Hidden 7 mos ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Welcome Czelsc! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Czelsc
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Czelsc Mad Scientist Ἀχέρων

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Arhen Alexander [Arr-en]
Though due to his history I'm going to pull the card that nobody knows his first name or most details of him. Only know him as Alexander or Acheron which is most common. The only ones who would know his first name would be the actual leader of the team and certain persons above them. Explanation below.

Age: 43

He is a combination of these two characters. He doesn't entirely appear as a man who has gone through everything that he has. Although he has an Irish smile; both kind, warm, contagious, happy, it is as well visibly worn, hardened with a hint of sadness & even old defeat. Though the kinder smile helps him often appear younger. Sometimes it almost seems like he is forcing the smile. The physical conditioning he has always kept his body in has helped him stay in pretty good shape which also contributes to him looking younger. Yet as inevitable, age has still caught up with him. The old, fed up, tired & worn look often can't be helped. Layers of scars riddle his body. Some larger, deeper than others. Just old hard life & war wounds. If someone got close enough to examine him they would see the scars, otherwise they're just worn out & overlapping.

He does have three tattoos:
A shamrock over his heart
A Golden lion on his inner left bicep, shown in the photos below. This is his SEAL Team 6 emblem
The words "Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes" on the back of his neck ["Who Guards The Guardians/Who Watches the Watchmen"]

**Apologies for the size of two images. I tried to downsize them.**

Parents immigrated from southern Ireland while he was born in America, making him 2nd generation Irish-American.

Callsign: Acheron

Medic first & foremost. But since he was pointman for years first, that is very close to also being his primary specialty. But again his focus is in the direction of being a medic/emergency response/rescue specialist.

Although no longer in his prime he relies on his experience. This means he often has more time & experience under his belt than those he goes against. He's been able to become more skilled, more familiar with his specialties. Not at all perfect but expert in some. He has a very deep well of patience balanced with a "shock-trooper" approach. Both a necessity for the military. He is very objective. He will prefer to step away from things to review them. Think every decision, every possible response, as thoroughly as possible. He is determined even to the point of seeming thick-headed. He will perform & try to succeed no matter what cost or sacrifice he may be willing & able to give; his body. No matter his exhaustion, no matter what wounds, no matter how hungry or pressured, his adrenaline kicks in where he gets more of a push of endurance once reaching that point of exhaustion. Could even be summed up as the stereotypical Irish in him. Proud of his work, proud of his resolve & success from a challenging struggle. He'd rather have the story & experience than the regret & wonder.

His military background has gained him expertise with some weapons; rifles, handguns and shotguns. It was standard to be qualified in all three, having gotten "E" expert ribbons but he avoids using shotguns and prefers handguns first over rifles. He is familiar enough with sniper rifles that he feels he could use one but is not qualified. This was more self-education than military so he is very basic though competent enough to be able to give it a go when needed [outside of actual military since he is not officially qualified].

More specific certifications, qualifications & skills include:
Emergency/mass trauma/combat response, mountaineering & high ropes rescue, wild/natural medical response, class 1 swimmer, Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape [SERE], Search & Rescue [SAR], Close Quarters Battle [CQB], Close Quarters Combat [CQC], Basic Underwater Demolitions [BUD/s], Seal Qualification Training [SQT], Combat Diver, Special reconnaissance, counterterrorism, hostage rescue, enlisted parachute wings, defensive & evasive driving, you get the idea. Nothing is technically over the top here. He was a Navy SEAL so these are basic certifications just to note. Again he is by no means perfect or expert across the board. But he has had a lot of training in a lot of areas.

