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Hidden 7 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Welcome back to the stage of history, eternally retold

Long, long ago, an otherworldly entity known as Galeem, the Lord of Light, coveted the marvels of countless worlds for itself. In an apocalyptic deluge of light, it swept over each and every one in an all-consuming flood, bringing the universe itself and its countless stories to an end.

In the wake of the total annihilation, Galeem created a new world, an anachronous amalgamation of countless realities not-so-seamlessly stitched together, over which it could preside for eternity. Into this World of Light the innumerable inhabitants of the devoured worlds were reformed, stripped of their memories of the end and rendered oblivious to the wrongness of their new reality. Then Galeem chose a number of Guardians whose existence would safeguard its own, and hid them throughout its brave new world.

Finally Galeem fell silent, becoming the engine that sustained its perpetual motion machine of a world. As it slept, its all-consuming desire for eternity gave rise to Moebius, its will accepted and embodied in twenty-six individuals who would serve as Consuls throughout the World of Light. Its denizens, in thrall to the Flame Clocks that meted out their lifespans, would live, die, and be reborn countless times, a cruel Life Service keeping their destinies arrested, stuck in a waking dream with no hope for advance–the Endless Now.

It’s hard to say how long it’s been since then. But through it all, a star of hope twinkled faintly amidst the dust of ages. Heroes with the power and will to challenge Galeem’s Guardians would rise, fall, and rise again, eventually stirring the Consuls from their listless complacency. In the wake of many Guardians’ defeat, the Consuls are on high alert, and things are more dangerous than ever.

In this massive video game crossover RP, you’ll play as a game character of your choice and join the campaign against Galeem in a grand journey through a tapestry woven of countless worlds, a series of battles, puzzles, and adventures, meeting friends and foes both new and old as you fight to reach and destroy the Lord of Light.


EXP earned for posting is as follows: <750 words is 1 point, 750-1250 is 2 points, and 1250-2000 is 3 points, then +1 for every thousand after that. You will also get bonus EXP after successful encounters. Your level of contribution determines your growth. Please keep track of your own EXP, please be honest when it comes to reporting and don't use filler to inflate your word count.

If a collab happens (including one that involves only your characters) every participant will get the full EXP reward from the collab’s word count.

EXP gain is boosted during boss fights.

When your EXP total goes above the next level requirement, you can subtract the requirement from your total to give yourself a Level Upgrade. These can be spent on a new Ability or Skill from any powerset available to your character. Leveling up also gives your character a minor stat increase across the board. Abilities/skills gained by leveling up can Interplay with old abilities/skills if it makes sense. Please submit your level writeup to me for approval

The Power of Friendship

In the World of Light, everyone starts out ‘gleaming’ under Galeem’s influence. This status prevents cognitive dissonance regarding the World of Light itself, seals memories of Galeem plus the apocalypse, and makes one unable to voluntarily back down from a fight once begun.

Any character who’s freed can spend (your level - 3) EXP to use a Friend Heart to free someone who’s gleaming, restoring their cognition, memories, and wellbeing to normal.


In the World of Light, every being has a spirit, a bundle of light that defines everything about that character. It’s represented as a mote of prismatic light with that character’s image nestled inside. When something dies, its body disintegrates into ash and the spirit manifests. Spirits don’t remain for long and will quickly fade if they’re not bottled up somehow, though that only prolongs their existence a little.

Our characters can use spirits for their own gain in a variety of ways. When you choose one, message me and I will write the results up for you


A special, optional way of further developing your character, not to mention bonds with other characters. Whenever two PCs are involved in a non-combat, non-progression collab together (both characters in a back-and-forth post) the EXP from that collab can also go into Rapport if both players are willing. Leveling up Rapport offers additional bonuses
  • D Rank (<5 REXP): Just shows you’ve built up some REXP, but not enough to reach C Rank
  • C Rank (5-9 REXP): Tag Team (a powerful, special team-up attack unique to these two)
  • B Rank (10-19 REXP): Skill Share (both characters can copy a free Skill from the other(
  • A Rank (20-29 REXP): Crossover (both characters now have access to the other's base job, allowing them to spend level upgrades on the other's abilities and skill, including manifestations of the other's equipment)
  • S Rank (30+ REXP): Interlink (will be explained later)

Please note: as complicated as people's character sheets can be, especially where spirits are involved, there's no need to worry about other people's characters too much. Just basic descriptors are fine 99% of the time, and if you need anything clarified in simple terms, the incredible players here would be happy to help!

