Name: Nathaniel Adams
Alias: Captain Atom
Age: 26
Personality: Honorable, Respectful, Trustworthy, Blunt, Resilient
Powers: Energy Absorption and Manipulation, Flight, Strength, Quantum Vision, Enhanced Speed, as well as military training
Weaknesses: CA can be effected by mental attacks, gas attacks, over powered by a stronger enemy, as well as being over-charged with too much energy resulting in a 'Quantum Leap' sending CA throughout time and sometimes the multiverse.
Background Hero: B'Wana Beast
Former Team Affiliation: Justice League International (mentor)

Potential Storylines:
* Major Force - A jealous Army officer with ties to Capt. Atom tries to recreate the experiment that gave CA his powers. He joins two other wannabe heroes [Lady Liberty and Silent Majority] and attacks CA and other members of the JLU.
* Peacemaker(s) - Assuming nobody tried applying with this guy for League status, a small army of Peacemakers will stand against the JLU when the League uncovers a secret government facility housing something incredible.
BRIEF Bio: Nathaniel Adams was serving in the United States Army in the 1990's when he got into some trouble. He was given the option of jail or being involved in a government experiment to create their own superhuman. Adams agreed to the experiment, and alien metal was grafted to his skin after a nuclear bomb was dropped on it. The explosion sent Adams packing into the 2020's and after a brief period leading the Justice League International he's now one of the field leaders in the current day JLU.
Notes: I made my Cap a tad younger than he's usually presented and in this timeline he jumped from the 90's to the 2020's.