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G A W A I N ' S G R E E N K N I G H T S


Colonel Gaius "Gawain" Wayne
Mobile Headquarters

Captain Sally Roth
Captain, Union-Class DropShip No Leaf Clover (NPC)

Deck Chief Solomon Aadil
Chief Technician (NPC)

Master Sergeant Roger Dalton
Infantry Commander (NPC)

First-Sergeant Doctor Yuri Nakajima
Chief Medical Officer (NPC)

Lieutenant Cynthia Roth
Quartermaster (NPC)


Raven "Family Man" Rivers
Shadow Hawk SDH-2H
Letter Bee

Marit "Giggles" Saarinen
Archer ARC-2R (Custom)

Emma "Alleycat" Ziska
Raven RVN-3L
Abstract Proxy

Ingrid "Ramrod" Daschke
Ostroc OSR-2C

Tarak "Desperado"
Phoenix Hawk PHX-1


Aroxty "Steel Rain" Sameve
Von Luckner Heavy Tank
Bork Lazer

Reya Wyatt
Weapons Engineer

Andrew "Hope-1" Rivers
Letter Bee
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Character Name:
Raven Rivers

'Family Man'

Character Archetype:
Loving Father

Character’s Guiding Motto:
"For my Family... Everything."

Character’s Fatal Flaw:
His love for his wife and children can be used to sway him to actions which do not benefit the group.

Character’s Expertise:

Well-read - Raven loves reading, whether it be fiction, nonfiction, or even cookbooks. Even trashy romance novels get a read sometimes, even if only so that he can laugh at how bad they are.

Knife Enthusiast - Raven loves collecting knives, and using them for hunting, cooking, and the occassional combat scenario even more.

A Real Man can Cook - Raven can cook almost anything edible and make it delectable with the right techniques and seasonings, including bushmeat, despite the diseases it carries.

Federated Suns/Loyal


Raven was born in a well-to-do world in Federated Suns territory, to a 'High Church' Protestant pastor and his wife. Joining the nearest Military Academy in hopes of one day finding the chance to pilot a fabled Mech, Raven was barely able to pass the test to be trusted a basic Phoenix Hawk Mech, and even then only because a cache of several units of those were discovered around his class' graduation. Nevertheless, he managed to make it as an average Mech Pilot, although he did not have the experience needed to earn the title of 'Mechwarrior'. Marrying a civilian just before the battle of Mallory's World at 2013, he fought beside Gaius Wayne and ended up forming plans to be 'honorably discharged' from service so that he can join the latter's planned mercenary company.

He, his wife, and their son (who was four when the Gawain Green Knigts were formally founded), accompanied their leader on various campaigns, although one spotted certain 'problematic tendencies' when his family was threatened; he was angrier, followed orders only to the letter and didn't give any more effort, and basically made it clear that if they were not safe, he would regard it as the fault of those charged with keeping them such. Nevertheless, he fought well enough, and his family was safe most times, that these tendencies were passed over, espcially when the Gawain Green Knights settled down to 'garrison duty'.

Then disaster struck when the Capellan Confederation lost the Fourth Succession War and the planet they were garrisoning rebelled and promptly set up its own authoritarian regime, and siezed the Green Knights' Dropships, including the one containing his wife and son. This caused him to spiral down into despair, and he genuinely pondered sending a covert message to the new Espian regime offering to betray his comrades in exchange for the lives of his family. However, this plan was derailed by his son covertly sending a message saying that he'd managed to escape the Espians' ship just as it was siezed, and he was now with the Free People's Movement.

Relieved at this news, yet knowing that his wife was still in harms' way, Raven dedicated himself to the coming fight once more, the question of divided loyalties laid to rest... For now.

Battlemech or Vehicle:
Shadow Hawk
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Character Name:
Andrew Rivers


Character Archetype:
Wannabe Guile Hero

Character’s Guiding Motto:
"I'm precocious!"

Character’s Fatal Flaw:
Arrogance - Andrew has always considered himself smarter, stronger, and better than most everybody else; he will defer to the adults in order to get closer to what he wants, but he considers himself 'exceptional' to dangerous levels, and bridles when called out on his flaws.

Character’s Expertise:
Military Brat - Andrew has picked up a lot from spending most of his life in a mercenary company, including intense physical training, knowledge of dozens of types of guns and vehicles, and even basic tactics and strategy. This has fed his arrogance.

Well-read - Like his father, Andrew loves reading, although his preference is epic fantasy, preferably with protagonists close to his age (16). This has given him a large pool of general knowledge, but even he knows that that isn't the same as understanding.

Sneaky - Andrew is good at sneaking around; helps that he grew up around the watchful eyes of various mercenaries. From stealing cookies and sweets to bugging Ziska to take him along with him whenever she went out to the city (and even trying to sneak himself in what vehicle she was using at one point), Andrew has the makings of a troublemaker.

