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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Campsite outside Roshmi City
Interactions: Scathael @Apex Sunburn
Mentions: Scathael @Apex Sunburn, Mari @princess, and Thraash @funnyguy

To some capacity, Five regretted voicing his query.

Not that it wasn't a good or logical one. It was a potential solution to the quandary everyone was tackling, after all, one involving a child being brought into what would be a bloody affair. An indiscriminate one at that. Five intended to have Scathael reply to his question and not Vallana. Yet Vallana addressed Five's inquiry before her Dark Elf guardian could speak. The Warforged knew how devoted Scathael was to retaining the girl's fragile calm since their village was destroyed and seeing all the progress made seemingly crumbling as Vallana was moments away from breaking to tears as she indicated that there was no other family she was aware of who still lived. Scathael finally chimed in and concluded the other half of Five's concern by rejecting anyone or any business to look after the orphaned girl. A subtle growl, followed by slight rolling puffs of moist, heated air, emanated from Five, signaling his annoyance that a solution to the child's safety had still not reached an acceptable resolution.

Though in a surprising turn, at least to Five, Mari took it upon herself to watch out for Vallana. Since their brawl back at The Nest, Five had formed a not-so-appealing opinion of the Light Elf. Granted, he wasn't too fond of anyone within their group, or anyone for that matter. Her loudness and somewhat zany behavior before the massacre rubbed Five the wrong way, prompting him to presume how her other mental faculties could likely be as bad. He, however, did have to admit that his biases came into question after the bad news. The Light Elf became notably silent and seemed nearly as troubled as the two newcomers were as if emphasizing their blight and arriving at a personal understanding of the pain they undoubtedly felt. It would be a lesson learned for Five to better reassess a person's character. At the very least, the Warforged hadn't made his misgivings vocally known in the form of insults. Not yet, anyway.

Mari's proclamation, though, did carry another surprise and one that Five could respect. As he understood the Light Elf's method of combat, having witnessed it first hand, Mari's attunement to ranged fighting in combination with her crossbow and her skills in illusion magic did make her ideal in protecting Vallana. Keeping the child away from the fighting and hiding her behind a veil would most certainly address the tactical liabilities Five foresaw in bringing Vallana along. Scathael would add his lot in, which wasn't surprising, all things considered. After a few lines added by both the Dark Elf and Thraash, as well as the taking and ignoring of a couple of directed gibes that Five probably didn't even recognize at all, it seemed as though the issue had been, in fact, resolved.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning Meeting Time
Location: Lumineer Cottage, North Pass
Interaction: Zeva @Pink Khione
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring (with Zeva), Oak Wood Staff, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 659 Amas.

Though Mister Luum kept up his happy-go-lucky expression, there was a slight twitch to it as he began to find Zeva slightly troublesome. It was far from enough to wish her any harm, and her presence as a young member of his race greatly outweighed their differences.

“Of course you don’t see the big picture, Zeva. You’re not meant to worry about things like that. You’re more of a fighter, yes! My fighter! My young and proud and rambunctious elven fighter! Zeva.” He bounced his index finger toward her as he said her name just to add a little extra to his buttering up of her. The same index finger stabbed at the smudged marker on the map, making an intentional attention-grabbing tap. “And as for my sureness, Zeva. I am sure that there are ruins here. Untapped in fact. I am sure that there is a very dangerous creature here. It is probably why no one comes from the place with anything meaningful. And finally, I am sure that you, Zeva, my young and proud and rambunctious and talented and graceful elven fighter, will have to go to these ruins and fight this very creature alongside the other… I am just not sure if it’s the last big thing that occurs here on this terribly cold island.” He shrugged while removing his finger from the map. “Oh! And don’t worry about what the creature is. I have my guesses but no one who survived it has been close enough to identify it and I am not one to push my bias onto the young and impressionable. It’s big, cold, and eats people. Most I can say.”

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Square, North Pass
Mention: Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue, Bowyn @Helo

Brigitte was glad to accompany the others in the group but found herself already beginning to miss Mister Luum. Her master being left at the cabin with Zeva made her feel even more discomfort. To put herself at ease, she placed her focus on her surroundings, something that made good practice for her high level of observation. This left her distracted yet also disturbed as she took in everything around her. The treatment of citizens by the Avalian soldiers reminded her of her past life, working at the Riverport Casino where she suffered harsh conditions while having to be subjected to whatever her previous masters desired.

There had been a peculiar moment that pulled her attention toward Rue, the winter fairy who seemed to mask her pain and worry with an endearing smile and selfless acts of kindness. If it weren’t for Briggite’s acute senses, she might have never picked up on Rue’s behavior, especially after she was handed something to read. Whatever it was, it bothered Rue greatly and caused her to silently yearn for a moment to speak to Bowyn. It was the way she kept searching for his eyes without overtly attempting to grab his attention. She wanted him to see her without anyone else knowing, and Brigitte figured it was only right to grant the winter fairy that comfort. When Bardulf approached the notice board, Brigitte placed herself beside him.

