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Hidden 3 days ago 2 days ago
Zeroth Post
The strange brigade Often called The primitive knives is a special forces unit whose mission is simple: Destroy, or capture abnormal objects(supernatural, extraterrestrial, bio-hazardous, occult, among other terms). Human life above all, nothing else matters..

It works with many intelligence agencies around the world, and stays out of the spotlight.

The Brigade is quite secretive, as they work to keep anomalous items away from the public, they wish to keep the human-race safe and oblivious to the objects that can either kill them or mutate them.. Some of the objects, ones that can benefit human life (curing stuff, healing, fixing, etc) are either, replicated and sold as a medication to the public pharmaceutical industry-after extensive testings that is-, if it's some sort of technology/machine, it's pushed to one company going by the name 'Ridge Technologies', and then sold on the public market while being heavily monitored, if it's a replicateable weapon, it is given to their own private security firm 'Eclipse Security'.

Anything that is humanoid-With the classification of Charlie or beta- is to be kept locked away and treated with the UTMOST respect and care... From here on refereed to as abominations 'AB' for short/listing, their levels are as follows:

Alpha; awaiting classification

Beta;Contained/no threat level

Charlie; Contained, possible threat, proceed with caution, pending termination approval/denial

Delta; Contained, threat level high, find a way to terminate after extensive testing

Gamma; Contained/uncontanable, threat level high, find a way to terminate ASAP.

Futile; Threat level is severely high, object impossible to destroy, if the object can be contained it is to remain contained and to be destroyed as soon as possible with no delay.

Terminated/Neutralized; Object is presumably destroyed, does not perceive a threat to humanity

X-ray; reserved for humanoid objects that prove useful at helping the Brigade.

There are monsters to called terror dogs or TDs. The big ones are referred to as kingpins. The medium sized ones are called Repals. The little ones are called runners.

the year is 2043, There is a Secret really big base in Washington DC on a mountain top where no one can see.

is based off Halo and cod advanced warfare etc.
Hidden 3 days ago 3 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

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And don’t be an idiot
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

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Hey, I'm quite interested in the concept after you mentioned it.
I'm cooking up some ideas for a character. Should I post the sheet here for approval first?
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Chronic
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Hidden 3 days ago 3 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Also I know you basically know everything about planes and such and I think it was be a good fit if you put stuff about that in the CS but then again it’s your choice. -@Rhona W
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Sanity43217
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I was wondering about the likelihood of an X-Ray Operative.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

You mean you wanna be a humanoid object? You do know that the only ones that can actually move are dolls and mannequins right or do you mean you wanna specialize in that type?

I was wondering about the likelihood of an X-Ray Operative.

Hidden 1 day ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Or robot I guess since Fitz exists but X-ray is not his level since he’s not a threat well to us at least-@Sanity43217
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’m sorry, I read Humaniod as objects that are/were alive.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I’m sorry, I read Humaniod as objects that are/were alive.

They are technically alive but usually they are NPCs but I mean I would prefer if you were an actual human.
Hidden 16 hrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’m assuming super soldiers exist?
Hidden 15 hrs ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Basically yes but they are still working on the strength serum @Sanity43217
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