Very hard childhood. Very hard. It would have been expected of him to become a criminal or in an early grave, but he wanted to prove everyone wrong. He stayed as on the line as he could. He tried to keep on his studies although it was hard given his environment. He then enlisted in the US Navy at 17, Delayed Entry Program [DEP] for better preparation prior to legal age. He shipped out at 18 signing on for Search & Rescue [SAR] during military entrance processing and indoc at recruit training command [RTC, the US Navy’s boot camp] he was advised/offered to try for Navy Special Warfare/SEAL. He went ahead with it figuring he could do greater SAR with them. Therefore he was placed into the basic underwater demolitions SEAL training [BUD/s] candidates ship at RTC.
He was sent to Coronado, California for BUD/s training. Years later he successfully completed all necessary training and received his Trident. Finally he was the new guy placed on SEAL Team 3. After years of doing his time in deployments and operations his capabilities & accomplishments gained enough attention to be offered candidate selection for SEAL Team 6 "DEVGRU" which he was stubborn enough to go for. He stuck through it and succeeded in being offered a spot on the Green Squadron, the new guy squad. After years of dedication to perform all operative pre-requisites he was finally offered an official position on DEVGRU, finding himself in the Gold Squadron. This is a very big & honored accomplishment. With that he has had many worldwide deployments. This is why only certain ones above him know his true first name. DEVGRU is Tier 1 Special Forces. The highest tier with four other force teams. Their identities need to be kept very secretive. Their records can be searched & reviewed; his BUDs class, his first team assignments, his qualifications. But anything leading to DEVGRU candidacy, selection and after is black. Redacted. Even the number of trainees in the selection groups are classified. He was on Team 1 of Gold Squadron, meaning he was the first team to breach whereas he wanted to be on Team 2; the search, rescue & medic team. He did his duties though. From a flank-man on Team 1 while a Petty Officer 1st class. Once he promoted to Chief he was put on point man of Team 1, meaning he would be the first to enter and lead the team. This is not to be confused with a officer in charge nor squadron leader but as a team leader. He did not want to be in this position but found his obedience was greater.
More time & training later he was able to be authorized for Team 2; search, rescue, recovery, medical team. This means he has the experience in breaching, CQC/CQB as well as emergency medical response.
After years of commitment to DEVGRU his body was becoming too worn & wounded, reaching the age limit. Those around him tried to get him to go for being an instructor, as operations support, to re-enlist but having found what he wanted to do all along, now no longer being able to; he wrapped up his time in the Navy and walked out with a honorable discharge. With his experience, his intel, his networking, he had heard bits about Raven Squad and had already considered contract operations while approaching the end of his enlistment. He wanted to find a service as close to what DEVGRU was as he could find. He felt he was still useful & valuable to continue running missions.

While he has a lot of history behind him. Many regrets, many tragedies, many moments which try to keep him awake at night; he tries desperately to seem happy & funny. He wants to laugh & make others laugh. He wants to be more light-hearted than down & dark. He lives by a quote "If you waste time regretting then you'll regret the time you've wasted." But it is obvious he has a lot behind him. Sometimes his light heartedness can seem passive or rude due to hardships in his past being unable to always keep down. He is dead serious when it comes to it. Something, someone he cares about, an operation, task, anything that requires his attention has his entire attention. He tries to not let his old, tired age catch up to him but it sometime shows. When he is more tired, exhausted, sore enough, he can be seen with a decent limp that takes some time to settle.

Medium class. Especially since he's had so much diverse training. He wants to be armored but maneuverable. Stealthy when needed, forward operations other times. He wants to be valuable, reliable.

Tactical Suit:
He doesn't wear it often and given his more "old-school" mold, his suit is less technical than it is mechanical. As in more for protection, deflection, maneuverability support instead of flying, propulsion, more "sci-fi" advantages. He would rather be organic though the benefits of a tactical suit cannot be denied. He would reserve it for serious dark missions, extra stealth & anticipated damage so using it for extra armor. There would be no illumination of any kind; he wants to be minimal & blend in. But the non-reflective orange would be present so his team can identify him well enough.

His suit would be a combination of these. I want his face to have the ability to be exposed or covered as you'll see in the helmet examples. Otherwise slim & still packed with gear out of comfort & old habits. Black with hints of the non-reflective orange.

Personally modded out HK416 rifle
Personally modded out FN Scar17 rifle
Both rifles use 5.56 NATO ammo; more light weight, more ammo.
Personally modded Sig Sauer P226R sidearm
Black MK3 Navy SEAL knife
He would interchange and decide the loadout [weapons & equipment] given the operation.

He will swap out what ever equipment to be best suited for the mission. He will always have one rifle, one sidearm and his knife.
Smoke & flash bangs [or similar. I'm going to try and come up with something a little more futuristic]. Medical kits; one for himself one for others.

Between all the gear; the tech suit, the equipment, the weapons, he's still an old guy in an old-school mold. He's relying on what he knows best. So he would would interested in learning the newer tech going on, relying on the team to support, educate & equip should they choose to.