Meanwhile, Rue informed Bowyn that she needed to return to the Winter Fairy Village, that something horrible might happen there, and that only she could prevent it. Rue wished she could tell him more but she had the feeling she was being watched. She loved Bowyn and hated to keep anything from him but she didn’t want to risk the innocent lives being threatened. Threatened by none other than the ones who had forced her to fight for her life day in and day out. She knew this day might come. No one simply escapes and steals from the Underground. They wanted their talent and property back and would leverage her care for others to get just that. Rue fought against her tears and her desire to have a long goodbye but she had to go. She had to face the devil once more, the fiend that twisted her until she was something else.

“I will return.” She was unsure if those words were only Bowyn or also an affirmation to herself as she squeezed his hand. Even if they reunited, would she be the same person standing before him? Would the eyes that peered into his be the same? Filled with the same…

A lone tear slipped from one of her eyes, the very thing to signal her departure. Swiftly, Rue flew off. First, she would go to Starfire, and the two would leave from North Pass, southbound.

As Bardulf returned with the bounty poster, ready to hand it to Bowyn, Brigitte snatched it. She held it up and placed herself between Bowyn and Bardulf.

“Ah, a pack of dire wolves. Good idea, Bardulf. I can practice using my bow… well if Mister Luum allows it. He didn’t the last time with the owlbear even though I’m a really good shot. I think… I think it’s because he has a lot of faith in you. He wants to see if you can do what he hopes you can do,” Brigitte smiled, echoing one of Mister Luum’s odd saying.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port
Interactions/Mentions: @mole@Conscripts
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

Vasco, quick on his feet, sidestepped Rowan’s haymaker. He was fixing to return the knuckle sandwich, but one look at Aurora’s waterworks and he held back.

At this rate, she’d shrivel up like a sun-dried prune. Word was Vasco had some kinda power over water - could he juice her up to keep her pretty face from cracking?

“You’re going to ruin her.” Rowan spat, snapping Vasco out of his thoughts.

Vasco let out a dry laugh. He might’ve been enough of a gentleman not to lay out the elf right in front of his sis, but Vasco sure as hell wasn’t about to let him get the last word. “Nah, you already beat me to that punch.”

Suddenly, Vasco felt himself hauled up by the collar. A button flew off from the force of it. Barrock glowered down at him with a look that reminded Vasco of old Mother Superior when she caught him doing something she didn’t approve. Actually, the guy kind of looked like her too, just greener and more beef on him. “You stay quiet.”

Vasco flashed the same wise-acre grin he’d have given the nun herself. It stayed there while Barrock tore into Rowan, and didn’t budge an inch when the orc rounded on him next.

But it was the “You are not a messiah as you think you are. Stay in your lane!” that made Vasco howl with laughter. He gave the orc a friendly slap. “Barrock, you may be ugly as sin, but damn if you ain’t a riot!” Him, a messiah? Not in this lifetime or the next. And where did this palooka get off telling him to stay in his lane? The orc had another thing coming if he thought Vasco was the type to dance to someone else’s tune.

Vasco brushed him off with a cocky wave. “Well, you heard Mother Superior, ladies. Let’s shake a leg.”

Too bad for the boys, Vasco being Vasco, he couldn’t split without ruffling a few more feathers on the way out. He leaned in real close to Aurora, so close it looked like he pecked her on the cheek. But his lips never touched her skin. Like how those ritzy French folks do. La bise or la bees or something like that. “MWAH!” He gave an exaggerated smack before pulling away with a wink. “Ruin you later, toots.” Then he lit off like his keister was on fire, cackling, before any of those mooks could grab him.

He kept cackling even louder, trying to drown out that damn ringing in the distance that just wouldn’t quit.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Seaside Park, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe, @Conscripts
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Rowan’s knuckle swished through the air. He was ready to shift his body and offer a better attack this time, now that his opponents speed was better accounted for. (How could he have misjudged Vasco?) when Barrock grabbed a hold of him.

"Master yourself!" He reprimanded. "Are you not a soldier?!"

Rowan’s eyes quickly shifted towards the Orc. Silver was beaming angrily in them. The Light Elf shut his eyes from a breath, and when he re-opened them, the storm that had been raging inside of Rowan had quelled — for the time being.

A smile grimaced on his face, “You’re right, my friend.” He pulled himself free of the big creature’s grasp. He did not bother to look towards Vasco. “I apologize about my behavior.”

Rowan mentally swallowed shame. Although, he still felt upset, at himself for not being able to control himself over his sister and equally at Vasco for pulling every string he possibly could. The human cared for nothing of Avalia. He was a selfish brat.

“It’s all better now, brother,” Aurora spoke wearily. There were tears still swelled in her eyes. Her lips pressed together in an attempt to keep her emotions to herself.

Bashfully, she turned towards Barrock. Thank you so much, for your kindness and help,” She could feel her cheeks tingling. The darkness in front of her comforted her. She imagine did she could see their images, their actual faces, she would be even more embarrassed by the whole ordeal.

“We are all under so much stress.” She thought of the break Rowan, Zara and she had taken before meeting Barrock. She wished she could muster up the courage to suggest something of the sort again, except, she knew they had to stay serious minded.

