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Hidden 8 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Sya hered Eris and noticed a familar woman come close and seemed bundled up for the cold, Eris had been nice and a friend to Sya and appreciated how she was treated unlike a blightborn but a person. “Erisssss, it seems my luck took A tail for the worse, come try my new cookies…they're fresh.” Sya said and waved though she could not lie, her reaction hurt Sya, she was not a monster, she still was Sya just a little more scaly. “Eris, do you…watch out… you..”

Then all went somewhat off track, Eris ran into a man, fell over and ended up on the ground. Sya moved to help Eris directly and was redirected.

Things got a little crazy for Sya but she did not back down when Galdiz got a little closer and seemed to have no fear about the newly changed woman. Sya was not afraid but was surprised how bold he was to a blightborn especially given how she no longer even could bend in as a normal human.

Sya was too slow to stop him and felt his hand touch her chest and she had yet to master moving backwards, forward, turning but a full reverse was not yet in her skills. She let him as moving would risk her balance as moving too far to her waist, unsure what her centre of gravity exactly was. She just nudged his arm away after she managed to steady herself and regain control. His comment definitely had a hint of potential innuendo, the man anything but shy.

“Still me, I can still slap you, but you might like it too much.” Sya chose to reply, biting back a little though her expression was lighter and enjoying herself. Scale down… Sya had to admit that was bad but damnit of she did not chuckle at her own expense, oddly enough this stupid man was making her feel better about herself more than being sad about it, or saying she would be OK.

“Who knows, perhaps we can use you as the boothee for once, raise some money for the Dawn Haven town clock. Time for a kiss, a kisssss for all time. Kiss and time is told.” Sya said with a little bit of a challenge but also a fun tone. Who was it to say only the blightborn could be the teased one. The pun was awful but she had someone to play with.

Sya was not sure if he was flirting, being vexing, Being genuinely curious or a number of other things, the man was hard to predict and she guessed he had layers like an onion that he kept hidden. He seemed to be a casual wanderer, a man who teased and had fun, then had serious moments, had times when he did several things… She had to guess he had more about him and more he kept hidden than he revealed.

Sya prior inability to easily back up right now meant she could not stop him getting closer and she softly batted his hand away from her chin, not too hard she redirected him off without making it a major problem for now. He seemed to be the touchy type, maybe he did want to end up In her lair… Sya was not the type to feed off such energy but was a young woman who did like someone to cuddle at night and wrap up close to her.

What did she even want? Who knew at this stage, she would just roll.. slither with it and go from there. The breath on her neck distracted Sya and brought back thoughts that she did not, or could not act on right now, pausing, Sya counted to 10 first.

“I quite like the view, the cool breeze and I can see things coming, it feels sssafe, and I can relax in peace.

Hmm.. be careful what you wish for, I think you mean it and entrap the hero. You might even like it, slowly wrapping you close, teassessing you and keeping you pressssed against me till morning, coiled and coupled. Maybe Ssssleep.”
Sya said softly and the last part she kept so only he or someone very close matching his mischief and his attempts to make her blush. He had made her rather distracted though… He had won there and she blushed in her own attempt to match his energy and sent way too many ideas that made her feel hot and not just the fires. Sya's brain went places and she clamped down before she wondered if he took off his shirt to help the woman and how it was likely not a bad view. Bad Sya… too Horny. She got some and wanted more… but she needed to behave and not act like a Feral succubus. She was a respected Business owner, not a tavern worker paid by the copper. Think of writing boring letter about the nobleman...think of that... concentrate on that..

“You'd have to find out”.As he backed off she returned to her more formal tone and shook her head at the comment. “I'll charge you extra if you like. And il take 15% on your show." Sya said more publicly and crossed her arms under her breasts and swayed slightly as she stood which somewhat ruined the impact and started laughing as lightly as she leant down abit to find her balance and adjusted. He turned away from Sya and she had a chance to think and calm her mind, why did she like him but find him so annoying, the man kept her challenged but oh did he vex her to want to slap him too. People where a mystery greater than the blight ever could be.

The gap let her look about and check out the room around her, it was busy, lively and she saw service was flowing nicely.

As she waited a material flew by and she felt a warm…hand grab her tail, she felt pressure on her limb, scales were sensitive and giggled slightly as ticklish sensitive scales at tip of her tail where squeezed and warmth touched them. It was slightly phallic she had to admit, and her random wander came cut short.

A short sharper pressure on her tail made her jump slightly and the pressure, hard enough to notice but not to hurt… That definitely was not tickling, that was…alot more sensual aimed… it was…

Sya gave him a glare but also a surprised look as she did not expect him to grab her tail, most seemed to be doing best to stay out of the way of it. Was he teasing her or trying to really end up wrapped up in her bed? Did a normal person find Sya attractive even If she had a tail… Sya's brain was a muddled mess, and being seemingly hit on after turning into a monster than many would flee from was surreal…

Sya reply was not verbal but she felt his hand break its grip and before the coat was free, swatted his bum with her tail in a fast movement few would be able to catch. Not too hard but enough for him to notice and brush her tail past him, pulling it in again as she moved away, flicking him softly as the tip passed. Sya found the control came too naturally due to the blight changing her mind or something. She wanted him to notice but not hurt him and hope she calculated right.

Keeping a straight face somehow, Sya was not sure how she managed It and concern for her friend won out heading over and reaching her moving faster than she thought she could. “Eris. easy. I'm a friend, your friend, just a little longer. Thankyou for Helping her Sage” she directed at a man who introduced himself as another court sage.

“Room 4 is free, no onesss in right now” Sya said with an agreement and gestured her tail to point to the stairs. “I can bring you all Sssomthing. People leave things behind, and I…have sssome things I cannot wear that they can use.”she sighed and nodded, he made sense and seemed to be helping now. “Also, eat, you need energy boost. Get clossse to the warm fire.” Sya handed out a rack of fresh cookies, the sugar providing a short term energy boost for the cold women. Sya voice gave away her concern as she knew cold could make people ill and healing magic was a luxury.

“Thankyou kindly, welcome to the Inn, If you need accommodations , please ask ask, we have single, double rooms free, and enjoy the feassst” The best room she gave to the Coswain couple, Becky had a better room to make up for Helping with bakery, and she had spread others out now they had the space. “Welcome to Dawn Haven, life is never boring.” She said and thought this was another day in town.

Daphne watched the chaos happen, waves of chaos as people crashed in and the man who seemed to have a rapport with the blightborn owner of the Inn. Not sure what was up with them but she seemed to have it in hand and likely could knock him to the floor in a second if she chose. That tail was thick as a heavy man's leg even not at her waist.

The tall Amazonian woman kneeled and tried to move to not get a sword in the way. “Trouble outside? Do I have to chain someone up and let people throw snowballs at them?” Daphne cheerfully said now the situation was under control and the owner was very much able to handle it even if she slithered. The tall man who annoyed people also seemed to have the right idea and the sage.

“You all good? Can i get some food now the Peacocks are gone and help arrived. Woman needs to eat and a ale.” Daphne asked around and looked to check no one was hurt, fighting or Bickering over who got to the wine.

Sya turned her head, and body, this was stronger to get used to and oddly she was fine despite her old brain saying to stop, it would hurt or hit a limit. She did not this time and glanced back to Elara, the woman seemed to enjoy her baked goods, good. They seemed to have got them right. “Enjoy, So the Knoll Roll bakery see you regularly then. Should i start a loyalty card for you Elara. You might be a regular.” Sya could see without need of words that they went down well. Sya teased a little, her previous mood and interaction colouring her thoughts and she rested lightly at the sage with a hint of mischief.

“Thank you, Please sate your hunger. Its under control. Il help my friend bessst i can and the others as issss my responsibility.” Sya said more formally to the guard and had a small smile of a moment, she had made her blink a second as the blightborn acted entirely like a normal business owner for the most part. Maybe she had surprised her worldview a little, even if Sya was… a little quirky to say the least.

She still could not avoid the hiss on the s, her mind was rather much confused and try as she might the tick stuck. Her tail however did cause her a certain perspective shift that she could end up 12 or 15 feet across a room and still be her body… It was a little hard to mentally process.


Sya nodded to the woman, she didn't recognize her but Sya had one hell of a week and isolated herself away during the blizzard. She knew someone arrived and was told but just said to get them a room and went back to learning how to slither… and stand up…

She nodded and directed the woman upstairs. “Stairs, take a left, room 4 is near the second left.” Sya kept it simple and watched Her vanish off Into upper floor. “That's fine. If you need a hot meal, drink, sweet treat, remember the Eye., The Feast? Oh that's a chance to get back together, to raise spirits after the Blizzard and bring the community together more. The Prince was kind enough to do so. He tries his best.” Sya said, she understood it as that much anyways… Sya was out of the loop somewhat and the staff had organised the bulk of it. She was indisposed. Sya was last to judge having had one hell of a breakdown the past week.

Dressed in fresh clothes and somewhat more put together again Sya saw the sister with horns and tail return, not quite a priestess robe but they looked better, warm, dry and clean. “Yes, there is … a lady named Tia…quiet lady, keeps herself to herself mostly. Umm… I use the baths, but the temple… I'm not sure what the gods wanted with me.” Sya said honestly and softened her voice, the memories of her time alone and such in the world did not give her the best feeling around temples.

Her tail had a slight swish as she tried to put her thoughts into words, Sya was not sure what made her this way, but all In, it could have been far worse.

She however did not have dislike for the priestess, She was doing her job same as any other. And as a Fellow Blightborn she could have sympathy for her. “Temple is hard to miss, just look for the steam.” Sya said, the baths' natural hot spring gave off a light steam as the cold air and hot water interacted.


Sya noted the other priestess, a priestess, a Paladin, and more, there was a time a short time ago she would have hid and been gone from such a place as fast as she was able. This time she felt more in control, more able and more free to stand on her own…tail.. one tail. She had to change that wording on her head. Damnit. One more thing to worry about. Grammar…

She turned to leave, guessing a priestess would seek out a temple, to find out what it's like and if she needed to seek other accommodations, food or that kind of thing. Or just wanted to have a quiet Moment after a long trip. Sya waved, her tail moving from behind to join her hand without her thought, she was not even going to ask how she knew how to do that…

“If you need any ssservices we provide, the Eye is always welcome to you. Or for hire. Food, beds, alcohol or just a hot meal.”

Sseeee you i hope.
Sya said with a grin, if they needed catering, or something she could provide,for a few naturally. Not every feast was free, the Prince helped pay for this one and arrange it. It had to come from somewhere.

The past burst of activity had her mind racing and she tried to calm her thoughts, her eye and tail were too damn expressive now so she had to try to calm down or everyone would read her like a book. By slow breathing she calmed her self before she turned back to Eris. Her tails tip peeking from behind her almost nervously like a child playing hide and seek.

"Erissss. Eris. I keep spare clothes besr the stairs to my floor. Room 4 should be free, you need to get dry and Sssafely warm. We can get you a hot meal and more cookies after." Sya had no such fear but Eris was not Sya. Sya would make sure her friend was warm and fed, maybe...slightly against her will if needed to make sure she was safe. She valued the people who she got to know here.


Daphne went her way to get a hot meal and would directed her boss and lady over to the Tenple once she had eaten, they would get their wedding and who knows it might be a fun event.

They had precious little to celebrate in past few years so a wedding sounded like a excellent idea overall, maybe selfish but she thought that showing normal life carried on would be reassuring to people. Lunaris could be a grim place at the best of times, so maybe a slightly Auralian solution might just be needed. She did not know but onenof reasons for her selection to Royal guard and this role was her ability to think outside the box. She did not always fit in the Capital, it's strict codes, the ever present looming presence of the Royal house. For their Loyalty she was not blind to the faults of her homeland.

2904 worlds later. 4 edits, and Sneeky flirty Sya is free.

@SpicyMeatball@Dezuel@Qia@Echotech71@The Muse
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hot Springs
From her place in the hot springs, Kira watched Orion and Tia with a keen gaze, her eyes half-lidded as she slowly sank deeper into the steaming water, leaving only her glowing orange eyes visible just above the surface. Like a crocodile lurking just beneath the surface, she observed them intently, listening to their exchange with her enhanced hearing—eavesdropping was unavoidable when every word reached her so clearly.

When Orion’s eyes locked with hers, there was a moment of silent acknowledgment between them. His nod to her was subtle, but she understood it well enough—it was a gesture that communicated understanding, recognition, and perhaps a hint of respect. Kira held his gaze, not shying away from the eye contact and even continuing to watch him even as he pulled away to address Tia.

The familiarity between the two intrigued her, sparking a hint of curiosity. She wondered if Tia had taken a piece of Orion in the same way she seemed to have with Gadez. The thought of that meek little priestess entwined with someone like Orion entertained her in a way she hadn’t expected, a small smirk forming on her lips beneath the water.

As she shifted in the water, Kira’s attention drifted briefly to the moon, its pale light cutting through the sky. She leaned against the smooth stone edge of the hot spring, her thoughts turning inward. What was Orion doing here, she wondered—seeking respite, just as she was? Or perhaps he had come for Tia.

Despite being no stranger to others viewing her body, a sudden pang of vulnerability washed over her. It had been a long time since anyone had seen her like this, laid bare and exposed in such an intimate way. Supposedly, this was more natural to an Aurelian, but she had not been an Aurelian for a long time. She could hardly even recall it.

With a shake of her head, Kira pushed those thoughts aside. She took a deep breath and then dunked herself fully into the water, holding herself beneath the surface. The warmth enveloped her face, and for a moment, everything was blissfully muffled—the distant noises, the echo of conversations, all silenced in the comforting embrace of the hot springs. It was a rare moment of peace, where the outside world ceased to exist. If only she could stay here forever…

When she resurfaced, Kira slicked her fiery hair back from her face and wiped the water from her eyes. Her senses returned in a rush—the rustling of leaves, the subtle movements of animals in the forest, the distant hoot of an owl, and most importantly, Orion and Tia’s conversation drifting back into focus. She caught the priestess’s question about another Priestess in Dawnhaven, her interest piqued once more. Kira wasn’t aware of another, but it wouldn’t surprise her if the Prince had brought in reinforcements for Tia. The temples usually required more than one person to tend to that cursed eternal flame, after all.

