A Modern Greek Gods Saga

The Lore
The gods were dead. They had been dead for millenia, if they had ever existed at all. There were always those, true believers, through the eons. They clung to the old ideas even when they received only silence for their devotions. Humanity lived and died no matter their beliefs, the churn of time and progress that lead to one, singular, inevitable, end.
As humanity raced towards their ultimate achievement, the pinnacle of their evolution, the very foundations of life fought against it. Disease and famine plagued the world. Humanity fought back, but each victory brought only more to overcome. Whatever chance they once had of unifying fell apart to wars for dwindling resources. Hopelessness and despair filled them, but their end would not be that of a whimper; it was fire and brimstone.
In the aftermath, old things stirred.
The gods rose again, in fits and starts, to a world nearly destroyed. In a rare display of coordination and partnership, they pulled together to mend the earth. It took time, even for gods, to begin to right the wrongs that humanity had unleashed. As the earth recovered though, and humanity’s numbers rebounded from near annihilation, the gods returned to their old games.
It was not long before war again erupted. It was a brutal if short event. At the end of it all, Zeus was dead. With the king of the gods vanquished, the rest pulled together once again to write The Accords. It was an agreement to tend to their own domains with defined ways to resolve intra-pantheon disagreements. It has, for a time, ensured peace.
Peace is never guaranteed to last.
OOC World-State Notes
While nuclear war had decimated major cities and military bases world-wide, the earth was already a world in decline. When the proverbial dust cleared, the world - while still recognizable - was irrevocably changed. Even with the gods' work to set the world right, not everything was returned to as it was.
Sea-levels had greatly risen, obliterating coastlines that had survived nuclear fallout and sweeping away major cities that had been thoroughly irradiated. There are no longer ice caps and the overall climate has stayed several degrees higher, though godly intervention has ensured it remains habitable for mortals - both human and beasts, though biodiversity is at an all-time low. Pockets of intense radiation still exist on land and sea. While immensely lethal to mortals, even the gods are not immune.
This has meant that as humanity and the gods rebuilt, they did so in planned and condensed cities, largely in the southern hemisphere which was targeted less in the mortal’s wars - South America, Africa, and Australia.
Through the Accords, the gods can exert local control of their domain within reason. Flippant disregard for humanity is tolerated, mass destruction and wonton killing is not. Humanity has coalesced into cultures and identities based on the gods they worship or serve, though due to the Accords this is still largely a geographically based identity. Nation-states may no longer exist, but strong cultural identities do. Some gods choose to run their demesne as a fiefdom, others as near-anarchy, few if any allow any actual power to reside in mortals’ hands.
Locations of Note:
New Olympia
Located near what was once Cape Town, South Africa. It is the City of the Gods - a neutral location and collective seat of power for the gods, where they come together to maintain the Accords, settle disputes, or, on occasion, throw wildly opulent parties. Mortals who live and work here have been thoroughly vetted through the generations. Few just move to the city, and many can claim their ancestry back to the founding of the city.
Nearby is what was once called Table Mountain, now referred to as The Mount. It is considered a most divine place, and is a portal to the divine realm. Humans, other than oracles, are not welcome anywhere but at the base camp. Many seek to pilgrimage to the mountain but few are given permission.
Nearby is what was once called Table Mountain, now referred to as The Mount. It is considered a most divine place, and is a portal to the divine realm. Humans, other than oracles, are not welcome anywhere but at the base camp. Many seek to pilgrimage to the mountain but few are given permission.
What was once Australia has grown to be the only mortal-lead state on earth. The Misotheists have built up the eastern half of the island continent with a scattering of cities and outposts. They have been aided in their isolation and security by the stockpile of nukes they’ve amassed over two centuries. How they found them has remained a pressing mystery and thorn in the gods’ sides.
Few humans ever have cause or desire to make the pilgrimage, born both of fear and practicality. Its entrance is found near the still smoldering remnants of an Icelandic volcano. Phelgithia houses the newest entrance to the Underworld and is Lord Hades’ seat of power on the mortal plane.
Located within the costal mangroves of what was once the Amazon rainforest, Aegeia is Poseidon’s bastion and domain, although many gods and beings of magic gather among its vine infested streets and carven canals. The god of the Sea tolerates only the most dedicated of mortals within his city and it is said one cannot even find it without the prior will of the Lord of Tides.
OOC Character Powers and Limitations
Gods, Demi-gods, Mortals, and Daimons
The Olympian Gods are beings of great power, but they are not all knowing, all present or all powerful, their powers are tied to both their domain and the respect and worship of mortals. Some gods are more reliant on recognition from mortals than others, but none are immune, and those domains which are more closely tied to humanity and the act of prayer have more dizzying heights of power. The Gods of the Underworld, known as the Cthonic Gods, stand apart from this. Their power is held more in mysticism, in the bindings of pacts and the wording of spells. All must pass through their halls, believers or not, yet even at the primacy of their worship mortal attention was but a footnote for them, and humanity has ever dealt with them in fear and respect, never love. The greatest gods are beings that can remake the world around them, although all struggle with cleansing nuclear radiation, it is one of the few things not born of their own power that can harm them, even the greatest of gods, when encountered in significant amount.
Of great note to the Gods is that the domain of Thunder and Sky sits without a ruler, even as The Queen of the Gods claims the Mantle of Olympus.
Non-mortal beings such as dryads, nymphs, demigods and more, are imbued with a portion of a domain’s power. While they do not require mortal worship, they are often more vulnerable to damage to their domain than the truly divine are. A Dryad is tied to their home grove, and may simply perish if it is destroyed, for example. Demigods are imbued with great power from their lineage, yet a lack of respect for their divine forebears can strip them of their might with ease.
Humans and other more mythical, yet mortal, beings are traditionally the weakest of sentient beings, but that does not mean they cannot benefit from the return of the Gods divinity. As magic once more returns to the Earth, priests, acolytes and sorcerors once more find themselves capable of calling on aspects of this power. In most parts of the world, those that were tied to the return of the Gods hold more power and ability than their human counterparts, but that is more a reflection of familiarity than true potential. A Centaur hero is no more innately capable of wielding magic, be it Olympian of Cthonic, than a human.
The greatest threat to the current order of things is the rise of Typhon, the great monster born out of the nuclear fire of destruction. While knowledge on what this is, or means, is scarce, so far only humans have been capable of wielding this cursed Typhonic magic. Once taught, it is the easiest to grasp and the purest in power, but it must always consume the lifeforce of both body and soul, either by those who wield it or by those they sacrifice.
GM reserved characters - Persephone, Hades, Hera