A small frown toyed on her lips as she remembered Zara’s reaction to eating the cake. She had been so innocent, even the quarreling wirh Rowan was so petty. It was petty just like… with Vasco. All of his talk was merely like a yipping puppy. He did not really have a bite.

“The plan sounds solid, my friend.” Rowan agreed with Barrock. He did not like it, and he had reasons he could use to argue against it, they were all fruitless. His sister was right, again, Barrock was wise.

“Well, you heard Mother Superior, ladies. Let’s shake a leg.” Aurora could smell Vasco leaning closer to her. His voice was smooth and vibrating against her skin. “MWAH!” She heard an exaggeration of his lips smacking together“Ruin you later, toots.” And she jumped. Her hand immediately cupping her cheek.

Rowan’s knuckles clenched. His teeth gritted, and he released a heated breath. “Your powers won’t obey you very well if you keep heading down this path.” The silver globe beamed in his eyes, again like a warning ray. “You should have your mind more focused on your training. Like Barrock said, stay in your lane, and you might just survive.”

Aurora was still cupping her cheek. She was having trouble admitting that Vasco’s behavior was further clouding her sight. She did not want to believe that Vasco was as terrible as Rowan was insisting. And yet, she knew he was much more devious than Zara. Any fear she had for Zara’s soul were multiplied many times when it came to Vasco.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora/Rowan @mole Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

This guy was really testing the limits of his newly found patience. Something in him wished an accident would happen to him so he wouldn't have to deal with him again. This 'deaf weren't scared cannon's roar' cavalier attitude really made him doubt this would go anywhere. But for one, he bet some higher power is looking down at them and laughing in their misery, they wouldn't remove him like how they removed Zora. And two, it is what it is, they'd have to learn to live with it.

Barrock simply ignored the tease by Vasco, and the smack he gave Aurora, which really rattled Rowan. He'd be sympathetic to that outright if he hadn't just tore into him earlier. They are going to have a fun time together at least.

As for Aurora, it would be unbelievable to see, but the orc walked up to her, in his ruff, quiet demeanor, tugged the girl's shirt gently, signalling her to follow him. He found no words would do. Silence and a sense of calm would have to suffice here.

They made their ways back into town again. On the way to the magistrate, it took them through roads that the group would have once passed by with Zora. As always, his tall silhouette stood out amongst others, and once again, murmurs began to arise in the crowd. And like a meal at this point, Barrock just ignored them, giving any jeers an eye roll at best. Often, he would look over to see if Aurora was still there, on heightened sense for any assassins who might be trying anything on them.

On the halfway mark, Barrock decided to take a 5 to 10 minutes rest, sitting down next to a large tree nearby. The orc rustled his clothes, checking if things were still in order, and looked down on his injured foot, which wounds had long healed but not completely. He took out a flask and gulped down half its content.

"Hmm." He grunted, hoping to get Aurora's attention, extending the flask to her. For once, it seemed like the day was peaceful.

"Do you need breather on what to do once we get to the magistrate?" He said, preferring to keep his conversation focused on the mission, keeping her distracted from having to think about Zora, her brother or Vasco.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port Forest
Interactions/Mentions: @mole@Conscripts
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

The damn forest floor swam beneath Vasco’s feet and the trees blurred into a dizzying mish-mash of greens and browns. Nausea hit him in waves, each wallop more of a doozy than the last. His stomach churned, and he could taste bile rising in his throat. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” he muttered, his usual swagger more of a stagger now. Vasco knew he was on the ropes, and he couldn’t go on like this.

Pressing his back against the rough bark of a towering oak, he sank to the ground. With a groan, he lowered himself onto the soft bed of moss and fallen leaves, squeezing his peepers shut. Flat on his back, Vasco focused on his breathing, willing the world to stop its wild spin.

Slowly, the vertigo eased off. He became aware of the cool dampness of the moss against his back, the earthy scent of rotting leaves filling his nostrils. The gentle rustle of leaves overhead replaced the roaring in his ear.

Just as things started feeling halfway normal again, Vasco sensed he had company. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to risk stirring up another round of the spins. Besides, he didn’t need his eyes to know who it was.

Vasco arranged himself into a picture of nonchalance. He crossed his arms behind his head and propped one knee up, draping the other leg over it like he was catching a mid-afternoon siesta.

To anyone giving him the once-over, he’d look like a guy just kicking back, shirking his duties without a care. Better Rowan—and the others—saw him as nothing more than a lazy good-for-nothing bum. It beat the hell out of the truth, that’s for sure.

A crooked smirk quirked Vasco’s lips. “Ya score us some grub and a place to flop, mac?” Vasco asked Rowan.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Town Square, North Pass
Interaction: Zeva @Pink Khione
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring (with Zeva), Oak Wood Staff, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 659 Amas.

A lot has changed since arriving at North Pass. With the sudden departure of most of the members of their group, Mister Luum was left with none other than the young elf, Zeva. It wasn't the most favorable of circumstances but Mister Luum wouldn't let this setback keep him down. The two were currently heading to the town square so they could undertake one of the several outstanding bounties posted on a notice board.

Upon entering the town square, there were a few things that might grab their attention.