Interactions: Tia @c3p-0h, Orion @Qia
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Royal Cabin-The Inn | Collaboration with @The Muse
Flynn stood downstairs, adjusting his collar in front of a small mirror by the entrance. He wore a tailored dark green wool coat with gold vine embroidery along the edges. Beneath it, a high-collared tunic and deep forest green waistcoat peeked through, both subtly accented with gold. His charcoal trousers were tucked into fur-lined black leather boots, and a rich emerald cloak draped over his shoulders, fastened by a gold leaf brooch. Dressed neatly for the feast, his attire blended Aurelia's elegance with winter practicality—something he rarely needed back home but had wisely prepared for before arriving.

Hearing footsteps descending the stairs, he turned, his gaze softening as he saw Amaya. She looked poised and polished, her head held high like always. He offered her a closed-lipped smile, a genuine warmth behind it. "Good Morning." he said, glad to see that she planned to leave the confines of her room today.

Flynn nodded as she spoke of Elara, understanding that Amaya and her handmaiden seemed quite close with one another. "May I walk you there?" he asked, his tone more hopeful than insistent.

Without waiting for an immediate answer, he reached for her heavy coat that hung by the door. As she closed the distance between them, he held it open for her, the gesture silent but clear—he was offering to help her put it on.

Amaya was pleased with herself that she only hesitated slightly when she glanced at him. His smile was… not new per se. She’d seen it a fair number of times over the course of the last two months – in the quiet moment they’d had alone immediately following their exchange of vows. The first time he’d shown her the cabin that would become their home for what might be the rest of their lives. When he’d placed a plate of surprisingly edible food in front of her just the other day. Amaya was beginning to recognize this smile.

That the sight of it didn’t immediately fill her with indignation, though – that was new.

If there was one thing Amaya hated, it was others seeing her caught off guard. Flynn had seen that an embarrassing number of times, of late. And so, she didn’t pause as she walked down the stairs and approached. She swallowed at the proximity, suddenly nervous the closer she got. She turned, slipping her arms through the offered coat in a smooth motion. Amaya pretended she didn’t remember the echoes of his voice, soft and close, murmuring to her as she fell apart.

At least when her back was turned to him, he couldn’t see her expression. Eyebrows scrunched together, lips pressed, it only lasted a moment. Amaya didn’t want anyone else there when she went to see Elara – she didn’t want to have to hold herself together for anyone, least of all Flynn who’d seen so much of her already.

But then she imagined herself wandering aimlessly around Dawnhaven because she didn’t know where anything was — sightseeing hadn’t been high on her list of things to do in the last two months. Or venturing much out of the cabin at all. But Amaya didn’t have the luxury of moping around or refusing Flynn just to be petty anymore.

When she stepped away from Flynn and turned back to face him, coat heavy on her shoulders, her expression was unbothered again.

“If you wish.”

As Flynn opened the cabin door the cold air swept in, but the wind was gentle now, the storm reduced to a slow, steady fall of snowflakes. The path before them was clear, the snow piled high on either side, evidence of the guards' efforts. When they stepped out, the guard on duty straightened and bowed to them both, offering a polite greeting. "Your Highnesses, good morning."

Flynn acknowledged the guard with a nod, then turned to Amaya, making sure he would walk in step with her as they made their way down the freshly cleared path. The walk to Elara's home was only about five minutes, but with each step, the silence between them grew awkward—yet somehow he felt it was becoming more familiar. Still, he found himself searching for words, anything to fill the space.

In his head, Flynn could still hear the sharp edge in his mother’s voice, chiding him with the lessons she’d drilled into him since he was a boy. “Stop standing there like a mute, Flynn.” she had said through gritted teeth, a hand tightly gripped around his bicep as she forcefully dragged the teenage Prince to the side during one of their dining events with the Raunefeldt family. “Do you want people to think you’re a dull-witted boy with nothing to offer?” her green eyes narrowed in disappointment as she pretended to be fixing his collared jacket.

"No, mother, I just don't like—"

"A prince who cannot command a room with his voice is no prince at all." She swiftly cut him off. Flynn had opened his mouth to say more, but closed it shortly after, knowing better. "You must entertain and engage.” she reiterated, pulling his coat to make it perfectly straight against his body. "At least make an effort—silence is no way to make anyone feel welcome." Delicately, she fixed the placement of his blonde locks while glaring daggers at him.

"If you can't manage a simple conversation, how do you expect to lead? You’ll look a fool, and worse—make your family look a fool." The sting of her words had a way of resurfacing at the most inconvenient times, reminding him of the expectations that came with his upbringing.

Brought back to reality by the crunching of snow underneath their boots, Flynn shifted uncomfortably, aware that his silence might seem awkward or rude, even though the right words still eluded him.

"It's good to be outside again, isn't it?" he said at last, glancing up toward the dark sky, where the full moon shone brightly, illuminating the snowy landscape. He let out a small laugh, more to break the silence than anything else. "I don't know how you all manage to live in such a harsh place year after year." He tried to keep his tone light, the hint of a joke in his words, though there was an underlying admiration there—an acknowledgment of the resilience he'd seen in her and the others who called this place home.

Amaya bit back her immediate response – to ask if His Highness had alternative suggestions?. She took in a slow breath and reminded herself that she wasn’t being petty anymore. In truth, the silence had been a relief. She didn’t know how to converse with him without being set on edge. Instead, she’d spent the quiet walk trying to take in everything about the town that she could, memorizing the path to Elara’s home – which she realized she vaguely remembered, at least. Her magic buzzed gently under her skin. Amaya had been sure to expend some before leaving her room this morning, and prayed to Seluna that it would be depleted enough to at least be manageable through the feast.

But Flynn was right about one thing – it was nice to be outside. After being trapped in her room, Amaya didn’t realize how much she’d missed the glittering snow, the soft way it crunched under her boots, the way it enveloped the town like a blanket.

“The same way Aurelians manage without the sun, I imagine,” she finally offered, her voice soft and reserved. “There is no other choice but to survive.”

Flynn nodded thoughtfully at Amaya's words, a quiet acknowledgment of the truth in them. "I suppose you're right," he said, his voice softer, almost contemplative. "Survival is the only choice." Ironically, he felt the same way about their prophesied fate. He would not surrender to being sacrificed without a fight.

As they continued to walk, he couldn’t help but reflect on the stark contrast between their two kingdoms. Aurelia had always been the more prosperous of the two—a land of sun and fertile soil, with every advantage stacked in its favor. Its power and wealth had come easily, while Lunaris had been left to struggle in shadow. Now, everything was flipped.

A tinge of guilt crept into Flynn's chest, and he tried to push it away. He knew the history—how his kingdom had used its superiority to oppress the Lunarians for generations. His father had always dismissed it as the natural order of things, never sparing a thought for the lives it affected. Flynn had long told himself he shouldn’t feel responsible for the sins of his ancestors, but the nagging feeling lingered. What if he could be the one to change things? The idea felt like hubris, a dangerous pride that he had no right to entertain.

As they neared Elara’s home, he noticed something unusual—he had let a few more minutes of silence pass between them, and for once, it didn’t feel excruciatingly awkward. The quiet felt... comfortable. The kind of silence that wasn't strained, but almost peaceful in its simplicity. Odd.

When they reached Elara’s door, Flynn glanced through the windows and found them dark, no hint of movement inside. He knocked firmly and waited, listening for any sound within. After a minute or two, he turned to Amaya. "She might already be at the feast." he said, meeting her gaze and watching her expression for that familiar look of disappointment.

Amaya was struck by the sudden, overwhelming feeling of being alone. She stood in an empty cavern, her own voice echoing back at her as she called out, mocking her with each reverberation.

And then just as she always did, she shoved the feeling down because she was not a child.

If there was any hurt in her eyes, it was only there for a moment before Amaya wrestled herself back under control.

“Well,” she said, her voice too tight. The cloud that formed in front of her face was too big for the word, her magic twitching to life. She looked away from Flynn to see Elara’s house again. Her hands tightened at her sides as she smoothed her magic back down again. “It was unimportant anyway.” She repeated it to herself in her head. It didn’t matter. She saw her handmaiden near every day, this past week notwithstanding. She’d see her again soon enough. “It can wait until after the festivities.” After Amaya was surrounded by people she didn’t know, in an environment where she didn’t know how to act or what was expected to her, and –

She pulled herself back in. She breathed until the little clouds that formed from her breath were small, faint wisps. Amaya would go to the feast, perform adequately, and keep herself together through all of it.

“Others have likely already gathered at the inn,” she said, still looking at the empty cabin. She suddenly didn’t want to be here, standing before this reminder of her own insecurity and embarrassment. She looked back at Flynn with her carefully neutral expression, if only so she didn’t have to look at the building anymore. “They’ll grow restless if you let them wait too long.”

Flynn noticed the shift in Amaya’s expression—just a flicker, barely enough to register, but he saw it. Her eyes lingered on Elara’s cabin in a way that made it clear the news hadn’t sat well with her. He didn’t pry, though; Amaya had always been careful to keep herself guarded, and he respected that. Instead, he nodded at her words.

"You're right, we shouldn't let them wait much longer," he said, his tone light. Amaya’s eyebrow twitched up. "Hopefully Elara is enjoying the food and you two can catch up there."

Selfishly, he was glad for her continued company. Despite her silence, he was glad to have her beside him. It was better than being trapped alone in his own mind, wrestling with thoughts that never seemed to give him peace. Even if Amaya didn’t say much, her presence was a welcome distraction.

As they started down the cleared path towards the city center, he wondered how the festivities were coming along. Were the Aurelian's and Lunarians getting along after so much seclusion? Were they making friends, becoming comrades? It was most likely a far fetched dream.

After a while, he couldn't resist a playful smile as he glanced over at Amaya. "So, are you looking forward to a real meal soon? I mean, anything has to be better than the attempts I made for you, right?" His smile grew a bit wider as he met eyes with her, finding humor in his kitchen escapades, if only for a moment.

Amaya was pulled from her buzzing thoughts — of breathing exercises, the town’s layout, the impending crowd she would be amongst — by the sound of Flynn’s voice. Her eyes flicked over to him at his tone, giving him an unimpressed look. There was no heat to it though — no edge. The memory of his attempts at cooking flashed through her mind. He’d been so… proud of himself. So eager for her reaction. Amaya had stubbornly refrained from commenting, like to give him her opinion would be to lose something. But each time she’d finished her meal and returned to her room without a word, seeing him deflate out of the corner of her eye… it hadn’t felt like winning.

He was still fishing for an evaluation, it seemed.

She pulled her gaze away from him — his smile, his green eyes — to look forward again. She let out a breath. Perhaps she was feeling generous.

“Few would expect a Crown Prince to know the first thing about cooking,” she said primly. The ground crunched under their boots as they walked through the town, a light breeze lifting wisps of snow into the air from where it was piled along the path. “That we survived it at all should be cause for celebration.” Amaya had finished her plate each time.

Flynn let out a laugh—a genuine laugh that seemed to shake off some of the heaviness that weighed on his soul. The first real laugh he'd had in ages. Amaya jumped at the sound, turning her head to look at him fully. He looked at Amaya, a grin still lingering on his face. "I'll give you that," he said, a hint of mischief in his voice. “The fact that you tried it at all is a feat of bravery. We should hold a celebration in your name—Amaya the Brave.”

She blinked up at him. Then she turned her gaze straight ahead, before her cheeks could start to heat.

It was a relief for Flynn, hearing her at least entertain the question, even if her words were sharp as ever. The way she spoke was almost even… endearing? There was something oddly comforting in her dry humor, and he felt a small sense of satisfaction settle within him.

Slowly, the distant hum of the gathering crowd began to drift toward them, growing louder with each step. Flynn's eyes flicked to Amaya now and then, watching her closely, ready for any sign that her magic might be stirring again. He wasn’t entirely sure how to help her if it did, but he was determined to try.

As they rounded the final corner, the sight of people clustered around the tavern came into view—citizens laughing, enjoying warm food, and huddling close to the bonfire. It pleased him, at least, to see that people were eager to converse with one another and break bread.

"Elara must be around somewhere," he mused aloud, scanning the crowd and searching for the familiar flash of silver hair.

Amaya’s hands tightened around the thick fabric of her coat, her nerves jumping at the sight of the crowd. Any cracks in her mask that she’d allowed were rapidly filling themselves in as she retreated into herself.

She had no experience on which to draw from to know how to… deal with this. Amaya had never been amongst common folk before. She’d never been to an inn. Her father’s greatest shame, he’d all but hidden her away within the walls of the palace. She’d stood before the people of Dawnhaven a brief handful of times, and each time her role had been simple — keep still, keep her expression neutral, walk where directed, eulogize her mother

She nearly opened her mouth to ask Flynn what was expected of her, or how long did she have to be here, or why did that man have a shovel. But Amaya pressed her lips together, shoving each question down the moment it appeared. Her white clouds of breath seemed to grow — or perhaps that was just a result of her breathing growing more rapid.

Flynn strolled into the square with a sense of ease, blissfully unaware of the turmoil building inside Amaya. He had spent his entire life being groomed for these moments, effortlessly stepping into the role of leader, trained from a young age to address the crowd with poise and confidence. The stage was second nature to him, woven into the fabric of his upbringing. It never crossed his mind that for Amaya, it might be different—that the very idea of speaking before strangers might twist her insides. Their upbringings were worlds apart, each molded by entirely different expectations.

Amaya’s steps slowed as they walked further into the square. She felt smaller and smaller with each step, fighting to keep her chin held high and her expression blank as more and more people spotted them with lingering gazes. Some were even smiling at them. Well, at Flynn. A man amongst his people, Amaya felt a sharp pang of envy at how easily he seemed to move.

He spotted Elara standing near Sya in the distance and smiled, pointing them out. "There she is." he said casually, as if it were just another day. Amaya perked up, her eyes desperately searching the crowd for her handmaiden’s familiar face. A relieved breath escaped her when she saw silver hair. As Flynn’s eyes drifted back to Sya, however, he did a double take, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"That's new..." he muttered, his eyes fixed on Sya from afar, unsure if he was still grounded in reality. It was like a scene pulled straight from a dream—or a nightmare—where reality twisted in ways that defied reason. The innkeeper, somehow, no longer had legs. Instead, a sleek, shimmering snake tail took their place. How had she morphed again?

He blinked in disbelief before turning back to Amaya, the uncertainty of the moment making him hesitate. Did she want him to walk her over to the group of strangers now gathering around Elara and Sya? Or was she waiting for him to leave her alone, giving her the space she so desperately seemed to crave? Part of him didn’t want to let go of her company just yet—it had been easier with her beside him, even with the silences.