He likes to play music when possible. So much down time & having to be quiet, it is nice for him to be loud & enjoy. He is very interested in science more specifically biology, infectious diseases & wildlife. He has always had an interest in medical applications, SAR, emergency response. These have been personal interests to him even if only for personal enrichment. He always travels with one book on any various subjects and often on birds since he wanted to be a falconer but never had enough time to settle down. Otherwise he tries to take advantage of his down time. "Checking out" & napping when he can.

Sipping silver tequila [his only vice]. Music. Smiling & light heartedness to let the pain of the past go. Living life to the fullest while still relaxing. He likes to maintain his equipment, finding some meditation in it. Appreciates people who can be lighthearted & fun with him. Not everyone is like that sure, but he likes his energy being reflected back to him. He likes to prank & dad joke others. Just likes getting smiles out of people.

Liars, untrustworthy persons. Those who he doesn't feel would have his back [or the team's back]. Abusers of any kind. Feeling like time was wasted. Flying.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Czelsc
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Czelsc Mad Scientist Ἀχέρων

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Sorry for how long that took. Every time I could sit down & work on it, something would come up. And I didn't want to rush it so I just kept a PM to myself to keep saving it.

Replying posts will be a lot easier than putting a CS together so don't worry lol.

I'm open for any input or suggestions. Excited to finally get started
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Czelsc
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Czelsc Mad Scientist Ἀχέρων

Member Seen 5 mos ago

CS has been updated.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Been following this since its original concept, always intrigued me and thinking of tipping my toe in so to speak. I have a concept idea in my mind i can work on, just wondering if there is still space for another operator?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Yes there may be- drop me a line with what you have in mind and a CS if you'd like, I can give it a review and get back to you!
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@FourtyTwo Sorry not resonded in a while, have been little busier than usual, but it gave me more time to think about what kind of character i wqant to work on to bring to the squad, just letting you know I have not forgotten the RP. :)
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


No worries, PM when ready with your char idea!
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Is this still active?
Hidden 6 days ago Post by LadyAmber
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


Yes this RP is active. If you are interested in joining, you can run your character idea by @FourtyTwo he is the GM. He will let you know if it will work and when you can jump in.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I sent you the upgraded CS@FourtyTwo
Hidden 6 days ago 6 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name:Bell Hawthorn


Appearance: imgur.com/a/VxzgEzA , male, grayish blue eyes, blonde short hair with a piece always going down right side of forehead, no beard. Very good physique, white,6 foot 2,has a scar on left side of face from a bear attack like John Marston, but hides face in his helmet because he always wears the helmet even without the suit.



Skills:master at hand to hand combat. Good with guns but not as good as everyone else. Is very good with knives and throwing knives, can disarm a medium sized bomb, is very good and hacking things, can almost take out a 6 foot 8 heavy if he/her have even the slightest weakness but keyword almost, has the durability to get shot two times in the chest with no armor and be really really wounded but can still fight but way slower and badder but is still better then the average special forces person.

History:Bell was born in the vibrant chaos of Brooklyn New York in the 2020s or 30s, was raised by his aunt Nicky who he thought was his mother because his real parents didn’t want him and he eventually found out at age 19 and went to go see them but they shut the door in his face and he enlisted for the marines at age 20 and worked his way up the ladder to special forces lieutenant and was part of a program called operation Auro which majorly enhanced his travel speed and overall speed but it caused him to not talk normally and can’t sleep, and he then passed the test and was selected to be apart of raven squad.

Personality: childish but the fun kind, A bit of an idiot sometimes, comedic humor and timing.

Tactical Suit: imgur.com/VpM5auq with a helmet screen that shows you his emotions, and a robot voice that is a normal voice but robotized and it fixes his voice, helmet can take 20mm and anything below that but suit can only take 12.7mm, has a ai chip in the helmet meaning he can see a Ai woman kinda like Cortana except she looks real.
Weapons: Rick grimes colt python and a AR-15 with an ammo counter and a small scope thingy, a black knife capable of going through lightweight and Medium armor if done with enough force and precision.

Equipment: grappler, And knives and grenades. Not sure what else to put here
Team position:Assault.
Hobbies: gaming and music I guess.

Likes:cigars, coffee, games, salisbury steaks, phones.

Dislikes:people being assholes, vapes, selfish people, people who can’t take jokes, people acting tough like idiots.
Phobias: darkness, spiders. Weakness. Has a weak spot just underneath left shoulder plate in tactical suit meaning that the plate can be shot off
PS i will work on the ai.
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