Abuse of Power
With the search for rebels and humans becoming such a high priority, soldiers and city guards had free reign to search, seize, and detain at their discretion. It was disgusting how openly they pulled patrons from inns and drug citizens across the cold cobblestone due to perceived suspicion. Most times, those under suspicion were dragged to the North Pass guard post for “further questioning,” but other times, the soldiers had no shame in conducting their interrogations for the public eye to see.

Though not the priority, shops were open and available for the two to indulge in. Besides standard weapons, armor, and general shops found in most places in Avalia, guests of North Pass could quench their thirst at The Winter WIllow or experience the local North Pass cuisine at Utada’s Hot Food restaurant. The Winter Willow bar not only serves alcoholic drinks, but hot drinks to warm up for two amas per serving, while the restaurant offers their local dishes for eight amas per serving.

Utada’s Hot Food Menu
Noodle Soup with the catch of the day, seafood broth, eggs and vegetables
Rice cakes wrapped in leaves
Rice bowl with choice of meat, vegetables and soybean sauce
Fried rice with tajokel sauce
Chicken curry
Shrimp and seaweed wraps
Onion pancakes with a tajokel-snowberry sauce
Dumplings with any filling

Notice Board
Then finally, exactly what they were searching for! Many people looking to earn some amas crowded around the notice board that offered several jobs. There were posters for criminals including known rebels, posters for violent creatures, and odd jobs that needed to be taken care of. The odd jobs were the quickest to be snatched from the board, followed by hunting of less dangerous quarries. All that remained were posters offering amas for vicious foes. An aggressive pack of dire wolves in the area, a gang of elusive bandits, the ever-hungry twin ogres named Gorm and Mrog. An additional poster served as a warning for no one to enter the ruins of the far north of the island.

“Hey Zeva. Do you see it?” Mister Luum snickered before he pointed his staff at the additional poster. “There is indeed something grand in those ruins. BUT, for now, just pick something else. I'll need a few warm ups in this absolutely terrible weather before we tackle something serious. Especially since someone has my ring…” He grumbled the last bit.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Seaside Park, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe, @Conscripts
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Usually, Aurora would be embarrassed by the Orc’s prospect. She knew what she would have done if things were different. She never drank. Never. It was a rule her father instilled upon her.

“Your mental eye, forever more important than your physical eyes — cursed without sight, for more than this reason, should always seek peace and clarity.” There was an entire world resting upon her shoulders. Her mind could see various pathways, unclouded by supernatural truths. Each pathway lead to its own conclusion…

… and one small butterfly wing could change the entire course of history. The maze, she knew so well, would re-arrange, and the conclusions would change, right before her mind’s eye. For this reason, she was warned against judgement, condemnation, jealousy, avarice… the list marched onward.

“Yes. Thank you, Barrock. A rest would be nice,” Her hand extended to the flask. She could not will herself to reject his kind offering. She felt as a shell of her former self, and for some reason, she thought some new, mysterious answer to her problems was just a small sip away.

Aurora tipped the flask to her lips. The drink stung her tongue and tingled all the way to her stomach. A small smile drew wearily in her lips, and suddenly, she took another small sip and quickly forced the flask back Barrock. Her blind eyes squinted shut as the drink burned a tingle down her throat and into her belly.

Her lips trembled a little, and she could feel the tears coming, again. Instead a small laugh stopped in her chest. All of this was so silly. What even was the point? The likelihood of them succeeding was so narrow. “Barrock, our dear friend…” A small breath escaped her as she tried to muster up courage to ask the large creature a question.

For the first time in days, Aurora removed her hood. She allowed her white hair to glisten silver in the sun. It felt wonderful — even the sun kissing her pale skin and rosy cheeks. “I am so sorry,” She looked up at the sky “I feel so lost. How do you manage to move forward with such ease?”

Orcs were a different creature than elves. They were rare if at all to be anywhere close to as wise as elves. And here, she sat reflecting on her own wisdom and seeing nothing but faults and cracks in her logic. What was she missing?

She was missing Zara, but still, there had to be more to the answer. A deeper meaning… What was deeper than life? Was the answer in contemplating the death of a dear friend? There would always be mystery and deeper meaning in contemplating death. She was taught this many of times. And the answer despite all, without a doubt remained at the center of life. So, why was she contemplating the darkness so much?

Rowan’s eyes flickered at Vasco. He was highly hesitant about Barrock’s idea. He wanted Aurora under his own supervision. Yet, he felt it was all too insulting to negate his friend, as much as they had already subject him to. This, let it be.

“You look like you need food,” Rowan let out a sigh, which was better than gritting his teeth. The human was scrappy. Everything about him shrieked of the word. He could not deafen the sound everyone he looked upon the filthy body. His sister was lucky she was blind. Although, he wondered if he reeked to her senses.

She was too kind of a creature for treating him so nicely if they did.

“There’s a place in over there with lodging and hospitality from the looks of it. Follow me…” He turned, white hair flowing behind him. Silver eyes piercing forward as he walked. “Don’t run off. We have enough problems on our hands, and remember, this is your idea.” The fool better take the compliment. It was the least he could say considering everything.

