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Zeroth Post
Useful Resources for Players

Here are some useful resources for both in and out of character information.

Shattered Steel PMC - An Overview

The PMC Shattered Steel is one of the largest and most well-equipped PMC's in the post-Heavenfall world, and especially of the small number of legitimate ones working for the N/UN.

Shattered Steel is organised along the lines of any military force, with a military-style commander structure and ranks, and a number of divisions handling all the necessary infrastructure supporting the forces in the field.

And finally, just for fun - here's a playlist I put together on Spotify with inspirational music
Hidden 19 days ago 14 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Shattered Steel

"I remember the day the stars fell from the sky... and how they broke the world"

The world is broken, shattered by the Heavenfall.

Ten years later, humanity and civilization are starting to rebuild. But this is a new world, a dangerous world at times. New laws, new rules, new challenges and new dangers need new answers and solutions to their problems.
Enter the Neo-UN; the new government formed from a coalition of those surviving powers from the pre-cataclysm world. They have forged some semblance of safety and security for people, and have begun to restore balance and prosperity to as many people as possible.
Legalised and legitimate PMCs subcontracted to them, and equipped with the best technology that can be built, salvaged and scavenged from the world are their tools.

Opposing them, however, are those that seized power during the chaos, took opportunities to enforce their own selfish will and vision on whatever corner of the world they could bend to their will. Private armies, Criminal Cartels, extremist cults or ideological factions, and more all seek to hold onto the ground or the people they have held under their sway, often raiding and pillaging other territories and groups, stealing resources, trying to expand their own territory and influence.
In the middle of this, corporate interests trade with every side, and anyone who will take their money, exerting their own influence and claiming their own sovereign interests and rights, clashing with both sides as they follow their own whims and ideals.

And deep in the shadows and dark places of the ruined world, tirelessly, constantly, plotting minds and shadowy powers reach from the pre-fall world, having bided their time, to turn events to their own gain, to fulfil their ultimate plans for the human race and Earth as a whole, their presence barely even suspected; nothing more than ghostly whispers and rumours, far-fetched tales the only evidence of their actions... or is it?

We have a discord group on Letter Bee's Discord server for discussion of the game, it's background, and other such information and interaction - discord.gg/MCt4F6r79m
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Hidden 19 days ago 19 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Mykhailo Martinez
Callsign/Nickname: Brightspark.
Age: 19
Gender: Male.

Nationality: Ukrainian - Filipino.
Personality: Polite, kind, and generous, even to his foes, Mykhailo has one stated goal, to bring order to Ukraine, his mother's country, under the auspices of the N/UN, and save it from the nation to its east, whom he considers to be the architect of the misinformation operation who had killed the first person he loved out of hatred and bigotry towards those who wanted to live a different way. Because of this, Mykhailo, despite wishing for a stronger Ukraine capable of defending itself, has very little connection with Ukrainian culture besides the essentials and feels a deeper connection to his father's country, the Philippines, than his mother's. On personal terms, however, Mykhailo loves both of his parents and wishes them all the best in their endeavors; if anything was to bring a full smile to his face, unmarred by suffering, it is positively mentioning them.

History: Mykhailo's Father was one of the Philippines' richest media executives, his mother was a Ukrainian exile and political activist who ended up in the Philippines nine years before Heavenfall. They married; he was happy for those nine years, not wondering about his mother's roots - He loved the Philippines, and Ukraine to him was a distant name.

Then all changed when Heavenfall struck, and his family was thrown into turmoil. His father kept them all alive, and eventually became more politically and economically powerful as he helped to rebuild the Philippine nation into a power that was able to achieve heights of geopolitical power that would have been a pipe dream only five years before. His mother was his equal and co-partner, eventually dreaming of returning to Ukraine and setting all to rights, protecting it against the gigantic nation to the east which had designs on everything the Ukrainian people had.

And to complicate it all... As he grew up, Mykhailo fell in love with a boy (although he had crushes on girls before). It was strange, exhilarating, beautiful, and ultimately tragic, as the person he loved died, killed in a riot caused by an Anti-N/UN country's misinformation operations (he suspects the nation to the east of Ukraine).