Flynn found himself torn between the desire to stay close and the worry that his presence might only add to her discomfort. So, he waited, looking to her for any sign of what she needed, ready to follow her lead—whatever that might be.

Amaya hesitated, now that she’d finally found Elara. She was in the middle of a chaotic gaggle of people, two of them very noticeably blightborn, and a small handful that she recognized. Despite the mess of bodies and voices surrounding her though, Elara seemed… comfortable. As reserved as ever, but relaxed, as she munched on a cookie. Another sharp pang of envy stabbed through Amaya, at her friend’s poise.

Oh, stop feeling inadequate and just do something about it.

Though her hands remained tight at her sides, Amaya tried to stretch taller, to relax the muscles in her face to at least pretend she was calm. But when she tried to force herself to move towards the crowd around Elara, she couldn’t do it.

“She seems… occupied.” Amaya tried to tell herself that this wasn’t retreating. “It would be impolite to —”

She cut off with a sharp gasp as something bumped into her and Amaya was pushed into Flynn’s side. There was suddenly a chill at her fingertips. Flinching away from the collision Amaya looked over with wide eyes.

Flynn reacted on instinct the moment Amaya stumbled into him, his arms reaching out to catch her before she could fall. One of his hands settled on her waist while the other steadied her shoulder, the touch lingering as he focused his full attention on the man who had run into her.

It was a large man, with a red nose and Aurelian garb. He blinked and looked over Amaya’s head at Flynn.

“Beg your pardon, Your Highness…es.” His eyes darted between Prince and Princess, looking at them with mild surprise.

Flynn's gaze hardened, a flash of protectiveness igniting in his green eyes as he stood a little taller, shielding Amaya with his presence. "Watch where you’re going." he said in a voice that carried more command than usual, his tone clipped with restrained irritation. Amaya’s eyes flicked up to him, shocked by the harshness of his normally smooth voice. “Move along, now.”

The man, clearly taken aback, gave a hasty nod and a mumbled apology before stumbling off.

Amaya could only stare up at Flynn, cataloging this new facet of him. She knew he was unguarded with his emotions. She’d seen him switch from joy, to worry, to defeat, and back again in the span of a single conversation… but never anger. It was contained, but unmistakable in the small crease of his brow, in the way his lip lifted slightly as he watched the other man over Amaya’s shoulder.

Flynn looked down at Amaya then, his eyes softening with concern as he slowly released his hold on her, though the warmth of his touch seemed to linger in the small space between them. "Are you alright?" he asked gently, searching her face for any sign of distress—not just physically, but emotionally, knowing how on edge she had been as of late.

His switch back to quiet concern caught Amaya off guard. Suddenly his focus was back on her, and it was like she was surrounded by him. His green eyes searched hers, his hands hovering above her body like he was ready to put her back together if she fell apart. At some point she’d brought her hand up to his chest to steady herself, the fine embroidery of his coat catching against her skin.

She took a step back.

Light and sound returned to the world. She’d been standing in his shadow, she realized distantly. They’d been so close together that his tall form had blocked out the firelight flickering around them. Chatter filled the air around them, mixing with scraping utensils and grunting chairlegs. Amaya brought her hand behind her back, fingers curling. The chill was gone. She swallowed, trying to find her voice again.

Flynn frowned as Amaya’s hand slipped from his chest, feeling the absence of her touch. For a moment, he felt a pang of longing and almost wished for her to stay so that they could hold onto that rare closeness just a bit longer. But he quickly shoved the thought aside, reminding himself how long it had been since he’d felt a woman's touch—too long, clearly, if something as simple as her steadying hand could make his mind whirl like this. There was no way he could have been developing any sort of feelings for the Ice Princess… could he? She had shown him only slivers of herself, barely wanting to be around him. And yet…

“I’m sure you have more pressing matters to attend to than playing the role of my keeper,” she said in lieu of an answer. The words came out in a rush, her voice softer than she’d intended. She glanced around them, at the unknown faces and huddled bodies. “I promise to survive until you’re ready to leave.” She was so focused on being dismissive, Amaya didn’t realize she’d implied that she still expected to walk home with him.

As Amaya deflected, her words left Flynn feeling bittersweet, recognizing the distance she was trying to create again. Still, despite her attempts at putting up walls, her comment about waiting until he was ready to leave echoed in his mind, and he found a trace of hope in the idea that she still intended to be by his side later on.

She gave him one last look. Then Amaya forced herself to turn and walk towards Elara, her back straight and her pace measured. She didn’t give herself the chance to look back at her husband.

"I’ll come find you soon," he called after her, carrying a note of encouragement. For a few breaths he watched her approach Elara’s group, shoulders square, as brave as ever.

Turning his attention back to the crowd, Flynn shifted his focus. He needed to whittle down his ever growing tasklist. Near the top of the list was Ashe, the fiery blight-born who he had promised an interview with before the blizzard had trapped them indoors. He began scanning the crowd, expecting to spot Ashe’s flaming aura with ease among the bodies that filled the square.

But then, something else caught his eye—a raven-haired woman with pale blue eyes that pierced right through him. His breath caught in his throat as he instantly recognized her face. Nyla.

The sight of her hit him like a punch to the gut, his heart dropping into his stomach and then racing uncontrollably. The sound of the crowd chatter dulled to a muted buzz in his ears, drowned out by the sudden ringing and the thunderous beating of his own heart. He blinked, once, twice, hoping he was imagining it. But no, she was there, staring right back at him from across the square.

For a moment that felt like an eternity, they simply stared at each other, the weight of countless memories rushing to the forefront of Flynn’s mind. The connection between them taut and electric. He could hardly breathe.

Was this real? Why was she here? How was she here? His mind raced, his body paralyzed. He had to be dreaming.

Then, just as suddenly as she'd appeared, she turned away, slipping into the tavern and vanishing from view. The shock of her presence caused his hands to tremble with adrenaline, his stomach twisting in ways that made him feel sick. Flynn stood frozen in place, trying to process whether this was reality or some cruel trick of his imagination.

His concentration shattered as a guard passed by, dipping his head in a respectful nod and offering a quick, “Your Highness.” The words jolted Flynn back to reality, and he felt a hot flash of energy rush through his body, like a wildfire sweeping through his veins. His nerves bounced wildly inside his chest, making him feel both sweaty and cold at the same time—a confusing storm of sensations that left him unsteady.

He forced a stiff nod in return to the guard, the motion automatic, though he barely registered it. Desperately trying to ground himself, he glanced once more in Amaya’s direction, catching sight of her just as she began to connect with Elara’s group. For a moment, he hesitated, torn between the pull of his duty to Amaya and the overwhelming need to chase down a ghost from his past.

Forcing his legs to move, Flynn pushed his way through the throng of people with newfound urgency. He had to know. He had to confirm if Nyla was truly here or if his mind was playing tricks. The crowd seemed to blur around him, the faces and voices blending into a haze as he set his sights on the inn.
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Hidden 8 days ago 8 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eye of the Beholder | Collaboration with @Echotech71
Eris's cheeks burned as she glanced back at Gadez, feeling his eyes on her. His strange fixation with Sya’s tail and his overly familiar manner unsettled her. The way he smirked, almost as if he was relishing some private joke at her expense, sent a shiver down her spine. How could she have mistaken him for the Prince? A mix of discomfort and annoyance twisted in her gut.

When the man offered his cloak to her, his gaze lingering in that sly, teasing way, Eris glanced down at her own clothing that was already beginning to dry under the warmth of Ashe’s fire coat. "Thank you, but I'll manage," she said quickly, her voice tight, keeping a wary eye on him. Her instinct was to put as much distance between them as possible.

As Sya spoke to her, Eris shifted her attention to the innkeeper, though she found herself struggling to hear the words. All she could pay attention to was Sya’s new tail, flicking around and shimmering underneath the moonlight. A shiver ran down her spine and she shook her head, rejecting Sya’s offer of freshly baked cookies. The thought of eating anything at this moment made her sick. “I—n-no, thank you. I, uhm—”

Hearing someone ask if she was okay, Eris quickly turned back to face the man she had bumped into. She looked up, her blue eyes meeting those of a man with a kind expression, his presence far less unnerving than the blonde man outside. The flush on her face only deepened at the concern showing in his expression, suddenly making her hyper aware of how frazzled she appeared. When he assumed she was just another apprentice rather than the Lead Sage herself, she grimaced in regret for not putting herself together before leaving the house.

"I'm..." Eris stammered, her fingers tightening around the damp notes, wishing she could disappear. "I—yes, I'm a researcher." She forced out the words, cheeks still flaming. She wanted to correct him, to say that she was, in fact, the one running this whole operation, but somehow the words stuck in her throat. She was too mortified to reveal the truth.

‘Of course he doesn’t know it’s you, she scolded herself. ‘You look like a lunatic.’

She nodded mutely to his advice to take a deep breath, feeling entirely too self-conscious in front of him. "Thank you." she mumbled to the man, whose name she didn't even know yet, desperately trying to salvage what little dignity she had left. "I'll... I'll be okay." She took a shaky breath as she stepped further inside the tavern, closing the door behind her and freeing herself from the prying gaze of Gadez. As the door shut, she caught a quick glimpse of Sya’s eye staring at her with a sad puppy-type expression. A hint of guilt washed over her, but she shoved it down, trying her best to focus on the task at hand.

“Have you seen the Prince?” She asked, her eyes flicking around the tavern, wondering where Flynn was so that she could escape this awkward encounter.

Nathaniel flashed a kind smile at her, relieved to learn that she was a researcher. He had been contemplating her profession, but when she said that she was, it eased him. ”You are. Great.” he exclaimed, but his enthusiasm waned as he noticed her body language, indicating that she had something else on her mind. There was something about her expression that struck a chord with him. She bore a resemblance to someone he had either met or seen before.

To avoid causing her further embarrassment, Nathaniel shifted his focus back to the tavern. As he stepped through, he heard her voice once more. It was a simple thank you as she closed the tavern doors. A gentle clunky was made from the lock joining. ”It's no trouble, Miss,” He began, intending to address her by name, but he realized he didn't know it. It would be best to introduce himself first. Clearing his throat, he spoke again, ”It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Nathaniel...”

His words trailed off as his gaze met hers. The various light sources in the room allowed him to observe her features more closely; even with her hair a mess, she was still undeniably beautiful. A true, noblewoman of Aurelia. His focus shifted when the loud crash of a shattering glass drew his gaze away in a different direction.

When she mentioned the Prince, his attention went back to her and Nathaniel responded, "I haven't seen him, I'm afraid. But I can assist you in searching for him.” He began scanning the tavern for any sign of the Prince. It had been a few weeks since he had crossed paths with the Prince, who had granted him permission to research the blight. ”May I ask you something?" He inquired to the young woman. "You work for Eris Hightower, correct? What is she like?"

Eris froze mid-step as the name left his lips: Nathaniel. Her heart skipped a beat. Nathaniel? Her mother’s voice echoed in her head, reminding her of the countless times she'd been pestered back in Aurelia to meet a Nathaniel—a young man who shared her love of knowledge and magic, someone who was supposedly a perfect match for her.

Her mother’s attempts to set up meetings between them had been relentless, and Eris had managed to dodge every single one. She'd always dismissed the idea of settling down or even humoring her mother's matchmaking attempts. The idea of it had never appealed to her, no matter how much her mother wished for it.

And now, of all times—drenched, disheveled, and making a complete fool of herself—this was how she would meet him for the first time? If her mother could see her now, she would’ve fainted from sheer embarrassment.

Eris bit the inside of her lower lip anxiously as her eyes looked him up and down, taking in his features. Taller than her, handsome with inviting green eyes, calm, and far more composed than she was. She almost groaned aloud.

Nathaniel’s question hung in the air: What was she like? Her stomach twisted as she pondered his words. 'What am I like?" A mess, scattered, far from the picture of elegance her family represented. Sure, she was smart—brilliant even—but clumsy, unrefined, and worlds away from the noble persona her family expected of her.

She began to respond almost automatically, "Well, she's... I mean, I—" She stopped herself, taking a deep breath. There was no point in pretending. She wouldn't be able to hide from him any longer, especially not if he would be working with her now.

With a sheepish smile, Eris shifted her notes to one hand, letting out a small, nervous laugh. "Actually... I am Eris Hightower." She extended her free hand toward Nathaniel for a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nathaniel."

Looking up at him, she hesitated for a moment before adding, “Is your last name Stormlight, by chance?” She couldn’t help the curiosity in her tone, wondering if he really was the same Nathaniel her mother had tried to introduce her to for all those years. The absurdity of meeting him here, like this, seemed like a cruel joke the Goddess was playing on her. She couldn’t believe how mortified she felt, but there was no turning back now.

Nathaniel's stomach twisted suddenly, despite the warm surroundings of the elegant main room of the tavern. A cold chill ran down his spine as he realized that the young, pretty woman he had mistaken for an assistant was none other than Eris Hightower herself, the renowned researcher and expert in Blight studies. He silently berated himself and wished he could turn back time to avoid this embarrassing situation by mistaking her for someone else.

Standing before him was the very person he was supposed to collaborate with, and his heart raced with nervousness. His throat felt dry, making it difficult to speak. "I'm so sorry, Eris. I didn't mean to be disrespectful." he blurted out, almost biting his tongue. Then he began feeling the heat of embarrassment creeping up his face.

Memories of his mother arranging meetings with Eris when he was younger flooded his mind. He had always admired her from a distance, but now, here she was, in front of him. Gods, My mother would slap the back of my head for this awkward moment.

As he shook her hand, he noticed how soft and fair her skin was. When she mentioned his surname, he nodded.

”Yes, my surname is Stormlight." after a few seconds have passed he felt he needed to ask her as he was curious about what she had been doing out here. With a kind smile, he tried to move past the awkwardness. "I look forward to working with you, Eris.” he said, attempting to steer the conversation in a less uncomfortable direction. "So, how long have you been out here in Dawnhaven, researching the Blight?"

Eris's heart beat a little faster when Nathaniel confirmed her suspicions. Stormlight. As she caught a tinge of pink creeping up his cheeks, Eris softly smiled, finding a bit of comfort in knowing she wasn’t the only one embarrassed by this moment.