At least, Rowan thought, the man had ideas. He had a head full of them. The problem was figuring out which ones wanted to take control was another. “If you need me to carry you the whole way, just in case, let me know.” He scoffed at last. Whatever that was back there, he was hoping just another one of Vasco’s unruly and wild inside jokes. He’d rather not make physical contact with the human, hand-holding jokes aside, but as Barrock pounded into him — this was a duty, and with duty, Rowan always took honor.

Before they got to the lodge, medium and quaint all at the same time, Rowan pulled Vasco close, tucking him in between buildings. Before a kiss joke could be made, Rowan shot a whisper at his companion. “Don’t draw attention to yourself. Let me do the talking. You’re a human,” his hand quickly ruffled Vasco’s hair so it fell over his beaten ears.

“You smell like one, too,” he made a face of disgust. “It shouldn’t matter. They don’t understand your scent yet. With your hair like this — don’t touch it, we should be able to get by until we get you a disguise.” Either the human was going to listen or he wasn’t. He was black and white and highly unpredictable like that. It was as if he really did want to be killed.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port Forest
Interactions/Mentions: @mole
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

“You look like you need food,” he heard the elf say.

Vasco hummed as he remained laying on the forest floor. He probably did. He couldn’t remember what he ate last. Unless giggle water and nose candy counted as eats.

Rowan’s voice broke through his thoughts, mentioning about some joint nearby with a flop and chow. Well, ain’t that the berries? Lady Luck must’ve been feeling generous - he’d figured they’d be bedding down with the skeeters tonight, serenaded by the croaking of bullfrogs.

“Follow me,” came Rowan’s command, followed by the sound of his footsteps crunching on the leaves. Vasco groaned, reluctant to move. After a moment, he forced himself to his feet.

“Don’t run off. We have enough problems on our hands, and remember, this is your idea,” Rowan tossed over his shoulder. Vasco had about as much idea what the elf was jabbering about as he did about the price of tea in China.

“If you need me to carry you the whole way, just in case, let me know,” At this offer, Vasco flinched, but kept his trap shut, chomping on his bottom lip instead.

As they neared the lodge, Rowan yanked him into the shadows between two buildings. The elf's hands were in his hair. Fingers running through his hair felt... nice. Soothing almost. And Vasco found himself enjoying it a lot more than he ought to.

“You’re a human. You smell like one, too,” the elf stated the obvious, wrinkling his nose. “It shouldn’t matter. They don’t understand your scent yet. With your hair like this — don’t touch it, we should be able to get by until we get you a disguise.”

A low, amused rumble came from Vasco’s throat. “So you’ve got my smell down pat, is that right?” He leaned in close to Rowan, his breath hot on the elf’s ear. “Been getting a good whiff this whole time?” Smirking, his fingers traced the waistband of the elf’s trousers. “Good to know.”

Side stepping, Vasco eyeballed their destination. “Once we get our flop, I’m going shopping,” he declared. “Unless you want me going toe-to-toe with nothing but my mitts and a knife, I need some real heat.” He gestured at his threadbare getup.

Not waiting for pointy-ears to run his mouth, Vasco marched straight to and through the front door. True to form, the first thing he did was exactly what Rowan told him not to do: talk. “Hey, what’s the good word? You got any rooms we can crash in for the night?”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :


”Been getting a good whiff this whole time?

Rowan didn’t answer to any of Vasco’s teases. There was no use. His head was what his father would have described as: too broad. Instead, he kept his same stern face, cursing at the orc and then himself for being stuck in this mess. There were worst things, but dealing with Vasco was almost as unsightly as dealing with some of the more favorable Dark Elves.

His fist still clenched, concerned with pinching the wall instead of Vasco’s face.

As he proceeded forward, he felt Vasco swift by him. Before Rowan could grab the man, he was already barging into the lodge. He was boisterous enough to be heard outside, before Rowan could catch up to him. His announcement was (not surprise) nothing savory for the likes of a good Avlian.

The Elf’s insides were gnawing, like a vicious dark thing. It was chewing at the very core of his being. It glistened in his silver eyes, like a falling star. He wanted Vasco dead at that exact moment, and yet, he realized — all in that same instant — so did Vasco.

And, the gnawing ceased immediately.

The darkness fell from him or perhaps, it evaporated into thin air. Rowan felt the release immediately and let out a sigh. His eyes closed, and his brows knit together. Just another mess to clean up, and for not just his sister’s sake, nor his own, but for Avalia’s sake, Vasco was not likely going to die without a good fight complete with some kicking and screaming. Even if he did bring it upon himself.

Vasco was going to need better weapons.

“Excuse my companion’s betise,” Rowan interrupted. He tried to think of his dear sister. How she saw the human through such compassionate lenses. And then, the dark feeling returned. It was hungry and impatient. How long was he going to be cleaning up the young fool’s messes? “A better translation would be: We would appreciate a place to stay for several days and nights.”

Silver eyes pierced through Vasco. “We are taking a decent resting before departing for the sea.” He let out a sigh. Maybe they should have gotten Vasco new clothes before heading for a lodge. Although, thankfully, lodges like these were used to various shapes and forms of travelers drifting in-and-out. Still, he would rather be more cautious.