RP Theme:

Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

To kick things off, I'll go ahead and round up everyone who's confirmed for or showed interest in the Endless Now:
@Archmage MC @Double @DracoLunaris @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN @Yankee @Zoey Boey @Izurich @Atlas Shark @Cu Chulainn @Drifting Pollen
I'm looking forward to welcoming you all to the new World of Light! The RP will officially start 1 week from now, on August 25th. That gives us plenty of time to discuss, question, answer, apply, and post sheets. I can hardly wait to begin!
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Yankee
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1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

There are a number of complicated sheets floating around, so I figured it would be a good time to post a basic sheet as both an example and an introduction for my brand-new character.

Name: Grimm
Origin: Hollow Knight
Appearance: Though quite large for a bug, Grimm stands at a meager 4'10", and his pitch-black exoskeleton is extremely spindly. He is practically featureless save for his black horns and his glowing scarlet eyes, though a white heart-shaped mask gives him some semblance of a face. He wears a cloak of tough black grass, their undersides dyed red, over a simple cuirass composed of a polished dark red carapace
Personality: As the master of a traveling circus, Grimm has a flair for both mystery and theatrics, always seeking to awe and entertain. He is cunning and manipulative, with no sense of morality to speak of, but he is never needlessly violent or malicious, instead acting polite and respectful. Though seldom one to engage in conversation, and not really someone with a casual side, he sees the act of combat as a sort of dance through which individuals can truly communicate, and he delights in the cheers and admiration of the crowd
Background: Grimm, like all his troupe, was a thrall of the Nightmare Heart, a being born from the nightmare realm that exists as the shadow of his world's dream realm. He led his troop on a never-ending voyage across his world, showing up wherever the flames of the Nightmare Lantern are lit. There, while the members of the circus performed and entertained the locals, the Troupe's acolytes would enact a ritual to feed their eldritch master by stoking a Grimmchild with nightmare flames, nourishing it until Grimm could be born anew, and the cycle forever continued.
In the Now: Rumor have circulated through the Forbidden Kingdom, from backwater villages all the way up to the big cities, of a strange wandering troupe that arrives by night and vanishes by sunrise. Some see its arrival as an eerie portent of catastrophe, or cultists preying on hapless victims through acts of profane ritual, while others see it nothing more than a guaranteed night of dreamlike revelry. Its traveling performers, none of which are human, are all elusive as they are fascinating, and none more so than the troupe's master. Both excitement and tension mount as the Grimm Troupe's next destination becomes clear: the acropolis city of Meridi-at-han.

Job: Troupe Master
Specialty: Fiery spectacle, slippery movement, and a versatile mix of unrelenting attacks to keep guests guessing until the curtains fall
Inventory: Nothing

Lv: 1
EXP: 0/10
  • Teleport - Grimm can vanish in a blast of red mist and reform a second later up to 20 feet away, with a cooldown of 2 seconds between uses. If used in the air, the blast ignites and rains down four fireballs
  • Firebats - As long as he's on the ground, Grimm can open his clock to launch up to four scarlet firebats that poorly track targets. He can teleport once at any point in a salvo without interrupting it, and whenever he launches a firebat, a flare goes off from his eyes that blazes directly above him. However, he can only launch a firebat salvo once every ten seconds or so
  • Hangtime - If Grimm so chooses, he can hang in the air, whether silent and motionless, or to launch physical attacks. His most notable technique that uses this ability is wrapping himself in his cloak in order to dive like a drill

  • Close Combatant - Grimm's claws and teeth both work very well as natural weapons, inflicting high slash and pierce damage, respectively. Combined with surprising speed, accuracy, and agility, he's dangerous up close, especially to targets with low defense
  • The Night was Long - Despite his frail appearance, Grimm has plenty of health and is difficult to stagger, making any fight with him a battle of attrition that favors his style of confusion and methodical destruction