Shaking her head lightly, she said, "Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine. Honestly, I don’t quite recognize myself either." She let out a soft laugh, trying to ease the tension between them. "I’m just glad we finally get to meet in person after all the stories my mother told me about you in Aurelia. It’s a pleasure. I’m looking forward to working with you as well."

Eris glanced around the room, her eyes settling on a nearby booth table. Gesturing toward it, she asked, "Would you mind sitting with me while I wait for the Prince? I could use a break." Her legs ached from powering through snow drifts, and in all honesty, she felt a bit dizzy from lack of sleep and food.

Taking a seat, Eris tucked her dress beneath her and set her notes into a tidy pile on the table. The moment she sat down, a wave of relief washed over her. She hadn’t realized how much her body needed the rest. It felt like ages since she had properly rested.

“I came here with the Prince and Princess about two months ago. After they were married in the Lunarian capital, we made the journey to Dawnhaven.” she said, recalling that time. Traveling from the Aurelian capital to Lunaris, and then on to Dawnhaven, had been both exhausting and exhilarating. Along the way, she encountered sights that filled her with wonder, as well as others she wished she could unsee. Somehow, it already felt like a lifetime ago.

Her expression grew more serious as she locked eyes with him. "Have you seen the blight in person yet?" Her tone was somber, a quiet curiosity and a touch of sadness behind her words. She studied his face, wondering what horrors he might have seen—or if he had yet to witness them at all.

Nathaniel couldn't help but notice a faint flush of pink in Eris's cheeks as she spoke. Sharing her thoughts for the collaboration between the two warmed his heart and her lighthearted joke drew a warm chuckle from him.

When she suggested they find a place to sit. ”Of course. Lead the way,” Nathaniel replied, following closely behind her, ready to lend a hand if she needed. As they walked, he noticed that Eris seemed a bit fatigued, and he made sure to stay close in case she needed any assistance.

Once they settled into a cosy booth, he took a seat opposite her, eager to continue their conversation. The soft lighting of the tavern created a perfect setting for their discussion, even though there were plenty of other patrons laughing and drinking, all that fell silent as the two engaged in conversation.

As they conversed, a waitress approached and offered them water. Nathaniel took a sip and handed the other one to Eris as she recounted her journey to Dawnhaven. He listened intently, asking questions and showing genuine interest in her experiences. He admired her adventurous spirit and the determination she had shown in pursuing her research.

When Eris shifted the conversation to the topic of the blight, Nathaniel felt a sudden tension grip him. Although he had never encountered the blight in person, he was acutely aware of its destructive potential. His thoughts briefly drifted to his older sister, who had vanished after visiting a town on the border of the Aurelia kingdom while investigating the Blight.

Shaking off the troubling memories, Nathaniel responded somberly, ”Unfortunately not. I've delved into extensive research. Even read the investigation that you made all those years ago. That was a fantastic read. Anyway, I have formulated a few theories to explore, including the potential influence of magic on the blight. However, I'm unsure if that's even feasible,” he added with a wistful sigh.

Eris felt an intense urge to blurt out everything she’d discovered, the excitement practically buzzing beneath her skin. Nathaniel was so close to the truth, and he didn’t even know it. Her finger twitched, almost reaching for the stack of papers she’d been scribbling on for days, desperate to show him her notes and confirm that his theories were on the right track. She sucked her lips in, a small tell that betrayed how much she was holding back, the words she wanted to say trapped on the tip of her tongue.

With a controlled breath, Eris forced herself to nod at his words. "You’re definitely on to something," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I have so much to share with you soon—just as soon as I speak with the Prince." She took a sip of water, the cool liquid grounding her as she tried to calm her racing mind.

Her gaze flickered toward the door, and for a moment, she considered leaving to search for the Prince again. But then the memory of that strange blonde man and Sya the snake made her hesitate. The thought of facing them again sent a shiver of unease through her. Right now, sitting here with Nathaniel felt far more comfortable. She allowed herself to relax a little in the cozy booth, grateful for the chance to share this moment of connection with someone who seemed to understand her passion.

Nathaniel noticed that there was something that she wanted to say to him, about his theories. When she mentioned telling him later at another time. He felt happy. ”Thank you, Eris.” He said kindly to her as he took a sip of cold water. Seeing her face change as if she felt uneasy, uncomfortable about something, it was when she looked at the door. Could it be from the people she encountered outside? He wanted to help. "You can stay here with me.” He spoke softly to her. "I mean, until the Prince turns up, you are welcome to stay in this booth with me. I would like to get to know you better."

Interactions: Gadez @Dezuel, Sya @PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eye of the Beholder

Nyla slowed her pace as she approached the town square, taking in the sights around her. A small smile crept onto her lips as she gazed at the quaint village of Dawnhaven, so different from the grandeur of Aurelia. It reminded her of the eastern sands of her homeland—smaller, with fewer people—but here, the air was bitterly cold, a stark contrast to the warmth of those distant dunes.

Her eyes drifted to her left, where a man lingered on the outskirts of a group deep in conversation, his demeanor casual yet tense. She noted the dagger in his hands, the way his eyes glowed subtly despite his otherwise human appearance. Her attention moved past him to the group he was watching—a striking collection of people. A silver-haired woman, three blonde women—one of whom was unmistakably blight-born, her horns mirroring Nyla’s own hidden ones—a blonde man, and a brunette woman with a single large eye and a snake’s tail. Nyla felt a pang of something unnameable as she observed the blight-born among them, openly displaying their traits, unafraid and unapologetic. It was a stark contrast to her own illusion, which masked her true form to appear human. Then again, perhaps they had no choice. She had heard that blight-born traits varied greatly, and she wondered if her own ability to shapeshift was unique to her alone.

As Nyla’s eyes roamed the path ahead, they suddenly froze in place. There, just down the way, stood the Prince of Aurelia—Flynn. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. He had changed; his face now bore a rugged stubble, no longer the clean-shaven man she’d known in the capital. His hair was slightly longer, though still as unruly as ever. And he looked… tired. Something in his eyes had changed, a spark lost.

Her gaze shifted downward, finding a woman in his arms, as Flynn spoke sternly to a large man standing before them. Nyla’s heart twisted painfully, her eyes lingering on the woman. She was gorgeous, fitting perfectly against Flynn’s chest—the same place where Nyla had once nestled, where she could almost still hear the echo of his heartbeat and smell his cologne.

Her breath grew shaky as she watched the two of them, the way their eyes met, and the way Flynn’s gaze softened as he looked at the woman in his arms—so gentle, so tender, the way he used to look at her. Nyla bit down on her lower lip, fighting against the wave of emotions threatening to break free.

Just three months ago, she’d told herself that what they’d had was nothing more than a long-term fling. Nothing ever lasted, she knew that. She’d always known they could never be together; she had told him that for years. He was the prince of Aurelia, and she was just a wandering vagrant. But seeing them like this—seeing him with her—it still hurt, deeper than she’d expected. She knew he had been forced to marry the princess of Lunaris, but it didn’t make the sting any less painful. Had Flynn already found love within the Princess, despite their circumstances? Had it been so easy to leave Nyla in the past? She knew what to expect when she decided to come here, but she hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

As the woman in Flynn’s arms stepped away, Flynn began to look around. Nyla’s heart raced, panic rising in her chest. She wanted to hide, to disappear, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from him. It was like watching a disaster unfold, something she couldn’t look away from. And then, suddenly, their eyes met. The breath caught in her throat, the energy between them electric and wild as they stared at one another. Flynn’s face seemed to freeze, though Nyla could see the pain flickering in his eyes. Her own vision blurred with unshed tears, threatening to spill over.

Before they could, she tore her gaze away, her heart aching as she turned sharply and headed into the tavern. She didn’t want to face him, not now. She knew Flynn’s duties went beyond her, that his responsibilities stretched far beyond their past, but that knowledge didn’t dull the pain. As she stepped inside, memories flooded her mind—images of Flynn whispering sweet nothings in her ear, holding her close as if nothing in the world could pull them apart. And yet, something had—the goddesses, the church, the prophecy.

As she pushed open the door to the tavern, the warmth inside hit her, but it did nothing to soothe the ache in her heart. She just needed a moment to gather herself, to forget the man she had once loved… if only for a little while.
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Hidden 7 days ago 7 days ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Apothecary of Dawnhaven

Location: Eye of the Beholder.

When Aurora arrived at Dawnhaven, the village was covered in a thick layer of snow, and a sharp, icy wind blew through the streets. On arriving at her new home and shop, she was told that it had suffered damage to its roof and that with the upcoming blizzard, repairs would be impossible. However, they told her that they had sorted out a room for her at the cosy tavern.

Upon hearing this, she carefully made her way to the tavern. Upon reaching it, she parked and unloaded her cart. Aurora then took her horse, Storm, to the stable. After that, she went back to the cart and carried the boxes that were full of essential medical supplies, equipment, ornaments, valuables, clothing, and bedding.

When she entered the tavern, the owner greeted her. She would have never guessed that the innkeeper was a giant snake lady with a giant singular eye. Still, Aurora was respectful to her. She asked for help and was willing to pay for the room; they assisted her in moving her boxes to her room, with Salem following closely behind. Once inside, she began organising her belongings. First, she unpacked her clothes and placed them in the drawers. Then, she added a few ornaments on top of the dresser to make the room feel more homely. Meanwhile, Salem made himself comfortable by the fire, found a nice spot, curled up, and fell asleep.

After unpacking her medical supplies and equipment, she carefully organized a wide variety of herbs and other ingredients. She placed them on the table along with a small amount of her equipment. Aurora knew that the village would need a variety of remedies, as the coming blizzard had the potential to cause illness. She was determined to assist as many people as possible.

After she finished unpacking, she changed into something more comfortable and headed downstairs to get something to eat and meet some of the locals. She also wanted to let people know how she could help them and to ask the innkeeper if she could assist since they were letting her stay there for a long while.

Thankfully, the blizzard only lasted a week, and Aurora was able to keep herself busy, helping around the tavern and making potions and remedies to help people.

After the blizzard, the tavern planned to hold a feast. However, Aurora sat at her desk, making notes with a quill and ink, while she read from her parents' many medical journals and books. She was searching for new potions to create. As always, this caused her to forget about places she needed to be or things she was supposed to do.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. Then she heard a voice say, "Miss Aurora, the feast is about to start. Are you still coming, or have you got lost in a book again?" Aurora quickly closed her books and answered, "Yes, I am coming. Just getting ready. I won't be long. Thank you."

She was fortunate to be only partially dressed as she prepared for the evening. Her light blue dress, with its elegant long sleeves that flared out from the elbow, accentuated her figure. The skirt of the dress stopped just below her knees, and she paired it with sleek black tights. As she adorned herself, she carefully fastened her black corset, using the mirror to ensure that she tied it securely and perfectly. Once it was tight and secure, next came her shoes.

As she sat in front of the mirror, she brushed her hair and swiftly braided two small sections from each side of her head, connecting them at the back, just like her mother had shown her. She sighed, remembering all the times her mother had helped her with her hair. As she left, she petted Salem and made her way out of her room. She descended the stairs slowly, trying to make a good entrance, on reaching the bottom of the stairs, she looked around for a table to sit at as she was nervous.
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Hidden 7 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

Sya had provided some good replies verbally and physically, she was indeed a bold one. Scaly and bold. Yet despite her skin condition and view on things, she was behaving quite human. Like all blightborn however, they nourished themselves of things quite different from people like himself. The former circus girl which had used the kissing booth was seemingly feeding off emotions. Gadez almost felt envious at the thought, for emotions were all around, almost everyone had them. Save for the most dull individuals.

But there seemed to be a shortage of dull ones in Dawnhaven, to the point the warrior-monk felt refreshed. This place had indeed drawn the extraordinary ones out. Snake tail or not. He had chuckled at Sya's words, they were promises or threats, it all depended on how you viewed them.

"Ahh but, Leela. I might not be the hero of the tail, but the villain behind the veil. One with possibly cunning linguistics enough to elude such a ploy, I also know that in order to not get bit, one ought to grab a snake behind the head... and hold it firm. No matter how much it may wriggle... Lest you may find yourself imbued with poison which can leave you shaking before finally being paralyzed. But I can see you having plenty of things to wrap up, but you would only keep me til the morning? How cruel. The blizzard held me for a week. Tsk tsk." He grinned in an amused way to Sya, he did find much amusement in trading words with her.

"Oh and for the puppetry show? That will be free. I do not think charging the children to pay for it is going to earn me any favours with anyone. So fifteen percent of zero… is still zero. Ack, what a pity! Lest you meant the idea of a kissing booth? But whom would pay for such?" Gadez smiled softly with his eyes momentarily closed, he was highly amused at this. Ofcourse he had no intentions of putting up a booth.

Sya had done more than speak with him though, she had used her tail as an extended hand. Some people had no respect for personal space. Gadez had smirked as a reaction. 'Playful little python heh. Embrace your humanity more. Resist the blight as much as possible, yet even you must feed like all others. Perhaps the sun being shrouded is how it should be? The blightborn may or may not be a natural occurance, but to have the sun return and possibly destroy all of them outright? Where is the justice in that? There's no justice in that. They never chose this path. Not like me. No matter what, you do not deserve to be destroyed for what you are. Hold unto your humanity til the very end Leela. You and all others wronged by the world.' The blonde man thought to himself, his expression looking calm and as if he was being resigned to something.

The clumsy woman which had fallen into the snow, aswell as the horned girl had both decided to go into the inn and get changed. It was likely for the better, yet she had rejected taking his cloak. Perhaps purple wasn't her colour.

The blonde wrapped the cloak around himself again as a result. She had clearly called out the name of Flynn. The more he thought about it the more he wanted to laugh out loud, but he held back the urge.

'The curse of having golden hair I suppose... yet our eyes are not the same. Nor the upbringing.' He mused in his own head, and was intending on speaking more to that peculiar woman later. A researcher. But of what? The blight? How to make the grandest entry? He would have to wait for answers til later. The coat she wore also intrigued him.

Of those present, the blonde non-horned twin seemed to not pay much attention to him, seemingly favouring looking after her twin, and the whitehaired one was keeping to herself.. eating? No wonder people would get fat if Leela would stuff them full of confections and the like. 'Well at least she isn't a glutton by the looks of it. Like that one man at the circus whose role was to roll...' He smirked as he recalled the famous 'Rolling Roy' performer who was usually the one to do any trick involving making water splashes or slipping on things. Gadez thoughts momentarily landed on Eris, perhaps she was good material for the circus. If it was still around that were.

