Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A Location: Vineyard Couch House Action: Lots of Drinkin' an' Dealin', Persuasion help action Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Kathryn struggled to follow along with the nature of business conversations. At her best times she was more doable. But she was rather easily tricked up with word play. This was when she was sober however. Drunk Kathryn cared little for the art of negotiating. Drunk Kathryn had the power to take whatever she wanted and fight anyone in her path! Not that she would. But the confidence was easy for any bystander to see. Drunk Kathryn generally only wanted two things, people's approval, and more alcohol. The problem is drunk Kathryn could not read the room to save her self. SO! She was winning obviously. Sure she almost dropped Kosara a couple times, knocked over a table or two, and the direction up was beginning to be optional. But! Clearly winning. The whole time, Kathryn found herself struggling to stop her uncontrollable giggling. Like a small child who was having the time of their life while the parents did their best to keep them from the lion's den.
With Kosara over her shoulder, and Blackberry approaching her, Kathryn figured the real fun would begin. Weirdly enough he seemed to keep teleporting around the place. One moment he was infront of her, and the next he was gone. THEN! He would be back in a totally different spot!!! "Oh yeah? are you going to make me? Think ya can take me down?" She said spinning about trying to make eye contact. Passing over him twice before her eyes were finally able to find him. "Why such a party pooper, we're all having fun yeah?" Kathryn said with a smile before the giggling returned. Kathryn returned to her dance as Kosara continued to cheer along. "Seeeee? Kosara is having fun!" Kathryn Exclaimed. At one point attempting to get up on a chair to sing and dance, but her foot couldn't seem to catch a grip. "I'll deal with you later you fuckin' arse hole." Kathryn said with a scorn and a disapproving finger towards the chair. Before continuing her dance as Blackberry kept trying to catch up to her. It was like a fun game of catch! Only that if BB got too close he may get accidentally clobbered by either Kosara's limbs, or Kathryn's sheer uncoordinated size.
Blackberry then had the audacity to suggest Kathryn put down her friend. Kathryn taking another attempt (Or three) to get her sights back onto the dragonborn she smiled taking a big sip of her ale, leaving a foamy mustache on her face as she did her best accent to resemble a pirate like voice. "Argh Neva'. I have claimed this treasure, she be mine now!" Kathryn said holding her accent, grin, and and a challenging expression on her face. In this moment, she was very much like a dog begging her human for a fellow participant in this game she was playing. To drunk Kathryn's pleasant surprise, Blackberry accepted the challenge! He bum rushed her with speed that she couldn't even process. Kathryn being a fan of sparing herself felt ready to take this challenge on head first. Blackberry being an expert at hand to hand combat, Kathryn was super excited to face off against such a foe! She would either get her ass handed to her! Or she would hand out the asses! She tried to bend down to meet BB with the biggest of smiles on her face and leaned in arm out stretched in an attempt to use his momentum to close line him on her arm against the force of her size. What drunk Kathryn didn't realize, is BB was charging at her with all his speed. He was being tactical, and wasn't going for her. The out stretched arm that she attempted to use to close line him also held her ale, the true target. Kathryn felt a confusing and surprising pain briefly before she felt the booze go flying, and watched as BB appeared to teleport and grab the drink from mid air.
Kathryn fell back a bit trying to process what was going on and to have full proper control of her person again as Blackberry also stepped back. "I am making the bestest impressions..." Kathryn said in an almost defeated tone. Still convinced everyone else was having as much fun as she was. Then, the atrocities began. Blackberry had poured the ale into the plant. The horror that crossed Kathryn's face was one of heart break, and betrayal as her very replaceable drink was poured out. "Noooooooo!" She trailed off as she stumbled into a table again to see about saving the drink from the plant. But it was too late. The greedy bastard had already drank it all. Kathryn nearly falling to her knees, turned sharply to Blackberry. The expression of hate and betrayal on her face spoke of nothing but vengence. She pointed an accusatory finger towards the monk and began to speak. "You... you... MOTHER FU-" And it was that moment that the world changed. She briefly felt hungover, dizzy, but even then that passed as well! She also noted Kosara had been speaking as well.
The night came in like a slide show for Kathryn as she turned about looking through the room. As she turned about she noted Blackberry just out of arms reach, and Kosara's ass right next to her head. "Yeah uh... I'm... I'm sober now..." She said wanting to hide her face for the rest of existence. The longer she took to think what happened, the more that returned to her. And it was a clusterfuck and a half from the start. "Sorry Baronfjørd. I got... carried away there. Thanks for uh... addressing it." She said embarrassed.
She then turned to the rest of the room giving the negotiating table a polite curtsy. "I'm so sorry you had to see that everyone. I got carried away, and continued getting carried away. It wont happen again." Kathryn said her face beat red from embarrassment. She stood back up strait and realized Kosara was still over her shoulder. The woman was small enough Kathryn barely noticed at times. She attempted to set the smaller woman down, but with skill and speed that Kathryn wasn't sure how the small woman did it, she had crawled her way to Kathryn's back and wrapped herself around her torso. "Okay..." After the show Kathryn put on, she wasn't really sure what to do with this.
Kathryn passed BB on her way to the bar again, and paused as she looked like she wanted to say something but froze up on the words. Taking another break, she spoke up again. "Sorry... Thank you. It wont happen again." Kathryn said, feeling like a dolt for letting herself lose so much control. Being as sober as she was with how embarrassed she was, she did pour herself a mug of ale. Though not particularly full. Just enough to dull her embarrassment. She walked back over to the table, taking a small careful sip of her drink as she tried to catch herself up with the conversation, but realized she was probably far too removed to do much now. "Lizbeth, Master Urmdrus. I must apologize to you both for this. I normally don't get this carried away with my drinking. It was rather unprofessional, and probably not the best sight." Kathryn said with an awkward smile. Realizing she couldn't easily sit with Kosara on her back, she did another bow. "Master Urmdrus, now that I am a little more coherent, allow me to introduce myself." Kathryn said with a gentle bow. "My name is Ser or Lady Kathryn Pyke. Depending on preference or occasion. Knight and noble woman of Arcanaple, and practicing smith, and amateur adventurer. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to this arrangement you have proposed." She then took another nervous, though small sip of her drink.