Federated Suns/No Loyalty

Andrew was born just before the formation of the Gawain Green Knights, and was four years of age when it was founded. He was raised in a loving household and family, his life sarcosanct by the rules against harming civilians. Spoiled a little by his father, Andrew learned to push the boundaries of every rules he was given without quite crossing them. Regarding himself as of prodigious intelligence (whether he was or not), Andrew soon assumed a leadership position among the children of the Green Knights' civilian contingent, making sure his lead was followed. This would have led him to devolve into a bully, had not his father caught wind of it and gave Andrew a kind but stern talking-to and involved himself more in the boy's life.

The death of one of his closest friends, Frederica, during the campaign against the Marian Hegemony further reminded him of his limits; the civilian dropship had not been attacked directly, but supplies of vital medicine had been cut off by Hegemony just as his friend caught a waterborne disease due to a broken water purifier failing to filter out the bacteria. He associated with the other kids less after that, and instead sought out Emma Ziska, one of his father's teammates. His mother disapproved of him trying to associate with her, and this caused one or two arguments before his father made peace between the both of them.

To this day, he didn't know if Ziska had been annoyed by his' constant attempts to learn from her or be her friend, but he remembers that he liked her cat.

When the halcyon days ended with the Capellan Federation withdrawing from the Espian System and Epsia itself prepared to break away, Andrew began preparing for the worst; the civilian ship they were in was very vulnerable to seizure and he had noticed that. So when the new regime, the 'New (Un)Democratic People's Republic' declared itself, Andrew took a pistol and a motor scooter and snuck off the ship, leaving behind only a note saying, "Mom, sneaking off; going to try and join Dad".

This part was a lie. Andrew knew that there had been relatively peaceful student protests going on in the capital's 'Planetary College' and so snuck off there in order to find a protest leader, preferably one with links to a deeper underground movement, who can take him in. Alternatively, should the new enemy begin violent suppression of the protests, he could follow those who escaped as any burgeoning 'resistance movement' took them in.

The latter happened, and he was promptly inducted into the 'Free People's Army' as a partisan after making several admittedly extravagant promises of 'Green Knight' support for the FPA...

Battlemech or Vehicle:
N/A; Andrew is an infantry guerilla.
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

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Edit 13/06/2022 - Fixed a typo.
Edit 17/06/2022 - Bio adjustment to make more sense within the game's timeline.
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Abstract Proxy

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wikkit hi

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Bork Lazer Chomping Time

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Character: Col Gaius Wayne

Battlemech or Vehicle:

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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by QJT
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QJT The Charmless Romantic

Member Seen 4 days ago


Character Name:
Dinah Partanen

"Pigeon", alternately, "Geode Queen"

Character Archetype:
Pollyanna Tomboy (alternately, Loner with a Heart of Gold)

Character’s Guiding Motto:
"They only accept the likable and the useful, so be both!"

Character’s Fatal Flaw:
Can't afford to look weak

Character’s Expertise:
Acrobatics, Appraisal, Engineering

Illyrian Palatinate/Current Employer

The Partanens were among Blommestein Province's few hardy stragglers who didn't perish when Alpheratz cut support to its fledgling colonies. They migrated from the Outworlds Alliance across Houses Kurita and Marik for the Illyrian Palatinate, which was too removed from events to enact migration controls over the matter. They settled the capital's furthest reaches, bleak moors and marshes where no souls trod. The common pastime for such outcasts, in fact the founding principle behind Illyria, was the hunt for Star League caches. Already experienced in foraging and scrimping to survive, they reaped (barely) more fortune than their peers.

The collapsed Outworld education system rendered Dinah's parents illiterate. She herself knew no other teachers in the isolated wastes, so neither was she. They instead drafted her to crawl through Illyria's nooks for ancient LosTech. In childhood she cramped in caverns and crawled inside metal ducts. Eventually, only once, she found it: a laughably tiny vault of ballistic ordinance and primitive 'Mechs, buried neath centuries of rubble, located via a cavern that doubled as an exhaust port. Local merchants pounced, showing her family (and her by proxy) pictures of lucrative equipment. She'd fetch it from storage, all the while familiarizing herself with the machinery's underlying engineering, even operating it in limited capacity.

This prosperity ended in adulthood. Her form no longer fit the cavern's demanding dimensions. Dinah was promptly ditched by her kin, whose grim history forbade useless or redundant eaters. She wandered in search of independent contract work, pushing her out of the Palatinate's comforting climes and into the inexplicably greasy arms of Uncle Mack. She'd oft wander off for days on end. Maxwell and Morozov let her, heck, treated her better than her old folks, because she'd return with something exotic, guaranteed. Her plucky smile concealed her family's most enduring lesson: survival lay with success alone.

Battlemech or Vehicle:
The Green Knights' leftovers
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