Over a year ago the Justice League was forced to disband after false and damning accusations made by the United Nations. The founders went their separate ways; the Green Lanterns went back to space, and Aquaman went back to Atlantis. The world began losing trust in its heroes. After roughly a year and a half the governments discovered an alien sleeper agent in the UN as well as a plot to disrupt the world governments to set the world up for an alien invasion. Now in a time of crisis, the UN has lifted their ban on government sponsored super-teams.
Before they were shut down, the League had split up into several groups: JL Europe (lead by Wonder Woman), JL International (lead by Capt. Atom), JL of America (lead by Superman), as well as the JL Task Force (lead by Martian Manhunter). After a brief meeting with the various League mentors, it was decided rather than splitting into several teams like before it would be one larger group stationed in the Atlantic Ocean with an additional outpost on the moon. The Justice League Unlimited would be the world's first line of defense against any and all alien threats.
And what was the threat? The sleeper agent was a shapeshifting Durlan whose body-altering abilities are on par with that of the Martian Manhunter. There's no telling how many more of them are on Earth, there could even be one among the JLU!
I've felt inspired ever since seeing the news and the characters they'll be using in the new JLU comic set in what's currently DC's main continuity. So here we are again, another JLU roleplay from this guy. I've incorporated some of my favorite bits like the various teams existing beforehand and writing out big guns like GL and Aquaman. I don't know if I'll do the episodic type of format like in a few of the JL related RPs, but if enough people are game we might do that again. I'm looking for around 7-10 players for this, and I only really strive for a post a week per player. Any more than that and I'd need to find a Co-GM. To make the League seem larger and more *unlimited* I'll likely also have a slot for 'Background Hero' on the CS requirements as well as a 'Former Team Affiliation' space so you can be attached to one of the abroad JL's if you want. The Background Hero isn't exactly a secondary character, just somebody the GM's can use as fodder when shit hits the fan and somebody a player can speak for should they want their primary character to interact with somebody. I'm always available to do a little collabing, especially if we wind up using Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter as NPC's/Mentors.
As far as GM'ing goes I feel like I should mention I work long hours between Tuesday and Friday so most of my RP'ing is done during the weekends and Mondays. I'm also the type of GM to give players a bit of freedom, since this is really just one big collaboration. Players can control the enemies to a small degree and if there's any problems they can be addressed in the OOC or Discord server (assuming this moves forwards and we make one). A line or two of dialogue from an enemy and letting them take a few hits is perfectly fine in a post. Just make it interesting and in line with what's been established as the setting. If there's any questions about the enemies we're facing you can always ask about power levels, attacks, weaknesses, etc.
Reworked canon characters and originals are welcome. Character sheet requirements MUST include...
Personality: [five words best describing your hero]
Powers: [don't get too nuts]
Background Hero: [must be an existing hero]
Former Team Affiliation:
Potential Storylines: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend? Just give me a few bullet points…]
So that's it. Again, I'm hoping to get around 7-10 players for this. May or may not go with the episodic format where we split up into teams. I'd like to see a good mix of reworked canons and an original or two, maybe a villain trying to redeem themselves like Capt. Cold and Lex tried a few years back. Also! While Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter are listed in the story as mentors that doesn't take them off the table. If you got the chops you can totally take one of them for a spin, but I'm gonna be using Capt. Atom this time around. And if nobody wants the other big guns I can use them as NPC's where needed.
Who wants some justice?!