dog; Merry In Nature

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sonticus I. Mártyras (aka Sonny)


Human (Prophet) | Irish & Puerto Rican

The Gifts of Tongues, Prophecy, and circumstantial others (CO = whatever the GM deems necessary).


||Appearance of Mortal||
[hair color]

[eye color]


[body build]

195 lbs


||Personality & History||

It wasn't until he witnessed the death of someone who seemed to be an angel that Sonny began to realize the weight, depth, and irony layered into his name. They died unexpectedly. He had been to a super market that day, and when the moment struck he thought he saw and aura crowned on the head of his hero, though it was just a rush job. His brain was trying to keep up with that flashed moment.

The light hit their head in what felt like a divined alignment of the ceiling light and an obtuse angle on his dirty glasses. Signs and wonders, as the saying goes...his teacher's saying which was something like, "Signs and wonders, some are holy and some are unholy; both advance God's agenda for us." It was often paired by the trialed assumption, "Demons who possess us ultimately lead us to our sanctification. All the saints contended with them --- Padre Pio was noted to have physical wrestling matches with demons during the period in which his colleagues and parish members doubted his battles. Another Saint, Thomas Aquinas, was noted to contend with the intellectual side of the battle to reinforce the followers and fathers who held intellectualized waning of faith. There were the hot-stuff priests like Robert Baron who proposed ALL people can and will be saved, but, it was also the hot-stuff priests with their charisma and other means of social magnetism who unintentionally held to those beliefs in ways which seemingly let in Lucifer's legion. A corrupted exorcist was not unknown in these cellphone times. With just the right angle, any proposal from a priest and a saint could look like anything a person wanted it to be. Perhaps Sonny just wanted to see what he saw as he fell to the side of the chips aisle at the supermarket. Perception can always be a rush job. We humans tend to make up our mind fast before there's an opportunity to skim what we see from fatty fallacies. Sonny, just like the saints and the prophets, and, any believer --- even the pope himself --- struggled with this human nature thing.

The person who died wasn't even armed. They just went out of the way to take the plunge for a knife instead of Sonny. The cutter was twisted in the face by their expression. They also seemed panicked. There was something very off about them. "Kill the Witness," was what she kept saying to herself when it all went down.

Sonny had a bad feeling about the store before going in, but, he chalked it all up to a divine coincidence. It was New York anyways. Anything and everything goes in the city. This could have happened on the subway.

Before a lot of too-good-to-be-true events happened back-to-back, like the supermarket attack, he was a pretty quiet man who largely kept to himself. Now, he's always on edge and has become more extroverted.


||Current Alignment||
True Neutral (subject to change as the story unfolds)

Sonny is a construction worker in the Telecom Field (fiber optics telecom). He's a lineman's apprentice.

Sonny's pronouns are he/him/his.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by sandstorm
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sandstorm Sneaky

Member Seen 2 mos ago

||Name|| Kyle Gunner Anderson
||Age|| 19 (11/22) Sag.
||Race|| Angel Born
||Magic|| Sixth Sense- Deep sense for danger/impending doom, this often allows him to easily sidestep accidents and danger. Sharp senses including sight, sound, touch, to a degree that he can predict certain things based on feeling. Unknown skill with archery and sharpshooting. Golden gun- utilized by pointing the fingers in a gun shape. It is unable to harm humans in any way and appears as a shot of light carrying the sound of thunder by God’s light and grace.

[hair color] Dark chocolate brown
[eye color] Gray
[height] 5’11
[body build] Lithe, strong legs from track and cross country, sharp jaw and curved nose.
[weight] 162 lbs.

Spacey kid. Infinitely curious and trusting of others, however, will dip at the slightest inkling something is off. This makes him quite flighty, always hopping around, befriending new people and disappearing without a moments notice. Friendly, helpful, kind hearted. Though many read his jumpiness as overt anxiety.

As a child Kyle was very timid due to the overwhelming feeling of his perception. Often weeping upon meeting new people, especially the men his father worked with. Sensing the moral disparity and finding fear in that. Schooling further exacerbated the issue until his parents divorce and the subsequent turn to God his mother took up. It was at church that he realized perhaps the feelings in him were that of a guide. A Holy Spirit if you would. A divine intervention. As he got older, it was easier to control the feelings that welled up and Kyle convinced himself it was more anxiety than a gift, leading to his leaving the Church at six-teen.