This tragedy caused him to join a Military Flight Academy, then, as soon as he was old enough, the Shattered Steel 'Legalized PMC'. He would not let such injustice happen again if he could help it - If Ukraine stood as a buffer between the free world and the large nation to its east, if the N/UN became the most powerful single, well, power in the world because of that, then he would be able to prevent the lies and hatred that had killed his first love from causing any more deaths.

Until then, he will fight.

Personal Gear: Ceremonial Sword, Pistol, Smartphone, Burner Phone, Pen and Paper.
Personal Aircraft: F-16 Fighting Falcon
Aircraft modifications: N/A for now.

Anything Else:
- His parents back the faction in Ukraine most aligned with N/UN Values, and have lobbied the Philippines and the rest of the N/UN to recognize them as the only legitimate government of Ukraine.
- His father is a member of the current Philippine President's cabinet.
- The current Philippine President is a woman and a competent administrator with a strong track record of being incorrupt and also aiding a lot of people with limited resources.
- The Philippines is much stronger than it is in IRL and has the Spratly Islands.

@Silverwind Blade
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Approved! please feel free to post them in the characters tab
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Hidden 19 days ago 17 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Bell Thompson


Appearance: imgur.com/a/e82NBTf , has a scar on right hand, some bandages on face, Well defined physique, pale ish skin, grayish blue eyes, 6 foot 2.

Personality: childish but the good kind, funny, chaotic, can kind of stay calm in really really bad situations, Has but one goal: to destroy the Anti-N/UNs terror in honor of his brother who got shot down like a animal, has a lot of pain built up over the years, but he desperately tries to mask it.

History: was a normal family in Brooklyn New York before the Heavenfall hit and when it did his mother protected both of the Thompson brothers and became respected ish in the N/UN, mother eventually died of natural causes and him and his brother were both accepted into a foster home, he never knew his biological father since he died before he was born, met a girl in the school system, Vicky Alister ,fell in love, she eventually became a pilot in Australia but not in shattered steel they broke up and hated each other because he “cheated” which he did not do,

couldn’t move on, joined a military flight program out of desperation for closure at age 20, Has a medical condition that makes him almost die from coughing if he doesn’t have medication called Nevio, Is a extremely good pilot, has gotten shot down by an enemy and crashed into a building killing 5 innocent civilians, he blames himself for not being able to have control of the aircraft because he froze, has a alcohol and smoking problem, he doesn’t have hand to hand combat training but is very good at it because he’s been in lots and lots of fights since he was 14, has been a pilot since 8 years, usually when he gets into HTH combat he lets the rage out and usually wins the fight.

Personal Gear: flight helmet with sticker that says hasta la vista baby, a old lighter, a couple of cigars, picture of lover, small metal container of Nevio, Small notebook with pen, and a colt python 357 Magnum 6 inch stainless steel.

Aircraft: F-106, imgur.com/a/sI23Qeu

Aircraft modifications: Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM
Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks.
Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 4.7 performance,
Modernised IRSTS fitted
Red-and-black colour scheme.

Anything else: m.youtube.com/watch?v=K5U7b_E14cE
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Is that ok?-@Rhona W
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Aircraft: F-106, imgur.com/a/ARneyI3

Aircraft modifications: better engine can go Mach 3 now, red and black design just imagine it, better guns and way way better durability

All mostly fine. Your character himself is just fine, no problems with his background.
Just a couple of small things about your aircraft.
Your picture is of an F-14 Tomcat instead of an F-106 - This is an F-106

The modifications are okay; they're certainly enough to get the point across, but I'd be happy to suggest some more in-depth and detailed ones if you'd like?

Alternatively, if it was the F-14 you had in mind, that's also perfectly fine - it's a very popular plane, and an extremely cool one. Especially because it was in Top Gun xD

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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Thought it was I just googled F-106
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Let me put that image in there
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Is that better?-@Rhona W
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

So my char is accepted right?
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Is that better?-@Rhona W

The picture is fine, thank you for changing it. Sometimes google image results are confusing.

