Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Remram
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Well, he certainly had not expected her to go along with that easily. Basil blinked with a blank expression, expecting that he would have to bargain with her, but there was he was. "Well..." He trailed off as he thought what he should ask her. The Gothita strangely enough tilted her head when he stated who she was. Was she even that same Gothita or was he jumping to conclusions again? That seemed to be a developing habit.

Deciding on the most pertinent question, the young noble decided to just go for it. "Let's confirm it. Are you the same child of that powerful Gothitelle in Worldedge?" He could only hope that she would be honest with him. Any information should be taken with a grain of salt.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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The Gothita stared at him blankly as he posed his question. After a pause, she reached for the pencil and pad that Basil had offered her, and then dropped the pad onto the ground. She gripped the pencil with both hands, before placing it down onto the pad. She wasn't the most skilled of artists, but she did her best. In fact, it did seem like she was using some psychic power to keep the pen steady.

What she drew…

A black form in the middle, a triangle in under and a circle above, with three lines extending on each side. Giant rectangles to its left and right, and a line across above them. Then, two more forms. An uneven ball with a happy face and black round spots drawn around it, and a dark form with a vaguely recognizable shape. She poked at the drawing.

‘Gothita,’ she declared, looking up at Basil. This was her answer.

Then she promptly flipped the page and started drawing anew. She drew a couple rectangles, then the roof above those, and what looked like a building. Then a stick-figure and a small ball of a creature on legs.

‘Gothi,’ the Pokémon gestured at the stickman and ball, then to Basil and then herself. She pointed at the rectangles and houses, then made a gesture at a nearby house and some trees.

‘Goth…’ She then started drawing a line, extending from the new drawing to the edge of the paper. She then flipped the page back to the first picture.

‘... ita?’ she asked, as she finished the line on the new page by drawing the line to the first form she drew and looked up at Basil questioningly.

What would Basil interpret this?
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Basil held up the drawing pad and examined the drawing and did his best to extrapolate meaning from the drawing. Well, even with vague shapes he could gather enough information from the drawing. "So, you are the Gothitelle's kid." He said before he placed it back down for the little psychic type to ask, well, draw her own question to him.

And she did. Basil looked down at the drawing and even though it was crude he could figure out that those trees and the buildings most likely represented where they were currently. She was asking where they were. "We're currently in Stillwood Village. Believe me, as soon as I saw those guys looking for you, I hightailed out of Lakewatch. If you're worried about them, they probably won't be able to track us for a good bit." However, he didn't doubt that if they were really eager that then they were bound to cross paths eventually.

With a deep breath Basil asked, "Alright, I need to know what I am dealing with so I can help us both. Who exactly are those people?"
Hidden 15 days ago 14 days ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Gothita stared up at him quietly, and then tilted her head at the statement of confirmation.

Then Basil responded to her question. She once again didn’t really move, tilting her head a little in the other direction as she gazed up at him with wide, oval eyes. Then, though, Basil asked his next question. She looked down into the ground, not moving for a couple seconds as she was considering…

‘Gothita,’ she eventually said, grabbing the drawing tools to sketch out a drawing. Eventually, the result was presented back to Basil.

How he might best interpret the drawing was up to him.

After that, it was Gothita’s turn to draw a question. She stared blankly at the new page she’d turned…

‘Ita!’ she finally realized something, and then excitedly drew something pretty fast. When she was done, she showed it to Basil and poked at her drawing over and over, looking up at him with wide eyes.

‘Gothita! Ita!’ she energetically asked.

What does Basil think?
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

❄Erika Olson❄

"Oh my." Erika couldn't help but express shock as her next opponent came out with a hot pan and still cooking something! Erika shot a glance to Sno on her right who hovered over her shoulder with a bit of an interested expression. She looked back and both shrugged. "Well, be careful. I'm sure it'll be yummy at least!" Erika offered to her opponent as the rules of the match were decided.

King of the Hill.

"Hmm..." Erika pondered as she raised a finger to tap thoughtfully on her chin. Two minutes wasn't a lot of time so speed had to be essential. Then again, she needed an anchor who could hold it down. Erika shot a glance to Sno, knowing her speed was quite impressive. She also had a good anchor in Eep.... but who would she go with for her third member?

"Aha! Alright, I'm ready!" Erika drew two Pokeballs from her belt and threw them out summoning...

"Lileep!" "Kaaay!"

Eep and Kay would work nicely with Sno. "Alright team, here is the plan. Sno, race up there and hit them with Icy Wind, the coldest and harshest wind you can muster and keep them struggling to climb. You should get there first, I bet. Give time for Kay and Eep to catch up. Once they do, confuse ray the opposing team and then return to Icy Wind. Eep, you are going up there to Ingrain yourself at the very top. Really dig those roots in. Once your set, Acid all around and make it very slick. Kay and Sno will be floating so anything needed to walk up will have trouble. Kay, Reflect for the team and help protect. Hypnosis the opposing team once Reflect is up. Alright? Let's go!"

Hidden 3 days ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@PlatinumSkink @Remram

Amelia grit her teeth a bit as she realized something from her small exchange with Froakie. Anise was a much stronger trainer then her. She wasn't sure how she knew but she had to feeling that this was not a battle she would be able to win. She might be at too much of a disadvantage in terms of strength. Wits were nice but if she didn't have power to back them up, she wasn't going to be able to win this. Still, she had issued chosen to do this and there was no retreating from a trainer battle.
Sorry everyone She thought to herself as she watched Anise call Froakie back and send in Meditite. She wasn't sure what to do. On on hand, she could keep Pumpkaboo in and try to fight it out. But Punpkaboo was her only way of getting a way to deal decent damage to Froakie. Driffloon couldn't be risked, incase Anise sent out something her only Flying-Type could take care of. So, with those facts in front of her, she had to make a choice.

"Pumpkaboo, come back." She said, returning the injured pumpkin to it's pokeball. She then reached down and clearly hesitated while selecting her next pokemon, biting her lip nervously before making her choice. "Go get them, Shuppet!"

From the pokeball came her little puppet. Shuppet blinked before realizing the situation as a confusion came it's way. Regardless of the result of the attack hitting or missing, as long as Shuppet remained standing, Amelia would issue her next command.
"Shuppet, use Night Shade!" She called out. She wasn't sure Shuppet had the means to win this battle. Knock Off likely wouldn't deal much damage and Spite and Screech would only do so much. So, Night Shade seemed to be her best choice in this scenario.
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