Kyle has a very stereotypical upbringing, divorced parents on amicable terms. Moving from home to home. His mother Marie is a traveling nurse so the frequency in which his living location changed is a bit abnormal. This unknowingly kept him from the clutches of demon kind. Being homeschooled and rather isolated eased the burden of his gift. At eighteen, with a college chosen, Kyle finally settled in a dorm and for the first time in recent memory he was in one location for longer than six months. This is when he first felt the feeling of being hunted, a prickling sensation. As if he were prey. Since then he has dropped out of college and has been hopping about different cities in an old Corolla, picking up part time work and hoping to escape the feeling of dread.

||Current Alignment||
Chaotic Good- Attempting to find a place in this world that feels peaceful.

Kyle currently works at a pizza parlor doing deliveries.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 28 min ago

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 28 min ago

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

Member Seen 2 days ago

||Name|| Agrid
||Age|| Immortal
||Race|| Demon Possessed
||Magic|| Shadow and smoke magic, she is excellent at sneaking and drifting from place to place, becoming ethereal and phasing through things and people

[hair color] Pitch black, pin straight hair
[eye color] Glowing red irises on black Sclera
[height] 5'6
[body build] Sickly thin
[weight] 116

Agrid is a patient hunter who takes her time and stalks her prey for a long time before finally making her strike. She is rarely seen but has her own trademarks that is known in the demon world. She is calm and keeps a straight head on her shoulders even when she finds her plans fall apart around her. She isn't prideful and will accept a lose currently for a win later down the line. She's sacrifice a pawn for a queen. Each step she takes is calculated and controlled. She is someone of few words but those few words are thought through.

Originally, Agrid was content to remain in hell and do her due diligence there, however, when the angel borns were revealed and found fighting against the demons, Lucifer called for more than just brute strength. He needed information and he needed scouts, so out came the demon spies and seekers, Agrid and other much like her. They were given the bodies of the cultist who swore their souls to Lucifer and she gained full control of the body after ripping the soul from the body. Unlike the other possessed, she had no human soul in this body with her. She shipped that soul straight to hell and sent it off to be transformed into demons. She converted the body as closely to her demonic self as possible and is now using it to the best of her abilities.

||Current Alignment||
Seeking the seal locations for the demons

She rarely shows herself and doesn't usually socialize. She has a task at hand to seek out the seals and usually sticks strictly to that.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 25 days ago

    Character Sheets
    ||Name|| Charon
    ||Age|| Unknown (appears ageless, though often perceived as being in his late 30s)
    ||Race|| Prophet
    ||Magic|| Decay Magic

    [hair color] Silver-white, often tied back or hidden beneath a modern hooded jacket
    [eye color] Pale gray, with a distant, almost glazed look
    [height] 6’1”
    [body build] Lean and gaunt, yet his presence feels heavy
    [weight] 160 lbs||Personality||
    In the modern world, Charon appears as a mysterious drifter—quiet, contemplative, and indifferent to society’s norms. He moves through the city’s forgotten corners, unbound by material wealth or status. His belief in entropy and decay as the natural state of the universe remains unchanged. Yet in this urban landscape, Charon's philosophy has morphed into a symbol of anarchy. Since decay is inevitable, why not nudge the process? He finds joy in guiding disillusioned souls toward their end, and his followers often see him as a harbinger of freedom—though whether that freedom leads to chaos or transformation is up to fate.||History||
    Charon has wandered through various epochs of human history, always staying on the margins of society. In the modern age, he has adapted to the world of concrete jungles, technology, and capitalism, but his core purpose remains unchanged: to be the prophet of decay. He’s seen industries rise and collapse, governments flourish and fall, and has quietly encouraged it all. Occasionally, Charon takes lost individuals under his wing—rebels, outcasts, or those nearing the end of their rope. He helps them find meaning in destruction and change. Loved by those seeking to disrupt the status quo, and feared by those entrenched in power, Charon is a symbol of unavoidable transformation.||Current Alignment||
    Neutral (leaning chaotic)||Miscellaneous||
    In the modern world, Charon is both feared and revered. His presence can be subtle, felt in the decay of urban infrastructure, the collapse of social order, or even the sudden downturns of powerful companies. He walks the city streets unnoticed, except by those sensitive to the quiet unraveling of things. To some, he’s a ghost, an urban legend. To others, he is the mentor they’ve always sought, a guide who pushes them toward change, whether it be personal growth or a descent into destruction. Charon is the symbol of a world always on the edge of collapse—whether that collapse leads to renewal or ruin is decided by fate, or perhaps, by a nudge from him.
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