One in the current company which had paid him attention however was Katherine, which the blonde man took great note of. She was seemingly intrigued, the willingness to listen and learn was something he valued highly. But alas she was one of the devout goddess followers. It seemed like there was some cruel jest put forth, to hurl every priestess or the like in his direction. But then again… who better to lead them away from that mental cage than someone who rejected the goddesses with his very being.

He had offered her a final nod and smile after following her gaze as it wandered over him, he did the same to her, but only after having gotten eye-contact. Making sure she saw him do it. 'Hmm.. a curious kittycat.' He thought, for some reason she reminded him of such.

But this was going to no doubt be a long day, and as pleasant as the company were, albeit a tad too crowded, he had some things to do.

The man wandered over to where he left his wooden planks, linen and things he had recently procured from the locals. He picked them up and gave everyone present a nod in farewell. "If you know anyone young or willing to hear a story or two, do have them come to the inn. I shall set up some little… storytelling." He smiled softly, his eyes being playful, if not abit foreboding.

That's when he saw someone in the corner of his eye. The lunaris princess was approaching.

He allowed his head to sink abit, taking on his hood and he smirked, even though he tried to hold it back. He waited til she got closer then looked directly into her blue eyes with his own. Then spoke in a quiet smooth voice.

"You have her eyes. But have you her heart? What of your own heart? Love is a double edged sword, it cuts both ways and deeply. Relentlessly. Do you truly love that boy? Love cannot be created artificially. Neither can gold." He said the last word with emphasis as he blew out some air through his mouth, then began to chuckle softly, eerily softly to himself as he backed out of her path. Staying just moment long for hearing any reply if any before he began to enter the inn. Glancing over his shoulder to Amaya then giving a wink each to Sya and Katherine. He then walked past another whitehaired woman. Just how many whitehaired women were there in Dawnhaven? And much alike any other woman he had seen, this one was goodlooking aswell. 'My my...'

Upon further going into the inn he was met with the sight of yet another woman, one which had seemingly snuck into the inn before he did when he had his back turned.

'Well, at least there's no lack... of rack. Except ones where I can hang up my cloak. Guh.' He gave a soft grunt and approached Nyla.

"When you compare the miseries of real life to the joy of the imaginary one, you will never want to live again, only to dream forever..." He said in a soft voice as his eyes wandered over the young woman, then his head beckoned over towards the alcohol. "Ahh, but let not me dissuade you young lady, for life throws many curious things ones way. You'll never know what may happen next, quite unlike waiting for the next drink..." He softly chuckled. "Whom might you be then? I am Gadez, the local gardener and occasional snakecharmer." He said the last bit with laughter in his voice.

"Also… do not mind the wood. I intend to use it for a little puppet theatre for the people here." He added and motioned towards the planks leaning against his shoulder.
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Hidden 7 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

Snakey times!

Eris Rejection hurt Sya a lot more than she wanted to admit, her tail slunk back and wrapped closer to her and her eye could not hide the hurt she felt. Eris had been someone who she had got to know and looked forward to visiting the Inn and she had backed away and treated her like a monster… The impact and weight of the last week was weighing on her and though a somewhat blurry eye she saw the Prince and Princess approach, dressed smartly as ever and looking confident as he always did.

The puppet show, she turned to Gadez but Eris had taken the heart utterly out of her flirting. Sya might be seen as a monster by some but she had a very human heart that could be hurt. “I…. Don,t be a stranger, Even if I'm changed, i still hurt.” Sya said exposing more of her own fears than she wanted to, Sya needed to get some space to calm down before she hurt someone by mistake that would hurt her even more. “Eat, don't drop dead, like you, keep warm.” Sya said a little snappier and more larconic than Planned, but gestured to tables before she left.

Sya slithered over and grabbed one of the servings of moonshine one of her staff handed to her with a look of concern and downed it with a cough, as none had seen the Innkeeper like this and she tended to present a solid front to the customers and kept her game face on. For that to crack meant that something had impacted her harder than she could act like it did not.

Right now she needed space but also had her obligations to at least greet the Prince and show her thanks for the feast, she was here and only to have what she had thanks to his town and endeavour. She forced herself much as she was in a bad mental place to think and turned at her waist to pick up extra.

Forcing to pause she mentally braced self and then turned to slither, her tail somewhat sheepish and less confident than it was before. “My Prince, welcome, Please sample our new products, I must ... .compose myself.” Sya said most obviously shaken and lacking her normal confidence.

“Fresh baked, and distilled, our first batch made in dd dawn…haven. and a gii..gift to you and your Princesssds. I must…i apologissse and get some sssspace.” Sya managed to hand him one intended for each of them, a fresh hot cookie, a small sample of her potent shine and a genatinous cube jelly that was still warm from the ovens. Her hiss got worse and she knew her emotions where running high.

Sya turned and slithered inside grabbing a bottle of wine and turning back out into the muddy and slushy road to the Temple deciding that the hot springs might be a quiet place where she might find a place of quiet contemplation. Leaving a clear line cut though the mush and snowy residue of the blizzard, Sya found no challenge to her progress and grip as she moved on her new limb with a determination to in her direction of travel. Maybe her changes had a few small upsides even if she drew looks and others comment.

Sya paused, seeing an attractive woman, an Auralan by her tan and having clothes…that definitely were not warm enough. “If you need any Ssservices please enquire at the Inn and you will be accomodated, I need to go, enjoy the feassst.” Sya said and could not manage more before she turned leaving in distress and headed to the hot springs. Sya needed some time to think.


Daphne watched the snake-like woman leave, at what she imagined to be a snake like version of an detriminned stride. Few stopped the woman who seemed to need her space and Daphne was just confused about how to approach the current understanding of the blightborns. She had no idea what the future would take.

She had a hot meal now, a drink and something to quench her needs, she was feeling better and the guard looked to check, things were currently under control and thankfully the man who called himself a lord never returned yet.

She stood holding her ale and leaving an empty bowl popping a jelly into her mouth, sugar was a luxury and something that was rather tempting. Business to attend to…
“mlord …Prince.. Highness” Daphne said with a small bow of her head and placed the drink on a table next to her. “I know.your busy but i must by duty report, an Marauees Raunefeldt, an self claimed noble claimed your favour, abused the keeper Mistress Leela and others, I have to say, Lord Coswain and your Captains have approved us to detain him should he repeat the act.

He is not adapted well to Dawnhaven I must honestly Report. He also insulted my Lord Coswain and his wife, myself and others. Please forgive, but… I cannot stand dishonourable conduct.

On Less urgent news...Dawn Haven may have a wedding.”
Daphne finished and the tall Lunarian woman gulped, not used to dealing with royalty.

Daphne waited to be dismissed and did not notice Nyla as such, too intent on the Prince and trying to deal with the events. He was a Lord. Maybe the Prince would make ground Lords did not. She did mention a comment about the Lunaris queen would strike deeper than he would want to enrage the veteran officer, skilled magical and non magical duelist, hopefully that would not come.

She hoped she had not gone too far but she also could not stand by and let him act like that, much as all were Prince's subjects and due his protection, as they were loyal to him.

Sya route took her through the quieter side streets as she reached the Temple in good time realising she had effectively one much larger foot in a sense meaning she felt no issue pushing through snow, the muscles of her new limb generating more power than she ever had. Her vision merged to thermal in the darkness, she saw the blue tones almost by instinct and the light of the springs in energy and visual light. This was seriously freaky but she was too upset to force her vision to a single perspective.

She did not even realise she had reached the Temple, too distracted before she was pulling her coat off and fumbling with the unfamiliar Auralian style of dress she had worn.

A few minutes after that, she had left her clothes in a mostly neat pile, tunnel visioned she felt rough stone, wet and warm under her, hot moisture on her skin, and then water as her weight and full length of tail eased into water, finally letting herself cry as she drank some of the wine she had, her tail moving with the soft currents the heat created and glittering wet and shiny like a 1000 blight blue stars in the permanent moonlight. Her tears flowed and she let the whole trauma she had faced out of its tight box.

Even a Blightborn had a heart and they could oy take so much.

[@Dezuel@The Muse@c3p-0h@Queen Arya

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Hidden 7 days ago 7 days ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

* * *

Interacting with: Anyone in the Eye of the Beholder

The small Aurelian village’s tavern was especially lively this evening. A group of recruits from the local guard-force had just finished their probation and had come for a small celebration. It had quickly turned into a full-fledged party and most of the village had crammed themselves into the relatively small building.

Aldrick wouldn’t have it any other way. He loved these nights more than anything else in the world. Nights where no one questioned his appearance, where alcohol flowed like water and where he could play his heart out without a second thought. It certainly helped that he hadn’t properly fed in weeks and a crowd like this would sustain him for the foreseeable future. His violin sang as if it had a mind of it’s own and the crowd danced like it was the end of the world. Pure merriment and joy.

As the night began to slow, Aldrick put down the fiddle and retrieved his lute. His songs became slower as the crowds grew smaller, still filled with his usual hope and joy. Occasionally the barkeep would bring him a drink, no doubt bought by one of the patrons as a tip.

Aldrick did not accept gold for his performances.

The crowd’s emotion was more than enough for the Blight-Born.

* * *

Unlike the presumed nobles that had travelled this route before him, Aldrick did not have the benefit of a horse drawn carriage for the days-long trek from Aurelia to Dawnhaven. Footstep after aching footstep, the musician carried himself through the forests and hills before him and camped the nights with nothing more than a bedroll and something that could barely be called a tent. Truthfully he wasn’t even sure that he was going to finish the journey alive given that the snowstorm seemed to worsen each day he awoke.

It was only the promise of a campfire in the evenings joined by the absolute serenity of silence that the calms of the storm afforded him. The snow dampened any echoes and made the outdoor acoustics absolutely incredible.

The hours on the road were also spent either singing to himself or playing a soft violin tune when the weather permitted. It was one of the few ways he could keep himself sane for the otherwise very lonely and quiet trip. The storm had clearly dissuaded any scheming bandits from their usual antics, which was partially a shame because the bard was very much out of practice with his sword.

As Dawnhaven finally came into view, the bard let out a foggy sigh of relief. At last, my destination.

A few moments later, he was safe within the village. A realization came to him however, that he had no idea where he’d been resting his head each night. I suppose that the worst case scenario is that I spend a few nights in my bedroll… he pondered. It also wouldn’t be the first time I’ve slept on the tavern floor. A smirk came to his face, brief memories of many nights of celebration and revelry entering his mind.

There’s also the possibility of exchanging performances for room and board…

Either way, a solution is always in sight.

The bard continue to make his way through town, drawing a few wary looks occasionally from the common rabble but nothing he hadn’t seen many times before. Not nearly as frequently, he would notice a more inquisitive look as if someone was trying to recognize him. It had been a few good years since his...murder? His death, demise, accident? Whatever the title, though some people knew that the famous-made-infamous Aldrick Corveaux was alive and well, he suspected that most people inside of the Capitols were clueless that anything had happened to him. To most, it would have likely seemed as if he was yet another name that had come and gone, that he had risen to fame and fallen from it just as quickly.

Not that it mattered anymore.

This is a new start. A chance to fix my mistakes and a chance to bring smiles to people’s faces once more. I will not dwell on the past.

A smile spread across his face as a crowd came into view. So this is why the streets are so empty. As he observed silently from a distance, it crossed his mind that one of the guards had mentioned something about a feast. This must have been exactly that.

And what better time for song and dance than a feast?

* * *

Aldrick stepped inside the tavern right behind an all too-familiar looking head of dark hair, his eye’s lingering on the back of Nyla’s head for just a moment before shaking the feeling away. There was no way that was actually her. It had been too long.

Pushing the thought completely from his mind, the bard slipped through the crowd and into one of the few remaining empty spaces in the tavern. As he found the spot he would call his stage, Aldrick slid a chair over from the nearest table—receiving a dirty look from it’s occupants—before unslinging his lute from it’s place upon his back. He then let his pack slide from his shoulder before retrieving his violin from within. Finally, he also retrieved a small drum with a makeshift foot-pedal which he strategically placed on the floor.

With a deep breath, Aldrick raised his violin up and tucked it beneath his chin as he’d done a thousand times before. This is it. This is how I make an unforgettable first impression. And with that thought floating in his mind, he raised his bow to the strings and placed his foot on the kick-drum’s pedal. Deep breath, eyes closed. You’ve done this more times than you can count.

Something light-hearted, lets remind them what the Corveaux name stands for.

Let’s make this a real party.

The sound of a violin and a subtly-strong kick drum would fill the tavern over the voices of it’s occupants as Aldrick lost himself in the music. His hand guided the bow across the instruments fine strings with a masterful level of precision, only faltering for a heartbeat as the bard blew a lock of hair from his face. His passion slowly built as he progressed through the song, building slowly and steadily in volume.

And as he hit the apex [3-minute mark in the song], his eyes shot open with a stunning yellow glow to them as he gazed across the faces before him. Any observers may have sworn that they could see a burst of faint fire around him. A warm, hearty smile grew across his face as he swayed into the music. By the goddesses did this feel good.
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Hidden 7 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eye of the Beholder
Flynn was mid-stride toward the tavern when Sya intercepted him. Without waiting for a reply, she offered him a cookie, a bottle of what looked like alcohol, and a curious gelatin cube. Caught off guard, he blinked at the assortment she was offering and forced a smile. “Uh—thank you, Sya,” he said as she slithered away just as quickly as she had arrived, leaving him standing there with his hands suddenly full of these odd gifts.

Trying to maintain his composure despite the chaotic energy buzzing within his chest, his eyes flickering back toward Amaya. Was she watching him? Did she notice who he followed after, the urgency in his step? He couldn't help but wonder if she could possibly know what was pulling him toward the inn. No, of course not. She couldn’t know. How could she? A tinge of guilt hit him.

Feeling increasingly awkward with his hands full, he quickly addressed a nearby guard. “Here,” he said, passing the cookie, bottle, and gelatin cube to the guard as quickly as possible. “Please deliver these to the cabin for me, if you don’t mind.” The guard nodded with a bit of a puzzled look but complied without question. “Of course, sir.”

