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Iliskra the Callous

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Hidden 1 mo ago 10 days ago Post by Shu
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A prominent nobleman in the region of Scardale and a member of the provisional council. Berald is one of the more hawkish councilmen who has repeatedly advocated for the reclamation of Scardale Town for the nation. With a deadlock among the council and Khelvos Dermmen paralyzed with indecisiveness, Berald has decided to take matters into his own hands - hiring mercenaries and agents to establish a foothold in Scardale Town with the goal of weakening the malignant forces that have sunk their claws into the capital. Stoic and short-spoken, Berald is a hard man to read and not prone to grandstanding. Whether his designs at hand are born of a sense of duty to his people or strictly for personal gain and glory is yet to be realized.


Born to a humble ranger and his wife, Breck at a young age would become a ranger as his father had been. Quickly proving to be a natural tracker and Hunter as the years passed, Breck became quite renowned as a woodsman in Chandlerscross. He later joined the army and was made a lead scout. Breck’s military life was short-lived however. Despite being a fine scout and a capable fighter Breck’s hot temper and tendency to speak out of line to his superiors saw him disciplined more than once before finally being dismissed. After his dismissal Breck would make a living as a hunter as well as a guide and bodyguard for travelers and at times offered his services to nobles and mercenary bands as a scout. After the fall of Scardale Town, Breck was hired on as a spymaster by Lord Berald Hastlon and has proved himself worthy of the title.


The third son of the Wingur noble family of Chandlerscross, Leifar showed an aptitude for the arcane and esoteric knowledge by his eighteenth year. As he would inherit little being the youngest of three sons Leifar and certain other members of his family were more than content with letting him study among the wizards’ of the tower. Leifar would show and interest and natural pension for illusion magics and has risen to be Scardales’ most adept illusionist. Leifar is best described as a man both hard-nosed and attentive but also droll and eloquent.
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