  • The Nightmare Lantern - His existence is sustained by a brazier that burns with scarlet flame. If the Nightmare Lantern takes enough damage, it can be broken, and both Grimm and Troupe will be banished
  • Gone to Pieces - Whenever he loses a third of his health, up to three times per fight, he will explode into a swarm of bugbats, one of which glows with scarlet flame. In this form he can't use any abilities or defend himself, just flit around in a panic for a couple seconds, allowing attackers a chance to rack up free damage until the bugbats coalesce back into Grimm
  • Unarmed and Dangerous - Grimm has no proficiency with weapons or armor and won't use them


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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hello all! My three are posted, hyped for the Sequel Thread!
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 3 days ago

Took longer than expected (as these things do), but I got my sheet done:

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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Took longer than expected (as these things do), but I got my sheet done:

Welcome, Pollen! That sheet looks really good, basically a perfect application. I just wanted to double-check, the zombies she makes aren't capable of infection or anything, are they? Oh, and one quick note: in the World of Light, corpses eventually disintegrate into ash, essentially despawning after enough time passes. Items can still be harvested from them before they do, and they could still be zombified before then too, so it really doesn't change anything about your sheet, but I thought I'd mention it.
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 3 days ago

Welcome, Pollen! That sheet looks really good, basically a perfect application. I just wanted to double-check, the zombies she makes aren't capable of infection or anything, are they? Oh, and one quick note: in the World of Light, corpses eventually disintegrate into ash, essentially despawning after enough time passes. Items can still be harvested from them before they do, and they could still be zombified before then too, so it really doesn't change anything about your sheet, but I thought I'd mention it.

That’s good to know! Also there’s no need to worry, the zombies don’t infect people or turn others into zombies. They’re basically just animate flesh-golems. There are certain spells that can alter their behaviour or add effects to their attacks, but she doesn’t have any of those unlocked at this stage.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

That’s good to know! Also there’s no need to worry, the zombies don’t infect people or turn others into zombies. They’re basically just animate flesh-golems. There are certain spells that can alter their behaviour or add effects to their attacks, but she doesn’t have any of those unlocked at this stage.

Ok, in that case, your witch is good to go. I'll look forward to writing with you! Go ahead and port the sheet over to the characters tab. Would you like an invite to the discord server?
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Drifting Pollen
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Drifting Pollen Lady of War

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ok, in that case, your witch is good to go. I'll look forward to writing with you! Go ahead and port the sheet over to the characters tab. Would you like an invite to the discord server?

Thanks, and yes please!
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by DracoLunaris
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Phew, those sheets really are massive. They should really dump everything they're not using in the stockpile and armory aboard the Avenger when they get the chance. Midna especially is quite the loot goblin. In terms of abilities and such it's all stuff I've seen before though, and the formatting looks good, so you're good to go.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Good morning everyone! This RP will officially start tomorrow night, approximately 37 hours from now. I'll be putting up an OP for all three starting zones to both introduce the areas and give you the chance to introduce your characters. Remember that even if you're a veteran from the previous RP, this is a fresh start so you should introduce your character as if for a brand new reader.

@ColdAtlas @Cu Chulainn @Urizen Since you guys voiced interest, I'll ping you just one more time. I'm eager to welcome you guys, and anyone else who might be lurking in the wings, into the Endless Now! Of course, it's no problem at all if you're no longer interested, or don't think you can commit to a post a week, but it'd be nice to hear from you either way so we're not left wondering.

I'm excited to begin anew, and I hope all you guys are too!
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ColdAtlas
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ColdAtlas Web-based Artificial Intelligence

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'm still interested
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I'm still interested

Sick! How's your sheet for Master Chief coming along? Got everything figured out?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ColdAtlas
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ColdAtlas Web-based Artificial Intelligence

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yep :D
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yep :D

Fantastic, once you've got it all ready please post it here and I'll take a look.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

i'll get something up soon, i just got a goth gf and thats been consuming most of my time sumanai
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