Freed from the burden of the impromptu gifts, Flynn squared his shoulders, refocusing his attention to what had brought him here in the first place. As he put his hand on the tavern door, yet another person stopped him. A woman stepped into his view, her expression both stern and exasperated. It was Daphne, one of the Lunarian guards who had arrived unannounced with Lord Coswain. She offered a respectful greeting before launching into her complaint about Lord Raunefeldt.

The name struck Flynn like a jolt of lightning, and he almost winced at the sound of it. "Raunefeldt?" he echoed, his tone flat with disbelief. ’Ayel is here too?’ He thought, feeling the beginnings of a headache starting at his temples already. Of all the times and places for that man to show up... He bit back the groan that threatened to escape him. Flynn had known that a Raunefeldt would be on their way, but by the sounds of it they had sent Ayel, and not the eldest brother whom Flynn had been hoping for. Just thinking about Ayel brought a flood of memories—haughty arrogance, biting remarks, and an unyielding lack of empathy for anyone but himself. Of course he was already stirring up trouble.

Flynn clenched his jaw, his patience thinning as his sense of urgency grew. This was another complication on top of everything else, another problem to add to his ever-growing list.

"Yes, yes," he said quickly, waving his hand in a gesture that was both dismissive and decisive. "If Lord Raunefeldt gets out of line, detain him. Handle it as you see fit."

For a split second, he felt like his father. Deciding someone’s fate without a second thought. The realization was uncomfortable, but he shoved it aside, his focus returning once more to the task at hand. "I have urgent matters to attend to," he added, his eyes darting back toward the tavern door. "But find me if Lord Raunefeldt gets out of hand. I will speak with him soon."

Finally, Flynn pushed open the heavy wooden door of the tavern, his heart thudding with an intensity that made him feel dizzy. The thought of Nyla being here in Dawnhaven sent a thrill coursing through him, but he forced himself to push it down. He was no oath-breaker; he had made promises to Amaya, and he wasn’t the kind of man to take those vows lightly. Still, despite his loyalty, his heart ached. Why was Nyla here? To torment him? To remind him of what could never be?

His eyes scanned the dimly lit room, taking in the flickering candlelight that cast dancing shadows on the walls. People filled the space, drinking, eating, talking, their laughter and chatter creating a hum that seemed distant to his ears. Flynn's gaze darted from face to face, desperately searching for the one he both dreaded and hoped to see.

And then he saw her.

Nyla stood near a table lined with bottles—more strange alcohol, by the looks of it—speaking to a blonde-haired man Flynn didn’t recognize. His stomach twisted at the sight, the world narrowing to just her. She was real. Not a trick of his imagination. There was no mistaking her raven hair, those piercing blue eyes, and those lips that… A cold shock jolted through his veins. His feet felt rooted to the floor, heavy and unmovable. He stood there, awkwardly lingering in the doorway, his breath caught in his throat.

Before he could will himself to move toward her, a high-pitched voice rang out, slicing through his daze. "FLYNN!" He turned to see Eris jumping up from a booth and gathering a stack of notes in a flurry, forgetting to address him by title. He nearly cursed out loud in frustration—once again someone was interrupting the mission he was on. She rushed toward him, eyes alight with a mixture of excitement and exhaustion. Flynn's eyes shifted to the coat of flames draped around her shoulders, curiosity flickering in his expression as he took in her disheveled appearance.

Before he could say anything, Eris blurted out, "I need to discuss something important with you, and it can't wait. Can we find somewhere private to talk?"

"Of course." Flynn said, though he couldn’t help but steal another glance at Nyla. Their eyes met again for a heartbeat, a flash of connection that made his head spin. But he forced himself to look away, forcing his feet to follow Eris to a back room. Each step felt like agony.

The room they entered was dark and cold, clearly unused for some time. It was a staging area for performers before they stepped out onto the tavern’s small stage. Flynn, still trying to steady himself, reached for a candle, cupping his hand around it as he summoned a thread of magic. The wick flared to life with a small flame, casting a warm glow that chased away the shadows.

He turned his attention fully to Eris, his voice calm but tinged with concern. "Are you alright?" he asked, holding the candle to illuminate her face.

Eris nodded, her focus entirely on the papers she began to lay out on a nearby table. "Look here," she said, pointing to a rough diagram she’d sketched. Some of the writing was smeared, like the paper had been exposed to moisture. Flynn leaned in, trying to make sense of the chart that showed a list of reactive versus non-reactive elements. The non-reactive list was extensive, but there, on the reactive list, was a single entry: Light Magic

He glanced back up at her, his confusion clear. Eris took a deep breath and began to explain, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Before the blizzard, I met with the Priestess Tingara. She told me to look into the blight-born Willis's blood," she said. Flynn raised an eyebrow, still trying to follow.

"I didn't get it either," she continued, "but I got a sample of Willis's blood anyway and did all sorts of tests on it. Nothing worked." She pointed to the one item listed in the reactive section. "As soon as I infused his blood with light magic, it reacted. It—well, it acted like a compass. It pulled toward the blighted crop I brought back from our journey from Lunaris. It’s like the blood is drawn to the blight."

Flynn’s mind raced as he processed the information. The whirlwind of emotions from the day left him reeling, but for the first time in what felt like ages, he felt a spark of hope. This was progress. Real progress. Eris had found something tangible, something that might help them in their fight against the blight.

"Willis’s blood could be used as a tracker," Flynn said slowly, glancing back at the diagram. "We could pinpoint blight before it reaches Dawnhaven. This… this could save lives." His heart pounded again, this time with excitement. While it wasn’t a cure, it was a significant step forward. Tracking the blight would allow them to keep the town safe, to protect everyone from walking straight into disaster, or ingesting something tainted.

"Exactly!" Eris exclaimed, a large smile spread across her face. "We need to test it further, but… it’s... it’s something." The excitement in her voice made Flynn smile, easing a small bit of his anxiety.

“How did the Priestess know this?” Flynn asked, but Eris only shook her head and shrugged. She was as puzzled as he was.

Deciding that was a problem for another day, Flynn placed a hand on Eris’s shoulder, his smile warm and encouraging. "You’ve done wonderfully, Eris. This is incredible. I’ll gather a search party, and we’ll put this to the test as soon as we can."

Eris beamed, her own exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the rush of shared excitement. "Agreed," she said, nodding eagerly. "This needs to be studied further.” she paused for a moment, contemplative. “I hope Willis will cooperate."

Flynn nodded, his thoughts already shifting to how he’d handle that conversation. But for now, he allowed himself a moment of hope, feeling lighter than he had all day. At least some things were moving forward—even if his personal life felt like it was spiraling beyond his control.

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden sound, they both paused and turned their heads toward the door. Music, lively and melodic, echoed through the wooden walls. It was a cheerful tune, accompanied by the rhythmic stomp of feet and the occasional burst of laughter, signaling that someone had taken up an instrument to entertain the crowd.

Flynn's brow furrowed slightly, a hint of curiosity sparking in his eyes. He glanced at Eris, who met his look with a similar expression. For a moment, they just stood there, sharing a silent exchange—a mutual question of who might be playing and what had stirred the festivity into full swing.

Eris broke the silence first, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well," she said, her voice light with a hint of amusement, "seems like the feast is going great."

Flynn gave a slow nod, the faintest hint of a smile playing on his face despite the turmoil of his thoughts. "It does sound like they’re enjoying themselves." he replied, his tone softer.

“Come on, Flynn,” she said, gesturing toward the door with a hint of playfulness as she gathered up her notes. “We should go celebrate. For once, we actually have some good news to toast to!”

Flynn managed a smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. The thought of stepping back into the crowded tavern now, knowing that Nyla was out there, made his pulse quicken in a way that had nothing to do with celebration. He felt a surge of nerves, twisting like a knot in his stomach, knowing that seeing her again would only complicate things further.

But he couldn’t let Eris see that hesitation. Not now.

“Yeah,” he said, his voice steadier than he felt. “Let’s go celebrate.” He forced himself to take a deep breath, straightening his shoulders. As he reached for the door, the music and the hum of voices grew louder, and with a final glance at Eris, he braced himself for what was to come.

Interactions: Sya/Daphne @PrinceAlexus
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Hidden 6 days ago 1 day ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions/Mentions: @c3p-0h Tia

Orion watched silently as Tia retrieved her notebook, her fingers trembling slightly from the cold. There was something about the way she moved, a subtle grace that reminded him of a still lake—calm on the surface but with depths he couldn’t quite see. He waited, sensing there was more on her mind, something she hadn’t yet voiced. But when the book and pencil slipped from her grasp, sinking into the snow, his instincts kicked in. He almost stepped forward, but then he noticed the shift in her—how her gaze turned distant, unfocused, as if she were no longer standing there with him.

His breath caught as he observed her. The way her body stilled, how her breathing seemed to stop—it was more than a mere distraction. He hadn’t seen Tia like this before, lost in an apparent vision, but it left him feeling unsettled. His hand hovered near her shoulder, an unspoken offer of support, but he didn’t touch her. There was an aura of fragility around her at this moment, and he didn’t want to disrupt whatever had gripped her mind. When she finally came back, her breath ragged and her eyes wet with unshed tears, Orion felt a tightness in his chest. Something had changed.

“Is there another… priestess? Here?” Tia's voice, when she spoke, was frail and shaky, which only deepened his concern for her. Orion’s gaze followed hers toward the town, though nothing seemed amiss to his sharp eyes. Still, he trusted her instincts.

“If there is, I don’t know of her,” he replied. Whatever had just passed through Tia’s mind, it wasn’t random, and, perhaps, there truly was another priestess here that she needed to see.

“I can make inquiries… if it would give you peace of mind.”

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Hidden 6 days ago 6 days ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Ayel Raunefeldt

"Faldrin!" It was a noble call, it was a loud call, it was uncalled for him to yell. But the Marquess wouldn't wait.

He didn't have all the time in the world, he had to make tough decisions, even though he could help but feel the craving to look into his many mirrors.

'These disgusting gutter rats have no idea about what is beautiful and graceful. If they only knew the love that I am able to feel.' He took his handmirror in hand and pouted his lips abit, momentarily drawing the tip of his tongue over them and gave his reflection a look which in turn made him flustered.

"Why must I do everything myself!" Ayel said aloud as he put his letters into envelopes and used his signet ring on some candlewax to seal them. He allowed himself a genuine smile, the insignia was perfect. But then again. Ofcourse it were. It was an image of him in profile with a rose in his mouth.

While it wasn't a real rose, it was the symbolism that mattered. That put him high above the rest of the populace which from his point of view were weeds and wild flowers at best. But he was a refined rose. Gentle, goodlooking, inviting and with some sharp thorns to keep the unworthy away from touching it.

He liked the comparison. But what he didn't like was his servants not heeding his call, not for aid, not for assistance... but for services offered!

"Faldrin! Where in Aelios graceful glamour are you? You better not be dead. I paid for a long term service!" Ayel said in a mix of worry and threat. He abhored the idea of having to find another aide as tamed as Faldrin. And then he spotted him. He was too occupied in directing the other lowborns.

There was something oddly pleasing in seeing the workers struggle, it made him feel butterflies in his stomach and feel all cosy inside.

"Faldrin, I have some task for you. You shall be excused from leading the construction. You are the only commoner here with some level of reliability. For a commoner ofcourse. You will return to Aurelia with haste and deliver these two letters to the king and queen. I shall oversee the construction of my new mansion. I did look at an architechture book once you know. You may take one of the guards with you and while in Aurelia hire two more workers, I don't think I can find any here. This place is too infested with barbarians." Ayel lamented and wiped his forehead, the day was treating him roughly. If only he could have had the same luxury and ease of life as his bestest friend.

"Now take the letters and off you go, and don't you dare die on the trip. I expect you back here soon and with renewed faith after seeing our homeland capitol." Ayel gave a noble wave with his hand after passing over the letters, making sure to not physically touch Faldrin.

The nobleman was then left with some choices to do with his day. He could still hear the loud unruly mob in the distance, he didn't want to go in there. But he had seen a place he wanted to visit, a place which no doubt would give him the just welcome he deserved.

He felt so determined, that and going to the stables by foot was such a bother, that he decided to walk to the building.

The nobleman inspected the building, it made him feel it was lacking, a building like this deserved to look at least half as good as his home. Ayel glanced at the doors. Ooening doors was a servant's job. He felt discouraged, but the cold outdoors soon convinced him that it was probably cleaned regulary. He made a mental exception as he opened up and stepped inside. The temple of Aelios.

He took a deep inhale, the building made him feel oddly welcomed. Then again, he was blessed since birth, or so he had been told. His mother wouldn't have made that up. That's when he saw something which made him gasp in horror. It was a poor mans box.

He watched it and frowned, perhaps it were a donation box for upkeeping the temple? He hoped so. The idea of giving away coin to the poor... it didn't sit right with him. It was morally wrong! The discerning nobleman continued to explore the temple, until he found himself stepping out into what seemed to be a hotspring area.

A hotspring here? He momentarily thought of his private one in Aurelia, and how he had bought it and evicted all the commoners from the area. It was good memories. But he was struck by shock when he saw what was in this spring. It was infested with beasts, the temple was harboring those monsters. And one of them looked just like the snake he had seen earlier. Like a complete mirror image. They all looked alike. The other one looked like some other reptile. Then he spotted two others nearby, one of them had to be the attendees, this affront to the temple should not be permitted.

He gathered his vast courage, straightened himself abit and took a step forwards, holding out his hand as if making a speech.

"You there! Are you in charge of this place? There is some clear health hazards in here which must be removed! I am Aye-aaahhhhh!" He felt something move quickly under him, as he had just walked over a little pile of cloth neatly folded and put there like a devious trap. He traversed the air with unmatched grace, like Aelios herself had given him wings to fly with, but no time to practice. He fell forwards, down the stairs, but the nobleman was no stranger to danger and knew he had to shield losing his face. Both ways. He managed to grab hold off a thin wooden post which held a torch, stopping his fall. He had managed to grab hold of it in the last second with both his hands, his back facing now the afflicted pool.

He breathed out a sigh of relief. He had evaded disaster. He knew his amazing grip on reality and other things wouldn't let him down.


The wooden post snapped in two and the nobleman fell backwards, the only feeling rivaling his surprise was that of looming dread.

'My face! Not the face!'


He hit the water and went under. Panic filled him more than water. He reached for the surface, his hat floating nearby as he finally surfaced. His carefully combed locks now laid flatted against his face.