While the clerk catered to them, the dark feeling began waning once more. However, there was no telling what Vasco’s next move was going to be, when he would spring his next attack for attention. And, the feeling loomed over Rowan like a dark cloud, as he waited in anticipation. His mind ready to intercede any discourse.
Hidden 2 mos ago 7 days ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Barrock sighed.

"Who says I have." He growled, the words almost jumbled up together.

Deep within, he still mourned Zora's loss. The woman who he barely knew, but left such a deep impression on him, and whose death he still wondered if he could have done something better.

"Don't mistaken my silence for a lack of grief." He said, as he thought further of what to say.

One thing orcs were more used to than other species were losing people. He had lost families in the past, many of them, and Zora would just be one more to the statistics. And especially for Barrock, he had a special stoic attitude to him. He mourned Zora's lost, he wanted to take his time to think, but often you had to grit your teeth and move forward with the grief, because others rely on you. It's a cold world out there.

He gritted his teeth before going on. "I try not to think of it, grieve when able, in my own way. Just not at the moment. We have a mission to accomplish."

It's best she followed him too. Barrock wouldn't be direct, but he tried switching the topic.

"Now, do you know what we need to do once we get to the magistrate?" He asked. They had briefed this a bit yesterday before she went on her sad bout again. They need to draw as little attention as possible, ask as few questions as possible, and act natural. More importantly, do not act flustered. The dark elves were already naturally wary of both orcs and light elves.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 20 days ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Aurora’s mouth tensed when she heard Barrock speak. The grinding of his teeth caused her to clench her own fists in humiliation. “O… of course,” Her head hung lowly. She could feel the tears swelling up, again, and she wanted to ask for the flask. The coldness that had been causing her so much pain kept clawing at her. She wanted it subdued.

“I… I am so sorry,” she shook her head gently. Milky eyes closed and embraced the darkness she alway knew but never seemed to recognize until now. “You’ve gone through so much; lost so much more than I can see.” She forced a smile, melancholy as it was. “You have been nothing but helpful and kind to us. You are a dear friend. I would hate to lose you. And, your pain is out to carry, as well.”

She wasn’t unsure why she was saying all this. She could not even carry her own burden. Her smile crumbled again, and her shoulders shrank. Words began spilling from her lips. She was not sure why. She wanted to talk about Barrock, not herself. Yet, she could not assuage her selfish desires. What was becoming of her?

“Zara was there. She filled me with so much hope and happiness. And then, when she left, there seems to be a darkness. It’s… the darkness, that is, I have always seen it and known it. However, I have never thought anything of it. Never has it made me feel so…” her teeth but down upon her tender frown. “Isolated, alone… I am so sorry!” The tears began wetting her cheeks again.

The poor Light Elf felt horrible. Here was an orc all on his own, with his very own story, and she was so weak, unable to hold any nobility in her sense of self. “I am so sorry… y-you’re so strong and courageous compares to all of us.” She manages to say through tears, hoping her truthful compliment would alleviate her horrible attitude.[

Aurora leaned into him, covering her face with her hands. Where she fell into him, she could not see. “I wish I could be like you…” Why was she acting like this? Everything seemed so new and different and familiar. She wished Rowan was with her.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Black Maw Syndicate

The lodge's warm interior did little to mask the undercurrent of tension that thickened the air. The fire crackled in the hearth, but shadows moved in every corner, and whispers of something dark, dangerous, and inevitable hovered over the scene. Sensing a change in the atmosphere, the clerk suddenly ducked behind the desk.

Seated in the far corner of the lodge, the Black Maw Syndicate watched with cold, predatory eyes. They were an infamous gang in Avalia, a pack of cutthroats made up of demi-humans, orcs, and dark elves, who thrived on smuggling, extortion, and drugs. Vasco had already danced too close to the flames, unknowingly pulling his companion, Rowan, into the fire.

At the head of the group sat Kaelin Vore, a dark-elf with slicked-back silver hair and cruel violet eyes. He leaned back in his chair, his lips twisted into a permanent smirk, as if always one step ahead of everyone around him.

Flanking him was Zarnak, a towering, muscular lizardman with scaled skin and a demeanor that screamed violence. His long, black claws tapped against the table as he watched Vasco and Rowan with a predator’s patience. His slit yellow eyes were fixed on Vasco, and the hunger for blood was unmistakable.

By Kaelin’s side, Shira, a sleek feline demihuman, lounged lazily, her amber eyes half-lidded but always sharp. Her tail flicked back and forth as she purred under her breath, her claws gently raking the wood of her chair.

A hulking figure loomed near the door: Gorruk, an orc with jagged teeth and scars crisscrossing his greenish-grey skin, each a trophy from his brutal life. His fists were like boulders, and he cracked his knuckles as he eyed the newcomers, eager for a fight.

The moment Vasco swaggered into the lodge, Kaelin tilted his head slightly, the smirk deepening. He flicked a finger toward Zarnak, signaling the start of the hunt.

