Hidden 6 days ago 6 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@AwesomeZero5 @shylarah @vietmyke @Randomguy

The disgusting creature moved closer to the group, now a few feet away. Its gaze looked over towards Uriel and Claudia. Screeching loudly whenever the players killed her spawn, it shot what looked like purple spit toward the two. Its spawn, when killed, would spurt blood all over Claudia and Uriel. It was good that they didn’t need to change clothes if they got dirty. The laundry bill would be costly. The crowd of its spawns were thinning out thanks to the Spirit Guardian. The boss monster turns its focus on the guardian. Flicking its tentacles, trying to kill it. The boss creature released another horrid screech, slightly buffing its spawn. This buff would make them stronger and more durable. They were now attacking with more ferocity than before.

Howitzer was firing at the ugly spawns, hoping their numbers would decrease. “Son of a b****, why don’t you b****** die already.” Staring at Goibniu, who was speaking to him, before finally nodding. Moving a little closer toward Rath while still firing his rifle. The disgusting spawn seemed to follow Goibniu, unknowingly running into Rath’s AOE attack. The boss seemed to back away as Claudia cast her spells. It let out another ear-piercing screech, sounding like it was in pain. Counterattacking by shooting more of its pointed quills towards Claudia.

Uriel’s skeletal minions were breaking through, and the boss was birthing spawns. Giving the others enough room to jump in close to start beating up the boss. This brief moment of vulnerability is used by Howitzer, who shoots a few shots at the boss’ eye. Making it reel back and flailing its tentacles around. Knocking down parts of the ceiling and the wall, causing bits of rock to fall around the players. The boss seemed quite scared of the group as it was now backing away from them.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


This boss was proving to be a bit hardier than Rath had expected out of a C level dungeon. Engaging enough of a fight that the game was still fun, though not so tough that he was struggling to keep his life. Honestly, between his own regeneration and Elian's healing, Rath probably still had more hit points than several of their squishier members combined- even as he soaked up damage as it came through. He was glad to have other members of the party calling things out as they saw, it was hard for him to communicate in wildshape, so having the others on top of things was nice. Even Goibnu, who was rather underleveled for this dungeon was performing admirably despite his lesser focus on combat compared to others of their group.

Electrified claws tore at spawn as they came close, rending through them as Rath continued pushing their advantage, following the boss as it backed away from them. The Death Knight's minions were finally breaking through the lines of spawn, presenting the party with an opening. Surging forward, Bear-Rath charged and leapt at the boss, hoping to use his weight and claws to pin the boss down in place, setting it up for more damage from the rest of the party.

Getting in its face, Rath let out a thunderous roar, aiming the shock wave to hit both the boss and the newest batch of enemy spawn.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Randomguy


Member Seen 1 day ago


The tentacles that had sprouted from Claudia did their job as a defensive measure, batting the spiky quills shot at her away.

Judging from how the boss did not seem to receive any buff or perform special attacks after the minions died, it seemed that it would be safe to kill the minions. Rather, judging by how it buffed the minions instead, this boss might be more of a summoner type. Therefore, AoE would actually be preferable.

"Clear out, I'm casting an area spell," Claudia said, warning the party.

As soon as the party cleared out, a pillar of flame engulfed the creature and its minions. Flame Strike was a popular spell for Divine Spellcaster. With a 10-foot radius and height of 40 feet, not only was it a reliable AoE, hitting even fliers, but since half the damage was fire and the other half radiant, it required the target to have high resistance in both elements to truly nullify the damage.

In this case, since the enemies were most likely undead, it was probably even more effective, given radiant and fire elements were common vulnerabilities of the undead. Furthermore, the fire damage having been boosted by Claudia's Ring of the Inferno Pact, at the very least this attack should determine whether the enemies were vulnerable to fire or not based on the damage they took. And just in case they were, Claudia cast the spell using Metamagic: Quickened, reducing the spell's cooldown so she could use it again in rapid succession.

Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 20 min ago

"Well that certainly is unsuaul to be in a paladin's divine skill tree. Unless it was oath breaker-"
Jaiden looked at Claudia's tendril's of protection stated more than his character Goibniu, but his mike hadn't been muted. Either way, both would be a little bit surprised by both the spell itself and its appearence. Especially when combined with the eldtrich blast that the Claudia had launched out a breath later.
It made Jaiden all the more curious as to what set up or skill path Claudia had been using, or perhaps if there was a separate multi-class system he had overlooked. He had gone into the game, semi-blind to keep certain things an interesting surprise here or there.

Goibniu had call back toward Elian's thanks.
He had to rush his focus back to, well, avoiding the previous mass of enemies that were up and about. Even though, thankfully most of them were being picked up off by the rest of the crew that were along with him or had been warned of his approach with the door minions to be certain.

Goibniu would let out a disgruntled groan of slight disgust at the purple pile that was spat toward Claudia & Uriel. Not to mention the blood-burst that followed from the spawn being defeated after being touched by the 'buff' of sorts. Maybe it was also a bit at Howitzer's fiery language.
Out of Character, it seemed pretty awesome to watch and another fun design element to the game. He would keep that part too himself for now. He wasn't entirely sure what the blood, bile and so-on did in its entirery but it definitely added some nice flavor to the whole situation around them.

Jaiden would transition from the excitement of Howitzer hitting the boss' eye during the frey. It seemed rather effective, but also caused parts of the ceiling to start tumbling down. Which would lead to even more, evasive movements from Goibiniu the character. Being as he was, designed to be a slower character, and the fact that he was one of the larger characters in term of the square amount of space he took up. He couldn't really afford to slow down, as much. Even then he was getting scratched here and there by debris!
He'd start to retreat back toward Elian's direction, just to keep himself from drawing anymore unwanted attention, or... quickly dropping in health.

At least, he was able to be clear of the minions.. or most of them!
As he lead them right toward Rath's AOE pull , and thus away from himself.
Double timing as Claudia mentioned to be casting an area wide spell! Which, he didn't really have the time to decipher exactly how large that was to begin with.
Instead he began charging his Stunning Shock: once more, in case he had to help fend off anymore aggravated tentacles. It didn't normally take so long to cast, but since he was constantly moving, the 'up-time' on the spell got disrupted and thus slowed.

The massive pillar of fire did grant the room a wondrous lighting effect. Especially when the fire blast was far behind Goibniu now. As he focused on, retreating and keep himself from being as marred.

He wasn't quite sure, but the player Jaiden felt off in a way. Something, felt... off. Perhaps it was the lack of a third person view and multiple characters or multi-boxing to control that he had done years ago. But it felt like, he may be missing something. He typically could see the battlefield situation fairly well in third person at least. But the feeling was similar to that of when and unknown debuff symbol had appeared on a character's bar, and it hadn't noticed immediately.
It may have simply because his back was briefly turned to the blazing Inferno & Storm of attacks that was Claudia & Rath.

But, Jaiden was a bit on guard.
He would start, looking around with increased observation.
Maybe he missed a minion around here or something, but, he felt he was missing something and it needed to 'click'.
Either way, he should well be in range of Elian to not die , so it wasn't as an imminent of a danger.
Maybe the burst of fire would produce enough light to notice something, he hadn't before.

Current Effects:
HP Boost
Automaton Active: Defending (Taking light damage)
Goibniu: Lightly Damaged (70% HP ish~?)
Resist Disease
Spirit Guardians: Defense Boost to party, along with radiant damage & slowing effects on nearby enemies
Hidden 2 days ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 44 min ago

[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Howitzer, the ranger, scored a hit on the boss's eye. Elian cheered when he hit, even as she dodged chunks of the ceiling that the boss knocked loose. Rathello followed up with a mighty roar, doing damage to both the boss and its minions. Then Claudia called out that she was casting an area spell and they should move out of the way. Once everyone was clear, she called down a massive pillar of flame on the boss and its spawn. Elian cheered again.

"Keep it up, everyone -- it looks like we've got the upper hand! Elian pulled out and chugged a mana potion, since she'd been casting so many spells. Her health was still close to full, so that wasn't a concern. The boss was disgusting, spewing purple fluids as an attack, and the minions burst like popped water balloons. Uriel, Claudia, and Rathello were taking the worst of that. Fortunately the blood and spit didn't seem to carry any status effect. They were just gross.
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