Ayel instinctively reached for his face with both his hands, he had to make certain he hadn't been compromised. The noble allowed a soft sigh before the realization of what had just happened hit him.

And he had been spotted. He was embarassed. But more so he was furious. His face went red as a tomato and he visciously reached out for his hat, putting it back on his noble head. He had to salvage what he could despite being covered in unclean commoner water. The hat made a soft downward turn, as if it was a depressed mushroom that had lost it's will to live.

He felt the heat, not from the water but his face. He needed something to blame. "She arranged that trap on purpose! Seize her! He pointed a finger accusingly at Sya as he tried to wade out of the water.

"Don't just stand there, help me out of this filthy hole! My boots are soaked!" He barked out towards Orion and Tia.
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Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nathaniel Stormlight

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Mentions: Eris, Flynn@The Muse Aldrick@Spicymeatball

Sitting at that booth opposite Eris, was an incredible experience for him. The discussion between the two researchers wasn't about research. It was about family. Eris brought up how her mother had been arranging meetings, but they never planned out. Both Aurelians laughed as they took sips of their drinks. Another discussion that they had was their interest in books, both enjoying fantasy genres, but it seemed that there was another type of genre that Eris liked, but Nathaniel wasn't sure. He didn't want to pry as it would damper their pleasant conversation.

Between their conversations on life and family, it felt like the other patrons didn't seem like they were all there. A melody seemed to break through their chat, it was a violin. Whoever played this stringed instrument, they were indeed talented. Nathaniel looked over to who was playing. His eyes widened, surprised at who was playing. Wow. Aldrick is here too. Nathaniel had heard tales of Aldrick from the lips of other nobles that he would encounter during balls and other aristocratic meetings.

Eris's voice boomed out of nowhere catching Nathaniel off guard as he turned back to face she was halfway getting up out of the booth with her notes. There was one piece of parchment still left on the table. Picking up the paper with a couple of fingers. He didn't get a chance to read it before it was snatched away by Eris as she hastily came back to the booth and then left again.

He watched her run off to a person, it was the Prince. She did have something important to say to him, so it was fine. Sitting at the booth wasn't too bad; another waitress came over with two tankards of mead. But when she noticed that Nathaniel was on his own the waitress didn't say anything, instead offering Nathaniel a tankard of mead. ”Thank you.” he said with a smile, the waitress placed the other tankard on the table. He didn't get a choice to refuse, as it would be considered rude and ungrateful. The waitress spoke. “If she hasn't come back by the time I finish my shift, how about I sit with you?” her tone was alluring and flirtatious. ”That’s a kind offer but I'll pass.” Nathaniel responded. The waitress shrugged her shoulders with a “well it was worth a try” expression.

Bringing the tankard of cold mead to his lips, an aroma of Cherries and honey came with it. Taking a sip. It was sweet, not too sweet, apart from that, it was nice. Not bad. he thought as he put his drink back on the table. The place was getting more lively as people clapped in rhythm with Aldrick's musical performance. There were a few who clapped out of sync with the others, but that couldn't be helped as they looked like they had had a few too many already. Nathaniel gently tapped his mug with his index and middle finger, listening to the present tune that was captivating him. It wasn't the alcohol, as he only just started. But he wanted to enjoy himself with this feast.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by BlackRoseSiren
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Aurora Halliwell

Location: Eye of the Beholder.

Aurora sat down at a small, round table, she took a few deep breaths for a few minutes to calm her nerves and gather her thoughts about what to do next. She stared blankly at a flickering candle that was in front of her when suddenly she caught the sound of a familiar tune. Her attention shifted, and she turned to the bard performing across the room, a crowd of captivated listeners surrounded him.

A radiant smile appeared across her face, “It’s Aldrick! I can’t believe it’s him.” She whispered in delight. Her heart raced with excitement, she quickly stood up, smoothing down her dress, and made her way towards the lively group gathered around the bard, clapping along to the infectious rhythm of the music. As she made her way toward the crowd, a man she had encountered a few times during her stay appeared as if out of nowhere. She thought to herself, Great, not this guy again. She managed a small smile and said, “Hello,” Before attempting to continue on her way. However, he stepped in front of her again.

“Hi, nice to see you again. Fancy joining me tonight?” he tried to sound enticing, The way he looked at her, as if he was undressing with his eyes, made her skin crawl. Suddenly, she was struck by his overpowering scent, reminiscent of alcohol with a trace of sweat. Covering her nose, she politely replied,“No, thank you.” As she attempted to escape, he stopped her once again. Annoyed by his relentless persistence, she felt a strong urge to punch him but held back. She wanted to avoid causing trouble and making a bad impression. Looking around, she searched for someone in the crowd who might be able to help her in this situation.

She then became acutely aware of the warmth of his grip as he seized her right wrist, his touch both firm and unsettling. Before she could react or pull away, he leaned in closer, a coy smile playing on his lips. “Come on,” he said, his voice low and teasing, “don’t play hard to get.” The intensity in his gaze sent a shiver down her spine, making her heart race with a mix of apprehension and confusion. If she wasn’t in a tavern with lots of people around she would have floored him with magic but she didn’t want to risk hurting anyone else.
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Hidden 4 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mixed Post.

Daphne headed out and whistled as the Prince who seemed too busy was grabbed by the sage and that was that… Everyone wanted a slice. She grabbed her beer and reached the Coswains with an easy smile and a glint her purple eyes. “Check the Temple Boss, new priest I'm…. Lunaris. This one seems to not be a total book tight, burn the heretics kind or the ones that are 100 years old” She said honestly, maybe a little too honestly but she always gave them her true assessment, good bad or ugly.

“Good job, keep an eye on the Inn Squirrel.” He said lightly, it was a minor posting but someone had to keep an eye on crowds and intervene if needed. Other guards cleared streets, and other roles, it was teamwork, the only way to achieve the goal.

“You two gonna get burned at stake yourself” Persephone said more lightly than its content and gave Daphne a nod before she turned to pull her partner off to the Temple. “You know me too well” Persephone took the offered cookies and treats for them from the Inn.

“Aye, Watch out for the peacock, he is in a tizzy after being beaten into retreat again. Man tried to claim Sya djd not own the Inn…” Daphne said as she turned back to the Inn and walked over, she headed back to see it was busy as ever and the Inn was a focal point. She was given the Inn by rumour from the Prince, to run it for good of town... that's definitely legal ownership..

She did notice a lack of Sya, she did seem upset and whatever it was more than some minor moment. A man was bothering a woman with bright white hair and she ignored the rather dramatic man who seemed to have been playing with the Innkeeper when things were happier for her. Intervening was her job and she saw the discomfort was strong. Yup. Time to get in the way. Daphne downed the last of her ale and put it on a table before she walked behind to table and placed a hand on his shoulder firmly and gripped tight with enough pressure to be noticed even drunk.

“Now, you're done, go get a room, or go home. You're drunk.” Daphne said as she looked over to the woman, white hair, blue Eyes, and a rather pretty purple corset outfit that while pretty might not be the warmest.

“Daphne, one of the guards.” She said in bad language but she was more distracted by the noise of music and the man she was dealing with. “Now, get gone.” She directed the man away with a look of concern for the woman in her bright violet eyes.

“Keep it PG, least until later, no Kissing booth ok. Maybe after the kids Done, got some odd idea's.” Daphne called over to the Man who seemed to love to talk, she did not need to think of the children, drunks and a man who had an ego the size of the moon in one day. She heard a few comments about one, that was probably better waiting till later.


Persephone lead reached the Lunaris Temple soon, The route was snowy but to a Lunaris Native this was just another day in their homeland as the older red hair woman pulled her cloak about her uniform tight and walked along hand in hand with Adon In in heavy leathers and sword resting on hop as he gave guards a nod on his way to the Temple.

They walked past a blightborn that was staying out of the main festival and away from guards and honestly…he did not blame them, they had done their share of hunts, and slain many blightborn in Lunaris without mercy. “Good baking, Becky Knows her stuff, not as good as yours.” He added quickly to placate his partner knowing too well how she was bakery Proud.

“Good save. Prince seems rather busy, being royal has downsides.” Persephone said as they walked their way to the Temple seeing it appear as she made her way out the alley to an Open area near the lake where the Temple was standing proudly in wood and artfully working rapid construction.

getting a Squeeze they knocked on the door and pushed their way into the cool temple where the clean pool sat in the centre.

“Hello, We were told a priestess was about and while looking for a Temple Marriage, we have been a little busy over the years and Long as you get round to it eventually. We hope we are correct.” Adonis said slightly Awkwardly that the last interaction with a priest did not go perfectly… He had a bad track record around Temples, he had seen too much to find the church easy to get on with.

The Temple was lit, cool but lit and they Saw her in the pool, had they interrupted…no one had barred the door… “We can come another time. My name is Persephone and this is my partner for many years, Lord Coswain. We ” She said and introduced them, the whole situation was the first time they had time together Without being interrupted by duties and royal commands in far too long.

“We married by a old hand fasting by a lord, but we never had a chance to get selenes blessing.” Persephone said as they stood hopeful that perhaps they might find someone willing to help them, she Ignored Daphne So hoped she was not a total bitch like some they had encountered in the past.

“Would You be open to a ceremony” Adonis asked, they saw the Temple looks a little care when bit now it had a keeper he was sure that would be reversed.


Sya was too deep into her tears, wine and looked up waving her tail In the hot water, feeling the currents and warmth on her scales, the muscles that felt weirdly natural and weightless in the water, even heavy as muscle was she felt floating and calm in the water. Her tail tip skipped about and she let the water direct It more than her own body or mind.

Sya was a few minutes of this state sobbing into her shoulder and laying against her side. Sya looked up hearing a noise, snap and splashing sounds, She looked up, her eyes sore from crying and her tail barely reacted showing how far she was feeling down. “Jusssst leave me alone, why do you hate me ssssso much… Leave me be..” Sya accent came out emotional and in her more guttural borderlands tones.

“I… I came here for peace… give me ssspace, leave. Me …alone.” Sya said and moved her tail in closer, flight or fight was kicking up a gear, she was starting to feel her emotions surge again, her vision shifted into thermal and out again tracking the form of him perfectly though the water, steam or any interference. Her accent turned harsher and more cutting into harsh tones.

“If I wanted to trap you, you would know itssss” Sya said with a sharp hiss, and tried to move away from him, shifting to try and move and make space. She tried to move away quickly but her unfamiliar weight and lack of resistance made it hard to push away, her tail moved to try and protect her by sheer instinct as she protected her face from harm.

Sya tone coming to a clear more warning than a plee, Sya was trying to avoid a fight not start it. She saw Orion and Tia and made a non verbal plea help obviously In distress as the Lord became even more unhinged. Sya forced her baser instincts down and tried to retain her sense of control.


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Hidden 4 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Eye of the Beholder

Nyla felt a wave of dizziness wash over her as she entered the warmth of the tavern, the familiar clamor of people, the scent of alcohol, and the hum of low voices filling the air. She quickly found a corner near a table lined with bottles of alcohol, folding her arms tightly against her chest, her breathing shallow. She focused on the wooden floor beneath her feet, her eyes tracing the worn lines in the planks as she fought to hold back the wave of panic threatening to consume her. Why did she do this to herself? What was she doing here? She knew what she’d find, who she’d find. Why had she come?

She was pulled from her spiraling thoughts by a voice—low and soft—speaking close by. She looked up, startled, to find a man watching her with an almost amused expression. His eyes, mirroring her own pale blue, seemed to look right through her. He spoke words that seemed more poetic than conversational, his gaze drifting towards the bottles of alcohol nearby. Nyla’s eyes followed his, and she bit back a retort, resisting the urge to snap at his assumption that she had come here to escape her reality with a drink. Normally, small talk came easy to her, but with her emotions so raw, she struggled to summon her usual charm.

She forced a faint, half-hearted smile in response to his advice, nodding politely. "It’s nice to meet you, Gadez." she said, though her tone was distracted, her mind still reeling. The mention of him being a "snake charmer" made her curious. Was he being serious, or was he referring to the snake woman she had seen outside? She had seen true snake charmers in the sands of Aurelia, but there were certainly no snakes this far north.

“My name is Nyla.” She introduced herself by first name only, keeping things simple. Long ago she had mastered the art of being a courtesan, and clients seldom sought conversation beyond discussing their own interests. Plus, she had no desire to be known on a deeper level.

Her eyes shifted to the wood planks balanced on his shoulder, and she couldn’t help but lift a brow at the mention of a puppet theater. The last time she’d seen one was in the capital, mostly for children, and there didn’t seem to be many of those in this frozen land. Who was he planning to entertain?

“You wear many hats, it seems—gardener, snake charmer, puppet master.” she remarked, attempting a lighter tone. Despite the strangeness of the interaction, Gadez’s presence was helping her feel slightly more at ease, a welcome distraction from the turmoil in her chest.

Just as she opened her mouth to ask him more, her words stalled in her throat. The door to the tavern opened again, and there he was—Flynn, standing just inside, his gaze sweeping the room. Nyla's breath hitched, her heart pounding even harder, her eyes locking onto his. Had he come for her? For a moment, everything else faded away. Her expression, despite her efforts to remain neutral, betrayed her longing. She wanted to go to him, to feel his arms around her again—but she couldn’t move.

Then, just as quickly as he had appeared, Flynn’s attention was stolen by the call of a brunette woman who addressed him by his first name. ‘They must be close.’, she thought bitterly, watching as the woman guided him away to the back of the tavern. And just like that, he was gone again.

She let out a shaky breath, her chest aching with the effort of holding herself together. Turning back to Gadez, she forced herself to focus on the present, on anything but the sight of Flynn. "What brought you to Dawnhaven?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady, though it was clear that her mind was elsewhere. No matter what answer Gadez gave, Nyla doubted she'd fully hear it. Her head was spinning, and her heart was a tangled mess.

Nyla’s attention was instantly pulled to the rich sound of music filling the tavern. She turned, her eyes settling on a man, clearly blight-born, standing confidently among the crowd, a violin beneath his chin and a bow gliding gracefully across the strings. For a few breaths, she stood captivated, lost in the way the tavern lit up with his song—people clapping, cheering, their spirits lifted by his music.

Nyla couldn’t help but smile. This felt like home—music and laughter filling a space, the joy of people losing themselves in the moment. It tugged at her, a familiar urge bubbling up inside to dance, to sing alongside the notes, to be free and forget her worries if only for a moment. Her heart fluttered with the memory of all the nights she had spent doing just that.