Zarnak rose from his seat, his heavy footsteps echoing across the wooden floor as he approached Vasco and Rowan. The lizardman’s snarl curled his lips, his fangs glinting in the low light.

“Well, well, look what the gutter dragged in,” sneered Zarnak, stepping forward. His gleaming eyes locked onto Vasco. “You’ve been causing trouble, haven’t you? Running around without paying your dues. And now... you bring a new friend.”

“This one looks... valuable,” Gorruk rumbled. “Bet the rich boy’ll fetch a nice price for our troubles.”

Meanwhile, Shira circled around Rowan, her eyes sparkled with cruel amusement.

Zarnak took a step closer, his breath cold on Vasco’s face.

“See, boy, your mess comes with consequences. We don’t appreciate debt, and since you’ve been running up quite the tab, it’s time to collect. And this elf—” Zarnak's eyes flicked to Rowan,“—he’s going to help pay your way out.”

The gang members subsequently moved with silent coordination. Gorruk, the massive orc, cracked his knuckles again as he approached Rowan. His heavy footfalls echoed through the lodge.

“You're coming with us, rich boy,” Gorruk growled as he stepped behind Rowan, yanking his arms back and binding them roughly with a coarse rope. The elf struggled, his lithe form twisting, but the brute strength of the orc was overwhelming.

Shira leaned in close, her feline eyes glittering with cruel amusement. “Don’t fight it,” she purred, her voice a dangerous whisper. “You’ll only make things worse.” She brushed a claw lightly against Rowan’s cheek before stepping back, leaving a thin red line where her claw had kissed his skin.

Meanwhile, Zarnak’s attention shifted back to Vasco. His towering form blocked any escape, and with a sinister smirk, he drew a sleek blade from his belt, its edge gleaming in the light. He pointed it directly at Vasco.

“You’ve made a mess,” Zarnak sneered. “And now your little friend here is going to pay the price. Unless, of course, you have a better idea. Do you?”

The cold steel hovered inches from Vasco’s neck, as Kaelin, still lounging in his chair, watched the scene unfold with a twisted grin. “Time to see if you’ve got anything worth offering, boy. Or maybe we’ll just take the elf and leave you to rot.”
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The River Port Lodge

@JJ Doe@Conscripts@Mole

Tucked near the docks of River Port, the River Port Great Lodge exudes a cozy charm with its dark wooden beams and walls lined with old maps and trinkets from the sea. The warm glow from the hearth fills the room with a comforting orange light, and the smell of woodsmoke and freshly baked bread drifts through the air. Fishermen, traders, and adventurers stop by here for a warm meal, good drink, and a bed after long days.

Boarding Prices
Single Room: 12 amas/night
Double Room: 20 amas/night
Common Room Bunk: 6 amas/night

Meals & Beverages
Lunch & Dinner
Traveler’s Stew: 8 amas
Seafood Sensation: 10 amas
Fried Sarelion: 9 amas
Chicken Curry: 8 amas
Boar Meat with Utajakl Sauce: 8 amas
Alaberry Roll: 4 amas
Cinnamon Cream Bread: 4 amas
Riverfruit Slush: 3 amas
Cheap Wine: 1 ama
Beer: 1 ama

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Hidden 24 days ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port Forest
Interactions/Mentions: @princess@mole
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

The second that ugly mug Zarnak came lumbering over, jaw flapping about debts and tabs like Vasco was some two-bit chiseler, Vasco let out a long sigh.

A crooked smile played on his lips as he leaned against the counter. “Well, whaddya know. Didn’t peg the Black Maw Syndicate was full of sore losers. What’s the matter? You forget I won them goods fair and square in a game of bones?” And a couple of actual bone cracking too, but, hey, details. “Not my fault your lackeys ain’t up to snuff.”

He stifled a yawn and started perusing the menu while the Syndicate clowns prattled on about consequences, debts, and whatever else these thugs loved to babble about. Blah, blah, blah. When the chatter dragged on longer than his patience, he gestured for them to hurry it up.

Truth be told, he wasn’t paying much attention and it didn’t really matter what they were actually saying either. It all boiled down to whether they’d be trading lead or not.

Whichever way this little meeting went, Vasco still wanted a drink. So he flagged down the bartender and ordered himself a beer.

When Kaelin decided to get frisky with a blade to his neck, he didn’t flinch. Vasco just gave the shiny steel a once-over. “Done? Swell.” He tossed a look at Rowan. “It’s up to you what you wanna do, pal.”

Without another word, Vasco grabbed the back of Kaelin’s head and pulled her in close. He planted one right on her kisser. A real slobberknocker of a kiss that left her face a picture. Grinning like the cat that got the cream, Vasco danced out of reach, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
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Hidden 20 days ago 20 days ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :


Taken by an orc for the second time in one day. The incomplete thought need not be completed to express any such ingratitude from Rowan. He had a desire to blame Vasco, shout some vanity slur at the stupid puppy dog, but he reframed.

Barrock had made his place quite prominently in Rowan’s philosophy. He had let his guard down. It was his own fault.

Although unable to make much of a resistance, he struggled from beneath the orc’s large paws. His lithe body didn’t budge at all. The muscular paws were stiff and unmovable like solid rocks. His squirming was the best he could do to catch some sort of breath.