In terms of the modifications, I can see you made some changes and they're pretty good, but may I make the following suggestions:

  • Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
  • Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, guided bombs, and other ordnance.
  • Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks
  • Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
  • Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 3 performance
  • Modernised IRSTS fitted
  • Red-and-black colour scheme

Also while your characters' background and such are fine in content, it is a little difficult to read. Could you please review it for punctuation a little bit and also underline and/or bold the section headings? i.e. "Appearance"

Thank you!
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Chronic>

The picture is fine, thank you for changing it. Sometimes google image results are confusing.

In terms of the modifications, I can see you made some changes and they're pretty good, but may I make the following suggestions:

  • Upgraded avionics; modern radar and flight instruments fitted, including integration with modern weaponry
  • Internal weapons bay refitted to accommodate modern missiles along with permanent fit of M61 Vulcan cannon; such as AIM-9 Sidewinders and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles, guided bombs, and other ordnance.
  • Wing hardpoints refitted to accommodate weapons as well as drop tanks
  • Newer, more modern single-piece canopy fitted for increased view
  • Improved performance via new, modern engine; giving maximum of Mach 3 performance
  • Modernised IRSTS fitted
  • Red-and-black colour scheme

Also while your characters' background and such are fine in content, it is a little difficult to read. Could you please review it for punctuation a little bit and also underline and/or bold the section headings? i.e. "Appearance"

Thank you!

Alright thanks.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I've added this to the first post - but FYI, we now also have a space on Letter Bee's Discord server for discussion of the RP, lore, character creation, and other such things. Please feel free to join us there -
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I've added this to the first post - but FYI, we now also have a space on Letter Bee's Discord server for discussion of the RP, lore, character creation, and other such things. Please feel free to join us there -

That took longer than I expected but whatever. Also I won’t be able to join the discord since I do not have discord.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

That took longer than I expected but whatever. Also I won’t be able to join the discord since I do not have discord.

No problems, thank you for doing it. Bell is approved, please post his sheet in the characters tab.

The Discord isn't mandatory either, anything important that comes up there - if it does - will be copied over to here anyway so that everyone has the same info.

Once the people from the Interest Check have all come across and we have a few more characters posted and approved, I'll start working on the IC.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alrighty@Rhona W
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Rhona W I’m not going to fly. I really wanted a 1 Seater, camo Jet, of Polish origins but Poland’s origins are just under 1939. Whilst several heritage two seaters survive to civilian use, I’ve been playing Solo seater games like sw squadrons, ace combat 8, f-zero, and wipeout, so not interested in that bulk in the back of my mind. There are Jets after 1950, like the current F-16|35’s in the Polish Airforce. Just I’m pureblood about my interest to rp a Attack|Fighter\Combat Aircraft from Poland. Nope, cant let ambassadors get by because ‘history’. So no su or usa allowed even if they were made in PL.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Rhona W I’m not going to fly. I really wanted a 1 Seater, camo Jet, of Polish origins but Poland’s origins are just under 1939. Whilst several heritage two seaters survive to civilian use, I’ve been playing Solo seater games like sw squadrons, ace combat 8, f-zero, and wipeout, so not interested in that bulk in the back of my mind. There are Jets after 1950, like the current F-16|35’s in the Polish Airforce. Just I’m pureblood about my interest to rp a Attack|Fighter\Combat Aircraft from Poland. Nope, cant let ambassadors get by because ‘history’. So no su or usa allowed even if they were made in PL.


Aha, weeeelll, I might have something to help you there - one of the key things about the RP and aircraft is that prototypes or proposed aircraft are allowed, and I happen to know of a Polish-originated attack jet that might suit you perfectly:


Have a look at that and see what you think?
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Hidden 18 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

So when exactly are we starting?-@Rhona W
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

So when exactly are we starting?-@Rhona W

Once the people from the Interest Check have all come across and we have a few more characters posted and approved, I'll start working on the IC.
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