As she continued to watch, something shifted in her gaze. Her smile faltered, replaced by a look of curiosity and then sharp focus as she studied the musician more closely. There was something about the way he played—the way his hands moved, the sway of his body, the passion in his music. She knew those movements, that style, and the energy that could set a room ablaze.

Her heart skipped a beat, this time not because of Flynn, but because of the sudden realization that this bard was no mere street performer. No, this was Aldrick Corveaux—famed bard of Aurelia. Her former friend, the man who once stood beside her on stage, their flirtatious banter as seamless as their duets. The one who had teased her with a smile that promised mischief and adventure.

Nyla’s eyes widened in disbelief. How could it be him? Her heart twisted as she took in the faint glow to his eyes, the red tinge of his skin, and the horns that sprouted from his head. He had transformed, much like she had. She had not seen him in over two years, yet here he was, a changed man, but still undeniably himself. She continued to watch in awe, lost in each perfectly executed note. He had changed, but at least he had not lost the magic in his fingers or the soul that poured out through his music.

Despite the ache in her chest from seeing Flynn just moments ago, Nyla felt a warmth spread through her. Aldrick had survived whatever fate had thrown at him, just as she had. And even in this distant, snowy corner of the world, his music managed to lift her spirits.

“Keep it PG, least until later, no Kissing booth ok. Maybe after the kids Done, got some odd idea's.”

Nyla’s attention was pulled to the tall brunette woman speaking to Gadez, her words ringing out with a confidence that couldn’t be ignored. She was clearly a Lunarian guard, judging by her attire and subtle accent. Nyla raised a brow at the comment, a mix of amusement and curiosity crossing her face as she wondered why on earth this guard would think that she and Gadez wouldn’t keep things "PG." People in Dawnhaven certainly had no reservations about speaking their minds—perhaps it was the Lunarian way of things.

She stole a glance at Gadez, gauging his reaction to the notion, half-expecting some witty or dramatic response given the way he’d been talking to her earlier. Feeling her spirit somewhat rejuvenated, Nyla smirked, "No kissing booth? That’s a shame. I thought Gadez was going to show me how he charms all those snakes he mentioned earlier." she said, giving Gadez a playful look.

The jab felt good, lightening her mood even further. It was like stepping back into the performer’s role, where every quip and laugh was a way to help people mask whatever turmoil churned below the surface. At least for now, the music and banter made her feel almost like herself again.

Interactions: Gadez @Dezuel, Daphne @PrinceAlexus
Mentions: Aldrick @SpicyMeatball
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Hidden 4 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hot Springs
Kira was momentarily startled as Sya entered the hot springs in a hurry, the innkeeper bringing a chaotic energy with her and disturbing the peace that Kira so desperately wanted. Kira’s eyes widened slightly as she watched her shed her clothing, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings. Sya’s top half appeared unchanged—still relatively human with that striking cyclops eye—but it was her lower half that left Kira in disbelief. The sleek, shimmering tail of a snake had replaced her legs. Had she walked into blight and changed once more? How?

From the opposite corner of the hot spring, Kira continued to watch as Sya slithered into the steaming water with a bottle of wine in hand, the ripples radiating outward. Kira’s heart sank as she witnessed Sya begin to sob, the rawness of her emotions palpable. The warm water enveloped her, but she felt cold and awkward inside, frozen by an overwhelming sense of discomfort.

Kira had never been good with other people's emotions, they often felt foreign and overwhelming, like a language she didn’t understand. Kira could hardly register her own feelings—how could she possibly comfort a stranger? Though she had known Sya since her arrival in Dawnhaven, they were far from friends.

As Sya sobbed, Kira awkwardly sank deeper into the water, hoping to remain unnoticed on the opposite side of the hot springs. She held her breath, wishing desperately that she could blend into the steam and shadows.

Thankfully, a sudden commotion from atop the stone steps caught her attention. Another figure quite literally stumbled in, pulling all attention to him before Sya had a chance to look around and discover Kira’s presence.

"Seize her!

A chill coursed through Kira as he blamed Sya for his fall, a heat rising within her chest sparked by anger. She narrowed her fiery orange eyes at the clumsy nobleman making a spectacle of himself. She could tell right away he was some sort of Aurelian, his mannerisms screaming privilege and entitlement. How dare he blame Sya for his own carelessness? It was infuriating, this ridiculous man with his fine clothes, assuming he could stride into this place and dictate as if he owned the world.

"Don't just stand there, help me out of this filthy hole! My boots are soaked!"

The way he barked orders at the Priestess and Orion only served to intensify her irritation. Kira had only seen this man for mere moments, yet she already despised everything this pompous fool stood for.

Slowly, Kira waded over to Sya’s side of the hot spring, her chest barely concealed beneath the steaming water. She locked her fiery orange eyes onto the soaking wet nobleman with a predatory intensity, as if she were the hunter and he the prey.

“I suggest you watch your mouth.” she said calmly, though her voice dripped with cold disdain. She positioned herself protectively between Sya and the nobleman, her stance exuding confidence, daring him to say another word. Perhaps she would get a free meal tonight.

“You’re unwelcome here. Leave.” she sneered, her razor sharp fangs glinting in the moonlight.

Interactions: Tia @c3p-0h, Orion @Qia, Sya @PrinceAlexus, Ayel @Dezuel
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Vellion Hurst

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Heavy snow crunched under the approaching footsteps bringing a new figure out of the darkness and closer to the bonfire. A lean young man with a dark messy mop atop his head. He wore simple yet clean travelling attire, perhaps a but lightly dressed for this weather but he didn't seem to notice. The reflection of dancing flames shone brightly in his eyes as he gaze intently at the bonfire with a sense of nervous curiosity as thought consume him.

Vellion scrunched up his toes in his new boots as he tried to imagine what it was like owning more than one pair. The last owner of these sturdy shoes surely must have, either that or he was walking around here somewhere barefooted. The young thief-turned-ranger found it hard to give up his old ways and while taking shoes from someone who had two pair didn't bother him, there was a twinge of guilt about the cat. That wasn't part of the plan.
He quickly dismiss it as he pick some fur caught between his teeth and cast his dark gaze around over the other people standing by.

Every smile, every laugh, every cheerful conversation seemed like a direct insult to him and what he had been through, what he had lost. Even the smell of the food, which he thought he would crave, made him feel ill. It was the tavern however that caught his attention most and called to him. Sure it was a different one and at a different place, but still it's presence brought so much pain and turmoil to his memories. Memories he didn't want to let go of. Pain he felt he deserved to feel.

So, subconsciously keeping a wide birth from the fire pit he slowly made his way towards the 'Eye of the beholder', unsure why or what he was looking for. He just knew he had to keep moving. Try to stay one step ahead of that bastard fate. He was obviously wary of anyone he passed on his way to the doors.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Hot Springs

Tia's eyebrows drew together as she looked up at Orion. It then occurred to her how very abnormal she was acting -- and how, if the Arch Priest did not permit her to tell others about her visions, this was going to be very hard to explain. Tia looked between his crimson eyes, lips parting as if she intended to do just that. But no sound came out. There was only the aching hollowness in the center of her chest, the space where Ranni and her sister had taken root in her heart before Tia had all but abandoned them. A tear finally managed to escape her dark eyes, cresting over the hill of her cheek.

Tia was so engulfed by her own emotions, she didn't even manage to see Sya -- looking exceptionally different from how Tia remembered her -- slithering her way into the springs with a very large bottle of alcohol. Worse yet, she didn't realize the spring's other patron, Ayel, entered the scene until after he was a mess of flailing limbs, soaked cloth, and screeched words.

She jumped as he shrill voice cut through the winter air like jagged shards of ice. Suddenly jolted into this new reality, where her springs were the site of chaos, Tia spun. Things quickly devolved. The man -- a noble, based on his clothes and demeanor -- was calling for recompense. Sya (why was she a snake now!?) was hissing and blubbering into her drink. The orange-haired woman was baring her fangs at the man, all but promising blood and blight. Her fangs glinted in the moonlight. It was all too easy to imagine them sinking into flesh. Tearing. Blood pouring from sundered skin, soaking crimson into cloth, pooling into the parched earth. Filling her mouth, her lungs, overflowing the tattered remains of her throat as she gasped.
And so the heavens shined.
Tia gasped loud and sharp. Blood was soon to be shed in Aelios' waters.

Frantic, she turned back over her shoulder to cast wide eyes on Orion -- he was a calm, steady presence, stone amongst the tempest. Better yet, he was blightborn. Under normal circumstances, she would've hated to make this mess anyone else's burden to bare -- but she was in a bit of a panic, herself. Tia flicked her frantic gaze from Orion, to the two women in the water, and back again, her request bright in her eyes: deescalate.

Then, her notebook and pencil still lost in the snow, she hurried over to the nobleman. Was he hurt? He must've been, for all the shrill emotion in his voice. Tia hadn't seen him go down, but she doubted Sya of all people had done anything malicious. The other woman... well, that remained to be seen. She still set Tia on edge, like she was a hare out in the open field as a hawk circled quietly above. But the issue of fault and punishment and reparation could be settled later -- when bodies were less likely to stain the stones of her temple.

Tia rolled up the sleeves of her robe. The cold air was sharp against her skin as she reached down to the man, trying to get a good grip on his arms and help him out of the water. Tia had never been very strong -- her help likely didn't amount to much. But as she held him, she sent tendrils of her soothing magic through him, searching for some ailment or wound to heal. He must've been in pain, right? No one just... made this much of a fuss. Something must've been grievously injured, to cause him such agony as to fill the air with his cries. And the sooner Tia could get him calmed and away from the two women he'd already upset, the better.

Interaction: Ayel Raunefeldt @Dezuel, Kira Rykker @The Muse, Orion Nightingale @Qia, Sya Leela @PrinceAlexus
Mention: Ranni and Dyna Soleil @Queen Arya
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Hidden 2 days ago Post by c3p-0h
Avatar of c3p-0h

c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside the Inn

Head held high, poised, as graceful as ever, Amaya walked through the bustling town square as smoothly as if it were the echoing halls of the palace. She could practically hear the click of her heels against the marble tile, her expression one of practiced neutrality -- aloof, pleasant, and above all not reflective of the nerves that buzzed violently under her skin. She didn't dare look to any of the people mingling with each other. She feared another crack appearing in her mask, fracturing her careful performance in front of so many.

She focused straight ahead of her, on the sight of her handmaiden sitting amongst a dispersing crowd. She hadn’t even spoken with Elara since they’d first received the news that her mother had died, and it’d just been a recurring cycle of falling apart and holding herself together since then. She just… needed someone she knew. Who knew her. Unfortunately, that list had now condensed to a single person. But if Amaya could make it to her, steady herself, perhaps then she could manage to find some semblance of proper self control again.

But before she’d crossed even half the distance to Elara, a cloaked figure stepped into her path. Ghostly blue eyes peered at her from beneath the hood, cradled by a smile that cut a sickle’s arc across a man’s face. She stilled, alarms going off in her mind.

But it wasn’t until she heard his voice that she finally placed him. The crowing man. He’d stepped into her path once before, in the moments following the announcement of her mother’s death. But she’d had Flynn there the last time, to speak for her. She’d had his hand tight around hers, anchoring her. She was alone this time. Amaya managed to keep herself from taking a step backwards – as if she’d find warmth and a broad chest at her back, hands pressing phantom weight on her shoulders. His face flashed in her mind – that spark of anger she’d glimpsed.

She was alone, she reminded herself. She’d never needed protection from men with scouring eyes and hidden smiles before. She certainly didn’t need it now.

She forced herself to still as the man spoke – of her eyes, her heart, her marriage. Of love. The idea seemed ludicrous to Amaya. The whole continent knew that they hadn’t married for love, and the goddesses didn’t seem to care either, if the damned prophecy was to be believed. But still, she felt… small, somehow. Chastised, almost. She lifted her chin slightly, as if to make herself taller even though she still needed to look up at him.

Amaya was almost thankful that the cloaked man was so off-putting. Defenses were easier to build up when there was such a clear threat.

“And knowledge cannot be assumed,” she replied lightly to his presumptuous words. But behind her polite smile and her relaxed face, her eyes were sharp. “Especially when one is not entitled to it.” Amaya flicked her gaze to their surroundings, the gesture unbothered and leisurely. Her unease grew with every moment she didn’t have her eyes on him, like he might pounce while she was distracted. But Amaya forced herself to spend another heartbeat watching the torches flicker and dance. She finally let herself look at the man as he backed away.

“Thank you for coming today,” she said, stepping into the role of royal host -- perhaps this wasn't the palace and she hadn't had any say in putting it on, but Amaya knew what image was expected of her. “I hope you enjoy the festivities.” Then she forced herself to continue her path forward, now that he was finally out of her way.

She needed to wash the feel of his gaze off her skin.

But it was only a scant few steps until she was at last at Elara’s side. There were two other women there – Aurelian, by the look of it. Identical but for the clear signs of blight on the softer one’s body. She seemed… distressed. Well, at least Amaya was doing a better job at hiding her emotions. She hoped.

Perching herself delicately on the stool next to Elara (Was the stool… clean? Should she have waited for someone to announce her to this little group? Who? Elara? Was there protocol? Common folk didn’t have that right? Was it a faux pas to sit as they still stood? But there were plenty of other groups in mixed states of repose, so it seemed acceptable, right? Could they tell she didn’t know how to do this? Oh, to the depths with it all, she was a Princess, she would do as she pleased.) Amaya caught her handmaiden’s eye. Only the white cloud of frost, escaping her lips with every breath, gave away her nerves.

Music reverberated out of the inn, filling even the outdoors with its brightness.

She wondered if Flynn was in there – if he was dancing. It was likely, she supposed, as she didn’t see him outside anymore. Not that she was looking for him.

“Well,” Amaya said casually. She knew how to be casual. This was all very casual. Like her. “Practically all of Dawnhaven seems to be here.” She was pleased that she managed to not say that like it was a very creative curse. “I’m pleased to see that everyone appears to have weathered the storm well.” As heavy as the mask was becoming, she was unwilling to let it drop in front of the two Aurelian women. Looking at the two of them, she said, “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Interaction: Gadez Paladice @Dezuel, Elara Moonshadow @Qia, Ranni and Dyna Soleil @Queen Arya
Mention: Flynn Astaros @The Muse
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