Things were fading.

He thought of Aurora foremost, as opposed to Vasco. He was going to get caught and taken, and she would be at the mercy of two creatures he hardly knew. At least, he had faith in Barrock.

Surely, Barrock could handle Vasco on his own. Perhaps, Aurora was feeling better, by, now. He understood this was a lie, but it was always true how the mind wandered to comforting thoughts right before losing consciousness.

“Run, Vasco!” Rowan grunted. Although, it very well could have been an incoherent gibberish. Thankfully, Light Elves (and Dark Elves even) had a grace that transcended through the ugly realism of brutality. So, perhaps, it was very well understood.

However, Vasco, of course, refused to listen and landed a solid kiss… no, headbutt on Kaelin’s mouth. There was something honorable in the human fighting for his life. And, as the lights faded from his sight, he saw a shimmer of hope.

Was this how his sister saw the world?
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor


Barrock tapped the hilt of his sword, looking sideways back and forth. What was he supposed to say here? He was not one for sweet exchanges, and what else? Zora was still dead, Aurora was still crying, he already said his piece. And they were late. They were supposed to be at the registrar right now looking for that bastard.

And so he said nothing. He would sit there, be a presence for Aurora, but he would not be soft. Her tears should dry up at some point, and then he would stand up and walk. The registrar was right there.

They spent a few moments in there, looking around and asking employees in there. That 'The General' name seemed to not ring too many bells. Most thought of a historical general of the dark elves and pointed them towards the library, with a few thinking it was an orc general. Barrock found out it was some footnote bandit leader turned unwitting rebel that got massacred at some point during the war. Interesting to know, but not relevant.

"Hmmmm..." He sighed for a length of time. This was the most he had ever gouged himself on words. But there seemed to be nothing...until the final entry he read. It was a public inspection of the city's guard, conducted by a dark elf that was personally close to the monarch. He normally does not make public entry, but apparently there were some corruptions in the ranks that he came down personally to hang the perpetrators. Pretty brutal, but Barrock darkly thought that was effective deterrence.

But still, that was something.

He remembered this information, and would write it down when he was out of the registrar. He should get out of here, they had been here for long enough.

"Come." Barrock called to Aurora, as both of them left the building. They were going to talk when they got to a quiet place, but he wouldn't get that opportunity.

The orc looked back and Aurora wasn't behind him. She had stopped walking at some point. Good grief, she could've been kidnapped and he wouldn't know.

"Come." He repeated as he walked back to her. But she wouldn't reply. His instinct suddenly flared up, seeing her weak gestures.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice turned dead serious.
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Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @Conscripts
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Quietly, although not quite peacefully, Aurora had waited for Barrock to collect his information. Her lips were holding back a tremble as she thought of Zara. She had been there for both her mother and her father when they had passed onto the next life. The darkness had hardly taken a hold of her during both those times.

Rowan was all she had left, and she was all he had left. They both clung to each other dearly. And yet, she felt a change within herself when he showed little remorse for Zara’s death. She blamed herself. How had she become so attached to another creature in such a short amount of time?

She thought about what her father had taught her what he had known about humans. Was this a power they held? Curiously, she thought of Vasco. She could not bare to lose another precious soul.

The emptiness remained, unfilled, the more she contemplated her state and why she was so distraught, until the blackness overcame her. Her skin felt anxious and calm all at the same time. For a brief moment, she began to see color.

Yellow. Red. Blue.

It was a consuming flame, growing brighter and brighter, and she was becoming one with it, until the sight became almost unbearable. It was intense and colorful, like a blinding image becoming clearer and clearer through the black abyss.

Vasco was there. He had so many scars sketched over his skin. It never ceased to amaze Aurora how little she noticed as a blind creature when vision like this grappled her.

And there, nearly crunched between lodging floor and orc was her brother, her dear brother with silvery locks, draping. (How did she know it was a lodge?) Rowan looked dead to her, though, something — a little thing, like a pale fire, still flickered beneath his skin. She could sense it in the nearly whiteness of his cheeks.

There were others, like another Dark Elf, different from the who had murdered Zara. There was a Demihuman, too —

She saw so much in so little time, like a flashback or something. Voices, a tackle, a kiss.

Then suddenly, a deep voice echoed through the vision. The sight blurred with the darkness. One became the other, and the other became one. It was unreasonable how they merged and transformed into each other. But so they did, and they disappeared and travelled far away to allow her blindness its own passage, again.

"What happened?" Barrock was asking when Aurora awakened from her vision. The firm fire within the good Orc was blazing and momentous.

“I…” Her mouths as trying to mouth what had happened. “I’m sorry, I… I had a vision,” her voice was in a hushed whisper, like she was telling him a secret. “Vasco and my brother are in danger,” she paused to catch her thoughts. “at the River Port Lodge.” Again, another pause. “They are being attacked by Orcs, a Demihuman and… a Dark Elf.”

Her hands came to the hood of her cloak. They tugged at the seams, pulling and casting more of a shadow over her face. “We should hurry and go, now.” She did not bother to ask if he had gotten what he needed.
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